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Papers by hasan ari

Research paper thumbnail of Elevated eosinophil count is related with lower anti-factor Xa activity in COVID-19 patients

Journal of Hematopathology, 2020

Despite prophylactic anticoagulant treatments, thrombotic complications may develop in patients w... more Despite prophylactic anticoagulant treatments, thrombotic complications may develop in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This study aimed to evaluate the factors influencing anti-factor Xa activity in COVID-19 patients receiving low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). We prospectively evaluated 80 COVID-19 patients, diagnosed using polymerase chain reaction test, who were admitted to our clinic and administered LMWH; LMWH (enoxaparin) was applied according to the weight, D-dimer levels, and clinical condition of patients. Anti-factor Xa activity in blood, drawn 4 h after the 3rd dose of LMWH, was measured and an activity of < 0.2 IU/mL was considered subprophylactic. Patients were followed up clinically, and anti-factor Xa activity was reexamined before discharge. Groups 1 and 2 included 13 and 67 patients with subprophylactic (mean ± SD: 0.18 ± 0.06) and prophylactic (mean ± SD: 0.43 ± 0.23) anti-factor Xa activity, respectively. The proportion of eosinophils in patients was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2 (mean ± SD; 2.96 ± 2.55 vs 0.90 ± 1.28; p = 0.001). At the time of discharge, the eosinophilic proportion of patients was significantly higher (eosinophil %, mean ± SD; 3.06 ± 1.49 vs 2.07 ± 1.92; p = 0.001), but the activated partial thromboplastin time was significantly lower (22.34 ± 1.38 vs 24.38 ± 3.58; p = 0.01) in group 1 than in group 2. Of 14 patients with eosinophil content > 4%, 6 were in group 1 ((6/13) 46.2%), while 8 were in group 2 ((8/63) 11.9%); (p = 0.009), and all had a D-dimer level < 1 μg/mL (p = 0.03). ROC analysis for the presence of anticoagulation at subprophylactic level revealed an area under curve of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.64-0.93); p = 0.001). In conclusion; Elevated eosinophil count is related to lower anti-factor Xa activity in patients with COVID-19 receiving LMWH. The clinical significance of the subprophylactic anti-factor Xa activity should be studied in COVID-19 patients (NCT04507282).

Research paper thumbnail of Axillary Artery An Alternative Access for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation In A Patient With Thoracic And Abdominal Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents, and In A Patient With Occluded Bilateral Carotid and Iliac Artery

Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi Arsivi-Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology, 2018

Axillary artery as alternative access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in a patient wi... more Axillary artery as alternative access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in a patient with thoracic and abdominal multilayer flow modulator stents, and in a patient with occluded bilateral carotid and iliac arteries Aksiller arter, torakal ve abdominal çok katmanlı akış modülatörü stentli bir hasta ile iki taraflı karotis ve iliak arteri tıkanmış bir hastada transkateter aort kapak implantasyonu için alternatif giriş

Research paper thumbnail of Coronary Artery Fistulas Between Coronary and Pulmonary Arteries: Case Reports

Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2016

Konjenital koroner arter fistülü bir koroner arter ile diğer vasküler yapılar arasında direkt bağ... more Konjenital koroner arter fistülü bir koroner arter ile diğer vasküler yapılar arasında direkt bağlantının olduğu nadir, izole bir anomalidir. Biz biri perkütan koil embolizasyon uygulaması ile, diğeri cerrahi olarak tedavi edilmiş iki konjenital koroner arteriyovenöz fistüllü vakayı sunduk.

Research paper thumbnail of Hourglass-shaped right ventricle and localized constrictive pericarditis

Research paper thumbnail of Should we wait until severe pulmonary hypertension develops? Efficacy of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension

Cardiology Journal, 2016

Background: The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the immediate and long-term effects of ... more Background: The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the immediate and long-term effects of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty (PBMV) on patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS) complicated with severe pulmonary hypertension (PH). Methods: The study population consisted of 85 patients with MS complicated with severe PH (systolic pulmonary pressure > 75 mm Hg). PBMV was performed with Inoue balloon technique. Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up was scheduled at 6 months and 1 year and yearly thereafter. Results: Mitral valve area (MVA) was increased (pre-PBMV MVA was 1.03 ± 0.21 cm 2 , post-PBMV MVA 1.89 ± 0.34 cm 2 , p < 0.001) significantly. The mean and the maximum transmitral pressure gradient significantly decreased (pre-PBMV mean transmitral gradient

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Related Changes in Diastolic Dysfunction During Exercise Using Conventional and Tissue Doppler Echocardiography

Cardiology Research, 2015

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between changes in diastolic f... more Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between changes in diastolic functions during exercise and the exercising capacity in diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction and to compare them with healthy individuals and diabetic patients without diastolic dysfunction. Methods: Totally 70 patients prospectively were included in the study and three groups were formed. Forty-six diabetic patients were divided into two groups: those with (group 1) and without (group 2) diastolic dysfunction. The control group (group 3) consisted of 24 patients. All patients were subjected to treadmill exercising test. Echocardiographical assessment was made before exercise and immediately after peak exercise. Results: Exercising time was dramatically decreased in group 1 compared to the other groups (group 1: 396 ± 125 second, group 2: 487 ± 66 second and group 3: 519 ± 102 second). In group 1, the diastolic mitral flow pattern at rest was transformed into pseudo-normal pattern at peak exercise from abnormal relaxation pattern (E/A ratio 0.70 ± 0.11 during rest, 1.02 ± 0.16; P < 0.0001 during peak exercise). Deceleration time (DT) and iso-volumetric relaxation time (IVRT) turned to normal values (DT 238.86 ± 39.48 millisecond during rest and 199.5 ± 23.57 millisecond during peak exercise; P = 0.001, IVRT 102.83 ± 16.22 millisecond during rest and 74.36 ± 8.67 millisecond during peak exercise; P = 0.001). In groups 2 and 3, the mitral flow pattern, DT and IVRT remained within normal limits during rest and exercise. E/Em ratio, which is one of the parameters of tissue Doppler, increased during peak exercise in the diabetic group with diastolic dysfunction (E/Em ratio 7.85 ± 3.31 during rest and 11.14 ± 3.40 after peak exercise; P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction demonstrated a reduced exercise capacity, which may be due to aggravation of pre-existing left ventricular dysfunction.

