Ljubica Tomic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ljubica Tomic

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Family Factors in the Development of Eating Pathology

Family is the most considered ethiological factor discussed by the researchers who focus on theun... more Family is the most considered ethiological factor discussed by the researchers who focus on theunderstanding of the genesis of the eating pathology found among young people. Results of thetheoretical and empirical research show the link between different family variables and development ofthe above mentioned pathology. The main goal of this assignment is to analyze the results of the previoustheoretical and empirical research, as well as the clinical practice experience about the connectionbetween different family variables and development of subclinical and clinical features of the eatingpathology. The conducted analysis showed that the research focused on contribution of family factorson the development of eating pathology can be classified in several basic directions: the research focusedon the analysis of the genetical factors, family eating habits (transmision of the evasive eating habitsthrough generations, the research focused on psychological analysis of family interaction; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional, Social and Academic Adaptation To College: Differences in Student Adaptation

The aim of the paper is to determine whether the gender, grade and the change of place of residen... more The aim of the paper is to determine whether the gender, grade and the change of place of residenceduring the college generate differences in the modalities of student adaptation. Adaptation to college isobserved through three dimensions of adaptation: emotional, social and academic. The variables areoperationalized through the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and Sociodemographic Questionnaire. The study is conducted on a sample of 811 undergraduate students (510female and 301 male). MANOVA's results show that gender have a significant effect on studentadaptation: F (3,787) = 8.61, p <.001, and grade also: F (9,1915.50) = 6.13, p <.001. The magnitude ofthe impact of the full categorization on the overall student adjustment is very modest: about 3% varianceis explained (IC 1-6%). The effect of the grade is also marginal, explaining about 2% of the variance ofthe adaptation (IC 1-4%). The results of a one-way ANOVA test show that male students are more emo...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Disordered Eating Patterns According to the Attachment Style to Parents

The aim of this study is to examine differences in disordered eating patterns of adolescent regar... more The aim of this study is to examine differences in disordered eating patterns of adolescent regarding tothe type of attachment to parents. The survey is conducted on a sample of 898 high school students from the Tuzla Canton (488 female and 410 male). The average age of adolescents is 17.5 years. The EatingAttitudes Test (EAT-26) is used to measure disordered eating patterns, and modified version of Brenan’sExperiences in close Relations Inventory (ECR) is usedto measure attachment patterns to parents. Abouttwo-thirds of the students are allocated in a type of secure attachment to their parents, and the rest ofstudents are classified along the three categories: fearful, avoidant and preoccupied attachment. A totalof about 10% of adolescents are classified as individuals with disordered eating patterns. According to the modalities in the set of disordered eating habits, the most frequent is the dieting, and the leas tmanifested is bulimia. The results of the study show that family at...

Research paper thumbnail of Do Dimensions of Parental Behaviour Contribut to Disordered Eating Patterns of Adolescents

The aim of the study was to examine the contribution of perceived parental behaviour (emotionalit... more The aim of the study was to examine the contribution of perceived parental behaviour (emotionality and control) in explaining disordered eating patterns of adolescents (diet, bulimia and food preoccupation, and oral control). The survey was conducted on a sample of 898 high school students (54-% female respondents), of an average age of 18 years (M = 17.76; σ = 0.94). Information on disordered eating patterns was collected through Eating Attitudes Test, EAT, 26, and the assessment of the perception of the basic dimensions of parental behaviour was performed through The Scale of perception of parental behaviour. The link between the adolescent perception of parental behaviour and disordered eating patterns has been registered approximately 45-% (R=.67) of the variances of disordered eating patterns have been explained by the chosen predictors. Individually, the most efficient predictor was following a diet modality, where 41-% (R= .64) of the variances were explained. Bulimic behavio...

Research paper thumbnail of Samopoštovanje I Prilagodba Na Studij: Da LI Studenti Višeg Nivoa Samopoštovanja Imaju Bolju Emocionalnu, Socijalnu I Akademsku Prilagodbu?

