carlos santiago ardila molina - (original) (raw)


Papers by carlos santiago ardila molina

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data

The Lancet. Neurology, 2018

Evidence regarding whether imaging can be used effectively to select patients for endovascular th... more Evidence regarding whether imaging can be used effectively to select patients for endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is scarce. We aimed to investigate the association between baseline imaging features and safety and efficacy of EVT in acute ischaemic stroke caused by anterior large-vessel occlusion. In this meta-analysis of individual patient-level data, the HERMES collaboration identified in PubMed seven randomised trials in endovascular stroke that compared EVT with standard medical therapy, published between Jan 1, 2010, and Oct 31, 2017. Only trials that required vessel imaging to identify patients with proximal anterior circulation ischaemic stroke and that used predominantly stent retrievers or second-generation neurothrombectomy devices in the EVT group were included. Risk of bias was assessed with the Cochrane handbook methodology. Central investigators, masked to clinical information other than stroke side, categorised baseline imaging features of ischaemic change with the Al...

Research paper thumbnail of Five-Year Risk of Stroke after TIA or Minor Ischemic Stroke

The New England journal of medicine, Jun 16, 2018

Background After a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke, the long-term risk of stroke ... more Background After a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke, the long-term risk of stroke and other vascular events is not well known. In this follow-up to a report on 1-year outcomes from a registry of TIA clinics in 21 countries that enrolled 4789 patients with a TIA or minor ischemic stroke from 2009 through 2011, we examined the 5-year risk of stroke and vascular events. Methods We evaluated patients who had had a TIA or minor stroke within 7 days before enrollment in the registry. Among 61 sites that participated in the 1-year outcome study, we selected 42 sites that had follow-up data on more than 50% of their enrolled patients at 5 years. The primary outcome was a composite of stroke, acute coronary syndrome, or death from cardiovascular causes (whichever occurred first), with an emphasis on events that occurred in the second through fifth years. In calculating the cumulative incidence of the primary outcome and secondary outcomes (except death from any cause), we trea...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolución del territorio: el Estrecho de Gibraltar analizado mediante dos documentos cartográficos de diferentes épocas

Research paper thumbnail of Sincronismo entre dos procedimientos GNSS: levantamiento del arroyo de río seco en Almonte. Huelva

Research paper thumbnail of Síntesi asimètrica de productes amb interès farmacològic a partir d'epoxialcohols insaturats

Tdx, May 30, 2008

El treball descrit en aquesta memòria ha estat realitzat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, sota la ... more El treball descrit en aquesta memòria ha estat realitzat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, sota la direcció del Dr. Antoni Riera, a qui agraeixo el fet d' haver-me ofert la possibilitat de treballar en el seu grup de recerca així com tot el seu suport durant aquests anys de treball. També agraeixo el suport i els consells donats pels doctors

Research paper thumbnail of Processamento de Doce de Abóbora em Calda, Uma Alternativa para Conservar e Agregar Valor a Matéria Prima

