eko rahayu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by eko rahayu
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik, Dec 22, 2023
Dunia karawitan sudah menjadi bidang keilmuan tersendiri dalam dunia pendidikan dan kebudayaan, y... more Dunia karawitan sudah menjadi bidang keilmuan tersendiri dalam dunia pendidikan dan kebudayaan, yang menjadikan sebuah keniscayaan terhadap perkembangan seni tradisi dan bagi para pelakunya baik sebagai praktisi maupun akademisi. Karawitan Jawatimuran dalam perkembangannya belum menjadi satu kajian keilmuan yang sentral dalam konstelasi karawitan Nusantara. (Aris Setiawan, 2013:2).
Organizational Cultures: An International Journal
Satwika, Apr 28, 2022
Diagusty et.al (Greget Sawunggaling Ikon Kota Surabaya…) the city of Surabaya. The conclusion of ... more Diagusty et.al (Greget Sawunggaling Ikon Kota Surabaya…) the city of Surabaya. The conclusion of this study is in accordance with the Sawunggaling character who was appointed in the work of art with the character and way of life of the Suroboyo arek so that it can become a cultural identity.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)
This study aims to examine the criteria of offering dance forms in topèng dhâlâng performance as ... more This study aims to examine the criteria of offering dance forms in topèng dhâlâng performance as an industrial commodity. The topèng dhâlâng is a traditional dance performing art with the genre of dance drama in the Sumenep Regency of Madura, East Java. A characteristic of topèng dhâlâng is as the offering dance whose existence is very important and is never abandoned. In contextually, people place the existence of offering dance in the topèng dhâlâng performance due to some reasons. The offering dance has complex functions and meanings for event organizer who holds the topèng dhâlâng performance, audiences, as well as artists. Given the importance of the existence of offering dance in the topèng dhâlâng performance, it becomes an object of economic commodity. According to the perspective of the arts industry/ creative industry, the existence of offering dance is an industrial commodity that needs to consider the performance packaging forms. The aesthetic offering dance form packaging is one of the important strategies to create bargaining value as well as improve sales performance for topèng dhâlâng performance products. The offering dance form packaging, which has the great value and is in demand by the society, has the aesthetic criteria both visually and audio.
Transformasi dan Inovasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia ini tidak hanya terjadi pada setiap kelompok masyarakat. ... more Peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia ini tidak hanya terjadi pada setiap kelompok masyarakat. Hal ini juga terjadi pada para pensiunan, yang sekarang tergabung dalam organisasi Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) di Kecamatan Tandes. Nasib para pensiunan seringkali mengalami rasa bosan terhadap kegatan organisasi yang monoton dan menambah beban penderitaan bagi mereka dalam menikmati hari tua. Sehingga perlu adanya kegiatan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai semangat dalam menjalani hidup yang berkualitas. Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) Kecamatan Tandes mempunyai kebijakan khusus untuk memberi pelayanan yang berkualitas serta menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat para lanjut usia khususnya bagi para pensiunan. Dampak dari keberhasilan pelayanan sosial salah satunya adalah memberi pengaruh terhadap peningkatan usia harapan hidup kepada para pensiunan di Kota Surabaya. Sebagian besar dari para penghuni di Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) Kecataman Ta...
Jurnal Kajian Seni
Artwork is part of a culture that is created because of a process related to constructive creativ... more Artwork is part of a culture that is created because of a process related to constructive creativity. This process is often referred as the creative process. The creative process that will be discussed by researcher is the creative process of a music artists who want to create something new and unique, often referred to as new music or contemporary music. The purpose of this study is to see how the stages of the creative process of contemporer composer Slamet Abdul Sjukur in creating the artwork. The method of this research is a character study research with literature studies, interviews and also observations of Slamet's artworks as the research subjects. Slamet is a composer who emphasizes the simple concept of producing something great, a concept known as the minimax concept. From this study, it was found that Slamet Abdul Sjukur is a contemporary composer who involves all stages of the creative process in creating artwork. However, the details of the stages of ideas and the implementation of Slamet's creative process on one artwork are very different from one another. This then makes each of Slamet's artworks have their own uniqueness.
GETER : Jurnal Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik, 2018
Rokat paná¸hâbâ adalah ritual tradisi dalam kehidupan masyarakat Madura yang diselenggarakan b... more Rokat paná¸hâbâ adalah ritual tradisi dalam kehidupan masyarakat Madura yang diselenggarakan bagi orang paná¸hâbâ, yaitu orang-orang yang kelahirannya identik dengan pandawa (Jawa: wong sukerta). Dalam mitos masyarakat Madura, orang-orang yang termasuk dalam kategori orang paná¸hâbâ diyakini dalam perjalanan kehidupannya akan mendapatkan kesialan atau tertimpa kemalangan. Rokat paná¸hâbâ dilaksanakan pada intinya bertujuan untuk membebaskan orang paná¸hâbâ dari ancaman yang dapat mengganggu kehidupan, baik kehidupan secara individu maupun keluarga. Tulisan ini akan mengungkap keunikan penyelenggaraan rokat paná¸hâbâ sebagai peristiwa budaya masyarakat Madura khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Sumenep. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, bahwa pelaksanaan rokat paná¸hâbâ dalam tradisi masyarakat Madura di Sumenep dilakukan dengan rangkaian bermacam ritual dan perlengkapan sesaji baik berupa bahan-bahan makanan yang masih mentah, makanan siap saji, perlengkapan rumah tangga d...
