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Books by Vladimir Shirogorov

Research paper thumbnail of Украинизм «яблока раздора» -стратегия войны и роста. Устройство стратегического театра

The Practice of Strategy. A Global History, edited by Jeremy Black., 2024

Выходя на международную сцену, «скрытые нации» заявляют свои социальное устройство, политический ... more Выходя на международную сцену, «скрытые нации» заявляют свои социальное устройство, политический режим, идеологическую суть, и военные структуры подобно устоявшимся нациям. Этот момент является не результатом спонтанной игры исторических шансов, а продуктом стратегии. Ее основанием являются социально-военные группы, стремящиеся к собственной государственности. Возникновение Украины является целостным примером соедине-ния стратегических компонентов в государственность. Однако, со-бранное однажды, может быть разобрано вновь. Именно в этом заключались стратегии ее противников. Возникновение Украины является показательной стратегической моделью, и в тоже время, явлением, где история соединяет настоящее с буду-щим.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. Ukrainism of Mālum Discordiæ, Strategy of War and Growth, Setting up the strategic scene

Vladimir Shirogorov. "Ukrainism of Mālum Discordiæ: Strategy of War and Growth, Setting up the Strategic Scene," in Jeremy Black (ed.), The Practice of Strategy. A Global History. Roma: Società Italiana di Storia Militare; Nadir Media, 2024 , 2024

The rise of a latent nation is an upsurge that yields at once a social constitution, political re... more The rise of a latent nation is an upsurge that yields at once a social constitution, political regime, ideological pivot, and military structures of a prepared nation as if from nowhere. This moment of emergence is thus not spontaneous, a resulting vector of multidirectional chances, but is the result of a strategy. It has its foundation in the social-military groups eager for nationhood, and its center of gravity, external and internal axes, political and territorial objectives. Its military agenda is critical because the rise of a latent nation is invariably born of civil war. The strategy of a latent nation’s consolidation and coming on to the scene sums up all of these components. The emergence of Ukraine is an entire example of this strategy, with its assembling of strategic components into nationhood. However, what was once assembled might also be dismantled. Rival strategies opposed the consolidation of Ukraine in this way. The emergence of Ukraine is thus a classic of strategic learning and an edge where historical studies weld present and future.

Research paper thumbnail of A True Beast of Land and Water: The Gunpowder Mutation of Amphibious Warfare

De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 21, 2022

The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has beco... more The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has become a cliché in historical studies. Despite its spectacular historiographical “landslide,” the concept is counter-charged and debated relentlessly. Comparatively recently historians who had focused on the military revolutions in land warfare and naval expansion have recognized the significance of the amphibious dimension. Amphibious warfare, relatively unexplored historiographically in relation to the military revolution (and often dismissed as merely the practice of special operations involving land and sea), is advancing now as the third spearhead of military revolution studies. Transformations in amphibious warfare occurred roughly simultaneously with those developments that have been associated with the “gunpowder revolution” in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. Quo Vadis. The Military Revolution in Eastern Europe

Global Military Transformations: Change and Continuity, 1450-1800 Edited by Jeremy Black, 2023

The concept of the military revolution is a go-to research paradigm for studies on the Early Mode... more The concept of the military revolution is a go-to research paradigm for studies on the Early Modern Period. However, it lacks an accepted definition or established theoretical framework. These omissions allow scholars to choose from a wide range of interpretations, from presenting the military revolution as a reportage from battlefields, or a sociological “ideal type” to complete negation. The current essay is committed to disentangle the web of the military revolution’s history and historiography. It tracks warfare determinants during the Early Modern transformation of East-European nations and compares the socio-political impact of their respective military changes. The essay also proposes a periodization of the military revolution’s epoch in conjunction to the concept of the fiscal-military state.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. An abstract of Beria. Class Surge. 1899–1939. A personality, special operations, socialism.

Vladimir Shirogorov. Beria. Class Surge. 1899–1939. A personality, special operations, socialism. , 2022

Beria is the crown-prince of the Soviet epoch for its admires and the devil for its foes. One's v... more Beria is the crown-prince of the Soviet epoch for its admires and the devil for its foes. One's view of Lavrentiy Beria is determined by one's perception of the USSR. Both scholars and dilettantes who turn to the case of Beria, - which is huge, deep and diverse in the now-a-day public opinion, - find a lot of intimate, private and individual in his person. Nevertheless, first of all, Beria is the political and social phenomenon, the essence of Soviet socialism. Beria, -smart, violent, self-minded as he was, - looks like the inborn captain of the social confrontation. He was one of a few Soviet executives who were capable to exploit the nuclear energy of the social confrontation in favour of the classes to which they committed themselves and for their power-ascendance. The current book is the first systematic biographical study on Beria in 1917 – 1939. A historian Vladimir Shirogorov analyses a variety of sources to track Beria’s political career from the position of a rank-and-file operative in the Bolshevik Baku underground in 1917 – 1920 to his ascendance on the power top of the Stalinist epoch in the closing of the Grand Terror in 1938 – 1939. The author’s conclusions and observations reveal new insight into history of the USSR.

Research paper thumbnail of Владимир Широгоров. Берия. Заговорят Классы. Ознакомительный фрагмент

Берия: Заговорят классы. 1899-1939. Личность, спецоперации, социализм., 2022

Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР, Берия – символ советского социализма. Умный, жесткий, властный, - Берия один из немногих, кто его понял. Он cмог использовать его силу в интересах тех классов, с которыми отождествил себя, и для своего личного восхождения. Авторы многочисленных книг и фильмов, посвященных Берии, демонизируют его или восхваляют, но не могут понять глубинные причины его действий, его взлета и падения. Перед вами – первая политическая биография Берии на фоне истории СССР в 1917 – 1939 гг. Автор, историк и писатель Владимир Широгоров, привлекая широчайший круг источников, прослеживает карьеру своего героя от юного бойца большевистского подполья в Баку до одной из важнейших фигур на властном Олимпе сталинской эпохи. Неожиданные выводы, ставшие результатом исследования, позволяют по-новому взглянуть не только на личность Берии, но и на всю историю СССР.

