adriani sri nastiti - (original) (raw)
Papers by adriani sri nastiti
Akuatika Indonesia
Sumberdaya udang tangkapan di perairan Muara Gembong mengalami penurunan, salah satu penyebabnya ... more Sumberdaya udang tangkapan di perairan Muara Gembong mengalami penurunan, salah satu penyebabnya adalah rusaknya habitat mangrove yang berakibat habitat asuhan udang terganggu. Kawasan asuhan udang menjadi salah satu opsi konservasi yaitu sebagai sumber rekruitmen stok udang dan biota laut lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan kawasan asuhan sumber daya udang. Penelitian dilakukan di 20 stasiun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan September 2018. Kriteria penentuan kawasan asuhan udang meliputi: Eko-biologi, Sosial-Budaya-Ekonomi, dan Integrasi Sosio-Ekobiologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di stasiun penelitian nomor 11 wilayah perairan Mulut Muara Kuntul, Desa Pantai Sederhana yaitu Pulau Buaya sesuai untuk calon kawasan asuhan udang. Di Pulau Buaya teridentifikasi udang pada fase larva sebanyak 2,45%, post larva 1,04-76,83% dan komposisi juvenile udang dari famili Penaeidae sebanyak 72,5%, Palaemonidae 19,65%, Atydae 7,95% dan Squilidae 3,3%. Ketersedian sumberdaya udang di...
Scientific information about the composistionand structures of mangrove community and zonation pa... more Scientific information about the composistionand structures of mangrove community and zonation patterns, became a basic data to support further fisheries research and development. As one of the reference for Dompu government policy on the fisheries recovery plan in Cempi bay data and information of mangrove in this area were very important. The study was conducted at Cempi bayon the year 2011-2012 by exploration the area nearby research station. The results showed that the mangrove forest has already been heavy disturbed and degraded. The mangrove forest at Mbawi only which has a high density and good crown coverage. The mangrove species grown in these areas were belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae and Aviciniaceae. The presences of mangrove spesies were supported by environmental factors, such as muddy sandysubstrats and extreme deferences of salinity (3-36 o / oo ). Recovery of mangrove forest was important to be conducted in order to support the catch shrimp productivity in ...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The Bio-Transplants method is a coral grafting method by inoculating coral seedlings/fragments us... more The Bio-Transplants method is a coral grafting method by inoculating coral seedlings/fragments using natural materials. They are dead corals in the DC and DCA categories as a place of attachment. This study aims to see the success of the Bio-Transplants method in compiling indicators of fish species associated with the field of Bio-Transplants. They have conducted this research in 10 x 10 square meters on the north side of Tunda Island waters in July 2019 (T0), November 2019 (T1), and July 2020 (T2). The sampling method used a stationary visual census. In July 2019, as many as 11 species from 7 families, November 2019 was 31 species from 10 families, and July 2020 was 47 species from 10 families. Composition of fish species as an indicator of the health of coral ecosystems from the Chaetodontidae family fish species. In July, when Bio-Transplants started production, there were no fish groups from the Chaetodontidae family. The composition of the fish species found in November was Ch...
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2018
Sampai saat ini, informasi mengenai kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung mengen... more Sampai saat ini, informasi mengenai kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung mengenai lobster di Indonesia belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung beberapa jenis lobster di Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek. Pengambilan sampel isi lambung lobster diperoleh dari hasil tangkapan nelayan lobster di Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Mei dan November 2016. Jumlah sampel lobster yang diamati isi lambungnya berjumlah 63 ekor dengan kisaran panjang karapas 4,6-8,2 mm. Kebiasaan makanan beberapa jenis lobster di Teluk Prigi terdiri dari moluska, krustasea, detritus, karang, tumbuhan (makrofita) dan pasir. Luas relung tertinggi dimiliki oleh lobster bambu (Panulirus versicolor) dan lobster batik (Panulirus longipes). Tumpang tindih relung yang tinggi mengindikasikan tingginya peluang kompetisi dalam memanfaatkan makanan kecuali lobster batik merah (P...
