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Papers by dewi rahmi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Abstract. Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a variety of roles and functions that it holds. In ... more Abstract. Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a variety of roles and functions that it holds. In the metropolitan area, it is certain that the central city together makes the core of a large population with other constituent parts that have a high degree of integration. Therefore, transportation is needed that can connect suburban areas to the city center. The railroad based transportation mode is the ideal mode to be applied in big cities like Jabodetabek. Jakarta is located between Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang, Banten and Cikarang. Bogor, which is one of the buffer zones of Jakarta, has had a positive impact in building the mass transportation mode of the KRL Commuter Line railroad. This study aims to identify and describe the determinants of the community in choosing the mode of transportation Bogor-Jakarta KRL Commuter Line. This type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Measurement variables used are Likert scale. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with KRL Commuter Line users and questionnaires distributed to 156 KRL Commuter Line users. The results of this study indicate that of the eight variables, all of them are included in the community determining factor in choosing the KRL Commuter Line transportation modes, namely fares, travel time, departure time, departure information, daily travel information, safety, ease of getting a ticket, convenience, and facilities. From the results of this study a summary of the total scores of all the variables raised turned out to be the tariff variables that had the highest scores. There is one variable in the comfort indicator has the lowest score of 457 with enough category, namely the capacity of the Commuter Line KRL in accordance with the number of passengers. This condition shows that the capacity of the Commuter Line KRL is not in accordance with the amount that should be. This is because at certain hours the number of KRL Commuter Line passengers has increased. Keywords: Bogor, KRL Commuter Line, Modes of Transportation Abstrak. Jakarta merupakan kota metropolitan dengan beragam peran dan fungsi yang dipegangnya. Di wilayah metropolitan, sudah pasti kota sentral bersama-sama membuat inti dari populasi besar dengan bagian konstituen lain yang mempunyai integrasi tingkat tinggi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan transportasi yang bisa menghubungkan wilayah-wilayah pinggiran kota ke pusat kota. Moda transportasi berbasis jalan rel merupakan moda ideal untuk diterapkan di kota-kota besar seperti di Jabodetabek. Jakarta terletak di antara Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tanggerang, Banten, dan Cikarang. Bogor yang menjadi salah satu wilayah penyangga Jakarta yang memberikan dampak positif dalam membangun moda transportasi massal kereta rel KRL Commuter Line. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan faktor penentu masyrarakat dalam memilih moda transportasi KRL Commuter Line Bogor-Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengukuran variabel yang digunakan adalah dengan skala likert. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat melalui wawancara terhadap pengguna KRL Commuter Line dan penyebaran kuisioner terhadap156 pengguna KRL Commuter Line. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari delapan variabel, semuanya termasuk ke dalam faktor penentu masyarakat dalam memilih moda transportasi KRL Commuter Line yaitu tarif, waktu tempuh perjalanan, waktu tunggu keberangkatan, informasi perjalanan harian, keselamatan, kemudahan mendapat tiket, kenyamanan, dan fasilitas. Dari hasil penelitian ini ringkasan total skor dari semua variabel yang diangkat ternyata variabel tarif yang memiliki skor paling tinggi. Terdapat satu variable dalam indikator kenyamanan memiliki skor paling rendah yaitu sebesar 457 dengan kategori cukup, yaitu kapasitas KRL Commuter Line sesuai dengan jumlah penumpang. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas KRL Commuter Line tidak sesuai dengan jumlah yang seharusnya. Hal ini dikarenakan pada jam-jam tertentu jumlah penumpang KRL Commuter Line mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci: Bogor, KRL Commuter Line, Moda Transportasi
Abstract: The traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers and sellers are marked... more Abstract: The traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers and sellers are marked with the transaction the buyer directly and there is usually a process of bargaining. In traditional markets traded a variety of community needs including food needs. Food needs a basic need for the life of every creature. In Islam the food we eat not only in terms of the type of food materials, but must also meet the criteria halalan Thayiban. A food product will be said to meet the criteria for lawful if it meets two criteria are based on the substance and process. As for the animals that may be consumed meat is chicken, ducks, geese, cows, buffaloes, goats, rabbits, birds, and all that do not have a strong grip, and so on. Especially chicken is one source of protein needed by the community. Chicken is one of the favored source of protein as compared to other types of meat, chicken meat can be affordable by all people because the price is cheaper with availability of many. However, the demand of chicken in the market is now even a loophole for broiler producers are cheating where many manufacturers who want to earn a big profit without regard to various aspects of both the health aspect as well as Islamic law. Some traders are sometimes caught cheating market operations conducted by the Department of fraudulent practices associated with the phenomenon that is commonly found example is the discovery of chickens are preserved using formaldehyde or borax, a merchant who sells chickens tiren (dead last), chicken injected with water to increase its weight. Not to mention perhaps that often go unnoticed is how traders slaughtered chickens that will sell to them. Abstrak: Pasar tradisional merupakan tempat bertemunya penjual dan pembeli serta ditandai dengan adanya transaksi penjual pembeli secara langsung dan biasanya ada proses tawar-menawar. Di pasar tradisional diperjualbelikan berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat diantaranya kebutuhan pangan. Kebutuhan pangan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi kehidupan setiap makhluk. Dalam Islam makanan yang kita konsumsi bukan hanya ditinjau dari jenis bahan makanannya saja, tapi