dwita rahmi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by dwita rahmi
Jurnal Sinar Manajemen, Jul 20, 2022
Pengelolaan wanawisata di Resort Pengelolaam Hutan (RPH) Mangunan mengalami perkembangan yang pes... more Pengelolaan wanawisata di Resort Pengelolaam Hutan (RPH) Mangunan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat sejak dilakukan dibuka secara resmi pada Januari 2017. Perkembangan yang pesat tersebut belum terjadi secara merata pada semua obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan, sehingga perlu diketahui tahapan perkembangan pada setiap obyek wisata sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan strategi pengelolaan yang tepat sesuai dengan kondisi pada masing-masing obyek wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan tahapan perkembangan yang telah dicapai oleh kesepuluh obyek wisata yang ada di RPH Mangunan sampai dengan tahun 2021 serta menganalis faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan perkembangan pada kesepuluh obyek wisata tersebut. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan kuisioner untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan metode campuran. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tahapan perkembangan pada kesepuluh obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan berbeda-beda. Adanya perbedaan tahapan perkembangan tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor ketersedian dan kondisi daya tarik, aksesibilitas, ketersediaan dan kondisi fasilitas wisata, kualitas SDM pengelola, keharmonisan organisasi pengelola, motivasi ekonomi pengelola, inovasi yang dilakukan pengelola, jumlah wisatawan, motivasi wisatawan, promosi, dan kerjasama dengan pihak lain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengembangan obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan memerlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama obyek wisata yang berada pada tahap decline agar tujuan dari pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dicapai.
Journal of Built Environment Studies, Oct 31, 2021
Walkability has been introduced as one of the sustainable indicators of urban development. In cre... more Walkability has been introduced as one of the sustainable indicators of urban development. In creating a pedestrian-friendly area, good planning and design of pedestrian facilities are required. The concept of walkability makes an area a pedestrian-friendly environment and this concept can also be used as a measure of the quality of pedestrian paths in urban areas. Peunayong, as a heritage area and trade services in the form of a row of shophouses with Chinatown architecture, has a very strong attraction for walking activities, but on the contrary walking activities are very difficult to do because of various blending activities in the pedestrian path such as trading and parking activities. The difficulty of walking is exacerbated by the condition of the facilities of a pedestrian path that has not been supported, such as the lack of width and unconnected pedestrian path in Peunayong. The analysis methods used scoring analysis and were conducted in 5 segments of Peunayong road with variables of walkability are connected, convenient, comfort and safety, convivial and conspicuous. The results of this study found that 2 segments in Peunayaong have moderate quality while 3 segments have a low quality of walkability.
There are several ways to integrate environmental policies and improve the rural economy, one of ... more There are several ways to integrate environmental policies and improve the rural economy, one of them by ecotourism. Well-managed ecotourism could preserve some benefits, for instance sustain biodiversity, initiate add funds for environmental conservation, absorb local labor, increase local income and reduce poverty. As a well-known ecotourism object in Jambi Province, Mount Kerinci has several problems such as: the low level of tourist visits, the high number of tourist accidents and inadequate condition of climbing facilities and infrastructure also become the problem in Gunung Kerinci. The ecotourism management of Gunung Kerinci consist of many stakeholders which causes another challenge in term of management system. As a consequence, ecotourism management needs to be planned with a participatory approach and synergized among all stakeholders by taking into account the exsisting potential. Purpose of this study to describe the synergy between stakeholders in the management of Gunung Kerinci ecotourism, that use a qualitative deductive as a research method, whilst data analysis uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods. Based on the results of this study, there is still room for improvement in terms of synergy between stakeholders of Gunung Kerinci Ecotourism, could be seen from policies at the central level that have not been well-translated at the local level, stakeholder activities are not integrated and communication relations that exist between actors that have not been effective.
Teknosains, 2004
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research, focusing on "the change of house", was to identi... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this research, focusing on "the change of house", was to identify the change of house, to find out their changing patterns, and to understand factors influencing the patterns. The result of the study showed that the change of houses in Biringkanaya fisherman settlement includes two aspects, 1) the change of rooms and 2) the change of quality. The changes in all aspects of dimension and number of room can be indentified from the addition and reduction of the composing parts/ elements. This study also shows six changing patterns of house which indicate the diversity and uniformity. This study also found two factors causing 'the variety of the changing pattern of houses: the internal and external factors. These two factors apparently are very influential in creating the variety of changing pattern of houses in the Biringkanaya fisherman settlement in Makasar. Keywords : patterns, change, diversity, uniformit
Changes in people's lifestyles today resulted in not only men who became busy making a living... more Changes in people's lifestyles today resulted in not only men who became busy making a living, but women also got involved in the career world. This resulted in a lack of children supervision after school. This, is usually solved by hiring a maid or nanny however this can't be the best solution, as some of them do not have the competence to take care and educate the children. The lack of adult supervision of children, resulted in children engaging in useless activities such as crimical act. In addition to that, the child didn't get one of the most basic education that should be taught by their parents, which is life skill. Life skills education is an important aspect of life for the child to be able to overcome the problems of life in the future. However, Indonesian public awareness on the importance of life skills education for children is still minimal. This is showed by the lack of life skill education in public school curriculum from primary school to secondary school and above. In addition, many parents thought that life skills are are not needed during early childhood. Therefore, a location is needed to supervise and care for children. A place they could actively engange, especially for primary school students after school. A place that teaches life skills at the same time, called the After School Club.
