Ziad Alqadi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ziad Alqadi

Research paper thumbnail of Message Cryptography using Two Round of Message Reordering

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A highly secure method of message cryptography will be introduced, the method will use a complica... more A highly secure method of message cryptography will be introduced, the method will use a complicated PK, which will provide a high entropy space capable to resist hacking attempts, and the produced decrypted message will be very sensitive to the selected values of the PK components. The PK will be used to generate two chaotic keys; these keys will be converted to indices key to be used to reorder the message contents at the character level and at the bit level. The encryption-decryption process will be implemented in two rounds: the first round will be used to reorder the message characters, while the second round will be used to reorder the message blocks of bits. The PK will be also used to divide the message array of bits to equal blocks.
The introduced method will simplify the process of message cryptography by applying simple reordering operations and eliminating the need to use a complex og logical operations used in other methods of message cryptography.
The proposed method will be implemented and tested using various short, medium and long messages, the obtained results will be analyzed to prove the enhancements provided by the proposed method in: speed, quality and sensitivity of message cryptography.

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed LSB4 of Data Steganography

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Message Binary Matrix Reshaping and Rotating Left to Encrypt-Decrypt Secret Message

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Covering Media Used to Hide DSF

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Jan 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Simple Sequence of Procedures to Build IRS

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A simple and efficient sequence of procedures to build an image recognition system will be propos... more A simple and efficient sequence of procedures to build an image recognition system will be proposed, this system will be easily used to classify any image, with any type and size. A procedure to create the image features database will be introduced, this procedure will be based on local binary patterns method, it will decrease the features extraction time and create a unique features array for each image, and this array will be used as an identifier to recognize the associated image. The second procedure will use a feedforward artificial neural network, the architecture of this ANN will be proposed and trained, the optimal ANN which minimize the mean square error between the targets and the calculated outputs, this ANN will be saved to be used in the image classification procedure. Several images will be selected, the features of each image will be extracted and save to create the image features database. This database with the required targets will used to train the ANN; various approaches will be discussed in order to achieve the optimal ANN. The created optimal ANN then will be used as a classification tool to identify the image using its features.

Research paper thumbnail of MSE_LSB Method of Message Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A modified, secure and efficient LSB based method (MSE_LSB) of message steganography will be intr... more A modified, secure and efficient LSB based method (MSE_LSB) of message steganography will be introduced. The single character of the secret message will be hidden in spaced covering bytes. The covering-stego bytes will be reordered and scattered based on the contents of the generated secret indices key, this key will be used to reorder and reorder back the covering-stego bytes. The proposed MSE_LSB method will use a complicated private key, this key will provide a huge key space capable to make it strong enough to resist hacking attacks; the extracted message will be very sensitive to the selected private key. The secret indices key will be generated using chaotic logistic parameters for short and medium messages, and an image_key will be used to generate the indices key for long messages to keep the method efficient. The proposed method will modify and simplify the processes of characters hiding and extracting by using simple assignment operation. The image_key will replace the chaotic logistic key to reduce the key generation time, this is because long chaotic key will require a long time, thus the speed of message steganography will be negatively affected.
The proposed MSE_LSB method will be tested and implemented using various short, medium and long messages, the obtained results will be used to prove the fact that the proposed method will meet the requirements of good stego system (quality, security, sensitivity and speed). The speed results of the proposed method will be compared with other methods speeds to show how the proposed method will increase the speed of message steganography by decreasing both the hiding and extracting times.

Research paper thumbnail of Three Rounds Cryptography to Protect Secret Message

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A simple three rounds method of message cryptography will be introduced, the message will be encr... more A simple three rounds method of message cryptography will be introduced, the message will be encrypted-decrypted by apply XORing operation of the message with the secret KEY1 in the first round, in the second round the message will be shuffled using the secret key KEY2, while in the third round the message binary matrix will be rotated left to a number of selected digits. The introduced method will be very secure it will use a secret kept digital color image as an image_key, this image will be used to generate KEY1 and KEY2. KEY1 will be extracted from the image from a selected position, while KEY2 will be an indices key obtained by sorting a number of bytes extracted from the image from another position determined by the user. In addition to the image_key the method will use the values of POS1, POS2, and NORLD to determine the starting position of key1, the starting position of key2 and the number of rotate left digits. The produced decrypted message will be very sensitive to the selected image_key, POS1, POS2 and NORTD. The encryption function will be simplified and it will be implemented using three simple tasks: XORing, shuffling and rotating left, while the decryption function will be implemented by applying rotate left, shuffling back and XORing operations.
The proposed method will be implemented and tested using various messages, the results will be studied and analyzed to prove the achievements provided by the method in: quality, speed, security and sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Message steganography using separate locations and blocks