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2017
Meroplankton adalah organisme akuatik yang sebagian dari daur hidupnya bersifat planktonik dan me... more Meroplankton adalah organisme akuatik yang sebagian dari daur hidupnya bersifat planktonik dan merupakan fase paling kritis karena belum dapat menghindar dari predator. Untuk tumbuh, meroplankton membutuhkan kualitas perairan yang sesuai dan kawasan yang terlindung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi kelimpahan meroplankton dan kualitas perairan di Teluk Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan April, Juni, Agustus dan Oktober 2009 (10 stasiun) serta April dan Juni 2010 (5 stasiun) dengan metode stratified sampling. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa meroplankton di Teluk Jakarta tahun 2009, 2010 terdiri dari 4 kelompok yaitu:ikan, telur, udang dan kepiting. Komposisi meroplankton di Teluk Jakarta pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 didominasi oleh larva udang masing-masing sebesar 56,17-90,40 % dan 72,1-75,5 %. Kelimpahan larva udang tahun 2014 lebih rendah dibanding tahun 2009-2010. Kelimpahan larva udang dipengaruhi oleh pH, salinitas, kecerahan dan suhu ai...
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Salah satu kriteria penting untuk menentukan suatu lokasi menjadi suaka perikanan agar dapat berf... more Salah satu kriteria penting untuk menentukan suatu lokasi menjadi suaka perikanan agar dapat berfungsi sebagai sumber benih untuk meningkatkan produksi ikan adalah ketersediaan pakan alami seperti plantkon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui komposisi, keanekaragaman, dan dominansi fitoplankton sebagai pakan alami ikan pada perairan calon suaka perikanan di Waduk Koto Panjang, Riau. Contoh diambil pada lima stasiun pengamatan pada bulan Maret, Juni, dan Desember 2007. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah komposisi dan kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, serta dominansi fitoplankton. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa di Waduk Koto Panjang, Riau ditemukan lima kelas fitoplankton yaitu Chlorophyceae (21 marga), Cyanophyceae (tiga marga), Bacillariophyceae (tujuh marga), Dinophyceae (tiga marga), dan Euglenophyceae (dua marga) dengan total kelimpahan fitoplankton 6,6x105 ind. per L. Total nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman selama pengamatan adalah 2,97, berarti bahwa kondisi lingkungan di Waduk ...
Holothuria scabra Jaeger 1833, known as sandfish visually, Its visible external body has a soft, ... more Holothuria scabra Jaeger 1833, known as sandfish visually, Its visible external body has a soft, flexible texture. Sandfish is included in the Echinodermata phylum and Holothuroidea class, which has an important ecological and economic role. This research proposes to decide the suitability site in an intermediate culture model of sea ranching harvest type based on ecological, socio-cultural and Karimunjawa National Park zoning plan. Data collected has done in March 2020, November 2020 and August 2021. The data analysed on the environmental suitability level was based on several essential criteria matrices used by ArcGIS 10.8.2. They were four classes performed (high suitable, suitable that is enough, suitable with conditionals, and not suitable) based on each variable and matrix classification from main factor (6 variables), supporting factor (5 variables), dan another factors (1 variable). The highest score was 35, and the lowest was 23 during the class interval value. The analysis...
Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (l... more Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (latitude 719'10" to 719'50" south and longitude 10623'00" to 10624'10" east) has been designated as a “Coastal Park” for sea turtle conservation in West Java Province, Indonesia. The beach is suitable for the nesting of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). The Pangumbahan beach is designated as a coastal park under the decree of the Sukabumi regent No: 523/Kep.639Dislutkan/2008. Subsequently an increase in the number of visitors was recorded for the period from 2008 to 2012, with the number of people increasing from 13,176 to 21,759. This tourism activity seems have brought benefits to the economy of the coastal communities living around the park. The rise of economic activities is seen in various sectors including: transportation, lodging, restaurants, trade and tourism guides. The income of the people before the advent of ecotourism activities had been...
Conservation of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on coastal Pangumbahan (located at S 07 19’ 46.1” ... more Conservation of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on coastal Pangumbahan (located at S 07 19’ 46.1” dan E 106 23’ 50.4”) has been conducted since 1973. Efforts to improve knowledge and techniques, as well as enhanced management to increase the number green turtle eggs produced, hatched and successfully released as hatchlings are ongoing. Other improvements include: (i) hatching and letting the hatchlings live temporary in tub before immediately release into the sea; (ii) applying semi-natural outdoor systems for hatchery with bronjong; and (iii) improving skills of field workers to handle eggs and hatchlings, and involving local and Central Government in community base surveillance. The number of nesting turtles fluctuated and reached its peak in 2013, showing an increase of up to 3,245 individuals. The number of eggs since 2001 has also fluctuated, with the lowest number occurring in 2011 with 13,211 eggs, and the highest occurring in 2013 with 1,123,651 eggs. The number of eggs hatch...
Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conserva... more Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conservation area for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Indonesia. Recently, the Local Government of Sukabumi District has taken measures to manage the beach as a "Coastal Park" in order to promote sea turtle conservation. In context, the development of green turtle conservation has been managed as follows: management activity started in 1907 under license from the Dutch Colonial Government. The management implementation was initiated effectively in 1957 using an auction system, with a total management area of 12,300 m 2 established. In 1989, the area of Pangumbahan at about 115 ha, with its 3,000m long and 500m wide beach, was determined to be under the rightful management of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service of Sukabumi District. During this period, the technical sea turtle management has beenimplemented by a private company. From the beginning of April 2008 to the present, the management of the beach has been taken over by the Sukabumi District Government which charges the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service as responsible for managing the park. The positive impact appears in several indicators including data gathering, non utilisation of eggs for any purpose, improvement of hatching rate, an increase in hatchling numbers released into the sea and open access for visitors, which tends to increase year by year. This positive management example would be valuable to turtle conservation in Indonesia.
Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ), 2017
The zonation review and evaluation took into account habitat protection areas and categorised mig... more The zonation review and evaluation took into account habitat protection areas and categorised migration routes. In addition, the sustainability of fishery resources is maintained, as people in Savu Sea depend on fishery resources. The objectives of this research are to analyse the effectiveness of sub-zone cetacean protection for Savu Sea National Marien Park. The research stations were watering inside and outside in Savu Sea National Marine Park. The sampling of the research was conducted on 2015 and 2016, collecting data using a zig-zag transect by observation method of collecting data sighting cetacean with single observer platform. The results of sub-zone cetacean protection against Southwest Sumba waters, West Sumba and East Timor Land need to be reviewed if referring the current zoning area. Sub-zone for areas to protect sustainability cetacean need to be adjusted addition and alteration of fishery zone, the area of Southwest Sumba, West Sumba and Central Sumba is ± 445,567.44...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji distribusi spasial dan temporal juvenil udang dalam kaita... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji distribusi spasial dan temporal juvenil udang dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan perairan di Teluk Jakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah timur Teluk Jakarta dengan metode survei, pada bulan April, Juni, Agustus dan Oktober 2010 di 7 lokasi, yaitu: Muara Gembong, Tanjung Gembong, Muara Karawang, Tanjung Karawang, Muara Grobak, Muara Beuting dan Muara Bungin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara temporal kelimpahan juvenil udang mencapai puncak pada bulan Agustus 2010, di Muara Beuting. Secara spasial kelimpahan juvenil udang semakin meningkat ke lokasi luar teluk, yaitu Muara Gerobak, Muara Beuting, Muara Bungin. Juvenil yang ditemukan sebanyak 12 genus dan tertinggi dari genus Acetes dengan komposisi 59-99%. Kondisi lingkungan yang meliputi kedalaman air, kecerahan, salinitas, suhu air, pH dan oksigen terlarut mendukung pertumbuhan juvenil udang. This study aims to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile shrimp in ...
Pangumbahan coastal area is one of many important nesting sites of the green turtle (Chelonia myd... more Pangumbahan coastal area is one of many important nesting sites of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus) in Indonesia. This area is mainly comprises of disturb coastal old secondary forest. Some sites along the seashore were converted into fishpond, dry land agricultural and other was destroyed for other uses or as an open unproductive areas. However this area has a still plays an important role especially for the conservation of green turtle habitat and also for the ecosystem stabilization of the coastal area in general. Floristic research was conducted on September 2009 to investigate the existing vegetation structure and composition along the seashore using transects method.The “point center quarters method†was used to calculate the importance value of the vegetation on every turtle nesting sites. The important natural species vegetation communities in the area were comprises of herbs, shrubs and trees species. Ipoemoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br and Spinifex littoreus (N. L...
Journal of Biogeography, 2021
Salah satu kawasan penghasil udang yang potensial di Indonesia, berada di Teluk Cempi, Kabupaten ... more Salah satu kawasan penghasil udang yang potensial di Indonesia, berada di Teluk Cempi, Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyediakan data dan informasi tentang komposisi dan sebaran udang hasil tangkapan mini bottom trawl di Teluk Cempi, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2012 di perairan Teluk Cempi, di sekitar kawasan mangrove sampel udang didapatkan dengan menggunakan mini bottom trawl. Kepadatan (ind./km2) dari udang tangkapan mini bottom trawl dianalisis dengan memodifikasi formula swept area. Ditemukan enam famili udang di Teluk Cempi yaitu famili Penaeidae, Sergestidae, Atyidae, Alpheidae, Palaemonidae, dan Squillidae. Famili udang yang paling sering ditemukan selama penelitian adalah Penaeidae dan Sergestidae. Kedua famili tersebut termasuk dalam kelompok nokturnal, dilihat dari tingginya kepadatannya pada malam hari. Keberadaan fase juvenil dari famili Penaeidae yang mendominasi di perairan mangrove ...
Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conserva... more Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conservation area for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Indonesia. Recently, the Local Government of Sukabumi District has taken measures to manage the beach as a "Coastal Park" in order to promote sea turtle conservation. In context, the development of green turtle conservation has been managed as follows: management activity started in 1907 under license from the Dutch Colonial Government. The management implementation was initiated effectively in 1957 using an auction system, with a total management area of 12,300 m 2 established. In 1989, the area of Pangumbahan at about 115 ha, with its 3,000m long and 500m wide beach, was determined to be under the rightful management of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service of Sukabumi District. During this period, the technical sea turtle management has beenimplemented by a private company. From the beginning of April 2008 to the present, the management of the beach has been taken over by the Sukabumi District Government which charges the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service as responsible for managing the park. The positive impact appears in several indicators including data gathering, non utilisation of eggs for any purpose, improvement of hatching rate, an increase in hatchling numbers released into the sea and open access for visitors, which tends to increase year by year. This positive management example would be valuable to turtle conservation in Indonesia.
Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (l... more Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (latitude 7o19'10" to 7o19'50" south and longitude 106o23'00" to 106o24'10" east) has been designated as a “Coastal Park” for sea turtle conservation in West Java Province, Indonesia. The beach is suitable for the nesting of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). The Pangumbahan beach is designated as a coastal park under the decree of the Sukabumi regent No: 523/Kep.639Dislutkan/2008. Subsequently an increase in the number of visitors was recorded for the period from 2008 to 2012, with the number of people increasing from 13,176 to 21,759. This tourism activity seems have brought benefits to the economy of the coastal communities living around the park. The rise of economic activities is seen in various sectors including: transportation, lodging, restaurants, trade and tourism guides. The income of the people before the advent of ecotourism activities had ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Paraja Bay waters have five small islands that coexist with Ujung Kulon National Marine Park and ... more Paraja Bay waters have five small islands that coexist with Ujung Kulon National Marine Park and act as a buffer zone for the diversity of fishery resources. This study aimed to assess the reef fishes community structure at small islands in Paraja Bay. Observations were made in 20 locations during August and September 2019 in the five small islands. Reef fishes community structure showed 106 species as included major group (54 species), indicator group (24 species) and target group (28 species), among five small islands, i.e. Badul, M angir, Oar, Sumur and Umang Islands. The highest reef fishes abundance was founded in Umang Island waters. Several target fish species recorded during the study were mature fish (such as those targeted by fishermen). Only a small proportion were juveniles. Reef fish community structure was categorized as stress community to stable community with its indication was low diversity value, high evenness index, and low dominance. The low diversity index value illustrates that the level of uniformity of reef fish species in Paraja Bay waters is high. This condition is evidenced by each coral fish group's evenness index included in the main species group around 0.93 to 0.98. The target species is 0.88 to 0.99.
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap
Waduk Cirata dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya ikan dengan sistem keramba jaring apung, dimana jumlah k... more Waduk Cirata dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya ikan dengan sistem keramba jaring apung, dimana jumlah keramba saat ini sudah melebihi daya dukung yang menyebabkan kelebihan hara (eutrofikasi). Di Waduk Cirata setiap tahun terjadi kematian ikan hasil budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah kematian masal ikan di Waduk Cirata. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada saat terjadi kematian massal ikan akhir September 2017, di Zona I (Sangkalin, Cipicung-Bandung Barat), Zona II (Cimanggu-Purwakarta), dan Zona III (Jatinengang, Patokbeusi-Cianjur) menggunakan metode observasi cepat in situ, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: Suhu air / udara, Kedalaman perairan, Warna air, Kecerahan, Kekeruhan, TDS (0,046-0,172 mg/l), TSS (total suspended solid), DHL (0,1-0,3 mS/cm), Oksigen terlarut, ORP (-49 sampai 244 mv), bebas CO2, Alkalinitas, pH, Nitrat, Nitrit, Amonium, Fosfat, Sulfat, BOT (5,06-17,06 mg/l), dan Kronologi kematian massal ikan. Hasil penelitia...
