elsye tandelilin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by elsye tandelilin
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2019), 2019
In the present era of globalization where business competition between countries is getting tight... more In the present era of globalization where business competition between countries is getting tighter, the Indonesian government seeks to encourage micro and small businesses to take part and strengthen business people to be ready to compete with other countries. In addition to providing a large contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), micro and small businesses also absorb a large number of labor. When viewed from the point of gender, male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs have relatively balanced number but their success rate in managing a business is not the same. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there were significant differences in success between male and female entrepreneurs. This study uses secondary data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2015, with a total observation of 58,290 industries in 23 industrial classifications. The results showed a significant difference between the success of male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs in micro and small businesses in Indonesia.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Abstrak: Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) adalah penyakit pernapasan menular yang disebabkan oleh jen... more Abstrak: Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) adalah penyakit pernapasan menular yang disebabkan oleh jenis virus corona baru yaitu severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Pengetahuan masyarakat terkait COVID-19 belum sepenuhnya baik. Di awal tahun 2020 terutama, banyak masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa virus ini tidak berbahaya dan biasa saja. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang benar terkait COVID-19 dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam menghasilkan produk minuman instan peningkat imunitas di masa pandemi di Desa Sentra Kelor Bogo, Bojonegoro. Program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan terkait fakta dan hoax seputar COVID-19, pelatihan cara cuci tangan sebagai bagian dari PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat) sesuai dengan WHO, pengadaan wastafel portable dan pelatihan pembuatan JAMU instan peningkat imunitas. Serangkaian kegiatan tersebut mendapatkan respon yang baik dari masyarakat yang ditandai dengan peningkatan pemahaman Mitra t...
Ling kung bisnis yang harus dihadapi oleh para pebisnis dapat dikatakan semakin uncontrollabe dan... more Ling kung bisnis yang harus dihadapi oleh para pebisnis dapat dikatakan semakin uncontrollabe dan unpredictable sehingga baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung para pengelola perusahaan harus mampu mengimplementasikan manajemen sedemikian rupa sehingga dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan yang dibuat oleh manager dapat terpenuhi secara benar asas efektivitas dan efisiensi. lmplementasi fungsi-fungsi manajemen dan pengambilan putusan dalam kaitannya dengan situasi ketidakpastian membutuhkan kompetensi yang tinggi dalam menjalankan perusahaan. Guna dapat megambil keputusan dengan baik dan benar serta mengimplementasikan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dengan hasil yang efektif dan efisien maka setiap manajer dalam kapasitas dan posisi hirarki managerial wajib memehami benar tentang konsep manajemen dan fungsi-fungsinya, yaitu perencanaan (planning), pengorganisasian (organizing), penggerakan (leading) dan pengendalian (controlling). Dengan tidak melupakan peran informasi dan teknologi yang ...
Journal of Management and Business, 2006
More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requ... more More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requiring these organizations to adapt. “Change or die" is the rallying cry among today's managers worldwide. There are many forces that are acting as stimulants for change such as socio-cultural, technological, economic, and political. But the question is “what can a change agent change?1' The options essentially fall in four categories : structure, physical setting, technology, and people. The application of planned changed is not a simple way and sometimes create many resistances for many reasons. Resistance is not always a negative perspective. The member's resistance can be positive perspectives because it provides a degree of stability and predictability to behavior. There are many tactics have been suggested for use by change agents in dealing with resistance to change. One of the best suggestions is ADKAR MODEL (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcemen...
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), Dec 6, 2022
Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Community service in the form of training on making millennial herbal medicine is carried out to ... more Community service in the form of training on making millennial herbal medicine is carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of BUMDes Sukosari partners in processing millennial herbal drinks as a hallmark of the Rainbow Garden café. The method used in this PkM is the mentoring method or PAR (Participatory Action Research) with a lecture approach, product manufacturing practices, and guidance. The training is carried out in three stages: preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The result of this training was an increase in partners' knowledge and skills in processing millennial herbal medicine, which was observed from the analysis of the mean test scores before and after the training (p <0.05). The output of this community service activity is five variants of millennial herbal drinks based on rhizomes and spices: Telang sparkling, Rosella sparkling, Curcuma sparkling, Curcuma milky, and Moringa milky. Community service activities regarding the processin...
