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Papers by annis catur adi

Research paper thumbnail of Culinary herbs and spices for low-salt dietary management: Taste sensitivity and preference among the elderly

Research paper thumbnail of Daya terima dan kandungan gizi formulasi biskuit IBBU sebagai pangan darurat bencana pereda stres ibu hamil

Jurnal Sago Gizi dan Kesehatan, Dec 4, 2023

Background: Disasters can cause emergencies that have the potential to impact food and nutrition ... more Background: Disasters can cause emergencies that have the potential to impact food and nutrition crises, especially in the first five days (first phase of emergency response); therefore, assistance is needed in the form of providing food immediately. Pregnant women are vulnerable groups that can become victims of disasters. Insufficient intake by pregnant women during a disaster can lead to a potential incidence of infection, stunting, and malnutrition in infants. Additionally, disaster conditions can cause pregnant women to experience stress. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the formulation of disaster emergency food biscuits in an effort to relieve stress in pregnant women victims of disasters. Methods: This type of research was purely experimental on the biscuit formula and had a completely randomized design with five formulas. The nutritional content was calculated using DKBM. The acceptability test at the organoleptic stage was quasi-experimental. The organoleptic quality tested on 3 limited panelists and 25 somewhat trained panelists was analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test (α ≤ 0,05). Results: The results showed that the formula with the best acceptability was F1 (purple sweet potato flour 30 g; skim milk powder 10 g; soy protein isolate 5 g; nutmeg powder 7 g) with total energy per serving 247,4 kcal, which fulfills 11% of the energy needs of pregnant women. Giving 7 grams of nutmeg powder can potentially relieve stress in pregnant women if consumed one serving per day for 15 days. Conclusion: An increasing number of substitutions resulted in lower acceptability and higher energy, protein, and fiber contents in biscuits. In addition, biscuits are produced with high nutritional content and can relieve stress. The formula with the best acceptability was obtained using F1 (7,5% purple sweet potato flour, 2,5% skim milk powder, 1,3% soy protein isolate, and 1,8% nutmeg) and had the potential to relieve the stress of pregnant female victims of the disaster.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Additional Feeding Recovery on The Intellectual Intelligence of Children

Health Notions, Mar 31, 2018

Nutrition is the main requirement for a toddler, if not obtained food according to needs its nutr... more Nutrition is the main requirement for a toddler, if not obtained food according to needs its nutrition value, it will interfere with the growing swell of current or next time. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of Additional Feeding Program Recovery on the intellectual intelligence children aged 4-5 years. Design of this research was observational cohort retrospective. The sample size was 70, were divided into two groups, group with a history of getting Additional Feeding Recovery and the Group didn't get Additional Feeding Recovery. Independent variable was Additional Feeding Recovery and the dependent variable was intellectual intelligence. Data was analyzed using Independent Sample t-test. There was no difference in the level of intelligence on the two group with p-value = 0.129.

Research paper thumbnail of Program Dan Intervensi Pemberian Makan Bayi Dan Anak (Pmba) Dalam Percepatan Penanggulangan Stunting

Media Gizi Indonesia, Dec 15, 2022

Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya percepatan penanggulangan stunting melalui intervensi sp... more Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya percepatan penanggulangan stunting melalui intervensi spesifi k dan intervensi sensitif. Program Pemberian Makan Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) merupakan salah satu intervensi terintegrasi dalam percepatan penanggulangan stunting dengan penerapan standart emas pemberian makan bayi dan anak. Kajian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisa program PMBA di Indonesia serta memberikan rekomendasi dengan pendekatan model Nutrition Care Process (NCP) komunitas meliputi penilaian, analisa masalah, intervensi, dan monitoring dan evaluasi kami gunakan untuk melakukan analisis program dan kebijakan dalam kajian ini. Hasilnya program PMBA di Indonesia perlu didukung dengan beberapa aspek yang melibatkan intervensi sensitif menyangkut akses pada sumber makanan, monitoring, dan penguatan sumber daya manusia. Kami merekomendasikan adanya penguatan dalam peningkatan penjaminan akses pangan bagi kelompok umur sesuai sasaran PMBA, penguatan ketahanan pangan keluarga, penguatan monitoring data berkaitan dengan data makanan pendamping air susu ibu (jumlah, tekstur, frekuensi makan, dan kesesuaian usia, keragaman pangan, pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) sampai dengan 2 tahun, dan penambahan tenaga terlatih PMBA. Program PMBA membutuhkan dukungan dari lintas sektor untuk mencapai standart emas PMBA. Penguatan internal terkait data dan sumber daya manusia merupakan upaya yang patut dipertimbangkan untuk mendukung keberhasilan program PMBA dalam rangka percepatan penanggulangan stunting di Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors of Stunting in Children Aged 1-5 Years at Wire Primary Health Care, Tuban Regency, East Java

Journal of maternal and child health, 2021

Background: Stunting is the most common malnutrition condition found in children around the world... more Background: Stunting is the most common malnutrition condition found in children around the world. Many factors may affect toddler nutritional status and cause stunting in them. They include genetic factors, family socioeconomic level, medical history, and feeding practices. The present study aims to determine factors associated with stunting in children aged 1 to 5 years. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study. A sample of 109 mothers with children aged 1 to 5 years was selected by a proportional random sampling. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variables were genetic factors, family socioeconomic level, medical history, and feeding practices. The data were collected by questionnaire that has been validated for contents. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Short maternal height (OR= 9.85; 95% CI= 1.05 to 92.19; p= 0.045), short paternal height (OR= 1.17; 95% CI= 49.18; p= 0.034), low dietary diversity (OR= 4.94; 95% CI= 1.06 to 22.97; p= 0.042), and low fish consumption (OR= 3.52; 95% CI= 1.12 to 11.08; p= 0.031) increased the risk of stunting in children. Conclusion: Short maternal height, short paternal height, low dietary diversity, and low fish consumption increase the risk of stunting in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Flavonoid Sirup Kombinasi Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L) Dan Daun Tin (Ficus Carica L) Sebagai Minuman Alternatif Antioksidan Kaya Flavonoid

Media Gizi Indonesia, Oct 8, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Regular Physical Activity, High Soy Dietary Intake and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms in Young Adult Women: A Descriptive Study

Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, Apr 17, 2019

Sindrom premenstruasi (PMS) pada kelompok remaja adalah salah satu gangguan yang paling umum pada... more Sindrom premenstruasi (PMS) pada kelompok remaja adalah salah satu gangguan yang paling umum pada wanita pada usia reproduksi. Secara substansial mengurangi kualitas hidup bagi banyak wanita usia reproduksi, pengobatan menggunakan obat-obatan memiliki kemanjuran terbatas dan menimbulkan efek samping tertentu. Gaya hidup sehat, misalnya aktivitas fisik teratur dan asupan makanan tinggi kedelai telah direkomendasikan sebagai metode untuk mengurangi gejala PMS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas fisik dan asupan kedelai serta gejala PMS pada siswa perempuan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 10 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menggambarkan tingkat aktivitas melalui metode recall 7x24 jam, asupan kedelai, dan gejala PMS pada siswa perempuan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden (n = 59) memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik ringan (88,1%), tingkat asupan kedelai sedang (17,22-28,38 porsi per bulan), dan gejala PMS ringan (71,2%). Berdasarkan hasil tabulasi silang menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki aktivitas fisik ringan mengalami tingkat PMS sedang (8,6%), dan yang memiliki asupan makanan tinggi kedelai mengalami tingkat PMS sedang (8,5%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan melihat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik, asupan makanan kedelai, dan gejala sindrom pramenstruasi agar hasilnya lebih jelas kemaknaannya.

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Aktivitas Sedentari Dan Tingkat Kecukupan Gizi Pada Remaja Gizi Lebih Dan Gizi Normal

Media Gizi Indonesia, Mar 23, 2018

Daging ayam, tempe kedelai, dan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) dapat diolah menjadi sosis sebagai jaj... more Daging ayam, tempe kedelai, dan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) dapat diolah menjadi sosis sebagai jajanan tinggi protein. Angkak adalah pewarna alami makanan yang ditambahkan sehingga sosis menjadi lebih menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tempe dan penambahan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) terhadap mutu organoleptik dan kadar protein, serta menentukan formula terbaik yang menghasilkan sosis berkualitas baik. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental murni dengan desain rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 3 jenis formula, yaitu 1 formula kontrol F0 (ayam) dan 2 formula modifi kasi F1 (50 g ayam, 50 g tempe, 15 g ISP, dan 3 g angkak), F2 (100 g tempe, 25 g ISP, 5 g angkak) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Panelis penelitian terdiri dari 35 panelis tidak terlatih. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan formulasi yang paling disukai panelis adalah F2 (warna, rasa, tekstur). Kandungan protein per 100g sosis tertiggi adalah F2 yaitu 17,4 g dibandingkan dengan F0 14,6g. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifi kan antara F0 dengan F1, F2 pada karakteristik rasa (p = 0,000) dan warna (p = 0,000). Formula terbaik dinilai dari komposisi terbaik, uji organoleptik, dan kandungan protein adalah F2.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Hazard Analisis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Pada Produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb Di Divisi Katering Diet PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo Surabaya

Amerta nutrition, Mar 12, 2018

Katering sehat sebagai tempat penyedia jasa boga diharuskan mempunyai standar keamanan yang jelas... more Katering sehat sebagai tempat penyedia jasa boga diharuskan mempunyai standar keamanan yang jelas dalam menjamin mutu produknya hingga ke tangan konsumen. PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo (PCN) sebagai salah satu katering sehat telah mempunyai standar HACCP pada salah satu produknya yaitu Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb. Pengendalian mutu makanan dengan standar HACCP perlu dilakukan mengingat kejadian foodborne illnes sangat mudah terjadi apabila keamanan pangan tidak terjamin. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan sistem HACCP pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb di PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo (PCN). Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif meliputi observasi lapangan, diskusi, wawancara, dan tanya jawab untuk menyempurnakan penerapan HACCP pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb. Hasil: Tahap produksi ayam bakar bumbu Herb dimulai dari proses perebusan air hingga serving diketahui terdapat 2 tahap yang merupakan Critical Control Point yang harus diwaspadai yaitu tahap pendinginan (cooling) dan tahap penyajian (serving). Pengendalian resiko kejadian foodborne illnes pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga jeda waktu antara pendinginan dan pengemasan. Kesimpulan: Hasil studi ini bermanfaat sebagai rekomendasi perbaikan dalam rangka mempertahankan sistem manajemen mutu yang telah tercapai serta untuk pengembangan prosedur HACCP pada produk yang lain sehingga menghasilkan produk yang aman untuk dikonsumsi.

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI AMPAS TAHU DAN PENAMBAHAN PISANG AMBON PADA SNACK BARKEDELAI UNTUK OLAHRAGAWAN (ASPEK DAYA TERIMA, EKONOMI DAN KANDUNGAN GIZI) <br><i>Effect of Bean Curd Substitution and Addition of Ambonese Banana on Soybean Snack bar Formula for Athletes (Acceptability, Economic Value, and ...

Media Gizi Indonesia, May 6, 2020

Penurunan performa olahraga atlet Indonesia tercatat dalam perolehan medali pada ajang Sea Games ... more Penurunan performa olahraga atlet Indonesia tercatat dalam perolehan medali pada ajang Sea Games 2017 dan peringkat FIFA 2015. Permasalahan utama pada atlet adalah kurang stamina dan ketahanan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh asupan gizi dan energi yang tidak cukup. Pemilihan ampas tahu dan pisang ambon bertujuan untuk menekan biaya produksi dan asupan kalium yang cukup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi ampas tahu dan penambahan pisang ambon terhadap daya terima, nilai gizi dan nilai ekonomi snack bar. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap), jenis penelitian pada tahap pengembangan formula adalah eksperimen murni. Penelitian ini menggunakan panelis tidak terlatih meliputi olahragawan (senam indah dan cabang olahraga combat) berjumlah 30 orang. Persentase formulasi ampas tahu adalah P1: 12%; P2: 16%; P3: 25%, dan 10% penambahan pisang ambon. Hasil uji statistik Friedman test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifi kan (P<0,05) pada aspek tekstur dan rasa antara kontrol dan formula lain. Dari hasil rangking daya terima, nilai gizi dan nilai ekonomi diperoleh nilai optimum pada formula dua (P2). Nilai gizi untuk 100 gram snack bar P2 (karbohidrat: 41,6 g; serat: 8,7 g; kalium: 514 mg) sudah mampu menyumbang minimal 10% kebutuhan (karbohidrat, serat dan kalium) harian atlet. Nilai ekonomi formula terbaik Rp 7.000 per 125 g lebih ekonomis dibanding snack bar komersial berbasis kedelai. Oleh karena itu, snack bar formulasi substitusi ampas tahu dan penambahan pisang ambon dapat direkomendasikan sebagai makanan selingan olahragawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Availability, Agricultural Products And Food Consumption Pattern In Peatland Area

