Zaklina Gjorgjioska - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zaklina Gjorgjioska
Синтаксата како јазична дисциплина е застапена во наставната програма по македонски јазик за трет... more Синтаксата како јазична дисциплина е застапена во наставната програма по македонски јазик за трета година во средното образование. Првобитното значење на терминот синтакса е „редење, распоред на зборовите“. Според Минова-Ѓуркова (1994: 85), синтаксата може да ја определиме како дел од науката за јазикот што ги проучува јазичните единици повисоки од зборовите (збороформите), и тоа: синтагмите и речениците, па и текстот (дискурсот) и тоа, главно, на планот на изразот (формата), но не запоставувајќи ја содржината (значењето).
Во Наставнaтa програмa за гимназиското реформирано образование се утврдуваат целите што ученикот ... more Во Наставнaтa програмa за гимназиското реформирано образование се утврдуваат целите што ученикот треба да ги постигне во областа на морфологијата, како на пр.: да ја дефинира морфологијата како наука за јазикот што ги проучува формите на зборовите, правилата за нивно градење и граматичко значење, а морфосинтаксата како наука што се занимава со употребата на зборовите во реченицата; да ги применува признаците за семантичка, морфолошка и синтаксичка класификација на зборовите; да ги сознае функциите на именките во усното и во писменото општење; да ги разликува категориите кај именките (род, определеност); да ја дефинира службата на именките во реченицата; да ја сознае поделбата на придавките на описни, односни, бројни и заменски; да ги разликува категориите на придавките (род, број, определеност, степен) и да знае да ги менува според нив; да ги разликува категориите на броевите (род, број и определеност); да ги класифицира бројните форми за лица и приближна бројност; да ги разликува карактеристиките на личнопредметните, прашалните, односните, неопределените, одречните заменки во текстот; да ги разликува показните заменки; да ги разликува категориите време, начин, лице, вид, преодност и број и да ги категоризира и да ги менува глаголите според трите глаголски групи; да ги разликува простите и сложените глаголски форми; да категоризира сегашност и минатост на глаголското дејство; да ги запознае карактеристиките на глаголската придавка и на глаголската именка; да ги препознава формите на глаголскиот прилог; да ги класифицира слoжените глаголски форми; да го разликува минатото неопределено свршено од несвршено време; да ги применува формите на предминато, формите на идното време, минато идно време и идно прекажано време, како и формите на можниот начин; да образува конструкции со сум и има.
Предмет на нашиот интерес е употребата на црковнословенизмите во романите на Венко Андоновски Пап... more Предмет на нашиот интерес е употребата на црковнословенизмите во романите на Венко Андоновски Папокот на светот, Вештица, којашто придонесува јазичниот израз на авторот да зазвучува архаично, пренесувајќи ги мислите, чувствата и страстите на едно минато време, но исто така и возвишено во согласност со тенденцијата на писателот да го „велича писмото наспроти сликата“ .
The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of the Macedonian language and literatu... more The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of the Macedonian language and literature as a subject in secondary schools, and the level of usage of the Macedonian standard language with the students in secondary schools, points to a series of inconsistencies with the realization of the teaching goals of this subject in the area of the language use on all its levels and areas.
In order for these inconsistencies to be overcome, since they directly reflect the linguistic expression of the students, it is necessary that all the curricula that the students’ textbooks are based on should be revised, especially since these textbooks are the basic mean of education for these students. Special attention should be paid on all the recurrent mistakes, (regardless of the area of their occurrence-phonology, morphology or syntax), in order to realize if the linguistic weakness of the students’ expressions are owed to the mistakes in curricula or if it is another matter.
