Tuğrul Kesicioğlu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Tuğrul Kesicioğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğerin nadir görülen primer tümörü: Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma Epithelial hemangioendothelioma: A rare primary tumor of liver

1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında ort... more 1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında orta derecede maligniteye sahip olan nadir bir tümördür. Karaciğer yerleşimli hemanji-oendotelyomalar sıklıkla 30-40 yaşlarındaki kadınlarda görü-lür. Risk faktörleri olarak travma, hormonlar, vinylchloride, asbestos üzerinde durulmaktadır (Makhlouf ve ark., 1999; Nudo ve ark., 2008). Hepatik epiteloid hemanjioendotelyomanın kesin tedavi-si konusunda fikir birliği yoktur. Metastazı olmayan hasta-larda karaciğer nakli tavsiye edilmekle birlikte (Cardinal ve ark., 2009), soliter vakalarda rezeksiyon öneren çalışmalar da mevcuttur (Ben-Haim ve ark.,1999). Bu çalışmada amaç, cer-rahi tedavi uyguladığımız hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyoendo-telyoma olgusunu sunmak ve literatür eşliğinde tartışmaktır. Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma ilk olarak 1982 yılında Weiss ve Enzinger tarafından tarif edilmiştir. Damarsal yapılardan köken alan, benign hemanjiyom ile malign heman-jiyosarkom arasında orta derecede ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

©Copyright 2019 by Turkish Foundation of Family Medicine Available online at www.anatoljfm.org IN... more ©Copyright 2019 by Turkish Foundation of Family Medicine Available online at www.anatoljfm.org INTRODUCTION Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has presented as the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the Western world. NAFLD is the condition of hepatic steatosis when no other causes for secondary hepatic fat storage are considered. Hypercholesterolemia is main cause of the NAFLD and ultrasound-based imaging techniques are cheaper and more widely available to diagnose NAFLD in the field of gastroenterology.[1]

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Adolesanda Filloides Tümörü

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Meme koruyucu cerrahi ve sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi uygulanan hastalarda lokal-aksiller rekürrens oranı ve etkileyen faktörler

The Medical Journal of Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, 2015

Meme kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi (SLNB) prosedürü, aksiller lenf ... more Meme kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi (SLNB) prosedürü, aksiller lenf nodu diseksiyonuna (ALND) alternatif olarak geliştirilmiş ve düşük morbidite ile güvenli bir evreleme yöntemidir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız Meme Koruyucu Cerrahi (MKC) + SLNB uygulanan hastalarda uzun dönemli takiplerde nüks oranlarını ve bunu etkileyen faktörleri saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza 2006 ile 2011 tarihleri arasında erken evre meme kanseri nedeniyle MKC ve SLNB uygulanan 171 hasta dâhil edildi. Hastaların 62'sinde sentinel lenf nodu (SLN) pozitif gelmesi üzerine level 1-2 aksiller diseksiyon uygulandı. SLNB (-) ve (+) gelen iki hasta grubu ortalama 36 ay klinik ve radyolojik olarak takip edildi. Her iki gruptaki loko-rejyonel nüks ve metastaz oranları karşılaştırıldı. Literatür desteği ile aksiller lenf nodu pozitifliğini ve loko-rejyonel nüksü etkileyebilecek faktörler olarak; hastaların yaşı, menopozal durumu, tümör lokalizasyonu, tümör histolojisi, SLN boyutu, östrojen-progesteron reseptörü, c-erb-B2 pozitifliği, tümör grade'i, ekstensif intraduktal komponent (EİC) varlığı, tümör boyutu ve lenfovasküler invazyon (LVİ) varlığı incelendi. Bulgular: Yüz yetmiş bir hasta ortalama 36 ay takip edildi. SLNB (-) olan grupta ameliyattan 25 ay sonra 1 hastada aksiller nüks geliştiği saptandı, nüks oranı % 0,92'dir. SLNB (-) olan grupta lokal nüks saptanmadı. SLNB (+) gelip ALND uygulanan grupta aksiller nüks saptanmazken, 4 hastada (% 5,84) lokal nüks saptandı. On sekiz hastamızda da uzak organ metastazı belirlendi. Lokal nüks SLNB (-) olan grupta anlamlı olarak daha az iken, aksiller nüks ve uzak organ metastazı açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Tümör boyutu (p=0.002), LVİ varlığı (p<0.001), hastalığın evresi (p<0.001) ve SLN boyutu (p=0.014) SLN pozitifliğini etkileyen faktörler olarak saptandı. Sonuç: SLNB lokorejyonal nüks ve uzak organ metastazı açısından ALND kadar güvenilir bir yöntemdir.