Research paper thumbnail of GUERRE COLONIZZAZIONE E GENESI DELL UCRAINA Estratto dal Volume III de Vladimir Shirogorov La guerra di Ucraina

Vladimir Shirogorov, Ukrainskaya voyna (La guerra di Ucraina), V.3, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moskva., 2019

Nella seconda metà del secolo XVI non era ancora chiaro se il corso della lotta armata per la con... more Nella seconda metà del secolo XVI non era ancora chiaro se il corso della lotta armata per la conquista dell’Ucraina si sarebbe rivelato subordinato e secondario o non piuttosto determinante per la situazione politico-militare in altre regioni e nell’Europa Orientale nel suo insieme.
Ma la questione era già stata posta.

Research paper thumbnail of Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Украинская Война. Кн.3. Встречное наступление.

Украинская война. Кн. 3. Встречное наступление., 2019

Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Вооруженная борьб... more Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в 16 - 17 веках. Кн.3. Встречное наступление. Балтика – Литва - Поле (до конца 16 века) Москва: Молодая Гвардия, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from War on the Eve of Nations

The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from War on the Eve of Nations , 2021

The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from Vladimir Shirogorov. War on the E... more The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from Vladimir Shirogorov. War on the Eve of Nations. Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500
Lanham, Boulder, New York and London: LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2021
The latest events around Ukraine gain global alert. The attention calls for the study of East-European military history, of which the "Ukrainian issue" was central since the second half of the 15th century. The studies of the conflicts and forces in Eastern Europe must have the same prominence as the military history of Western Europe, the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East and South-Eastern Asia. Historians must research warfare in Eastern Europe, tracking the numerous wars there in detail. More of, historians must explain the specific East-European warfare phenomenons, such as the intrinsic trend to the hegemony over the subcontinent by military power and the disconnection of the military leverage of the international policy from the fundamental economic and social determinants. Both properties must be studied in the past, and the knowledge used to now-a-day conflict resolution.

Research paper thumbnail of БЕРИЯ И ИСТИНА Синопсис книги В.Широгорова «Берия. Заговорят Классы.


Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР. Для тех, кто обращаются к феномену Берии, огромному и многогранному в общественном сознании, в нем много личного, интимного, уникального, но все же, Берия – прежде всего, социально-политическое явление, символ советского социализма. Жизнь Берии проходила во взаимовлиянии с другими ключевыми персонами эпохи, но никто из них не действовала независимо от тех социальных сил, которые подлинно творили историю. Свой выбор сделали Ленин, Троцкий, Сталин, - главные творцы ранней советской истории, - а также Зиновьев, Каменев, Бухарин, Рыков, - ее «на языцех» гранды. Берия был среди тех политиков его поколения, кто сделал свой выбор в самом начале пути, осознанно и целеустремленно. В этом заключен потенциал его профессионального и политического успеха, и это-же определило те его поступки, которые кажутся отталкивающими сегодня.
Волею Провидения и собственными усилиями Берия оказался в самом эпицентре советской истории 1920-х – 1930-х годов. Изучение его биографии позволяет увидеть ее совсем иначе, чем привычные сегодня стереотипы, которые навязывают читателю как популярная, так и академическая историография. Многочисленные биографии Берии пестрят термином «социализм», никак не определяя этот общественный строй. Между тем именно через жизнь Берии становится понятной его суть, обретают свое лицо и свое место как социалистические классы, так и их социальные противники, - «антисоветский класс», - стремившиеся к разрушению социализма. Биография Берии показывает принципы и механизм политики при социализме, которая не является ни партийно-фракционной, ни клановой, а классовой.

Research paper thumbnail of A SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOK War on the Eve of Nations Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe 1450 1500

Lexington Books, 2021

Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eur... more Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eurasian super-empire, collapsed. Lithuania, the power from the Baltic to the Black Sea, fell into the Civil War. Poland, inspired by its vigour of the Christian bulwark, moved east. Moscow rose from the debris of its Dynastic War and moved west to merge all former Rus’. The Ottomans advanced north from the Black Sea in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. Sweden descended into the Eastern Baltic. The Kazan Khanate rose to the world-system position in Northern Eurasia. The rivals wrestled the territories for their nation-building and resources for the hegemonic struggle that was impending.
That clash of enormous magnitude happened when the firearms in Eastern Europe were exotic, and the bureaucracy was primitive. Nonetheless, the East European forces produced the critical geopolitical changes usually ascribed to later armies packed with firearms and shaped by absolutist regimes.
This book presents research on the conflict. The military models of contenders are confronted in action against each other and compared with the military transformation in Western Europe. It discovers an interaction between changes of warfare, technical, tactical, organizational, and social and political phenomena of nation-building and international relations.
This book researches the armed conflict in Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500. It compares the military models of its participants with the transformation in Western Europe and discovers an interaction between warfare and phenomena of nation-building and international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of War on the Eve of Nations. Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500.

Lexington Books. The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2021

Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eur... more Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eurasian super-empire, collapsed. Lithuania, the power from the Baltic to the Black Sea, fell into the Civil War. Poland, inspired by its vigour of the Christian bulwark, moved east. Moscow rose from the debris of its Dynastic War and moved west to merge all former Rus’. The Ottomans advanced north from the Black Sea in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. Sweden descended into the Eastern Baltic. The Kazan Khanate rose to the world-system position in Northern Eurasia. The rivals wrestled the territories for their nation-building and resources for the hegemonic struggle that was impending.
That clash of enormous magnitude happened when the firearms in Eastern Europe were exotic, and the bureaucracy was primitive. Nonetheless, the East European forces produced the critical geopolitical changes usually ascribed to later armies packed with firearms and shaped by absolutist regimes.
This book presents research on the conflict. The military models of contenders are confronted in action against each other and compared with the military transformation in Western Europe. It discovers an interaction between changes of warfare, technical, tactical, organizational, and social and political phenomena of nation-building and international relations.
This book researches the armed conflict in Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500. It compares the military models of its participants with the transformation in Western Europe and discovers an interaction between warfare and phenomena of nation-building and international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Вос- точную Европу в XVI—XVII вв. Книга 3: Встречное наступление: Балтика — Литва — Поле (вторая поло- вина XVI в.)