Mata kuliah ini merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi untuk peminatan Manajemen Sumb... more Mata kuliah ini merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi untuk peminatan Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia dan Organisasi. Mata kuliah ini ditempuh oleh mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan mata kuliah wajib semua jurusan yaitu Statistika Bisnis 2, mata kulaih wajib jurusan yaitu Teori Organisasi dan mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi yaitu Manajamen Sumberdaya Manusia. Fokus mata kuliah Riset Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia ini adalah pada pengenalan tentang proses penelitian manajemen penelitian manajemen sumberdaya manusia dan penggunaan metode ilmiah dalam kegiatan penelitian untuk memperoleh kebenaran yang bersifat proposisional. Kebenaran proposisional merupakan kebenaran yang masih terbuka untuk dilakukan pengujian ulang, sehingga konsepsi yang berupa proposisi(calon teori) dapat meningkat arasnya menjadi proposisi umum yang setara dengan teori. Proses penelitian dimulai dari perumusan masalah,rerangka berpikir teoritis, perencanaan sample, pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan analisi...
Proceedings of the 17 th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2020), 2020
The purpose of this paper is to disclose entrepreneurial values between Javanese and Indonesian C... more The purpose of this paper is to disclose entrepreneurial values between Javanese and Indonesian Chinese in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Surabaya. This paper examines the entrepreneurial values variable regarding ethnic differences. Primary sources used were from 4 informants in MSMEs. This research used the interpretive approach (case study) that aims to build a theory rather than test it. Depth interview used to explore detail information. The results confirmed the similarities in entrepreneurial values between the two ethnic groups are the values of collectivity, perseverance, and creativity. While the different values are honesty, quanxi, bapakism, frugality, money consciousness, wise, social harmony, and knowledge hiding.
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
The funeral business is a profitable business, and it's interesting to be studied, especially on ... more The funeral business is a profitable business, and it's interesting to be studied, especially on people who want to do extreme jobs that are not common. An important part of this business is the Mortuary Beautician or Funeral Cosmetology profession that is rarely in demand, even though it is of high-income, and professional recruitment is not advertised in the job vacancies. This profession must also have the soul of art and the calling of the soul. This research tries to dig deeper into the motivation and experience of mortuary beauticians in doing their work. This phenomenon is a reality that is rarely excavated and understood. To get a complete understanding of this profession, a research approach is needed that can explore various sources of data and information and gain deep understanding of the reality that occurs; therefore, this research uses a case-study approach. It was found that a strong belief in the mortuary beautician profession makes someone stay in their profession. The finding that enriched previous theory is that one's ultimate motivation in working is not only in self-actualization (according to Maslow) but spiritual motivation, which makes people work more heart-minded and oriented to please their God.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan motivasi gender pria dan wan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan motivasi gender pria dan wanita berwirausaha di Surabaya. Objek yang diambil adalah pria dan wanita yang berwirausaha di Surabaya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 responden pria dan wanita yang berwirausaha minimal 6 bulan terakhir. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini adalah Purposive or Judgemental Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian adalah komparatif. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan Uji T Independent Sample T dan Uji Parsial dengan bantuan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS 23.00) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya perbedaan motivasi Need for Affiliation, Need for Achivement, dan Need for Power antar pria dan wanita berwirausaha di Surabaya. Setiap dimensi dari variabel motivasi yaitu need for achivement, need for affilia...
This research aim is to describe the mapping of entrepreneurship student's competencies which onl... more This research aim is to describe the mapping of entrepreneurship student's competencies which only identified a single construct with four elements, namely knowledge, ability, skill and attitude. Primary data sources and convinience sampling technique are used to collect data with the total of 100 respondents. This focus of this research is about describing entrepreneurship student's competencies based on several characteristic biographies such as gender, origin, faculty, income levels, etc. This research will give a huge benefit to other researcher to discover more about entrepreneurship student's competencies using this research result, and also help the universities to develop their curriculum to prepare undergraduate students to do the business. The type of this research is descriptive, gained from respondents with entrepreneurship students in Surabaya. The results show that each student has difference competencies both in those four elements and characteristic biography.
Sri Rejeki Farming Women Group of Bogo village (KWT) is a group formed by Bumdes Desa Bogo in the... more Sri Rejeki Farming Women Group of Bogo village (KWT) is a group formed by Bumdes Desa Bogo in the production of various types of moringa-based products, including tea and moringa powder. The quality and packaging design of the two products which was previously used are still limited in terms of stability and do not yet provide product characteristics. The aim of implementing this packaging design development program is to renew the packaging of the two products by selecting optimal packaging materials, adjusting color compositions that increase consumer preferences, implementing product characteristic logos and product information. The method of implementing these activities is carried out through training on packaging design concepts, assistance in the preparation of packaging prototypes, and application of new packaging to the products. The implementation of this activity involved KWT Sri Rejeki, PPDM Sentra Kelor team, Bumdes Langgeng Makmur, and the Bogo Village Government. The ...
Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Desa Bogo merupakan desa yang terletak di Bojonegoro dan memiliki potensi alam tanaman kelor. Dau... more Desa Bogo merupakan desa yang terletak di Bojonegoro dan memiliki potensi alam tanaman kelor. Daun kelor mengandung berbagai macam senyawa yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit. Kandungan senyawa fenolik dan antioksidan pada daun kelor bermanfaat untuk melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas dan menghambat penuaan kulit. Berdasarkan potensi tersebut, Tim PPDM Sentra Kelor Desa Bogo dari Universitas Surabaya menginisiasi suatu program pelatihan pengolahan serbuk daun kelor menjadi produk pemeliharaan kulit. Tujuan dari pelatihan tersebut adalah memberdayakan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sri Rejeki dan BUMDES Langgeng Makmur untuk melakukan pengolahan daun kelor menjadi sabun mandi padat alami. Luaran dari pelatihan tersebut adalah peningkatan ketrampilan, pengetahuan, kesehatan, dan pendapatan masyarakat desa Bogo. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan tersebut adalah pelatihan (ceramah, diskusi interaktif, dan demonstrasi), difusi teknologi tepat guna, dan advokasi (pendampingan). Hasil da...
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The millennial herbal café could create a taste of Jammu that was acceptable to millennials by pr... more The millennial herbal café could create a taste of Jammu that was acceptable to millennials by processing Jammu using various techniques and combining it with other ingredients that were beneficial for the body. The community service activities carried out were aimed at developing the Café Herbal business, which produces processed millennial herbal products that were liked by customers. The methods chosen as follow-up are training, mentoring, and comparative studies. Evaluation of training and mentoring was seen by using a questionnaire given as a post-test and the success of Partners in producing Millennial herbal preparations. The Ubaya team created an herbal corner and scheduled an herbal corner training including the manufacture of millennial herbal drinks/herbal drinks, quality aspects of herbal drinks, business opportunities, and step-by-step development of herbal corners and comparative studies at Cafés with the millennial herbal concept. From community service activities, a ...
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2019), 2019
In the present era of globalization where business competition between countries is getting tight... more In the present era of globalization where business competition between countries is getting tighter, the Indonesian government seeks to encourage micro and small businesses to take part and strengthen business people to be ready to compete with other countries. In addition to providing a large contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), micro and small businesses also absorb a large number of labor. When viewed from the point of gender, male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs have relatively balanced number but their success rate in managing a business is not the same. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there were significant differences in success between male and female entrepreneurs. This study uses secondary data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2015, with a total observation of 58,290 industries in 23 industrial classifications. The results showed a significant difference between the success of male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs in micro and small businesses in Indonesia.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Abstrak: Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) adalah penyakit pernapasan menular yang disebabkan oleh jen... more Abstrak: Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) adalah penyakit pernapasan menular yang disebabkan oleh jenis virus corona baru yaitu severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Pengetahuan masyarakat terkait COVID-19 belum sepenuhnya baik. Di awal tahun 2020 terutama, banyak masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa virus ini tidak berbahaya dan biasa saja. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang benar terkait COVID-19 dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam menghasilkan produk minuman instan peningkat imunitas di masa pandemi di Desa Sentra Kelor Bogo, Bojonegoro. Program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan terkait fakta dan hoax seputar COVID-19, pelatihan cara cuci tangan sebagai bagian dari PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat) sesuai dengan WHO, pengadaan wastafel portable dan pelatihan pembuatan JAMU instan peningkat imunitas. Serangkaian kegiatan tersebut mendapatkan respon yang baik dari masyarakat yang ditandai dengan peningkatan pemahaman Mitra t...
Ling kung bisnis yang harus dihadapi oleh para pebisnis dapat dikatakan semakin uncontrollabe dan... more Ling kung bisnis yang harus dihadapi oleh para pebisnis dapat dikatakan semakin uncontrollabe dan unpredictable sehingga baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung para pengelola perusahaan harus mampu mengimplementasikan manajemen sedemikian rupa sehingga dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan yang dibuat oleh manager dapat terpenuhi secara benar asas efektivitas dan efisiensi. lmplementasi fungsi-fungsi manajemen dan pengambilan putusan dalam kaitannya dengan situasi ketidakpastian membutuhkan kompetensi yang tinggi dalam menjalankan perusahaan. Guna dapat megambil keputusan dengan baik dan benar serta mengimplementasikan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dengan hasil yang efektif dan efisien maka setiap manajer dalam kapasitas dan posisi hirarki managerial wajib memehami benar tentang konsep manajemen dan fungsi-fungsinya, yaitu perencanaan (planning), pengorganisasian (organizing), penggerakan (leading) dan pengendalian (controlling). Dengan tidak melupakan peran informasi dan teknologi yang ...