Research paper thumbnail of Koroner Kollateral Gelişimine Plazma Asimetrik Dimetilarjinin Düzeylerinin Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences, 2009

Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin (AD MA); pro te in le rin yı kı mı sı ra sın da olu şan ar ji nin... more Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin (AD MA); pro te in le rin yı kı mı sı ra sın da olu şan ar ji nin re zi dü le ri nin me ti las yo nu ve hid ro li zi ile or ta ya çı kar ve nit rik ok sit sen te taz (NOS) en zi mi ni ya rış ma lı ola rak in hi be eder. NOS en zi mi nin in hi bis yo nu so nu cu nit rik ok sit (NO) sen te zi azal mak ta dır. An ji yo ge nik fak tör le rin etki le ri ni gös ter me si için NO ge rek mek te dir. Bu çalışmada, AD MA dü zey le ri nin ko ro ner kol la te ral ge li şi mi üze ri ne et ki si nin de ğer len di ril me si amaçlanmıştır. G Ge er re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön nt te em ml le er r: : En az bir ko ro ner ar te rin de %90'dan faz la dar lık bu lu nan 56 has ta ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı açı sın dan Co hen-Ren trop sı nıf la ma sı ile de ğerlen di ril di. Az ge liş miş ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı (Co hen-Ren trop skor 0 ve 1) olan has ta lar (grup 1= 34 hasta; 7 ka dın, 27 er kek) ile iyi ge liş miş ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı (Co hen-Ren trop skor 2 ve 3) olan has ta lar (grup 2= 22 has ta; 4 ka dın, 18 er kek) AD MA kon san tras yon la rı açı sın dan kar şı laş tı rıl dı. Da ha ön ce per kütan ko ro ner gi ri şim ve ya ko ro ner by pass uy gu la nan, son 30 gün için de mi yo kard in fark tü sü ge çi ren ve AD-MA de ğer le ri ni et ki le ye bi le cek özel lik le ri olan has ta lar ça lış ma ya alın ma dı. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : İki gru bun baş lan gıç özel lik le ri, an ji na sü re le ri ve AD MA dü zey le ri dı şın da ben zer di (an ji na sü re si; grup 1= 3.94 ± 1.43 ay'a karşı grup 2= 4.72 ± 1.16 ay; p= 0.03. AD MA; grup 1= 0.97 ± 0.55 umol/L'e karşı grup 2= 0.52 ± 0.25 umol/L; p= 0.001). İki gru bun de mog ra fik, bi yo kim ya sal ve an ji yog ra fik özel lik le ri tek de ğiş ken li ve çok de ğiş ken li lojis tik reg res yon ana li zi ile de ğer len di ril di ve her iki ana liz de de sa de ce AD MA dü zey le ri nin az ge liş miş koro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı gös ter di ği sap tan dı (tek de ğiş ken li ana liz; [OR (%95 güven aralığı (GA)]= 0.08 (0.01-0.45); p= 0.004, çok de ğiş ken li ana liz; OR (%95 GA)= 0.09 (0.01-0.62); p= 0.01). Ko ro ner kol la te ral skoru (Ren trop sko ru) ile AD MA dü zey le ri ara sın da an lam lı ne ga tif ko re las yon bu lun du (r=-0.37; p= 0.006). S So o n nu uç ç: : An ji yo ge ne zi in hi be et ti ği de ney sel ça lış ma lar ile gös te ri len AD MA' nın ye ter siz ko ro ner kol la te ral ge li şi mi ile iliş ki li ol du ğu sap tan dı. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin, kol la te ral do la şım, ko ro ner do la şım A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : Asy mmet ric di meth ylar gi ni ne (AD MA) is a com pe ti ti ve in hi bi tor of nit ric oxi de synthe ta se (NOS) and ari ses from the meth yla ti on and hydroly sis of ar gi ni ne re si du es du ring pro te in deg rada ti on. As a re sult of NOS enz yme in hi bi ti on, nit ric oxi de (NO) synthe sis dec re a ses. An gi o ge nic fac tors requ i re NO for per for ming the ir ef fect. The aim of this study is to eva lu a te the im pact of AD MA on co ro nary col la te ral growth. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : Fifty-six pa ti ents with a gre a ter than 90% obs truc ti on in at le ast one epi car di al co ro nary ar tery we re eva lu a ted ac cor ding to the deg re e of co ro nary col la te ral with Co hen-Ren trop met hod. We com pa red the pa ti ents with po or co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on (Co hen-Ren trop grade 0-1) (gro up 1= 34 pa ti ents; 7 wo men, 27 men) and the pa ti ents with go od co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on (Co hen-Ren trop gra de 2-3) (gro up 2= 22 pa ti ents; 4 wo men, 18 men) ac cor ding to AD MA con cen tra ti on. Pati ents who pre vi o usly had un der go ne per cu ta ne o us co ro nary in ter ven ti on or co ro nary bypass sur gery, myo car di al in farc ti on wit hin the last 30 days and cli ni cal si tu a ti ons ef fec ting AD MA le vels we re exc lu ded from the study. R Re es su ul lt t: : Ba se li ne cha rac te ris tics of both gro ups we re si mi lar ex cept du ra ti on of an gi na pec to ris and AD MA le vels (Du ra ti on of an gi na pec to ris; gro up 1= 3.94 ± 1.43 vs gro up 2= 4.72 ± 1.16; p= 0,03. AD MA; gro up 1= 0.97 ± 0.55 vs gro up= 2 0.52 ± 0.25; p= 0.001). We eva lu a te both gro ups de mog rap hic, bi oc he mi cal and an gi og rap hic pa ra me ters with uni va ri a te and mul ti va ri a te lo gis tic reg res si on analy sis and sho wed only AD MA le vels pre dict po or co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on in both analy sis (uni va ri a te analy sis; OR (%95 CI)= 0.08 (0.01-0.45); p= 0.004, mul ti va ri a te analy sis; OR (%95 CI)= 0.09 (0.01-0.62); p= 0.01). We sho wed sig ni fi cant ne ga ti ve cor re la ti on bet we en co ro nary col lat he ral sco re (Ren trop sco re) and AD MA le vels (r=-0.37; p= 0.006). C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : We sho wed that the re la ti ons hip bet we en po or co ro nary col la te ral growth and AD MA which in hi bits an gi o ge ne sis on ex pe ri men tal stu di es on co ro nary col la te ral growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Infective endocarditis: a tertiary referral centre experience from Turkey