Research paper thumbnail of Nadir Splanik Ven Trombozu Sebebi: Faktör V Leiden Mutasyonu

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009

... Yazışma Adresi: Kadir Dicle Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim... more ... Yazışma Adresi: Kadir Dicle Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Kurupelit, Samsun e-posta : kdicle19@mynet.com ... Bu damarın direne ettiği yaklaşık 70 cm&amp;amp;#x27;lik bağırsak segmentinin rezeksiyonu ve uç-uca anostomo-zu yapıldı. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural injuries encountered in Giresun, which is an agricultural city of Turkey

The European Research Journal

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the demographic and clinical features of gardening inju... more Objectives: This study aimed to determine the demographic and clinical features of gardening injuries in an agricultural city and to provide some suggestions to reduce the incidence of agricultural injuries. Methods: This study assessed 419 gardening injuries that were admitted to the emergency department of Giresun University Prof. Dr. Ilhan Özdemir Training and Research Hospital between June 30, 2015 and November 1, 2015. We retrospectively examined all the documents, x-rays, tomographies, and tomography reports related to the cases. Results: Falls from a height (19.3%), falls (31.5%), foreign body crashes (FBCs) (14.8%), sharp-penetrating object injuries (SPOIs) (29.8%), and motorized/motorless device injuries (MMDIs) (4.5%) were the major categories of gardening injuries. Most of the falls from a height were from a tree (86%), primarily fig trees (54.3%). SPOIs primarily affected the hand-wrist area with 82 cases (65.6%); the most common sharp tools that caused injury were sickle-scythes (47.2%) and axes (35.2%). FBCs frequently affected the eyes (48.4%) and head region (17.7%), and tree branches were the most common foreign bodies causing such crashes (38.7%). MMDIs were caused primarily by haymaker harvester machines (42%). Three cases died (0.7%), and 305 cases (72.8%) were discharged after emergency treatment. Additionally, 115 cases (27.5%) were hospitalized, 11 cases underwent urgent surgery, and 63 cases underwent elective surgery. Using uncuttable gloves, socks, and knee-guards could prevent 88% of SPOIs. Furthermore, eyewear and head guards could prevent 60.1% of FBC injuries.The usage of fall arrest equipment particularly for only fig and pear tree types could prevent 68.6% of the falls from a tree. Conclusions: Gardening injuries are significant traumas in agricultural regions. By implementing simple and cheap security measures, we can prevent destrucitive traumas.

Research paper thumbnail of Bezoarların medikal tedavisinde ananas suyu: 4 hasta ile klinik deneyimimiz

JOURNAL OF …, 2011

... İlhan Karabıçak*, Savaş Yürüker, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Hamza Çınar, Cafer Polat, Necati Özen ...... more ... İlhan Karabıçak*, Savaş Yürüker, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Hamza Çınar, Cafer Polat, Necati Özen ... Biol. 32, 596-600. Cifuentes Tebar, J., Robles Campos, R., Parrilla Paricio, P., Lujan Mompean, JA, Escamilla, C., Liron Ruiz, R., Pellicer Franco, EM 1992. Gastric surgery and bezoars. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Epithelioid schwannoma or ossifying fibromyxoid tumour?

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Jul 29, 2013

There is a risk of confusing epithelioid schwannoma and ossifying fibromyxoid tumours due to thei... more There is a risk of confusing epithelioid schwannoma and ossifying fibromyxoid tumours due to their similar morphological and immunohistochemical features. Epithelioid schwannoma can be described as a benign nerve sheath tumour of peripheral nerves. Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour is considered to be a intermediate malignant soft tissue tumour with the potential for recurrence and metastasis. Because the prognosis of these two tumoral entities are different from each other differential diagnosis is important. In this article, our purpose is to present a case, on what we initially considered to be epithelioid schwannoma. However, we later observed, based on the data in the literature, that the tumour appeared to be an ossifying fibromyxoid tumour.