Pariwisata yang dikelola dengan baik di suatu negara atau daerah akan memberikan manfaat, khususn... more Pariwisata yang dikelola dengan baik di suatu negara atau daerah akan memberikan manfaat, khususnya manfaat pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi negara atau daerah tersebut. Saat ini tren pariwisata mulai bergeser menuju kepada kegiatan ekowisata. Indonesia yang kaya akan potensi alam mulai memberikan perhatian besar untuk mengembangkan potensi-potensi ekowisata di tiap sudut daerahnya, agar dengan kegiatan ekowisata tersebut perekonomian daerah khususnya masyarakat lokal dapat meningkat. Potensi ekowisata Indonesia yang sudah banyak didatangi oleh wisatawan adalah kegiatan ekowisata di dalam taman nasional. Salah satu objek wisata yang berada di taman nasional dan sudah dikenal oleh wisatawan mancanegara adalah Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang berada di Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser bagian Sumatera Utara. Ekowisata Bukit Lawang ini mulai dikenal karena ikon Orangutannya sejak dijadikan pusat rehabilitasi pada tahun 1973. Mulai saat itu jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bukit Lawang meningkat, sampai pada satu waktu kawasan ekowisata ini terkena peristiwa yang menyebabkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawannya menurun. Setelah terjadinya peristiwa tersebut masyarakat lokal mulai membenahi kawasan, walaupun dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk benar-benar pulih setelah peristiwa tersebut. Terjadi naik turunnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan yang begitu signifikan menjadi salah satu alasan untuk mengetahui perkembangan yang telah dicapai Kawasan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang sesuai dengan tourist area life cycle yang dicetuskan oleh Butler. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deduktif kualitatif. Metode tersebut digunakan karena penelitian ini didasarkan atas kajian teoritik untuk menjelaskan peristiwa yang terjadi di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika perkembangan yang telah dicapai Ekowisata Bukit Lawang, serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ekowisata tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang berbeda tiap variabelnya. Variabel yang mengalami perkembangan dengan baik di kawasan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang adalah variabel promosi wisata dan kelembagaan. Variabel yang mengalami perkembangan cukup baik adalah atraksi, akomodasi, dan fasilitas. Sedangkan transportasi dan infrastruktur dapat dikatakan mengalami perkembangan yang tergolong lambat. Dari dinamika perkembangan tersebut jika dikaitkan dengan tourist area life cycle maka Ekowisata Bukit Lawang berada pada tahap development. Hasil penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dinamika perkembangan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang, yaitu: pengelolaan, potensi kawasan, keterlibatan masyarakat, persaingan, dan keamanan. An organized and well managed Tourism in a country or any area will gain benefit, especially for the economy growth for the country or that area. In this status quo, the trending of Tourism has been shifted to be an Ecotourism activity. Indonesia which is rich of potential nature has been starting to pay big attention in developing potential nature in every inch of their places with regard to local economic increase. Indonesian potential Ecotourism visited by many tourists is the ecotourism in National Park. One tourist area in the national park which has been well known by many international tourists is Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang is located in Gunung Leuser National Park in North Sumatra Province. This Bukit Lawang Ecotourism has been existed and known as the icon of Orangutans since it was built as rehabilitation center in 1973. Henceforward, the visiting number of tourists to Bukit Lawang had been gradually increasing, until the time has come that Bukit Lawang faced disaster which had made the visiting number of the tourists went down. After the disaster, local people tried to fix and rebuilt the area even though it took long time to be in a really good condition as before. The up and down graphic of visiting number which is really significant becomes one of the reasons to understand the development that has been reached out by this Bukit Lawang Ecotourism area, like the “tourist area life cycle†conceived by Butler. This research is using the deductive – qualitative approach method. This method is used because of the research based on the theoretical summary for explaining the thing which is happening in the place. This research is going to portray the dynamic progressive that has been achieved by Bukit Lawang Ecotourism, and to identify many factors which affect the ecotourism development. The result of this research shows that the development progress of Bukit Lawang Ecotourism is different in each variable. The variable that shows well-developed variables in Bukit Lawang Ecotourism are tourism promotion and institution. The reasonably developed variables are attraction, accommodation, and facilities. While transportation and infrastructure can be said to have developed relatively slow. From that dynamic development, we can take the red thread of the…
Sampah merupakan sisa material yang tidak diinginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah ber... more Sampah merupakan sisa material yang tidak diinginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah berasal dari material sisa buangan kotoran hewan, tumbuhan, maupun manusia yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi dan dilepaskan ke alam dalam bentuk padatan, cair dan gas. Bertambahnya jumlah kapasitas volume sampah diiringi dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, meningkatnya permukiman, bertambahnya kegiatan perekonomian, serta kegiatan/aktivitas sosial masyarakat. Keberadaan sampah ini jika tidak terselesaikan dengan baik maka menimbulkan berbagai dampak antara lain menimbulkan masalah bagi kesehatan manusia, banjir, menimbulkan sarang penyakit, pencemaran air bersih, pencemaran tanah, tersumbatnya saluran air, lingkungan menjadi kumuh serta bau yang tidak sedap dan merusak keindahan visual bagi kota itu sendiri. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan ini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang melakukan inisiatif yaitu dengan membangun Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah (TPAS) yang mampu menciptakan sampah menjadi energi baru terbarukan (EBT) dengan menghasilkan gas metana (CH4). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persebaran distribusi pemanfaatan gas metan kepada masyarakat dan (2) mengetahui manfaat yang diperoleh dari segi lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi dengan adanya pembangunan TPA penghasil gas metan dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Lokasi Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Talangagung di Kecamatan Talangagung dan TPA Paras di Kecamatan Poncokusumo - Kabupaten Malang. Metode dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deduktif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Pada TPA Talangagung menyalurkan pendistribusian gas metan sebanyak 102 kepala keluarga di Kecamatan Talangagung dan TPA Paras menyalurkan pendistribusian gas metan sebanyak 165 kepala keluarga di Kecamatan Poncokusumo. (2) Baik dari segi lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi pembangunan TPA Talangagung dan TPA Paras yang mampu memanfaatkan sampah menjadi energi gas metan memberikan dampak yang positif bagi masyarakat. Dari segi lingkungan, TPA sampah penghasil gas metan mengurangi polusi udara, menjauhkan bibit penyakit agar tidak menjangkit masyarakat dan menciptakan TPA sebagai nilai seni visual yang baik dengan adanya tanaman-tanaman TPA (buffer zone) yang dapat mereduksi bau sampah yang berasal dari TPA. Dari segi sosial, masyarakat mempunyai rasa memiliki TPA sehingga masyarakat mau menjaga kebersihan serta keamanan TPA yang digerakkan oleh Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM). Dari segi ekonomi, masyarakat memperoleh pekerjaan, dapat memanfaatkan sampah organik untuk dijual kembali, memperoleh gas metan yang dapat digunakan untuk memasak (kompor), menghasilkan energi listrik dan mampu memperoleh Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) mixed gas elpiji yang ramah lingkungan dan murah dari segi pembiayaannya. Garbage is residual material that is undesired after a process was finished. It is originated from the waste materials of manure, plants, and humans that are not used anymore and released into nature in the forms of solid, liquid, and gas. The increasing volume of garbage occurred with the increasing populations, residential areas, economic activities, and social activities. If not overcome well, the garbage problems will cause various effects, such as human health problems, flood, diseases, water contamination, soil contamination, blockage of waterways, dirty environment, unpleasant odors, and decrease in visual beauty of the city. To overcome these problems, the Government of Malang Regency has an initiative to construct the landfills that are capable of creating garbage into renewable energy by producing methane gas (CH4). This study aims to (1) find out the benefits of construction of Talangagung landfill and Paras landfill for the surrounding environmental, social, and economi conditions and (2) determine the number of families in each village/urban village that already received the distribution of methane gas from the landfills. It was conducted in Talangagung Landfill, Talangagung Subdistrict and Paras Landfill, Poncokusumo Subdistrict, Malang Regency. The data collected were collected by using deductive qualitative method. Results of the study indicate that (1) Talangagung landfill distributed methane gas to 102 families in Talangagung Subdistrict, while Paras Landfill distributed methane gas to 165 families in Poncokusumo Subdistrict. (2) In view of environmental, social and economic aspects, the construction of Talangagung Landfill and Paras Landfill were able to utilize garbage into methane gas energy that provides a positive impact for the local community. In terms of environment, the landfills producing the methane gas can reduce air pollution, keep germs not infecting people, and create the landfills as the manifestation with good visual art with plants in the landfills (buffer zone) that can reduce the smell of garbage from the landfills. In terms of social aspect, local people have a sense of belonging to the landfills, so that they are willing…
Indonesian tourism development has increasing rapidly nowadays. In developed countries, such as E... more Indonesian tourism development has increasing rapidly nowadays. In developed countries, such as Europe or United States of America, traveling has become a part of their lives. But recently in Asia, Indonesia particularly, traveling has just increasing rapidly. Traveling becomes an agenda that must be carried out several times a year by newly emerging tourists or even traveler junkies. Magelang has a number of historic sites and unique nature as tourism objects. There are numbers of natural objects that still untouch by people places in the Progo River area and Mount Merapi making increasingly diverse natural resources. Urban development that leading to the center of the city and Yogyakarta make this region maintain its natural authenticity. Because of that, the development of accommodation facility such as hotels and resorts has rapidly evolving with their own strong characters. Each of these resorts and hotels compete to show their unique character to attract visitors and to show them the differences with other facilities. Tactile as the concept is expected to bring the unique character for the resort so the visitors can feel the space experience with maximum results as the process of rejuvenation of body and soul
Traditional market generally seen as a dirty area, source of traffic congestion and potential cri... more Traditional market generally seen as a dirty area, source of traffic congestion and potential crime. But it turns Traditional Market has a strong capacity if survive the macroeconomic situation is uncertain. The market has been functioning as a savior and provider of employment for some people. It also provides a daily necessity in the number, type and price range to fit the uncertain financial crises of today's society. However management and empowerment of traditional markets is needed, especially in the building of a facility revamping traditional markets. Moreover, many current progress of time the emergence of the modern market are the main competitors for the traditional market. Tangerang city has a traditional market as a capital buffer that has a strategic role in the growth of national and regional economies in the province of Banten. Currently known issues Traditional Market with a negative connotation for some people. One of them like on �Pasar Anyar Tangerang�, which is in desperate need and empowering management with spatial planning and circulation as yet meet the standards of the market. Many problems arise due to be spilled interfere with the accessibility market and cause traffic jams. Therefore, creating a market that facilitate social interaction with the purpose of the flexibility of space in which the course of buying and selling by creating comfort and makes a main attraction though is still unable to compete with other modern markets. Flexibility with characteristic buildings in West Java for the achievement of the market town of character with the local culture will make Newer Markets as a public building for all people.
Koreksi Autorship terhadap: https://doi.org/10.33579/rkr.v3i2.2117 Tautan Artikel Original: htt... more Koreksi Autorship terhadap: https://doi.org/10.33579/rkr.v3i2.2117 Tautan Artikel Original: https://journal.itny.ac.id/index.php/rekaruang/article/view/2117 Pada artikel original yang dibuat oleh Fidelis Meo, Dwita Hadi Rahmi belum dicantumkan sebagai salah satu penulis artikel. Dwita Hadi Rahmi adalah pembimbing penelitian dan penulisan artikel dari Fidelis Meo yang memiliki kontribusi penting di dalam penyusunan artikel dengan judul "Sinergi Antar Stakeholder dalam Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Laut 17 Pulau di Kabupaten Ngada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur". Di dalam dokumen corrigendum ini terlampir surat permohonan koreksi autorship terhadap artikel original yang telah dipublikasikan pada jurnal Reka Ruang Volume 3 nomor 2 tahun 2020 halaman 50-59.