harus pula memenuhi kriteria Halalan Thayiban. Suatu produk makanan akan dikatakan memenuhi kriteria halal jika memenuhi dua kriteria yaitu berdasarkan zat dan prosesnya. Adapun hewan yang boleh dikonsumsi dagingnya adalah ayam, itik, angsa, sapi, kerbau, kambing, kelinci, burung, dan semua yang tidak memiliki cengkeraman yang kuat dan sebagainya. Khususnya ayam merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Ayam adalah salah satu sumber protein yang digemari karena dibandingkan dengan jenis daging yang lainnya, daging ayam dapat terjangkau oleh semua kalangan karena harganya yang relatif lebih murah dengan ketersediaannya banyak. Namun, banyaknya permintaan ayam di pasaran kini malah menjadi celah bagi produsen ayam potong yang curang dimana para produsen banyak yang ingin mendapatkan untung yang besar tanpa memperhatikan berbagai aspek baik pada aspek kesehatan maupun syariat Islam. Beberapa pedagang curang terkadang tertangkap operasi pasar yang dilakukan oleh Dinas terkait dengan fenomena praktek curang yang sering ditemukan misalnya adalah penemuan ayam yang diawetkan menggunakan formalin atau boraks, pedagang yang menjual ayam tiren (mati kemarin), ayam yang disuntik dengan air agar beratnya bertambah. Belum lagi mungkin yang sering luput dari perhatian adalah bagaimana pedagang menyembelih ayam yang akan mereka jual.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jan 28, 2023
Employment is one of the problems that still occurs in West Java, this is due to the increasing n... more Employment is one of the problems that still occurs in West Java, this is due to the increasing number of population and workforce but not being matched by good employment opportunities The export sector has an important role in employment opportunities, exports as a proxy for economic openness where economic openness is a factor that can influence industrial competitiveness in Indonesia. With economic openness, it will be easier for foreign capital to enter Indonesia. (Maulana, 2018). The purpose of this research is to analyze and find out the effect of exports, domestic investment and foreign investment on labor in West Java Province in 2007-2021. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Central of Statistics (BPS). This data is time series data from 2007-2021 by applying the ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study show that: (1) the export variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021. (2) the domestic investment variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021.(3) the Foreign investment variable has a positive but not significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jan 28, 2023
The purpose of this study is to answer the question of how effective the utilization of productiv... more The purpose of this study is to answer the question of how effective the utilization of productive zakat in the Bandung Prosperous Bandung BAZNAS program in Bandung City is to improve the mustahik's economy. The research methodology used is descriptive quantitative. Data collection was carried out by field surveys, interviews and questionnaires with BAZNAS Bandung City and Mustahik Bandung Makmur. The sampling technique used accidental sampling, namely as many as 90 people. To measure the effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program, 4 indicators are used, namely, program target accuracy, program socialization, program objectives, and program monitoring. The results of this study indicate that the overall effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program with a percentage value of 89.94% is included in the very effective category. The Bandung Makmur program helps mustahik to improve their economy, it is hoped that the Bandung City BAZNAS can maintain the effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 7, 2021
Masalah pembiayaan yang besar dalam melakukan pembangunan ekonomi, menjadi salah satu kendala yan... more Masalah pembiayaan yang besar dalam melakukan pembangunan ekonomi, menjadi salah satu kendala yang dialami oleh setiap negara, karena aliran modal domestik tidak cukup untuk membiayai seluruh kegiatan pembangunan. Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) hadir sebagai solusi dalam mengatasi kekurangan modal domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi PMA di lima negara ASEAN selama periode 1996-2019. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Variabel independenya meliputi, suku bunga, pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan human capital. Variabel dependenya adalah penanaman modal asing (PMA). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi data panel. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi, suku bunga dan IPM secara parsial berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kenaikan arus PMA. Implikasi kebijakan stabilitas makroekonomi menjadi bagian penting dalam menarik investor masuk ke suatu negara. Namun harus diikuti dengan pembenahan birokrasi yang dapat menyederhanakan prosedur investasi. Kata Kunci-Penanaman Modal Asing, suku bunga, inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, IPM.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jul 27, 2022
Farmer groups are formed in order to facilitate the procurement of agricultural production facili... more Farmer groups are formed in order to facilitate the procurement of agricultural production facilities such as fertilizers, seeds and medicines. ideally, farmer groups are formed by and for farmers, in order to overcome common problems in farming and strengthen farmers' bargaining, both in the market for facilities and in the market for agricultural products. from government programs that require farmers in groups. Therefore, after the government program was completed, most of the farmers stopped joining the farmer groups. This makes the farmer groups not play their role as they should. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of farmer groups as an effort to improve the welfare of farmers. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Analysis of the data obtained from the results of interviews and then make conclusions that are easily understood by the reader. The sample in this study were 7 members of the farmer group and 1 head of the farmer group. The results of this study indicate that (1) the problems faced by farmers in Warnasari Village in developing farming are lack of capital, price and income instability, government intervention or farmer group organizations, difficulty getting superior seeds, and plant pests (2) the role of farmer groups in improving the welfare of farmers in Warnasari Village, among others, as a teaching and learning class, as a vehicle or cooperation unit, and as a business unit.