Geographically, those who live in non-fertile land area are potential on being vulner& groups. Pe... more Geographically, those who live in non-fertile land area are potential on being vulner& groups. Peatland can be categorized as marginal land with low fertility. Generally, this stu& was aimed to developing intervention model using food based approach, environmm (ecological apporoach) and education strategy as an effort to increase h o u s e h o l d f o o d s e c among the community living in peatland area ("Tabat" and non "Tabat" area) in Central Kalimantan. At thefirstphase, we studied the potencies, identzfied agriculturalproducts, f d accesibility andfood availability in peat-land area, by conductingsuwey, and literature stu+ It was a cross-sectionalstudy involving households which have children under two years oldn peatland area ("Tabat'y as the subjects of the study. The 30 households were random+ selected. TheJrst stage was conducted in November-December 2008 in Kalampangm Sebangau Sub-district, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan.Tabat" is one of alternurfw solutions for restoration of marginalpeat land area to support economic development andfo-d security in Cenh-a1 Kalimantan. The existences of "Tabat" enable people to do fish-famiq using keramba along the canals. They can also plant trees, vegetables and fruits around d canals which may also become the habitat for some localfish. The foodproducts then can j?. used for own-consumption or for sale as source of additional income. Regarding fd consumption pattern, food which were commonly consumed by most of the children were KT biscuits, chicken egg, chicken, lelefish, gabusfish, spinach, carrot, banana and o r a n g e / l~ /

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Tindakan Diet Survivor Kanker Payudara DI Luar Dan DI Dalam Rumah Singgah Yki Jawa Timur

Media Gizi Indonesia, May 15, 2017

Tindakan diet merupakan praktik diet survivor kanker dengan memperhatikan pemilihan jenis makanan... more Tindakan diet merupakan praktik diet survivor kanker dengan memperhatikan pemilihan jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi. Tindakan diet tersebut mempunyai peran penting bagi survivor kanker payudara dalam upaya mencegah kanker kambuh kembali. Upaya untuk mencegah kanker juga dilakukan oleh Rumah Singgah Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Jawa Timur (YKI JATIM) yang merupakan salah satu organisasi atau komunitas yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap kanker dan mewadahi serta memfasilitasi para pasien atau survivor kanker yang sedang berjuang melawan kanker. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan diet sehat survivor kanker payudara di luar dan di dalam Rumah Singgah YKI JATIM menggunakan kerangka Teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan rancang studi cross sectional dan pendekatan kualitatif. Besar sampel penelitian adalah 4 partisipan di dalam dan di luar Rumah Singgah yang diambil dengan cara snow ball sampling dan accidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, recorder, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran diet survivor kanker payudara di Rumah Singgah dan di luar Rumah Singgah YKI JATIM memiliki kecenderungan yang sama yaitu semuanya menjalani diet sehat. Partisipan di luar rumah singgah dalam melakukan diet dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan tingkat pendidikan serta faktor persepsi yang kuat. Upaya promosi kesehatan terkait diet sehat survivor kanker payudara maupun keluarga serta promosi di tingkat komunitas perlu ditingkatkan sehingga diharapkan dapat mendorong survivor kanker payudara untuk mempertahankan tindakan diet.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on The Weight Rats with High Fat Diet

WHO declares that obesity is a global epidemic. In 2014, 39% of adults >18 years old were over... more WHO declares that obesity is a global epidemic. In 2014, 39% of adults >18 years old were overweight and 13% had obesity. This research aims to determine the effect of green coffee extract on the weight rats fed high-fat diet. Method: This research is true experimental pre-post test with control group design. The animals were grouped into 5 groups, i.e., group1 (negative control), group2 (positive controls fed high-fat diet), group3 (high-fat diet and GCBE dose of 100 mg/kg BW), group4 (high-fat diet and GCBE with dose of 200 mg/Kg BW), group5 (highfat diet and GCBE dose of 400 mg/Kg BW). The obtained data were tested with one-way ANOVA followed by LSD analysis with α=0.05. Results: This research proves that green coffee bean extract with a dose of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BW can lower weight of rats with higt fat diet. Discussion: Green coffee extract contains active compound of chlorogenic acid that can increase AMPK activity so it has positive impact that can direct the result o...

Research paper thumbnail of Kecukupan Energi, Vitamin C, dan Air dengan Kebugaran Fisik Prajurit

Latar Belakang: Prajurit TNI AD dituntut memiliki kebugaran fisik prima yang disiapkan untuk tuga... more Latar Belakang: Prajurit TNI AD dituntut memiliki kebugaran fisik prima yang disiapkan untuk tugas operasi. Nilai kebugaran fisik dapat dipertahankan apabila memiliki asupan gizi yang baik yaitu asupan energi, vitamin C, dan air. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan tingkat kecukupan energi, vitamin C dan air dengan kebugaran fisik prajurit. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 81 tentara yang tinggal di asrama diambil secara systematic random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi spearman. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecukupan energi (p=0,000), vitamin C (p=0,010) dengan kebugaran fisik. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecukupan air (p=0,311) dengan kebugaran fisik. Kesimpulan: Prajurit yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan zat gizi baik akan memiliki kebugaran fisik baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Anemia among Early Adolescent Girls in Kendari City

Amerta Nutrition, 2020

Background: Adolescent girls' anemia is a public health challenge. Anemia has an impact on co... more Background: Adolescent girls' anemia is a public health challenge. Anemia has an impact on cognitive abilities to reduce intelligence and results in adolescent achievement is down.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of anemia in early adolescent girls in Kendari City.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 97 students. Data on parental characteristics, breakfast habits, nutritional status, menstrual status, and history of infectious diseases were collected by interview using a questionnaire. Data on nutrient intake (iron, protein, vitamin C) obtained through the 2x24 hour recall method then compared to the Indonesian standard (AKG). Hemoglobin level was measured using the EasyTouch heamoglobin meter device. Data analysis was done by chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis.Results: The results showed 28.9% of adolescent girls had anemia. The results of chi-square analysis obtained that there was a r...