Книга «Встречное наступление» является третьей частью масштабного исследования забытой ныне Украи... more Книга «Встречное наступление» является третьей частью масштабного исследования забытой ныне Украинской войны XVI—XVII вв. События, которые прослеживаются в ней, разворачиваются в середине — второй половине XVI в. на огромном пространстве от Прибалтики, Литвы и Смоленска до Молдавии, Крыма, Предкавказья и Поволжья. Лежащие в середине этого пространства Галицию и Волынь, Киевщину и Северскую землю, а также Дикое Поле вплоть до Причерноморья война стягивала в единый регион — Украину, центральный для будущего Восточной Европы.
Вооруженную борьбу за раздел этого региона и преобладание в нем с начала XVI в. вели Польша и Россия; к концу века в борьбу включились Турция и Швеция. В погоне за боевым превосходством их армии стремительно менялись — и неузнаваемо менялись сами эти страны, превращаясь из рыхлых империй и федераций в сплоченные военные государства.
В книге прослеживаются все существенные сражения и столкновения войск в Восточной Европе во второй половине XVI в., показано становление многовидовых массовых армий, зарождение национальных школ военной организации и ведения боя, раскрыто появление новаторских военных идей — таких как оперативный уровень кампаний и господство на море, которые будут определять правила вооруженной борьбы вплоть до середи- ны ХХ в. Процесс военного строительства увязан с переменами в устройстве государств, с укреплением их мобилизационных возможностей, с прорывом во власть экспансионистски мыслящих военных деятелей. Судьбы главных действующих лиц восточноевропейской истории второй половины XVI в. прослежены в обстоятельствах государственного строительства, идейной борьбы и войны.

Research paper thumbnail of Ukrainian War The armed conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI—XVII centuries Volume III Head-to-head Offensive: Baltics — Lithuania — Steppes (In the Second Half of Sixteen century)

In the Second half of Sixteen century the rivalry for the Eastern Europe was continued as a head ... more In the Second half of Sixteen century the rivalry for the Eastern Europe was continued as a head to head offensive of armies. The prime objectives of antagonists: Poland, Russia, Turkey and Sweden — were the lands formed into the wide transit zone between the Eastern Baltics and the Northern Black Sea shore.
They became power vacant after the weakening of Lithuania, the softening of Tatar hordes and the decay of Crusade states. But viewed as the competition for territories the conflict involved much higher stakes for the contenders and long-run effects on the Eastern Europe as the whole.
The abstract of the book “Head-to-head Offensive” presents some items and the structure of the research, the organization of the narration, few conclusions and ideas and a lot of questions to be solved in later historical periods and in the research ahead.

Research paper thumbnail of Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. V. I. The Melee of Rus’. The abstract..pdf

Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Armed Conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies... more Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Armed Conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Volume I. The Melee of Rus’. (Up to the middle of XVI century) Vla-dimir Shirogorov. – Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2017. – 919 [9] p

Research paper thumbnail of Широгоров В.В. Украинская война. Кн.II. Турецкий прорыв. Избранные главы. .pdf

Широгоров В. В. Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в XVI-XVII вв. Кн. 2: Ту... more Широгоров В. В. Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в XVI-XVII вв. Кн. 2: Турецкий прорыв: Балканы – Причерноморье – Кавказ (до конца XVI в.)
М.: Молодая гвардия, 2018. - 700[4] с.
ISBN 978-5-235-04058-8

Research paper thumbnail of Shirogorov V.V. Ukrainian war. V. II. Turkish onslaught. The English absract..pdf

Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War: The Armed Conflict for Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Vo... more Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War: The Armed Conflict for Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Volume II: Turkish onslaught: Balkans – Black Sea – Caucasus (To the end of XVI century)
M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2018. – 700 [4] p.
ISBN 978-5-235-04058-8

Research paper thumbnail of Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Схватка за Русь. Избранное. Shirogorov V.V. Ukrainian War. The Melee' of Rus'. Chapters.pdf

Широгоров В. В. Украинская война. Кн. I: Схватка за Русь. М.: Молодая гвардия, 2017. Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Melee of Rus’. M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2017, 2017

The world political system, as it is now, was established in XVI – XVII centuries. In Eastern Eur... more The world political system, as it is now, was established in XVI – XVII centuries. In Eastern Europe it was the time of the struggle for the West of Rus’ – the wide transitional region from Lvov to Smolensk. Named as Borderland – Ukraine it emerges as the prey for the ideas, wills and actions of the powers inside and around. The fate of neighboring wings: the south-eastern Baltics and north-eastern Black See shores – gets to depend of the future of this heartland. The mighty states of the time clashed, competing for it: Lithuania and Poland, Sweden, Grand Horde, Turkey and Crimea as well as the principality of Moscow – emerging Russia. The struggle was conducted primarily as the armed rivalry including the states formation, social turns, forces build up, the politicians decision-making and the troops clash with the economy, ideology and human potential dedicated to the war.
Who was able to conceive that the stake wasn’t a simple temporary division of the Eastern European territories but the capture of the long-term regional domination? Who could forecast that small and weak Moscow annihilates much more resourceful Lithuania and Grande Horde, sweeps equally dynamic Turkey, Poland, Sweden to southern, western, northern backyards of Ukraine, crushes for centuries the impulses to found self-made polities here? Who dreams that Moscow becomes the universal master of the region and bases the Russia’s rise as the great world power on the control of Eastern Europe?
Considering from the very seeds to the results the contest for the Eastern European domination in XVI – XVII centuries focused in Ukraine was all-in-one struggle - the Ukrainian War. In the most clear way it shows ideologies, societies, leaderships abilities and ambitions of nations involved.
The stakes of the conflict were high, the consequences are of the global scale. But the Ukrainian war was never researched as the prolong versatile surge of the armed struggle which has been continued during two centuries to change Europe and the World. The transformation of the Early Modern West warfare labeled as the Military Revolution was never revised applying the course of the conflict for the Eastern European domination.
The Volume I RUS’-MELEE of UKRAINIAN WAR series starts to overcome the gap. It drives the armed conflict through the states formation, armies development, battles, raids and sieges, ideas and deeds of history-making persons - under the luck and the will of Providence to the middle of XVI century. The continuation is following.