Society lives in a place called settlement. Peasants are one of community which live in settlemen... more Society lives in a place called settlement. Peasants are one of community which live in settlement specifically in rural settlement due to the wider area for cultivating land. The main characteristic of the peasant is the independence in providing their own food source. Instead of buying from market, peasants will provide food source needs from their subsistence farming. Hence, peasants tend to live casually and cultivate in household scale. Peasants have adjustments and adapt to the particular form of settlement in rural area. One of settlement form is when they have two types of house: the main house and the temporary house. The temporary house tends to be built close to the field and occupied during fertile season. This type of house can be catagorized as seasonal settlement and is an adaptation of peasant’s life in term of economy, environment, and social organization
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2002
LingkLrngrur atau kornplck perumahan saat ini biun'ak dibangun olch puu pcngernbang st'astir di b... more LingkLrngrur atau kornplck perumahan saat ini biun'ak dibangun olch puu pcngernbang st'astir di bcrbagai tentpat di Yogvakzula. Salah satu lir.silitas 1,artg pellu disedialian olch lngkungan pcnunahiur tcrsebut adalah rrang-ruang terbuka hijau. Berdasarkiut hal tersebut, penelitian ini bctlujr,rlur untuk mcngkaji diur mendokurncntasikan pengadaan dar pcmiurtaatiut t'Lrang terbuka hijlu cli lingkungaur perumahm, khususuya .icnis, kondisi, per:rantbatur dtur .jenrs turanriu) l'u?urg tcrbr,rka hijau. l)engin memakai 9 lingkungun perumahan scbagai studi kasus, pcnelitiart ini rncnghasilkan bobcrapa hal, yaittr: (l) tidak semlra lingkungau pelulnahan menriliki r-uang tcrbuka hiiau. (2) lingkungart perumahan kelas atas cendcrung lebih bruryak nienvedialirul nlung tcrtrLrka liijaLr daripada iirrgkungarl perurnahan kelas mencngah. (3) alokasi lahan untrrk ruang ter"buka hiiuu belLrm nren.jadi pertatiar: (.1) penianl'aatzur ruillg tcrbuka lii.jau beluut optinral. (5) serll pcnriliirarr jcuis tanarrtan ccndcnrng lcbih mcmpedratikan firktor estetika. Kata krurci: ruang tcrbuka. hijau, kota, penrmaharr Ahstract Pre:;entlv, a runnber of hou.sirtg cctrnpleres has heen built in ntatw er(us in I'ogtakartu. Cireert opett .tpace i.r one o.f nnn1, facilities in a lnusing cotttple.v v,lich .rlnuld he pxtvicled b1, clevabpers. Bct.secl on tlti.sfact lhis stucly inlend:; lo identift, ctncl clocurttcnt the pntv'i.si<trt turcl tt.sc o.f' grectt open spece,v irt llte hou.sirrg cornple.re.s, Ttctt'liatlarlv their tvpe.s, conditiort, usege cton tlpe oI v(g(lulion. Selectirtg t housittg cornplexe.s ss llrc cuse studies, tlte result.t of thi.s ,sttrdy at'e. (l) not all lllttsittg cotnplese.s have all tvpes of gr(en open ,\pace us beirtg requirecl; (2) high cla,ss lnu.sittg ccttnplese.s lend lo provic{e ntore g,'een open speces facilin, b the re.siclcttl,t tlunr otre v,ltich i,; prov'ided hy'Ihe midctke class of lurusing cornplexes; (3) lund allouttiottfor grean ol)en.V)aces lns not heert token into cottsideratiort;(1) the u.se of green opeil.\pctce lus rtot heett <tlttinnrm; (5) and O,pes of vegetation are more frtr beautiJticaliort of the contplex Key v'rr,'r1t: open spoce, gre?il, cily,, hou.s'ng t0l
UT Back-in-Print Service eBooks, 1992
IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2021
The urban landscape, which is in a dynamic environment, continues to change, meaning it has trans... more The urban landscape, which is in a dynamic environment, continues to change, meaning it has transformed the relationship between humans and the environment. Many changes have occurred since the early formation of the city until now. Nevertheless, many heritage urban landscape that has been formed hundreds of years ago are continuing to date with their various elements remain the same. Jeron Beteng is a part of the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace, which has existed since the early construction of the palace. This traditional area was once a residential area for the abdi dalem (people who served the Sultan and Palace) and the sultanate princes or brothers of the Sultan. Along with the developments of Yogyakarta, Jeron Beteng has developed into a dense urban settlement. Various changes have occurred, both the function of the area, architecture building, and land use. As a heritage area, it is interesting to know whether Jeron Beteng can adapt to the changes and continue as the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace. This paper is based on research that intends to identify the urban landscape characters of Jeron Beteng and examine the continuity of its physical landscape characters as the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace. A qualitative method is used with two approaches: interpretation of the history of Jeron Beteng and qualitative approach based on the contemporary empirical phenomenon. This research found that Jeron Beteng today is the culmination of hundreds of years of physical and social management. It is not just a collection of heritage buildings, events, and precincts, but the whole landscapes, that have unique characters. The character of Jeron Beteng is mostly formed by its physical elements that have heritage values, mainly the Palace, Alun-alun, and the beteng wall. Changes in the spatial and physical environment have happened, however, the essence or core of the physical landscape character of Jeron Beteng is continuing and contributes to the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace and the city.
The Geojournal library, 2002
Sustainable cities require appropriate management of the urban environment and an understanding o... more Sustainable cities require appropriate management of the urban environment and an understanding of the dynamics of urban growth. Unfortunately, local urban problems are poorly understood in developing countries and require major research, development, and evaluation efforts to identify effective approaches to problem solving and remedial policies. This chapter identifies several issues of urban development in Chiang Mai and suggests policy interventions to address these. It is argued that to ensure the sustainability of Chiang Mai, it is of fundamental importance to properly manage and control the urban growth of the city. In order to be able to do this, it is necessary to better understand factors, patterns, and consequences of the growth itself. This chapter begins by describing the forces and patterns of growth in Chiang Mai. This is followed by consideration of the consequences of growth regarding both physical and socio-economic dimensions. By assessing the way in which growth and its related problems are managed, the need for increasing the capacity of the local government in managing urban development is highlighted. The chapter concludes by presenting a number of policy recommendations for improving Chiang Mai’s capacity to manage its urban growth.