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Protein Biskuit Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu Dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Untuk Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Ibu Hamil Kek

Media Gizi Indonesia, 2018

The use of purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates to be processed into protein biscu... more The use of purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates to be processed into protein biscuit has a good potential to be an appropriate supplementary food for chronic energy deficiency (CED) pregnant woman compared to biscuits commercialized on market. This research aimed to investigate the acceptance and protein content of biscuits that had been substituted with purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates. This research was true experimental design with completely randomized design (RAL) with 6 repetitions. There was 3 formulas which were 1 control formula (F0) and 2 modified formulas (F1, F2). The total of purple sweet potato fl our substitution on F1 was 170 g and F2 was 90 g, meanwhile the total of soy protein isolate substitution on F1 was 30 g and F2 was 10 g. The data was analyzed by applying descriptive analyses which was tested by Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney to find the effect among formulas. The result of this research showed that generally the assessment...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Glutamin & Glukosa Unhidrat Pada Jumlah Limfosit Tikus Model Kurang Energi Protein

Preventia : The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 2016

Protein-energy malnutrition condition causes lymphocytes number to decrease which then lead to bo... more Protein-energy malnutrition condition causes lymphocytes number to decrease which then lead to body's cellular immune system disorders, the condition where patient is more vulnerable to infection. Number of lymphocytes in the body is dependent to some factors, some of them are anti-oxidant, amino acid glutamine and glucose. The aim of his research is to study the effect of L-glutamine and glucose unhidrate administration in rat model of protein-energy malnutrition to the increase of lymphocytes number in the blood. This is an experimental study with Completely Random Design. Sample is malnutrition induced with parched rice for 15 days (n=20). Then some samples are examined to figure out the lymphocytes number after the rate model experience lack of energy and protein. Sample is then divided into four treatment groups, they are: group with normal diet (control), normal diet + L-glutamine, normal diet + glucose unhidrate, and normal diet + L-glutamine + glucose unhidrate. Lymphocytes content is measured again after 10 days. The result of the study shows that number of lymphocytes increase significantly (P<0.05) in the four treatment groups after the intervention compared with number of lymphocytes in the malnutrition induced group. Statistical analysis of the four groups with L-glutamine and glucose unhidrate administered shows significant difference each other (p<0.05). These observations imply that the glutamin and gluocose unhidrat has an effect to the increase of lymphocytes number in the blood.

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kadar Betakaroten Donat Substitusi Labu Kuning

Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type ... more Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type of tubers and a local food product that contains high beta-carotene. It is also potential to be used as a substitution for snacks which favored by children such as donuts. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability and beta-carotene level of pumpkin donut substitution. This research was true experimental for product development and quasi experimental for acceptability with a completely randomized design, 6 repetitions on one control formula (F0) and 3 modifi cation formula (F1, F2, F3) with additional of pumpkin. Panelist consists of 4 people as limited panelists and 30 people as non trained panelists. The difference of acceptability was analyze using Friedman test and continued with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test if it shows a signifi cant difference. The level of beta-carotene was analyze using spectrophotometer. The result of this study showed the best acceptability found ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of fermented and non-fermented garlic as an anti-diabetic on blood glucose levels of wistar rat

Journal of Public Health in Africa, May 25, 2023

Background. Garlic (Allium sativum Liin) is a root vegetable crop that is widely grown in differe... more Background. Garlic (Allium sativum Liin) is a root vegetable crop that is widely grown in different countries in the world. Garlic has chemical contents that are useful to health, like phytochemicals that are anti-diabetics, including flavonoids and saponins. Flavonoids and saponins have the function of deferring the absorption of carbohydrates so that glucose levels within the blood diminish. Objective. This research aims to compare the effect of fermented garlic (FG) and non-fermented garlic (NFG) on insulin levels. Materials and Methods. This study is an experimental laboratory in a completely randomized design. The study was completed in the Biochemistry Laboratory of Universitas Airlangga. The sample population in this study was 25 white male Wistar rats. The dosage of FG and NFG used in this study is 75mg/kg BW. Data analysis used the Tukey HSD test with a 95% confidence level. The average comparison test for each group was carried out using the significant (P<0.05) manova test. Results. The results of this research indicate that the FG and NFG extract at a dose of 75 mg/kg BW can effectively decrease blood glucose levels, reduce malondialdehyde, and do not increase insulin levels. Conclusion. All in all, garlic has antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and can decrease blood glucose levels in Wistar rats.

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Kader Knowledge and Skills in the Development of Toddler Feeding Products Based on High Protein Multipurpose Flour Products to Prevent Toddler Wasting in Bulak District, Surabaya City

Jurnal layanan masyarakat (Journal of public services), Mar 8, 2023

Wasting is a nutritional problem that is still the focus of attention in the management of health... more Wasting is a nutritional problem that is still the focus of attention in the management of health problems in infants and toddlers. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered Posyandu service activities for toddlers, so that control over toddler waste has decreased. The role of cadres as the leading pillar in community service, especially with toddlers, is the focus that needs to be put forward. Increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres is important to improving the quality of service to the community, especially toddlers. This community service aims to increase the role of posyandu cadres to reduce waste problems through increasing knowledge and developing MP-ASI innovations from high-protein multipurpose flour products. This activity consisted of two methods, namely, TOT (training of trainers) for cadres and mentoring toddler waste by posyandu cadres. Training activities for cadres consist of materials on wasting and prevention efforts as well as training on making MP-ASI based on high-protein multipurpose flour. This community service activity is carried out in the working area of Bulak District with a focus on selected Posyandu with the target of wasting toddlers. The results of this community service activity can be seen in the increase in the knowledge of posyandu cadres in the Bulak District by 16.5% about the problem of toddler wasting. The improvement in the skills of cadres and mothers of toddlers in processing various kinds of toddler food menus based on high-protein multipurpose flour also looks quite good, as evidenced by the success in creating various types of food menus that are directly applied to toddlers. The conclusion in this community service activity is that counseling, training, and assistance provided can increase the knowledge and creativity of posyandu cadres and mothers of toddlers in creating MP-ASI based on high-protein multipurpose flour as an effort to combat wasting.

