Vera Intanie Dewi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Vera Intanie Dewi

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pemahaman Program Bantuan Dan Insentif Bagi Pelaku Usaha Umkm, Serta Peran Digitalisasi DI Era Pandemi COVID-19 Dan Sesudahnya

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Tujuan Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk peningkatan pemahaman atas ... more Abstrak: Tujuan Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk peningkatan pemahaman atas program bantuan dan insentif pemerintah untuk pelaku UMKM serta peran pemanfaatan digitalisasi untuk peningkatan usaha di masa pandemi COVID-19 dan sesudahnya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan berbentuk sosialisasi dan penyuluhan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh sebanyak 52 pelaku usaha. Berdasarkan analisis awal kebutuhan para peserta diperoleh informasi bahwa upaya yang paling banyak telah dilakukan oleh peserta untuk mempertahankan usaha adalah peningkatan promosi/pemasaran dan inovasi produk. Sementara upaya mengakses bantuan dari pemerintah memiliki persentase paling rendah. Hal ini menarik untuk digali lebih jauh apakah terdapat kendala yang dihadapi ketika mengakses, kurang tersosialisasikannya program bantuan ataukah para pelaku ini enggan untuk mengakses bantuan. Sebanyak 13.5% pelaku usaha pernah mengakses insentif pemerintah, yakni mengakses Bantuan Produktif Usaha Mikro (BPUM). Hasil da...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komparasi Kinerja Keuangan PT Bank BTPN. Tbk Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger

Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan

The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative test of Bank BTPN Tbk.,financial performanc... more The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative test of Bank BTPN Tbk.,financial performance before and after the merger using the Risk-Based Bank Rating approach. The method used is verificative study, carried out by conducting a paired t-test of two samples. This study found that Bank BTPN Tbk. financial performancedeclined after the merger. This is indicated by the increasing LDR, indicating that the bank's liquidity risk becomes greater after the merger. The NIM and ROA ratios were smaller and the BOPO ratio increased after the merger, indicating that Bank BTPN Tbk. ability to generate profits has decreased. The level of bank capital with the CAR indicator also decreased. Based on the results of comparative analysis, it can be proven that there are differences in the financial performance of Bank BTPN between before and after the merger

Research paper thumbnail of How do demographic and socioeconomic factors affect financial literacy and its variables?

Cogent Business & Management

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Consumer Confidence Index to Predict the Economy in Indonesia

Australasian Business, Accounting and Finance Journal

Psychological factors play an important role in the economy and in predicting the state of the ec... more Psychological factors play an important role in the economy and in predicting the state of the economy. One of the measurement tools of these factors is the consumer confidence index (CCI), which has recently received much attention from both researchers and policymakers. For years, Bank Indonesia has conducted surveys through face-to-face and phone call interviews with several respondents who were used as research samples to control information on economic fundamentals. The purpose of this study is to explore a new variable that is thought to affect the consumer confidence index in Indonesia and explain the influence between variables from the results of secondary data processing. This study used the multivariate regression model and t-test equations with a significance level of 5%. The variables used in this study are the foreign exchange rate, unemployment rate, corruption control index, inflation rate, and consumer confidence index from January 2015 to December 2019 in Indonesia. The results conclude that Indonesia's consumer confidence index is influenced by the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, the exchange rate, and the conditions for controlling corruption. The multivariate regression model generated from this study is a novelty in research on the consumer confidence index. This study also provides an alternative way for Bank Indonesia to evaluate the consumer confidence index, which previously used the face-to-face interview method, and the phone survey turned into using secondary data source. The use of secondary data for the multivariate regression model will accelerate policy making and is more efficient in terms of costs. 3

Research paper thumbnail of Financial literacy and financial behavior among college students

Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Saham Optimal menggunakan Pendekatan Model Indeks Tunggal sebagai Dasar Keputusan Investasi

Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah

The purpose of this research is identify stocks that are included in the optimal portfolio of 45 ... more The purpose of this research is identify stocks that are included in the optimal portfolio of 45 stocks that are the most liquid and actively traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which are often referred to as LQ45 Index stocks. The research period is December 2017-December 2020. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and 30 companies were selected to be used as research samples. The analytical technique used in this research is using the Single Index This research results showed that there were thirteen stocks of portfolio candidates from thirty stocks researched with the cut-off-rate (C*) of 0,00385. Six of thirteen stocks which have the biggest excess return to beta (ERB) make up the optimum portfolio: ANTM (1.59%), INCO (1.14%), BBCA (1.06%), WIKA (0.67%), PTBA (0.66%), SMGR (0.56%). The optimum portfolio comprises the proportion of funds from the six shares is BBCA (43.40%); ANTM (21.05%); INCO (18.81%), WIKA (6.12%), PTBA (5.85%) and SMGR (4.78%). Expected Return Por...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pelatihan Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises Mendorong Umkm Bangkit DI Era Pandemi

Abstrak: Dunia usaha telah terdampak oleh krisis COVID-19, tidak terkecuali untuk Usaha Mikro, Ke... more Abstrak: Dunia usaha telah terdampak oleh krisis COVID-19, tidak terkecuali untuk Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra terkait inovasi produk dan kemasan, kebersihan, pengendalian kualitas produk, tata letak, pemasaran digital, pencatatan keuangan dan peningkatan produksi 22 UKM di Kabupaten Bandung. Peserta pelatihan sebagian besar adalah perempuan. Fasilitator ditugaskan mendampingi mitra. Peningkatan usaha mitra didapat melalui penyelenggaraan pelatihan, diskusi, kunjungan lapangan, perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi dengan pelatih. Di akhir program, sebuah pertemuan dirancang bagi para peserta mempresentasikan perubahan mereka dengan tujuan saling belajar satu sama lain dan memotivasi mereka untuk menggunakan pengetahuan yang telah didapat dengan berkelanjutan. Program ini juga dimonitor dan dievaluasi melalui kuesioner yang mengukur tingkat kepuasan para peserta, kegunaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of GDP Growth in ASEAN-4 Countries: Control of Corruption as an Intervening Variable

Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura

The purpose of this study is to analyze various macroeconomic factors that affect Gross Domestic ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze various macroeconomic factors that affect Gross Domestic Product growth in ASEAN-4 countries. The type of research is descriptive and explanatory. The research method used is the quantitative method. Based on the phenomenon, purposive sampling is used to determine the countries studied. Using secondary data, the panel data is formed from a combination of countries and a certain period of years. Multivariable regression is used to process panel data. The results show that inflation rate, political stability, and control of corruption have a significant effect on GDP growth. The novelty of this research is the new model of GDP growth in ASEAN-4 countries where control of corruption serves as an intervening variable that affects GDP growth. The findings suggest that to maintain an increase in GDP growth in this region, the governments should keep the inflation rate under control and continue striving to reduce corruption. Controlling the level of...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Literasi Keuangan Digital Kepada Pengusaha Mikro DI Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat

The development of the digital Financial Services Sector (SJK) is very likely to threaten people ... more The development of the digital Financial Services Sector (SJK) is very likely to threaten people who have minimal financial and digital literacy because they can be trapped in a vortex of debt. One group that is vulnerable to this is the micro-business group. This Community Service Program supports the National Strategy for Indonesian Financial Literacy (SNLKI) which was stipulated in POJK No.76 of 2016 to carry out financial education activities to improve public financial literacy. The focus of this activity is the micro-business group in Bandung Regency. This community service activity aims to increase understanding of economic and digital literacy through educational programs. The activities method through online training for small and medium entrepreneurs in Bandung Regency. This activity divide into three training sessions covering the motivation for digital financial literacy, financial health diagnostics using digital platforms, financial planning, making the proper budget, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan usaha mikro di sekitar UNPAR (RW 11)

Research paper thumbnail of Does Financial Perception Mediating the Financial Literacy on Financial Behavior? A Study of Academic Community in Central Java Island, Indonesia

Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2020

This study aims to investigate the financial knowledge, financial awareness, and financial experi... more This study aims to investigate the financial knowledge, financial awareness, and financial experiences through financial perception toward financial behavior among academic community in Indonesia. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to answer the research purpose. Using probability random sampling this study, take 300 samples as participants among lecturer in Central Java Island, Indonesia. The data are collected by face to face field survey. The samples consist of 59% lecturer in public University and 41% in private University. The proportion of gender is 50% female and 50% male. The majority of the participants were 26-50 years old. This study has proven a significant positive impact of financial knowledge, financial awareness, financial experience and financial perception on financial behavior. Financial behavior was found to be caused by financial perception variables which, in turn, were influenced by knowledge, awareness and experience. People, who has a better understanding in financial concept and have awareness on how they manage financial information and have experience will act in a better way to manage the money financial knowledge possessed by a person can be influenced by financial experience and financial awareness, and ultimately can form a good perception, in turn, actual financial behavior depends on all (knowledge, awareness, experience and perception).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perilaku Herding pada Indeks Sri-Kehati saat Kondisi Pandemi COVID-19

