Vicente Rodríguez Montequín - (original) (raw)


Papers by Vicente Rodríguez Montequín

Research paper thumbnail of Auction-Based Job Scheduling for Smart Manufacturing

2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI)

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability and digitalisation: Using Means-End Chain Theory to determine the key elements of the digital maturity model for research and development organisations with the aspect of sustainability

Advances in Production Engineering & Management

Organisations are under pressure to digitally transform and become more sustainable. Thus, the co... more Organisations are under pressure to digitally transform and become more sustainable. Thus, the convergence of digitalisation and sustainability is inevitable. There are several Digital Maturity models that help companies to develop their digital roadmaps, however, none of them have been developed for Research and Development (R&D) organisations. Additionally, none of these models include the dimension of sustainability. In this paper the authors used the Means-End Chain method to determine which are the key dimensions of the digital maturity model tailored for R&D, as well as to investigate the link between digital transformation and sustainability. The results show that although technologies are important, they cannot successfully transform the organisation on their own. They must be supported by people and culture change. The results also highlighted that sustainability is high on the agenda and cannot be ignored when progressing towards the higher level of Digital Maturity. The f...

Research paper thumbnail of Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity

Industria 4.0 y la dirección e ingeniería de proyectos, 2019, ISBN 9788498287981, págs. 66-102, 2019

Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundati... more Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundation for a “data driven” organisations which, once digitally transformed, can benefit from all the attributes of Industry 4.0. Various studies however reveal that the speed of adoption of digitalisation is different for different industries. In the chapter we would like to discuss what is Digital Maturity, what purpose it serves and how it can help companies to increase levels of Digitalization, influence strategies and guide alongside Industry 4.0 roadmap. We would also like to highlight some key reasons why the level of Digital Maturity may be so different in different industries. We would like to use it as an opportunity to spark further discussion to contribute towards further advancement of both Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity, a relatively new concept which needs to continue its development. At the beginning of the chapter we will discuss what is organisational maturity, how it evolved into “Digital Maturity” and what purposes it serves. Later in the chapter we will discuss the relation between Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity – why being digital is so important. To close the chapter, we will describe on the high level the state of the art – available methodologies, their key concepts and where they can be applied.

Research paper thumbnail of Software project cost estimation using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications archive, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Key Factors for Project Crowdfunding Success: An Empirical Study

Sustainability, 2020

Crowdfunding is a response to the financing problem of innovative projects in an environment of s... more Crowdfunding is a response to the financing problem of innovative projects in an environment of severe economic crisis. Its competitive advantage lies in its independence from banking institutions and the distribution of risk among a certain number of funders. Since its inception, the number of successfully completed projects has grown to a point where it has started to suffer a downturn that puts its sustainability at risk. This study concerns this particular period of downturn, in order to identify attributes that characterize it, and to define behavioral stereotypes that may be associated with new projects. On a wide data set from sufficiently contrasted projects, and through the use data mining techniques, we extracted the most influential factors in determining the success or failure of the projects, that will subsequently be grouped together using clustering techniques. Six groups of projects have been identified, each with their own characteristics that define them, two of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for the Integration of Data-Based Models in Production Environments

Research paper thumbnail of Potential Structural Damage Characterization through Remote Sensing Data: A Nondestructive Experimental Case Study

Advances in Civil Engineering

Atmospheric corrosion, especially in coastal environments, is a major structural problem affectin... more Atmospheric corrosion, especially in coastal environments, is a major structural problem affecting metallic structures in various sectors. Structural health monitoring systems based on satellite information can help to ensure the proper behavior of civil structures and are an interesting alternative for remote locations. The aim of this case study is to relate remote sensing information to the results of experimental studies for potential structural damage characterization. The ultimate idea is to characterize any environment without long testing periods or sampling costs. Comparative nondestructive experimental tests involving different locations, sampling techniques, and study periods are performed. The results obtained are analyzed and compared with meteorological satellite data characterization at each site. The experimental test results show sufficient statistical significance ( p < 0.05), confirming that the areas potentially most susceptible to corrosion can be identified...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema de Matriculación Académica vía WWW

Research paper thumbnail of Development of project based learning techniques by the implementation of Information Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of Effort estimation in information systems projects using data mining techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Informatización en la entrada de datos al impuesto de donaciones y sucesiones en el Principado de Asturias

Research paper thumbnail of Competencia transversal de trabajo en equipo: Evaluación en las enseñanzas técnicas

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis De Las Metodologías Ágiles Aplicadas en Ingeniería Del Software en El Marco De Las Áreas De Conocimiento Del Pmbok

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis De Factores De Éxito y Causas De Fracaso en Proyectos: Detección De Patrones De Comportamiento Mediante Técnicas De Clustering

Research paper thumbnail of Conference Poster: The list of Digital Maturity Models as a result from initial Research

Research paper thumbnail of SOON: Social Network of Machines to Optimize Task Scheduling in Smart Manufacturing