Primenjena psihologija, 2019

Cilj rada bio je ispitati odnos opšteg samopoštovanja, procijenjenog preko Rosenbergove skale sam... more Cilj rada bio je ispitati odnos opšteg samopoštovanja, procijenjenog preko Rosenbergove skale samopoštovanja, i prilagodbe na studij, operacionalizirane preko skorova na Baker-Siryk-ovoj skali prilagodbe na studij SACQ. Prilagodba na studij modelirana je preko četiri dimenzije prilagodbe: emocionalne, socijalne, akademske, i institucionalne. Studija je provedena na uzorku od 808 studenata (62.9% ženski; M = 21.88; SD = 2.35). Diskriminativnom analizom preko četiri modaliteta prilagodbe procijenjena je alokacija studenata na grupu visoko/nisko samopoštovanje. Izdvojena je značajna diskriminativna funkcija koja bi se mogla svesti na aspekte emocionalno-socijalne prilagodbe. Ukupno je obuhvaćeno oko 17% preklapanja između studentske prilagodbe i samopoštovanja. Studenti sa višim stepenom samopoštovanja imali su u prosjeku statistički značajno viši nivo prilagodbe na studij u odnosu na studente s nižim samopoštovanjem.

Research paper thumbnail of Validacija egzistencije faktora drugog reda u Cattellovom inventaru ličnosti 16pf

Primenjena psihologija, 2012

Prema podacima o broju objavljenih radova, Catttelov upitnik 16PF je najviše korišteni instrument... more Prema podacima o broju objavljenih radova, Catttelov upitnik 16PF je najviše korišteni instrument za ekspolaraciju 'normalne' ličnosti. Pored odlike da instrument ima potvrđenu kros-kulturnu validnost, te da je standardiziran na velikom broju ispitanika, instrument su od samih početaka pratile i kontroverze o problematičnoj faktorskoj strukturi i to naročito kada je riječ o faktorima drugog reda. Iskazani ambigvitet među radovima koji su tretirali inventar 16PF, doveo je do problema ovog rada koji se može sažeti na pitanje egzistencije opštih faktora inventara ličnosti 16PF, peto izdanje. Glavni cilj ispitivanja jeste provjeriti koliko je faktorska struktura drugog reda kongruentna sa Cattellovim pretpostavkama. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku studenata iz Tuzle i Sarajeva (N = 512, prosječne starosti M = 21.74, SD = 3.72). Inventar je pokazao relativno skromne metrijske osobine u domenu primarnih faktora. Koeficijenti pouzdanosti imali su raspon između α = .47 i α = .73....

Research paper thumbnail of Procjena poremećaja ličnosti u opštoj populaciji – Revizija i standardizacija Bazičnog inventara Dimenzionalni pristup Patologiji ličnosti (DAPP-BQ)

Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je modifikacija Bazicnog Inventara Dimenzionalni Pristup patologiji l... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je modifikacija Bazicnog Inventara Dimenzionalni Pristup patologiji licnosti (DAPP-BQ), kako bi se razvio ekonomicniji instrument namijenjen trijažnoj procjeni poremecaja licnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u dva dijela: na osnovu rezultata u prvom dijelu istraživanja instrument je skracen, a u drugom istraživanju primjenjen je na novom uzorku ispitanika iz iste populacije. Ispitanici su bili studenti Univerziteta u Tuzli (N1=130, N2=811). Prije ispitivanja instrument je preveden s engleskog jezika metodom dvostrukog prevoda. U prvoj etapi istraživanja koristena je izvorna verzija DAPP-BQ upitnika sastavljenog od 290 stavki, raspoređenih u 18 skala koje su asocirane sa poremecajima licnosti. Prevod izvornog Inventara primjenjen na 130 ispitanika koji su izdvojeni iz opste studentske populacije. Nakon prve primjene upitnika odstranjeni su neadekvatni indikatori, tako da je instrument skracen na 145 stavki. Proces skracivanja bio je zasnovan na dva temeljna...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Family Factors in the Development of Eating Pathology