E-Jurnal Akuntansi

This study aims to analyze the presence of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index for the perio... more This study aims to analyze the presence of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index for the period January 2, 2020 to December 30, 2021. Herding behavior can be identified through the relationship between stock return dispersion and market return. In calculating stock return dispersion using the Cross Sectional Absolute Deviation or CSAD method. This study uses data on the daily closing price of the SRI-KEHATI index and data on the daily prices of 17 company stocks that are always on the SRI-KEHATI index during the observation period. The analytical method used is ordinary least square regression analysis. The time period used is when the market is in a state of uncertainty which is indicated by more herding behavior. The results showed that there was no indication of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index during the COVID-19 Pandemic condition which was marked by no non-linear relationship between the CSAD variable and the squared market return variable. Keywords: Herding Behavio...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Risk-Adjusted Return sebagai Sarana Evaluasi Aset Kripto (Studi pada Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index Tahun 2018-2021)

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

The purpose of this study is to measure the risk-adjusted return of cryptocurrencies that are inc... more The purpose of this study is to measure the risk-adjusted return of cryptocurrencies that are included in the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index and to identify whether there are any significant differences in the results of the three performance assessment methods used. The research period is from January 2018 to October 2021. The analysis was done using Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen's Alpha, and Kruskal-Wallis test by Rank (One-way ANOVA on Ranks). The analysis results show that ETC and ETH are the best performing assets compared to 8 other crypto assets where ETC has the best performance for 2021 based on the Sharpe and Treynor ratio, while ETH in the last two years has the best value in 2020 and the second-best in 2021 based on Sharpe ratio. The test result shows that p = 0.095, which indicates that the significance value is >0.05, meaning that there is no statistically significant difference between the assessment results of the three methods used.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Produktivitas Anak Muda Indonesia Melalui Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS)

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 2022

Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS) merupakan program partisipatif dan kerjasama antara USAID d... more Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS) merupakan program partisipatif dan kerjasama antara USAID dan pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Youthwin Through Economic Participant Project (Yep Project). Melalui program pelatihan Financial Life Skills turut berperan memberikan kontribusi penyadaran literasi keuangan bagi masyarakat khususnya para generasi muda. Metode pengabdian pelatihan FLS dilakukan menggunakan metode pelatihan experience learning cycle (ELC) dimana pelatih dan peserta akan saling berinterasi secara interaktif melalui berbagai macam aktivitas seperti simulasi, role play, pengisian lembar kerja, tanya jawab, diskusi. Metode ELC cocok digunakan untuk pelatihan FLS agar keterampilan peserta tidak hanya cukup dengan mendengar dan melihat saja tetapi peserta dapat merasakan pengalaman langsung pada saat kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung sehingga pada akhir pelatihan diharapkan peserta benar-benar dapat mengalami perubahan knowledge dan attitude sebagai bekal untuk perubahan b...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Gaya Hidup Dalam Keuangan Keluarga (Studi Kasus:Unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta DI Bandung)

This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was ... more This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and the data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns. This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenues and expenses. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fulfilling their life style is still in control. From this research, it is known generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like hand phone. The purchasing frequency of hand phone in average is less than 2 times per year. Moreover, the respondents have already had a habit of saving/investing and buying insurance. To fill their spare t...