Getak mask dance is one of traditional dances from Pamekasan, Madura. This dance depicts the brav... more Getak mask dance is one of traditional dances from Pamekasan, Madura. This dance depicts the bravery of a knight who is wandering and has a patriot spirit. This article aims to identify and record the existence of Getak Mask Dance both textually and contextually. It is because the existence of this dance has started to fade. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately record as an effort to preserve. Historically, the existence of Getak Mask Dance is closely related to the performance of “dramatari topeng dhalang” Madura which is based on Mahabharata story. It is then developed to a part of Ludruk Sandur performance. Gethak Mask Dance is a manifestation of Balarama figure; a king in Madura Kingdom. Balarama is a character in wayang performance who is highly respected by Madurese people and considered as their ancestor. Textually, the choreography of Getak Mask Dance is in the form of a male single dance, he uses white mask and has a strong character. The dance movement pattern is very...
Yosika is the name of a young man in Ponorogo who is involved in the art of Reyog Ponorogo, whose... more Yosika is the name of a young man in Ponorogo who is involved in the art of Reyog Ponorogo, whose main role is as a Pujangganong dancer. His proficiency in playing the character Pujangganong led him to become a professional dancer and well-known artist. This article aims to reveal Yosika's professionalism in her role as a Pujangganong dancer. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation study. The results showed that Yosika's profession as a Pujangganong dancer in the Reyog Ponorogo show had been built since she was a child. With the support of the whole family and armed with perseverance, Yosika was finally able to reach the pinnacle of her career as a professional dancer in the Reyog Ponorogo show, especially for the character Pujangganong . Profesionalisme Yosika professionalism can be seen through his performance in taking a role as Pujangganong in Reyog Ponorogo, particularly in Rey...
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 2020
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik, Dec 22, 2023
Dunia karawitan sudah menjadi bidang keilmuan tersendiri dalam dunia pendidikan dan kebudayaan, y... more Dunia karawitan sudah menjadi bidang keilmuan tersendiri dalam dunia pendidikan dan kebudayaan, yang menjadikan sebuah keniscayaan terhadap perkembangan seni tradisi dan bagi para pelakunya baik sebagai praktisi maupun akademisi. Karawitan Jawatimuran dalam perkembangannya belum menjadi satu kajian keilmuan yang sentral dalam konstelasi karawitan Nusantara. (Aris Setiawan, 2013:2).
Organizational Cultures: An International Journal
Satwika, Apr 28, 2022
Diagusty et.al (Greget Sawunggaling Ikon Kota Surabaya…) the city of Surabaya. The conclusion of ... more Diagusty et.al (Greget Sawunggaling Ikon Kota Surabaya…) the city of Surabaya. The conclusion of this study is in accordance with the Sawunggaling character who was appointed in the work of art with the character and way of life of the Suroboyo arek so that it can become a cultural identity.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)
This study aims to examine the criteria of offering dance forms in topèng dhâlâng performance as ... more This study aims to examine the criteria of offering dance forms in topèng dhâlâng performance as an industrial commodity. The topèng dhâlâng is a traditional dance performing art with the genre of dance drama in the Sumenep Regency of Madura, East Java. A characteristic of topèng dhâlâng is as the offering dance whose existence is very important and is never abandoned. In contextually, people place the existence of offering dance in the topèng dhâlâng performance due to some reasons. The offering dance has complex functions and meanings for event organizer who holds the topèng dhâlâng performance, audiences, as well as artists. Given the importance of the existence of offering dance in the topèng dhâlâng performance, it becomes an object of economic commodity. According to the perspective of the arts industry/ creative industry, the existence of offering dance is an industrial commodity that needs to consider the performance packaging forms. The aesthetic offering dance form packaging is one of the important strategies to create bargaining value as well as improve sales performance for topèng dhâlâng performance products. The offering dance form packaging, which has the great value and is in demand by the society, has the aesthetic criteria both visually and audio.