Jurnal Sinar Manajemen, Jul 20, 2022
Pengelolaan wanawisata di Resort Pengelolaam Hutan (RPH) Mangunan mengalami perkembangan yang pes... more Pengelolaan wanawisata di Resort Pengelolaam Hutan (RPH) Mangunan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat sejak dilakukan dibuka secara resmi pada Januari 2017. Perkembangan yang pesat tersebut belum terjadi secara merata pada semua obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan, sehingga perlu diketahui tahapan perkembangan pada setiap obyek wisata sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan strategi pengelolaan yang tepat sesuai dengan kondisi pada masing-masing obyek wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan tahapan perkembangan yang telah dicapai oleh kesepuluh obyek wisata yang ada di RPH Mangunan sampai dengan tahun 2021 serta menganalis faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan perkembangan pada kesepuluh obyek wisata tersebut. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan kuisioner untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan metode campuran. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tahapan perkembangan pada kesepuluh obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan berbeda-beda. Adanya perbedaan tahapan perkembangan tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor ketersedian dan kondisi daya tarik, aksesibilitas, ketersediaan dan kondisi fasilitas wisata, kualitas SDM pengelola, keharmonisan organisasi pengelola, motivasi ekonomi pengelola, inovasi yang dilakukan pengelola, jumlah wisatawan, motivasi wisatawan, promosi, dan kerjasama dengan pihak lain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengembangan obyek wisata di RPH Mangunan memerlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama obyek wisata yang berada pada tahap decline agar tujuan dari pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dicapai.
Journal of Built Environment Studies, Oct 31, 2021
Walkability has been introduced as one of the sustainable indicators of urban development. In cre... more Walkability has been introduced as one of the sustainable indicators of urban development. In creating a pedestrian-friendly area, good planning and design of pedestrian facilities are required. The concept of walkability makes an area a pedestrian-friendly environment and this concept can also be used as a measure of the quality of pedestrian paths in urban areas. Peunayong, as a heritage area and trade services in the form of a row of shophouses with Chinatown architecture, has a very strong attraction for walking activities, but on the contrary walking activities are very difficult to do because of various blending activities in the pedestrian path such as trading and parking activities. The difficulty of walking is exacerbated by the condition of the facilities of a pedestrian path that has not been supported, such as the lack of width and unconnected pedestrian path in Peunayong. The analysis methods used scoring analysis and were conducted in 5 segments of Peunayong road with variables of walkability are connected, convenient, comfort and safety, convivial and conspicuous. The results of this study found that 2 segments in Peunayaong have moderate quality while 3 segments have a low quality of walkability.
There are several ways to integrate environmental policies and improve the rural economy, one of ... more There are several ways to integrate environmental policies and improve the rural economy, one of them by ecotourism. Well-managed ecotourism could preserve some benefits, for instance sustain biodiversity, initiate add funds for environmental conservation, absorb local labor, increase local income and reduce poverty. As a well-known ecotourism object in Jambi Province, Mount Kerinci has several problems such as: the low level of tourist visits, the high number of tourist accidents and inadequate condition of climbing facilities and infrastructure also become the problem in Gunung Kerinci. The ecotourism management of Gunung Kerinci consist of many stakeholders which causes another challenge in term of management system. As a consequence, ecotourism management needs to be planned with a participatory approach and synergized among all stakeholders by taking into account the exsisting potential. Purpose of this study to describe the synergy between stakeholders in the management of Gunung Kerinci ecotourism, that use a qualitative deductive as a research method, whilst data analysis uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods. Based on the results of this study, there is still room for improvement in terms of synergy between stakeholders of Gunung Kerinci Ecotourism, could be seen from policies at the central level that have not been well-translated at the local level, stakeholder activities are not integrated and communication relations that exist between actors that have not been effective.
Teknosains, 2004
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research, focusing on "the change of house", was to identi... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this research, focusing on "the change of house", was to identify the change of house, to find out their changing patterns, and to understand factors influencing the patterns. The result of the study showed that the change of houses in Biringkanaya fisherman settlement includes two aspects, 1) the change of rooms and 2) the change of quality. The changes in all aspects of dimension and number of room can be indentified from the addition and reduction of the composing parts/ elements. This study also shows six changing patterns of house which indicate the diversity and uniformity. This study also found two factors causing 'the variety of the changing pattern of houses: the internal and external factors. These two factors apparently are very influential in creating the variety of changing pattern of houses in the Biringkanaya fisherman settlement in Makasar. Keywords : patterns, change, diversity, uniformit
Changes in people's lifestyles today resulted in not only men who became busy making a living... more Changes in people's lifestyles today resulted in not only men who became busy making a living, but women also got involved in the career world. This resulted in a lack of children supervision after school. This, is usually solved by hiring a maid or nanny however this can't be the best solution, as some of them do not have the competence to take care and educate the children. The lack of adult supervision of children, resulted in children engaging in useless activities such as crimical act. In addition to that, the child didn't get one of the most basic education that should be taught by their parents, which is life skill. Life skills education is an important aspect of life for the child to be able to overcome the problems of life in the future. However, Indonesian public awareness on the importance of life skills education for children is still minimal. This is showed by the lack of life skill education in public school curriculum from primary school to secondary school and above. In addition, many parents thought that life skills are are not needed during early childhood. Therefore, a location is needed to supervise and care for children. A place they could actively engange, especially for primary school students after school. A place that teaches life skills at the same time, called the After School Club.