Research paper thumbnail of Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan Kantin Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi DI Bandung Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Lingkungan

Hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor makanan, orang, tempat d... more Hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor makanan, orang, tempat dan perlengkapannya yang dapat atau mungkin dapat menimbulkan penyakit atau gangguan kesehatan (keputusan Menteri kesehatan RI nomor 715). Dari bahan pelatihan hygiene BEDO dan ILO didapat dua hal yang sangat penting dan sebenarnya mudah untuk dilakukan oleh penjual makanan dikantin yaitu pengelolaan kebersihan pribadi (menyangkut penjual makanan dan minuman di kantin) serta pengelolaan dapur. Tulisan ini mengkaji perbedaan persepsi antara penjaja makanan dan minuman di kantin sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta di Bandung dengan apa yang dirasakan oleh konsumen, yakni sebanyak 450 mahasiswa. Dari data yang terkumpul kemudian dilakukan analisis deskriptif untuk melihat gambaran persepsi tentang kondisi hygiene sanitasi saat itu dari dua sudut pandang yakni penjual dan pembeli. Analisis diskriptif dilakukan dengan menghitung rata – rata jawaban responden dari setiap pernyataan dan selanjutnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Financial Literacy terhadap Utilitas Produk dan Jasa Keuangan serta Perilaku Mahasiswa dalam Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Pribadi

Research Report - Humanities and Social Science, 2016

Abstak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat financial literacy pada mahasiswa Fa... more Abstak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat financial literacy pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Unpar dan bagimana pengetahuan tersebut dapat berpengaruh pada utilitas produk dan jasa keuangan serta dampaknya pada perilaku mahasiswa dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan keuangan pribadinya. Abdullah, Muhammad Azmi &Chong dalam kusumaningrum (2014) Financial literacy isi also the combination of consumers or investors understanding of financial products and concepts and their ability and confidence to appreciate financial risks and opportunities to make informal choices,to know where to go for help and to take other effective actions to inprove their financial well being. Penelitian ini merupakan Applied Research dengan model Replikasi dari penelitian Mykolas Navickas,Tadas Gudaitis&Emilia Krajnakova yang berjudul Influence of Financial Literacy on Management of Personal Finances in a Young Household di Lithuanian. Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi objek penelitian yaitu ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Adaptability of Company’s Strategy in Managing Its Life Cycle Stages

The aim of this study is to evaluate how companies adapt their strategy based on changing circums... more The aim of this study is to evaluate how companies adapt their strategy based on changing circumstance by measuring the frequencies of its life cycle phases. This study used sales growth as its variable. Quarterly data was collected from IPO date that happended before the year 2000. A total of 84 manufacturing firms from the 2015 Indonesia Capital Market Directory were sampled. Birth, growth, maturity, maturity survival and maturity revival phases of the companies were studied and it was found only 6% from the total were categorised as adaptable companies which tried to ensure steady sales. Few of them never experienced any changing phases. After the growth phase, their sales showed steady growth, even indicating increasing pattern.

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Keuangan untuk Memasuki Masa Pensiun pada Karyawan di Institusi Pendidikan Swasta X di Bandung

Research Report - Humanities and Social Science, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendukung program pemerintah Indonesia umumnya dan membantu masyak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendukung program pemerintah Indonesia umumnya dan membantu masyakat khususnya dalam meningkatkan kesadaran keuangan/Financial Literacy dan juga membantu masyarakat dalam membuat perencanaan keuangan untuk mempersiapkan masa pensiun.Penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari karyawan sebuah institusi pendidikan swasta di Bandung.Sebanyak 52 responden. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa tingkat kesadaran keuangan/financial literacy karyawan institusi pendidikan swasta X di Bandung ini cukup baik, yaitu sebanyak 73% responden membuat budget keuangan bulanan ,sebanyak 81% responden menabung setiap bulan, hanya sebesar 27% responden memiliki kartu kredit,serta hanya sebesar 31% responden yang mengikuti kegiatan arisan. Sedangkan untuk perencanaan dan pemahaman mengenai prinsip investasi , sebanyak 61% responden sudah mempunyai rencana keuangan jangka panjang, sebanyak 83% responden mengetahui adanya risiko dalam berinvestasi. Dari hasil simulasi yang dilakukan, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Socially Responsible Investment Sebagai Motif Penerapan Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility

Socially responsible investment (SRI) usually known as sustainable or ethical or green investment... more Socially responsible investment (SRI) usually known as sustainable or ethical or green investment is a new type of investment movement in response to social expectations of investors. Social investors are people who want to improve conditions in society by investing their money in shares or mutual fund from companies that doing their practices in environmental, social and governance issues. Thus, SRI is investing that is mindful of the impact on environmental and society of that investment. It is often described to investors as allowing them "to doll by doing goods”. SRI that integrates environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions, encourage corporations doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a part of their strategic business. CSR is a commonly used term today.CSR is about a sustainable commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the community and society and doing en...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pemahaman Program Bantuan Dan Insentif Bagi Pelaku Usaha Umkm, Serta Peran Digitalisasi DI Era Pandemi COVID-19 Dan Sesudahnya