Book Reviews by Vladimir Shirogorov

Research paper thumbnail of Флаер. Берия, Заговорят классы.

Берия. Заговорят Классы. Личность, спецоперации, социализм., 2022

Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР, Берия – символ советского социализма. Умный, жесткий, властный, - Берия один из немногих, кто его понял. Он cмог использовать его силу в интересах тех классов, с которыми отождествил себя, и для своего личного восхождения. Авторы многочисленных книг и фильмов, посвященных Берии, демонизируют его или восхваляют, но не могут понять глубинные причины его действий, его взлета и падения. Перед вами – первая политическая биография Берии на фоне истории СССР в 1917 – 1939 гг. Автор, историк Владимир Широгоров, привлекая широчайший круг источников, прослеживает карьеру своего героя от юного бойца большевистского подполья в Баку до одной из важнейших фигур на властном Олимпе сталинской эпохи. Неожиданные выводы, ставшие результатом исследования, позволяют по-новому взглянуть не только на личность Берии, но и на всю историю СССР.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black. Review of Vladimir Shirogorov, War on The Eve of Nations.pdf

Jeremy Black. Review of Vladimir Shirogorov, War on The Eve of Nations.pdf, 2022

An important book that truly does fill a gap, Vladimir Shirogorov's study tackles a period in Eas... more An important book that truly does fill a gap, Vladimir Shirogorov's study tackles a period in Eastern European warfare that has received less attention than the subsequent centuries, although there remains room for a study of the following half-century. Offering what he terms an action-orientated account, Shirogorov in practice provides a study that is military, international, political and sociological, one, indeed, that also highlights the need for a similarly synoptic work for Western Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Украинизм «яблока раздора» -стратегия войны и роста. Устройство стратегического театра

The Practice of Strategy. A Global History, edited by Jeremy Black., 2024

Выходя на международную сцену, «скрытые нации» заявляют свои социальное устройство, политический ... more Выходя на международную сцену, «скрытые нации» заявляют свои социальное устройство, политический режим, идеологическую суть, и военные структуры подобно устоявшимся нациям. Этот момент является не результатом спонтанной игры исторических шансов, а продуктом стратегии. Ее основанием являются социально-военные группы, стремящиеся к собственной государственности. Возникновение Украины является целостным примером соедине-ния стратегических компонентов в государственность. Однако, со-бранное однажды, может быть разобрано вновь. Именно в этом заключались стратегии ее противников. Возникновение Украины является показательной стратегической моделью, и в тоже время, явлением, где история соединяет настоящее с буду-щим.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. Ukrainism of Mālum Discordiæ, Strategy of War and Growth, Setting up the strategic scene

Vladimir Shirogorov. "Ukrainism of Mālum Discordiæ: Strategy of War and Growth, Setting up the Strategic Scene," in Jeremy Black (ed.), The Practice of Strategy. A Global History. Roma: Società Italiana di Storia Militare; Nadir Media, 2024 , 2024

The rise of a latent nation is an upsurge that yields at once a social constitution, political re... more The rise of a latent nation is an upsurge that yields at once a social constitution, political regime, ideological pivot, and military structures of a prepared nation as if from nowhere. This moment of emergence is thus not spontaneous, a resulting vector of multidirectional chances, but is the result of a strategy. It has its foundation in the social-military groups eager for nationhood, and its center of gravity, external and internal axes, political and territorial objectives. Its military agenda is critical because the rise of a latent nation is invariably born of civil war. The strategy of a latent nation’s consolidation and coming on to the scene sums up all of these components. The emergence of Ukraine is an entire example of this strategy, with its assembling of strategic components into nationhood. However, what was once assembled might also be dismantled. Rival strategies opposed the consolidation of Ukraine in this way. The emergence of Ukraine is thus a classic of strategic learning and an edge where historical studies weld present and future.

Research paper thumbnail of A True Beast of Land and Water: The Gunpowder Mutation of Amphibious Warfare

De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 21, 2022

The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has beco... more The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has become a cliché in historical studies. Despite its spectacular historiographical “landslide,” the concept is counter-charged and debated relentlessly. Comparatively recently historians who had focused on the military revolutions in land warfare and naval expansion have recognized the significance of the amphibious dimension. Amphibious warfare, relatively unexplored historiographically in relation to the military revolution (and often dismissed as merely the practice of special operations involving land and sea), is advancing now as the third spearhead of military revolution studies. Transformations in amphibious warfare occurred roughly simultaneously with those developments that have been associated with the “gunpowder revolution” in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. Quo Vadis. The Military Revolution in Eastern Europe

Global Military Transformations: Change and Continuity, 1450-1800 Edited by Jeremy Black, 2023

The concept of the military revolution is a go-to research paradigm for studies on the Early Mode... more The concept of the military revolution is a go-to research paradigm for studies on the Early Modern Period. However, it lacks an accepted definition or established theoretical framework. These omissions allow scholars to choose from a wide range of interpretations, from presenting the military revolution as a reportage from battlefields, or a sociological “ideal type” to complete negation. The current essay is committed to disentangle the web of the military revolution’s history and historiography. It tracks warfare determinants during the Early Modern transformation of East-European nations and compares the socio-political impact of their respective military changes. The essay also proposes a periodization of the military revolution’s epoch in conjunction to the concept of the fiscal-military state.

