Vinita Susanti - (original) (raw)

Papers by Vinita Susanti

Research paper thumbnail of The Relevance of Convict Punishment in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison, Bandung

Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science

The phenomenon in society when talking about the theme of prisons in Indonesia is focused on over... more The phenomenon in society when talking about the theme of prisons in Indonesia is focused on overcrowding imprisonment in Indonesia and is quite concerning when looking at prisoners who are not taken care of in prisons. However, this discussion does not apply to the situation of Class I Prison, Sukamiskin, Bandung which has complete facilities provided in the prison and the condition of prisoners who can be said to be prosperous. Therefore, the author will discuss the relevance of the punishment received by prisoners in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison comparable or not to all the complete circumstances and facilities in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison by seeing that the punishment can have a deterrent effect on the perpetrators, preventing the crime from happening again.

Research paper thumbnail of Lesbian convict in women’s prison: a description of rational choice


Same sex behavior does not only occur in society, this behavior also occurs in prisons, include a... more Same sex behavior does not only occur in society, this behavior also occurs in prisons, include all women's prisons in Indonesia. Conditions in prison for a long time made them interact very often and it was exacerbated by the number of inmates exceeding the occupancy capacity. Previous research, mentioning this theme is still very rarely raised considering that lesbian behavior is considered a taboo behavior to be discussed. Focus this research how the process and dynamics of lesbians in Women's prison. With qualitative methods, and Rational Choice Theory. Data collection techniques through triangulation namely interviews with 8 informants, field observations, and literature studies. This research was conducted in two women's prisons with overcapacity conditions. The results of the study show that the process in prisons is influenced by culture in prisons which greatly influences the occurrence of lesbian behavior. For convicts who before they entered prison were hetero...

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Protection for Whistleblowers in the Perspective of the Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022), 2022

The current development of the justice system in Indonesia is not only oriented towards perpetrat... more The current development of the justice system in Indonesia is not only oriented towards perpetrators, but also oriented towards the interests of Witnesses and Victims. The existence of Witnesses and Victims is very decisive in disclosing the existence of a crime in the court process. A whistleblower is a person who can provide information related to a crime even though he has not heard it himself, he has not seen it himself, and he has not experienced it himself, as long as that person's information relates to the existence of a crime, so that they need to be given protection. The purpose of this research is as a legal effort that the whistleblowers, both from within and from outside the institution, receive legal attention and protection. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with a normative juridical approach. In order to obtain valid data, interviews and FGDs were conducted with representatives of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), the Financial Transaction Analysis Reporting Center (PPATK), and academics. The result is that the Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims for whistleblowers is very important, considering that as a party that can be referred to as the entrance to the opening of a violation/crime, especially in the financial sector, because this field is very vulnerable and risky in disclosing cases. Therefore, the legality for whistleblowers will be obtained more clearly, definitely and legally comprehensively, in order to create a better law enforcement in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Media, Representasi, dan Persepsi terhadap Identitas Seksual


Komodifikasi seksualitas dalam bentuk representasi dapat ditemukan dalam serial TV Thailand berge... more Komodifikasi seksualitas dalam bentuk representasi dapat ditemukan dalam serial TV Thailand bergenre Boys Love. Cerita yang mengusung tema hubungan homoromantic ini berlindung dalam konsep representasi. Sayangnya yang banyak terjadi adalah representasi identitas seksual ini terlalu heteronormatif. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan observasi, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat bagaimana persepsi penggemar terhadap identitas seksual dan keberadaan pasangan on-screen. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa terdapat obsesi terhadap pasangan On-Screen. Menggunakan teori kultivasi dan konsep Celebrity Worship,melihat dan menerima keberadaan pasangan on-screen sebagaimana yang ditampilkan oleh media. Penggemar ini juga hingga pada tahap melakukan perundungan kepada kekasih asli idola. Pada akhirnya, representasi yang seharusnya membawakan cara pandang baru kepada kelompok minoritas justru menjadi ajang komodifikasi identitas homoseksual dan obsesi penggemar.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevent Domestic Violence: Reconstruction Wife Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expressions

Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies

The wife is one of the potential victims of domestic violence. In patriarchal culture and social ... more The wife is one of the potential victims of domestic violence. In patriarchal culture and social construction norms, the wife must obey all of their husband's requests. Hence, they became vulnerable and got physical, sexual, economic, and many forms of domestic violence. Based on radical feminist theory, human rights concepts, and interpersonal communication theory, this article builds the idea to prevent domestic violence for wives by reconstructing their rights to freedom of opinion and expression. This research-based is on a literature review from scientific articles, books, and reports. After it, analyze with standpoint feminism. The result is that two points. First, in cultural and logical patriarchal, wives need interpersonal communication training to get equality when talking with their husbands. Second, reconstruction about wives' awareness about freedom to opinion and expressions is necessary, so they do not fear to say no to their husbands and love themselves first...