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Tujuan Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk peningkatan pemahaman atas ... more Abstrak: Tujuan Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk peningkatan pemahaman atas program bantuan dan insentif pemerintah untuk pelaku UMKM serta peran pemanfaatan digitalisasi untuk peningkatan usaha di masa pandemi COVID-19 dan sesudahnya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan berbentuk sosialisasi dan penyuluhan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh sebanyak 52 pelaku usaha. Berdasarkan analisis awal kebutuhan para peserta diperoleh informasi bahwa upaya yang paling banyak telah dilakukan oleh peserta untuk mempertahankan usaha adalah peningkatan promosi/pemasaran dan inovasi produk. Sementara upaya mengakses bantuan dari pemerintah memiliki persentase paling rendah. Hal ini menarik untuk digali lebih jauh apakah terdapat kendala yang dihadapi ketika mengakses, kurang tersosialisasikannya program bantuan ataukah para pelaku ini enggan untuk mengakses bantuan. Sebanyak 13.5% pelaku usaha pernah mengakses insentif pemerintah, yakni mengakses Bantuan Produktif Usaha Mikro (BPUM). Hasil da...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komparasi Kinerja Keuangan PT Bank BTPN. Tbk Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger

Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan

The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative test of Bank BTPN Tbk.,financial performanc... more The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative test of Bank BTPN Tbk.,financial performance before and after the merger using the Risk-Based Bank Rating approach. The method used is verificative study, carried out by conducting a paired t-test of two samples. This study found that Bank BTPN Tbk. financial performancedeclined after the merger. This is indicated by the increasing LDR, indicating that the bank's liquidity risk becomes greater after the merger. The NIM and ROA ratios were smaller and the BOPO ratio increased after the merger, indicating that Bank BTPN Tbk. ability to generate profits has decreased. The level of bank capital with the CAR indicator also decreased. Based on the results of comparative analysis, it can be proven that there are differences in the financial performance of Bank BTPN between before and after the merger

Research paper thumbnail of How do demographic and socioeconomic factors affect financial literacy and its variables?

Cogent Business & Management

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Consumer Confidence Index to Predict the Economy in Indonesia

Australasian Business, Accounting and Finance Journal

Psychological factors play an important role in the economy and in predicting the state of the ec... more Psychological factors play an important role in the economy and in predicting the state of the economy. One of the measurement tools of these factors is the consumer confidence index (CCI), which has recently received much attention from both researchers and policymakers. For years, Bank Indonesia has conducted surveys through face-to-face and phone call interviews with several respondents who were used as research samples to control information on economic fundamentals. The purpose of this study is to explore a new variable that is thought to affect the consumer confidence index in Indonesia and explain the influence between variables from the results of secondary data processing. This study used the multivariate regression model and t-test equations with a significance level of 5%. The variables used in this study are the foreign exchange rate, unemployment rate, corruption control index, inflation rate, and consumer confidence index from January 2015 to December 2019 in Indonesia. The results conclude that Indonesia's consumer confidence index is influenced by the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, the exchange rate, and the conditions for controlling corruption. The multivariate regression model generated from this study is a novelty in research on the consumer confidence index. This study also provides an alternative way for Bank Indonesia to evaluate the consumer confidence index, which previously used the face-to-face interview method, and the phone survey turned into using secondary data source. The use of secondary data for the multivariate regression model will accelerate policy making and is more efficient in terms of costs. 3

Research paper thumbnail of Financial literacy and financial behavior among college students

Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Saham Optimal menggunakan Pendekatan Model Indeks Tunggal sebagai Dasar Keputusan Investasi

Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah

The purpose of this research is identify stocks that are included in the optimal portfolio of 45 ... more The purpose of this research is identify stocks that are included in the optimal portfolio of 45 stocks that are the most liquid and actively traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which are often referred to as LQ45 Index stocks. The research period is December 2017-December 2020. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and 30 companies were selected to be used as research samples. The analytical technique used in this research is using the Single Index This research results showed that there were thirteen stocks of portfolio candidates from thirty stocks researched with the cut-off-rate (C*) of 0,00385. Six of thirteen stocks which have the biggest excess return to beta (ERB) make up the optimum portfolio: ANTM (1.59%), INCO (1.14%), BBCA (1.06%), WIKA (0.67%), PTBA (0.66%), SMGR (0.56%). The optimum portfolio comprises the proportion of funds from the six shares is BBCA (43.40%); ANTM (21.05%); INCO (18.81%), WIKA (6.12%), PTBA (5.85%) and SMGR (4.78%). Expected Return Por...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pelatihan Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises Mendorong Umkm Bangkit DI Era Pandemi

