haryatiningsih purwandari 1 - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by haryatiningsih purwandari 1
Dunia Keperawatan: Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan/Dunia keperawatan : jurnal keperawatan dan kesehatan, Mar 30, 2023
Ketersediaan instrumen untuk mengamati perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu di Indonesia sangat di... more Ketersediaan instrumen untuk mengamati perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu di Indonesia sangat diperlukan, mengingat jumlah bayi prematur di Indonesia tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menerjemahkan dan adaptasi lintas budaya Preterm Infant Brreastfeeding Behavior Scale (PIBBS) ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan instrument translation termasuk menguji reliabilitas instrumen. Studi dilakukan dengan pengamatan 10 sesi menyusu pada convenience sample tiga late preterm infants usia gestasi 34-<37 minggu) dan ibu di Ruang Perinatologi RSUD Goeteng Taroenadibrata. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh peneliti dan ibu bayi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar demografi, dan PIBBS. Uji inter-rater reliability dilakukan menggunakan persentase kesepakatan pengamatan dan Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian menemukan persentase kesepakatan pengamatan perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu sebesar 80-100%. Nilai Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) pengamatan perilaku mencari puting susu, cakupan areola, menempel dan melekat pada payudara, mengisap puting susu, semburan mengisap terpanjang, dan perilaku menelan berturut-turut sebesar >0.
Belitung Nursing Journal
Background: Preterm infants display certain behaviors to communicate their needs, known as preter... more Background: Preterm infants display certain behaviors to communicate their needs, known as preterm infant cues. However, the existing research on preterm infant cues primarily draws from studies conducted on bottle-fed infants rather than breastfed infants. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the concept of preterm infant cues during breastfeeding and its appropriate instruments. Design: A scoping review. Data Sources: The articles published up to January 2022 were searched from multiple sources from EBSCOhost Web, namely CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE, ERIC, and E-Journals. Review Methods: The articles retrieved for this review were screened using PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes) format.Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) checklist was used in selecting the articles, and Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal was utilized by two independent authors to assess the articles’ quality. A descriptive method was used to analyz...
Enfermería Clínica, Mar 1, 2023
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023
Jurnal Keperawatan Widya Gantari Indonesia
Hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran prematur di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang a... more Hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran prematur di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ada saat ini masih menunjukkan ketidakkonsistenan hasil. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kembali hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran bayi prematur. Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus dan control melibatkan convenience sample ibu dan 100 bayi prematur sebagai kasus, dan 100 ibu dan bayi cukup bulan sebagai kontrol. Data diambil dari rekam medis sebuah rumah sakit daerah milik Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang berlokasi di kabupaten Banyumas. Instrumen menggunakan lembar pengumpulan data yang didesain peneliti dan nilai Item Content Validity sebesar 1. Data dianalisis dengan uji univariate, Kolmogorov Smirnov, dan Chi-Square. Penelitian tidak menemukan adanya hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran bayi prematur (p=0.077). Pekerjaan ibu dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan berisiko dan tidak berisiko hanya berdasar jenis pekerjaan tanpa memperhatikan detail kualitas dari pekerjaan itu sendiri. Hal ini mungkin menjadi penyebab tidak ditemukannnya hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu. Untuk itu, riset di masa mendatang harus dilakukan dengan memfokuskan pada detail karakteristik pekerjaan dalam kaitannya dengan kelahiran bayi prematur.
Journal of Bionursing, Feb 17, 2022
Journal of Bionursing
Background. Late preterm infants are near-term infants, but it is a critical development period. ... more Background. Late preterm infants are near-term infants, but it is a critical development period. Evidence supported that late preterm infants’ birth impact on the short-and long-term outcomes. Investigating the risk factors associated with late preterm infants in Indonesia is important since Indonesia has a high number of preterm infants. However, a limited study investigating risk factors for late-preterm infants in Indonesia. Methods.A cross-sectional study was used in this study. A convenience sample of 46 dyads of mothers and preterm infants (33 late preterm infants aged equal and more than 34 weeks gestation, and 13 preterm infants aged < 34 weeks gestation) retrieved from level 1 and 2 neonatal carein one public hospital at Banyumas district, Indonesia. Self-reported questionnaire and medical record were utilized to collecting the data. Univariate, Chi-Square, Logistic regression, Hosmer and Lemeshow test, and Area under Curve with Receiver Operating Curve method (AUC R...