Research paper thumbnail of Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: Olgu Sunumu

Retroperitoneal paragangliomalar nadir görülen nöral krest orjinli nöroendokrin tümörlerdir. Çoğu... more Retroperitoneal paragangliomalar nadir görülen nöral krest orjinli nöroendokrin tümörlerdir. Çoğunlukla benign tümörlerdir, fakat malign olanları agresif seyredebilir ve metastaza yol açabilir. Retroperitoneal paragangliomaların temel tedavi seçeneği kitlenin komplet rezeksiyonudur. Cerrahi sonrası malignite potansiyeli açısından takip önemlidir. Bu yazıda 18 yaşında, sağ böbrek anteriorunda 8,5 cm kitle saptanan ve cerrahi olarak eksize ettiğimiz kadın hastayı sunmayı amaçladık.

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Hepatitis B and C Seroprevalence and Prevalence of Hiv Infection Among Afghan Refugees Newly Arrived in Coastal Region Turkey in 2018: A Systematic Single-Centre Analysis


Introduction: Previous studies showed that refugee status have been associated with various deter... more Introduction: Previous studies showed that refugee status have been associated with various deteriorated effects on human health including higher prevalence of hepatitis B, C and HIV infections. In this study we aim to bridge the gap between Afghan immigrants and naive Turkish population by identifying HBV, HCV and HIV profiles. In addition, a large number of laboratory parameters was collected for all participants, including hematologic and biochemical test results. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective review of laboratory records at a tertiary center in Northern Turkey from January 1, 2018, to April 15, 2018. Our population based study comprising hospital data of 403 Afghan refugees and 400 naive Turkish citizens. Results: Afghan refugees had higher anti-HIV seropositivity than Turkish citizens (p < 0.05). There were no difference between the two groups according to HbsAg and anti-HCV seropositivity. Also Afghan refugees had statistically lower ALT levels, higher hemoglobin levels and higher mean TSH level (p < 0.05). Mean T4 level did not show significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: We need further investigations to find out the risk of infections that originated from immigration.

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğerin nadir görülen primer tümörü: Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma Epithelial hemangioendothelioma: A rare primary tumor of liver

1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında ort... more 1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında orta derecede maligniteye sahip olan nadir bir tümördür. Karaciğer yerleşimli hemanji-oendotelyomalar sıklıkla 30-40 yaşlarındaki kadınlarda görü-lür. Risk faktörleri olarak travma, hormonlar, vinylchloride, asbestos üzerinde durulmaktadır (Makhlouf ve ark., 1999; Nudo ve ark., 2008). Hepatik epiteloid hemanjioendotelyomanın kesin tedavi-si konusunda fikir birliği yoktur. Metastazı olmayan hasta-larda karaciğer nakli tavsiye edilmekle birlikte (Cardinal ve ark., 2009), soliter vakalarda rezeksiyon öneren çalışmalar da mevcuttur (Ben-Haim ve ark.,1999). Bu çalışmada amaç, cer-rahi tedavi uyguladığımız hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyoendo-telyoma olgusunu sunmak ve literatür eşliğinde tartışmaktır. Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma ilk olarak 1982 yılında Weiss ve Enzinger tarafından tarif edilmiştir. Damarsal yapılardan köken alan, benign hemanjiyom ile malign heman-jiyosarkom arasında orta derecede ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: Two cases and review of the technique

Turkish Journal of Surgery, 2013

In this study, we aimed to assess the technique and results of spleen-preserving laparoscopic dis... more In this study, we aimed to assess the technique and results of spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (SPLDP) on the basis of two cases. The first case was a woman with a large cystic papillary lesion of the distal pancreas. The other patient was a woman with a pancreatic mass on the tail of the pancreas. Both patients were operated on using SPLDP. Five trocars were used in the first case and four trocars were used in the second case. Thirty degree telescope visualization and LigaSure dissection were used during the operation. The splenic vessels were dissected, but the short gastric vessels were preserved. The pancreas was transected by one Endo GIA stapler and the cut edge of the pancreas was reinforced with sutures to prevent a pancreatic fistula. We performed the same technique in both cases. However, in the first case, we aspirated the content of the cystic mass of the pancreas before removing it to avoid making a large incision. The duration of the operation was 190 and 135 minutes, respectively. There were no postoperative complications. SPLDP is a safe, effective modality for managing lesions of the distal pancreas. If the splenic vessels are transected, the short gastric vessels must be protected to ensure the viability of the spleen.

