The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resources, good performance is... more The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resources, good performance is usually supported by the good organization culture and the high commitment of the employees there are concerned with. The purpose of this research was to know about the influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees, find out about the influence on performance, commitment and influence organizational culture and a commitment to employee performance to employees non education of Widyatama university, research methodology used is descriptive method i.e. research methods that are designed to obtain information about the status of a symptom when doing research. The results of the research there is influence between organizational culture performance of 51,2% there is influence commitment to the performance of 28,8% and between the culture of the organization and the commitment of 26,3% effect o performance.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Sep 19, 2018
Human resources are the most valuable asset and the most important of which is owned by an organi... more Human resources are the most valuable asset and the most important of which is owned by an organization, therefore the success of an organization is largely determined by the human element (Navami,2003). Human resources which have good performance will make it easier for organizations or companies in achieving the vision, mission and purpose. This research aims to find out and analyze about the influence of the working discipline, and motivation on performance, in this study population size is taken as a sample of 62 people. The results of this research work discipline and motivation that give effect at the same time have positive and significant influence on performance of employees in one of the non-educational university in Bandung.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Nov 23, 2011
Menghadapi persaingan global perguruan tinggi harus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan k... more Menghadapi persaingan global perguruan tinggi harus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing, diantaranya dengan mempersiapkan tenaga kerja non edukatif yang profesional. Untuk mempersiapkan tenaga kerja non edukatif yang professional salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan dari tenaga kerja non edukatif terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan bersaing disebuah perguruan tinggi. Objek penelitian adalah tenaga non edukatif Universitas Widyatama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif-Verifikatif, dan untuk menganalisis data digunakan Regresi Linier. Dalam pengambilan sampel teknik yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh antara pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan dari tenaga kerja non edukatif terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan bersaing namun hanyalah sebagian kecil.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Dec 12, 2017
People in the organization need to be treated humanely so that it can work effectively, efficient... more People in the organization need to be treated humanely so that it can work effectively, efficiently and productively. If seen from the perspective of the individual, characteristics of different cultures to each other is not an easy thing in managing employees totalling hundreds of even thousands of fine on companies engaged in manufacturing or in services. So it needs a strong desire and skill to score a cadres who are capable of producing optimal performance for the company. At the BRI Branch Office Ujung Berung Bandung, from the results of the interview are already done, in the present case with a decline in performance that is reflected in the achievement of the performance targets of credit tends to be decreased, from the above phenomenon then conducted research that aims to find out "the effect of workload and job stress on performance of employees of Bank BRI Branch Office Ujung Berung. The results showed that the workload does not affect the performance of the employees, but work stress influence on employee performance. But the simultaneous workloads and stress significantly influential work on performance of employees.
Jurnal Darma Agung
Currently, the government is actively promoting empowerment programs for new entrepreneurs to boo... more Currently, the government is actively promoting empowerment programs for new entrepreneurs to boost the country's economy. However, for fellow participants in ongoing rehabilitation for clients assisted by BNN West Java Province, entrepreneurship activities can be a way to start a new life so that they can re- mingle and be well received by the community. This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship training in improving entrepreneurial competence in sustainable rehabilitation participants for clients assisted by BNN West Java Province. The results of research using SPSS software show that entrepreneurship training has a significant effect on increasing entrepreneurial competence with an effect of 65.9%. The results of this study are expected to provide motivation for the government, the private sector, and other organizations to be able to organize entrepreneurship training with better quality so that this training can help fellow participants in sustainable reha...
Fair Value, Dec 28, 2022
This research was conducted at PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya to determine the company's business strate... more This research was conducted at PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya to determine the company's business strategy by analyzing the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The type of approach taken is to use qualitative methods through SWOT analysis, then analyzed using IFAS and EFAS matrices to get the right business strategy for PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis in this company improving human resource development and employee performance is good, because refers to the results of the IFAS and EFAS matrices, from the internal factor analysis (IFAS), namely, the company shows that the quality of production results has a major effect on the survival of the company. The results of the IFAS table, found that the high market demand and company image greatly affect the company. At this time the company is in the business development phase because its in the I SO quadrant position (2.572; 2.277). PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya is also trying to maintain the development of human resources following the company. For employee performance and tries to improve the performance of its employees to achieve the goals following the company's expectations. The right strategy that must be used is the Strength-Opportunities strategy.