Akuatika Indonesia
Sumberdaya udang tangkapan di perairan Muara Gembong mengalami penurunan, salah satu penyebabnya ... more Sumberdaya udang tangkapan di perairan Muara Gembong mengalami penurunan, salah satu penyebabnya adalah rusaknya habitat mangrove yang berakibat habitat asuhan udang terganggu. Kawasan asuhan udang menjadi salah satu opsi konservasi yaitu sebagai sumber rekruitmen stok udang dan biota laut lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan kawasan asuhan sumber daya udang. Penelitian dilakukan di 20 stasiun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan September 2018. Kriteria penentuan kawasan asuhan udang meliputi: Eko-biologi, Sosial-Budaya-Ekonomi, dan Integrasi Sosio-Ekobiologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di stasiun penelitian nomor 11 wilayah perairan Mulut Muara Kuntul, Desa Pantai Sederhana yaitu Pulau Buaya sesuai untuk calon kawasan asuhan udang. Di Pulau Buaya teridentifikasi udang pada fase larva sebanyak 2,45%, post larva 1,04-76,83% dan komposisi juvenile udang dari famili Penaeidae sebanyak 72,5%, Palaemonidae 19,65%, Atydae 7,95% dan Squilidae 3,3%. Ketersedian sumberdaya udang di...
Scientific information about the composistionand structures of mangrove community and zonation pa... more Scientific information about the composistionand structures of mangrove community and zonation patterns, became a basic data to support further fisheries research and development. As one of the reference for Dompu government policy on the fisheries recovery plan in Cempi bay data and information of mangrove in this area were very important. The study was conducted at Cempi bayon the year 2011-2012 by exploration the area nearby research station. The results showed that the mangrove forest has already been heavy disturbed and degraded. The mangrove forest at Mbawi only which has a high density and good crown coverage. The mangrove species grown in these areas were belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae and Aviciniaceae. The presences of mangrove spesies were supported by environmental factors, such as muddy sandysubstrats and extreme deferences of salinity (3-36 o / oo ). Recovery of mangrove forest was important to be conducted in order to support the catch shrimp productivity in ...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The Bio-Transplants method is a coral grafting method by inoculating coral seedlings/fragments us... more The Bio-Transplants method is a coral grafting method by inoculating coral seedlings/fragments using natural materials. They are dead corals in the DC and DCA categories as a place of attachment. This study aims to see the success of the Bio-Transplants method in compiling indicators of fish species associated with the field of Bio-Transplants. They have conducted this research in 10 x 10 square meters on the north side of Tunda Island waters in July 2019 (T0), November 2019 (T1), and July 2020 (T2). The sampling method used a stationary visual census. In July 2019, as many as 11 species from 7 families, November 2019 was 31 species from 10 families, and July 2020 was 47 species from 10 families. Composition of fish species as an indicator of the health of coral ecosystems from the Chaetodontidae family fish species. In July, when Bio-Transplants started production, there were no fish groups from the Chaetodontidae family. The composition of the fish species found in November was Ch...
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2018
Sampai saat ini, informasi mengenai kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung mengen... more Sampai saat ini, informasi mengenai kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung mengenai lobster di Indonesia belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kebiasaan makan, luas relung dan tumpang tindih relung beberapa jenis lobster di Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek. Pengambilan sampel isi lambung lobster diperoleh dari hasil tangkapan nelayan lobster di Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Mei dan November 2016. Jumlah sampel lobster yang diamati isi lambungnya berjumlah 63 ekor dengan kisaran panjang karapas 4,6-8,2 mm. Kebiasaan makanan beberapa jenis lobster di Teluk Prigi terdiri dari moluska, krustasea, detritus, karang, tumbuhan (makrofita) dan pasir. Luas relung tertinggi dimiliki oleh lobster bambu (Panulirus versicolor) dan lobster batik (Panulirus longipes). Tumpang tindih relung yang tinggi mengindikasikan tingginya peluang kompetisi dalam memanfaatkan makanan kecuali lobster batik merah (P...