Jurnal ilmiah ekonomi Islam, Oct 27, 2022
Waqf is an Islamic philanthropy that can provide social and economic benefits to the people and I... more Waqf is an Islamic philanthropy that can provide social and economic benefits to the people and Indonesia has great waqf potential. One of the waqf innovations that are now present is stock waqf. However, the realization of stock waqf collection is still far from its potential. This raises the question of what factors influence a person's interest in stock waqf. This study aims to describe the respondents and analyze the factors that influence the interest of stock investors towards stock waqf. The study was conducted on the customer of the MNC Sekuritas, among 100 respondents who had or never did a stock waqf. Data were obtained using a questionnaire in nominal and likert scales. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The data from the questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability and then analyzed using the binary logistic regression method. The results showed that knowledge, religiosity, perception had an positive significant effect on interest in doing stock waqf and the information media has no effect on investors' interest in doing stock waqf.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a cre... more Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a creative perspective, however, with limited job opportunities and the difficulty of breaking through to standardization, companies in Indonesia have not been able to eradicate Indonesia from the problems of poverty and unemployment. Indonesia really needs entrepreneurs on a large scale. This research was conducted to determine the preferences of students at Bandung Islamic University in entrepreneurship, what factors determine student preferences for entrepreneurship and the dominant factors that determine student preferences for entrepreneurship. The research method in this research uses quantitative descriptive research on a Likert scale. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with managers in the entrepreneurship sector and distributing questionnaires via Google Form to students at Bandung Islamic University. The results of this research found that the majority of students' preference was for entrepreneurship, of which 82 respondents tended to choose entrepreneurship or had a preference for entrepreneurship over becoming employees. The factors that determine student preferences are motivation, interest and environment. Where the most dominant factor determining preference is motivation which is shown by the highest total score of 334.
Economics Studies, Jan 31, 2024
One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business imp... more One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business improvement is not only done by the government but also through government agencies. PT Taspen is a public company (BUMN) that can contribute to economic development through CSR programs. Corporate Social Responsibility is the company's commitment to building a better quality of life for the surrounding community. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of CSR on business performance improvement. In this study, we use descriptive method combined with quantitative method. The data used are primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 54 respondents from PT Taspen KCU Bandung preferred partners. The analysis was performed quantitatively by scoring the respondent's response results using the Likert scale. The research results show that these 4 aspects all have an impact on the sustainability of their business activities, but the strongest impact on the partner's activities is the business management aspect, as evidenced by the counterpoint. average return is 177.2, meaning PT Taspen not only provides capital but also provides training and coaching to help partners feel the impact of PT Taspen's CSR. The company continues to improve its training and education on the marketing and legal aspects of the business.
Jurnal ilmiah ekonomi Islam, Oct 27, 2022
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a cre... more Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a creative perspective, however, with limited job opportunities and the difficulty of breaking through to standardization, companies in Indonesia have not been able to eradicate Indonesia from the problems of poverty and unemployment. Indonesia really needs entrepreneurs on a large scale. This research was conducted to determine the preferences of students at Bandung Islamic University in entrepreneurship, what factors determine student preferences for entrepreneurship and the dominant factors that determine student preferences for entrepreneurship. The research method in this research uses quantitative descriptive research on a Likert scale. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with managers in the entrepreneurship sector and distributing questionnaires via Google Form to students at Bandung Islamic University. The results of this research found that the majority of students' preference was for entrepreneurship, of which 82 respondents tended to choose entrepreneurship or had a preference for entrepreneurship over becoming employees. The factors that determine student preferences are motivation, interest and environment. Where the most dominant factor determining preference is motivation which is shown by the highest total score of 334.