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimisasi Konsumen Jamu Berbahan Kimia Obat Merek Tawon Liar

Jamu sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia telah tercoreng oleh jamu berbahan kimia obat. Pencampuran ... more Jamu sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia telah tercoreng oleh jamu berbahan kimia obat. Pencampuran jamu dengan bahan kimia obat sekilas nampak sebagai kejahatan yang ‘biasa-biasa’ saja. Namun secara ilmiah diketahui bahwa kimia obat sangat membahayakan jika dikonsumsi tanpa dosis dan aturan yang tepat. Beberapa literatur menunjukkan bahan kimia obat dalam jamu menyebabkan gangguan jantung, gagal ginjal, perforasi lambung, osteoporosis hingga menimbulkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana proses viktimisasi yang terjadi pada konsumen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Data diambil secara kualitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling kepada pengguna jamu berbahan kimia obat merek Tawon Liar. Jamu berbahan kimia obat merek Tawon Liar dipilih karena banyak ditemukan di kios-kios jamu di peredaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses viktimisasi berawal ketika korban memiliki kebutuhan untuk menyembuhka...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Internet Trolling, sebuah Bentuk Kejahatan Siber

Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)

This article offers a discussion of a form of cybercrime, namely internet trolling, which, althou... more This article offers a discussion of a form of cybercrime, namely internet trolling, which, although, isn’t as frequently discoursed as the other online deviant behaviors, but it has started to become quite a phenomenon of its own lately, and has the potential to disrupt and damage public order and social order prevailing in the society. This article aims to provide an explanation and offer a brief analysis of the behavior of internet trolling; how it differs from several other online antisocial behaviors (ASOB); analysis of psychological and social causal factors and briefly discusses the characteristics of the perpetrators, criminological aspects and legal aspects related to the behavior, referring to the articles in the Criminal Code (KUHP) and the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law); also, points on how to handle this issue, in terms of what should be done if you become a victim of internet trolling and prevention steps as closing. This article was prepared b...

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan Kejahatan Secara Terintegrasi Antar Lembaga Pemerintahan Dalam Konteks Penyelundupan Narkotika Melalui Jalur Laut

Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencegahan kejahatan secara terintegras... more Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencegahan kejahatan secara terintegrasi antar lembaga pemerintahan dalam konteks penyelundupan narkotika melalui jalur laut dapat dilakukan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kualitatif dan melaporkan temuan data tersebut dalam pemaparan yang bersifat deskripstif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Lembaga penegak hukum bidang narkotika yaitu Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) sebagai focal point tindak pidana narkotika dan lembaga berwenang di laut yaitu Bakamla, Bea Cukai, KPLP dan PSDKP. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah legalitas Kerjasama yang terjalin antar Lembaga dalam penanganan tindak pidana narkotika dilaut serta asset-aset seperti Aset Sumberdaya Manusia (SDM), aset armada dan aset teknologi dalam pendukung strategi pencegahan kejahatan.Dalam menghadapi ancaman tersebut, diperlukan langkah rasional dengan melaksanakan Criminal Policy dan menerapkan cara Criminal Law Application (Tindakan Hukum), Prevention ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kebijakan Pemberantasan Narkotika Di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Kriminologi

Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotics and illegal drugs at this time can be said to be anext... more Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotics and illegal drugs at this time can be said to be anextraordinary crime and get a strong spotlight in various circles, both in society, government and eveninternationally. This is because the negative impact that can be caused by the abuse of Narcotics is verylarge and detrimental in terms of health, economy, social, culture and even aspects of national security.Policies are directly or indirectly influenced from international and national aspects in the prevention anderadication of drugs, there are still some weaknesses in government policies in the overall criminal justicesystem, especially the correctional system in the field of eradication in dealing with narcotics abuse andillicit trafficking. This research is a type of literature study research by looking for data and informationreferences and theories that are relevant to the cases or problems found. The conclusion of this study is amodel of a centralized penitentiary specifically for...