Conference Presentations by Zaklina Gjorgjioska
The teaching practice in the secondary schools shows that the grammar based contents are either m... more The teaching practice in the secondary schools shows that the grammar based contents are either
minimally taught or taught at all, which leads to poor linguistic education of the students. Therefore it is necessary to
find ways to level up the Language part of the subject Macedonian Language and Literature and give it the attention
it deserves. 18Also, the secondary linguistic education is applied unsystematically and uncontemporary. Students
finish their secondary education with a very poor linguistic knowledge, which eventually results in not having basic
knowledge in Macedonian grammar, in orthoepy, in orthography and in stylistics of the Macedonian contemporary
language. The subject matter of this analysis are the formal words and expressions, their teaching and correct
application in both oral and written expression of the secondary school youth. Namely, the teaching curriculum for
the second year of the reformed gymnasium education19 sets the objectives for the area of morphology. Among other
contents the students need to learn, they also have to learn how to discriminate between adverbs and the other parts
of speech, to understand their function in the sentence, and also they need to learn to define and to explain the
function of the prepositions; to use conjunctions in the sentence; to define the functions of the particles; to
discriminate the exclamations according to their meaning and function in the sentence and to explain the function of
the modal words. When applying the teaching curriculum about the formal words and expressions it should be
pointed out that this subject has already been covered in the primary education, so it is necessary that the students
should have previous knowledge of this matter. In the secondary school curriculum students should learn the
function of formal words and expressions in a sentence. Practice shows that there are difficulties in the application
and the correct use of these words and expressions in context. The goal of this study is to point out all the
inconsistencies registered in the everyday practice, with the use of these evidence: students’ oral expressions, tests,
written papers, essays and project assignments, which have been subject matter of our analysis over the past couple
of years.
Keywords: adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, modal words.
The presence of the Church Slavic lexical elements in the Macedonian contemporary literature is a... more The presence of the Church Slavic lexical elements in the Macedonian
contemporary literature is a reflection of the attitude towards the Church Slavic
tradition. The rich Church Slavic lexis that contributes to the impressive expressiveness
of the literary works (both in prose and verse), remains an inspiration, more or less,
for the contemporary Macedonian authors, thus contributing to the revival of this
archaic lexis not only in the religious texts, but also in the literary works. Among the
most eminent Macedonian poets, who wrote verses in honor and glory of St. Clement
of Ohrid (Blazhe Koneski, Mateja Matevski, Ante Popovski, Petre M. Andreevski,
Jovan Krsteski , Radovan Pavlovski), the poet Ivan Vasilevski can also be included,
since he cherishes the Church Slavic written tradition in his literary work, not only
with the thematic work on the life of St. Clement of Ohrid, but also with his rich
Church Slavic lexical fund.
The subject of our interest are the Church Slavic elements in the Ivan Vasilevski’s
poem “Azbukoslovecot” (“The Literate One”) subtitled “In Glory of St. Clement the
all wise who planted the seeds on the bare soil and touches the stars with a song.”
In this hymn for Clement the following Church Slavic lexemes can be pointed
out: беседи (narrate), глаголи (talk), одежда (robes), скрб(и) (care), слово (story),
соблазни (temptation), унижен (humble), хула (blasphemy), especially the ones that
are used as epithets for St. Clement of Ohrid: Азбукословец (The Literate One),
Великомудрец (The All Wise One), Праотец (The Forefather), Светломудрец (The
Enlighted One), Чудотворец (The Miracle Maker). The use of the compounds is also
noticeable: благоглаголи (sweet talk), благослови (bless), краснопис (calligraphy),
мироносец (the bringer of peace), празноверен (superstitious), самољубие
(narcissism), светопис (The Bible), сладострастец (hedonist), тајнопис (secret
writing), чедоморец (murderer), and from the aspect of word formation these
are especially impressive: бдение (the wake), завештание (legacy), писание
(providence), привидение (illusion), претсказание (premonition); свидетел
(witness), создател (creator) and the like.
Keywords: lexis, Church Slavic, poetic style, St. Clement of Ohrid.
During the implementation of the curriculum topic dialectology of the Macedonian language, which ... more During the implementation of the curriculum topic dialectology of the Macedonian language, which is part of
the program for the fourth year of high school, the teacher faces major problems about when and with which content to
implement the teaching contents and concrete objectives of this field. Namely, students should adopt the following
contents: the subject of study of dialectology (language, speech, dialect); the importance of dialectology in the study of
the Macedonian language; development of Macedonian dialectological science and its representatives; dialect
differentiation of the Macedonian language; linguistic, social and geographical factors of dialect differentiation of the
Macedonian language (boundaries of the Macedonian language); structural features relevant to dialect differentiation of
Macedonian dialects; dialect differences in phonetics and phonology, in morphology, syntax and vocabulary; major
dialect groups: western Macedonian dialects, southeast Macedonian dialects, north Macedonian dialects.