Economics Studies, Jan 31, 2024
One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business imp... more One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business improvement is not only done by the government but also through government agencies. PT Taspen is a public company (BUMN) that can contribute to economic development through CSR programs. Corporate Social Responsibility is the company's commitment to building a better quality of life for the surrounding community. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of CSR on business performance improvement. In this study, we use descriptive method combined with quantitative method. The data used are primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 54 respondents from PT Taspen KCU Bandung preferred partners. The analysis was performed quantitatively by scoring the respondent's response results using the Likert scale. The research results show that these 4 aspects all have an impact on the sustainability of their business activities, but the strongest impact on the partner's activities is the business management aspect, as evidenced by the counterpoint. average return is 177.2, meaning PT Taspen not only provides capital but also provides training and coaching to help partners feel the impact of PT Taspen's CSR. The company continues to improve its training and education on the marketing and legal aspects of the business.
Economics Studies, Feb 6, 2024
The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional inc... more The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional income with tourism development carried out by the government with the aim of improving the welfare of the community and the country. The qualitative research method used data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and using SWOT analysis as an analysis method to determine the strongest strategy for developing the Mukapayung tourist village. Based on the research results, it was found that the strength of Wista Mukapayung Village is that it has a beautiful natural panorama, is located in a mountainous area, has fertile natural potential and is suitable for agrotourism development, has additional attractions in the form of a games arena, has a tourism awareness group organization (Pokdarwis), and has attractions. culture and education. Furthermore, the biggest opportunity for the Mukapayung tourist village is a form of program to increase economic development in rural areas, to become a form of program to preserve local nature, to get support from the local government in developing local tourism and to have the number of tourist visits which always increases every year.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corpora... more CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corporate concern to improve welfare, so that they can participate in achieving sustainable development without any parties being left out, including people with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving the welfare of persons with disabilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This type of research is a case study. The data source used in this research is primary data. The informants in this research are the head of the partnership and environment section of PT Bio Farma and the Group of Persons with Disabilities assisted by PT Bio Farma CSR. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive impact felt by persons with disabilities who participate in the empowerment program for persons with disabilities carried out by CSR PT Bio Farma. The positive impact can be seen from the results of the beneficiaries' statements on the indicators of the welfare of persons with disabilities on a. Increased Skills and Knowledge, b. Access to Employment Opportunities, c. Income, d. Social Support. Social Support. This program has helped people with disabilities in improving the welfare and better quality of life of people with disabilities.
Economics Studies, Feb 8, 2024
The existence of the Bandung Regency soreang healthy market has an important role in the local ec... more The existence of the Bandung Regency soreang healthy market has an important role in the local economy. However, as time goes by, this market faces various challenges such as poor infrastructure conditions and a decline in consumer appeal. Therefore, the government's role is to issue a market revitalization program as an effort to improve the conditions and welfare of traders. This research aims to answer the question about the impact of the traditional market revitalization program on the welfare of traders at the Sorang Healthy Market, Bandung Regency. The method used is descriptive quantitative, the sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling technique, the data collection technique uses questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results it was found that the revitalization program had an impact on some traders, seen in the indicators of consumer satisfaction and physical market facilities, while in the indicators income and number of visitors have not had an optimal impact on welfare.
Economics Studies, Feb 6, 2024
The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional inc... more The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional income with tourism development carried out by the government with the aim of improving the welfare of the community and the country. The qualitative research method used data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and using SWOT analysis as an analysis method to determine the strongest strategy for developing the Mukapayung tourist village. Based on the research results, it was found that the strength of Wista Mukapayung Village is that it has a beautiful natural panorama, is located in a mountainous area, has fertile natural potential and is suitable for agrotourism development, has additional attractions in the form of a games arena, has a tourism awareness group organization (Pokdarwis), and has attractions. culture and education. Furthermore, the biggest opportunity for the Mukapayung tourist village is a form of program to increase economic development in rural areas, to become a form of program to preserve local nature, to get support from the local government in developing local tourism and to have the number of tourist visits which always increases every year.