Research paper thumbnail of Kerentanan anonimitas dalam E-Fraud Pada E-Commerce: studi kasus terhadap situs forum jual beli Kaskus dan intervensi menggunakan prinsip-prinsip situational crime prevention = Vulnerability of anonymity on E-commerce Fraud: case study of Kaskus marketplace and intervention using principles of si...

Research paper thumbnail of Representasi Perilaku Bullying dalam Tayangan Serial 13 Reasons Why

Jurnal Kriminologi Indonesia, Jun 19, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis determinan anak melakukan perampasan dan pembunuhan: studi kasus (IBR) pelajar SMK merampas dan membunuh sopir taksi online = Determinant analysis of children carry out seizures and killings: case studies (IBR) Vocational Hih School Students rob and kill online taxi drivers

Research paper thumbnail of Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap keberlangsungan perdagangan cinderamata penyu sisik secara online (Instagram) = Public awareness of the continuance of hawksbill turtle souvenirs online trade (Instagram)

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Penghukuman Terhadap Perempuan Pelaku "Pembunuhan" Dalam Kasus Kejahatan Seksual (Studi Terhadap Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga)

Simposium dan Pelatihan Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi ke -IV, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Radikalisasi Anak oleh Orangtua yang Terlibat menjadi Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) di Indonesia = Radicalization of Children by Parents Who Are Involved as Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) in Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Pidana dan Acara Pidana

Universitas Terbuka, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Alih fungsi hutan lindung di Kecamatan Jonggol Sukamakmur dan Citeureum Kabupaten Bogor sebagai bentuk kejahatan lingkungan (studi kasus PT. BJA) = Functional shift of protected forest at Jonggol Sukamakmur Citeureum Bogor District as environmental crime (case study PT. BJA) / Andri Amri

Research paper thumbnail of Diskusi Keadilan Restoratif dalam Konteks Kekerasan Seksual di Kampus

Deviance Jurnal kriminologi, Jun 1, 2020

Sejumlah penelitian mengungkap bahwa korban kekerasan seksual di kampus seringkali mengalami vikt... more Sejumlah penelitian mengungkap bahwa korban kekerasan seksual di kampus seringkali mengalami viktimisasi tambahan (ganda) dalam sistem peradilan pidana. Hal tersebut diakibatkan antara lain karena adanya sikap, reaksi, perilaku dan praktik yang menyalahkan korban oleh penyedia layanan sehingga terjadi pelanggaran lebih lanjut terhadap hak-hak korban dan/atau trauma tambahan. Oleh karenanya, di beberapa negara, penerapan keadilan restoratif sebagai alternatif lain dari proses peradilan pidana untuk penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus pun mulai dipertimbangkan. Artikel ini mendiskusikan implementasi keadilan restoratif dalam penyelesaian kasus kekerasan seksual di beberapa negara dan bagaimana penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus di Indonesia. Dengan mengajukan sejumlah argumen yang berkaitan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa ada potensi untuk menerapkan keadilan restoratif dalam konteks penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus di Indonesia. Kata kunci: kekerasan seksual di kampus, keadilan restoratif, perguruan tinggi, peradilan pidana, kriminologi

Research paper thumbnail of Combating Human Trafficking in the Source Country: Institutional, Socio-cultural, and Process Analysis of Trafficking in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science, Policy and Governance Studies (ICAS-PGS 2017) and the International Conference on Business Administration and Policy (ICBAP 2017), 2017

This research discusses human trafficking in Indonesia, where most of the victims were trafficked... more This research discusses human trafficking in Indonesia, where most of the victims were trafficked to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. It analyzes human trafficking in three dimensions at the national level, i.e. (1) institutional, (2) social and cultural, and (3) process dimensions. It argues that despite the size of the persistent demands for trafficking in the host countries, the threedimensional factors are crucial to cope with, in order to eradicate trafficking. Eliminating or regulating trafficking and prostitution in the host countries has so far been slow in progress. International and regional cooperation in East and Southeast Asia has been lacking vigor in its institutionalization and enforcement. Anti-trafficking policies and actions at the national level have the advantages of sovereign authority of its government, if compared to regional institution or international convention, and freedom enjoyed by civil society and local communities. However, the complexities of human trafficking as an organized transnational crime requires holistic approach to combat and study, including careful analysis on the three dimensions of the crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Eco-Global Criminology terhadap perburuan dan perdagangan harimau Sumatera = Eco-Global Criminology analysis of Sumatran tiger poaching and trade