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah hal yang paling penting dalam mencapai tujuan untuk pimpin... more Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah hal yang paling penting dalam mencapai tujuan untuk pimpinan perusahaan dan mengharapkan kinerja yang baik dari masing masing karyawan dalam mengerjakan tugas dan propesinya masing masing di rumah sakit karisma pamanukan, rekrutmen adalah metode utama yang digunakan oleh bisnis atau organisasi untuk menemukan dan mewawancarai calon karyawan sehingga mereka dapat menilai kualifikasi kandidat yang memenuhi peryaratan untuk dibutuhkan dari rumah sakit karisma pamanukan. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian merupakan penilaian yang memiliki sifat penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Pemilihan kuantitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini didasarkan dari penelitian yang ingin mengkaji dan melihat Pengaruh Proses Rekrutmen dan seleksi terhadap kinerja karyawan di Rumah Sakit Karisma Pamanukan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh antara rekrutmen dan seleksi dengan kinerja karyawan khususnya pada rumah sakit karisma pamanuk...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of self-control and cyberloafing ... more The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of self-control and cyberloafing on employee performance. This study uses primary data by taking the population used in the study to select CV companies. Galiya Corp. which is located in Bekasi City uses 40 respondents who work in the company. The method used is a type of quantitative research with survey methods. Data collection techniques by using questionnaires to respondents' employees' CV. Galiya Corp lives or offline. The data processing method in this study uses SPSS 25 software which is used in testing the validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple regression analysis, t-test, and f test. The results obtained from this study are that H1 is accepted that the self-control and cyberloafing variables simultaneously affect the employee performance variable as seen from the f test, the Sig value is 0.000 <0.05. The self-control variable is the ...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the appli... more The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the application SIAP (Sistem Informasi Absensi Pegawai) on the performance of Civil Servants mediated by variable discipline. This study uses a quantitative approach in the form of descriptive, namely research that emphasizes the analysis of numerical data that is processed using statistical methods. The sample used in this study is using the Slovin formula with a total sample of as many as 55 people. Data processing in the study uses an analysis track or (path analysis). The results of the analysis show that there is no significant effect between the effectiveness of the application attendance electronic (SIAP) on the performance of the employee. The Effectiveness of application attendance electronic (SIAP) shows a positive and significant influence to discipline work. Work discipline can mediate connection Among the effectiveness of using the application (SIAP) with performance employees. This ...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
This research aim to analyze the recruitment process system for employees at the Badjoe M26 Wareh... more This research aim to analyze the recruitment process system for employees at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store, for knowing how is the recruitment process at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store, and for knowing the suitability of recruitment applied at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store. Types and approaches used that is Approach Qualitatively analyzed through SWOT analysis. Data collection is done Interview to the shop owner direct, and data from the results Interview then identified about internal and external factors using EFAS (External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) and IFAS (Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) matrices. score and weight of each internal and external factor like strength (Strength) of 2.88, Weakness is 0.44, Opportunity is 2.1 and Threat is 1.3. The total score of IFAS is 3.32 while the EFAS is 3.4. Research results show that position The Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store is in quadrant I which supports the Growth Oriented Strategy. This result signify the company h...
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Aug 21, 2021
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020
This study aims to investigate the partial and simultaneous effect of work motivation, work stres... more This study aims to investigate the partial and simultaneous effect of work motivation, work stress, work satisfaction on the performance of employees working from home (WFH) during the Covid-19 Pandemic at XYZ University Jakarta. The research method used is descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach. This research comprises independent variables, specifically, work motivation, work stress, work satisfaction, and the dependent variable is the performance of work from home employees. Questionnaires as a data collection technique used are distributed to work from home employees at XYZ University Jakarta with 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results at a significance level of 5% indicate that: (1) work motivation, work stress, and work satisfaction have a simultaneous and significant positive effect on the performance of work from home employees at XYZ University Jakarta with the F...