Research paper thumbnail of Culinary herbs and spices for low-salt dietary management: Taste sensitivity and preference among the elderly

Research paper thumbnail of Daya terima dan kandungan gizi formulasi biskuit IBBU sebagai pangan darurat bencana pereda stres ibu hamil

Jurnal Sago Gizi dan Kesehatan, Dec 4, 2023

Background: Disasters can cause emergencies that have the potential to impact food and nutrition ... more Background: Disasters can cause emergencies that have the potential to impact food and nutrition crises, especially in the first five days (first phase of emergency response); therefore, assistance is needed in the form of providing food immediately. Pregnant women are vulnerable groups that can become victims of disasters. Insufficient intake by pregnant women during a disaster can lead to a potential incidence of infection, stunting, and malnutrition in infants. Additionally, disaster conditions can cause pregnant women to experience stress. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the formulation of disaster emergency food biscuits in an effort to relieve stress in pregnant women victims of disasters. Methods: This type of research was purely experimental on the biscuit formula and had a completely randomized design with five formulas. The nutritional content was calculated using DKBM. The acceptability test at the organoleptic stage was quasi-experimental. The organoleptic quality tested on 3 limited panelists and 25 somewhat trained panelists was analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test (α ≤ 0,05). Results: The results showed that the formula with the best acceptability was F1 (purple sweet potato flour 30 g; skim milk powder 10 g; soy protein isolate 5 g; nutmeg powder 7 g) with total energy per serving 247,4 kcal, which fulfills 11% of the energy needs of pregnant women. Giving 7 grams of nutmeg powder can potentially relieve stress in pregnant women if consumed one serving per day for 15 days. Conclusion: An increasing number of substitutions resulted in lower acceptability and higher energy, protein, and fiber contents in biscuits. In addition, biscuits are produced with high nutritional content and can relieve stress. The formula with the best acceptability was obtained using F1 (7,5% purple sweet potato flour, 2,5% skim milk powder, 1,3% soy protein isolate, and 1,8% nutmeg) and had the potential to relieve the stress of pregnant female victims of the disaster.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Additional Feeding Recovery on The Intellectual Intelligence of Children

Health Notions, Mar 31, 2018

Nutrition is the main requirement for a toddler, if not obtained food according to needs its nutr... more Nutrition is the main requirement for a toddler, if not obtained food according to needs its nutrition value, it will interfere with the growing swell of current or next time. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of Additional Feeding Program Recovery on the intellectual intelligence children aged 4-5 years. Design of this research was observational cohort retrospective. The sample size was 70, were divided into two groups, group with a history of getting Additional Feeding Recovery and the Group didn't get Additional Feeding Recovery. Independent variable was Additional Feeding Recovery and the dependent variable was intellectual intelligence. Data was analyzed using Independent Sample t-test. There was no difference in the level of intelligence on the two group with p-value = 0.129.

Research paper thumbnail of Program Dan Intervensi Pemberian Makan Bayi Dan Anak (Pmba) Dalam Percepatan Penanggulangan Stunting

Media Gizi Indonesia, Dec 15, 2022

Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya percepatan penanggulangan stunting melalui intervensi sp... more Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai upaya percepatan penanggulangan stunting melalui intervensi spesifi k dan intervensi sensitif. Program Pemberian Makan Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) merupakan salah satu intervensi terintegrasi dalam percepatan penanggulangan stunting dengan penerapan standart emas pemberian makan bayi dan anak. Kajian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisa program PMBA di Indonesia serta memberikan rekomendasi dengan pendekatan model Nutrition Care Process (NCP) komunitas meliputi penilaian, analisa masalah, intervensi, dan monitoring dan evaluasi kami gunakan untuk melakukan analisis program dan kebijakan dalam kajian ini. Hasilnya program PMBA di Indonesia perlu didukung dengan beberapa aspek yang melibatkan intervensi sensitif menyangkut akses pada sumber makanan, monitoring, dan penguatan sumber daya manusia. Kami merekomendasikan adanya penguatan dalam peningkatan penjaminan akses pangan bagi kelompok umur sesuai sasaran PMBA, penguatan ketahanan pangan keluarga, penguatan monitoring data berkaitan dengan data makanan pendamping air susu ibu (jumlah, tekstur, frekuensi makan, dan kesesuaian usia, keragaman pangan, pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) sampai dengan 2 tahun, dan penambahan tenaga terlatih PMBA. Program PMBA membutuhkan dukungan dari lintas sektor untuk mencapai standart emas PMBA. Penguatan internal terkait data dan sumber daya manusia merupakan upaya yang patut dipertimbangkan untuk mendukung keberhasilan program PMBA dalam rangka percepatan penanggulangan stunting di Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors of Stunting in Children Aged 1-5 Years at Wire Primary Health Care, Tuban Regency, East Java

Journal of maternal and child health, 2021

Background: Stunting is the most common malnutrition condition found in children around the world... more Background: Stunting is the most common malnutrition condition found in children around the world. Many factors may affect toddler nutritional status and cause stunting in them. They include genetic factors, family socioeconomic level, medical history, and feeding practices. The present study aims to determine factors associated with stunting in children aged 1 to 5 years. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study. A sample of 109 mothers with children aged 1 to 5 years was selected by a proportional random sampling. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variables were genetic factors, family socioeconomic level, medical history, and feeding practices. The data were collected by questionnaire that has been validated for contents. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Short maternal height (OR= 9.85; 95% CI= 1.05 to 92.19; p= 0.045), short paternal height (OR= 1.17; 95% CI= 49.18; p= 0.034), low dietary diversity (OR= 4.94; 95% CI= 1.06 to 22.97; p= 0.042), and low fish consumption (OR= 3.52; 95% CI= 1.12 to 11.08; p= 0.031) increased the risk of stunting in children. Conclusion: Short maternal height, short paternal height, low dietary diversity, and low fish consumption increase the risk of stunting in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Flavonoid Sirup Kombinasi Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L) Dan Daun Tin (Ficus Carica L) Sebagai Minuman Alternatif Antioksidan Kaya Flavonoid

Media Gizi Indonesia, Oct 8, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Regular Physical Activity, High Soy Dietary Intake and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms in Young Adult Women: A Descriptive Study

Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, Apr 17, 2019

Sindrom premenstruasi (PMS) pada kelompok remaja adalah salah satu gangguan yang paling umum pada... more Sindrom premenstruasi (PMS) pada kelompok remaja adalah salah satu gangguan yang paling umum pada wanita pada usia reproduksi. Secara substansial mengurangi kualitas hidup bagi banyak wanita usia reproduksi, pengobatan menggunakan obat-obatan memiliki kemanjuran terbatas dan menimbulkan efek samping tertentu. Gaya hidup sehat, misalnya aktivitas fisik teratur dan asupan makanan tinggi kedelai telah direkomendasikan sebagai metode untuk mengurangi gejala PMS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas fisik dan asupan kedelai serta gejala PMS pada siswa perempuan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 10 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menggambarkan tingkat aktivitas melalui metode recall 7x24 jam, asupan kedelai, dan gejala PMS pada siswa perempuan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden (n = 59) memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik ringan (88,1%), tingkat asupan kedelai sedang (17,22-28,38 porsi per bulan), dan gejala PMS ringan (71,2%). Berdasarkan hasil tabulasi silang menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki aktivitas fisik ringan mengalami tingkat PMS sedang (8,6%), dan yang memiliki asupan makanan tinggi kedelai mengalami tingkat PMS sedang (8,5%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan melihat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik, asupan makanan kedelai, dan gejala sindrom pramenstruasi agar hasilnya lebih jelas kemaknaannya.

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Aktivitas Sedentari Dan Tingkat Kecukupan Gizi Pada Remaja Gizi Lebih Dan Gizi Normal

Media Gizi Indonesia, Mar 23, 2018

Daging ayam, tempe kedelai, dan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) dapat diolah menjadi sosis sebagai jaj... more Daging ayam, tempe kedelai, dan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) dapat diolah menjadi sosis sebagai jajanan tinggi protein. Angkak adalah pewarna alami makanan yang ditambahkan sehingga sosis menjadi lebih menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tempe dan penambahan Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) terhadap mutu organoleptik dan kadar protein, serta menentukan formula terbaik yang menghasilkan sosis berkualitas baik. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental murni dengan desain rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 3 jenis formula, yaitu 1 formula kontrol F0 (ayam) dan 2 formula modifi kasi F1 (50 g ayam, 50 g tempe, 15 g ISP, dan 3 g angkak), F2 (100 g tempe, 25 g ISP, 5 g angkak) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Panelis penelitian terdiri dari 35 panelis tidak terlatih. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan formulasi yang paling disukai panelis adalah F2 (warna, rasa, tekstur). Kandungan protein per 100g sosis tertiggi adalah F2 yaitu 17,4 g dibandingkan dengan F0 14,6g. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifi kan antara F0 dengan F1, F2 pada karakteristik rasa (p = 0,000) dan warna (p = 0,000). Formula terbaik dinilai dari komposisi terbaik, uji organoleptik, dan kandungan protein adalah F2.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Hazard Analisis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Pada Produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb Di Divisi Katering Diet PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo Surabaya

Amerta nutrition, Mar 12, 2018

Katering sehat sebagai tempat penyedia jasa boga diharuskan mempunyai standar keamanan yang jelas... more Katering sehat sebagai tempat penyedia jasa boga diharuskan mempunyai standar keamanan yang jelas dalam menjamin mutu produknya hingga ke tangan konsumen. PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo (PCN) sebagai salah satu katering sehat telah mempunyai standar HACCP pada salah satu produknya yaitu Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb. Pengendalian mutu makanan dengan standar HACCP perlu dilakukan mengingat kejadian foodborne illnes sangat mudah terjadi apabila keamanan pangan tidak terjamin. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan sistem HACCP pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb di PT. Prima Citra Nutrindo (PCN). Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif meliputi observasi lapangan, diskusi, wawancara, dan tanya jawab untuk menyempurnakan penerapan HACCP pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb. Hasil: Tahap produksi ayam bakar bumbu Herb dimulai dari proses perebusan air hingga serving diketahui terdapat 2 tahap yang merupakan Critical Control Point yang harus diwaspadai yaitu tahap pendinginan (cooling) dan tahap penyajian (serving). Pengendalian resiko kejadian foodborne illnes pada produk Ayam Bakar Bumbu Herb dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga jeda waktu antara pendinginan dan pengemasan. Kesimpulan: Hasil studi ini bermanfaat sebagai rekomendasi perbaikan dalam rangka mempertahankan sistem manajemen mutu yang telah tercapai serta untuk pengembangan prosedur HACCP pada produk yang lain sehingga menghasilkan produk yang aman untuk dikonsumsi.

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI AMPAS TAHU DAN PENAMBAHAN PISANG AMBON PADA SNACK BARKEDELAI UNTUK OLAHRAGAWAN (ASPEK DAYA TERIMA, EKONOMI DAN KANDUNGAN GIZI) <br><i>Effect of Bean Curd Substitution and Addition of Ambonese Banana on Soybean Snack bar Formula for Athletes (Acceptability, Economic Value, and ...

Media Gizi Indonesia, May 6, 2020

Penurunan performa olahraga atlet Indonesia tercatat dalam perolehan medali pada ajang Sea Games ... more Penurunan performa olahraga atlet Indonesia tercatat dalam perolehan medali pada ajang Sea Games 2017 dan peringkat FIFA 2015. Permasalahan utama pada atlet adalah kurang stamina dan ketahanan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh asupan gizi dan energi yang tidak cukup. Pemilihan ampas tahu dan pisang ambon bertujuan untuk menekan biaya produksi dan asupan kalium yang cukup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi ampas tahu dan penambahan pisang ambon terhadap daya terima, nilai gizi dan nilai ekonomi snack bar. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap), jenis penelitian pada tahap pengembangan formula adalah eksperimen murni. Penelitian ini menggunakan panelis tidak terlatih meliputi olahragawan (senam indah dan cabang olahraga combat) berjumlah 30 orang. Persentase formulasi ampas tahu adalah P1: 12%; P2: 16%; P3: 25%, dan 10% penambahan pisang ambon. Hasil uji statistik Friedman test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifi kan (P<0,05) pada aspek tekstur dan rasa antara kontrol dan formula lain. Dari hasil rangking daya terima, nilai gizi dan nilai ekonomi diperoleh nilai optimum pada formula dua (P2). Nilai gizi untuk 100 gram snack bar P2 (karbohidrat: 41,6 g; serat: 8,7 g; kalium: 514 mg) sudah mampu menyumbang minimal 10% kebutuhan (karbohidrat, serat dan kalium) harian atlet. Nilai ekonomi formula terbaik Rp 7.000 per 125 g lebih ekonomis dibanding snack bar komersial berbasis kedelai. Oleh karena itu, snack bar formulasi substitusi ampas tahu dan penambahan pisang ambon dapat direkomendasikan sebagai makanan selingan olahragawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Availability, Agricultural Products And Food Consumption Pattern In Peatland Area