Research paper thumbnail of The Relevance of Convict Punishment in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison, Bandung

Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science

The phenomenon in society when talking about the theme of prisons in Indonesia is focused on over... more The phenomenon in society when talking about the theme of prisons in Indonesia is focused on overcrowding imprisonment in Indonesia and is quite concerning when looking at prisoners who are not taken care of in prisons. However, this discussion does not apply to the situation of Class I Prison, Sukamiskin, Bandung which has complete facilities provided in the prison and the condition of prisoners who can be said to be prosperous. Therefore, the author will discuss the relevance of the punishment received by prisoners in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison comparable or not to all the complete circumstances and facilities in Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison by seeing that the punishment can have a deterrent effect on the perpetrators, preventing the crime from happening again.

Research paper thumbnail of Lesbian convict in women’s prison: a description of rational choice


Same sex behavior does not only occur in society, this behavior also occurs in prisons, include a... more Same sex behavior does not only occur in society, this behavior also occurs in prisons, include all women's prisons in Indonesia. Conditions in prison for a long time made them interact very often and it was exacerbated by the number of inmates exceeding the occupancy capacity. Previous research, mentioning this theme is still very rarely raised considering that lesbian behavior is considered a taboo behavior to be discussed. Focus this research how the process and dynamics of lesbians in Women's prison. With qualitative methods, and Rational Choice Theory. Data collection techniques through triangulation namely interviews with 8 informants, field observations, and literature studies. This research was conducted in two women's prisons with overcapacity conditions. The results of the study show that the process in prisons is influenced by culture in prisons which greatly influences the occurrence of lesbian behavior. For convicts who before they entered prison were hetero...

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Protection for Whistleblowers in the Perspective of the Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022), 2022

The current development of the justice system in Indonesia is not only oriented towards perpetrat... more The current development of the justice system in Indonesia is not only oriented towards perpetrators, but also oriented towards the interests of Witnesses and Victims. The existence of Witnesses and Victims is very decisive in disclosing the existence of a crime in the court process. A whistleblower is a person who can provide information related to a crime even though he has not heard it himself, he has not seen it himself, and he has not experienced it himself, as long as that person's information relates to the existence of a crime, so that they need to be given protection. The purpose of this research is as a legal effort that the whistleblowers, both from within and from outside the institution, receive legal attention and protection. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with a normative juridical approach. In order to obtain valid data, interviews and FGDs were conducted with representatives of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), the Financial Transaction Analysis Reporting Center (PPATK), and academics. The result is that the Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims for whistleblowers is very important, considering that as a party that can be referred to as the entrance to the opening of a violation/crime, especially in the financial sector, because this field is very vulnerable and risky in disclosing cases. Therefore, the legality for whistleblowers will be obtained more clearly, definitely and legally comprehensively, in order to create a better law enforcement in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Media, Representasi, dan Persepsi terhadap Identitas Seksual


Komodifikasi seksualitas dalam bentuk representasi dapat ditemukan dalam serial TV Thailand berge... more Komodifikasi seksualitas dalam bentuk representasi dapat ditemukan dalam serial TV Thailand bergenre Boys Love. Cerita yang mengusung tema hubungan homoromantic ini berlindung dalam konsep representasi. Sayangnya yang banyak terjadi adalah representasi identitas seksual ini terlalu heteronormatif. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan observasi, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat bagaimana persepsi penggemar terhadap identitas seksual dan keberadaan pasangan on-screen. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa terdapat obsesi terhadap pasangan On-Screen. Menggunakan teori kultivasi dan konsep Celebrity Worship,melihat dan menerima keberadaan pasangan on-screen sebagaimana yang ditampilkan oleh media. Penggemar ini juga hingga pada tahap melakukan perundungan kepada kekasih asli idola. Pada akhirnya, representasi yang seharusnya membawakan cara pandang baru kepada kelompok minoritas justru menjadi ajang komodifikasi identitas homoseksual dan obsesi penggemar.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevent Domestic Violence: Reconstruction Wife Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expressions

Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies

The wife is one of the potential victims of domestic violence. In patriarchal culture and social ... more The wife is one of the potential victims of domestic violence. In patriarchal culture and social construction norms, the wife must obey all of their husband's requests. Hence, they became vulnerable and got physical, sexual, economic, and many forms of domestic violence. Based on radical feminist theory, human rights concepts, and interpersonal communication theory, this article builds the idea to prevent domestic violence for wives by reconstructing their rights to freedom of opinion and expression. This research-based is on a literature review from scientific articles, books, and reports. After it, analyze with standpoint feminism. The result is that two points. First, in cultural and logical patriarchal, wives need interpersonal communication training to get equality when talking with their husbands. Second, reconstruction about wives' awareness about freedom to opinion and expressions is necessary, so they do not fear to say no to their husbands and love themselves first...