Research paper thumbnail of Isosulfan blue-induced anaphylactic reaction during sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer

The Breast, 2012

Letters to the Editor No correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and lymph node involvement in ... more Letters to the Editor No correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and lymph node involvement in operable breast cancer Still unexplored is the correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and axillary node involvement, as detected following SNB investigation, in operable breast cancer. 1 This prospective study attempts to verify the correlation between D-dimer level and lymph node involvement, including patients with positive Sentinel Node. Between January 2007 and October 2010, preoperative D-dimer levels were evaluated in 142 consecutive operable breast cancer, receiving axillary lymph node dissection, either preoperatively planned (41) or after sentinel node biopsy (SNB) (101). Forty-one (41) patients were candidate to quadrantectomy or mastectomy plus axillary dissection, not satisfying eligibility criteria for SNB procedure. In second group, 101 patients were candidate for conservative treatment following SNB procedure. Patients with positive SN (22) received standard axillary dissection. In order to determine a threshold in D-dimer levels distinguishing between subjects with involved lymph-nodes and subjects with no lymph-nodal involvement, a ROC curve analysis was performed on both the whole sample and subgroups identified according to surgical procedure. No difference was found between patients with negative or positive lymph nodes, either in case of axillary dissection or after SNB procedure. The hypothesis that D-dimer level might be related to breast cancer clinical stage is not supported.

Research paper thumbnail of Midenin Senkron Gastrointestinal Stromal Tümör ve Primer Adenokarsinomu

Haseki Tıp Bülteni, 2014

Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GİST) ve adenokanserler farklı hücre tiplerinden köken alan bi... more Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GİST) ve adenokanserler farklı hücre tiplerinden köken alan birbirinden farklı neoplasm tipleridir. Midede GİST ve adenokanser birlikteliği oldukça nadirdir ve literatürde sadece olgu sunumları şeklindedir. Olgumuzda 76 yaşında senkron mide tümörü olan kadın hastayı sunduk ve senkron mide tümörlerini irdelemeyi amaçladık.

Research paper thumbnail of Common bile duct stones, an experience in Ondokuz Mayis University

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2013

Common bile duct stones, obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and acute pancreatitis are diseases th... more Common bile duct stones, obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and acute pancreatitis are diseases that can lead to serious complications. In our clinic between May 1993 and October 2011 the results of 101 patients who underwent surgery for common bile duct stone were retrospectively evaluated. Among 101 patients who were included in the study, 45 had symptomatic gallstones accompanied by common bile duct stone, 27 had mechanical icterus, 15 had common bile duct stone and 8 had cholangitis (five patients with suppurative cholangitis), six had acute cholecystitis. Thirthy one patients with common bile duct stones were treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Surgical procedures were as follows; choledochoduodenostomy in 50 cases, T-tube drainage in 17 patients and transduodenal sphincteroplasty in three patients. Synchronous cholecystectomies were performed in all patients who had not undergone biliary surgery before. Early postoperative mortality was 3.9%. In this study, we detected choledocholithiasis in 11.31% of the all symptomatic cholelithiasis cases. Since our clinic provide tertiary healthcare, this rate becomes 9.85% by excluding those who underwent cholecystectomy for common bile duct stones at other hospitals. Given that the patients who referred to our clinic are in high-risk group, the actual rate of choledocholithiasis in our society is expected to be slightly below that value.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Frequencies of Abdominal Wall Hernias and the Preferences for Their Repair: A Multicenter National Study From Turkey

International Surgery, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğerin nadir görülen primer tümörü: Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma Epithelial hemangioendothelioma: A rare primary tumor of liver