Anais Do Salao Internacional De Ensino Pesquisa E Extensao, Nov 1, 2013

A abobora de pescoco (Cucurbita moschata Duch) e comumente encontrada em pequenas propriedades ru... more A abobora de pescoco (Cucurbita moschata Duch) e comumente encontrada em pequenas propriedades rurais na regiao sul do Brasil. Desta especie as variedades mais encontradas sao com pescoco, embora diversos outros formatos tambem existam. Apesar de ser um fruto rico em vitaminas A e B, calcio, fosforo, possuir poucas calorias e ser de facil digestao, seu uso e pouco difundido na alimentacao humana. A transformacao deste fruto em um produto processado permite uma aceitabilidade maior na dieta humana, prolonga sua vida util, a disponibilidade do mesmo no periodo entre safras, alem de acrescentar propriedades sensoriais agradaveis e agregar valor. Tendo em vista tais argumentacoes este trabalho objetivou (a) realizar o processamento da abobora em calda; (b) demonstrar metodos de conservacao empregados para a obtencao deste produto, discutir como o processamento de vegetais pode ser usado como alternativas de renda para pequenas propriedades rurais. Para isto foram utilizadas 9 kg de abobora de pescoco provenientes da agricultura familiar, acucar cristal, agua potavel, cal virgem para alimentos, potes de vidro com tampa, tacho, refratometro e balanca de precisao. O experimento foi executado em aula pratica como metodo de aprendizado aos alunos participantes do Componente Curricular Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal no Laboratorio de processamento de alimentos – Unipampa-Itaqui. O processamento foi composto das seguintes etapas: limpeza dos frutos, descascamento, retirada das sementes, corte em cubos de 3 cm, o qual obteve se uma massa final de 7 kg , imersao em solucao de cal virgem 5% por 4 minutos, lavagem e perfuracao dos cubos, posteriormente estes foram dispostos em tacho de aluminio e cozidos em fogo brando ate os 7 L de calda 30% de acucar ate atingir a concentracao de 55°brix (aproximadamente 2 horas em fervura) e acondicionados em embalagens hermeticas de vidro com capacidade para 600 mL. O tratamento termico foi realizado em banho-maria por 13 min seguido de resfriamento a temperatura ambiente. O produto obtido apresentou caracteristicas sensoriais agradaveis a diversos paladares e associado a simplicidade tecnologica, baixos custos de producao, facil armazenamento e transporte. Com este trabalho conclui-se que o doce de abobora em calda e uma alternativa viavel para o melhor aproveitamento dos excedentes de safra e pode ser usada para agregar valor a este fruto, sem a necessidade de equipamentos sofisticados e de elevado custo pode se aplicar diferentes formas de conservacao como a utilizacao do calor, atmosfera controlada e aumento da pressao osmotica garantindo um alimento seguro.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrega de servicios sociales: Modalidades y cambios recientes en América Latina

Idb Publications, 2002

El presente trabajo es uno de los estudios de investigación sobre los principales problemas econó... more El presente trabajo es uno de los estudios de investigación sobre los principales problemas económicos y sociales que afectan a América Latina y el Caribe, auspiciados por el BID. Pueden obtenerse copias en la librería del Banco

[Research paper thumbnail of [Careful with herbal medicines!]](

SIDAhora : un proyecto del Departamento de Publicaciónes del PWA Coalition, NY, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Glutamine, Total Antioxidant Systems and Damage in Renal Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury

Glutamine in Clinical Nutrition, 2014

End-stage renal disease is a very relevant problem in public health and there is evidence of incr... more End-stage renal disease is a very relevant problem in public health and there is evidence of increasing occurrence and prevalence of this condition [1]. Data vary a lot, with numbers between 2.5 cases per million of the population of a compatible age (pmpca) in Nigeria, up to 1,403 cases pmpca in the United States [1]. An expressive percentage of these patients require maintenance dialysis treatment or organ transplant [1].

Research paper thumbnail of Infección Urinaria Asociada a Catéter Vesicouretral

MEDICRIT Revista de Medicina Crítica, 2007

Objetivos. Determinar el perfil bacteriologico de la infeccion de vias urinarias de pacientes por... more Objetivos. Determinar el perfil bacteriologico de la infeccion de vias urinarias de pacientes portadores de cateter urinario en un hospital de tercer nivel de atencion medica. Metodos. Diseno Trasversal. Se realizo urocultivo de 120 sujetos hospitalizados, portadores de cateter urinario, previo tamizaje con examen general de orina, tiras reactivas para deteccion de nitritos y leucocitos en orina. Se recolectaron datos sociodemograficos y semiologicos urinarios. Se uso paquete estadistico SPSS v10 y Microsoft Office 2003. Resultados. Se estudiaron 120 sujetos portadores de cateter urinario con promedio de edad 52.51+/-DE 18.21. El genero femenino de 68 (56.7%). De ellos 42 (de 120) resultaron con cultivo positivo, con una prevalencia de 35% IC 95%( 34.75-35.42), los germenes mas frecuentes fueron; Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) y Streptococcus , Staphylococcus y Morganella (.8%). Los antibioticos que mostraron mas resistencia fueron; ceftazidima, carbencilina y gentamicina. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de infeccion de vias urinarias por sonda vesical y el perfil bacteriologico es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Palabras Clave: Perfil microbiologico; Infeccion de vias urinarias; Cateter urinario. Microbiology Profile in Urinary Infection Associated with Uretral Catheter ABSTRACT Objectives. To Determine the bacteriological profile of urinary tract infections in vesical catheter carrier patients in a third level hospital. Methods. Design Crossover. Urine culture was made in 120 vesical catheter carriers hospitalized patients, previous tamizaje with general urinalysis, dipstick for nitrite and leukocyte detection. Demographic and clinical data were gathered. We used statistical package SPSS v10 and Microsoft Office 2003. Results. One hundred twenty subjects were studied with average of age 52.51+/-SD 18.21. Female was 68 (56.7%). 42 patients had reported positive cultures, with a prevalence of 35% CI 95% (34.75-35.42), the most frequent microbial agents were: Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) and Streptococcus , Staphylococcus and Morganella (.8%). Antibiotics that showed more resistance were: ceftazidime, carbenicillin and gentamicin. Conclusions. Prevalence of vesical probe associated urinary tract infections and bacteriological profiles are similar to the reported in literature. Key words: Microbiology profile; Urinary tract infections; Urinary catheter.

