Zainab Ompu Jainah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zainab Ompu Jainah
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
The crime of corruption is the misappropriation or misuse of state money for personal or group in... more The crime of corruption is the misappropriation or misuse of state money for personal or group interests. The problem that most often occurs among the community, this Crime of Corruption is widely carried out by the State Civil Apparatus as a person who has a position or has a certain position that is wrongly used, basically this kind of deviant behavior that is very worrying can cause problems among the community, this Corruption Crime also has a very negative impact on the financial losses of the state, Criminal offenders must be held accountable for their actions in the form of imprisonment, fines or dismissal with disrespect as a state civil apparatus which of course in committing the crime is known there are several factors that result in the perpetrator committing a criminal act of corruption, due to criminal acts committed by the perpetrator resulting in an impact on the community, which resulted in state financial losses due to the misuse of state money in the form of cor...
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Violence can be perpetrated by anyone, both adults and children. Children who are in conflict wit... more Violence can be perpetrated by anyone, both adults and children. Children who are in conflict with the law are usually affected by bad things, both from internal factors and external factors. Children who are experiencing a period of growth will certainly experience identity crisis,where he does not know who he is. This causes children to become more irritable and arise a desire to commit violence. This article is intended to find out how criminal accountability and the factors that cause children to commit violent crimes. Violence is an expression or action that a person or more has done to cause pain or suffering towards another person. The methods used in this study are normative legal research and empirical law, namely research whose sources come from books, legislation, journals, interviews, and other sources which are then analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. In providing criminal liability to children, it is worth diversion first so that children do not feel burdened ...
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
The Recipient Institution of Compulsory Reporting opens the way for the government to eradicate d... more The Recipient Institution of Compulsory Reporting opens the way for the government to eradicate drugs and cure the victims of drug abusers. Even so, socialization is felt to be lacking in society. People still view that victims of drug abuse are criminals and those who use drugs have a very big disgrace if they are known by their families and the surrounding community. The problems in this study are: How to strengthen the institution receiving the obligation to report on the prevalence of drug abusers in the province of Lampung? and What are the obstacles faced by recipient institutions that are required to report the prevalence of drug abusers? The research method used is a normative and empirical juridical approach. The results of the discussion in this study are the strengthening of reporting institutions on the prevalence of drug abusers in Lampung Province, including reporting drug abusers to mandatory reporting recipient institutions. After receiving mandatory reporting, a tea...
ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
The embodiment of West Lampung Traditional Cultural Expressions has not been optimal both in term... more The embodiment of West Lampung Traditional Cultural Expressions has not been optimal both in terms of intellectual property protection and in terms of its usefulness for the local community of West Lampung. In this article, we will discuss how intellectual property legal protection is implemented if it is implemented in the protection of traditional cultural expressions and how far has the West Lampung Regency Government tried to protect and utilize the potential of traditional cultural expressions. This article aims to identify a model of protection against traditional cultural expressions in West Lampung by using normative and empirical legal research methodologies. The results of the discussion show that the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions is carried out based on Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Advancement of Culture, Law Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation and Government Regulation Number 6 of 2017. 20...
Borneo Law Review, 2021
AbstractThis research aims to find out and understand the meaning of crime and criminal acts and ... more AbstractThis research aims to find out and understand the meaning of crime and criminal acts and how is the accountability of the perpetrators of criminal acts spreading fake news through social media. The conclusion of the research is that a criminal act or a criminal act is an act that is incompatible with or violates a legal rule or an act that is prohibited by a legal rule accompanied by a criminal sanction where the rule is aimed at the act while the threat or criminal sanction is aimed at the person who commits or the person. that caused the incident and the perpetrators of the crime of spreading fake news through social media can be held accountable if they violate Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law, which is an act intentionally, and without the right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer losses in Electronic Transactions, at where the perpetrator can be sentenced to imprisonment of up to 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1,000,000,000.00 ...