Saat ini sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggera... more Saat ini sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggerak ekonomi baru di Indonesia. Maka tidak berlebihan apabila kita menyebut bahwa ekonomi di Indonesia tumbuh pesat lewat sektor UMKM. Peran UMKM terhadap perekonomian dan penyerapan tenaga kerja memang tidak lagi diragukan. Namun kondisi UMKM di era pandemi seperti ini dapat diibaratkan hidup segan mati tak mau. Penularan virus corona yang demikian cepat dan masif telah memaksa pemerintah menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), hal ini akan juga berdampak mematikan berbagai aktivitas bisnis pelaku UMKM. Tatkala mobilitas masyarakat dan pelaku bisnis dibatasi, maka semakin sempit ruang gerak warga sebagai konsumen, maka aktivitas usaha dan bisnis pun kian terbatas atau stagnan. Sehingga perusahaan atau pelaku bisnis lesu. Untuk memberikan semangat lagi pada pelaku bisnis , maka perlu adanya pelatihan marketing secara on line guna meningkatkan kegiatan pemasaran. Adapun materi ke...
Jurnal PLANS : Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2018
Issues raised in this study is whether there is an effect of employee training on the development... more Issues raised in this study is whether there is an effect of employee training on the development of employees, effect of employee training on the competence of employees, the development of employees on the competence of employees at PDAM Tirtanadi North Sumatra either simultaneously or partial. The method used in this study is a correlational method with path analysis that aims to measure the relationship between variables. The total population in this research is 209 employees and sample taken as many as 65 employees. Samples were taken using Arikunto formula. Data analysis techniques are descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. After the data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0, the path analysis obtained by the equation: X2 = 0.380 x1+ 0.925 ε1; X3 = 0,296X1 + 0,393X2 +0,818 ε2. Hypothesis test shows the results of path coefficient effect of employee training on the development of employees amounted to 0.380 with tcount of 3.258 at a significance level of 0.002, the ...
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021
The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the atmosphere of A-H Jaya Frozen Foo... more The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the atmosphere of A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store and the price of A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store products in influencing consumer purchasing decisions at A-H Jaya Frozen Food Subang Store during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research uses descriptive and verification methods, in addition to that in this study using the counting method with Path Analysis and processed using the LISREL for Students program. The population in this study was unknown and took samples using an iterative technique which resulted in a sample of 115 respondents. In addition, data collection in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviewing respondents directly. This research is equipped with managerial implications that can be useful for the company / organization studied in this study to solve internal and external problems in the A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store environment. The results of this study indicate that the questionnaire dis...
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Jul 6, 2021
The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resources, good performance is... more The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resources, good performance is usually supported by the good organization culture and the high commitment of the employees there are concerned with. The purpose of this research was to know about the influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees, find out about the influence on performance, commitment and influence organizational culture and a commitment to employee performance to employees non education of Widyatama university, research methodology used is descriptive method i.e. research methods that are designed to obtain information about the status of a symptom when doing research. The results of the research there is influence between organizational culture performance of 51,2% there is influence commitment to the performance of 28,8% and between the culture of the organization and the commitment of 26,3% effect o performance.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Sep 19, 2018
Human resources are the most valuable asset and the most important of which is owned by an organi... more Human resources are the most valuable asset and the most important of which is owned by an organization, therefore the success of an organization is largely determined by the human element (Navami,2003). Human resources which have good performance will make it easier for organizations or companies in achieving the vision, mission and purpose. This research aims to find out and analyze about the influence of the working discipline, and motivation on performance, in this study population size is taken as a sample of 62 people. The results of this research work discipline and motivation that give effect at the same time have positive and significant influence on performance of employees in one of the non-educational university in Bandung.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Nov 23, 2011
Menghadapi persaingan global perguruan tinggi harus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan k... more Menghadapi persaingan global perguruan tinggi harus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing, diantaranya dengan mempersiapkan tenaga kerja non edukatif yang profesional. Untuk mempersiapkan tenaga kerja non edukatif yang professional salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan dari tenaga kerja non edukatif terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan bersaing disebuah perguruan tinggi. Objek penelitian adalah tenaga non edukatif Universitas Widyatama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif-Verifikatif, dan untuk menganalisis data digunakan Regresi Linier. Dalam pengambilan sampel teknik yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh antara pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan dari tenaga kerja non edukatif terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan bersaing namun hanyalah sebagian kecil.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Dec 12, 2017
People in the organization need to be treated humanely so that it can work effectively, efficient... more People in the organization need to be treated humanely so that it can work effectively, efficiently and productively. If seen from the perspective of the individual, characteristics of different cultures to each other is not an easy thing in managing employees totalling hundreds of even thousands of fine on companies engaged in manufacturing or in services. So it needs a strong desire and skill to score a cadres who are capable of producing optimal performance for the company. At the BRI Branch Office Ujung Berung Bandung, from the results of the interview are already done, in the present case with a decline in performance that is reflected in the achievement of the performance targets of credit tends to be decreased, from the above phenomenon then conducted research that aims to find out "the effect of workload and job stress on performance of employees of Bank BRI Branch Office Ujung Berung. The results showed that the workload does not affect the performance of the employees, but work stress influence on employee performance. But the simultaneous workloads and stress significantly influential work on performance of employees.