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Shirogorov. An abstract of Beria. Class Surge. 1899–1939. A personality, special operations, socialism.

Vladimir Shirogorov. Beria. Class Surge. 1899–1939. A personality, special operations, socialism. , 2022

Beria is the crown-prince of the Soviet epoch for its admires and the devil for its foes. One's v... more Beria is the crown-prince of the Soviet epoch for its admires and the devil for its foes. One's view of Lavrentiy Beria is determined by one's perception of the USSR. Both scholars and dilettantes who turn to the case of Beria, - which is huge, deep and diverse in the now-a-day public opinion, - find a lot of intimate, private and individual in his person. Nevertheless, first of all, Beria is the political and social phenomenon, the essence of Soviet socialism. Beria, -smart, violent, self-minded as he was, - looks like the inborn captain of the social confrontation. He was one of a few Soviet executives who were capable to exploit the nuclear energy of the social confrontation in favour of the classes to which they committed themselves and for their power-ascendance. The current book is the first systematic biographical study on Beria in 1917 – 1939. A historian Vladimir Shirogorov analyses a variety of sources to track Beria’s political career from the position of a rank-and-file operative in the Bolshevik Baku underground in 1917 – 1920 to his ascendance on the power top of the Stalinist epoch in the closing of the Grand Terror in 1938 – 1939. The author’s conclusions and observations reveal new insight into history of the USSR.

Research paper thumbnail of Владимир Широгоров. Берия. Заговорят Классы. Ознакомительный фрагмент

Берия: Заговорят классы. 1899-1939. Личность, спецоперации, социализм., 2022

Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР, Берия – символ советского социализма. Умный, жесткий, властный, - Берия один из немногих, кто его понял. Он cмог использовать его силу в интересах тех классов, с которыми отождествил себя, и для своего личного восхождения. Авторы многочисленных книг и фильмов, посвященных Берии, демонизируют его или восхваляют, но не могут понять глубинные причины его действий, его взлета и падения. Перед вами – первая политическая биография Берии на фоне истории СССР в 1917 – 1939 гг. Автор, историк и писатель Владимир Широгоров, привлекая широчайший круг источников, прослеживает карьеру своего героя от юного бойца большевистского подполья в Баку до одной из важнейших фигур на властном Олимпе сталинской эпохи. Неожиданные выводы, ставшие результатом исследования, позволяют по-новому взглянуть не только на личность Берии, но и на всю историю СССР.

Research paper thumbnail of GUERRE COLONIZZAZIONE E GENESI DELL UCRAINA Estratto dal Volume III de Vladimir Shirogorov La guerra di Ucraina

Vladimir Shirogorov, Ukrainskaya voyna (La guerra di Ucraina), V.3, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moskva., 2019

Nella seconda metà del secolo XVI non era ancora chiaro se il corso della lotta armata per la con... more Nella seconda metà del secolo XVI non era ancora chiaro se il corso della lotta armata per la conquista dell’Ucraina si sarebbe rivelato subordinato e secondario o non piuttosto determinante per la situazione politico-militare in altre regioni e nell’Europa Orientale nel suo insieme.
Ma la questione era già stata posta.

Research paper thumbnail of Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Украинская Война. Кн.3. Встречное наступление.

Украинская война. Кн. 3. Встречное наступление., 2019

Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Вооруженная борьб... more Явление Украины - военные факторы. Страницы из Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в 16 - 17 веках. Кн.3. Встречное наступление. Балтика – Литва - Поле (до конца 16 века) Москва: Молодая Гвардия, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from War on the Eve of Nations

The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from War on the Eve of Nations , 2021

The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from Vladimir Shirogorov. War on the E... more The pages on the emergence of Ukraine and conflict over it from Vladimir Shirogorov. War on the Eve of Nations. Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500
Lanham, Boulder, New York and London: LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2021
The latest events around Ukraine gain global alert. The attention calls for the study of East-European military history, of which the "Ukrainian issue" was central since the second half of the 15th century. The studies of the conflicts and forces in Eastern Europe must have the same prominence as the military history of Western Europe, the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East and South-Eastern Asia. Historians must research warfare in Eastern Europe, tracking the numerous wars there in detail. More of, historians must explain the specific East-European warfare phenomenons, such as the intrinsic trend to the hegemony over the subcontinent by military power and the disconnection of the military leverage of the international policy from the fundamental economic and social determinants. Both properties must be studied in the past, and the knowledge used to now-a-day conflict resolution.

Research paper thumbnail of БЕРИЯ И ИСТИНА Синопсис книги В.Широгорова «Берия. Заговорят Классы.


Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР. Для тех, кто обращаются к феномену Берии, огромному и многогранному в общественном сознании, в нем много личного, интимного, уникального, но все же, Берия – прежде всего, социально-политическое явление, символ советского социализма. Жизнь Берии проходила во взаимовлиянии с другими ключевыми персонами эпохи, но никто из них не действовала независимо от тех социальных сил, которые подлинно творили историю. Свой выбор сделали Ленин, Троцкий, Сталин, - главные творцы ранней советской истории, - а также Зиновьев, Каменев, Бухарин, Рыков, - ее «на языцех» гранды. Берия был среди тех политиков его поколения, кто сделал свой выбор в самом начале пути, осознанно и целеустремленно. В этом заключен потенциал его профессионального и политического успеха, и это-же определило те его поступки, которые кажутся отталкивающими сегодня.
Волею Провидения и собственными усилиями Берия оказался в самом эпицентре советской истории 1920-х – 1930-х годов. Изучение его биографии позволяет увидеть ее совсем иначе, чем привычные сегодня стереотипы, которые навязывают читателю как популярная, так и академическая историография. Многочисленные биографии Берии пестрят термином «социализм», никак не определяя этот общественный строй. Между тем именно через жизнь Берии становится понятной его суть, обретают свое лицо и свое место как социалистические классы, так и их социальные противники, - «антисоветский класс», - стремившиеся к разрушению социализма. Биография Берии показывает принципы и механизм политики при социализме, которая не является ни партийно-фракционной, ни клановой, а классовой.