Pariwisata yang dikelola dengan baik di suatu negara atau daerah akan memberikan manfaat, khususn... more Pariwisata yang dikelola dengan baik di suatu negara atau daerah akan memberikan manfaat, khususnya manfaat pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi negara atau daerah tersebut. Saat ini tren pariwisata mulai bergeser menuju kepada kegiatan ekowisata. Indonesia yang kaya akan potensi alam mulai memberikan perhatian besar untuk mengembangkan potensi-potensi ekowisata di tiap sudut daerahnya, agar dengan kegiatan ekowisata tersebut perekonomian daerah khususnya masyarakat lokal dapat meningkat. Potensi ekowisata Indonesia yang sudah banyak didatangi oleh wisatawan adalah kegiatan ekowisata di dalam taman nasional. Salah satu objek wisata yang berada di taman nasional dan sudah dikenal oleh wisatawan mancanegara adalah Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang berada di Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser bagian Sumatera Utara. Ekowisata Bukit Lawang ini mulai dikenal karena ikon Orangutannya sejak dijadikan pusat rehabilitasi pada tahun 1973. Mulai saat itu jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bukit Lawang meningkat, sampai pada satu waktu kawasan ekowisata ini terkena peristiwa yang menyebabkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawannya menurun. Setelah terjadinya peristiwa tersebut masyarakat lokal mulai membenahi kawasan, walaupun dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk benar-benar pulih setelah peristiwa tersebut. Terjadi naik turunnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan yang begitu signifikan menjadi salah satu alasan untuk mengetahui perkembangan yang telah dicapai Kawasan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang sesuai dengan tourist area life cycle yang dicetuskan oleh Butler. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deduktif kualitatif. Metode tersebut digunakan karena penelitian ini didasarkan atas kajian teoritik untuk menjelaskan peristiwa yang terjadi di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika perkembangan yang telah dicapai Ekowisata Bukit Lawang, serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ekowisata tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang berbeda tiap variabelnya. Variabel yang mengalami perkembangan dengan baik di kawasan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang adalah variabel promosi wisata dan kelembagaan. Variabel yang mengalami perkembangan cukup baik adalah atraksi, akomodasi, dan fasilitas. Sedangkan transportasi dan infrastruktur dapat dikatakan mengalami perkembangan yang tergolong lambat. Dari dinamika perkembangan tersebut jika dikaitkan dengan tourist area life cycle maka Ekowisata Bukit Lawang berada pada tahap development. Hasil penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dinamika perkembangan Ekowisata Bukit Lawang, yaitu: pengelolaan, potensi kawasan, keterlibatan masyarakat, persaingan, dan keamanan. An organized and well managed Tourism in a country or any area will gain benefit, especially for the economy growth for the country or that area. In this status quo, the trending of Tourism has been shifted to be an Ecotourism activity. Indonesia which is rich of potential nature has been starting to pay big attention in developing potential nature in every inch of their places with regard to local economic increase. Indonesian potential Ecotourism visited by many tourists is the ecotourism in National Park. One tourist area in the national park which has been well known by many international tourists is Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang is located in Gunung Leuser National Park in North Sumatra Province. This Bukit Lawang Ecotourism has been existed and known as the icon of Orangutans since it was built as rehabilitation center in 1973. Henceforward, the visiting number of tourists to Bukit Lawang had been gradually increasing, until the time has come that Bukit Lawang faced disaster which had made the visiting number of the tourists went down. After the disaster, local people tried to fix and rebuilt the area even though it took long time to be in a really good condition as before. The up and down graphic of visiting number which is really significant becomes one of the reasons to understand the development that has been reached out by this Bukit Lawang Ecotourism area, like the “tourist area life cycle†conceived by Butler. This research is using the deductive – qualitative approach method. This method is used because of the research based on the theoretical summary for explaining the thing which is happening in the place. This research is going to portray the dynamic progressive that has been achieved by Bukit Lawang Ecotourism, and to identify many factors which affect the ecotourism development. The result of this research shows that the development progress of Bukit Lawang Ecotourism is different in each variable. The variable that shows well-developed variables in Bukit Lawang Ecotourism are tourism promotion and institution. The reasonably developed variables are attraction, accommodation, and facilities. While transportation and infrastructure can be said to have developed relatively slow. From that dynamic development, we can take the red thread of the…
Sampah merupakan sisa material yang tidak diinginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah ber... more Sampah merupakan sisa material yang tidak diinginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah berasal dari material sisa buangan kotoran hewan, tumbuhan, maupun manusia yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi dan dilepaskan ke alam dalam bentuk padatan, cair dan gas. Bertambahnya jumlah kapasitas volume sampah diiringi dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, meningkatnya permukiman, bertambahnya kegiatan perekonomian, serta kegiatan/aktivitas sosial masyarakat. Keberadaan sampah ini jika tidak terselesaikan dengan baik maka menimbulkan berbagai dampak antara lain menimbulkan masalah bagi kesehatan manusia, banjir, menimbulkan sarang penyakit, pencemaran air bersih, pencemaran tanah, tersumbatnya saluran air, lingkungan menjadi kumuh serta bau yang tidak sedap dan merusak keindahan visual bagi kota itu sendiri. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan ini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang melakukan inisiatif yaitu dengan membangun Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah (TPAS) yang mampu menciptakan sampah menjadi energi baru terbarukan (EBT) dengan menghasilkan gas metana (CH4). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persebaran distribusi pemanfaatan gas metan kepada masyarakat dan (2) mengetahui manfaat yang diperoleh dari segi lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi dengan adanya pembangunan TPA penghasil gas metan dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Lokasi Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Talangagung di Kecamatan Talangagung dan TPA Paras di Kecamatan Poncokusumo - Kabupaten Malang. Metode dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deduktif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Pada TPA Talangagung menyalurkan pendistribusian gas metan sebanyak 102 kepala keluarga di Kecamatan Talangagung dan TPA Paras menyalurkan pendistribusian gas metan sebanyak 165 kepala keluarga di Kecamatan Poncokusumo. (2) Baik dari segi lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi pembangunan TPA Talangagung dan TPA Paras yang mampu memanfaatkan sampah menjadi energi gas metan memberikan dampak yang positif bagi masyarakat. Dari segi lingkungan, TPA sampah penghasil gas metan mengurangi polusi udara, menjauhkan bibit penyakit agar tidak menjangkit masyarakat dan menciptakan TPA sebagai nilai seni visual yang baik dengan adanya tanaman-tanaman TPA (buffer zone) yang dapat mereduksi bau sampah yang berasal dari TPA. Dari segi sosial, masyarakat mempunyai rasa memiliki TPA sehingga masyarakat mau menjaga kebersihan serta keamanan TPA yang digerakkan oleh Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM). Dari segi ekonomi, masyarakat memperoleh pekerjaan, dapat memanfaatkan sampah organik untuk dijual kembali, memperoleh gas metan yang dapat digunakan untuk memasak (kompor), menghasilkan energi listrik dan mampu memperoleh Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) mixed gas elpiji yang ramah lingkungan dan murah dari segi pembiayaannya. Garbage is residual material that is undesired after a process was finished. It is originated from the waste materials of manure, plants, and humans that are not used anymore and released into nature in the forms of solid, liquid, and gas. The increasing volume of garbage occurred with the increasing populations, residential areas, economic activities, and social activities. If not overcome well, the garbage problems will cause various effects, such as human health problems, flood, diseases, water contamination, soil contamination, blockage of waterways, dirty environment, unpleasant odors, and decrease in visual beauty of the city. To overcome these problems, the Government of Malang Regency has an initiative to construct the landfills that are capable of creating garbage into renewable energy by producing methane gas (CH4). This study aims to (1) find out the benefits of construction of Talangagung landfill and Paras landfill for the surrounding environmental, social, and economi conditions and (2) determine the number of families in each village/urban village that already received the distribution of methane gas from the landfills. It was conducted in Talangagung Landfill, Talangagung Subdistrict and Paras Landfill, Poncokusumo Subdistrict, Malang Regency. The data collected were collected by using deductive qualitative method. Results of the study indicate that (1) Talangagung landfill distributed methane gas to 102 families in Talangagung Subdistrict, while Paras Landfill distributed methane gas to 165 families in Poncokusumo Subdistrict. (2) In view of environmental, social and economic aspects, the construction of Talangagung Landfill and Paras Landfill were able to utilize garbage into methane gas energy that provides a positive impact for the local community. In terms of environment, the landfills producing the methane gas can reduce air pollution, keep germs not infecting people, and create the landfills as the manifestation with good visual art with plants in the landfills (buffer zone) that can reduce the smell of garbage from the landfills. In terms of social aspect, local people have a sense of belonging to the landfills, so that they are willing…
Indonesian tourism development has increasing rapidly nowadays. In developed countries, such as E... more Indonesian tourism development has increasing rapidly nowadays. In developed countries, such as Europe or United States of America, traveling has become a part of their lives. But recently in Asia, Indonesia particularly, traveling has just increasing rapidly. Traveling becomes an agenda that must be carried out several times a year by newly emerging tourists or even traveler junkies. Magelang has a number of historic sites and unique nature as tourism objects. There are numbers of natural objects that still untouch by people places in the Progo River area and Mount Merapi making increasingly diverse natural resources. Urban development that leading to the center of the city and Yogyakarta make this region maintain its natural authenticity. Because of that, the development of accommodation facility such as hotels and resorts has rapidly evolving with their own strong characters. Each of these resorts and hotels compete to show their unique character to attract visitors and to show them the differences with other facilities. Tactile as the concept is expected to bring the unique character for the resort so the visitors can feel the space experience with maximum results as the process of rejuvenation of body and soul
Traditional market generally seen as a dirty area, source of traffic congestion and potential cri... more Traditional market generally seen as a dirty area, source of traffic congestion and potential crime. But it turns Traditional Market has a strong capacity if survive the macroeconomic situation is uncertain. The market has been functioning as a savior and provider of employment for some people. It also provides a daily necessity in the number, type and price range to fit the uncertain financial crises of today's society. However management and empowerment of traditional markets is needed, especially in the building of a facility revamping traditional markets. Moreover, many current progress of time the emergence of the modern market are the main competitors for the traditional market. Tangerang city has a traditional market as a capital buffer that has a strategic role in the growth of national and regional economies in the province of Banten. Currently known issues Traditional Market with a negative connotation for some people. One of them like on �Pasar Anyar Tangerang�, which is in desperate need and empowering management with spatial planning and circulation as yet meet the standards of the market. Many problems arise due to be spilled interfere with the accessibility market and cause traffic jams. Therefore, creating a market that facilitate social interaction with the purpose of the flexibility of space in which the course of buying and selling by creating comfort and makes a main attraction though is still unable to compete with other modern markets. Flexibility with characteristic buildings in West Java for the achievement of the market town of character with the local culture will make Newer Markets as a public building for all people.
Koreksi Autorship terhadap: https://doi.org/10.33579/rkr.v3i2.2117 Tautan Artikel Original: htt... more Koreksi Autorship terhadap: https://doi.org/10.33579/rkr.v3i2.2117 Tautan Artikel Original: https://journal.itny.ac.id/index.php/rekaruang/article/view/2117 Pada artikel original yang dibuat oleh Fidelis Meo, Dwita Hadi Rahmi belum dicantumkan sebagai salah satu penulis artikel. Dwita Hadi Rahmi adalah pembimbing penelitian dan penulisan artikel dari Fidelis Meo yang memiliki kontribusi penting di dalam penyusunan artikel dengan judul "Sinergi Antar Stakeholder dalam Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Laut 17 Pulau di Kabupaten Ngada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur". Di dalam dokumen corrigendum ini terlampir surat permohonan koreksi autorship terhadap artikel original yang telah dipublikasikan pada jurnal Reka Ruang Volume 3 nomor 2 tahun 2020 halaman 50-59.