International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 2015

We aimed to define the current characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) in a part of Turkey... more We aimed to define the current characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) in a part of Turkey. All patients who were hospitalized in our hospital with a diagnosis of IE between 2009 and 2014 were included in the study. Data were collected from archives records of all patients. Modified Duke criteria were used for diagnosis. There were 85 IE cases during the study period. The mean age of patients was 52 years. Fourty eight of patients were males. Native valves involved in 47%, prostetic valves involved in 40% and pacemaker or ICD lead IE in 13% of patients. Mitral valve was the most common site of vegetationb (38%). The most common valvular pathology was mitral regurgitation. The most common predisposing factor was prosthetic valve disease (40%). Positive culture rate was 68%. Staphylococci were the most frequent causative microorganisms isolated (27%) followed by Streptococcus spp. (11%). In-hospital mortality rate was 36%. In Turkey, IE occurs in relatively young patients. In h...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of high dose Cilostazol and Rosuvastatin on myocardial damage in patients with elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PREVENT trial)

European Heart Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Misleading ECG appearance of AV block due to concealed AV nodal conduction caused by interpolated ventricular ectopic beats

Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi : Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır, 2009

Concealed conduction commonly occurs when a retrogradely conducted interpolated ectopic impulse e... more Concealed conduction commonly occurs when a retrogradely conducted interpolated ectopic impulse enters the atrioventricular (AV) node; thus, the next sinus beat is not conducted to the ventricle or conducted with a prolonged PR interval because of increased refractoriness of AV conduction system. A 67-year-old man had complaints of exertional fatigue and palpitations at rest. His blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg and heart rate was 78 beats/min. Auscultation revealed a mild systolic murmur at the apex and an irregular rhythm. His electrocardiogram was normal, except for the presence of frequent premature ventricular complexes (PVC) of right bundle branch block morphology. Echocardiographic examination showed only grade-1 mitral regurgitation. Further evaluation with 24-h Holter monitoring showed frequent interpolated PVCs in bigeminal rhythm. Progressive prolongation of the PR interval was observed after each PVC, which ended with Mobitz type I AV block. The patient was treated with me...

Research paper thumbnail of PP-013 Endothelial Dissection due to the Usage of Synthetic Cannabinoid: Bonsai

The American Journal of Cardiology, 2015

evaluated the spectrum of the acute CVE to our cardiology polyclinic outpatiently. Material-Metho... more evaluated the spectrum of the acute CVE to our cardiology polyclinic outpatiently. Material-Method: We retrospectively evaluated the medical recordings of the patients who admitted with CVE and their clinical features and the management of them. We reviewed the medical archives of the patients who were examined during the one year period of 2011. Results: We observed that 21 patients with acute CVE were identified during the clinical and echocardiographic examination, and exercise stress test. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and new onset LBBB on stress test are the predominantly encountered CVEs in patients >35 years old while decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, pneumothorax mostly observed in patients <35 years old. Patients were mostly transferred initially to the ER and then the coronary care unit of a tertiary health service. Conclusion: Cardiovascular Emergencies including acute coronary syndrome or new onset left bundle branch block, symptomatic hypotension, and etc. could be presented directly to the cardiology polyclinic or develop de novo during the exercise test unit. Subsequently they should be initially intervened and managed in polyclinic by acute medication or CPR, and transfer to ER or CCU. Utility of ECG and echocardiography either alone or in combination just during the initial examination and interrogation of a symptomatic patient will be preferred rather than giving an appointment to them. Localization of cardiology outpatient services next to the ER and/or CCU will improve the effectiveness of initial management of patients who admitted with potentially lethal CVEs. Additionally cardiology polyclinics should have the capability and instrumentation to apply a medical and interventional resuscitation.

Research paper thumbnail of The REDUCED (a RandomisED stUdy Comparing standard systemic anticoagulation thErapy to low Dose intracoronary anticoagulation therapy for elective percutaneous coronary intervention) trial. A novel pharmacologic regime for elective percutaneous coronary intervention

Acta cardiologica, 2014

This study tried to determine the efficacy and safety of low-dose intracoronary unfractionated he... more This study tried to determine the efficacy and safety of low-dose intracoronary unfractionated heparin (UFH) in elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Two-hundred patients who underwent elective PCI of an uncomplicated lesion were included into the study. The patients were assigned to either a control group (70-100 IU/kg intravenous UFH) or a low-dose intracoronary UFH (1,000 IU intracoronary UFH) group. At 30 days, the primary end point (composite of death, myocardial infarction, or urgent target vessel revascularization) was similar in both groups [intracoronary UFH group, 1.0%; control group, 2.0%; odds ratio; 0.49 (95% CI: 0.04 - 5.54), P = 0.56]. Post-procedural myocardial injury (according to CK-MB, P = 0.91; according to Tn I, P = 0.81) and bleeding events (based on TIMI criteria, P = 0.33; based on STEEPLE criteria, P = 0.20) were similar in the control and intracoronary groups. The primary end point at 6 months was also similar between the two groups (P = 0.33)....

Research paper thumbnail of A Rare Cardiac Side Effect of a Herbal Medicine; QT Prolongation Due to Hypericum Perforatum: Case Report

edicinal herbs are widely used in Europe and the Middle East. Hypericum perforatum, commonly know... more edicinal herbs are widely used in Europe and the Middle East. Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John's wort, is one of the oldest, most well-known herbal treatments (Figure 1). St. John's wort products are primarily used to treat depressive disorders. 1-3 Hypericum perforatum is comprised of naphtodianthrones and phloroglucinols. 4 Previous research has investigated the antidepressant properties of St. John's wort extracts. St. John's wort has been shown to work by inhibiting the reuptake of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline from the synaptic gap into the neuron. 5 In addition, Hypericum

Research paper thumbnail of Delayed Presentation of a Giant Ascending Aortic Aneurysm following Aortic Valve Replacement

Giant ascending aortic aneurysm formation following aortic valve replacement is rare. A 28-year-o... more Giant ascending aortic aneurysm formation following aortic valve replacement is rare. A 28-year-old man who underwent aortic valve replacement with a prosthetic valve for aortic regurgitation secondary to congenital bicuspid aortic valve about 10 years ago was diagnosed with a giant ascending aortic aneurysm about 16 cm in diameter in follow-up. The aneurysm was resected leaving the functional old mechanical prosthesis in place and implanted a 34-mm Hemashield woven graft, associated with the left and right coronary artery button implantation. Histological findings of the aortic aneurysm wall showed cystic medial necrosis. The postoperative course was uneventful and postoperative examination demonstrated good surgical results.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Modalities in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: Surgical Myectomy versus Percutaneous Septal Ablation