Jurnal Darma Agung
Currently, the government is actively promoting empowerment programs for new entrepreneurs to boo... more Currently, the government is actively promoting empowerment programs for new entrepreneurs to boost the country's economy. However, for fellow participants in ongoing rehabilitation for clients assisted by BNN West Java Province, entrepreneurship activities can be a way to start a new life so that they can re- mingle and be well received by the community. This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship training in improving entrepreneurial competence in sustainable rehabilitation participants for clients assisted by BNN West Java Province. The results of research using SPSS software show that entrepreneurship training has a significant effect on increasing entrepreneurial competence with an effect of 65.9%. The results of this study are expected to provide motivation for the government, the private sector, and other organizations to be able to organize entrepreneurship training with better quality so that this training can help fellow participants in sustainable reha...
Fair Value, Dec 28, 2022
This research was conducted at PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya to determine the company's business strate... more This research was conducted at PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya to determine the company's business strategy by analyzing the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The type of approach taken is to use qualitative methods through SWOT analysis, then analyzed using IFAS and EFAS matrices to get the right business strategy for PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis in this company improving human resource development and employee performance is good, because refers to the results of the IFAS and EFAS matrices, from the internal factor analysis (IFAS), namely, the company shows that the quality of production results has a major effect on the survival of the company. The results of the IFAS table, found that the high market demand and company image greatly affect the company. At this time the company is in the business development phase because its in the I SO quadrant position (2.572; 2.277). PT. Santosa Kurnia Jaya is also trying to maintain the development of human resources following the company. For employee performance and tries to improve the performance of its employees to achieve the goals following the company's expectations. The right strategy that must be used is the Strength-Opportunities strategy.
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah hal yang paling penting dalam mencapai tujuan untuk pimpin... more Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah hal yang paling penting dalam mencapai tujuan untuk pimpinan perusahaan dan mengharapkan kinerja yang baik dari masing masing karyawan dalam mengerjakan tugas dan propesinya masing masing di rumah sakit karisma pamanukan, rekrutmen adalah metode utama yang digunakan oleh bisnis atau organisasi untuk menemukan dan mewawancarai calon karyawan sehingga mereka dapat menilai kualifikasi kandidat yang memenuhi peryaratan untuk dibutuhkan dari rumah sakit karisma pamanukan. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian merupakan penilaian yang memiliki sifat penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Pemilihan kuantitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini didasarkan dari penelitian yang ingin mengkaji dan melihat Pengaruh Proses Rekrutmen dan seleksi terhadap kinerja karyawan di Rumah Sakit Karisma Pamanukan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh antara rekrutmen dan seleksi dengan kinerja karyawan khususnya pada rumah sakit karisma pamanuk...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of self-control and cyberloafing ... more The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of self-control and cyberloafing on employee performance. This study uses primary data by taking the population used in the study to select CV companies. Galiya Corp. which is located in Bekasi City uses 40 respondents who work in the company. The method used is a type of quantitative research with survey methods. Data collection techniques by using questionnaires to respondents' employees' CV. Galiya Corp lives or offline. The data processing method in this study uses SPSS 25 software which is used in testing the validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple regression analysis, t-test, and f test. The results obtained from this study are that H1 is accepted that the self-control and cyberloafing variables simultaneously affect the employee performance variable as seen from the f test, the Sig value is 0.000 <0.05. The self-control variable is the ...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the appli... more The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the application SIAP (Sistem Informasi Absensi Pegawai) on the performance of Civil Servants mediated by variable discipline. This study uses a quantitative approach in the form of descriptive, namely research that emphasizes the analysis of numerical data that is processed using statistical methods. The sample used in this study is using the Slovin formula with a total sample of as many as 55 people. Data processing in the study uses an analysis track or (path analysis). The results of the analysis show that there is no significant effect between the effectiveness of the application attendance electronic (SIAP) on the performance of the employee. The Effectiveness of application attendance electronic (SIAP) shows a positive and significant influence to discipline work. Work discipline can mediate connection Among the effectiveness of using the application (SIAP) with performance employees. This ...