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corpora... more CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corporate concern to improve welfare, so that they can participate in achieving sustainable development without any parties being left out, including people with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving the welfare of persons with disabilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This type of research is a case study. The data source used in this research is primary data. The informants in this research are the head of the partnership and environment section of PT Bio Farma and the Group of Persons with Disabilities assisted by PT Bio Farma CSR. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive impact felt by persons with disabilities who participate in the empowerment program for persons with disabilities carried out by CSR PT Bio Farma. The positive impact can be seen from the results of the beneficiaries' statements on the indicators of the welfare of persons with disabilities on a. Increased Skills and Knowledge, b. Access to Employment Opportunities, c. Income, d. Social Support. Social Support. This program has helped people with disabilities in improving the welfare and better quality of life of people with disabilities.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Abstract. Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a variety of roles and functions that it holds. In ... more Abstract. Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a variety of roles and functions that it holds. In the metropolitan area, it is certain that the central city together makes the core of a large population with other constituent parts that have a high degree of integration. Therefore, transportation is needed that can connect suburban areas to the city center. The railroad based transportation mode is the ideal mode to be applied in big cities like Jabodetabek. Jakarta is located between Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang, Banten and Cikarang. Bogor, which is one of the buffer zones of Jakarta, has had a positive impact in building the mass transportation mode of the KRL Commuter Line railroad. This study aims to identify and describe the determinants of the community in choosing the mode of transportation Bogor-Jakarta KRL Commuter Line. This type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Measurement variables used are Likert scale. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with KRL Commuter Line users and questionnaires distributed to 156 KRL Commuter Line users. The results of this study indicate that of the eight variables, all of them are included in the community determining factor in choosing the KRL Commuter Line transportation modes, namely fares, travel time, departure time, departure information, daily travel information, safety, ease of getting a ticket, convenience, and facilities. From the results of this study a summary of the total scores of all the variables raised turned out to be the tariff variables that had the highest scores. There is one variable in the comfort indicator has the lowest score of 457 with enough category, namely the capacity of the Commuter Line KRL in accordance with the number of passengers. This condition shows that the capacity of the Commuter Line KRL is not in accordance with the amount that should be. This is because at certain hours the number of KRL Commuter Line passengers has increased. Keywords: Bogor, KRL Commuter Line, Modes of Transportation Abstrak. Jakarta merupakan kota metropolitan dengan beragam peran dan fungsi yang dipegangnya. Di wilayah metropolitan, sudah pasti kota sentral bersama-sama membuat inti dari populasi besar dengan bagian konstituen lain yang mempunyai integrasi tingkat tinggi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan transportasi yang bisa menghubungkan wilayah-wilayah pinggiran kota ke pusat kota. Moda transportasi berbasis jalan rel merupakan moda ideal untuk diterapkan di kota-kota besar seperti di Jabodetabek. Jakarta terletak di antara Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tanggerang, Banten, dan Cikarang. Bogor yang menjadi salah satu wilayah penyangga Jakarta yang memberikan dampak positif dalam membangun moda transportasi massal kereta rel KRL Commuter Line. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan faktor penentu masyrarakat dalam memilih moda transportasi KRL Commuter Line Bogor-Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengukuran variabel yang digunakan adalah dengan skala likert. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat melalui wawancara terhadap pengguna KRL Commuter Line dan penyebaran kuisioner terhadap156 pengguna KRL Commuter Line. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari delapan variabel, semuanya termasuk ke dalam faktor penentu masyarakat dalam memilih moda transportasi KRL Commuter Line yaitu tarif, waktu tempuh perjalanan, waktu tunggu keberangkatan, informasi perjalanan harian, keselamatan, kemudahan mendapat tiket, kenyamanan, dan fasilitas. Dari hasil penelitian ini ringkasan total skor dari semua variabel yang diangkat ternyata variabel tarif yang memiliki skor paling tinggi. Terdapat satu variable dalam indikator kenyamanan memiliki skor paling rendah yaitu sebesar 457 dengan kategori cukup, yaitu kapasitas KRL Commuter Line sesuai dengan jumlah penumpang. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas KRL Commuter Line tidak sesuai dengan jumlah yang seharusnya. Hal ini dikarenakan pada jam-jam tertentu jumlah penumpang KRL Commuter Line mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci: Bogor, KRL Commuter Line, Moda Transportasi
Abstract: The traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers and sellers are marked... more Abstract: The traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers and sellers are marked with the transaction the buyer directly and there is usually a process of bargaining. In traditional markets traded a variety of community needs including food needs. Food needs a basic need for the life of every creature. In Islam the food we eat not only in terms of the type of food materials, but must also meet the criteria halalan Thayiban. A food product will be said to meet the criteria for lawful if it meets two criteria are based on the substance and process. As for the animals that may be consumed meat is chicken, ducks, geese, cows, buffaloes, goats, rabbits, birds, and all that do not have a strong grip, and so on. Especially chicken is one source of protein needed by the community. Chicken is one of the favored source of protein as compared to other types of meat, chicken meat can