The Heart Surgery Forum, 2007

Background: The aim of this study was to compare the results of percutaneous septal myocardial ab... more Background: The aim of this study was to compare the results of percutaneous septal myocardial ablation (PSMA) and surgical myectomy (SM) for decreasing the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient, septal thickness, ventricular dimensions, and mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients with symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Methods: We treated 40 patients (mean age, 24.4 ± 6.8 years; 34 male and 6 female patients) between June 2002 and April 2006. Twenty-four patients underwent SM, and 16 patients underwent PSMA. All patients were symptomatic despite maximal medical treatment and had an LVOT gradient higher than 65 mm Hg. Their echocardiographic data were recorded before and after the procedure and then compared. The patients were followed up postoperatively for a mean of 13 months. Results: There was no mortality in either group. One year after the procedure, the LVOT gradients for the 2 groups were not statistically different. During the follow-up, moderate MR was found in 4 patients (25%) in the ablation group and in 2 patients (8.3%) in the myectomy group. Exercise capacity and New York Heart Association class improved after PSMA, whereas postoperative MR severity and effort capacity were better in the surgical group. Conclusion: The 2 approaches yielded similar results with regard to reducing the LVOT gradient. We conclude that SM is preferable to PSMA in cases with MR.

Research paper thumbnail of TCT-747 Efficacy and safety of intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2012

All Patients (n‫)313؍‬ p DM (n‫)49؍‬ P AR (ϩ) 3 (8.6%) 0.288 2 (11.1%) 1.000 AR (Ϫ) 12 (4.4%) 8 (... more All Patients (n‫)313؍‬ p DM (n‫)49؍‬ P AR (ϩ) 3 (8.6%) 0.288 2 (11.1%) 1.000 AR (Ϫ) 12 (4.4%) 8 (11.1%)

Research paper thumbnail of The EFFect of hIgh-dose ClopIdogrel treatmENT in patients with clopidogrel resistance (The EFFICIENT Trial)

International Journal of Cardiology, 2012

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-dose clopidogrel continuation treatment ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-dose clopidogrel continuation treatment on the development of MACCE after elective PCI in patients with clopidogrel resistance. Methods: The study group consisted of 192 patients. Of these, 98 participants without resistance served as the control group (Group 1) and received 75 mg/day clopidogrel for 1 month. Ninety-four patients with resistance were randomly divided into two groups: 47 patients in the standard-dose group (Group 2) received 75 mg/day continuation therapy, whereas 47 patients in the high-dose group (Group 3) received 150 mg/day continuation therapy for 1 month. Clopidogrel resistance was evaluated with the VerifyNow P2Y12 test. Patients with a platelet inhibition value lower than 40% were classified as resistant. Results: During the 6-month follow-up for MACCE, the event-rate in Group 2 was significantly higher than both Groups 1 and 3 (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.019, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.82, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.045). Total bleeding rate in all groups were similar (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.54, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.27, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.16). The rate of NACE was similar in all groups (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.08, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.50, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.39). Conclusion: In patients who underwent elective PCI and had clopidogrel resistance, high-dose clopidogrel continuation therapy was more efficient in preventing MACCE than the standard dose. High-dose continuation therapy did not increase the risk of bleeding complication (The EFFICIENT Trial; Clinical-Trials.gov number: NCT01032668).

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy and safety of intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis

International Journal of Cardiology, 2013

Background: ADP-specific platelet function assays were shown to predict thrombotic events, and mi... more Background: ADP-specific platelet function assays were shown to predict thrombotic events, and might be helpful to select candidates for more potent antiplatelet therapy. We aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of giving intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: Electronic databases were searched to find prospective, randomized trials that reported the clinical impact of using an intensified antiplatelet protocol (repeated loading or elevated maintenance doses of clopidogrel, prasugrel or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor) on the basis of ADP-specific platelet reactivity testing (VerifyNow, Multiplate, VASP or light transmission aggregometry) compared to standard-dose clopidogrel. Evaluated efficacy measures included cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and definite/ probable stent thrombosis (ST), while major bleeding events were recorded as safety endpoint. Results: Between 2008 and 2011, 10 clinical trials comprising 4213 randomized patients were identified. Compared to standard antiplatelet therapy, the intensified protocol was associated with a significant reduction in cardiovascular mortality, ST and myocardial infarction (p b 0.01 for all). There was no difference in the rate of major bleeding events between intensified and standard groups (p = 0.44). Although the observed effects regarding mortality, ST and bleeding were not heterogeneous, meta-regression analysis revealed that the net clinical benefit of the intensified treatment significantly depended on the risk of ST with standarddose clopidogrel (p = 0.023). Conclusion: Intensifying antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing reduces cardiovascular mortality and ST after PCI; however, the net benefit of this approach depends on the risk of ST with standarddose clopidogrel.

Research paper thumbnail of The prognostic significance of a fragmented QRS complex after primary percutaneous coronary intervention

Heart and Vessels, 2011

Fragmented QRS (fQRS) may occur due to non-homogeneous activation of ischemic ventricles. We want... more Fragmented QRS (fQRS) may occur due to non-homogeneous activation of ischemic ventricles. We want to investigate the prognostic significance of a fQRS complex in a patient who had undergone primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Eighty-five patients with no history of coronary artery disease who underwent primary PCI were included in the study. Of these patients, 34 who were found to have a fQRS at the 48th hour after primary PCI were defined as group 1, and 51 who were found not to have a fQRS were defined as group 2. Both groups were monitored for adverse cardiac events. At 6.6 ± 2.3 months of follow-up, major adverse cardiac events (MACE) was found significantly higher in the fQRS group [group 1:10 (29.4%) vs. group 2:3 (5.9%); p:0.003]. In multivariate Cox regression analysis; the duration of chest pain (HR:1.02, CI:1.004-1.05; p = 0.03) and fQRS at 48th hour (HR 7.16, CI 3.17-20.11; p = 0.006) were predictors of MACE. In the group 2, event-free survival rate was found significantly higher; however, Q wave and QRS distortion were found to be insignificant with regard to demonstrating event-free survival. Compared to both Q wave and QRS distortion, fQRS showed high sensitivity and specificity in demonstrating MACE (sensitivity 0.77; specificity 0.67; AUC 0.71 (0.57-0.86); p 0.01). fQRS had 73% sensitivity and 49% specificity and Q wave had 58% sensitivity and 85% specificity for demonstrating the presence of scar on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with ROC curve analysis. The presence of a fQRS at the 48th hour is a significant predictor of MACE in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction who have undergone primary PCI. (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT01136837).