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024

A novel method of message steganography is introduced to solve the disadvantages of traditional l... more A novel method of message steganography is introduced to solve the disadvantages of traditional least significant bit (LSB) based methods by dividing the covering-stego image into a secret number of blocks. A chaotic logistic map model was performed using the chaotic parameters and the number of image blocks for generating a chaotic key. This key was then sorted, and the locations of blocks 1 to 8 were used to select the required blocks to be used as covering-stego blocks. The introduced method simplifies the process of message bits hiding and extracting by adopting a batch method of bits hiding and extracting. A comparative analysis was conducted between the outcomes of proposed method and those of prevalent approaches to outline the enhancements in both speed and quality of message steganography.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Chaotic Logistic Map used to Generate Secret Keys

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

Chaotic logistic map is a good model which can be used to generate various secret keys used in da... more Chaotic logistic map is a good model which can be used to generate various secret keys used in data cryptography.
In this paper research a detailed analysis of CLM will be introduced. The behavior of CLM will be studied to show how to select the best values of the CLM parameters (growth rate, initial population and the length of the population). Various ranges of the population growth and the initial population will be tested. It will be shown how to use the generated populations to form various secret keys. The sensitivity of CLM will be studied, and it will be shown that any minor changes in the CLM parameters will lead to change the generated population. The population generation time will be tested using various in length generated population, and some recommendation will be provided when dealing with data with big size. It will be shown that using CLM will provide a good security level when using the CLM parameters as a private key.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance evaluation of artificial neural networks for spatial data analysis

WSEAS Transactions on Computers archive, Apr 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A Dual Approach to Digital Audio Signal Cryptography

Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, Feb 28, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Method to Message-Image Cryptography Using Reordered Image-Key

Traitement Du Signal, Feb 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Color Image Features Based on Morphology Image Processing

Traitement Du Signal, Jun 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Methodology Based on Steganography and Cryptography to Protect Highly Secure Messages

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 16, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Reality of SWOT in Telecommunications Companies Worldwide Domain

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple 3D Chaotic Keys to Protect Digital Images

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A simple, multipurpose, efficient, sensitive and highly qualities method of image cryptography wi... more A simple, multipurpose, efficient, sensitive and highly qualities method of image cryptography will be introduced in this research paper. The method will be easily used to encrypt-decrypt any type of image with any size (gray and color images). The proposed method will secure the image by providing a high degree of image protection based on using a complex private key, which contains eight values, each of the has a double data type. The private key will provide the required key space to resist any hacking attack. The private key components will be used to calculate the size of the generated 3D chaotic logistic key. The private key will also be used to run two chaotic logistic map models to get two different chaotic keys base on the chaotic parameters values included in the private key. Two rounds of XORing operations will be used to generate the encrypted-decrypted image. The generated outputs of the proposed method will be sensitive to the selected value of the private key. The pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Bits and Characters Substitutions to Increase the Security Level of Transmitted Secret Message

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Chaotic logistic map model is an interesting tool, it has good features, which make it capable to... more Chaotic logistic map model is an interesting tool, it has good features, which make it capable to create chaotic keys, these keys are stable and sensitive to the selected values of chaotic parameters. In this paper research we will introduce a simple, secure and efficient method of secret message cryptography. The encryption-decryption phases will be implemented in two rounds. Two secret keys will be used; these keys will be generated by running two CLMM with a selected chaotic parameter. The first key ‘CSK’ will be used for message characters’ substitution, while the second secret key ‘BSK’ will be used for message binary version bits’ substitution. The two secret keys will be generated using a PK which contains the selected values of the CLMM. The PK will provide a huge key space capable to resist any hacking attack, also the generated two keys will be sensitive to any changes in the PK components, making any minor changes in these components in the decryption phase will be consid...