1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında ort... more 1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında orta derecede maligniteye sahip olan nadir bir tümördür. Karaciğer yerleşimli hemanji-oendotelyomalar sıklıkla 30-40 yaşlarındaki kadınlarda görü-lür. Risk faktörleri olarak travma, hormonlar, vinylchloride, asbestos üzerinde durulmaktadır (Makhlouf ve ark., 1999; Nudo ve ark., 2008). Hepatik epiteloid hemanjioendotelyomanın kesin tedavi-si konusunda fikir birliği yoktur. Metastazı olmayan hasta-larda karaciğer nakli tavsiye edilmekle birlikte (Cardinal ve ark., 2009), soliter vakalarda rezeksiyon öneren çalışmalar da mevcuttur (Ben-Haim ve ark.,1999). Bu çalışmada amaç, cer-rahi tedavi uyguladığımız hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyoendo-telyoma olgusunu sunmak ve literatür eşliğinde tartışmaktır. Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma ilk olarak 1982 yılında Weiss ve Enzinger tarafından tarif edilmiştir. Damarsal yapılardan köken alan, benign hemanjiyom ile malign heman-jiyosarkom arasında orta derecede ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

©Copyright 2019 by Turkish Foundation of Family Medicine Available online at www.anatoljfm.org IN... more ©Copyright 2019 by Turkish Foundation of Family Medicine Available online at www.anatoljfm.org INTRODUCTION Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has presented as the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the Western world. NAFLD is the condition of hepatic steatosis when no other causes for secondary hepatic fat storage are considered. Hypercholesterolemia is main cause of the NAFLD and ultrasound-based imaging techniques are cheaper and more widely available to diagnose NAFLD in the field of gastroenterology.[1]

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Adolesanda Filloides Tümörü

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Meme koruyucu cerrahi ve sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi uygulanan hastalarda lokal-aksiller rekürrens oranı ve etkileyen faktörler

The Medical Journal of Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, 2015

Meme kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi (SLNB) prosedürü, aksiller lenf ... more Meme kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi (SLNB) prosedürü, aksiller lenf nodu diseksiyonuna (ALND) alternatif olarak geliştirilmiş ve düşük morbidite ile güvenli bir evreleme yöntemidir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız Meme Koruyucu Cerrahi (MKC) + SLNB uygulanan hastalarda uzun dönemli takiplerde nüks oranlarını ve bunu etkileyen faktörleri saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza 2006 ile 2011 tarihleri arasında erken evre meme kanseri nedeniyle MKC ve SLNB uygulanan 171 hasta dâhil edildi. Hastaların 62'sinde sentinel lenf nodu (SLN) pozitif gelmesi üzerine level 1-2 aksiller diseksiyon uygulandı. SLNB (-) ve (+) gelen iki hasta grubu ortalama 36 ay klinik ve radyolojik olarak takip edildi. Her iki gruptaki loko-rejyonel nüks ve metastaz oranları karşılaştırıldı. Literatür desteği ile aksiller lenf nodu pozitifliğini ve loko-rejyonel nüksü etkileyebilecek faktörler olarak; hastaların yaşı, menopozal durumu, tümör lokalizasyonu, tümör histolojisi, SLN boyutu, östrojen-progesteron reseptörü, c-erb-B2 pozitifliği, tümör grade'i, ekstensif intraduktal komponent (EİC) varlığı, tümör boyutu ve lenfovasküler invazyon (LVİ) varlığı incelendi. Bulgular: Yüz yetmiş bir hasta ortalama 36 ay takip edildi. SLNB (-) olan grupta ameliyattan 25 ay sonra 1 hastada aksiller nüks geliştiği saptandı, nüks oranı % 0,92'dir. SLNB (-) olan grupta lokal nüks saptanmadı. SLNB (+) gelip ALND uygulanan grupta aksiller nüks saptanmazken, 4 hastada (% 5,84) lokal nüks saptandı. On sekiz hastamızda da uzak organ metastazı belirlendi. Lokal nüks SLNB (-) olan grupta anlamlı olarak daha az iken, aksiller nüks ve uzak organ metastazı açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Tümör boyutu (p=0.002), LVİ varlığı (p<0.001), hastalığın evresi (p<0.001) ve SLN boyutu (p=0.014) SLN pozitifliğini etkileyen faktörler olarak saptandı. Sonuç: SLNB lokorejyonal nüks ve uzak organ metastazı açısından ALND kadar güvenilir bir yöntemdir.