Research paper thumbnail of Left ventricular hemangioma

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 1999

Cardiac hemangiomas are rare, primary benign cardiac tumors. The authors report their experience ... more Cardiac hemangiomas are rare, primary benign cardiac tumors. The authors report their experience of diagnosis and treatment of an hemangioma localized into the left ventricle. The tumor could be successfully resected and there is no recurrence at 1 year follow-up.

Research paper thumbnail of Elevated eosinophil count is related with lower anti-factor Xa activity in COVID-19 patients

Journal of Hematopathology, 2020

Despite prophylactic anticoagulant treatments, thrombotic complications may develop in patients w... more Despite prophylactic anticoagulant treatments, thrombotic complications may develop in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This study aimed to evaluate the factors influencing anti-factor Xa activity in COVID-19 patients receiving low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). We prospectively evaluated 80 COVID-19 patients, diagnosed using polymerase chain reaction test, who were admitted to our clinic and administered LMWH; LMWH (enoxaparin) was applied according to the weight, D-dimer levels, and clinical condition of patients. Anti-factor Xa activity in blood, drawn 4 h after the 3rd dose of LMWH, was measured and an activity of < 0.2 IU/mL was considered subprophylactic. Patients were followed up clinically, and anti-factor Xa activity was reexamined before discharge. Groups 1 and 2 included 13 and 67 patients with subprophylactic (mean ± SD: 0.18 ± 0.06) and prophylactic (mean ± SD: 0.43 ± 0.23) anti-factor Xa activity, respectively. The proportion of eosinophils in patients was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2 (mean ± SD; 2.96 ± 2.55 vs 0.90 ± 1.28; p = 0.001). At the time of discharge, the eosinophilic proportion of patients was significantly higher (eosinophil %, mean ± SD; 3.06 ± 1.49 vs 2.07 ± 1.92; p = 0.001), but the activated partial thromboplastin time was significantly lower (22.34 ± 1.38 vs 24.38 ± 3.58; p = 0.01) in group 1 than in group 2. Of 14 patients with eosinophil content > 4%, 6 were in group 1 ((6/13) 46.2%), while 8 were in group 2 ((8/63) 11.9%); (p = 0.009), and all had a D-dimer level < 1 μg/mL (p = 0.03). ROC analysis for the presence of anticoagulation at subprophylactic level revealed an area under curve of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.64-0.93); p = 0.001). In conclusion; Elevated eosinophil count is related to lower anti-factor Xa activity in patients with COVID-19 receiving LMWH. The clinical significance of the subprophylactic anti-factor Xa activity should be studied in COVID-19 patients (NCT04507282).

Research paper thumbnail of Axillary Artery An Alternative Access for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation In A Patient With Thoracic And Abdominal Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents, and In A Patient With Occluded Bilateral Carotid and Iliac Artery

Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi Arsivi-Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology, 2018

Axillary artery as alternative access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in a patient wi... more Axillary artery as alternative access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in a patient with thoracic and abdominal multilayer flow modulator stents, and in a patient with occluded bilateral carotid and iliac arteries Aksiller arter, torakal ve abdominal çok katmanlı akış modülatörü stentli bir hasta ile iki taraflı karotis ve iliak arteri tıkanmış bir hastada transkateter aort kapak implantasyonu için alternatif giriş

Research paper thumbnail of Coronary Artery Fistulas Between Coronary and Pulmonary Arteries: Case Reports

Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2016

Konjenital koroner arter fistülü bir koroner arter ile diğer vasküler yapılar arasında direkt bağ... more Konjenital koroner arter fistülü bir koroner arter ile diğer vasküler yapılar arasında direkt bağlantının olduğu nadir, izole bir anomalidir. Biz biri perkütan koil embolizasyon uygulaması ile, diğeri cerrahi olarak tedavi edilmiş iki konjenital koroner arteriyovenöz fistüllü vakayı sunduk.

Research paper thumbnail of Hourglass-shaped right ventricle and localized constrictive pericarditis

Research paper thumbnail of Should we wait until severe pulmonary hypertension develops? Efficacy of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension

Cardiology Journal, 2016

Background: The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the immediate and long-term effects of ... more Background: The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the immediate and long-term effects of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty (PBMV) on patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS) complicated with severe pulmonary hypertension (PH). Methods: The study population consisted of 85 patients with MS complicated with severe PH (systolic pulmonary pressure > 75 mm Hg). PBMV was performed with Inoue balloon technique. Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up was scheduled at 6 months and 1 year and yearly thereafter. Results: Mitral valve area (MVA) was increased (pre-PBMV MVA was 1.03 ± 0.21 cm 2 , post-PBMV MVA 1.89 ± 0.34 cm 2 , p < 0.001) significantly. The mean and the maximum transmitral pressure gradient significantly decreased (pre-PBMV mean transmitral gradient

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Related Changes in Diastolic Dysfunction During Exercise Using Conventional and Tissue Doppler Echocardiography

Cardiology Research, 2015

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between changes in diastolic f... more Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between changes in diastolic functions during exercise and the exercising capacity in diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction and to compare them with healthy individuals and diabetic patients without diastolic dysfunction. Methods: Totally 70 patients prospectively were included in the study and three groups were formed. Forty-six diabetic patients were divided into two groups: those with (group 1) and without (group 2) diastolic dysfunction. The control group (group 3) consisted of 24 patients. All patients were subjected to treadmill exercising test. Echocardiographical assessment was made before exercise and immediately after peak exercise. Results: Exercising time was dramatically decreased in group 1 compared to the other groups (group 1: 396 ± 125 second, group 2: 487 ± 66 second and group 3: 519 ± 102 second). In group 1, the diastolic mitral flow pattern at rest was transformed into pseudo-normal pattern at peak exercise from abnormal relaxation pattern (E/A ratio 0.70 ± 0.11 during rest, 1.02 ± 0.16; P < 0.0001 during peak exercise). Deceleration time (DT) and iso-volumetric relaxation time (IVRT) turned to normal values (DT 238.86 ± 39.48 millisecond during rest and 199.5 ± 23.57 millisecond during peak exercise; P = 0.001, IVRT 102.83 ± 16.22 millisecond during rest and 74.36 ± 8.67 millisecond during peak exercise; P = 0.001). In groups 2 and 3, the mitral flow pattern, DT and IVRT remained within normal limits during rest and exercise. E/Em ratio, which is one of the parameters of tissue Doppler, increased during peak exercise in the diabetic group with diastolic dysfunction (E/Em ratio 7.85 ± 3.31 during rest and 11.14 ± 3.40 after peak exercise; P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction demonstrated a reduced exercise capacity, which may be due to aggravation of pre-existing left ventricular dysfunction.