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Kata Narkotik sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Masalah peredarannya, sekarang su... more Kata Narkotik sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Masalah peredarannya, sekarang sudah sangat memprihatinka arus transportasi yang sangat maju dan pergeseran nilai matrialistis dengan dinamika sasaran opini peredaran gelap. Permasalahan bagaimana upaya Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dan apa saja faktor penghambat Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dalam upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan dan peredaran Narkotika Melalui pemberdayaan alternatif di kawasan rawan narkoba. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui, memahami dan menjelaskan mengenai upaya dan apa saja yang menjadi hambatan Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dalam rangka pencegahan dan pemberantasan dan peredaran Narkotika Melalui pemberdayaan alternatif di kawasan rawan narkoba. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Pendekatan yuridis normatif dan Pendekatan Empiris yaitu pendekatan dengan cara menelaah kaidah kaidah, norma-norma, aturan-aturan, yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang aka...
Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Education has developed very rapidly marked by the increase in the quality of education and world... more Education has developed very rapidly marked by the increase in the quality of education and world knowledge. The Indonesian government is trying to improve the quality of education by issuing a policy of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). This study aims to describe the model for strengthening the role of lecturers and students to improve hard skills and soft skills through MBKM at Bandar Lampung University. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that the presence of the MBKM activity was a grant of freedom to educational institutions to choose the system of authority needed to create independence from the bureaucracy. With this, it can improve students' hard skills and soft skills: 1) improving soft skills that are more able to appear to interact with communication both verbally and visually effectively based on context, 2) improve soft skills through the competence of the best gr...
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2019
International Journal of Science and Society
Every member of the National Police should ideally be a law enforcement officer who carries out m... more Every member of the National Police should ideally be a law enforcement officer who carries out maintaining public security and order, enforcing the law, and providing protection, shelter, and service to the community. In fact, there are members of the National Police who are part of a syndicate of narcotics traffickers. Therefore, the criminal law enforcement policies are implemented against the perpetrators. The problem of this research is how the policy of criminal law enforcement against drug dealer syndicates is carried out by members of the National Police and what are the legal consequences for the perpetrators of illicit drug trafficking syndicates carried out by members of the Indonesian National Police. This study uses a normative juridical approach based on secondary data which was analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the policy of law enforcement against the perpetrators of drug trafficking syndicates carried out by members of the National Poli...
JURNAL CEMERLANG : Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Remaja merupakan generasi muda penerus bangsa dalam globalisasi diera revolusi industri 4.0, dima... more Remaja merupakan generasi muda penerus bangsa dalam globalisasi diera revolusi industri 4.0, dimana remaja dituntut untuk dapat mengikuti transisi menuju zaman medernisasi milenial. Ancaman bahaya penyalahgunaan Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif (NAPZA) di Indonesia kini semakin marak terjadi, hingga semakin mengahawatirkan dapat meningkatnya penyalahgunaan NAPZA dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat termasuk pada remaja yang masih berstatus sebagai Pelajar baik yang masih duduk dibangku SMP hingga SMA. Berbagai alasan pelajar atau siswa melakukan perilaku menyimpang seperti penyalahgunaan NAPZA, yakni: 1) penggunaan NAPZA dilingkungan social terutama dalam pergaulan remaja sudah dianggap menjadi hal yang lumrah bahkan dijadikan suatu tran masa kini, 2) berawal dari bujuk rayu teman-temannya untuk mencoba merasakan efek dari NAPZA tersebut, 3) adanya tekanan beban hidup yang berlebihan sehingga seseorang stress dan timbul keinginan untuk merasakan kenikmatannya sesaat, dan 4) se...
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, Jul 10, 2018
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, Oct 23, 2019
Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, 2020
Criminal punishment to defendant by judge were such last combination from investigation process o... more Criminal punishment to defendant by judge were such last combination from investigation process of criminal case. Criminal case of narcotic use until now still became problem which became attention from local, national and international levels. There were problem within this research were: 1) How society perception concerning narcotic criminal sanction application based on Arricle 85 verse (1), (2), (3) Act Number 35, 2009 about Narcotic and the explanation completely, 2). What became the application barrier factor of criminal sanction to narcotic criminal action subject based on Article 85 verse (1), (2), (3) Act Number 35, 2009 about Narcotic and the explanation completely. Problem approximation carried out by normative and empirical judicial with resource data both directly from informant as both primary and secondary data which came from primary, secondary and tertiary law materials, and data analyzed qualitatively Based on research result could conclude that criminal sanction o...