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
This research aim to analyze the recruitment process system for employees at the Badjoe M26 Wareh... more This research aim to analyze the recruitment process system for employees at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store, for knowing how is the recruitment process at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store, and for knowing the suitability of recruitment applied at the Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store. Types and approaches used that is Approach Qualitatively analyzed through SWOT analysis. Data collection is done Interview to the shop owner direct, and data from the results Interview then identified about internal and external factors using EFAS (External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) and IFAS (Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) matrices. score and weight of each internal and external factor like strength (Strength) of 2.88, Weakness is 0.44, Opportunity is 2.1 and Threat is 1.3. The total score of IFAS is 3.32 while the EFAS is 3.4. Research results show that position The Badjoe M26 Warehouse Store is in quadrant I which supports the Growth Oriented Strategy. This result signify the company h...
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Aug 21, 2021
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020
This study aims to investigate the partial and simultaneous effect of work motivation, work stres... more This study aims to investigate the partial and simultaneous effect of work motivation, work stress, work satisfaction on the performance of employees working from home (WFH) during the Covid-19 Pandemic at XYZ University Jakarta. The research method used is descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach. This research comprises independent variables, specifically, work motivation, work stress, work satisfaction, and the dependent variable is the performance of work from home employees. Questionnaires as a data collection technique used are distributed to work from home employees at XYZ University Jakarta with 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results at a significance level of 5% indicate that: (1) work motivation, work stress, and work satisfaction have a simultaneous and significant positive effect on the performance of work from home employees at XYZ University Jakarta with the F...
Saat ini sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggera... more Saat ini sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggerak ekonomi baru di Indonesia. Maka tidak berlebihan apabila kita menyebut bahwa ekonomi di Indonesia tumbuh pesat lewat sektor UMKM. Peran UMKM terhadap perekonomian dan penyerapan tenaga kerja memang tidak lagi diragukan. Namun kondisi UMKM di era pandemi seperti ini dapat diibaratkan hidup segan mati tak mau. Penularan virus corona yang demikian cepat dan masif telah memaksa pemerintah menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), hal ini akan juga berdampak mematikan berbagai aktivitas bisnis pelaku UMKM. Tatkala mobilitas masyarakat dan pelaku bisnis dibatasi, maka semakin sempit ruang gerak warga sebagai konsumen, maka aktivitas usaha dan bisnis pun kian terbatas atau stagnan. Sehingga perusahaan atau pelaku bisnis lesu. Untuk memberikan semangat lagi pada pelaku bisnis , maka perlu adanya pelatihan marketing secara on line guna meningkatkan kegiatan pemasaran. Adapun materi ke...
Jurnal PLANS : Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2018
Issues raised in this study is whether there is an effect of employee training on the development... more Issues raised in this study is whether there is an effect of employee training on the development of employees, effect of employee training on the competence of employees, the development of employees on the competence of employees at PDAM Tirtanadi North Sumatra either simultaneously or partial. The method used in this study is a correlational method with path analysis that aims to measure the relationship between variables. The total population in this research is 209 employees and sample taken as many as 65 employees. Samples were taken using Arikunto formula. Data analysis techniques are descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. After the data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0, the path analysis obtained by the equation: X2 = 0.380 x1+ 0.925 ε1; X3 = 0,296X1 + 0,393X2 +0,818 ε2. Hypothesis test shows the results of path coefficient effect of employee training on the development of employees amounted to 0.380 with tcount of 3.258 at a significance level of 0.002, the ...
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021
The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the atmosphere of A-H Jaya Frozen Foo... more The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the atmosphere of A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store and the price of A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store products in influencing consumer purchasing decisions at A-H Jaya Frozen Food Subang Store during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research uses descriptive and verification methods, in addition to that in this study using the counting method with Path Analysis and processed using the LISREL for Students program. The population in this study was unknown and took samples using an iterative technique which resulted in a sample of 115 respondents. In addition, data collection in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviewing respondents directly. This research is equipped with managerial implications that can be useful for the company / organization studied in this study to solve internal and external problems in the A-H Jaya Frozen Food Store environment. The results of this study indicate that the questionnaire dis...
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Jul 6, 2021