Out of these program contents many goals derived that need to be overcome, but their volume complicates their
realization and perception by students, so the teacher is faced with difficulties when carrying out formative and
summative assessment of students while respecting the standards of assessment.
According to the results of the student and teacher survey for the purpose of this paper, they both believe that the part of
dialectology is too extensive and detailed, so it is impossible for it to be completely perceived by students. Although the
program requires teaching contents and goals that need to be achieved by students, we believe that a slight revision of
the curriculum objectives should be made.
Keywords: curriculum, dialect, standards, objectives, teaching content.
The Church Slavic language as a language was used throughout the middle Ages up until the beginni... more The Church Slavic language as a language was used throughout the middle Ages up until the beginning of the XIXth century, and is a bountiful lexical resource, which is reminisced upon even by the contemporary writers. From the contemporary point of view the expressions in Church Slavic are considered to be part of the archaic lexis, and a small proportion of them are presented in the Толковниот речник на македонскиот јазик (Interpertative Dictionary of the Macedonian Language).Undoubdetly, their use is not limited solely to the church-religious style, but they are also present and used in the works of Slavko Janevski, Venko Andonovski, Dragi Mihajlovski, Blagoja Risteski, Ante Popovski and others. Most often the Church Slavic expersions (for exapmle: глаголи (speak), двер (door), отроче (child), плот (body), твар(matter, thing) and others) are used according to their meanings in the Church Slavic language.
The subject of our interst are the Church Slavic expressions used in the literary work of Mihail Rendzov, which contribute to enriching his expression and originality. The following Chruch Slavic lexemes can be pointed out: двер(door), погибел(death), плот(body), скрб(и)(care), слово(alphabet), соблазна(temptation), твар(matter, thing), which are used without any significant deviation from its original meaning. From the word-formation aspect the non-suffixed formations are especially impressive: покора(submission), покаја(repentence), утеха(comfort), вик (yell), гнас(filth), од(walk), плач(cry), страд(suffering), изгон(exile), опстој(survival), as well as the complex expressions: ангелогласен(voice of an angel), благогласен(mild voice), богоразумен (reasonable), духоплоден(rich in spirit), медоточен(sweet-talking), светлозрачен(radiant), expressions of biblical origin, and others.
Key words: lexis, Chruch Slavic expressions, poetic style
Compulsory reading is part of the curriculum for the subject Macedonian Language and Literature i... more Compulsory reading is part of the curriculum for the subject Macedonian Language and Literature in both elementary and secondary education. The main goal of the compulsory reading is to cherish literature, thus developing love for the written expression and habit for reading, which in future will help the students establish and grow their own individual aesthetic, idealistic and ethic attitude, while expanding their vocabulary and oral expression at the same time.
The compulsory reading in the secondary gymnasium and secondary vocational education curriculum is only listed, regardless of the curriculum content, without pointing out any particular educational goals, didactic approaches or correlation with the other educational content. Therefore the methods and the approaches towards the realization of the compulsory reading classes depend largely on the creativity and the readiness of the teacher. The concept of the curriculum is such that it allows the teacher complete freedom in the creation and application of all the verified methods, so the teacher needs only initiate completely individual activity of the students, leading them towards purpose-receptive and purpose-active learning.
Undoubtedly, the compulsory reading classes are becoming more and more formal, and their realization has been reduced to a bare minimum. This is due to the poor interest in reading with the secondary education students, the limitation of the students to choose their reading material, the immensity of the curriculum itself, and other.
The purpose of this research is to point out a more creative approach towards the realization of the compulsory reading classes, which will be interesting for those students who are regular at reading, but it will also cover the less interested students. The subject of our interest is the interpretation of the novel “The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym” by Edgar Allan Poe, which is compulsory reading material for the third year students in reformed gymnasium education.
Key words: compulsory reading, interpretation, secondary education, methodic, creative class.