Research paper thumbnail of Two PKs to Protect LSB Method of Data Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

LSB method of data steganography is very popular and easy method of data hiding, but it si not se... more LSB method of data steganography is very popular and easy method of data hiding, but it si not secure. In this research paper a simple and easy modifications will be added to LSB method to increase the security level of data hiding. Two PKs will be used to protect the hidden secret message, the first PK1 will be generated using a selected parameter values to run CLMM, this key will be converted to form a lockup table to apply message encryption-decryption. The second PK2 will be used to apply bits’ substitution of the character binary matrix, the two keys will provide a necessary key space, which can resist hacking attacks, the two keys will be sensitive to any minor changes in the PKs contents, any changes in the PKs values in the message retrieving phase will be considered as a hacking attempt. The proposed method will be implemented using various messages and various covering images, the obtained results will be analyzed, several types of results analysis will be performed to pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Bits Substitution to Secure LSB Method of Data Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Least significant bit of data hiding is one of the most popular used methods in data steganograph... more Least significant bit of data hiding is one of the most popular used methods in data steganography, this method is simple and efficient, but it is not secure. In this research paper a modified LSB method version will be proposed, this version added a private key as an input of data hiding and data extracting. The private key will contain 8 components which provide a necessary key space to protect the hidden message. The PK key will be used to perform the required substitution and arrangement of the binary version of the secret message. The proposed method will be tested for quality and performance to prove that the proposed method keeps the performance of the LSB method without changes. Several images will be used as a covering images and a recommendation will be suggested to keep the method efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Secure, Based on Pixel Value Encoding-Decoding Method for Medical Color Image Cryptography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Protecting the medical colored digital image from intruders or from the process of penetration is... more Protecting the medical colored digital image from intruders or from the process of penetration is very important, because the medical digital image may be secret or private, or it may be a carrier of confidential data. In this research paper, we will present a new method for encrypting and decrypting the medical digital image in order to secure the protection process for the medical digital image. The introduced method will use image-private key to apply image cryptography, this key will be kept in secrete and it can be used to encrypt-decrypt any image with any size, The image key can be easily changed when the needs arise to insure the security issues. The proposed method will tested to show that it will provide excellent values for MSE and PSNR to prove that the method will satisfy the requirement of good method of medical image cryptography.

Research paper thumbnail of Message Cryptography using Two Round of Message Reordering

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A highly secure method of message cryptography will be introduced, the method will use a complica... more A highly secure method of message cryptography will be introduced, the method will use a complicated PK, which will provide a high entropy space capable to resist hacking attempts, and the produced decrypted message will be very sensitive to the selected values of the PK components. The PK will be used to generate two chaotic keys; these keys will be converted to indices key to be used to reorder the message contents at the character level and at the bit level. The encryption-decryption process will be implemented in two rounds: the first round will be used to reorder the message characters, while the second round will be used to reorder the message blocks of bits. The PK will be also used to divide the message array of bits to equal blocks.
The introduced method will simplify the process of message cryptography by applying simple reordering operations and eliminating the need to use a complex og logical operations used in other methods of message cryptography.
The proposed method will be implemented and tested using various short, medium and long messages, the obtained results will be analyzed to prove the enhancements provided by the proposed method in: speed, quality and sensitivity of message cryptography.

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed LSB4 of Data Steganography

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Message Binary Matrix Reshaping and Rotating Left to Encrypt-Decrypt Secret Message

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Covering Media Used to Hide DSF

International journal of computer science and mobile computing, Jan 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Simple Sequence of Procedures to Build IRS

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A simple and efficient sequence of procedures to build an image recognition system will be propos... more A simple and efficient sequence of procedures to build an image recognition system will be proposed, this system will be easily used to classify any image, with any type and size. A procedure to create the image features database will be introduced, this procedure will be based on local binary patterns method, it will decrease the features extraction time and create a unique features array for each image, and this array will be used as an identifier to recognize the associated image. The second procedure will use a feedforward artificial neural network, the architecture of this ANN will be proposed and trained, the optimal ANN which minimize the mean square error between the targets and the calculated outputs, this ANN will be saved to be used in the image classification procedure. Several images will be selected, the features of each image will be extracted and save to create the image features database. This database with the required targets will used to train the ANN; various approaches will be discussed in order to achieve the optimal ANN. The created optimal ANN then will be used as a classification tool to identify the image using its features.