Geographically, those who live in non-fertile land area are potential on being vulner& groups. Pe... more Geographically, those who live in non-fertile land area are potential on being vulner& groups. Peatland can be categorized as marginal land with low fertility. Generally, this stu& was aimed to developing intervention model using food based approach, environmm (ecological apporoach) and education strategy as an effort to increase h o u s e h o l d f o o d s e c among the community living in peatland area ("Tabat" and non "Tabat" area) in Central Kalimantan. At thefirstphase, we studied the potencies, identzfied agriculturalproducts, f d accesibility andfood availability in peat-land area, by conductingsuwey, and literature stu+ It was a cross-sectionalstudy involving households which have children under two years oldn peatland area ("Tabat'y as the subjects of the study. The 30 households were random+ selected. TheJrst stage was conducted in November-December 2008 in Kalampangm Sebangau Sub-district, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan.Tabat" is one of alternurfw solutions for restoration of marginalpeat land area to support economic development andfo-d security in Cenh-a1 Kalimantan. The existences of "Tabat" enable people to do fish-famiq using keramba along the canals. They can also plant trees, vegetables and fruits around d canals which may also become the habitat for some localfish. The foodproducts then can j?. used for own-consumption or for sale as source of additional income. Regarding fd consumption pattern, food which were commonly consumed by most of the children were KT biscuits, chicken egg, chicken, lelefish, gabusfish, spinach, carrot, banana and o r a n g e / l~ /

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Tindakan Diet Survivor Kanker Payudara DI Luar Dan DI Dalam Rumah Singgah Yki Jawa Timur

Media Gizi Indonesia, May 15, 2017

Tindakan diet merupakan praktik diet survivor kanker dengan memperhatikan pemilihan jenis makanan... more Tindakan diet merupakan praktik diet survivor kanker dengan memperhatikan pemilihan jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi. Tindakan diet tersebut mempunyai peran penting bagi survivor kanker payudara dalam upaya mencegah kanker kambuh kembali. Upaya untuk mencegah kanker juga dilakukan oleh Rumah Singgah Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Jawa Timur (YKI JATIM) yang merupakan salah satu organisasi atau komunitas yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap kanker dan mewadahi serta memfasilitasi para pasien atau survivor kanker yang sedang berjuang melawan kanker. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan diet sehat survivor kanker payudara di luar dan di dalam Rumah Singgah YKI JATIM menggunakan kerangka Teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan rancang studi cross sectional dan pendekatan kualitatif. Besar sampel penelitian adalah 4 partisipan di dalam dan di luar Rumah Singgah yang diambil dengan cara snow ball sampling dan accidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, recorder, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran diet survivor kanker payudara di Rumah Singgah dan di luar Rumah Singgah YKI JATIM memiliki kecenderungan yang sama yaitu semuanya menjalani diet sehat. Partisipan di luar rumah singgah dalam melakukan diet dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan tingkat pendidikan serta faktor persepsi yang kuat. Upaya promosi kesehatan terkait diet sehat survivor kanker payudara maupun keluarga serta promosi di tingkat komunitas perlu ditingkatkan sehingga diharapkan dapat mendorong survivor kanker payudara untuk mempertahankan tindakan diet.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on The Weight Rats with High Fat Diet

WHO declares that obesity is a global epidemic. In 2014, 39% of adults >18 years old were over... more WHO declares that obesity is a global epidemic. In 2014, 39% of adults >18 years old were overweight and 13% had obesity. This research aims to determine the effect of green coffee extract on the weight rats fed high-fat diet. Method: This research is true experimental pre-post test with control group design. The animals were grouped into 5 groups, i.e., group1 (negative control), group2 (positive controls fed high-fat diet), group3 (high-fat diet and GCBE dose of 100 mg/kg BW), group4 (high-fat diet and GCBE with dose of 200 mg/Kg BW), group5 (highfat diet and GCBE dose of 400 mg/Kg BW). The obtained data were tested with one-way ANOVA followed by LSD analysis with α=0.05. Results: This research proves that green coffee bean extract with a dose of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BW can lower weight of rats with higt fat diet. Discussion: Green coffee extract contains active compound of chlorogenic acid that can increase AMPK activity so it has positive impact that can direct the result o...

Research paper thumbnail of Kecukupan Energi, Vitamin C, dan Air dengan Kebugaran Fisik Prajurit

Latar Belakang: Prajurit TNI AD dituntut memiliki kebugaran fisik prima yang disiapkan untuk tuga... more Latar Belakang: Prajurit TNI AD dituntut memiliki kebugaran fisik prima yang disiapkan untuk tugas operasi. Nilai kebugaran fisik dapat dipertahankan apabila memiliki asupan gizi yang baik yaitu asupan energi, vitamin C, dan air. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan tingkat kecukupan energi, vitamin C dan air dengan kebugaran fisik prajurit. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 81 tentara yang tinggal di asrama diambil secara systematic random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi spearman. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecukupan energi (p=0,000), vitamin C (p=0,010) dengan kebugaran fisik. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecukupan air (p=0,311) dengan kebugaran fisik. Kesimpulan: Prajurit yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan zat gizi baik akan memiliki kebugaran fisik baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Anemia among Early Adolescent Girls in Kendari City

Amerta Nutrition, 2020

Background: Adolescent girls' anemia is a public health challenge. Anemia has an impact on co... more Background: Adolescent girls' anemia is a public health challenge. Anemia has an impact on cognitive abilities to reduce intelligence and results in adolescent achievement is down.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of anemia in early adolescent girls in Kendari City.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 97 students. Data on parental characteristics, breakfast habits, nutritional status, menstrual status, and history of infectious diseases were collected by interview using a questionnaire. Data on nutrient intake (iron, protein, vitamin C) obtained through the 2x24 hour recall method then compared to the Indonesian standard (AKG). Hemoglobin level was measured using the EasyTouch heamoglobin meter device. Data analysis was done by chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis.Results: The results showed 28.9% of adolescent girls had anemia. The results of chi-square analysis obtained that there was a r...