Abstract: The Macedonian folk tradition has an inherent system of customs and beliefs about the infants’ health protection. This system has been preserved over the centuries and it has been transmitted from one generation to another, even though its original sense has been forgotten. The preservation of the traditional practice confirms the belief in the “power” of certain rituals, regardless of the fact that there has been a considerable adaptation to the new way of living. Many of the customs related to pregnancy and child birth, the first bathing of the newborn, breastfeeding, the first visit of the newborn, the baptism, are still preserved. Most common beliefs are those that many of the infants’ diseases are caused by jinxes and supernatural forces, and are manifested by constant crying, sleeplessness, fever, facial redness, or sickness. The common practice to prevent these is to wear lucky charms, to practice witch craft to prevent diseases caused by jinxes by using different means, like: salt, blades and similar, and to perform the rituals of extinguishing coals, chanting special words along with prayers to Virgin Mary and other saints. The belief in the healing powers of the “ajazma” water, the healing and the protective powers of cornel, wild geranium and hellebore, are present up to date. In accordance with the tradition these health customs are usually practiced at the holidays: Easter, St. George, the first day of summer; and some of the family rituals include “try-to-catch-the-egg” on the day people ask for forgiveness from each other, just before the beginning of the Easter lent.
Key words: customs, beliefs, infants’ health, witch craft.
The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of Macedonian language and literature a... more The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of Macedonian language and literature as a
subject in secondary schools and the level of usage of the Macedonian standard language with the students in
secondary schools points to a series of inconsistencies in the realization of the teaching goals of this subject in
the area of language use at all its levels and in all areas.
In order for these inconsistencies to be overcome, since they directly reflect the linguistic expression
of the students, it is necessary that all the curricula students’ textbooks are based on should be revised,
especially since these textbooks are the basic means of education for these students. Special attention should
be paid to all the recurrent mistakes, (regardless of the area of their occurrence-phonology, morphology or
syntax), in order to realize if the linguistic weakness of the students’ expressions are owed to the mistakes in
the curricula or if it is another matter.
All the disadvantages and the gaps in the practical use of the Macedonian language which are
reflected on the quality of the knowledge obtained should be subjected to a more complex research by the
teachers themselves since they are directly involved in the practice, as well as by the linguistic researchers.
There should also be initiatives for open discussions regarding the contrastive analysis of the
current, up-to-date status of the Macedonian language, and other Slavic languages as well. Also, there should
be initiatives to enhance the learning of the grammatical structure of the Slavic languages in order to
apprehend the similarities and the differences among them, while shedding some light on the globalization
processes. All of the abovementioned activities can be best realized as students’ project activities.
Keywords: standard language, linguistic expression, curricula, Slavic languages, students’ textbooks.
Синтаксата како јазична дисциплина е застапена во наставната програма по македонски јазик за трет... more Синтаксата како јазична дисциплина е застапена во наставната програма по македонски јазик за трета година во средното образование. Првобитното значење на терминот синтакса е „редење, распоред на зборовите“. Според Минова-Ѓуркова (1994: 85), синтаксата може да ја определиме како дел од науката за јазикот што ги проучува јазичните единици повисоки од зборовите (збороформите), и тоа: синтагмите и речениците, па и текстот (дискурсот) и тоа, главно, на планот на изразот (формата), но не запоставувајќи ја содржината (значењето).
Во Наставнaтa програмa за гимназиското реформирано образование се утврдуваат целите што ученикот ... more Во Наставнaтa програмa за гимназиското реформирано образование се утврдуваат целите што ученикот треба да ги постигне во областа на морфологијата, како на пр.: да ја дефинира морфологијата како наука за јазикот што ги проучува формите на зборовите, правилата за нивно градење и граматичко значење, а морфосинтаксата како наука што се занимава со употребата на зборовите во реченицата; да ги применува признаците за семантичка, морфолошка и синтаксичка класификација на зборовите; да ги сознае функциите на именките во усното и во писменото општење; да ги разликува категориите кај именките (род, определеност); да ја дефинира службата на именките во реченицата; да ја сознае поделбата на придавките на описни, односни, бројни и заменски; да ги разликува категориите на придавките (род, број, определеност, степен) и да знае да ги менува според нив; да ги разликува категориите на броевите (род, број и определеност); да ги класифицира бројните форми за лица и приближна бројност; да ги разликува карактеристиките на личнопредметните, прашалните, односните, неопределените, одречните заменки во текстот; да ги разликува показните заменки; да ги разликува категориите време, начин, лице, вид, преодност и број и да ги категоризира и да ги менува глаголите според трите глаголски групи; да ги разликува простите и сложените глаголски форми; да категоризира сегашност и минатост на глаголското дејство; да ги запознае карактеристиките на глаголската придавка и на глаголската именка; да ги препознава формите на глаголскиот прилог; да ги класифицира слoжените глаголски форми; да го разликува минатото неопределено свршено од несвршено време; да ги применува формите на предминато, формите на идното време, минато идно време и идно прекажано време, како и формите на можниот начин; да образува конструкции со сум и има.