Journal of Management and Business, 2006
More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requ... more More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. This, in turn, is requiring these organizations to adapt. “Change or die" is the rallying cry among today's managers worldwide. There are many forces that are acting as stimulants for change such as socio-cultural, technological, economic, and political. But the question is “what can a change agent change?1' The options essentially fall in four categories : structure, physical setting, technology, and people. The application of planned changed is not a simple way and sometimes create many resistances for many reasons. Resistance is not always a negative perspective. The member's resistance can be positive perspectives because it provides a degree of stability and predictability to behavior. There are many tactics have been suggested for use by change agents in dealing with resistance to change. One of the best suggestions is ADKAR MODEL (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcemen...
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), Dec 6, 2022
Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Community service in the form of training on making millennial herbal medicine is carried out to ... more Community service in the form of training on making millennial herbal medicine is carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of BUMDes Sukosari partners in processing millennial herbal drinks as a hallmark of the Rainbow Garden café. The method used in this PkM is the mentoring method or PAR (Participatory Action Research) with a lecture approach, product manufacturing practices, and guidance. The training is carried out in three stages: preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The result of this training was an increase in partners' knowledge and skills in processing millennial herbal medicine, which was observed from the analysis of the mean test scores before and after the training (p <0.05). The output of this community service activity is five variants of millennial herbal drinks based on rhizomes and spices: Telang sparkling, Rosella sparkling, Curcuma sparkling, Curcuma milky, and Moringa milky. Community service activities regarding the processin...
Mata kuliah ini merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi untuk peminatan Manajemen Sumb... more Mata kuliah ini merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi untuk peminatan Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia dan Organisasi. Mata kuliah ini ditempuh oleh mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan mata kuliah wajib semua jurusan yaitu Statistika Bisnis 2, mata kulaih wajib jurusan yaitu Teori Organisasi dan mata kuliah wajib konsentrasi yaitu Manajamen Sumberdaya Manusia. Fokus mata kuliah Riset Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia ini adalah pada pengenalan tentang proses penelitian manajemen penelitian manajemen sumberdaya manusia dan penggunaan metode ilmiah dalam kegiatan penelitian untuk memperoleh kebenaran yang bersifat proposisional. Kebenaran proposisional merupakan kebenaran yang masih terbuka untuk dilakukan pengujian ulang, sehingga konsepsi yang berupa proposisi(calon teori) dapat meningkat arasnya menjadi proposisi umum yang setara dengan teori. Proses penelitian dimulai dari perumusan masalah,rerangka berpikir teoritis, perencanaan sample, pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan analisi...
Proceedings of the 17 th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2020), 2020
The purpose of this paper is to disclose entrepreneurial values between Javanese and Indonesian C... more The purpose of this paper is to disclose entrepreneurial values between Javanese and Indonesian Chinese in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Surabaya. This paper examines the entrepreneurial values variable regarding ethnic differences. Primary sources used were from 4 informants in MSMEs. This research used the interpretive approach (case study) that aims to build a theory rather than test it. Depth interview used to explore detail information. The results confirmed the similarities in entrepreneurial values between the two ethnic groups are the values of collectivity, perseverance, and creativity. While the different values are honesty, quanxi, bapakism, frugality, money consciousness, wise, social harmony, and knowledge hiding.