Research paper thumbnail of Nadir Splanik Ven Trombozu Sebebi: Faktör V Leiden Mutasyonu

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009

... Yazışma Adresi: Kadir Dicle Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim... more ... Yazışma Adresi: Kadir Dicle Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Kurupelit, Samsun e-posta : kdicle19@mynet.com ... Bu damarın direne ettiği yaklaşık 70 cm&amp;amp;#x27;lik bağırsak segmentinin rezeksiyonu ve uç-uca anostomo-zu yapıldı. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural injuries encountered in Giresun, which is an agricultural city of Turkey

The European Research Journal

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the demographic and clinical features of gardening inju... more Objectives: This study aimed to determine the demographic and clinical features of gardening injuries in an agricultural city and to provide some suggestions to reduce the incidence of agricultural injuries. Methods: This study assessed 419 gardening injuries that were admitted to the emergency department of Giresun University Prof. Dr. Ilhan Özdemir Training and Research Hospital between June 30, 2015 and November 1, 2015. We retrospectively examined all the documents, x-rays, tomographies, and tomography reports related to the cases. Results: Falls from a height (19.3%), falls (31.5%), foreign body crashes (FBCs) (14.8%), sharp-penetrating object injuries (SPOIs) (29.8%), and motorized/motorless device injuries (MMDIs) (4.5%) were the major categories of gardening injuries. Most of the falls from a height were from a tree (86%), primarily fig trees (54.3%). SPOIs primarily affected the hand-wrist area with 82 cases (65.6%); the most common sharp tools that caused injury were sickle-scythes (47.2%) and axes (35.2%). FBCs frequently affected the eyes (48.4%) and head region (17.7%), and tree branches were the most common foreign bodies causing such crashes (38.7%). MMDIs were caused primarily by haymaker harvester machines (42%). Three cases died (0.7%), and 305 cases (72.8%) were discharged after emergency treatment. Additionally, 115 cases (27.5%) were hospitalized, 11 cases underwent urgent surgery, and 63 cases underwent elective surgery. Using uncuttable gloves, socks, and knee-guards could prevent 88% of SPOIs. Furthermore, eyewear and head guards could prevent 60.1% of FBC injuries.The usage of fall arrest equipment particularly for only fig and pear tree types could prevent 68.6% of the falls from a tree. Conclusions: Gardening injuries are significant traumas in agricultural regions. By implementing simple and cheap security measures, we can prevent destrucitive traumas.

Research paper thumbnail of Bezoarların medikal tedavisinde ananas suyu: 4 hasta ile klinik deneyimimiz

JOURNAL OF …, 2011

... İlhan Karabıçak*, Savaş Yürüker, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Hamza Çınar, Cafer Polat, Necati Özen ...... more ... İlhan Karabıçak*, Savaş Yürüker, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Hamza Çınar, Cafer Polat, Necati Özen ... Biol. 32, 596-600. Cifuentes Tebar, J., Robles Campos, R., Parrilla Paricio, P., Lujan Mompean, JA, Escamilla, C., Liron Ruiz, R., Pellicer Franco, EM 1992. Gastric surgery and bezoars. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Epithelioid schwannoma or ossifying fibromyxoid tumour?

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Jul 29, 2013

There is a risk of confusing epithelioid schwannoma and ossifying fibromyxoid tumours due to thei... more There is a risk of confusing epithelioid schwannoma and ossifying fibromyxoid tumours due to their similar morphological and immunohistochemical features. Epithelioid schwannoma can be described as a benign nerve sheath tumour of peripheral nerves. Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour is considered to be a intermediate malignant soft tissue tumour with the potential for recurrence and metastasis. Because the prognosis of these two tumoral entities are different from each other differential diagnosis is important. In this article, our purpose is to present a case, on what we initially considered to be epithelioid schwannoma. However, we later observed, based on the data in the literature, that the tumour appeared to be an ossifying fibromyxoid tumour.