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2017
Meroplankton adalah organisme akuatik yang sebagian dari daur hidupnya bersifat planktonik dan me... more Meroplankton adalah organisme akuatik yang sebagian dari daur hidupnya bersifat planktonik dan merupakan fase paling kritis karena belum dapat menghindar dari predator. Untuk tumbuh, meroplankton membutuhkan kualitas perairan yang sesuai dan kawasan yang terlindung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi kelimpahan meroplankton dan kualitas perairan di Teluk Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan April, Juni, Agustus dan Oktober 2009 (10 stasiun) serta April dan Juni 2010 (5 stasiun) dengan metode stratified sampling. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa meroplankton di Teluk Jakarta tahun 2009, 2010 terdiri dari 4 kelompok yaitu:ikan, telur, udang dan kepiting. Komposisi meroplankton di Teluk Jakarta pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 didominasi oleh larva udang masing-masing sebesar 56,17-90,40 % dan 72,1-75,5 %. Kelimpahan larva udang tahun 2014 lebih rendah dibanding tahun 2009-2010. Kelimpahan larva udang dipengaruhi oleh pH, salinitas, kecerahan dan suhu ai...
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Salah satu kriteria penting untuk menentukan suatu lokasi menjadi suaka perikanan agar dapat berf... more Salah satu kriteria penting untuk menentukan suatu lokasi menjadi suaka perikanan agar dapat berfungsi sebagai sumber benih untuk meningkatkan produksi ikan adalah ketersediaan pakan alami seperti plantkon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui komposisi, keanekaragaman, dan dominansi fitoplankton sebagai pakan alami ikan pada perairan calon suaka perikanan di Waduk Koto Panjang, Riau. Contoh diambil pada lima stasiun pengamatan pada bulan Maret, Juni, dan Desember 2007. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah komposisi dan kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, serta dominansi fitoplankton. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa di Waduk Koto Panjang, Riau ditemukan lima kelas fitoplankton yaitu Chlorophyceae (21 marga), Cyanophyceae (tiga marga), Bacillariophyceae (tujuh marga), Dinophyceae (tiga marga), dan Euglenophyceae (dua marga) dengan total kelimpahan fitoplankton 6,6x105 ind. per L. Total nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman selama pengamatan adalah 2,97, berarti bahwa kondisi lingkungan di Waduk ...
Holothuria scabra Jaeger 1833, known as sandfish visually, Its visible external body has a soft, ... more Holothuria scabra Jaeger 1833, known as sandfish visually, Its visible external body has a soft, flexible texture. Sandfish is included in the Echinodermata phylum and Holothuroidea class, which has an important ecological and economic role. This research proposes to decide the suitability site in an intermediate culture model of sea ranching harvest type based on ecological, socio-cultural and Karimunjawa National Park zoning plan. Data collected has done in March 2020, November 2020 and August 2021. The data analysed on the environmental suitability level was based on several essential criteria matrices used by ArcGIS 10.8.2. They were four classes performed (high suitable, suitable that is enough, suitable with conditionals, and not suitable) based on each variable and matrix classification from main factor (6 variables), supporting factor (5 variables), dan another factors (1 variable). The highest score was 35, and the lowest was 23 during the class interval value. The analysis...
Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (l... more Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (latitude 719'10" to 719'50" south and longitude 10623'00" to 10624'10" east) has been designated as a “Coastal Park” for sea turtle conservation in West Java Province, Indonesia. The beach is suitable for the nesting of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). The Pangumbahan beach is designated as a coastal park under the decree of the Sukabumi regent No: 523/Kep.639Dislutkan/2008. Subsequently an increase in the number of visitors was recorded for the period from 2008 to 2012, with the number of people increasing from 13,176 to 21,759. This tourism activity seems have brought benefits to the economy of the coastal communities living around the park. The rise of economic activities is seen in various sectors including: transportation, lodging, restaurants, trade and tourism guides. The income of the people before the advent of ecotourism activities had been...
Conservation of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on coastal Pangumbahan (located at S 07 19’ 46.1” ... more Conservation of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on coastal Pangumbahan (located at S 07 19’ 46.1” dan E 106 23’ 50.4”) has been conducted since 1973. Efforts to improve knowledge and techniques, as well as enhanced management to increase the number green turtle eggs produced, hatched and successfully released as hatchlings are ongoing. Other improvements include: (i) hatching and letting the hatchlings live temporary in tub before immediately release into the sea; (ii) applying semi-natural outdoor systems for hatchery with bronjong; and (iii) improving skills of field workers to handle eggs and hatchlings, and involving local and Central Government in community base surveillance. The number of nesting turtles fluctuated and reached its peak in 2013, showing an increase of up to 3,245 individuals. The number of eggs since 2001 has also fluctuated, with the lowest number occurring in 2011 with 13,211 eggs, and the highest occurring in 2013 with 1,123,651 eggs. The number of eggs hatch...
Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conserva... more Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conservation area for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Indonesia. Recently, the Local Government of Sukabumi District has taken measures to manage the beach as a "Coastal Park" in order to promote sea turtle conservation. In context, the development of green turtle conservation has been managed as follows: management activity started in 1907 under license from the Dutch Colonial Government. The management implementation was initiated effectively in 1957 using an auction system, with a total management area of 12,300 m 2 established. In 1989, the area of Pangumbahan at about 115 ha, with its 3,000m long and 500m wide beach, was determined to be under the rightful management of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service of Sukabumi District. During this period, the technical sea turtle management has beenimplemented by a private company. From the beginning of April 2008 to the present, the management of the beach has been taken over by the Sukabumi District Government which charges the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service as responsible for managing the park. The positive impact appears in several indicators including data gathering, non utilisation of eggs for any purpose, improvement of hatching rate, an increase in hatchling numbers released into the sea and open access for visitors, which tends to increase year by year. This positive management example would be valuable to turtle conservation in Indonesia.
Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ), 2017
The zonation review and evaluation took into account habitat protection areas and categorised mig... more The zonation review and evaluation took into account habitat protection areas and categorised migration routes. In addition, the sustainability of fishery resources is maintained, as people in Savu Sea depend on fishery resources. The objectives of this research are to analyse the effectiveness of sub-zone cetacean protection for Savu Sea National Marien Park. The research stations were watering inside and outside in Savu Sea National Marine Park. The sampling of the research was conducted on 2015 and 2016, collecting data using a zig-zag transect by observation method of collecting data sighting cetacean with single observer platform. The results of sub-zone cetacean protection against Southwest Sumba waters, West Sumba and East Timor Land need to be reviewed if referring the current zoning area. Sub-zone for areas to protect sustainability cetacean need to be adjusted addition and alteration of fishery zone, the area of Southwest Sumba, West Sumba and Central Sumba is ± 445,567.44...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji distribusi spasial dan temporal juvenil udang dalam kaita... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji distribusi spasial dan temporal juvenil udang dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan perairan di Teluk Jakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah timur Teluk Jakarta dengan metode survei, pada bulan April, Juni, Agustus dan Oktober 2010 di 7 lokasi, yaitu: Muara Gembong, Tanjung Gembong, Muara Karawang, Tanjung Karawang, Muara Grobak, Muara Beuting dan Muara Bungin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara temporal kelimpahan juvenil udang mencapai puncak pada bulan Agustus 2010, di Muara Beuting. Secara spasial kelimpahan juvenil udang semakin meningkat ke lokasi luar teluk, yaitu Muara Gerobak, Muara Beuting, Muara Bungin. Juvenil yang ditemukan sebanyak 12 genus dan tertinggi dari genus Acetes dengan komposisi 59-99%. Kondisi lingkungan yang meliputi kedalaman air, kecerahan, salinitas, suhu air, pH dan oksigen terlarut mendukung pertumbuhan juvenil udang. This study aims to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile shrimp in ...
Pangumbahan coastal area is one of many important nesting sites of the green turtle (Chelonia myd... more Pangumbahan coastal area is one of many important nesting sites of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus) in Indonesia. This area is mainly comprises of disturb coastal old secondary forest. Some sites along the seashore were converted into fishpond, dry land agricultural and other was destroyed for other uses or as an open unproductive areas. However this area has a still plays an important role especially for the conservation of green turtle habitat and also for the ecosystem stabilization of the coastal area in general. Floristic research was conducted on September 2009 to investigate the existing vegetation structure and composition along the seashore using transects method.The “point center quarters method†was used to calculate the importance value of the vegetation on every turtle nesting sites. The important natural species vegetation communities in the area were comprises of herbs, shrubs and trees species. Ipoemoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br and Spinifex littoreus (N. L...
Journal of Biogeography, 2021
Salah satu kawasan penghasil udang yang potensial di Indonesia, berada di Teluk Cempi, Kabupaten ... more Salah satu kawasan penghasil udang yang potensial di Indonesia, berada di Teluk Cempi, Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyediakan data dan informasi tentang komposisi dan sebaran udang hasil tangkapan mini bottom trawl di Teluk Cempi, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2012 di perairan Teluk Cempi, di sekitar kawasan mangrove sampel udang didapatkan dengan menggunakan mini bottom trawl. Kepadatan (ind./km2) dari udang tangkapan mini bottom trawl dianalisis dengan memodifikasi formula swept area. Ditemukan enam famili udang di Teluk Cempi yaitu famili Penaeidae, Sergestidae, Atyidae, Alpheidae, Palaemonidae, dan Squillidae. Famili udang yang paling sering ditemukan selama penelitian adalah Penaeidae dan Sergestidae. Kedua famili tersebut termasuk dalam kelompok nokturnal, dilihat dari tingginya kepadatannya pada malam hari. Keberadaan fase juvenil dari famili Penaeidae yang mendominasi di perairan mangrove ...
Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conserva... more Pangumbahan Beach, located in Sukabumi District, West-Java Province has been appointed a conservation area for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Indonesia. Recently, the Local Government of Sukabumi District has taken measures to manage the beach as a "Coastal Park" in order to promote sea turtle conservation. In context, the development of green turtle conservation has been managed as follows: management activity started in 1907 under license from the Dutch Colonial Government. The management implementation was initiated effectively in 1957 using an auction system, with a total management area of 12,300 m 2 established. In 1989, the area of Pangumbahan at about 115 ha, with its 3,000m long and 500m wide beach, was determined to be under the rightful management of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service of Sukabumi District. During this period, the technical sea turtle management has beenimplemented by a private company. From the beginning of April 2008 to the present, the management of the beach has been taken over by the Sukabumi District Government which charges the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Service as responsible for managing the park. The positive impact appears in several indicators including data gathering, non utilisation of eggs for any purpose, improvement of hatching rate, an increase in hatchling numbers released into the sea and open access for visitors, which tends to increase year by year. This positive management example would be valuable to turtle conservation in Indonesia.
Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (l... more Pangumbahan beach, located between Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan villages, in Sukabumi Regency (latitude 7o19'10" to 7o19'50" south and longitude 106o23'00" to 106o24'10" east) has been designated as a “Coastal Park” for sea turtle conservation in West Java Province, Indonesia. The beach is suitable for the nesting of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). The Pangumbahan beach is designated as a coastal park under the decree of the Sukabumi regent No: 523/Kep.639Dislutkan/2008. Subsequently an increase in the number of visitors was recorded for the period from 2008 to 2012, with the number of people increasing from 13,176 to 21,759. This tourism activity seems have brought benefits to the economy of the coastal communities living around the park. The rise of economic activities is seen in various sectors including: transportation, lodging, restaurants, trade and tourism guides. The income of the people before the advent of ecotourism activities had ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Paraja Bay waters have five small islands that coexist with Ujung Kulon National Marine Park and ... more Paraja Bay waters have five small islands that coexist with Ujung Kulon National Marine Park and act as a buffer zone for the diversity of fishery resources. This study aimed to assess the reef fishes community structure at small islands in Paraja Bay. Observations were made in 20 locations during August and September 2019 in the five small islands. Reef fishes community structure showed 106 species as included major group (54 species), indicator group (24 species) and target group (28 species), among five small islands, i.e. Badul, M angir, Oar, Sumur and Umang Islands. The highest reef fishes abundance was founded in Umang Island waters. Several target fish species recorded during the study were mature fish (such as those targeted by fishermen). Only a small proportion were juveniles. Reef fish community structure was categorized as stress community to stable community with its indication was low diversity value, high evenness index, and low dominance. The low diversity index value illustrates that the level of uniformity of reef fish species in Paraja Bay waters is high. This condition is evidenced by each coral fish group's evenness index included in the main species group around 0.93 to 0.98. The target species is 0.88 to 0.99.
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap
Waduk Cirata dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya ikan dengan sistem keramba jaring apung, dimana jumlah k... more Waduk Cirata dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya ikan dengan sistem keramba jaring apung, dimana jumlah keramba saat ini sudah melebihi daya dukung yang menyebabkan kelebihan hara (eutrofikasi). Di Waduk Cirata setiap tahun terjadi kematian ikan hasil budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah kematian masal ikan di Waduk Cirata. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada saat terjadi kematian massal ikan akhir September 2017, di Zona I (Sangkalin, Cipicung-Bandung Barat), Zona II (Cimanggu-Purwakarta), dan Zona III (Jatinengang, Patokbeusi-Cianjur) menggunakan metode observasi cepat in situ, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: Suhu air / udara, Kedalaman perairan, Warna air, Kecerahan, Kekeruhan, TDS (0,046-0,172 mg/l), TSS (total suspended solid), DHL (0,1-0,3 mS/cm), Oksigen terlarut, ORP (-49 sampai 244 mv), bebas CO2, Alkalinitas, pH, Nitrat, Nitrit, Amonium, Fosfat, Sulfat, BOT (5,06-17,06 mg/l), dan Kronologi kematian massal ikan. Hasil penelitia...