Research paper thumbnail of A SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOK War on the Eve of Nations Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe 1450 1500

Lexington Books, 2021

Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eur... more Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eurasian super-empire, collapsed. Lithuania, the power from the Baltic to the Black Sea, fell into the Civil War. Poland, inspired by its vigour of the Christian bulwark, moved east. Moscow rose from the debris of its Dynastic War and moved west to merge all former Rus’. The Ottomans advanced north from the Black Sea in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. Sweden descended into the Eastern Baltic. The Kazan Khanate rose to the world-system position in Northern Eurasia. The rivals wrestled the territories for their nation-building and resources for the hegemonic struggle that was impending.
That clash of enormous magnitude happened when the firearms in Eastern Europe were exotic, and the bureaucracy was primitive. Nonetheless, the East European forces produced the critical geopolitical changes usually ascribed to later armies packed with firearms and shaped by absolutist regimes.
This book presents research on the conflict. The military models of contenders are confronted in action against each other and compared with the military transformation in Western Europe. It discovers an interaction between changes of warfare, technical, tactical, organizational, and social and political phenomena of nation-building and international relations.
This book researches the armed conflict in Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500. It compares the military models of its participants with the transformation in Western Europe and discovers an interaction between warfare and phenomena of nation-building and international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of War on the Eve of Nations. Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500.

Lexington Books. The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2021

Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eur... more Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eurasian super-empire, collapsed. Lithuania, the power from the Baltic to the Black Sea, fell into the Civil War. Poland, inspired by its vigour of the Christian bulwark, moved east. Moscow rose from the debris of its Dynastic War and moved west to merge all former Rus’. The Ottomans advanced north from the Black Sea in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. Sweden descended into the Eastern Baltic. The Kazan Khanate rose to the world-system position in Northern Eurasia. The rivals wrestled the territories for their nation-building and resources for the hegemonic struggle that was impending.
That clash of enormous magnitude happened when the firearms in Eastern Europe were exotic, and the bureaucracy was primitive. Nonetheless, the East European forces produced the critical geopolitical changes usually ascribed to later armies packed with firearms and shaped by absolutist regimes.
This book presents research on the conflict. The military models of contenders are confronted in action against each other and compared with the military transformation in Western Europe. It discovers an interaction between changes of warfare, technical, tactical, organizational, and social and political phenomena of nation-building and international relations.
This book researches the armed conflict in Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500. It compares the military models of its participants with the transformation in Western Europe and discovers an interaction between warfare and phenomena of nation-building and international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Вос- точную Европу в XVI—XVII вв. Книга 3: Встречное наступление: Балтика — Литва — Поле (вторая поло- вина XVI в.)

Книга «Встречное наступление» является третьей частью масштабного исследования забытой ныне Украи... more Книга «Встречное наступление» является третьей частью масштабного исследования забытой ныне Украинской войны XVI—XVII вв. События, которые прослеживаются в ней, разворачиваются в середине — второй половине XVI в. на огромном пространстве от Прибалтики, Литвы и Смоленска до Молдавии, Крыма, Предкавказья и Поволжья. Лежащие в середине этого пространства Галицию и Волынь, Киевщину и Северскую землю, а также Дикое Поле вплоть до Причерноморья война стягивала в единый регион — Украину, центральный для будущего Восточной Европы.
Вооруженную борьбу за раздел этого региона и преобладание в нем с начала XVI в. вели Польша и Россия; к концу века в борьбу включились Турция и Швеция. В погоне за боевым превосходством их армии стремительно менялись — и неузнаваемо менялись сами эти страны, превращаясь из рыхлых империй и федераций в сплоченные военные государства.
В книге прослеживаются все существенные сражения и столкновения войск в Восточной Европе во второй половине XVI в., показано становление многовидовых массовых армий, зарождение национальных школ военной организации и ведения боя, раскрыто появление новаторских военных идей — таких как оперативный уровень кампаний и господство на море, которые будут определять правила вооруженной борьбы вплоть до середи- ны ХХ в. Процесс военного строительства увязан с переменами в устройстве государств, с укреплением их мобилизационных возможностей, с прорывом во власть экспансионистски мыслящих военных деятелей. Судьбы главных действующих лиц восточноевропейской истории второй половины XVI в. прослежены в обстоятельствах государственного строительства, идейной борьбы и войны.

Research paper thumbnail of Ukrainian War The armed conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI—XVII centuries Volume III Head-to-head Offensive: Baltics — Lithuania — Steppes (In the Second Half of Sixteen century)

In the Second half of Sixteen century the rivalry for the Eastern Europe was continued as a head ... more In the Second half of Sixteen century the rivalry for the Eastern Europe was continued as a head to head offensive of armies. The prime objectives of antagonists: Poland, Russia, Turkey and Sweden — were the lands formed into the wide transit zone between the Eastern Baltics and the Northern Black Sea shore.
They became power vacant after the weakening of Lithuania, the softening of Tatar hordes and the decay of Crusade states. But viewed as the competition for territories the conflict involved much higher stakes for the contenders and long-run effects on the Eastern Europe as the whole.
The abstract of the book “Head-to-head Offensive” presents some items and the structure of the research, the organization of the narration, few conclusions and ideas and a lot of questions to be solved in later historical periods and in the research ahead.