Abstrak: Dunia usaha telah terdampak oleh krisis COVID-19, tidak terkecuali untuk Usaha Mikro, Ke... more Abstrak: Dunia usaha telah terdampak oleh krisis COVID-19, tidak terkecuali untuk Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra terkait inovasi produk dan kemasan, kebersihan, pengendalian kualitas produk, tata letak, pemasaran digital, pencatatan keuangan dan peningkatan produksi 22 UKM di Kabupaten Bandung. Peserta pelatihan sebagian besar adalah perempuan. Fasilitator ditugaskan mendampingi mitra. Peningkatan usaha mitra didapat melalui penyelenggaraan pelatihan, diskusi, kunjungan lapangan, perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi dengan pelatih. Di akhir program, sebuah pertemuan dirancang bagi para peserta mempresentasikan perubahan mereka dengan tujuan saling belajar satu sama lain dan memotivasi mereka untuk menggunakan pengetahuan yang telah didapat dengan berkelanjutan. Program ini juga dimonitor dan dievaluasi melalui kuesioner yang mengukur tingkat kepuasan para peserta, kegunaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of GDP Growth in ASEAN-4 Countries: Control of Corruption as an Intervening Variable

Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura

The purpose of this study is to analyze various macroeconomic factors that affect Gross Domestic ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze various macroeconomic factors that affect Gross Domestic Product growth in ASEAN-4 countries. The type of research is descriptive and explanatory. The research method used is the quantitative method. Based on the phenomenon, purposive sampling is used to determine the countries studied. Using secondary data, the panel data is formed from a combination of countries and a certain period of years. Multivariable regression is used to process panel data. The results show that inflation rate, political stability, and control of corruption have a significant effect on GDP growth. The novelty of this research is the new model of GDP growth in ASEAN-4 countries where control of corruption serves as an intervening variable that affects GDP growth. The findings suggest that to maintain an increase in GDP growth in this region, the governments should keep the inflation rate under control and continue striving to reduce corruption. Controlling the level of...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Literasi Keuangan Digital Kepada Pengusaha Mikro DI Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat

The development of the digital Financial Services Sector (SJK) is very likely to threaten people ... more The development of the digital Financial Services Sector (SJK) is very likely to threaten people who have minimal financial and digital literacy because they can be trapped in a vortex of debt. One group that is vulnerable to this is the micro-business group. This Community Service Program supports the National Strategy for Indonesian Financial Literacy (SNLKI) which was stipulated in POJK No.76 of 2016 to carry out financial education activities to improve public financial literacy. The focus of this activity is the micro-business group in Bandung Regency. This community service activity aims to increase understanding of economic and digital literacy through educational programs. The activities method through online training for small and medium entrepreneurs in Bandung Regency. This activity divide into three training sessions covering the motivation for digital financial literacy, financial health diagnostics using digital platforms, financial planning, making the proper budget, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan usaha mikro di sekitar UNPAR (RW 11)

Research paper thumbnail of Does Financial Perception Mediating the Financial Literacy on Financial Behavior? A Study of Academic Community in Central Java Island, Indonesia

Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2020

This study aims to investigate the financial knowledge, financial awareness, and financial experi... more This study aims to investigate the financial knowledge, financial awareness, and financial experiences through financial perception toward financial behavior among academic community in Indonesia. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to answer the research purpose. Using probability random sampling this study, take 300 samples as participants among lecturer in Central Java Island, Indonesia. The data are collected by face to face field survey. The samples consist of 59% lecturer in public University and 41% in private University. The proportion of gender is 50% female and 50% male. The majority of the participants were 26-50 years old. This study has proven a significant positive impact of financial knowledge, financial awareness, financial experience and financial perception on financial behavior. Financial behavior was found to be caused by financial perception variables which, in turn, were influenced by knowledge, awareness and experience. People, who has a better understanding in financial concept and have awareness on how they manage financial information and have experience will act in a better way to manage the money financial knowledge possessed by a person can be influenced by financial experience and financial awareness, and ultimately can form a good perception, in turn, actual financial behavior depends on all (knowledge, awareness, experience and perception).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perilaku Herding pada Indeks Sri-Kehati saat Kondisi Pandemi COVID-19