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Protein Biskuit Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu Dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Untuk Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Ibu Hamil Kek

Media Gizi Indonesia, 2018

The use of purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates to be processed into protein biscu... more The use of purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates to be processed into protein biscuit has a good potential to be an appropriate supplementary food for chronic energy deficiency (CED) pregnant woman compared to biscuits commercialized on market. This research aimed to investigate the acceptance and protein content of biscuits that had been substituted with purple sweet potato fl our and soy protein isolates. This research was true experimental design with completely randomized design (RAL) with 6 repetitions. There was 3 formulas which were 1 control formula (F0) and 2 modified formulas (F1, F2). The total of purple sweet potato fl our substitution on F1 was 170 g and F2 was 90 g, meanwhile the total of soy protein isolate substitution on F1 was 30 g and F2 was 10 g. The data was analyzed by applying descriptive analyses which was tested by Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney to find the effect among formulas. The result of this research showed that generally the assessment...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Glutamin & Glukosa Unhidrat Pada Jumlah Limfosit Tikus Model Kurang Energi Protein

Preventia : The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 2016

Protein-energy malnutrition condition causes lymphocytes number to decrease which then lead to bo... more Protein-energy malnutrition condition causes lymphocytes number to decrease which then lead to body's cellular immune system disorders, the condition where patient is more vulnerable to infection. Number of lymphocytes in the body is dependent to some factors, some of them are anti-oxidant, amino acid glutamine and glucose. The aim of his research is to study the effect of L-glutamine and glucose unhidrate administration in rat model of protein-energy malnutrition to the increase of lymphocytes number in the blood. This is an experimental study with Completely Random Design. Sample is malnutrition induced with parched rice for 15 days (n=20). Then some samples are examined to figure out the lymphocytes number after the rate model experience lack of energy and protein. Sample is then divided into four treatment groups, they are: group with normal diet (control), normal diet + L-glutamine, normal diet + glucose unhidrate, and normal diet + L-glutamine + glucose unhidrate. Lymphocytes content is measured again after 10 days. The result of the study shows that number of lymphocytes increase significantly (P<0.05) in the four treatment groups after the intervention compared with number of lymphocytes in the malnutrition induced group. Statistical analysis of the four groups with L-glutamine and glucose unhidrate administered shows significant difference each other (p<0.05). These observations imply that the glutamin and gluocose unhidrat has an effect to the increase of lymphocytes number in the blood.

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Terima Dan Kadar Betakaroten Donat Substitusi Labu Kuning

Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type ... more Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type of tubers and a local food product that contains high beta-carotene. It is also potential to be used as a substitution for snacks which favored by children such as donuts. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability and beta-carotene level of pumpkin donut substitution. This research was true experimental for product development and quasi experimental for acceptability with a completely randomized design, 6 repetitions on one control formula (F0) and 3 modifi cation formula (F1, F2, F3) with additional of pumpkin. Panelist consists of 4 people as limited panelists and 30 people as non trained panelists. The difference of acceptability was analyze using Friedman test and continued with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test if it shows a signifi cant difference. The level of beta-carotene was analyze using spectrophotometer. The result of this study showed the best acceptability found ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of fermented and non-fermented garlic as an anti-diabetic on blood glucose levels of wistar rat

Journal of Public Health in Africa, May 25, 2023

Background. Garlic (Allium sativum Liin) is a root vegetable crop that is widely grown in differe... more Background. Garlic (Allium sativum Liin) is a root vegetable crop that is widely grown in different countries in the world. Garlic has chemical contents that are useful to health, like phytochemicals that are anti-diabetics, including flavonoids and saponins. Flavonoids and saponins have the function of deferring the absorption of carbohydrates so that glucose levels within the blood diminish. Objective. This research aims to compare the effect of fermented garlic (FG) and non-fermented garlic (NFG) on insulin levels. Materials and Methods. This study is an experimental laboratory in a completely randomized design. The study was completed in the Biochemistry Laboratory of Universitas Airlangga. The sample population in this study was 25 white male Wistar rats. The dosage of FG and NFG used in this study is 75mg/kg BW. Data analysis used the Tukey HSD test with a 95% confidence level. The average comparison test for each group was carried out using the significant (P<0.05) manova test. Results. The results of this research indicate that the FG and NFG extract at a dose of 75 mg/kg BW can effectively decrease blood glucose levels, reduce malondialdehyde, and do not increase insulin levels. Conclusion. All in all, garlic has antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and can decrease blood glucose levels in Wistar rats.

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Kader Knowledge and Skills in the Development of Toddler Feeding Products Based on High Protein Multipurpose Flour Products to Prevent Toddler Wasting in Bulak District, Surabaya City

Jurnal layanan masyarakat (Journal of public services), Mar 8, 2023

Wasting is a nutritional problem that is still the focus of attention in the management of health... more Wasting is a nutritional problem that is still the focus of attention in the management of health problems in infants and toddlers. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered Posyandu service activities for toddlers, so that control over toddler waste has decreased. The role of cadres as the leading pillar in community service, especially with toddlers, is the focus that needs to be put forward. Increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres is important to improving the quality of service to the community, especially toddlers. This community service aims to increase the role of posyandu cadres to reduce waste problems through increasing knowledge and developing MP-ASI innovations from high-protein multipurpose flour products. This activity consisted of two methods, namely, TOT (training of trainers) for cadres and mentoring toddler waste by posyandu cadres. Training activities for cadres consist of materials on wasting and prevention efforts as well as training on making MP-ASI based on high-protein multipurpose flour. This community service activity is carried out in the working area of Bulak District with a focus on selected Posyandu with the target of wasting toddlers. The results of this community service activity can be seen in the increase in the knowledge of posyandu cadres in the Bulak District by 16.5% about the problem of toddler wasting. The improvement in the skills of cadres and mothers of toddlers in processing various kinds of toddler food menus based on high-protein multipurpose flour also looks quite good, as evidenced by the success in creating various types of food menus that are directly applied to toddlers. The conclusion in this community service activity is that counseling, training, and assistance provided can increase the knowledge and creativity of posyandu cadres and mothers of toddlers in creating MP-ASI based on high-protein multipurpose flour as an effort to combat wasting.