Research paper thumbnail of Koroner Kollateral Gelişimine Plazma Asimetrik Dimetilarjinin Düzeylerinin Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences, 2009

Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin (AD MA); pro te in le rin yı kı mı sı ra sın da olu şan ar ji nin... more Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin (AD MA); pro te in le rin yı kı mı sı ra sın da olu şan ar ji nin re zi dü le ri nin me ti las yo nu ve hid ro li zi ile or ta ya çı kar ve nit rik ok sit sen te taz (NOS) en zi mi ni ya rış ma lı ola rak in hi be eder. NOS en zi mi nin in hi bis yo nu so nu cu nit rik ok sit (NO) sen te zi azal mak ta dır. An ji yo ge nik fak tör le rin etki le ri ni gös ter me si için NO ge rek mek te dir. Bu çalışmada, AD MA dü zey le ri nin ko ro ner kol la te ral ge li şi mi üze ri ne et ki si nin de ğer len di ril me si amaçlanmıştır. G Ge er re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön nt te em ml le er r: : En az bir ko ro ner ar te rin de %90'dan faz la dar lık bu lu nan 56 has ta ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı açı sın dan Co hen-Ren trop sı nıf la ma sı ile de ğerlen di ril di. Az ge liş miş ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı (Co hen-Ren trop skor 0 ve 1) olan has ta lar (grup 1= 34 hasta; 7 ka dın, 27 er kek) ile iyi ge liş miş ko ro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı (Co hen-Ren trop skor 2 ve 3) olan has ta lar (grup 2= 22 has ta; 4 ka dın, 18 er kek) AD MA kon san tras yon la rı açı sın dan kar şı laş tı rıl dı. Da ha ön ce per kütan ko ro ner gi ri şim ve ya ko ro ner by pass uy gu la nan, son 30 gün için de mi yo kard in fark tü sü ge çi ren ve AD-MA de ğer le ri ni et ki le ye bi le cek özel lik le ri olan has ta lar ça lış ma ya alın ma dı. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : İki gru bun baş lan gıç özel lik le ri, an ji na sü re le ri ve AD MA dü zey le ri dı şın da ben zer di (an ji na sü re si; grup 1= 3.94 ± 1.43 ay'a karşı grup 2= 4.72 ± 1.16 ay; p= 0.03. AD MA; grup 1= 0.97 ± 0.55 umol/L'e karşı grup 2= 0.52 ± 0.25 umol/L; p= 0.001). İki gru bun de mog ra fik, bi yo kim ya sal ve an ji yog ra fik özel lik le ri tek de ğiş ken li ve çok de ğiş ken li lojis tik reg res yon ana li zi ile de ğer len di ril di ve her iki ana liz de de sa de ce AD MA dü zey le ri nin az ge liş miş koro ner kol la te ral do la şı mı gös ter di ği sap tan dı (tek de ğiş ken li ana liz; [OR (%95 güven aralığı (GA)]= 0.08 (0.01-0.45); p= 0.004, çok de ğiş ken li ana liz; OR (%95 GA)= 0.09 (0.01-0.62); p= 0.01). Ko ro ner kol la te ral skoru (Ren trop sko ru) ile AD MA dü zey le ri ara sın da an lam lı ne ga tif ko re las yon bu lun du (r=-0.37; p= 0.006). S So o n nu uç ç: : An ji yo ge ne zi in hi be et ti ği de ney sel ça lış ma lar ile gös te ri len AD MA' nın ye ter siz ko ro ner kol la te ral ge li şi mi ile iliş ki li ol du ğu sap tan dı. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Asi met rik di me ti lar ji nin, kol la te ral do la şım, ko ro ner do la şım A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : Asy mmet ric di meth ylar gi ni ne (AD MA) is a com pe ti ti ve in hi bi tor of nit ric oxi de synthe ta se (NOS) and ari ses from the meth yla ti on and hydroly sis of ar gi ni ne re si du es du ring pro te in deg rada ti on. As a re sult of NOS enz yme in hi bi ti on, nit ric oxi de (NO) synthe sis dec re a ses. An gi o ge nic fac tors requ i re NO for per for ming the ir ef fect. The aim of this study is to eva lu a te the im pact of AD MA on co ro nary col la te ral growth. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : Fifty-six pa ti ents with a gre a ter than 90% obs truc ti on in at le ast one epi car di al co ro nary ar tery we re eva lu a ted ac cor ding to the deg re e of co ro nary col la te ral with Co hen-Ren trop met hod. We com pa red the pa ti ents with po or co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on (Co hen-Ren trop grade 0-1) (gro up 1= 34 pa ti ents; 7 wo men, 27 men) and the pa ti ents with go od co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on (Co hen-Ren trop gra de 2-3) (gro up 2= 22 pa ti ents; 4 wo men, 18 men) ac cor ding to AD MA con cen tra ti on. Pati ents who pre vi o usly had un der go ne per cu ta ne o us co ro nary in ter ven ti on or co ro nary bypass sur gery, myo car di al in farc ti on wit hin the last 30 days and cli ni cal si tu a ti ons ef fec ting AD MA le vels we re exc lu ded from the study. R Re es su ul lt t: : Ba se li ne cha rac te ris tics of both gro ups we re si mi lar ex cept du ra ti on of an gi na pec to ris and AD MA le vels (Du ra ti on of an gi na pec to ris; gro up 1= 3.94 ± 1.43 vs gro up 2= 4.72 ± 1.16; p= 0,03. AD MA; gro up 1= 0.97 ± 0.55 vs gro up= 2 0.52 ± 0.25; p= 0.001). We eva lu a te both gro ups de mog rap hic, bi oc he mi cal and an gi og rap hic pa ra me ters with uni va ri a te and mul ti va ri a te lo gis tic reg res si on analy sis and sho wed only AD MA le vels pre dict po or co ro nary col la te ral cir cu la ti on in both analy sis (uni va ri a te analy sis; OR (%95 CI)= 0.08 (0.01-0.45); p= 0.004, mul ti va ri a te analy sis; OR (%95 CI)= 0.09 (0.01-0.62); p= 0.01). We sho wed sig ni fi cant ne ga ti ve cor re la ti on bet we en co ro nary col lat he ral sco re (Ren trop sco re) and AD MA le vels (r=-0.37; p= 0.006). C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : We sho wed that the re la ti ons hip bet we en po or co ro nary col la te ral growth and AD MA which in hi bits an gi o ge ne sis on ex pe ri men tal stu di es on co ro nary col la te ral growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Infective endocarditis: a tertiary referral centre experience from Turkey