E-Jurnal Akuntansi

This study aims to analyze the presence of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index for the perio... more This study aims to analyze the presence of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index for the period January 2, 2020 to December 30, 2021. Herding behavior can be identified through the relationship between stock return dispersion and market return. In calculating stock return dispersion using the Cross Sectional Absolute Deviation or CSAD method. This study uses data on the daily closing price of the SRI-KEHATI index and data on the daily prices of 17 company stocks that are always on the SRI-KEHATI index during the observation period. The analytical method used is ordinary least square regression analysis. The time period used is when the market is in a state of uncertainty which is indicated by more herding behavior. The results showed that there was no indication of herding behavior on the SRI-KEHATI Index during the COVID-19 Pandemic condition which was marked by no non-linear relationship between the CSAD variable and the squared market return variable. Keywords: Herding Behavio...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Risk-Adjusted Return sebagai Sarana Evaluasi Aset Kripto (Studi pada Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index Tahun 2018-2021)

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

The purpose of this study is to measure the risk-adjusted return of cryptocurrencies that are inc... more The purpose of this study is to measure the risk-adjusted return of cryptocurrencies that are included in the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index and to identify whether there are any significant differences in the results of the three performance assessment methods used. The research period is from January 2018 to October 2021. The analysis was done using Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen's Alpha, and Kruskal-Wallis test by Rank (One-way ANOVA on Ranks). The analysis results show that ETC and ETH are the best performing assets compared to 8 other crypto assets where ETC has the best performance for 2021 based on the Sharpe and Treynor ratio, while ETH in the last two years has the best value in 2020 and the second-best in 2021 based on Sharpe ratio. The test result shows that p = 0.095, which indicates that the significance value is >0.05, meaning that there is no statistically significant difference between the assessment results of the three methods used.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Produktivitas Anak Muda Indonesia Melalui Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS)

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 2022

Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS) merupakan program partisipatif dan kerjasama antara USAID d... more Pelatihan Financial Life Skills (FLS) merupakan program partisipatif dan kerjasama antara USAID dan pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Youthwin Through Economic Participant Project (Yep Project). Melalui program pelatihan Financial Life Skills turut berperan memberikan kontribusi penyadaran literasi keuangan bagi masyarakat khususnya para generasi muda. Metode pengabdian pelatihan FLS dilakukan menggunakan metode pelatihan experience learning cycle (ELC) dimana pelatih dan peserta akan saling berinterasi secara interaktif melalui berbagai macam aktivitas seperti simulasi, role play, pengisian lembar kerja, tanya jawab, diskusi. Metode ELC cocok digunakan untuk pelatihan FLS agar keterampilan peserta tidak hanya cukup dengan mendengar dan melihat saja tetapi peserta dapat merasakan pengalaman langsung pada saat kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung sehingga pada akhir pelatihan diharapkan peserta benar-benar dapat mengalami perubahan knowledge dan attitude sebagai bekal untuk perubahan b...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Gaya Hidup Dalam Keuangan Keluarga (Studi Kasus:Unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta DI Bandung)

This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was ... more This research was conducted to discover lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and the data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns. This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenues and expenses. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fulfilling their life style is still in control. From this research, it is known generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like hand phone. The purchasing frequency of hand phone in average is less than 2 times per year. Moreover, the respondents have already had a habit of saving/investing and buying insurance. To fill their spare t...