Research paper thumbnail of MSE_LSB Method of Message Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A modified, secure and efficient LSB based method (MSE_LSB) of message steganography will be intr... more A modified, secure and efficient LSB based method (MSE_LSB) of message steganography will be introduced. The single character of the secret message will be hidden in spaced covering bytes. The covering-stego bytes will be reordered and scattered based on the contents of the generated secret indices key, this key will be used to reorder and reorder back the covering-stego bytes. The proposed MSE_LSB method will use a complicated private key, this key will provide a huge key space capable to make it strong enough to resist hacking attacks; the extracted message will be very sensitive to the selected private key. The secret indices key will be generated using chaotic logistic parameters for short and medium messages, and an image_key will be used to generate the indices key for long messages to keep the method efficient. The proposed method will modify and simplify the processes of characters hiding and extracting by using simple assignment operation. The image_key will replace the chaotic logistic key to reduce the key generation time, this is because long chaotic key will require a long time, thus the speed of message steganography will be negatively affected.
The proposed MSE_LSB method will be tested and implemented using various short, medium and long messages, the obtained results will be used to prove the fact that the proposed method will meet the requirements of good stego system (quality, security, sensitivity and speed). The speed results of the proposed method will be compared with other methods speeds to show how the proposed method will increase the speed of message steganography by decreasing both the hiding and extracting times.

Research paper thumbnail of Three Rounds Cryptography to Protect Secret Message

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

A simple three rounds method of message cryptography will be introduced, the message will be encr... more A simple three rounds method of message cryptography will be introduced, the message will be encrypted-decrypted by apply XORing operation of the message with the secret KEY1 in the first round, in the second round the message will be shuffled using the secret key KEY2, while in the third round the message binary matrix will be rotated left to a number of selected digits. The introduced method will be very secure it will use a secret kept digital color image as an image_key, this image will be used to generate KEY1 and KEY2. KEY1 will be extracted from the image from a selected position, while KEY2 will be an indices key obtained by sorting a number of bytes extracted from the image from another position determined by the user. In addition to the image_key the method will use the values of POS1, POS2, and NORLD to determine the starting position of key1, the starting position of key2 and the number of rotate left digits. The produced decrypted message will be very sensitive to the selected image_key, POS1, POS2 and NORTD. The encryption function will be simplified and it will be implemented using three simple tasks: XORing, shuffling and rotating left, while the decryption function will be implemented by applying rotate left, shuffling back and XORing operations.
The proposed method will be implemented and tested using various messages, the results will be studied and analyzed to prove the achievements provided by the method in: quality, speed, security and sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Message steganography using separate locations and blocks

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024

A novel method of message steganography is introduced to solve the disadvantages of traditional l... more A novel method of message steganography is introduced to solve the disadvantages of traditional least significant bit (LSB) based methods by dividing the covering-stego image into a secret number of blocks. A chaotic logistic map model was performed using the chaotic parameters and the number of image blocks for generating a chaotic key. This key was then sorted, and the locations of blocks 1 to 8 were used to select the required blocks to be used as covering-stego blocks. The introduced method simplifies the process of message bits hiding and extracting by adopting a batch method of bits hiding and extracting. A comparative analysis was conducted between the outcomes of proposed method and those of prevalent approaches to outline the enhancements in both speed and quality of message steganography.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Chaotic Logistic Map used to Generate Secret Keys

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024

Chaotic logistic map is a good model which can be used to generate various secret keys used in da... more Chaotic logistic map is a good model which can be used to generate various secret keys used in data cryptography.
In this paper research a detailed analysis of CLM will be introduced. The behavior of CLM will be studied to show how to select the best values of the CLM parameters (growth rate, initial population and the length of the population). Various ranges of the population growth and the initial population will be tested. It will be shown how to use the generated populations to form various secret keys. The sensitivity of CLM will be studied, and it will be shown that any minor changes in the CLM parameters will lead to change the generated population. The population generation time will be tested using various in length generated population, and some recommendation will be provided when dealing with data with big size. It will be shown that using CLM will provide a good security level when using the CLM parameters as a private key.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance evaluation of artificial neural networks for spatial data analysis

WSEAS Transactions on Computers archive, Apr 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A Dual Approach to Digital Audio Signal Cryptography

Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, Feb 28, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Method to Message-Image Cryptography Using Reordered Image-Key