2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2021

The aim of the Social Network of machines (SOON) project is to investigate the impact of using of... more The aim of the Social Network of machines (SOON) project is to investigate the impact of using of autonomous social agents to optimize manufacturing processes in the framework of Industry 4.0. In this article, we present the multi-agent SOON architecture and the built solutions aiming at optimizing the scheduling of tasks. Two different scheduling approaches are proposed. The first approach is based on an ‘auction’ paradigm where the task assignment is decided according to the capability of a machine agent to bid for a task. The second approach is built on a heterarchical agents network where agents learn the acquisition of cooperative tasks. Both solutions are capable of managing and synchronizing the communication between agents while performing their tasks. To describe each approach, two industrial use cases are illustrated: wire rod mill manufacturing and mechanical part manufacturing. Finally, in the heterarchical network, agents are trained with reinforcement learning to maximize the cumulative reward and optimize the manufacturing scheduling. Results show that reinforcement learning allows learning the optimal behavior in multiple scenarios.

Research paper thumbnail of Asynchronous Backtracking variant applied to a rolls replacement process within a wire rod mill

Procedia Computer Science, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Available online at Scorecard and KPIs for monitoring software factories

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Steel Plant Rescheduling Algorithm Based on Batch Decisions

Applied Sciences, 2021

During the steelmaking and continuous casting process in the steel plant, it is common to encount... more During the steelmaking and continuous casting process in the steel plant, it is common to encounter delays that affect initial planning. Furthermore, continuous casting machines themselves can lose much of their performance in the event of closure of one or more of their casting strands. The situation that is generated, far from being a planning problem, forces consideration of a vision of cost analysis when deciding changes in the planned sequences. This study presents a detailed analysis of the different circumstances that can cause strands closures or sequence breaks, their consequences and the different options available to minimize losses. Finally, an algorithm capable of analyzing the workshop situation and making the most favorable decision to optimize production is proposed, analyzed and compared with the efficiency of the original scheduling method in a real steel plant. The new algorithm proves its efficiency in all situations, with a time-saving average of 26.41 min per d...

Research paper thumbnail of Aprendizaje del manejo de un sistema de cuchillas de soplado de una línea de galvanizado mediante simulación y realidad virtual

Research paper thumbnail of Auction-Based Job Scheduling for Smart Manufacturing

2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI)

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability and digitalisation: Using Means-End Chain Theory to determine the key elements of the digital maturity model for research and development organisations with the aspect of sustainability

Advances in Production Engineering & Management

Organisations are under pressure to digitally transform and become more sustainable. Thus, the co... more Organisations are under pressure to digitally transform and become more sustainable. Thus, the convergence of digitalisation and sustainability is inevitable. There are several Digital Maturity models that help companies to develop their digital roadmaps, however, none of them have been developed for Research and Development (R&D) organisations. Additionally, none of these models include the dimension of sustainability. In this paper the authors used the Means-End Chain method to determine which are the key dimensions of the digital maturity model tailored for R&D, as well as to investigate the link between digital transformation and sustainability. The results show that although technologies are important, they cannot successfully transform the organisation on their own. They must be supported by people and culture change. The results also highlighted that sustainability is high on the agenda and cannot be ignored when progressing towards the higher level of Digital Maturity. The f...

Research paper thumbnail of Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity

Industria 4.0 y la dirección e ingeniería de proyectos, 2019, ISBN 9788498287981, págs. 66-102, 2019

Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundati... more Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundation for a “data driven” organisations which, once digitally transformed, can benefit from all the attributes of Industry 4.0. Various studies however reveal that the speed of adoption of digitalisation is different for different industries. In the chapter we would like to discuss what is Digital Maturity, what purpose it serves and how it can help companies to increase levels of Digitalization, influence strategies and guide alongside Industry 4.0 roadmap. We would also like to highlight some key reasons why the level of Digital Maturity may be so different in different industries. We would like to use it as an opportunity to spark further discussion to contribute towards further advancement of both Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity, a relatively new concept which needs to continue its development. At the beginning of the chapter we will discuss what is organisational maturity, how it evolved into “Digital Maturity” and what purposes it serves. Later in the chapter we will discuss the relation between Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity – why being digital is so important. To close the chapter, we will describe on the high level the state of the art – available methodologies, their key concepts and where they can be applied.

Research paper thumbnail of Software project cost estimation using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications archive, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Key Factors for Project Crowdfunding Success: An Empirical Study

Sustainability, 2020

Crowdfunding is a response to the financing problem of innovative projects in an environment of s... more Crowdfunding is a response to the financing problem of innovative projects in an environment of severe economic crisis. Its competitive advantage lies in its independence from banking institutions and the distribution of risk among a certain number of funders. Since its inception, the number of successfully completed projects has grown to a point where it has started to suffer a downturn that puts its sustainability at risk. This study concerns this particular period of downturn, in order to identify attributes that characterize it, and to define behavioral stereotypes that may be associated with new projects. On a wide data set from sufficiently contrasted projects, and through the use data mining techniques, we extracted the most influential factors in determining the success or failure of the projects, that will subsequently be grouped together using clustering techniques. Six groups of projects have been identified, each with their own characteristics that define them, two of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for the Integration of Data-Based Models in Production Environments