Research paper thumbnail of Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan Kantin Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi DI Bandung Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Lingkungan

Hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor makanan, orang, tempat d... more Hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor makanan, orang, tempat dan perlengkapannya yang dapat atau mungkin dapat menimbulkan penyakit atau gangguan kesehatan (keputusan Menteri kesehatan RI nomor 715). Dari bahan pelatihan hygiene BEDO dan ILO didapat dua hal yang sangat penting dan sebenarnya mudah untuk dilakukan oleh penjual makanan dikantin yaitu pengelolaan kebersihan pribadi (menyangkut penjual makanan dan minuman di kantin) serta pengelolaan dapur. Tulisan ini mengkaji perbedaan persepsi antara penjaja makanan dan minuman di kantin sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta di Bandung dengan apa yang dirasakan oleh konsumen, yakni sebanyak 450 mahasiswa. Dari data yang terkumpul kemudian dilakukan analisis deskriptif untuk melihat gambaran persepsi tentang kondisi hygiene sanitasi saat itu dari dua sudut pandang yakni penjual dan pembeli. Analisis diskriptif dilakukan dengan menghitung rata – rata jawaban responden dari setiap pernyataan dan selanjutnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Financial Literacy terhadap Utilitas Produk dan Jasa Keuangan serta Perilaku Mahasiswa dalam Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Pribadi

Research Report - Humanities and Social Science, 2016

Abstak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat financial literacy pada mahasiswa Fa... more Abstak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat financial literacy pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Unpar dan bagimana pengetahuan tersebut dapat berpengaruh pada utilitas produk dan jasa keuangan serta dampaknya pada perilaku mahasiswa dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan keuangan pribadinya. Abdullah, Muhammad Azmi &Chong dalam kusumaningrum (2014) Financial literacy isi also the combination of consumers or investors understanding of financial products and concepts and their ability and confidence to appreciate financial risks and opportunities to make informal choices,to know where to go for help and to take other effective actions to inprove their financial well being. Penelitian ini merupakan Applied Research dengan model Replikasi dari penelitian Mykolas Navickas,Tadas Gudaitis&Emilia Krajnakova yang berjudul Influence of Financial Literacy on Management of Personal Finances in a Young Household di Lithuanian. Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi objek penelitian yaitu ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Adaptability of Company’s Strategy in Managing Its Life Cycle Stages

The aim of this study is to evaluate how companies adapt their strategy based on changing circums... more The aim of this study is to evaluate how companies adapt their strategy based on changing circumstance by measuring the frequencies of its life cycle phases. This study used sales growth as its variable. Quarterly data was collected from IPO date that happended before the year 2000. A total of 84 manufacturing firms from the 2015 Indonesia Capital Market Directory were sampled. Birth, growth, maturity, maturity survival and maturity revival phases of the companies were studied and it was found only 6% from the total were categorised as adaptable companies which tried to ensure steady sales. Few of them never experienced any changing phases. After the growth phase, their sales showed steady growth, even indicating increasing pattern.

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Keuangan untuk Memasuki Masa Pensiun pada Karyawan di Institusi Pendidikan Swasta X di Bandung

Research Report - Humanities and Social Science, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendukung program pemerintah Indonesia umumnya dan membantu masyak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendukung program pemerintah Indonesia umumnya dan membantu masyakat khususnya dalam meningkatkan kesadaran keuangan/Financial Literacy dan juga membantu masyarakat dalam membuat perencanaan keuangan untuk mempersiapkan masa pensiun.Penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari karyawan sebuah institusi pendidikan swasta di Bandung.Sebanyak 52 responden. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa tingkat kesadaran keuangan/financial literacy karyawan institusi pendidikan swasta X di Bandung ini cukup baik, yaitu sebanyak 73% responden membuat budget keuangan bulanan ,sebanyak 81% responden menabung setiap bulan, hanya sebesar 27% responden memiliki kartu kredit,serta hanya sebesar 31% responden yang mengikuti kegiatan arisan. Sedangkan untuk perencanaan dan pemahaman mengenai prinsip investasi , sebanyak 61% responden sudah mempunyai rencana keuangan jangka panjang, sebanyak 83% responden mengetahui adanya risiko dalam berinvestasi. Dari hasil simulasi yang dilakukan, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Socially Responsible Investment Sebagai Motif Penerapan Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility

Socially responsible investment (SRI) usually known as sustainable or ethical or green investment... more Socially responsible investment (SRI) usually known as sustainable or ethical or green investment is a new type of investment movement in response to social expectations of investors. Social investors are people who want to improve conditions in society by investing their money in shares or mutual fund from companies that doing their practices in environmental, social and governance issues. Thus, SRI is investing that is mindful of the impact on environmental and society of that investment. It is often described to investors as allowing them "to doll by doing goods”. SRI that integrates environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions, encourage corporations doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a part of their strategic business. CSR is a commonly used term today.CSR is about a sustainable commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the community and society and doing en...