International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 2015

We aimed to define the current characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) in a part of Turkey... more We aimed to define the current characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) in a part of Turkey. All patients who were hospitalized in our hospital with a diagnosis of IE between 2009 and 2014 were included in the study. Data were collected from archives records of all patients. Modified Duke criteria were used for diagnosis. There were 85 IE cases during the study period. The mean age of patients was 52 years. Fourty eight of patients were males. Native valves involved in 47%, prostetic valves involved in 40% and pacemaker or ICD lead IE in 13% of patients. Mitral valve was the most common site of vegetationb (38%). The most common valvular pathology was mitral regurgitation. The most common predisposing factor was prosthetic valve disease (40%). Positive culture rate was 68%. Staphylococci were the most frequent causative microorganisms isolated (27%) followed by Streptococcus spp. (11%). In-hospital mortality rate was 36%. In Turkey, IE occurs in relatively young patients. In h...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of high dose Cilostazol and Rosuvastatin on myocardial damage in patients with elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PREVENT trial)

European Heart Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Misleading ECG appearance of AV block due to concealed AV nodal conduction caused by interpolated ventricular ectopic beats

Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi : Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır, 2009

Concealed conduction commonly occurs when a retrogradely conducted interpolated ectopic impulse e... more Concealed conduction commonly occurs when a retrogradely conducted interpolated ectopic impulse enters the atrioventricular (AV) node; thus, the next sinus beat is not conducted to the ventricle or conducted with a prolonged PR interval because of increased refractoriness of AV conduction system. A 67-year-old man had complaints of exertional fatigue and palpitations at rest. His blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg and heart rate was 78 beats/min. Auscultation revealed a mild systolic murmur at the apex and an irregular rhythm. His electrocardiogram was normal, except for the presence of frequent premature ventricular complexes (PVC) of right bundle branch block morphology. Echocardiographic examination showed only grade-1 mitral regurgitation. Further evaluation with 24-h Holter monitoring showed frequent interpolated PVCs in bigeminal rhythm. Progressive prolongation of the PR interval was observed after each PVC, which ended with Mobitz type I AV block. The patient was treated with me...

Research paper thumbnail of PP-013 Endothelial Dissection due to the Usage of Synthetic Cannabinoid: Bonsai

The American Journal of Cardiology, 2015

evaluated the spectrum of the acute CVE to our cardiology polyclinic outpatiently. Material-Metho... more evaluated the spectrum of the acute CVE to our cardiology polyclinic outpatiently. Material-Method: We retrospectively evaluated the medical recordings of the patients who admitted with CVE and their clinical features and the management of them. We reviewed the medical archives of the patients who were examined during the one year period of 2011. Results: We observed that 21 patients with acute CVE were identified during the clinical and echocardiographic examination, and exercise stress test. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and new onset LBBB on stress test are the predominantly encountered CVEs in patients >35 years old while decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, pneumothorax mostly observed in patients <35 years old. Patients were mostly transferred initially to the ER and then the coronary care unit of a tertiary health service. Conclusion: Cardiovascular Emergencies including acute coronary syndrome or new onset left bundle branch block, symptomatic hypotension, and etc. could be presented directly to the cardiology polyclinic or develop de novo during the exercise test unit. Subsequently they should be initially intervened and managed in polyclinic by acute medication or CPR, and transfer to ER or CCU. Utility of ECG and echocardiography either alone or in combination just during the initial examination and interrogation of a symptomatic patient will be preferred rather than giving an appointment to them. Localization of cardiology outpatient services next to the ER and/or CCU will improve the effectiveness of initial management of patients who admitted with potentially lethal CVEs. Additionally cardiology polyclinics should have the capability and instrumentation to apply a medical and interventional resuscitation.

Research paper thumbnail of The REDUCED (a RandomisED stUdy Comparing standard systemic anticoagulation thErapy to low Dose intracoronary anticoagulation therapy for elective percutaneous coronary intervention) trial. A novel pharmacologic regime for elective percutaneous coronary intervention

Acta cardiologica, 2014

This study tried to determine the efficacy and safety of low-dose intracoronary unfractionated he... more This study tried to determine the efficacy and safety of low-dose intracoronary unfractionated heparin (UFH) in elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Two-hundred patients who underwent elective PCI of an uncomplicated lesion were included into the study. The patients were assigned to either a control group (70-100 IU/kg intravenous UFH) or a low-dose intracoronary UFH (1,000 IU intracoronary UFH) group. At 30 days, the primary end point (composite of death, myocardial infarction, or urgent target vessel revascularization) was similar in both groups [intracoronary UFH group, 1.0%; control group, 2.0%; odds ratio; 0.49 (95% CI: 0.04 - 5.54), P = 0.56]. Post-procedural myocardial injury (according to CK-MB, P = 0.91; according to Tn I, P = 0.81) and bleeding events (based on TIMI criteria, P = 0.33; based on STEEPLE criteria, P = 0.20) were similar in the control and intracoronary groups. The primary end point at 6 months was also similar between the two groups (P = 0.33)....

Research paper thumbnail of A Rare Cardiac Side Effect of a Herbal Medicine; QT Prolongation Due to Hypericum Perforatum: Case Report

edicinal herbs are widely used in Europe and the Middle East. Hypericum perforatum, commonly know... more edicinal herbs are widely used in Europe and the Middle East. Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John's wort, is one of the oldest, most well-known herbal treatments (Figure 1). St. John's wort products are primarily used to treat depressive disorders. 1-3 Hypericum perforatum is comprised of naphtodianthrones and phloroglucinols. 4 Previous research has investigated the antidepressant properties of St. John's wort extracts. St. John's wort has been shown to work by inhibiting the reuptake of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline from the synaptic gap into the neuron. 5 In addition, Hypericum

Research paper thumbnail of Delayed Presentation of a Giant Ascending Aortic Aneurysm following Aortic Valve Replacement

Giant ascending aortic aneurysm formation following aortic valve replacement is rare. A 28-year-o... more Giant ascending aortic aneurysm formation following aortic valve replacement is rare. A 28-year-old man who underwent aortic valve replacement with a prosthetic valve for aortic regurgitation secondary to congenital bicuspid aortic valve about 10 years ago was diagnosed with a giant ascending aortic aneurysm about 16 cm in diameter in follow-up. The aneurysm was resected leaving the functional old mechanical prosthesis in place and implanted a 34-mm Hemashield woven graft, associated with the left and right coronary artery button implantation. Histological findings of the aortic aneurysm wall showed cystic medial necrosis. The postoperative course was uneventful and postoperative examination demonstrated good surgical results.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Modalities in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: Surgical Myectomy versus Percutaneous Septal Ablation