Предмет на нашиот интерес е употребата на црковнословенизмите во романите на Венко Андоновски Пап... more Предмет на нашиот интерес е употребата на црковнословенизмите во романите на Венко Андоновски Папокот на светот, Вештица, којашто придонесува јазичниот израз на авторот да зазвучува архаично, пренесувајќи ги мислите, чувствата и страстите на едно минато време, но исто така и возвишено во согласност со тенденцијата на писателот да го „велича писмото наспроти сликата“ .
The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of the Macedonian language and literatu... more The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of the Macedonian language and literature as a subject in secondary schools, and the level of usage of the Macedonian standard language with the students in secondary schools, points to a series of inconsistencies with the realization of the teaching goals of this subject in the area of the language use on all its levels and areas.
In order for these inconsistencies to be overcome, since they directly reflect the linguistic expression of the students, it is necessary that all the curricula that the students’ textbooks are based on should be revised, especially since these textbooks are the basic mean of education for these students. Special attention should be paid on all the recurrent mistakes, (regardless of the area of their occurrence-phonology, morphology or syntax), in order to realize if the linguistic weakness of the students’ expressions are owed to the mistakes in curricula or if it is another matter.
The teaching practice in the secondary schools shows that the grammar based contents are either m... more The teaching practice in the secondary schools shows that the grammar based contents are either
minimally taught or taught at all, which leads to poor linguistic education of the students. Therefore it is necessary to
find ways to level up the Language part of the subject Macedonian Language and Literature and give it the attention
it deserves. 18Also, the secondary linguistic education is applied unsystematically and uncontemporary. Students
finish their secondary education with a very poor linguistic knowledge, which eventually results in not having basic
knowledge in Macedonian grammar, in orthoepy, in orthography and in stylistics of the Macedonian contemporary
language. The subject matter of this analysis are the formal words and expressions, their teaching and correct
application in both oral and written expression of the secondary school youth. Namely, the teaching curriculum for
the second year of the reformed gymnasium education19 sets the objectives for the area of morphology. Among other
contents the students need to learn, they also have to learn how to discriminate between adverbs and the other parts
of speech, to understand their function in the sentence, and also they need to learn to define and to explain the
function of the prepositions; to use conjunctions in the sentence; to define the functions of the particles; to
discriminate the exclamations according to their meaning and function in the sentence and to explain the function of
the modal words. When applying the teaching curriculum about the formal words and expressions it should be
pointed out that this subject has already been covered in the primary education, so it is necessary that the students
should have previous knowledge of this matter. In the secondary school curriculum students should learn the
function of formal words and expressions in a sentence. Practice shows that there are difficulties in the application
and the correct use of these words and expressions in context. The goal of this study is to point out all the
inconsistencies registered in the everyday practice, with the use of these evidence: students’ oral expressions, tests,
written papers, essays and project assignments, which have been subject matter of our analysis over the past couple
of years.
Keywords: adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, modal words.
The presence of the Church Slavic lexical elements in the Macedonian contemporary literature is a... more The presence of the Church Slavic lexical elements in the Macedonian
contemporary literature is a reflection of the attitude towards the Church Slavic
tradition. The rich Church Slavic lexis that contributes to the impressive expressiveness
of the literary works (both in prose and verse), remains an inspiration, more or less,
for the contemporary Macedonian authors, thus contributing to the revival of this
archaic lexis not only in the religious texts, but also in the literary works. Among the
most eminent Macedonian poets, who wrote verses in honor and glory of St. Clement
of Ohrid (Blazhe Koneski, Mateja Matevski, Ante Popovski, Petre M. Andreevski,
Jovan Krsteski , Radovan Pavlovski), the poet Ivan Vasilevski can also be included,
since he cherishes the Church Slavic written tradition in his literary work, not only
with the thematic work on the life of St. Clement of Ohrid, but also with his rich
Church Slavic lexical fund.
The subject of our interest are the Church Slavic elements in the Ivan Vasilevski’s
poem “Azbukoslovecot” (“The Literate One”) subtitled “In Glory of St. Clement the
all wise who planted the seeds on the bare soil and touches the stars with a song.”