“4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, Sep 9, 2021
“4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, Sep 9, 2021
Understanding toward learning process and students’learning-achievement need knowledge about how ... more Understanding toward learning process and students’learning-achievement need knowledge about how someone learns. Learning style early detection helps students to understand their owned learning modalities. Learning style is a combination of how individual perceive, manage and process information. The goal of this research was to understand learning style description (learning modalities and brain’s domination) which dominantly existed in students of regular undergraduate nursing program 2005 enrollment. Survey method was used in this research which included 51 participants from regular undergraduate nursing program 2005 enrollment as sample. Purposive sampling was used. This research conducted in May to June 2006. Result showed that learning modalities in students of regular undergraduate program 2005 enrolment were visual (43,1 %), auditory (29,4%), kinesthetic (15,7 %), visual-auditory (2%), visual-kinesthetic (3,9%), auditory-kinesthetic (3,9%), and visual-auditory-kinesthetic (2...
Introduction: Short-term outcomes of preterm infants refers to any preterm infants’ conditions af... more Introduction: Short-term outcomes of preterm infants refers to any preterm infants’ conditions after birth including medical diagnosis or morbidity, length of stay at the hospital, and readmission to hospital after discharge. A high number of preterm births were identified as the major case in the year of 2015 in a medical center at Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. However, limited evidence showed the preterm infants’ short-term outcomes in this medical center. This study was intended to investigate the short-term outcomes of preterm infants in a medical center, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. Methods: The study used a retrospective design with a case-control study involving a convenience sampling of data set from 50 preterm and 50 term infants who were born from January to December 2015 in a medical center, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. Any preterm infants’ outcomes from the hospital medical record were collected. Chi-Square, T-test, and Mann-Whitney U were used for statistical analysis. R...
This research aimed to understand effect of learning style training toward student’s grade, espec... more This research aimed to understand effect of learning style training toward student’s grade, especially to describe student’s grade before and after training, learning style characteristics to test the effect of learning style training toward increasing of student’s grade . This semi experiment research was designed in pre and post test design and pair t test data analysis. Thirty one students which got grade below 2.5 participated. Learning style training were trained to them for 4 hours along. Student’s grade before and after training were collected and compared. Learning modalities were measured by DePorter Instruments. Research resulted in increasing mean of student grade about 0.58 (SD 0.44) after the training. Most of them had Visual Modality (54.8%) and had Unsequential Abstract Thinking Character (64.5). Pair t-test analyses showed that t=7.26, p value 0.00, α=0.05 one tailed, Learning Style Training influenced student’s grade statistically significant.
This aim of this study is to evaluate relationship between informational support’s and separation... more This aim of this study is to evaluate relationship between informational support’s and separation anxiety as an effect of hospitalization to pre-school child which is undergoing hospital care. Cross-sectional design was utilized for this study. Product moment correlation was used to analysis data from 30 respondents at Room Anggrek in RSUD Cilacap for March to May 2005. The result showed that 36, 7% had good informational supports besides 53, 3% respondent had not. Most of respondent had middle level of separation anxiety (53, 3%), followed by high level separation anxiety (43, 3%) and low level separation anxiety (3, 3 %). Product Moment Correlations analysis showed r = -0,582, with p < 0, 05. These showed that there was negative correlation between informational support’s and separation anxiety as an effect of hospitalization to pre-school child. The higher informational support was given the lower separation anxiety level.
The aim of the study was to explore the impact of using baby’s growth and developmental module to... more The aim of the study was to explore the impact of using baby’s growth and developmental module to increase family’s knowledge and skills to stimulate baby’s growth and development at puskesmas Kalibagor Banyumas regency. This study was performed at Puskesmas Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas Quasi experimental with two groups pre-post test design was used in this research . Respondents were divided into two groups. Eighteen persons were selected as group intervention and the last seventeen respondents as control group. Research sample was taken by quota sampling method. Research was conducted since September to November 2006. Paired t test found p value at 0.003 and 0.126 on stimulation knowledge and stimulation skill respectively. Furthermore, analysing on control group found p value at 0.031 and 0.107 on stimulating knowledge and skill respectively. Two group analyses utilized T independent sample test was not found significant different between intervention and control group p va...