Research paper thumbnail of Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. V. I. The Melee of Rus’. The abstract..pdf

Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Armed Conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies... more Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Armed Conflict for the Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Volume I. The Melee of Rus’. (Up to the middle of XVI century) Vla-dimir Shirogorov. – Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2017. – 919 [9] p

Research paper thumbnail of Широгоров В.В. Украинская война. Кн.II. Турецкий прорыв. Избранные главы. .pdf

Широгоров В. В. Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в XVI-XVII вв. Кн. 2: Ту... more Широгоров В. В. Украинская война: Вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в XVI-XVII вв. Кн. 2: Турецкий прорыв: Балканы – Причерноморье – Кавказ (до конца XVI в.)
М.: Молодая гвардия, 2018. - 700[4] с.
ISBN 978-5-235-04058-8

Research paper thumbnail of Shirogorov V.V. Ukrainian war. V. II. Turkish onslaught. The English absract..pdf

Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War: The Armed Conflict for Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Vo... more Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War: The Armed Conflict for Eastern Europe in XVI – XVII cеnturies. Volume II: Turkish onslaught: Balkans – Black Sea – Caucasus (To the end of XVI century)
M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2018. – 700 [4] p.
ISBN 978-5-235-04058-8

Research paper thumbnail of Широгоров В.В. Украинская Война. Схватка за Русь. Избранное. Shirogorov V.V. Ukrainian War. The Melee' of Rus'. Chapters.pdf

Широгоров В. В. Украинская война. Кн. I: Схватка за Русь. М.: Молодая гвардия, 2017. Shirogorov V. V. Ukrainian War. The Melee of Rus’. M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2017, 2017

The world political system, as it is now, was established in XVI – XVII centuries. In Eastern Eur... more The world political system, as it is now, was established in XVI – XVII centuries. In Eastern Europe it was the time of the struggle for the West of Rus’ – the wide transitional region from Lvov to Smolensk. Named as Borderland – Ukraine it emerges as the prey for the ideas, wills and actions of the powers inside and around. The fate of neighboring wings: the south-eastern Baltics and north-eastern Black See shores – gets to depend of the future of this heartland. The mighty states of the time clashed, competing for it: Lithuania and Poland, Sweden, Grand Horde, Turkey and Crimea as well as the principality of Moscow – emerging Russia. The struggle was conducted primarily as the armed rivalry including the states formation, social turns, forces build up, the politicians decision-making and the troops clash with the economy, ideology and human potential dedicated to the war.
Who was able to conceive that the stake wasn’t a simple temporary division of the Eastern European territories but the capture of the long-term regional domination? Who could forecast that small and weak Moscow annihilates much more resourceful Lithuania and Grande Horde, sweeps equally dynamic Turkey, Poland, Sweden to southern, western, northern backyards of Ukraine, crushes for centuries the impulses to found self-made polities here? Who dreams that Moscow becomes the universal master of the region and bases the Russia’s rise as the great world power on the control of Eastern Europe?
Considering from the very seeds to the results the contest for the Eastern European domination in XVI – XVII centuries focused in Ukraine was all-in-one struggle - the Ukrainian War. In the most clear way it shows ideologies, societies, leaderships abilities and ambitions of nations involved.
The stakes of the conflict were high, the consequences are of the global scale. But the Ukrainian war was never researched as the prolong versatile surge of the armed struggle which has been continued during two centuries to change Europe and the World. The transformation of the Early Modern West warfare labeled as the Military Revolution was never revised applying the course of the conflict for the Eastern European domination.
The Volume I RUS’-MELEE of UKRAINIAN WAR series starts to overcome the gap. It drives the armed conflict through the states formation, armies development, battles, raids and sieges, ideas and deeds of history-making persons - under the luck and the will of Providence to the middle of XVI century. The continuation is following.

Research paper thumbnail of Флаер. Берия, Заговорят классы.

Берия. Заговорят Классы. Личность, спецоперации, социализм., 2022

Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавис... more Для своих почитателей Лаврентий Павлович Берия является венцом советской эпохи, для своих ненавистников – ее исчадием. Отношение к Берии определяется отношением к СССР, Берия – символ советского социализма. Умный, жесткий, властный, - Берия один из немногих, кто его понял. Он cмог использовать его силу в интересах тех классов, с которыми отождествил себя, и для своего личного восхождения. Авторы многочисленных книг и фильмов, посвященных Берии, демонизируют его или восхваляют, но не могут понять глубинные причины его действий, его взлета и падения. Перед вами – первая политическая биография Берии на фоне истории СССР в 1917 – 1939 гг. Автор, историк Владимир Широгоров, привлекая широчайший круг источников, прослеживает карьеру своего героя от юного бойца большевистского подполья в Баку до одной из важнейших фигур на властном Олимпе сталинской эпохи. Неожиданные выводы, ставшие результатом исследования, позволяют по-новому взглянуть не только на личность Берии, но и на всю историю СССР.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black. Review of Vladimir Shirogorov, War on The Eve of Nations.pdf

Jeremy Black. Review of Vladimir Shirogorov, War on The Eve of Nations.pdf, 2022

An important book that truly does fill a gap, Vladimir Shirogorov's study tackles a period in Eas... more An important book that truly does fill a gap, Vladimir Shirogorov's study tackles a period in Eastern European warfare that has received less attention than the subsequent centuries, although there remains room for a study of the following half-century. Offering what he terms an action-orientated account, Shirogorov in practice provides a study that is military, international, political and sociological, one, indeed, that also highlights the need for a similarly synoptic work for Western Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Флаер. Владимир Широгоров. Украинская Война. Молодая Гвардия.