Traitement Du Signal, Feb 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Color Image Features Based on Morphology Image Processing

Traitement Du Signal, Jun 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Methodology Based on Steganography and Cryptography to Protect Highly Secure Messages

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 16, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Reality of SWOT in Telecommunications Companies Worldwide Domain

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple 3D Chaotic Keys to Protect Digital Images

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A simple, multipurpose, efficient, sensitive and highly qualities method of image cryptography wi... more A simple, multipurpose, efficient, sensitive and highly qualities method of image cryptography will be introduced in this research paper. The method will be easily used to encrypt-decrypt any type of image with any size (gray and color images). The proposed method will secure the image by providing a high degree of image protection based on using a complex private key, which contains eight values, each of the has a double data type. The private key will provide the required key space to resist any hacking attack. The private key components will be used to calculate the size of the generated 3D chaotic logistic key. The private key will also be used to run two chaotic logistic map models to get two different chaotic keys base on the chaotic parameters values included in the private key. Two rounds of XORing operations will be used to generate the encrypted-decrypted image. The generated outputs of the proposed method will be sensitive to the selected value of the private key. The pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Bits and Characters Substitutions to Increase the Security Level of Transmitted Secret Message

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Chaotic logistic map model is an interesting tool, it has good features, which make it capable to... more Chaotic logistic map model is an interesting tool, it has good features, which make it capable to create chaotic keys, these keys are stable and sensitive to the selected values of chaotic parameters. In this paper research we will introduce a simple, secure and efficient method of secret message cryptography. The encryption-decryption phases will be implemented in two rounds. Two secret keys will be used; these keys will be generated by running two CLMM with a selected chaotic parameter. The first key ‘CSK’ will be used for message characters’ substitution, while the second secret key ‘BSK’ will be used for message binary version bits’ substitution. The two secret keys will be generated using a PK which contains the selected values of the CLMM. The PK will provide a huge key space capable to resist any hacking attack, also the generated two keys will be sensitive to any changes in the PK components, making any minor changes in these components in the decryption phase will be consid...

Research paper thumbnail of Two PKs to Protect LSB Method of Data Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

LSB method of data steganography is very popular and easy method of data hiding, but it si not se... more LSB method of data steganography is very popular and easy method of data hiding, but it si not secure. In this research paper a simple and easy modifications will be added to LSB method to increase the security level of data hiding. Two PKs will be used to protect the hidden secret message, the first PK1 will be generated using a selected parameter values to run CLMM, this key will be converted to form a lockup table to apply message encryption-decryption. The second PK2 will be used to apply bits’ substitution of the character binary matrix, the two keys will provide a necessary key space, which can resist hacking attacks, the two keys will be sensitive to any minor changes in the PKs contents, any changes in the PKs values in the message retrieving phase will be considered as a hacking attempt. The proposed method will be implemented using various messages and various covering images, the obtained results will be analyzed, several types of results analysis will be performed to pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Bits Substitution to Secure LSB Method of Data Steganography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Least significant bit of data hiding is one of the most popular used methods in data steganograph... more Least significant bit of data hiding is one of the most popular used methods in data steganography, this method is simple and efficient, but it is not secure. In this research paper a modified LSB method version will be proposed, this version added a private key as an input of data hiding and data extracting. The private key will contain 8 components which provide a necessary key space to protect the hidden message. The PK key will be used to perform the required substitution and arrangement of the binary version of the secret message. The proposed method will be tested for quality and performance to prove that the proposed method keeps the performance of the LSB method without changes. Several images will be used as a covering images and a recommendation will be suggested to keep the method efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Secure, Based on Pixel Value Encoding-Decoding Method for Medical Color Image Cryptography

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

Protecting the medical colored digital image from intruders or from the process of penetration is... more Protecting the medical colored digital image from intruders or from the process of penetration is very important, because the medical digital image may be secret or private, or it may be a carrier of confidential data. In this research paper, we will present a new method for encrypting and decrypting the medical digital image in order to secure the protection process for the medical digital image. The introduced method will use image-private key to apply image cryptography, this key will be kept in secrete and it can be used to encrypt-decrypt any image with any size, The image key can be easily changed when the needs arise to insure the security issues. The proposed method will tested to show that it will provide excellent values for MSE and PSNR to prove that the method will satisfy the requirement of good method of medical image cryptography.