Research paper thumbnail of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) y servicios de información

Biblios, 2001

In an era of constant transformations, library services are facing new paradigms which force radi... more In an era of constant transformations, library services are facing new paradigms which force radical changes in the way of organizing libraries. The tools used until now have depended of the users and their needs; but such tools have become obsolete now, as the information ...

Research paper thumbnail of One-Year Risk of Stroke after Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke

The New England journal of medicine, Jan 21, 2016

Previous studies conducted between 1997 and 2003 estimated that the risk of stroke or an acute co... more Previous studies conducted between 1997 and 2003 estimated that the risk of stroke or an acute coronary syndrome was 12 to 20% during the first 3 months after a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke. The project was designed to describe the contemporary profile, etiologic factors, and outcomes in patients with a TIA or minor ischemic stroke who receive care in health systems that now offer urgent evaluation by stroke specialists. We recruited patients who had had a TIA or minor stroke within the previous 7 days. Sites were selected if they had systems dedicated to urgent evaluation of patients with TIA. We estimated the 1-year risk of stroke and of the composite outcome of stroke, an acute coronary syndrome, or death from cardiovascular causes. We also examined the association of the ABCD(2) score for the risk of stroke (range, 0 [lowest risk] to 7 [highest risk]), findings on brain imaging, and cause of TIA or minor stroke with the risk of recurrent stroke...

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data

The Lancet. Neurology, 2018

Evidence regarding whether imaging can be used effectively to select patients for endovascular th... more Evidence regarding whether imaging can be used effectively to select patients for endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is scarce. We aimed to investigate the association between baseline imaging features and safety and efficacy of EVT in acute ischaemic stroke caused by anterior large-vessel occlusion. In this meta-analysis of individual patient-level data, the HERMES collaboration identified in PubMed seven randomised trials in endovascular stroke that compared EVT with standard medical therapy, published between Jan 1, 2010, and Oct 31, 2017. Only trials that required vessel imaging to identify patients with proximal anterior circulation ischaemic stroke and that used predominantly stent retrievers or second-generation neurothrombectomy devices in the EVT group were included. Risk of bias was assessed with the Cochrane handbook methodology. Central investigators, masked to clinical information other than stroke side, categorised baseline imaging features of ischaemic change with the Al...

Research paper thumbnail of Five-Year Risk of Stroke after TIA or Minor Ischemic Stroke

The New England journal of medicine, Jun 16, 2018

Background After a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke, the long-term risk of stroke ... more Background After a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke, the long-term risk of stroke and other vascular events is not well known. In this follow-up to a report on 1-year outcomes from a registry of TIA clinics in 21 countries that enrolled 4789 patients with a TIA or minor ischemic stroke from 2009 through 2011, we examined the 5-year risk of stroke and vascular events. Methods We evaluated patients who had had a TIA or minor stroke within 7 days before enrollment in the registry. Among 61 sites that participated in the 1-year outcome study, we selected 42 sites that had follow-up data on more than 50% of their enrolled patients at 5 years. The primary outcome was a composite of stroke, acute coronary syndrome, or death from cardiovascular causes (whichever occurred first), with an emphasis on events that occurred in the second through fifth years. In calculating the cumulative incidence of the primary outcome and secondary outcomes (except death from any cause), we trea...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolución del territorio: el Estrecho de Gibraltar analizado mediante dos documentos cartográficos de diferentes épocas