Drug abuse problem, it is already very alarming, this was due to the development of science and t... more Drug abuse problem, it is already very alarming, this was due to the development of science and technology, as well as the impact of globalization, the current transportation is very advanced. The problem in this research is how the legal considerations of the Military Court of the Military Members who abuse Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic? Normative juridical approach and empirical, data analysis used is qualitative. The result is the legal considerations Military Court. Although this criminal act is a special type of criminal offense, but the presumption of innocence remains to be upheld in view of the defendant are also human beings who have rights. Based on Military Justice Putuasan Number: PUT / 17-K / PM 1-04 / AD / I / 2014 which involves Yuli Basuki Rahmat sergeant demanded prison for four (4) years for the accused detained temporarily reduced and a fine of Rp 800,000,000, - ., subsidiary 2 months in jail as well as additional criminal fired from military service. Saran, the...
AL-'ADALAH, 2019
This article examines the Islamic legal perspective on the application of capital punishment agai... more This article examines the Islamic legal perspective on the application of capital punishment against drug dealers/traffickers. The aim is to find out whether these provisions are in accordance with the rules of Islamic law or not. This study uses a normative juridical approach which is carried out by examining legal norms or norms related to the object of discussion. This study finds out that Islamic law does not explicitly regulate drug crime, including determining sanctions for the dealers/traffickers. Islamic law only regulates the crime of liquor (khamer). Therefore, this criminal act can be included in the category of jarîmah ta’zîr which its legal sanctions are left to the authorities policy. Although this crime can be classified as a common crime, it is reasonable that the dealers/traffickers of the illicit goods are given severe punishment, even until sentenced to death, as this crime has a tremendously adverse effect not only for individuals but also for society and the nat...
MAQASIDI: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dimana berdasarkan Putusan Nomor: 17/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kla disebutkan bahwa mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat (M. Basyarruddin) untuk seluruhnya, menyatakan bahwa Para Tergugat (Sumarjo, Sugiyanto, Sarjiyo, Djumino dan Jumadi) telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum, menyatakan sah secara hukum atas objek tanah sengketa dimaksud. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan empiris. Sumber data normatif dan empiris. Pengumpulan data melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan be...
FIAT JUSTISIA:Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
The resolution of a criminal offence does not have to be carried out through legal channels. Stil... more The resolution of a criminal offence does not have to be carried out through legal channels. Still, it can be done in the spirit of restorative justice, one of which uses the principle of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or (win-win solution) through the Rembuk Pekon which means through consensus agreement. This study aims to determine what crimes can be resolved with the Pekon consultation, how the process is resolved, and what the legal consequences are. This study uses an empirical normative method by examining the methods, norms, rules and primary data through observation and interviews, the results of the study indicate that the types of criminal acts that can be resolved with Rembuk Pekon include minor criminal offences Article 302, Article 352 paragraph (1), Article 364, Article 373, Article 379, Article 482, Article 315, Article 407 paragraph 1, and the criminal offence of complaint Article 284 of the Criminal Code. So in this study will discuss how the process of resolv...
Illicit drug trafficking undermine governance, institutions and societal cohesion. Drug trafficke... more Illicit drug trafficking undermine governance, institutions and societal cohesion. Drug traffickers typically seek the path where the rule of law is weak. In turn, drug-related crime deepens vulnerability to instability and poverty. In the period of the past two decades, Indonesia has become one of the countries that serve major markets from narcotics syndicate of international dimension for commercial purposes. For drug trafficking network in Asian countries, Indonesia is considered as the market (market- state) is the most prospective commercial for the International syndicates operating in developing countries.