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2014
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh peran keluarga dan dukungan sosial dalam pro... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh peran keluarga dan dukungan sosial dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Balita di Kabupaten Banyumas.Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik pre and post test design pada satu kelompok, dan sampel diambil secara purposive (34 orangtua Balita). Lokasi penelitian di RW 3, Desa Rempoah, Baturraden, Banyumas. Tahap I, dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi keluarga dalam melakukan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita, membentuk panduan stimulasi dan video stimulasi untuk Balita, melatih kader kesehatan/relawan untuk pendampingan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita. Tahap II, dilakukan dengan implementasi model; (1) memberikan pelatihan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita dengan media video dan modul, (2) demonstrasi dan pendampingan stimulasi menggunakan alat permainan edukatif, (3) implementasi dengan kunjungan rutin setiap 2 minggu sekali selama 5 bulan. Instrumen: kuesioner pra-skrining perkembangan dari Depkes, lembar observasi dan alat pengukuran ...
Demam merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada balita dan dapat menimbulkan masalah serius pada a... more Demam merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada balita dan dapat menimbulkan masalah serius pada anak. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orangtua dalam penatalaksanaan demam masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh training manajemen demam di rumah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ibu dalam perawatan demam pada anak. Penelitian menggunakan desain pra eksperimen dengan pre and posttest pada satu kelompok. Sampel adalah ibu/ pengasuh balita dengan riwayat demam dan mengikuti kegiatan di Posyandu Kencanasari I, Desa Kutasari, Kecamatan Baturraden, Kabupaten Banyumas. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling sejumlah 30 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sebelum dan setelah mengikuti training manajemen demam (p=0, 00; p=0, 00). Pengetahuan responden meningkat 11.5 atau 15, 1%...
Nutrient giving to low birth weight baby was very important for their growth and development. Tha... more Nutrient giving to low birth weight baby was very important for their growth and development. That nutrient could be breast milk or breast milk replacement. This research objective was to compare the effectiveness difference of breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement absorption at after deliveries room of Banyumas Public Hospital. Respondent of this research was 27 low birth weight baby which given breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement for a week. Respondent inclution criteria within this research was babies which born at 1100-2500 gram birth weight; male or female gender; low birth weight baby which pose nasogastric device without others systemic device; low birth weight baby which given mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement. ANOVA test show that there are was not significant differences between breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk r...
Dunia Keperawatan: Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan/Dunia keperawatan : jurnal keperawatan dan kesehatan, Mar 30, 2023
Ketersediaan instrumen untuk mengamati perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu di Indonesia sangat di... more Ketersediaan instrumen untuk mengamati perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu di Indonesia sangat diperlukan, mengingat jumlah bayi prematur di Indonesia tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menerjemahkan dan adaptasi lintas budaya Preterm Infant Brreastfeeding Behavior Scale (PIBBS) ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan instrument translation termasuk menguji reliabilitas instrumen. Studi dilakukan dengan pengamatan 10 sesi menyusu pada convenience sample tiga late preterm infants usia gestasi 34-<37 minggu) dan ibu di Ruang Perinatologi RSUD Goeteng Taroenadibrata. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh peneliti dan ibu bayi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar demografi, dan PIBBS. Uji inter-rater reliability dilakukan menggunakan persentase kesepakatan pengamatan dan Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian menemukan persentase kesepakatan pengamatan perilaku bayi prematur saat menyusu sebesar 80-100%. Nilai Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) pengamatan perilaku mencari puting susu, cakupan areola, menempel dan melekat pada payudara, mengisap puting susu, semburan mengisap terpanjang, dan perilaku menelan berturut-turut sebesar >0.
Belitung Nursing Journal
Background: Preterm infants display certain behaviors to communicate their needs, known as preter... more Background: Preterm infants display certain behaviors to communicate their needs, known as preterm infant cues. However, the existing research on preterm infant cues primarily draws from studies conducted on bottle-fed infants rather than breastfed infants. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the concept of preterm infant cues during breastfeeding and its appropriate instruments. Design: A scoping review. Data Sources: The articles published up to January 2022 were searched from multiple sources from EBSCOhost Web, namely CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE, ERIC, and E-Journals. Review Methods: The articles retrieved for this review were screened using PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes) format.Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) checklist was used in selecting the articles, and Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal was utilized by two independent authors to assess the articles’ quality. A descriptive method was used to analyz...