Research paper thumbnail of Potential Structural Damage Characterization through Remote Sensing Data: A Nondestructive Experimental Case Study

Advances in Civil Engineering

Atmospheric corrosion, especially in coastal environments, is a major structural problem affectin... more Atmospheric corrosion, especially in coastal environments, is a major structural problem affecting metallic structures in various sectors. Structural health monitoring systems based on satellite information can help to ensure the proper behavior of civil structures and are an interesting alternative for remote locations. The aim of this case study is to relate remote sensing information to the results of experimental studies for potential structural damage characterization. The ultimate idea is to characterize any environment without long testing periods or sampling costs. Comparative nondestructive experimental tests involving different locations, sampling techniques, and study periods are performed. The results obtained are analyzed and compared with meteorological satellite data characterization at each site. The experimental test results show sufficient statistical significance ( p < 0.05), confirming that the areas potentially most susceptible to corrosion can be identified...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema de Matriculación Académica vía WWW

Research paper thumbnail of Development of project based learning techniques by the implementation of Information Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of Effort estimation in information systems projects using data mining techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Informatización en la entrada de datos al impuesto de donaciones y sucesiones en el Principado de Asturias

Research paper thumbnail of Competencia transversal de trabajo en equipo: Evaluación en las enseñanzas técnicas

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis De Las Metodologías Ágiles Aplicadas en Ingeniería Del Software en El Marco De Las Áreas De Conocimiento Del Pmbok

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis De Factores De Éxito y Causas De Fracaso en Proyectos: Detección De Patrones De Comportamiento Mediante Técnicas De Clustering

Research paper thumbnail of Conference Poster: The list of Digital Maturity Models as a result from initial Research

Research paper thumbnail of SOON: Social Network of Machines to Optimize Task Scheduling in Smart Manufacturing

2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2021

The aim of the Social Network of machines (SOON) project is to investigate the impact of using of... more The aim of the Social Network of machines (SOON) project is to investigate the impact of using of autonomous social agents to optimize manufacturing processes in the framework of Industry 4.0. In this article, we present the multi-agent SOON architecture and the built solutions aiming at optimizing the scheduling of tasks. Two different scheduling approaches are proposed. The first approach is based on an ‘auction’ paradigm where the task assignment is decided according to the capability of a machine agent to bid for a task. The second approach is built on a heterarchical agents network where agents learn the acquisition of cooperative tasks. Both solutions are capable of managing and synchronizing the communication between agents while performing their tasks. To describe each approach, two industrial use cases are illustrated: wire rod mill manufacturing and mechanical part manufacturing. Finally, in the heterarchical network, agents are trained with reinforcement learning to maximize the cumulative reward and optimize the manufacturing scheduling. Results show that reinforcement learning allows learning the optimal behavior in multiple scenarios.

Research paper thumbnail of Asynchronous Backtracking variant applied to a rolls replacement process within a wire rod mill

Procedia Computer Science, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Available online at Scorecard and KPIs for monitoring software factories

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Steel Plant Rescheduling Algorithm Based on Batch Decisions

Applied Sciences, 2021

During the steelmaking and continuous casting process in the steel plant, it is common to encount... more During the steelmaking and continuous casting process in the steel plant, it is common to encounter delays that affect initial planning. Furthermore, continuous casting machines themselves can lose much of their performance in the event of closure of one or more of their casting strands. The situation that is generated, far from being a planning problem, forces consideration of a vision of cost analysis when deciding changes in the planned sequences. This study presents a detailed analysis of the different circumstances that can cause strands closures or sequence breaks, their consequences and the different options available to minimize losses. Finally, an algorithm capable of analyzing the workshop situation and making the most favorable decision to optimize production is proposed, analyzed and compared with the efficiency of the original scheduling method in a real steel plant. The new algorithm proves its efficiency in all situations, with a time-saving average of 26.41 min per d...

Research paper thumbnail of Aprendizaje del manejo de un sistema de cuchillas de soplado de una línea de galvanizado mediante simulación y realidad virtual

Research paper thumbnail of Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity

Industry 4.0 and Project Management and Engineering, 2020

Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundati... more Industry 4.0 and Digitalization are closely related. We believe that Digitalization lays foundation for a “data driven” organisations which, once digitally transformed, can benefit from all the attributes of Industry 4.0. Various studies however reveal that the speed of adoption of digitalisation is different for different industries. In the chapter we would like to discuss what is Digital Maturity, what purpose it serves and how it can help companies to increase levels of Digitalization, influence strategies and guide alongside Industry 4.0 roadmap. We would also like to highlight some key reasons why the level of Digital Maturity may be so different in different industries. We would like to use it as an opportunity to spark further discussion to contribute towards further advancement of both Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity, a relatively new concept which needs to continue its development. At the beginning of the chapter we will discuss what is organisational maturity, how it evolved into “Digital Maturity” and what purposes it serves. Later in the chapter we will discuss the relation between Industry 4.0 and Digital Maturity – why being digital is so important. To close the chapter, we will describe on the high level the state of the art – available methodologies, their key concepts and where they can be applied.