Research paper thumbnail of Sincronismo entre dos procedimientos GNSS: levantamiento del arroyo de río seco en Almonte. Huelva

Research paper thumbnail of Síntesi asimètrica de productes amb interès farmacològic a partir d'epoxialcohols insaturats

Tdx, May 30, 2008

El treball descrit en aquesta memòria ha estat realitzat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, sota la ... more El treball descrit en aquesta memòria ha estat realitzat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, sota la direcció del Dr. Antoni Riera, a qui agraeixo el fet d' haver-me ofert la possibilitat de treballar en el seu grup de recerca així com tot el seu suport durant aquests anys de treball. També agraeixo el suport i els consells donats pels doctors

Research paper thumbnail of Processamento de Doce de Abóbora em Calda, Uma Alternativa para Conservar e Agregar Valor a Matéria Prima

Anais Do Salao Internacional De Ensino Pesquisa E Extensao, Nov 1, 2013

A abobora de pescoco (Cucurbita moschata Duch) e comumente encontrada em pequenas propriedades ru... more A abobora de pescoco (Cucurbita moschata Duch) e comumente encontrada em pequenas propriedades rurais na regiao sul do Brasil. Desta especie as variedades mais encontradas sao com pescoco, embora diversos outros formatos tambem existam. Apesar de ser um fruto rico em vitaminas A e B, calcio, fosforo, possuir poucas calorias e ser de facil digestao, seu uso e pouco difundido na alimentacao humana. A transformacao deste fruto em um produto processado permite uma aceitabilidade maior na dieta humana, prolonga sua vida util, a disponibilidade do mesmo no periodo entre safras, alem de acrescentar propriedades sensoriais agradaveis e agregar valor. Tendo em vista tais argumentacoes este trabalho objetivou (a) realizar o processamento da abobora em calda; (b) demonstrar metodos de conservacao empregados para a obtencao deste produto, discutir como o processamento de vegetais pode ser usado como alternativas de renda para pequenas propriedades rurais. Para isto foram utilizadas 9 kg de abobora de pescoco provenientes da agricultura familiar, acucar cristal, agua potavel, cal virgem para alimentos, potes de vidro com tampa, tacho, refratometro e balanca de precisao. O experimento foi executado em aula pratica como metodo de aprendizado aos alunos participantes do Componente Curricular Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal no Laboratorio de processamento de alimentos – Unipampa-Itaqui. O processamento foi composto das seguintes etapas: limpeza dos frutos, descascamento, retirada das sementes, corte em cubos de 3 cm, o qual obteve se uma massa final de 7 kg , imersao em solucao de cal virgem 5% por 4 minutos, lavagem e perfuracao dos cubos, posteriormente estes foram dispostos em tacho de aluminio e cozidos em fogo brando ate os 7 L de calda 30% de acucar ate atingir a concentracao de 55°brix (aproximadamente 2 horas em fervura) e acondicionados em embalagens hermeticas de vidro com capacidade para 600 mL. O tratamento termico foi realizado em banho-maria por 13 min seguido de resfriamento a temperatura ambiente. O produto obtido apresentou caracteristicas sensoriais agradaveis a diversos paladares e associado a simplicidade tecnologica, baixos custos de producao, facil armazenamento e transporte. Com este trabalho conclui-se que o doce de abobora em calda e uma alternativa viavel para o melhor aproveitamento dos excedentes de safra e pode ser usada para agregar valor a este fruto, sem a necessidade de equipamentos sofisticados e de elevado custo pode se aplicar diferentes formas de conservacao como a utilizacao do calor, atmosfera controlada e aumento da pressao osmotica garantindo um alimento seguro.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrega de servicios sociales: Modalidades y cambios recientes en América Latina

Idb Publications, 2002

El presente trabajo es uno de los estudios de investigación sobre los principales problemas econó... more El presente trabajo es uno de los estudios de investigación sobre los principales problemas económicos y sociales que afectan a América Latina y el Caribe, auspiciados por el BID. Pueden obtenerse copias en la librería del Banco

[Research paper thumbnail of [Careful with herbal medicines!]](

SIDAhora : un proyecto del Departamento de Publicaciónes del PWA Coalition, NY, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Glutamine, Total Antioxidant Systems and Damage in Renal Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury

Glutamine in Clinical Nutrition, 2014

End-stage renal disease is a very relevant problem in public health and there is evidence of incr... more End-stage renal disease is a very relevant problem in public health and there is evidence of increasing occurrence and prevalence of this condition [1]. Data vary a lot, with numbers between 2.5 cases per million of the population of a compatible age (pmpca) in Nigeria, up to 1,403 cases pmpca in the United States [1]. An expressive percentage of these patients require maintenance dialysis treatment or organ transplant [1].