Украинская Война. вооруженная борьба за Восточную Европу в XVI–XVII вв. I "Схватка за Русь", II "Турецкий прорыв", III "Встречное наступление", 2017

Современное устройство мира сложилось в XVI–XVII вв. Тогда же в Восточной Европе зоной соперничес... more Современное устройство мира сложилось в XVI–XVII вв. Тогда же в Восточной Европе зоной соперничества стала Западная Русь - широкая полоса земель от Балтики до Крыма и от Львова до Смоленска. В борьбе за нее столкнулись крупнейшие державы того времени: Литва, Польша, Орда, а также Московское княжество - будущая Россия. В погоне за боевым превосходством их армии стремительно менялись - и неузнаваемо менялись сами эти страны, превращаясь из рыхлых империй в сплоченные военные государства. Та война стала плотной концентрацией боевых действий, выразивших собой идеологию, общество, экономику, качества лидеров и стремления народов.

Research paper thumbnail of Flyer. Vladimir Shirogorov. War on the Eve of Nations. Lexington Books.

War on the Eve of Nations. Conflicts and Militaries in Eastern Europe, 1450–1500, 2021

Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eur... more Eastern Europe circa 1450–1500 was an area of great change dictated by war. The Golden Horde, Eurasian super-empire, collapsed. Lithuania, the power from the Baltic to the Black Sea, fell into the Civil War. Poland, inspired by its vigour of the Christian bulwark, moved east. Moscow rose from the debris of its Dynastic War and moved west to merge all former Rus’. The Ottomans advanced north from the Black Sea in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. Sweden descended into the Eastern Baltic. The Kazan Khanate rose to the world-system position in Northern Eurasia. The rivals wrestled the territories for their nation-building and resources for the hegemonic struggle that was impending.
That clash of enormous magnitude happened when the firearms in Eastern Europe were exotic, and the bureaucracy was primitive. Nonetheless, the East European forces produced the critical geopolitical changes usually ascribed to later armies packed with firearms and shaped by absolutist regimes.
This book presents research on the conflict. The military models of contenders are confronted in action against each other and compared with the military transformation in Western Europe. It discovers an interaction between changes of warfare, technical, tactical, organizational, and social and political phenomena of nation-building and international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Воина и нации Восточнои Европы от Средневековья к Новому Времени

Воина и нации Восточнои Европы от Средневековья к Новому Времени, 2021

План онлайн семинара на русском языке, с ноября 2021 г. Полтора века, пока длился переход от Поз... more План онлайн семинара на русском языке, с ноября 2021 г.
Полтора века, пока длился переход от Позднего Средневековья к Новому Времени, войны определяли международные отношения в Восточной Европе. Вооруженные конфликты задали возникновение наций Восточной Европы, доминировали в их становлении. Онлайн семинар имеет три главные задачи. Первая, – инициировать дискуссию о военном деле в Восточной Европе, как одном из главных регионов, где развивались радикальные перемены в военном деле Раннего Нового Времени, а также предложить их периодизацию в Восточной Европе. Вторая задача, – выработать «ориентационные модели» и «идеальные типы» развития военного дела в Восточной Европе, подобные понятиям, принятым для военного дела в Западной Европе. Третья задача, – совместить трансформацию военного дела и вооруженные конфликты с более широким процессом возникновения и становления восточноевропейских национальных государств.

Research paper thumbnail of War and Nations of Eastern Europe in transition

War and Nations of Eastern Europe in transition, 2021

War and Nations of Eastern Europe in transition from the Middle Ages to Modern time. From the sec... more War and Nations of Eastern Europe in transition from the Middle Ages to Modern time. From the second third of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century. A plan of online English-speaking seminar, starting November 2021. War shaped the international agenda of Eastern Europe during one-and-a-half century period of transition from the Late Middle Ages to Modern time. The military conflicts determined the emergence of East-European nations and dominated over their consolidation.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Issue No. 11 2022 Storia Militare Moderna

Nuova Antiologia Militare No 11 2022, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Albuquerque at Malacca, 1511; Yermak in Siberia, 1582. The amphibious charge to global empires

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2022

The current essay researches similarities and differences between the Portuguese and Muscovite am... more The current essay researches similarities and differences between the Portuguese and Muscovite amphibious warfighting characteristic of the epoch by comparing the key operations of their expansion, the Portuguese conquest of Malacca in 1511 and the Muscovite conquest of Isker, the capital of the Siberian Khanate, in 1582. The main properties of the Portuguese and Muscovite amphibious forces are compared, including their organization, weaponry and tactics, as well as the strategy and ideology behind Portuguese and Muscovite expansion. Specific attention is given to the rulers, entrepreneurs and the military commanders responsible for their respective empire building.

Research paper thumbnail of A True Beast of Land and Water: The Gunpowder Mutation of Amphibious Warfare

De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 21, 2022

The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has beco... more The early modern upheaval in the practice of warfare, the so-called military revolution, has become a cliché in historical studies. Despite its spectacular historiographical “landslide,” the concept is counter-charged and debated relentlessly. Comparatively recently historians who had focused on the military revolutions in land warfare and naval expansion have recognized the significance of the amphibious dimension. Amphibious warfare, relatively unexplored historiographically in relation to the military revolution (and often dismissed as merely the practice of special operations involving land and sea), is advancing now as the third spearhead of military revolution studies. Transformations in amphibious warfare occurred roughly simultaneously with those developments that have been associated with the “gunpowder revolution” in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Albuquerque at Malacca, 1511; Yermak in Siberia, 1582. The amphibious charge to global empires.

Nuova Antologia Militare N.3, Fascicolo 11 Storia Militare Moderna (Giugno 2022): 79–142, 2022

The current essay researches similarities and differences between the Portuguese and Muscovite am... more The current essay researches similarities and differences between the Portuguese and Muscovite amphibious warfighting characteristic of the epoch by comparing the key operations of their expansion, the Portuguese conquest of Malacca in 1511 and the Muscovite conquest of Isker, the capital of the Siberian Khanate, in 1582. The main properties of the Portuguese and Muscovite amphibious forces are compared, including their organization, weaponry and tactics, as well as the strategy and ideology behind Portuguese and Muscovite expansion. Specific attention is given to the rulers, entrepreneurs and the military commanders responsible for their respective empire building.