Society lives in a place called settlement. Peasants are one of community which live in settlemen... more Society lives in a place called settlement. Peasants are one of community which live in settlement specifically in rural settlement due to the wider area for cultivating land. The main characteristic of the peasant is the independence in providing their own food source. Instead of buying from market, peasants will provide food source needs from their subsistence farming. Hence, peasants tend to live casually and cultivate in household scale. Peasants have adjustments and adapt to the particular form of settlement in rural area. One of settlement form is when they have two types of house: the main house and the temporary house. The temporary house tends to be built close to the field and occupied during fertile season. This type of house can be catagorized as seasonal settlement and is an adaptation of peasant’s life in term of economy, environment, and social organization
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2002
LingkLrngrur atau kornplck perumahan saat ini biun'ak dibangun olch puu pcngernbang st'astir di b... more LingkLrngrur atau kornplck perumahan saat ini biun'ak dibangun olch puu pcngernbang st'astir di bcrbagai tentpat di Yogvakzula. Salah satu lir.silitas 1,artg pellu disedialian olch lngkungan pcnunahiur tcrsebut adalah rrang-ruang terbuka hijau. Berdasarkiut hal tersebut, penelitian ini bctlujr,rlur untuk mcngkaji diur mendokurncntasikan pengadaan dar pcmiurtaatiut t'Lrang terbuka hijlu cli lingkungaur perumahm, khususuya .icnis, kondisi, per:rantbatur dtur .jenrs turanriu) l'u?urg tcrbr,rka hijau. l)engin memakai 9 lingkungun perumahan scbagai studi kasus, pcnelitiart ini rncnghasilkan bobcrapa hal, yaittr: (l) tidak semlra lingkungau pelulnahan menriliki r-uang tcrbuka hiiau. (2) lingkungart perumahan kelas atas cendcrung lebih bruryak nienvedialirul nlung tcrtrLrka liijaLr daripada iirrgkungarl perurnahan kelas mencngah. (3) alokasi lahan untrrk ruang ter"buka hiiuu belLrm nren.jadi pertatiar: (.1) penianl'aatzur ruillg tcrbuka lii.jau beluut optinral. (5) serll pcnriliirarr jcuis tanarrtan ccndcnrng lcbih mcmpedratikan firktor estetika. Kata krurci: ruang tcrbuka. hijau, kota, penrmaharr Ahstract Pre:;entlv, a runnber of hou.sirtg cctrnpleres has heen built in ntatw er(us in I'ogtakartu. Cireert opett .tpace i.r one o.f nnn1, facilities in a lnusing cotttple.v v,lich .rlnuld he pxtvicled b1, clevabpers. Bct.secl on tlti.sfact lhis stucly inlend:; lo identift, ctncl clocurttcnt the pntv'i.si<trt turcl tt.sc o.f' grectt open spece,v irt llte hou.sirrg cornple.re.s, Ttctt'liatlarlv their tvpe.s, conditiort, usege cton tlpe oI v(g(lulion. Selectirtg t housittg cornplexe.s ss llrc cuse studies, tlte result.t of thi.s ,sttrdy at'e. (l) not all lllttsittg cotnplese.s have all tvpes of gr(en open ,\pace us beirtg requirecl; (2) high cla,ss lnu.sittg ccttnplese.s lend lo provic{e ntore g,'een open speces facilin, b the re.siclcttl,t tlunr otre v,ltich i,; prov'ided hy'Ihe midctke class of lurusing cornplexes; (3) lund allouttiottfor grean ol)en.V)aces lns not heert token into cottsideratiort;(1) the u.se of green opeil.\pctce lus rtot heett <tlttinnrm; (5) and O,pes of vegetation are more frtr beautiJticaliort of the contplex Key v'rr,'r1t: open spoce, gre?il, cily,, hou.s'ng t0l
UT Back-in-Print Service eBooks, 1992
IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2021
The urban landscape, which is in a dynamic environment, continues to change, meaning it has trans... more The urban landscape, which is in a dynamic environment, continues to change, meaning it has transformed the relationship between humans and the environment. Many changes have occurred since the early formation of the city until now. Nevertheless, many heritage urban landscape that has been formed hundreds of years ago are continuing to date with their various elements remain the same. Jeron Beteng is a part of the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace, which has existed since the early construction of the palace. This traditional area was once a residential area for the abdi dalem (people who served the Sultan and Palace) and the sultanate princes or brothers of the Sultan. Along with the developments of Yogyakarta, Jeron Beteng has developed into a dense urban settlement. Various changes have occurred, both the function of the area, architecture building, and land use. As a heritage area, it is interesting to know whether Jeron Beteng can adapt to the changes and continue as the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace. This paper is based on research that intends to identify the urban landscape characters of Jeron Beteng and examine the continuity of its physical landscape characters as the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace. A qualitative method is used with two approaches: interpretation of the history of Jeron Beteng and qualitative approach based on the contemporary empirical phenomenon. This research found that Jeron Beteng today is the culmination of hundreds of years of physical and social management. It is not just a collection of heritage buildings, events, and precincts, but the whole landscapes, that have unique characters. The character of Jeron Beteng is mostly formed by its physical elements that have heritage values, mainly the Palace, Alun-alun, and the beteng wall. Changes in the spatial and physical environment have happened, however, the essence or core of the physical landscape character of Jeron Beteng is continuing and contributes to the cultural identity of the Yogyakarta Palace and the city.
The Geojournal library, 2002
Sustainable cities require appropriate management of the urban environment and an understanding o... more Sustainable cities require appropriate management of the urban environment and an understanding of the dynamics of urban growth. Unfortunately, local urban problems are poorly understood in developing countries and require major research, development, and evaluation efforts to identify effective approaches to problem solving and remedial policies. This chapter identifies several issues of urban development in Chiang Mai and suggests policy interventions to address these. It is argued that to ensure the sustainability of Chiang Mai, it is of fundamental importance to properly manage and control the urban growth of the city. In order to be able to do this, it is necessary to better understand factors, patterns, and consequences of the growth itself. This chapter begins by describing the forces and patterns of growth in Chiang Mai. This is followed by consideration of the consequences of growth regarding both physical and socio-economic dimensions. By assessing the way in which growth and its related problems are managed, the need for increasing the capacity of the local government in managing urban development is highlighted. The chapter concludes by presenting a number of policy recommendations for improving Chiang Mai’s capacity to manage its urban growth.