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
The crime of corruption is the misappropriation or misuse of state money for personal or group in... more The crime of corruption is the misappropriation or misuse of state money for personal or group interests. The problem that most often occurs among the community, this Crime of Corruption is widely carried out by the State Civil Apparatus as a person who has a position or has a certain position that is wrongly used, basically this kind of deviant behavior that is very worrying can cause problems among the community, this Corruption Crime also has a very negative impact on the financial losses of the state, Criminal offenders must be held accountable for their actions in the form of imprisonment, fines or dismissal with disrespect as a state civil apparatus which of course in committing the crime is known there are several factors that result in the perpetrator committing a criminal act of corruption, due to criminal acts committed by the perpetrator resulting in an impact on the community, which resulted in state financial losses due to the misuse of state money in the form of cor...
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Violence can be perpetrated by anyone, both adults and children. Children who are in conflict wit... more Violence can be perpetrated by anyone, both adults and children. Children who are in conflict with the law are usually affected by bad things, both from internal factors and external factors. Children who are experiencing a period of growth will certainly experience identity crisis,where he does not know who he is. This causes children to become more irritable and arise a desire to commit violence. This article is intended to find out how criminal accountability and the factors that cause children to commit violent crimes. Violence is an expression or action that a person or more has done to cause pain or suffering towards another person. The methods used in this study are normative legal research and empirical law, namely research whose sources come from books, legislation, journals, interviews, and other sources which are then analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. In providing criminal liability to children, it is worth diversion first so that children do not feel burdened ...
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
The Recipient Institution of Compulsory Reporting opens the way for the government to eradicate d... more The Recipient Institution of Compulsory Reporting opens the way for the government to eradicate drugs and cure the victims of drug abusers. Even so, socialization is felt to be lacking in society. People still view that victims of drug abuse are criminals and those who use drugs have a very big disgrace if they are known by their families and the surrounding community. The problems in this study are: How to strengthen the institution receiving the obligation to report on the prevalence of drug abusers in the province of Lampung? and What are the obstacles faced by recipient institutions that are required to report the prevalence of drug abusers? The research method used is a normative and empirical juridical approach. The results of the discussion in this study are the strengthening of reporting institutions on the prevalence of drug abusers in Lampung Province, including reporting drug abusers to mandatory reporting recipient institutions. After receiving mandatory reporting, a tea...
ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
The embodiment of West Lampung Traditional Cultural Expressions has not been optimal both in term... more The embodiment of West Lampung Traditional Cultural Expressions has not been optimal both in terms of intellectual property protection and in terms of its usefulness for the local community of West Lampung. In this article, we will discuss how intellectual property legal protection is implemented if it is implemented in the protection of traditional cultural expressions and how far has the West Lampung Regency Government tried to protect and utilize the potential of traditional cultural expressions. This article aims to identify a model of protection against traditional cultural expressions in West Lampung by using normative and empirical legal research methodologies. The results of the discussion show that the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions is carried out based on Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Advancement of Culture, Law Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation and Government Regulation Number 6 of 2017. 20...
Borneo Law Review, 2021
AbstractThis research aims to find out and understand the meaning of crime and criminal acts and ... more AbstractThis research aims to find out and understand the meaning of crime and criminal acts and how is the accountability of the perpetrators of criminal acts spreading fake news through social media. The conclusion of the research is that a criminal act or a criminal act is an act that is incompatible with or violates a legal rule or an act that is prohibited by a legal rule accompanied by a criminal sanction where the rule is aimed at the act while the threat or criminal sanction is aimed at the person who commits or the person. that caused the incident and the perpetrators of the crime of spreading fake news through social media can be held accountable if they violate Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law, which is an act intentionally, and without the right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer losses in Electronic Transactions, at where the perpetrator can be sentenced to imprisonment of up to 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1,000,000,000.00 ...