be affordable by all people because the price is cheaper with availability of many. However, the demand of chicken in the market is now even a loophole for broiler producers are cheating where many manufacturers who want to earn a big profit without regard to various aspects of both the health aspect as well as Islamic law. Some traders are sometimes caught cheating market operations conducted by the Department of fraudulent practices associated with the phenomenon that is commonly found example is the discovery of chickens are preserved using formaldehyde or borax, a merchant who sells chickens tiren (dead last), chicken injected with water to increase its weight. Not to mention perhaps that often go unnoticed is how traders slaughtered chickens that will sell to them. Abstrak: Pasar tradisional merupakan tempat bertemunya penjual dan pembeli serta ditandai dengan adanya transaksi penjual pembeli secara langsung dan biasanya ada proses tawar-menawar. Di pasar tradisional diperjualbelikan berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat diantaranya kebutuhan pangan. Kebutuhan pangan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi kehidupan setiap makhluk. Dalam Islam makanan yang kita konsumsi bukan hanya ditinjau dari jenis bahan makanannya saja, tapi harus pula memenuhi kriteria Halalan Thayiban. Suatu produk makanan akan dikatakan memenuhi kriteria halal jika memenuhi dua kriteria yaitu berdasarkan zat dan prosesnya. Adapun hewan yang boleh dikonsumsi dagingnya adalah ayam, itik, angsa, sapi, kerbau, kambing, kelinci, burung, dan semua yang tidak memiliki cengkeraman yang kuat dan sebagainya. Khususnya ayam merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Ayam adalah salah satu sumber protein yang digemari karena dibandingkan dengan jenis daging yang lainnya, daging ayam dapat terjangkau oleh semua kalangan karena harganya yang relatif lebih murah dengan ketersediaannya banyak. Namun, banyaknya permintaan ayam di pasaran kini malah menjadi celah bagi produsen ayam potong yang curang dimana para produsen banyak yang ingin mendapatkan untung yang besar tanpa memperhatikan berbagai aspek baik pada aspek kesehatan maupun syariat Islam. Beberapa pedagang curang terkadang tertangkap operasi pasar yang dilakukan oleh Dinas terkait dengan fenomena praktek curang yang sering ditemukan misalnya adalah penemuan ayam yang diawetkan menggunakan formalin atau boraks, pedagang yang menjual ayam tiren (mati kemarin), ayam yang disuntik dengan air agar beratnya bertambah. Belum lagi mungkin yang sering luput dari perhatian adalah bagaimana pedagang menyembelih ayam yang akan mereka jual.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jan 28, 2023
Employment is one of the problems that still occurs in West Java, this is due to the increasing n... more Employment is one of the problems that still occurs in West Java, this is due to the increasing number of population and workforce but not being matched by good employment opportunities The export sector has an important role in employment opportunities, exports as a proxy for economic openness where economic openness is a factor that can influence industrial competitiveness in Indonesia. With economic openness, it will be easier for foreign capital to enter Indonesia. (Maulana, 2018). The purpose of this research is to analyze and find out the effect of exports, domestic investment and foreign investment on labor in West Java Province in 2007-2021. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Central of Statistics (BPS). This data is time series data from 2007-2021 by applying the ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study show that: (1) the export variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021. (2) the domestic investment variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021.(3) the Foreign investment variable has a positive but not significant effect on the employment opportunity in West Java Province in 2007-2021.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jan 28, 2023
The purpose of this study is to answer the question of how effective the utilization of productiv... more The purpose of this study is to answer the question of how effective the utilization of productive zakat in the Bandung Prosperous Bandung BAZNAS program in Bandung City is to improve the mustahik's economy. The research methodology used is descriptive quantitative. Data collection was carried out by field surveys, interviews and questionnaires with BAZNAS Bandung City and Mustahik Bandung Makmur. The sampling technique used accidental sampling, namely as many as 90 people. To measure the effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program, 4 indicators are used, namely, program target accuracy, program socialization, program objectives, and program monitoring. The results of this study indicate that the overall effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program with a percentage value of 89.94% is included in the very effective category. The Bandung Makmur program helps mustahik to improve their economy, it is hoped that the Bandung City BAZNAS can maintain the effectiveness of the Bandung Makmur program.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 7, 2021
Masalah pembiayaan yang besar dalam melakukan pembangunan ekonomi, menjadi salah satu kendala yan... more Masalah pembiayaan yang besar dalam melakukan pembangunan ekonomi, menjadi salah satu kendala yang dialami oleh setiap negara, karena aliran modal domestik tidak cukup untuk membiayai seluruh kegiatan pembangunan. Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) hadir sebagai solusi dalam mengatasi kekurangan modal domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi PMA di lima negara ASEAN selama periode 1996-2019. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Variabel independenya meliputi, suku bunga, pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan human capital. Variabel dependenya adalah penanaman modal asing (PMA). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi data panel. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi, suku bunga dan IPM secara parsial berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kenaikan arus PMA. Implikasi kebijakan stabilitas makroekonomi menjadi bagian penting dalam menarik investor masuk ke suatu negara. Namun harus diikuti dengan pembenahan birokrasi yang dapat menyederhanakan prosedur investasi. Kata Kunci-Penanaman Modal Asing, suku bunga, inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, IPM.