Enfermería Clínica, Mar 1, 2023
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023
Jurnal Keperawatan Widya Gantari Indonesia
Hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran prematur di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang a... more Hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran prematur di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ada saat ini masih menunjukkan ketidakkonsistenan hasil. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kembali hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran bayi prematur. Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus dan control melibatkan convenience sample ibu dan 100 bayi prematur sebagai kasus, dan 100 ibu dan bayi cukup bulan sebagai kontrol. Data diambil dari rekam medis sebuah rumah sakit daerah milik Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang berlokasi di kabupaten Banyumas. Instrumen menggunakan lembar pengumpulan data yang didesain peneliti dan nilai Item Content Validity sebesar 1. Data dianalisis dengan uji univariate, Kolmogorov Smirnov, dan Chi-Square. Penelitian tidak menemukan adanya hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kelahiran bayi prematur (p=0.077). Pekerjaan ibu dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan berisiko dan tidak berisiko hanya berdasar jenis pekerjaan tanpa memperhatikan detail kualitas dari pekerjaan itu sendiri. Hal ini mungkin menjadi penyebab tidak ditemukannnya hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu. Untuk itu, riset di masa mendatang harus dilakukan dengan memfokuskan pada detail karakteristik pekerjaan dalam kaitannya dengan kelahiran bayi prematur.
Journal of Bionursing, Feb 17, 2022
Journal of Bionursing
Background. Late preterm infants are near-term infants, but it is a critical development period. ... more Background. Late preterm infants are near-term infants, but it is a critical development period. Evidence supported that late preterm infants’ birth impact on the short-and long-term outcomes. Investigating the risk factors associated with late preterm infants in Indonesia is important since Indonesia has a high number of preterm infants. However, a limited study investigating risk factors for late-preterm infants in Indonesia. Methods.A cross-sectional study was used in this study. A convenience sample of 46 dyads of mothers and preterm infants (33 late preterm infants aged equal and more than 34 weeks gestation, and 13 preterm infants aged < 34 weeks gestation) retrieved from level 1 and 2 neonatal carein one public hospital at Banyumas district, Indonesia. Self-reported questionnaire and medical record were utilized to collecting the data. Univariate, Chi-Square, Logistic regression, Hosmer and Lemeshow test, and Area under Curve with Receiver Operating Curve method (AUC R...
“4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, Sep 9, 2021
“4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, Sep 9, 2021
Understanding toward learning process and students’learning-achievement need knowledge about how ... more Understanding toward learning process and students’learning-achievement need knowledge about how someone learns. Learning style early detection helps students to understand their owned learning modalities. Learning style is a combination of how individual perceive, manage and process information. The goal of this research was to understand learning style description (learning modalities and brain’s domination) which dominantly existed in students of regular undergraduate nursing program 2005 enrollment. Survey method was used in this research which included 51 participants from regular undergraduate nursing program 2005 enrollment as sample. Purposive sampling was used. This research conducted in May to June 2006. Result showed that learning modalities in students of regular undergraduate program 2005 enrolment were visual (43,1 %), auditory (29,4%), kinesthetic (15,7 %), visual-auditory (2%), visual-kinesthetic (3,9%), auditory-kinesthetic (3,9%), and visual-auditory-kinesthetic (2...
Introduction: Short-term outcomes of preterm infants refers to any preterm infants’ conditions af... more Introduction: Short-term outcomes of preterm infants refers to any preterm infants’ conditions after birth including medical diagnosis or morbidity, length of stay at the hospital, and readmission to hospital after discharge. A high number of preterm births were identified as the major case in the year of 2015 in a medical center at Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. However, limited evidence showed the preterm infants’ short-term outcomes in this medical center. This study was intended to investigate the short-term outcomes of preterm infants in a medical center, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. Methods: The study used a retrospective design with a case-control study involving a convenience sampling of data set from 50 preterm and 50 term infants who were born from January to December 2015 in a medical center, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. Any preterm infants’ outcomes from the hospital medical record were collected. Chi-Square, T-test, and Mann-Whitney U were used for statistical analysis. R...
This research aimed to understand effect of learning style training toward student’s grade, espec... more This research aimed to understand effect of learning style training toward student’s grade, especially to describe student’s grade before and after training, learning style characteristics to test the effect of learning style training toward increasing of student’s grade . This semi experiment research was designed in pre and post test design and pair t test data analysis. Thirty one students which got grade below 2.5 participated. Learning style training were trained to them for 4 hours along. Student’s grade before and after training were collected and compared. Learning modalities were measured by DePorter Instruments. Research resulted in increasing mean of student grade about 0.58 (SD 0.44) after the training. Most of them had Visual Modality (54.8%) and had Unsequential Abstract Thinking Character (64.5). Pair t-test analyses showed that t=7.26, p value 0.00, α=0.05 one tailed, Learning Style Training influenced student’s grade statistically significant.