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Kata Narkotik sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Masalah peredarannya, sekarang su... more Kata Narkotik sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Masalah peredarannya, sekarang sudah sangat memprihatinka arus transportasi yang sangat maju dan pergeseran nilai matrialistis dengan dinamika sasaran opini peredaran gelap. Permasalahan bagaimana upaya Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dan apa saja faktor penghambat Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dalam upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan dan peredaran Narkotika Melalui pemberdayaan alternatif di kawasan rawan narkoba. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui, memahami dan menjelaskan mengenai upaya dan apa saja yang menjadi hambatan Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Lampung dalam rangka pencegahan dan pemberantasan dan peredaran Narkotika Melalui pemberdayaan alternatif di kawasan rawan narkoba. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Pendekatan yuridis normatif dan Pendekatan Empiris yaitu pendekatan dengan cara menelaah kaidah kaidah, norma-norma, aturan-aturan, yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang aka...
Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Education has developed very rapidly marked by the increase in the quality of education and world... more Education has developed very rapidly marked by the increase in the quality of education and world knowledge. The Indonesian government is trying to improve the quality of education by issuing a policy of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). This study aims to describe the model for strengthening the role of lecturers and students to improve hard skills and soft skills through MBKM at Bandar Lampung University. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that the presence of the MBKM activity was a grant of freedom to educational institutions to choose the system of authority needed to create independence from the bureaucracy. With this, it can improve students' hard skills and soft skills: 1) improving soft skills that are more able to appear to interact with communication both verbally and visually effectively based on context, 2) improve soft skills through the competence of the best gr...
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2019
International Journal of Science and Society
Every member of the National Police should ideally be a law enforcement officer who carries out m... more Every member of the National Police should ideally be a law enforcement officer who carries out maintaining public security and order, enforcing the law, and providing protection, shelter, and service to the community. In fact, there are members of the National Police who are part of a syndicate of narcotics traffickers. Therefore, the criminal law enforcement policies are implemented against the perpetrators. The problem of this research is how the policy of criminal law enforcement against drug dealer syndicates is carried out by members of the National Police and what are the legal consequences for the perpetrators of illicit drug trafficking syndicates carried out by members of the Indonesian National Police. This study uses a normative juridical approach based on secondary data which was analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the policy of law enforcement against the perpetrators of drug trafficking syndicates carried out by members of the National Poli...
JURNAL CEMERLANG : Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Remaja merupakan generasi muda penerus bangsa dalam globalisasi diera revolusi industri 4.0, dima... more Remaja merupakan generasi muda penerus bangsa dalam globalisasi diera revolusi industri 4.0, dimana remaja dituntut untuk dapat mengikuti transisi menuju zaman medernisasi milenial. Ancaman bahaya penyalahgunaan Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif (NAPZA) di Indonesia kini semakin marak terjadi, hingga semakin mengahawatirkan dapat meningkatnya penyalahgunaan NAPZA dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat termasuk pada remaja yang masih berstatus sebagai Pelajar baik yang masih duduk dibangku SMP hingga SMA. Berbagai alasan pelajar atau siswa melakukan perilaku menyimpang seperti penyalahgunaan NAPZA, yakni: 1) penggunaan NAPZA dilingkungan social terutama dalam pergaulan remaja sudah dianggap menjadi hal yang lumrah bahkan dijadikan suatu tran masa kini, 2) berawal dari bujuk rayu teman-temannya untuk mencoba merasakan efek dari NAPZA tersebut, 3) adanya tekanan beban hidup yang berlebihan sehingga seseorang stress dan timbul keinginan untuk merasakan kenikmatannya sesaat, dan 4) se...
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, Jul 10, 2018
Publikasi Universitas Bandar Lampung, Oct 23, 2019
Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, 2020
Criminal punishment to defendant by judge were such last combination from investigation process o... more Criminal punishment to defendant by judge were such last combination from investigation process of criminal case. Criminal case of narcotic use until now still became problem which became attention from local, national and international levels. There were problem within this research were: 1) How society perception concerning narcotic criminal sanction application based on Arricle 85 verse (1), (2), (3) Act Number 35, 2009 about Narcotic and the explanation completely, 2). What became the application barrier factor of criminal sanction to narcotic criminal action subject based on Article 85 verse (1), (2), (3) Act Number 35, 2009 about Narcotic and the explanation completely. Problem approximation carried out by normative and empirical judicial with resource data both directly from informant as both primary and secondary data which came from primary, secondary and tertiary law materials, and data analyzed qualitatively Based on research result could conclude that criminal sanction o...