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimisasi Konsumen Jamu Berbahan Kimia Obat Merek Tawon Liar

Jamu sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia telah tercoreng oleh jamu berbahan kimia obat. Pencampuran ... more Jamu sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia telah tercoreng oleh jamu berbahan kimia obat. Pencampuran jamu dengan bahan kimia obat sekilas nampak sebagai kejahatan yang ‘biasa-biasa’ saja. Namun secara ilmiah diketahui bahwa kimia obat sangat membahayakan jika dikonsumsi tanpa dosis dan aturan yang tepat. Beberapa literatur menunjukkan bahan kimia obat dalam jamu menyebabkan gangguan jantung, gagal ginjal, perforasi lambung, osteoporosis hingga menimbulkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana proses viktimisasi yang terjadi pada konsumen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Data diambil secara kualitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling kepada pengguna jamu berbahan kimia obat merek Tawon Liar. Jamu berbahan kimia obat merek Tawon Liar dipilih karena banyak ditemukan di kios-kios jamu di peredaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses viktimisasi berawal ketika korban memiliki kebutuhan untuk menyembuhka...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Internet Trolling, sebuah Bentuk Kejahatan Siber

Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)

This article offers a discussion of a form of cybercrime, namely internet trolling, which, althou... more This article offers a discussion of a form of cybercrime, namely internet trolling, which, although, isn’t as frequently discoursed as the other online deviant behaviors, but it has started to become quite a phenomenon of its own lately, and has the potential to disrupt and damage public order and social order prevailing in the society. This article aims to provide an explanation and offer a brief analysis of the behavior of internet trolling; how it differs from several other online antisocial behaviors (ASOB); analysis of psychological and social causal factors and briefly discusses the characteristics of the perpetrators, criminological aspects and legal aspects related to the behavior, referring to the articles in the Criminal Code (KUHP) and the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law); also, points on how to handle this issue, in terms of what should be done if you become a victim of internet trolling and prevention steps as closing. This article was prepared b...

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan Kejahatan Secara Terintegrasi Antar Lembaga Pemerintahan Dalam Konteks Penyelundupan Narkotika Melalui Jalur Laut

Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencegahan kejahatan secara terintegras... more Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencegahan kejahatan secara terintegrasi antar lembaga pemerintahan dalam konteks penyelundupan narkotika melalui jalur laut dapat dilakukan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kualitatif dan melaporkan temuan data tersebut dalam pemaparan yang bersifat deskripstif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Lembaga penegak hukum bidang narkotika yaitu Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) sebagai focal point tindak pidana narkotika dan lembaga berwenang di laut yaitu Bakamla, Bea Cukai, KPLP dan PSDKP. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah legalitas Kerjasama yang terjalin antar Lembaga dalam penanganan tindak pidana narkotika dilaut serta asset-aset seperti Aset Sumberdaya Manusia (SDM), aset armada dan aset teknologi dalam pendukung strategi pencegahan kejahatan.Dalam menghadapi ancaman tersebut, diperlukan langkah rasional dengan melaksanakan Criminal Policy dan menerapkan cara Criminal Law Application (Tindakan Hukum), Prevention ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kebijakan Pemberantasan Narkotika Di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Kriminologi

Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotics and illegal drugs at this time can be said to be anext... more Illicit Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotics and illegal drugs at this time can be said to be anextraordinary crime and get a strong spotlight in various circles, both in society, government and eveninternationally. This is because the negative impact that can be caused by the abuse of Narcotics is verylarge and detrimental in terms of health, economy, social, culture and even aspects of national security.Policies are directly or indirectly influenced from international and national aspects in the prevention anderadication of drugs, there are still some weaknesses in government policies in the overall criminal justicesystem, especially the correctional system in the field of eradication in dealing with narcotics abuse andillicit trafficking. This research is a type of literature study research by looking for data and informationreferences and theories that are relevant to the cases or problems found. The conclusion of this study is amodel of a centralized penitentiary specifically for...