Transformasi dan Inovasi : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia ini tidak hanya terjadi pada setiap kelompok masyarakat. ... more Peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia ini tidak hanya terjadi pada setiap kelompok masyarakat. Hal ini juga terjadi pada para pensiunan, yang sekarang tergabung dalam organisasi Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) di Kecamatan Tandes. Nasib para pensiunan seringkali mengalami rasa bosan terhadap kegatan organisasi yang monoton dan menambah beban penderitaan bagi mereka dalam menikmati hari tua. Sehingga perlu adanya kegiatan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai semangat dalam menjalani hidup yang berkualitas. Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) Kecamatan Tandes mempunyai kebijakan khusus untuk memberi pelayanan yang berkualitas serta menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat para lanjut usia khususnya bagi para pensiunan. Dampak dari keberhasilan pelayanan sosial salah satunya adalah memberi pengaruh terhadap peningkatan usia harapan hidup kepada para pensiunan di Kota Surabaya. Sebagian besar dari para penghuni di Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia (PWRI) Kecataman Ta...
Jurnal Kajian Seni
Artwork is part of a culture that is created because of a process related to constructive creativ... more Artwork is part of a culture that is created because of a process related to constructive creativity. This process is often referred as the creative process. The creative process that will be discussed by researcher is the creative process of a music artists who want to create something new and unique, often referred to as new music or contemporary music. The purpose of this study is to see how the stages of the creative process of contemporer composer Slamet Abdul Sjukur in creating the artwork. The method of this research is a character study research with literature studies, interviews and also observations of Slamet's artworks as the research subjects. Slamet is a composer who emphasizes the simple concept of producing something great, a concept known as the minimax concept. From this study, it was found that Slamet Abdul Sjukur is a contemporary composer who involves all stages of the creative process in creating artwork. However, the details of the stages of ideas and the implementation of Slamet's creative process on one artwork are very different from one another. This then makes each of Slamet's artworks have their own uniqueness.
GETER : Jurnal Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik, 2018
Rokat paná¸hâbâ adalah ritual tradisi dalam kehidupan masyarakat Madura yang diselenggarakan b... more Rokat paná¸hâbâ adalah ritual tradisi dalam kehidupan masyarakat Madura yang diselenggarakan bagi orang paná¸hâbâ, yaitu orang-orang yang kelahirannya identik dengan pandawa (Jawa: wong sukerta). Dalam mitos masyarakat Madura, orang-orang yang termasuk dalam kategori orang paná¸hâbâ diyakini dalam perjalanan kehidupannya akan mendapatkan kesialan atau tertimpa kemalangan. Rokat paná¸hâbâ dilaksanakan pada intinya bertujuan untuk membebaskan orang paná¸hâbâ dari ancaman yang dapat mengganggu kehidupan, baik kehidupan secara individu maupun keluarga. Tulisan ini akan mengungkap keunikan penyelenggaraan rokat paná¸hâbâ sebagai peristiwa budaya masyarakat Madura khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Sumenep. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, bahwa pelaksanaan rokat paná¸hâbâ dalam tradisi masyarakat Madura di Sumenep dilakukan dengan rangkaian bermacam ritual dan perlengkapan sesaji baik berupa bahan-bahan makanan yang masih mentah, makanan siap saji, perlengkapan rumah tangga d...
Getak mask dance is one of traditional dances from Pamekasan, Madura. This dance depicts the brav... more Getak mask dance is one of traditional dances from Pamekasan, Madura. This dance depicts the bravery of a knight who is wandering and has a patriot spirit. This article aims to identify and record the existence of Getak Mask Dance both textually and contextually. It is because the existence of this dance has started to fade. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately record as an effort to preserve. Historically, the existence of Getak Mask Dance is closely related to the performance of “dramatari topeng dhalang” Madura which is based on Mahabharata story. It is then developed to a part of Ludruk Sandur performance. Gethak Mask Dance is a manifestation of Balarama figure; a king in Madura Kingdom. Balarama is a character in wayang performance who is highly respected by Madurese people and considered as their ancestor. Textually, the choreography of Getak Mask Dance is in the form of a male single dance, he uses white mask and has a strong character. The dance movement pattern is very...
Yosika is the name of a young man in Ponorogo who is involved in the art of Reyog Ponorogo, whose... more Yosika is the name of a young man in Ponorogo who is involved in the art of Reyog Ponorogo, whose main role is as a Pujangganong dancer. His proficiency in playing the character Pujangganong led him to become a professional dancer and well-known artist. This article aims to reveal Yosika's professionalism in her role as a Pujangganong dancer. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation study. The results showed that Yosika's profession as a Pujangganong dancer in the Reyog Ponorogo show had been built since she was a child. With the support of the whole family and armed with perseverance, Yosika was finally able to reach the pinnacle of her career as a professional dancer in the Reyog Ponorogo show, especially for the character Pujangganong . Profesionalisme Yosika professionalism can be seen through his performance in taking a role as Pujangganong in Reyog Ponorogo, particularly in Rey...
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 2020