Research paper thumbnail of Infección Urinaria Asociada a Catéter Vesicouretral

MEDICRIT Revista de Medicina Crítica, 2007

Objetivos. Determinar el perfil bacteriologico de la infeccion de vias urinarias de pacientes por... more Objetivos. Determinar el perfil bacteriologico de la infeccion de vias urinarias de pacientes portadores de cateter urinario en un hospital de tercer nivel de atencion medica. Metodos. Diseno Trasversal. Se realizo urocultivo de 120 sujetos hospitalizados, portadores de cateter urinario, previo tamizaje con examen general de orina, tiras reactivas para deteccion de nitritos y leucocitos en orina. Se recolectaron datos sociodemograficos y semiologicos urinarios. Se uso paquete estadistico SPSS v10 y Microsoft Office 2003. Resultados. Se estudiaron 120 sujetos portadores de cateter urinario con promedio de edad 52.51+/-DE 18.21. El genero femenino de 68 (56.7%). De ellos 42 (de 120) resultaron con cultivo positivo, con una prevalencia de 35% IC 95%( 34.75-35.42), los germenes mas frecuentes fueron; Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) y Streptococcus , Staphylococcus y Morganella (.8%). Los antibioticos que mostraron mas resistencia fueron; ceftazidima, carbencilina y gentamicina. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de infeccion de vias urinarias por sonda vesical y el perfil bacteriologico es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Palabras Clave: Perfil microbiologico; Infeccion de vias urinarias; Cateter urinario. Microbiology Profile in Urinary Infection Associated with Uretral Catheter ABSTRACT Objectives. To Determine the bacteriological profile of urinary tract infections in vesical catheter carrier patients in a third level hospital. Methods. Design Crossover. Urine culture was made in 120 vesical catheter carriers hospitalized patients, previous tamizaje with general urinalysis, dipstick for nitrite and leukocyte detection. Demographic and clinical data were gathered. We used statistical package SPSS v10 and Microsoft Office 2003. Results. One hundred twenty subjects were studied with average of age 52.51+/-SD 18.21. Female was 68 (56.7%). 42 patients had reported positive cultures, with a prevalence of 35% CI 95% (34.75-35.42), the most frequent microbial agents were: Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) and Streptococcus , Staphylococcus and Morganella (.8%). Antibiotics that showed more resistance were: ceftazidime, carbenicillin and gentamicin. Conclusions. Prevalence of vesical probe associated urinary tract infections and bacteriological profiles are similar to the reported in literature. Key words: Microbiology profile; Urinary tract infections; Urinary catheter.

Research paper thumbnail of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) y servicios de información

Biblios, 2001

In an era of constant transformations, library services are facing new paradigms which force radi... more In an era of constant transformations, library services are facing new paradigms which force radical changes in the way of organizing libraries. The tools used until now have depended of the users and their needs; but such tools have become obsolete now, as the information ...

Research paper thumbnail of One-Year Risk of Stroke after Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke

The New England journal of medicine, Jan 21, 2016

Previous studies conducted between 1997 and 2003 estimated that the risk of stroke or an acute co... more Previous studies conducted between 1997 and 2003 estimated that the risk of stroke or an acute coronary syndrome was 12 to 20% during the first 3 months after a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke. The project was designed to describe the contemporary profile, etiologic factors, and outcomes in patients with a TIA or minor ischemic stroke who receive care in health systems that now offer urgent evaluation by stroke specialists. We recruited patients who had had a TIA or minor stroke within the previous 7 days. Sites were selected if they had systems dedicated to urgent evaluation of patients with TIA. We estimated the 1-year risk of stroke and of the composite outcome of stroke, an acute coronary syndrome, or death from cardiovascular causes. We also examined the association of the ABCD(2) score for the risk of stroke (range, 0 [lowest risk] to 7 [highest risk]), findings on brain imaging, and cause of TIA or minor stroke with the risk of recurrent stroke...