In this hymn for Clement the following Church Slavic lexemes can be pointed
out: беседи (narrate), глаголи (talk), одежда (robes), скрб(и) (care), слово (story),
соблазни (temptation), унижен (humble), хула (blasphemy), especially the ones that
are used as epithets for St. Clement of Ohrid: Азбукословец (The Literate One),
Великомудрец (The All Wise One), Праотец (The Forefather), Светломудрец (The
Enlighted One), Чудотворец (The Miracle Maker). The use of the compounds is also
noticeable: благоглаголи (sweet talk), благослови (bless), краснопис (calligraphy),
мироносец (the bringer of peace), празноверен (superstitious), самољубие
(narcissism), светопис (The Bible), сладострастец (hedonist), тајнопис (secret
writing), чедоморец (murderer), and from the aspect of word formation these
are especially impressive: бдение (the wake), завештание (legacy), писание
(providence), привидение (illusion), претсказание (premonition); свидетел
(witness), создател (creator) and the like.
Keywords: lexis, Church Slavic, poetic style, St. Clement of Ohrid.
During the implementation of the curriculum topic dialectology of the Macedonian language, which ... more During the implementation of the curriculum topic dialectology of the Macedonian language, which is part of
the program for the fourth year of high school, the teacher faces major problems about when and with which content to
implement the teaching contents and concrete objectives of this field. Namely, students should adopt the following
contents: the subject of study of dialectology (language, speech, dialect); the importance of dialectology in the study of
the Macedonian language; development of Macedonian dialectological science and its representatives; dialect
differentiation of the Macedonian language; linguistic, social and geographical factors of dialect differentiation of the
Macedonian language (boundaries of the Macedonian language); structural features relevant to dialect differentiation of
Macedonian dialects; dialect differences in phonetics and phonology, in morphology, syntax and vocabulary; major
dialect groups: western Macedonian dialects, southeast Macedonian dialects, north Macedonian dialects.
Out of these program contents many goals derived that need to be overcome, but their volume complicates their
realization and perception by students, so the teacher is faced with difficulties when carrying out formative and
summative assessment of students while respecting the standards of assessment.
According to the results of the student and teacher survey for the purpose of this paper, they both believe that the part of
dialectology is too extensive and detailed, so it is impossible for it to be completely perceived by students. Although the
program requires teaching contents and goals that need to be achieved by students, we believe that a slight revision of
the curriculum objectives should be made.
Keywords: curriculum, dialect, standards, objectives, teaching content.
The Church Slavic language as a language was used throughout the middle Ages up until the beginni... more The Church Slavic language as a language was used throughout the middle Ages up until the beginning of the XIXth century, and is a bountiful lexical resource, which is reminisced upon even by the contemporary writers. From the contemporary point of view the expressions in Church Slavic are considered to be part of the archaic lexis, and a small proportion of them are presented in the Толковниот речник на македонскиот јазик (Interpertative Dictionary of the Macedonian Language).Undoubdetly, their use is not limited solely to the church-religious style, but they are also present and used in the works of Slavko Janevski, Venko Andonovski, Dragi Mihajlovski, Blagoja Risteski, Ante Popovski and others. Most often the Church Slavic expersions (for exapmle: глаголи (speak), двер (door), отроче (child), плот (body), твар(matter, thing) and others) are used according to their meanings in the Church Slavic language.
The subject of our interst are the Church Slavic expressions used in the literary work of Mihail Rendzov, which contribute to enriching his expression and originality. The following Chruch Slavic lexemes can be pointed out: двер(door), погибел(death), плот(body), скрб(и)(care), слово(alphabet), соблазна(temptation), твар(matter, thing), which are used without any significant deviation from its original meaning. From the word-formation aspect the non-suffixed formations are especially impressive: покора(submission), покаја(repentence), утеха(comfort), вик (yell), гнас(filth), од(walk), плач(cry), страд(suffering), изгон(exile), опстој(survival), as well as the complex expressions: ангелогласен(voice of an angel), благогласен(mild voice), богоразумен (reasonable), духоплоден(rich in spirit), медоточен(sweet-talking), светлозрачен(radiant), expressions of biblical origin, and others.