Research paper thumbnail of Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: Olgu Sunumu

Retroperitoneal paragangliomalar nadir görülen nöral krest orjinli nöroendokrin tümörlerdir. Çoğu... more Retroperitoneal paragangliomalar nadir görülen nöral krest orjinli nöroendokrin tümörlerdir. Çoğunlukla benign tümörlerdir, fakat malign olanları agresif seyredebilir ve metastaza yol açabilir. Retroperitoneal paragangliomaların temel tedavi seçeneği kitlenin komplet rezeksiyonudur. Cerrahi sonrası malignite potansiyeli açısından takip önemlidir. Bu yazıda 18 yaşında, sağ böbrek anteriorunda 8,5 cm kitle saptanan ve cerrahi olarak eksize ettiğimiz kadın hastayı sunmayı amaçladık.

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Hepatitis B and C Seroprevalence and Prevalence of Hiv Infection Among Afghan Refugees Newly Arrived in Coastal Region Turkey in 2018: A Systematic Single-Centre Analysis


Introduction: Previous studies showed that refugee status have been associated with various deter... more Introduction: Previous studies showed that refugee status have been associated with various deteriorated effects on human health including higher prevalence of hepatitis B, C and HIV infections. In this study we aim to bridge the gap between Afghan immigrants and naive Turkish population by identifying HBV, HCV and HIV profiles. In addition, a large number of laboratory parameters was collected for all participants, including hematologic and biochemical test results. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective review of laboratory records at a tertiary center in Northern Turkey from January 1, 2018, to April 15, 2018. Our population based study comprising hospital data of 403 Afghan refugees and 400 naive Turkish citizens. Results: Afghan refugees had higher anti-HIV seropositivity than Turkish citizens (p < 0.05). There were no difference between the two groups according to HbsAg and anti-HCV seropositivity. Also Afghan refugees had statistically lower ALT levels, higher hemoglobin levels and higher mean TSH level (p < 0.05). Mean T4 level did not show significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: We need further investigations to find out the risk of infections that originated from immigration.

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğerin nadir görülen primer tümörü: Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma Epithelial hemangioendothelioma: A rare primary tumor of liver

1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında ort... more 1. Giriş Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma, benign hemanjiyom ile malign hemanjiyosarkom arasında orta derecede maligniteye sahip olan nadir bir tümördür. Karaciğer yerleşimli hemanji-oendotelyomalar sıklıkla 30-40 yaşlarındaki kadınlarda görü-lür. Risk faktörleri olarak travma, hormonlar, vinylchloride, asbestos üzerinde durulmaktadır (Makhlouf ve ark., 1999; Nudo ve ark., 2008). Hepatik epiteloid hemanjioendotelyomanın kesin tedavi-si konusunda fikir birliği yoktur. Metastazı olmayan hasta-larda karaciğer nakli tavsiye edilmekle birlikte (Cardinal ve ark., 2009), soliter vakalarda rezeksiyon öneren çalışmalar da mevcuttur (Ben-Haim ve ark.,1999). Bu çalışmada amaç, cer-rahi tedavi uyguladığımız hepatik epiteloid hemanjiyoendo-telyoma olgusunu sunmak ve literatür eşliğinde tartışmaktır. Epiteloid hemanjioendotelyoma ilk olarak 1982 yılında Weiss ve Enzinger tarafından tarif edilmiştir. Damarsal yapılardan köken alan, benign hemanjiyom ile malign heman-jiyosarkom arasında orta derecede ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: Two cases and review of the technique

Turkish Journal of Surgery, 2013

In this study, we aimed to assess the technique and results of spleen-preserving laparoscopic dis... more In this study, we aimed to assess the technique and results of spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (SPLDP) on the basis of two cases. The first case was a woman with a large cystic papillary lesion of the distal pancreas. The other patient was a woman with a pancreatic mass on the tail of the pancreas. Both patients were operated on using SPLDP. Five trocars were used in the first case and four trocars were used in the second case. Thirty degree telescope visualization and LigaSure dissection were used during the operation. The splenic vessels were dissected, but the short gastric vessels were preserved. The pancreas was transected by one Endo GIA stapler and the cut edge of the pancreas was reinforced with sutures to prevent a pancreatic fistula. We performed the same technique in both cases. However, in the first case, we aspirated the content of the cystic mass of the pancreas before removing it to avoid making a large incision. The duration of the operation was 190 and 135 minutes, respectively. There were no postoperative complications. SPLDP is a safe, effective modality for managing lesions of the distal pancreas. If the splenic vessels are transected, the short gastric vessels must be protected to ensure the viability of the spleen.