Research paper thumbnail of Kerentanan anonimitas dalam E-Fraud Pada E-Commerce: studi kasus terhadap situs forum jual beli Kaskus dan intervensi menggunakan prinsip-prinsip situational crime prevention = Vulnerability of anonymity on E-commerce Fraud: case study of Kaskus marketplace and intervention using principles of si...

Research paper thumbnail of Representasi Perilaku Bullying dalam Tayangan Serial 13 Reasons Why

Jurnal Kriminologi Indonesia, Jun 19, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis determinan anak melakukan perampasan dan pembunuhan: studi kasus (IBR) pelajar SMK merampas dan membunuh sopir taksi online = Determinant analysis of children carry out seizures and killings: case studies (IBR) Vocational Hih School Students rob and kill online taxi drivers

Research paper thumbnail of Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap keberlangsungan perdagangan cinderamata penyu sisik secara online (Instagram) = Public awareness of the continuance of hawksbill turtle souvenirs online trade (Instagram)

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Penghukuman Terhadap Perempuan Pelaku "Pembunuhan" Dalam Kasus Kejahatan Seksual (Studi Terhadap Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga)

Simposium dan Pelatihan Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi ke -IV, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Radikalisasi Anak oleh Orangtua yang Terlibat menjadi Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) di Indonesia = Radicalization of Children by Parents Who Are Involved as Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) in Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Pidana dan Acara Pidana

Universitas Terbuka, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Alih fungsi hutan lindung di Kecamatan Jonggol Sukamakmur dan Citeureum Kabupaten Bogor sebagai bentuk kejahatan lingkungan (studi kasus PT. BJA) = Functional shift of protected forest at Jonggol Sukamakmur Citeureum Bogor District as environmental crime (case study PT. BJA) / Andri Amri

Research paper thumbnail of Diskusi Keadilan Restoratif dalam Konteks Kekerasan Seksual di Kampus

Deviance Jurnal kriminologi, Jun 1, 2020

Sejumlah penelitian mengungkap bahwa korban kekerasan seksual di kampus seringkali mengalami vikt... more Sejumlah penelitian mengungkap bahwa korban kekerasan seksual di kampus seringkali mengalami viktimisasi tambahan (ganda) dalam sistem peradilan pidana. Hal tersebut diakibatkan antara lain karena adanya sikap, reaksi, perilaku dan praktik yang menyalahkan korban oleh penyedia layanan sehingga terjadi pelanggaran lebih lanjut terhadap hak-hak korban dan/atau trauma tambahan. Oleh karenanya, di beberapa negara, penerapan keadilan restoratif sebagai alternatif lain dari proses peradilan pidana untuk penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus pun mulai dipertimbangkan. Artikel ini mendiskusikan implementasi keadilan restoratif dalam penyelesaian kasus kekerasan seksual di beberapa negara dan bagaimana penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus di Indonesia. Dengan mengajukan sejumlah argumen yang berkaitan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa ada potensi untuk menerapkan keadilan restoratif dalam konteks penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di kampus di Indonesia. Kata kunci: kekerasan seksual di kampus, keadilan restoratif, perguruan tinggi, peradilan pidana, kriminologi

Research paper thumbnail of Combating Human Trafficking in the Source Country: Institutional, Socio-cultural, and Process Analysis of Trafficking in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science, Policy and Governance Studies (ICAS-PGS 2017) and the International Conference on Business Administration and Policy (ICBAP 2017), 2017

This research discusses human trafficking in Indonesia, where most of the victims were trafficked... more This research discusses human trafficking in Indonesia, where most of the victims were trafficked to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. It analyzes human trafficking in three dimensions at the national level, i.e. (1) institutional, (2) social and cultural, and (3) process dimensions. It argues that despite the size of the persistent demands for trafficking in the host countries, the threedimensional factors are crucial to cope with, in order to eradicate trafficking. Eliminating or regulating trafficking and prostitution in the host countries has so far been slow in progress. International and regional cooperation in East and Southeast Asia has been lacking vigor in its institutionalization and enforcement. Anti-trafficking policies and actions at the national level have the advantages of sovereign authority of its government, if compared to regional institution or international convention, and freedom enjoyed by civil society and local communities. However, the complexities of human trafficking as an organized transnational crime requires holistic approach to combat and study, including careful analysis on the three dimensions of the crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Eco-Global Criminology terhadap perburuan dan perdagangan harimau Sumatera = Eco-Global Criminology analysis of Sumatran tiger poaching and trade