Key words: lexis, Chruch Slavic expressions, poetic style
Compulsory reading is part of the curriculum for the subject Macedonian Language and Literature i... more Compulsory reading is part of the curriculum for the subject Macedonian Language and Literature in both elementary and secondary education. The main goal of the compulsory reading is to cherish literature, thus developing love for the written expression and habit for reading, which in future will help the students establish and grow their own individual aesthetic, idealistic and ethic attitude, while expanding their vocabulary and oral expression at the same time.
The compulsory reading in the secondary gymnasium and secondary vocational education curriculum is only listed, regardless of the curriculum content, without pointing out any particular educational goals, didactic approaches or correlation with the other educational content. Therefore the methods and the approaches towards the realization of the compulsory reading classes depend largely on the creativity and the readiness of the teacher. The concept of the curriculum is such that it allows the teacher complete freedom in the creation and application of all the verified methods, so the teacher needs only initiate completely individual activity of the students, leading them towards purpose-receptive and purpose-active learning.
Undoubtedly, the compulsory reading classes are becoming more and more formal, and their realization has been reduced to a bare minimum. This is due to the poor interest in reading with the secondary education students, the limitation of the students to choose their reading material, the immensity of the curriculum itself, and other.
The purpose of this research is to point out a more creative approach towards the realization of the compulsory reading classes, which will be interesting for those students who are regular at reading, but it will also cover the less interested students. The subject of our interest is the interpretation of the novel “The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym” by Edgar Allan Poe, which is compulsory reading material for the third year students in reformed gymnasium education.
Key words: compulsory reading, interpretation, secondary education, methodic, creative class.
Abstract: The Macedonian folk tradition has an inherent system of customs and beliefs about the infants’ health protection. This system has been preserved over the centuries and it has been transmitted from one generation to another, even though its original sense has been forgotten. The preservation of the traditional practice confirms the belief in the “power” of certain rituals, regardless of the fact that there has been a considerable adaptation to the new way of living. Many of the customs related to pregnancy and child birth, the first bathing of the newborn, breastfeeding, the first visit of the newborn, the baptism, are still preserved. Most common beliefs are those that many of the infants’ diseases are caused by jinxes and supernatural forces, and are manifested by constant crying, sleeplessness, fever, facial redness, or sickness. The common practice to prevent these is to wear lucky charms, to practice witch craft to prevent diseases caused by jinxes by using different means, like: salt, blades and similar, and to perform the rituals of extinguishing coals, chanting special words along with prayers to Virgin Mary and other saints. The belief in the healing powers of the “ajazma” water, the healing and the protective powers of cornel, wild geranium and hellebore, are present up to date. In accordance with the tradition these health customs are usually practiced at the holidays: Easter, St. George, the first day of summer; and some of the family rituals include “try-to-catch-the-egg” on the day people ask for forgiveness from each other, just before the beginning of the Easter lent.
Key words: customs, beliefs, infants’ health, witch craft.
The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of Macedonian language and literature a... more The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of Macedonian language and literature as a
subject in secondary schools and the level of usage of the Macedonian standard language with the students in
secondary schools points to a series of inconsistencies in the realization of the teaching goals of this subject in
the area of language use at all its levels and in all areas.
In order for these inconsistencies to be overcome, since they directly reflect the linguistic expression
of the students, it is necessary that all the curricula students’ textbooks are based on should be revised,
especially since these textbooks are the basic means of education for these students. Special attention should
be paid to all the recurrent mistakes, (regardless of the area of their occurrence-phonology, morphology or
syntax), in order to realize if the linguistic weakness of the students’ expressions are owed to the mistakes in
the curricula or if it is another matter.
All the disadvantages and the gaps in the practical use of the Macedonian language which are
reflected on the quality of the knowledge obtained should be subjected to a more complex research by the
teachers themselves since they are directly involved in the practice, as well as by the linguistic researchers.
There should also be initiatives for open discussions regarding the contrastive analysis of the
current, up-to-date status of the Macedonian language, and other Slavic languages as well. Also, there should
be initiatives to enhance the learning of the grammatical structure of the Slavic languages in order to
apprehend the similarities and the differences among them, while shedding some light on the globalization
processes. All of the abovementioned activities can be best realized as students’ project activities.
Keywords: standard language, linguistic expression, curricula, Slavic languages, students’ textbooks.