Research paper thumbnail of Isosulfan blue-induced anaphylactic reaction during sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer

The Breast, 2012

Letters to the Editor No correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and lymph node involvement in ... more Letters to the Editor No correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and lymph node involvement in operable breast cancer Still unexplored is the correlation between plasma D-dimer levels and axillary node involvement, as detected following SNB investigation, in operable breast cancer. 1 This prospective study attempts to verify the correlation between D-dimer level and lymph node involvement, including patients with positive Sentinel Node. Between January 2007 and October 2010, preoperative D-dimer levels were evaluated in 142 consecutive operable breast cancer, receiving axillary lymph node dissection, either preoperatively planned (41) or after sentinel node biopsy (SNB) (101). Forty-one (41) patients were candidate to quadrantectomy or mastectomy plus axillary dissection, not satisfying eligibility criteria for SNB procedure. In second group, 101 patients were candidate for conservative treatment following SNB procedure. Patients with positive SN (22) received standard axillary dissection. In order to determine a threshold in D-dimer levels distinguishing between subjects with involved lymph-nodes and subjects with no lymph-nodal involvement, a ROC curve analysis was performed on both the whole sample and subgroups identified according to surgical procedure. No difference was found between patients with negative or positive lymph nodes, either in case of axillary dissection or after SNB procedure. The hypothesis that D-dimer level might be related to breast cancer clinical stage is not supported.

Research paper thumbnail of Midenin Senkron Gastrointestinal Stromal Tümör ve Primer Adenokarsinomu

Haseki Tıp Bülteni, 2014

Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GİST) ve adenokanserler farklı hücre tiplerinden köken alan bi... more Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GİST) ve adenokanserler farklı hücre tiplerinden köken alan birbirinden farklı neoplasm tipleridir. Midede GİST ve adenokanser birlikteliği oldukça nadirdir ve literatürde sadece olgu sunumları şeklindedir. Olgumuzda 76 yaşında senkron mide tümörü olan kadın hastayı sunduk ve senkron mide tümörlerini irdelemeyi amaçladık.

Research paper thumbnail of Common bile duct stones, an experience in Ondokuz Mayis University

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2013

Common bile duct stones, obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and acute pancreatitis are diseases th... more Common bile duct stones, obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and acute pancreatitis are diseases that can lead to serious complications. In our clinic between May 1993 and October 2011 the results of 101 patients who underwent surgery for common bile duct stone were retrospectively evaluated. Among 101 patients who were included in the study, 45 had symptomatic gallstones accompanied by common bile duct stone, 27 had mechanical icterus, 15 had common bile duct stone and 8 had cholangitis (five patients with suppurative cholangitis), six had acute cholecystitis. Thirthy one patients with common bile duct stones were treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Surgical procedures were as follows; choledochoduodenostomy in 50 cases, T-tube drainage in 17 patients and transduodenal sphincteroplasty in three patients. Synchronous cholecystectomies were performed in all patients who had not undergone biliary surgery before. Early postoperative mortality was 3.9%. In this study, we detected choledocholithiasis in 11.31% of the all symptomatic cholelithiasis cases. Since our clinic provide tertiary healthcare, this rate becomes 9.85% by excluding those who underwent cholecystectomy for common bile duct stones at other hospitals. Given that the patients who referred to our clinic are in high-risk group, the actual rate of choledocholithiasis in our society is expected to be slightly below that value.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Frequencies of Abdominal Wall Hernias and the Preferences for Their Repair: A Multicenter National Study From Turkey

International Surgery, 2014