Bandung Conference Series: Economics Studies, Jul 27, 2022
Farmer groups are formed in order to facilitate the procurement of agricultural production facili... more Farmer groups are formed in order to facilitate the procurement of agricultural production facilities such as fertilizers, seeds and medicines. ideally, farmer groups are formed by and for farmers, in order to overcome common problems in farming and strengthen farmers' bargaining, both in the market for facilities and in the market for agricultural products. from government programs that require farmers in groups. Therefore, after the government program was completed, most of the farmers stopped joining the farmer groups. This makes the farmer groups not play their role as they should. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of farmer groups as an effort to improve the welfare of farmers. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Analysis of the data obtained from the results of interviews and then make conclusions that are easily understood by the reader. The sample in this study were 7 members of the farmer group and 1 head of the farmer group. The results of this study indicate that (1) the problems faced by farmers in Warnasari Village in developing farming are lack of capital, price and income instability, government intervention or farmer group organizations, difficulty getting superior seeds, and plant pests (2) the role of farmer groups in improving the welfare of farmers in Warnasari Village, among others, as a teaching and learning class, as a vehicle or cooperation unit, and as a business unit.
Jurnal ilmiah ekonomi Islam, Oct 27, 2022
Waqf is an Islamic philanthropy that can provide social and economic benefits to the people and I... more Waqf is an Islamic philanthropy that can provide social and economic benefits to the people and Indonesia has great waqf potential. One of the waqf innovations that are now present is stock waqf. However, the realization of stock waqf collection is still far from its potential. This raises the question of what factors influence a person's interest in stock waqf. This study aims to describe the respondents and analyze the factors that influence the interest of stock investors towards stock waqf. The study was conducted on the customer of the MNC Sekuritas, among 100 respondents who had or never did a stock waqf. Data were obtained using a questionnaire in nominal and likert scales. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The data from the questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability and then analyzed using the binary logistic regression method. The results showed that knowledge, religiosity, perception had an positive significant effect on interest in doing stock waqf and the information media has no effect on investors' interest in doing stock waqf.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a cre... more Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a creative perspective, however, with limited job opportunities and the difficulty of breaking through to standardization, companies in Indonesia have not been able to eradicate Indonesia from the problems of poverty and unemployment. Indonesia really needs entrepreneurs on a large scale. This research was conducted to determine the preferences of students at Bandung Islamic University in entrepreneurship, what factors determine student preferences for entrepreneurship and the dominant factors that determine student preferences for entrepreneurship. The research method in this research uses quantitative descriptive research on a Likert scale. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with managers in the entrepreneurship sector and distributing questionnaires via Google Form to students at Bandung Islamic University. The results of this research found that the majority of students' preference was for entrepreneurship, of which 82 respondents tended to choose entrepreneurship or had a preference for entrepreneurship over becoming employees. The factors that determine student preferences are motivation, interest and environment. Where the most dominant factor determining preference is motivation which is shown by the highest total score of 334.
Economics Studies, Jan 31, 2024
One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business imp... more One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business improvement is not only done by the government but also through government agencies. PT Taspen is a public company (BUMN) that can contribute to economic development through CSR programs. Corporate Social Responsibility is the company's commitment to building a better quality of life for the surrounding community. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of CSR on business performance improvement. In this study, we use descriptive method combined with quantitative method. The data used are primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 54 respondents from PT Taspen KCU Bandung preferred partners. The analysis was performed quantitatively by scoring the respondent's response results using the Likert scale. The research results show that these 4 aspects all have an impact on the sustainability of their business activities, but the strongest impact on the partner's activities is the business management aspect, as evidenced by the counterpoint. average return is 177.2, meaning PT Taspen not only provides capital but also provides training and coaching to help partners feel the impact of PT Taspen's CSR. The company continues to improve its training and education on the marketing and legal aspects of the business.
Jurnal ilmiah ekonomi Islam, Oct 27, 2022
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a cre... more Students in Indonesia have a lot of potential that can be processed and developed both from a creative perspective, however, with limited job opportunities and the difficulty of breaking through to standardization, companies in Indonesia have not been able to eradicate Indonesia from the problems of poverty and unemployment. Indonesia really needs entrepreneurs on a large scale. This research was conducted to determine the preferences of students at Bandung Islamic University in entrepreneurship, what factors determine student preferences for entrepreneurship and the dominant factors that determine student preferences for entrepreneurship. The research method in this research uses quantitative descriptive research on a Likert scale. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with managers in the entrepreneurship sector and distributing questionnaires via Google Form to students at Bandung Islamic University. The results of this research found that the majority of students' preference was for entrepreneurship, of which 82 respondents tended to choose entrepreneurship or had a preference for entrepreneurship over becoming employees. The factors that determine student preferences are motivation, interest and environment. Where the most dominant factor determining preference is motivation which is shown by the highest total score of 334.