Family is the most considered ethiological factor discussed by the researchers who focus on theun... more Family is the most considered ethiological factor discussed by the researchers who focus on theunderstanding of the genesis of the eating pathology found among young people. Results of thetheoretical and empirical research show the link between different family variables and development ofthe above mentioned pathology. The main goal of this assignment is to analyze the results of the previoustheoretical and empirical research, as well as the clinical practice experience about the connectionbetween different family variables and development of subclinical and clinical features of the eatingpathology. The conducted analysis showed that the research focused on contribution of family factorson the development of eating pathology can be classified in several basic directions: the research focusedon the analysis of the genetical factors, family eating habits (transmision of the evasive eating habitsthrough generations, the research focused on psychological analysis of family interaction; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional, Social and Academic Adaptation To College: Differences in Student Adaptation

The aim of the paper is to determine whether the gender, grade and the change of place of residen... more The aim of the paper is to determine whether the gender, grade and the change of place of residenceduring the college generate differences in the modalities of student adaptation. Adaptation to college isobserved through three dimensions of adaptation: emotional, social and academic. The variables areoperationalized through the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and Sociodemographic Questionnaire. The study is conducted on a sample of 811 undergraduate students (510female and 301 male). MANOVA's results show that gender have a significant effect on studentadaptation: F (3,787) = 8.61, p <.001, and grade also: F (9,1915.50) = 6.13, p <.001. The magnitude ofthe impact of the full categorization on the overall student adjustment is very modest: about 3% varianceis explained (IC 1-6%). The effect of the grade is also marginal, explaining about 2% of the variance ofthe adaptation (IC 1-4%). The results of a one-way ANOVA test show that male students are more emo...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Disordered Eating Patterns According to the Attachment Style to Parents

The aim of this study is to examine differences in disordered eating patterns of adolescent regar... more The aim of this study is to examine differences in disordered eating patterns of adolescent regarding tothe type of attachment to parents. The survey is conducted on a sample of 898 high school students from the Tuzla Canton (488 female and 410 male). The average age of adolescents is 17.5 years. The EatingAttitudes Test (EAT-26) is used to measure disordered eating patterns, and modified version of Brenan’sExperiences in close Relations Inventory (ECR) is usedto measure attachment patterns to parents. Abouttwo-thirds of the students are allocated in a type of secure attachment to their parents, and the rest ofstudents are classified along the three categories: fearful, avoidant and preoccupied attachment. A totalof about 10% of adolescents are classified as individuals with disordered eating patterns. According to the modalities in the set of disordered eating habits, the most frequent is the dieting, and the leas tmanifested is bulimia. The results of the study show that family at...

Research paper thumbnail of Do Dimensions of Parental Behaviour Contribut to Disordered Eating Patterns of Adolescents

The aim of the study was to examine the contribution of perceived parental behaviour (emotionalit... more The aim of the study was to examine the contribution of perceived parental behaviour (emotionality and control) in explaining disordered eating patterns of adolescents (diet, bulimia and food preoccupation, and oral control). The survey was conducted on a sample of 898 high school students (54-% female respondents), of an average age of 18 years (M = 17.76; σ = 0.94). Information on disordered eating patterns was collected through Eating Attitudes Test, EAT, 26, and the assessment of the perception of the basic dimensions of parental behaviour was performed through The Scale of perception of parental behaviour. The link between the adolescent perception of parental behaviour and disordered eating patterns has been registered approximately 45-% (R=.67) of the variances of disordered eating patterns have been explained by the chosen predictors. Individually, the most efficient predictor was following a diet modality, where 41-% (R= .64) of the variances were explained. Bulimic behavio...

Research paper thumbnail of Samopoštovanje I Prilagodba Na Studij: Da LI Studenti Višeg Nivoa Samopoštovanja Imaju Bolju Emocionalnu, Socijalnu I Akademsku Prilagodbu?