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
The funeral business is a profitable business, and it's interesting to be studied, especially on ... more The funeral business is a profitable business, and it's interesting to be studied, especially on people who want to do extreme jobs that are not common. An important part of this business is the Mortuary Beautician or Funeral Cosmetology profession that is rarely in demand, even though it is of high-income, and professional recruitment is not advertised in the job vacancies. This profession must also have the soul of art and the calling of the soul. This research tries to dig deeper into the motivation and experience of mortuary beauticians in doing their work. This phenomenon is a reality that is rarely excavated and understood. To get a complete understanding of this profession, a research approach is needed that can explore various sources of data and information and gain deep understanding of the reality that occurs; therefore, this research uses a case-study approach. It was found that a strong belief in the mortuary beautician profession makes someone stay in their profession. The finding that enriched previous theory is that one's ultimate motivation in working is not only in self-actualization (according to Maslow) but spiritual motivation, which makes people work more heart-minded and oriented to please their God.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan motivasi gender pria dan wan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan motivasi gender pria dan wanita berwirausaha di Surabaya. Objek yang diambil adalah pria dan wanita yang berwirausaha di Surabaya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 responden pria dan wanita yang berwirausaha minimal 6 bulan terakhir. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini adalah Purposive or Judgemental Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian adalah komparatif. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan Uji T Independent Sample T dan Uji Parsial dengan bantuan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS 23.00) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya perbedaan motivasi Need for Affiliation, Need for Achivement, dan Need for Power antar pria dan wanita berwirausaha di Surabaya. Setiap dimensi dari variabel motivasi yaitu need for achivement, need for affilia...
This research aim is to describe the mapping of entrepreneurship student's competencies which onl... more This research aim is to describe the mapping of entrepreneurship student's competencies which only identified a single construct with four elements, namely knowledge, ability, skill and attitude. Primary data sources and convinience sampling technique are used to collect data with the total of 100 respondents. This focus of this research is about describing entrepreneurship student's competencies based on several characteristic biographies such as gender, origin, faculty, income levels, etc. This research will give a huge benefit to other researcher to discover more about entrepreneurship student's competencies using this research result, and also help the universities to develop their curriculum to prepare undergraduate students to do the business. The type of this research is descriptive, gained from respondents with entrepreneurship students in Surabaya. The results show that each student has difference competencies both in those four elements and characteristic biography.
Sri Rejeki Farming Women Group of Bogo village (KWT) is a group formed by Bumdes Desa Bogo in the... more Sri Rejeki Farming Women Group of Bogo village (KWT) is a group formed by Bumdes Desa Bogo in the production of various types of moringa-based products, including tea and moringa powder. The quality and packaging design of the two products which was previously used are still limited in terms of stability and do not yet provide product characteristics. The aim of implementing this packaging design development program is to renew the packaging of the two products by selecting optimal packaging materials, adjusting color compositions that increase consumer preferences, implementing product characteristic logos and product information. The method of implementing these activities is carried out through training on packaging design concepts, assistance in the preparation of packaging prototypes, and application of new packaging to the products. The implementation of this activity involved KWT Sri Rejeki, PPDM Sentra Kelor team, Bumdes Langgeng Makmur, and the Bogo Village Government. The ...
Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Desa Bogo merupakan desa yang terletak di Bojonegoro dan memiliki potensi alam tanaman kelor. Dau... more Desa Bogo merupakan desa yang terletak di Bojonegoro dan memiliki potensi alam tanaman kelor. Daun kelor mengandung berbagai macam senyawa yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit. Kandungan senyawa fenolik dan antioksidan pada daun kelor bermanfaat untuk melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas dan menghambat penuaan kulit. Berdasarkan potensi tersebut, Tim PPDM Sentra Kelor Desa Bogo dari Universitas Surabaya menginisiasi suatu program pelatihan pengolahan serbuk daun kelor menjadi produk pemeliharaan kulit. Tujuan dari pelatihan tersebut adalah memberdayakan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sri Rejeki dan BUMDES Langgeng Makmur untuk melakukan pengolahan daun kelor menjadi sabun mandi padat alami. Luaran dari pelatihan tersebut adalah peningkatan ketrampilan, pengetahuan, kesehatan, dan pendapatan masyarakat desa Bogo. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan tersebut adalah pelatihan (ceramah, diskusi interaktif, dan demonstrasi), difusi teknologi tepat guna, dan advokasi (pendampingan). Hasil da...
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The millennial herbal café could create a taste of Jammu that was acceptable to millennials by pr... more The millennial herbal café could create a taste of Jammu that was acceptable to millennials by processing Jammu using various techniques and combining it with other ingredients that were beneficial for the body. The community service activities carried out were aimed at developing the Café Herbal business, which produces processed millennial herbal products that were liked by customers. The methods chosen as follow-up are training, mentoring, and comparative studies. Evaluation of training and mentoring was seen by using a questionnaire given as a post-test and the success of Partners in producing Millennial herbal preparations. The Ubaya team created an herbal corner and scheduled an herbal corner training including the manufacture of millennial herbal drinks/herbal drinks, quality aspects of herbal drinks, business opportunities, and step-by-step development of herbal corners and comparative studies at Cafés with the millennial herbal concept. From community service activities, a ...