Economics Studies, Jan 31, 2024
One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business imp... more One of the economic sectors that can contribute to economic development is business. Business improvement is not only done by the government but also through government agencies. PT Taspen is a public company (BUMN) that can contribute to economic development through CSR programs. Corporate Social Responsibility is the company's commitment to building a better quality of life for the surrounding community. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of CSR on business performance improvement. In this study, we use descriptive method combined with quantitative method. The data used are primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 54 respondents from PT Taspen KCU Bandung preferred partners. The analysis was performed quantitatively by scoring the respondent's response results using the Likert scale. The research results show that these 4 aspects all have an impact on the sustainability of their business activities, but the strongest impact on the partner's activities is the business management aspect, as evidenced by the counterpoint. average return is 177.2, meaning PT Taspen not only provides capital but also provides training and coaching to help partners feel the impact of PT Taspen's CSR. The company continues to improve its training and education on the marketing and legal aspects of the business.
Economics Studies, Feb 6, 2024
The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional inc... more The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional income with tourism development carried out by the government with the aim of improving the welfare of the community and the country. The qualitative research method used data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and using SWOT analysis as an analysis method to determine the strongest strategy for developing the Mukapayung tourist village. Based on the research results, it was found that the strength of Wista Mukapayung Village is that it has a beautiful natural panorama, is located in a mountainous area, has fertile natural potential and is suitable for agrotourism development, has additional attractions in the form of a games arena, has a tourism awareness group organization (Pokdarwis), and has attractions. culture and education. Furthermore, the biggest opportunity for the Mukapayung tourist village is a form of program to increase economic development in rural areas, to become a form of program to preserve local nature, to get support from the local government in developing local tourism and to have the number of tourist visits which always increases every year.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corpora... more CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corporate concern to improve welfare, so that they can participate in achieving sustainable development without any parties being left out, including people with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving the welfare of persons with disabilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This type of research is a case study. The data source used in this research is primary data. The informants in this research are the head of the partnership and environment section of PT Bio Farma and the Group of Persons with Disabilities assisted by PT Bio Farma CSR. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive impact felt by persons with disabilities who participate in the empowerment program for persons with disabilities carried out by CSR PT Bio Farma. The positive impact can be seen from the results of the beneficiaries' statements on the indicators of the welfare of persons with disabilities on a. Increased Skills and Knowledge, b. Access to Employment Opportunities, c. Income, d. Social Support. Social Support. This program has helped people with disabilities in improving the welfare and better quality of life of people with disabilities.
Economics Studies, Feb 8, 2024
The existence of the Bandung Regency soreang healthy market has an important role in the local ec... more The existence of the Bandung Regency soreang healthy market has an important role in the local economy. However, as time goes by, this market faces various challenges such as poor infrastructure conditions and a decline in consumer appeal. Therefore, the government's role is to issue a market revitalization program as an effort to improve the conditions and welfare of traders. This research aims to answer the question about the impact of the traditional market revitalization program on the welfare of traders at the Sorang Healthy Market, Bandung Regency. The method used is descriptive quantitative, the sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling technique, the data collection technique uses questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results it was found that the revitalization program had an impact on some traders, seen in the indicators of consumer satisfaction and physical market facilities, while in the indicators income and number of visitors have not had an optimal impact on welfare.
Economics Studies, Feb 6, 2024
The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional inc... more The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of regional income with tourism development carried out by the government with the aim of improving the welfare of the community and the country. The qualitative research method used data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and using SWOT analysis as an analysis method to determine the strongest strategy for developing the Mukapayung tourist village. Based on the research results, it was found that the strength of Wista Mukapayung Village is that it has a beautiful natural panorama, is located in a mountainous area, has fertile natural potential and is suitable for agrotourism development, has additional attractions in the form of a games arena, has a tourism awareness group organization (Pokdarwis), and has attractions. culture and education. Furthermore, the biggest opportunity for the Mukapayung tourist village is a form of program to increase economic development in rural areas, to become a form of program to preserve local nature, to get support from the local government in developing local tourism and to have the number of tourist visits which always increases every year.
Economics Studies, Jan 15, 2024
CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corpora... more CSR PT Bio Farma created an empowerment program for people with disabilities as a form of corporate concern to improve welfare, so that they can participate in achieving sustainable development without any parties being left out, including people with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving the welfare of persons with disabilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This type of research is a case study. The data source used in this research is primary data. The informants in this research are the head of the partnership and environment section of PT Bio Farma and the Group of Persons with Disabilities assisted by PT Bio Farma CSR. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive impact felt by persons with disabilities who participate in the empowerment program for persons with disabilities carried out by CSR PT Bio Farma. The positive impact can be seen from the results of the beneficiaries' statements on the indicators of the welfare of persons with disabilities on a. Increased Skills and Knowledge, b. Access to Employment Opportunities, c. Income, d. Social Support. Social Support. This program has helped people with disabilities in improving the welfare and better quality of life of people with disabilities.