Primenjena psihologija, 2019

Cilj rada bio je ispitati odnos opšteg samopoštovanja, procijenjenog preko Rosenbergove skale sam... more Cilj rada bio je ispitati odnos opšteg samopoštovanja, procijenjenog preko Rosenbergove skale samopoštovanja, i prilagodbe na studij, operacionalizirane preko skorova na Baker-Siryk-ovoj skali prilagodbe na studij SACQ. Prilagodba na studij modelirana je preko četiri dimenzije prilagodbe: emocionalne, socijalne, akademske, i institucionalne. Studija je provedena na uzorku od 808 studenata (62.9% ženski; M = 21.88; SD = 2.35). Diskriminativnom analizom preko četiri modaliteta prilagodbe procijenjena je alokacija studenata na grupu visoko/nisko samopoštovanje. Izdvojena je značajna diskriminativna funkcija koja bi se mogla svesti na aspekte emocionalno-socijalne prilagodbe. Ukupno je obuhvaćeno oko 17% preklapanja između studentske prilagodbe i samopoštovanja. Studenti sa višim stepenom samopoštovanja imali su u prosjeku statistički značajno viši nivo prilagodbe na studij u odnosu na studente s nižim samopoštovanjem.

Research paper thumbnail of Validacija egzistencije faktora drugog reda u Cattellovom inventaru ličnosti 16pf

Primenjena psihologija, 2012

Prema podacima o broju objavljenih radova, Catttelov upitnik 16PF je najviše korišteni instrument... more Prema podacima o broju objavljenih radova, Catttelov upitnik 16PF je najviše korišteni instrument za ekspolaraciju 'normalne' ličnosti. Pored odlike da instrument ima potvrđenu kros-kulturnu validnost, te da je standardiziran na velikom broju ispitanika, instrument su od samih početaka pratile i kontroverze o problematičnoj faktorskoj strukturi i to naročito kada je riječ o faktorima drugog reda. Iskazani ambigvitet među radovima koji su tretirali inventar 16PF, doveo je do problema ovog rada koji se može sažeti na pitanje egzistencije opštih faktora inventara ličnosti 16PF, peto izdanje. Glavni cilj ispitivanja jeste provjeriti koliko je faktorska struktura drugog reda kongruentna sa Cattellovim pretpostavkama. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku studenata iz Tuzle i Sarajeva (N = 512, prosječne starosti M = 21.74, SD = 3.72). Inventar je pokazao relativno skromne metrijske osobine u domenu primarnih faktora. Koeficijenti pouzdanosti imali su raspon između α = .47 i α = .73....

Research paper thumbnail of Procjena poremećaja ličnosti u opštoj populaciji – Revizija i standardizacija Bazičnog inventara Dimenzionalni pristup Patologiji ličnosti (DAPP-BQ)

Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je modifikacija Bazicnog Inventara Dimenzionalni Pristup patologiji l... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je modifikacija Bazicnog Inventara Dimenzionalni Pristup patologiji licnosti (DAPP-BQ), kako bi se razvio ekonomicniji instrument namijenjen trijažnoj procjeni poremecaja licnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u dva dijela: na osnovu rezultata u prvom dijelu istraživanja instrument je skracen, a u drugom istraživanju primjenjen je na novom uzorku ispitanika iz iste populacije. Ispitanici su bili studenti Univerziteta u Tuzli (N1=130, N2=811). Prije ispitivanja instrument je preveden s engleskog jezika metodom dvostrukog prevoda. U prvoj etapi istraživanja koristena je izvorna verzija DAPP-BQ upitnika sastavljenog od 290 stavki, raspoređenih u 18 skala koje su asocirane sa poremecajima licnosti. Prevod izvornog Inventara primjenjen na 130 ispitanika koji su izdvojeni iz opste studentske populacije. Nakon prve primjene upitnika odstranjeni su neadekvatni indikatori, tako da je instrument skracen na 145 stavki. Proces skracivanja bio je zasnovan na dva temeljna...