This aim of this study is to evaluate relationship between informational support’s and separation... more This aim of this study is to evaluate relationship between informational support’s and separation anxiety as an effect of hospitalization to pre-school child which is undergoing hospital care. Cross-sectional design was utilized for this study. Product moment correlation was used to analysis data from 30 respondents at Room Anggrek in RSUD Cilacap for March to May 2005. The result showed that 36, 7% had good informational supports besides 53, 3% respondent had not. Most of respondent had middle level of separation anxiety (53, 3%), followed by high level separation anxiety (43, 3%) and low level separation anxiety (3, 3 %). Product Moment Correlations analysis showed r = -0,582, with p < 0, 05. These showed that there was negative correlation between informational support’s and separation anxiety as an effect of hospitalization to pre-school child. The higher informational support was given the lower separation anxiety level.
The aim of the study was to explore the impact of using baby’s growth and developmental module to... more The aim of the study was to explore the impact of using baby’s growth and developmental module to increase family’s knowledge and skills to stimulate baby’s growth and development at puskesmas Kalibagor Banyumas regency. This study was performed at Puskesmas Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas Quasi experimental with two groups pre-post test design was used in this research . Respondents were divided into two groups. Eighteen persons were selected as group intervention and the last seventeen respondents as control group. Research sample was taken by quota sampling method. Research was conducted since September to November 2006. Paired t test found p value at 0.003 and 0.126 on stimulation knowledge and stimulation skill respectively. Furthermore, analysing on control group found p value at 0.031 and 0.107 on stimulating knowledge and skill respectively. Two group analyses utilized T independent sample test was not found significant different between intervention and control group p va...
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2014
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh peran keluarga dan dukungan sosial dalam pro... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh peran keluarga dan dukungan sosial dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Balita di Kabupaten Banyumas.Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik pre and post test design pada satu kelompok, dan sampel diambil secara purposive (34 orangtua Balita). Lokasi penelitian di RW 3, Desa Rempoah, Baturraden, Banyumas. Tahap I, dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi keluarga dalam melakukan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita, membentuk panduan stimulasi dan video stimulasi untuk Balita, melatih kader kesehatan/relawan untuk pendampingan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita. Tahap II, dilakukan dengan implementasi model; (1) memberikan pelatihan stimulasi tumbuh kembang Balita dengan media video dan modul, (2) demonstrasi dan pendampingan stimulasi menggunakan alat permainan edukatif, (3) implementasi dengan kunjungan rutin setiap 2 minggu sekali selama 5 bulan. Instrumen: kuesioner pra-skrining perkembangan dari Depkes, lembar observasi dan alat pengukuran ...
Demam merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada balita dan dapat menimbulkan masalah serius pada a... more Demam merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada balita dan dapat menimbulkan masalah serius pada anak. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orangtua dalam penatalaksanaan demam masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh training manajemen demam di rumah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ibu dalam perawatan demam pada anak. Penelitian menggunakan desain pra eksperimen dengan pre and posttest pada satu kelompok. Sampel adalah ibu/ pengasuh balita dengan riwayat demam dan mengikuti kegiatan di Posyandu Kencanasari I, Desa Kutasari, Kecamatan Baturraden, Kabupaten Banyumas. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling sejumlah 30 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sebelum dan setelah mengikuti training manajemen demam (p=0, 00; p=0, 00). Pengetahuan responden meningkat 11.5 atau 15, 1%...
Nutrient giving to low birth weight baby was very important for their growth and development. Tha... more Nutrient giving to low birth weight baby was very important for their growth and development. That nutrient could be breast milk or breast milk replacement. This research objective was to compare the effectiveness difference of breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement absorption at after deliveries room of Banyumas Public Hospital. Respondent of this research was 27 low birth weight baby which given breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement for a week. Respondent inclution criteria within this research was babies which born at 1100-2500 gram birth weight; male or female gender; low birth weight baby which pose nasogastric device without others systemic device; low birth weight baby which given mixed of breast milk and breast milk replacement. ANOVA test show that there are was not significant differences between breast milk, breast milk replacement or mixed of breast milk and breast milk r...