Drug abuse problem, it is already very alarming, this was due to the development of science and t... more Drug abuse problem, it is already very alarming, this was due to the development of science and technology, as well as the impact of globalization, the current transportation is very advanced. The problem in this research is how the legal considerations of the Military Court of the Military Members who abuse Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic? Normative juridical approach and empirical, data analysis used is qualitative. The result is the legal considerations Military Court. Although this criminal act is a special type of criminal offense, but the presumption of innocence remains to be upheld in view of the defendant are also human beings who have rights. Based on Military Justice Putuasan Number: PUT / 17-K / PM 1-04 / AD / I / 2014 which involves Yuli Basuki Rahmat sergeant demanded prison for four (4) years for the accused detained temporarily reduced and a fine of Rp 800,000,000, - ., subsidiary 2 months in jail as well as additional criminal fired from military service. Saran, the...
AL-'ADALAH, 2019
This article examines the Islamic legal perspective on the application of capital punishment agai... more This article examines the Islamic legal perspective on the application of capital punishment against drug dealers/traffickers. The aim is to find out whether these provisions are in accordance with the rules of Islamic law or not. This study uses a normative juridical approach which is carried out by examining legal norms or norms related to the object of discussion. This study finds out that Islamic law does not explicitly regulate drug crime, including determining sanctions for the dealers/traffickers. Islamic law only regulates the crime of liquor (khamer). Therefore, this criminal act can be included in the category of jarîmah ta’zîr which its legal sanctions are left to the authorities policy. Although this crime can be classified as a common crime, it is reasonable that the dealers/traffickers of the illicit goods are given severe punishment, even until sentenced to death, as this crime has a tremendously adverse effect not only for individuals but also for society and the nat...
MAQASIDI: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dimana berdasarkan Putusan Nomor: 17/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kla disebutkan bahwa mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat (M. Basyarruddin) untuk seluruhnya, menyatakan bahwa Para Tergugat (Sumarjo, Sugiyanto, Sarjiyo, Djumino dan Jumadi) telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum, menyatakan sah secara hukum atas objek tanah sengketa dimaksud. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan empiris. Sumber data normatif dan empiris. Pengumpulan data melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan be...
FIAT JUSTISIA:Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
The resolution of a criminal offence does not have to be carried out through legal channels. Stil... more The resolution of a criminal offence does not have to be carried out through legal channels. Still, it can be done in the spirit of restorative justice, one of which uses the principle of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or (win-win solution) through the Rembuk Pekon which means through consensus agreement. This study aims to determine what crimes can be resolved with the Pekon consultation, how the process is resolved, and what the legal consequences are. This study uses an empirical normative method by examining the methods, norms, rules and primary data through observation and interviews, the results of the study indicate that the types of criminal acts that can be resolved with Rembuk Pekon include minor criminal offences Article 302, Article 352 paragraph (1), Article 364, Article 373, Article 379, Article 482, Article 315, Article 407 paragraph 1, and the criminal offence of complaint Article 284 of the Criminal Code. So in this study will discuss how the process of resolv...
Illicit drug trafficking undermine governance, institutions and societal cohesion. Drug trafficke... more Illicit drug trafficking undermine governance, institutions and societal cohesion. Drug traffickers typically seek the path where the rule of law is weak. In turn, drug-related crime deepens vulnerability to instability and poverty. In the period of the past two decades, Indonesia has become one of the countries that serve major markets from narcotics syndicate of international dimension for commercial purposes. For drug trafficking network in Asian countries, Indonesia is considered as the market (market- state) is the most prospective commercial for the International syndicates operating in developing countries.