The Heart Surgery Forum, 2007

Background: The aim of this study was to compare the results of percutaneous septal myocardial ab... more Background: The aim of this study was to compare the results of percutaneous septal myocardial ablation (PSMA) and surgical myectomy (SM) for decreasing the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient, septal thickness, ventricular dimensions, and mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients with symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Methods: We treated 40 patients (mean age, 24.4 ± 6.8 years; 34 male and 6 female patients) between June 2002 and April 2006. Twenty-four patients underwent SM, and 16 patients underwent PSMA. All patients were symptomatic despite maximal medical treatment and had an LVOT gradient higher than 65 mm Hg. Their echocardiographic data were recorded before and after the procedure and then compared. The patients were followed up postoperatively for a mean of 13 months. Results: There was no mortality in either group. One year after the procedure, the LVOT gradients for the 2 groups were not statistically different. During the follow-up, moderate MR was found in 4 patients (25%) in the ablation group and in 2 patients (8.3%) in the myectomy group. Exercise capacity and New York Heart Association class improved after PSMA, whereas postoperative MR severity and effort capacity were better in the surgical group. Conclusion: The 2 approaches yielded similar results with regard to reducing the LVOT gradient. We conclude that SM is preferable to PSMA in cases with MR.

Research paper thumbnail of TCT-747 Efficacy and safety of intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2012

All Patients (n‫)313؍‬ p DM (n‫)49؍‬ P AR (ϩ) 3 (8.6%) 0.288 2 (11.1%) 1.000 AR (Ϫ) 12 (4.4%) 8 (... more All Patients (n‫)313؍‬ p DM (n‫)49؍‬ P AR (ϩ) 3 (8.6%) 0.288 2 (11.1%) 1.000 AR (Ϫ) 12 (4.4%) 8 (11.1%)

Research paper thumbnail of The EFFect of hIgh-dose ClopIdogrel treatmENT in patients with clopidogrel resistance (The EFFICIENT Trial)

International Journal of Cardiology, 2012

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-dose clopidogrel continuation treatment ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-dose clopidogrel continuation treatment on the development of MACCE after elective PCI in patients with clopidogrel resistance. Methods: The study group consisted of 192 patients. Of these, 98 participants without resistance served as the control group (Group 1) and received 75 mg/day clopidogrel for 1 month. Ninety-four patients with resistance were randomly divided into two groups: 47 patients in the standard-dose group (Group 2) received 75 mg/day continuation therapy, whereas 47 patients in the high-dose group (Group 3) received 150 mg/day continuation therapy for 1 month. Clopidogrel resistance was evaluated with the VerifyNow P2Y12 test. Patients with a platelet inhibition value lower than 40% were classified as resistant. Results: During the 6-month follow-up for MACCE, the event-rate in Group 2 was significantly higher than both Groups 1 and 3 (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.019, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.82, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.045). Total bleeding rate in all groups were similar (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.54, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.27, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.16). The rate of NACE was similar in all groups (Group 1 vs Group 2; p = 0.08, Group 1 vs Group 3; p = 0.50, Group 2 vs Group 3; p = 0.39). Conclusion: In patients who underwent elective PCI and had clopidogrel resistance, high-dose clopidogrel continuation therapy was more efficient in preventing MACCE than the standard dose. High-dose continuation therapy did not increase the risk of bleeding complication (The EFFICIENT Trial; Clinical-Trials.gov number: NCT01032668).

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy and safety of intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis

International Journal of Cardiology, 2013

Background: ADP-specific platelet function assays were shown to predict thrombotic events, and mi... more Background: ADP-specific platelet function assays were shown to predict thrombotic events, and might be helpful to select candidates for more potent antiplatelet therapy. We aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of giving intensified antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: Electronic databases were searched to find prospective, randomized trials that reported the clinical impact of using an intensified antiplatelet protocol (repeated loading or elevated maintenance doses of clopidogrel, prasugrel or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor) on the basis of ADP-specific platelet reactivity testing (VerifyNow, Multiplate, VASP or light transmission aggregometry) compared to standard-dose clopidogrel. Evaluated efficacy measures included cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and definite/ probable stent thrombosis (ST), while major bleeding events were recorded as safety endpoint. Results: Between 2008 and 2011, 10 clinical trials comprising 4213 randomized patients were identified. Compared to standard antiplatelet therapy, the intensified protocol was associated with a significant reduction in cardiovascular mortality, ST and myocardial infarction (p b 0.01 for all). There was no difference in the rate of major bleeding events between intensified and standard groups (p = 0.44). Although the observed effects regarding mortality, ST and bleeding were not heterogeneous, meta-regression analysis revealed that the net clinical benefit of the intensified treatment significantly depended on the risk of ST with standarddose clopidogrel (p = 0.023). Conclusion: Intensifying antiplatelet therapy on the basis of platelet reactivity testing reduces cardiovascular mortality and ST after PCI; however, the net benefit of this approach depends on the risk of ST with standarddose clopidogrel.

Research paper thumbnail of The prognostic significance of a fragmented QRS complex after primary percutaneous coronary intervention

Heart and Vessels, 2011

Fragmented QRS (fQRS) may occur due to non-homogeneous activation of ischemic ventricles. We want... more Fragmented QRS (fQRS) may occur due to non-homogeneous activation of ischemic ventricles. We want to investigate the prognostic significance of a fQRS complex in a patient who had undergone primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Eighty-five patients with no history of coronary artery disease who underwent primary PCI were included in the study. Of these patients, 34 who were found to have a fQRS at the 48th hour after primary PCI were defined as group 1, and 51 who were found not to have a fQRS were defined as group 2. Both groups were monitored for adverse cardiac events. At 6.6 ± 2.3 months of follow-up, major adverse cardiac events (MACE) was found significantly higher in the fQRS group [group 1:10 (29.4%) vs. group 2:3 (5.9%); p:0.003]. In multivariate Cox regression analysis; the duration of chest pain (HR:1.02, CI:1.004-1.05; p = 0.03) and fQRS at 48th hour (HR 7.16, CI 3.17-20.11; p = 0.006) were predictors of MACE. In the group 2, event-free survival rate was found significantly higher; however, Q wave and QRS distortion were found to be insignificant with regard to demonstrating event-free survival. Compared to both Q wave and QRS distortion, fQRS showed high sensitivity and specificity in demonstrating MACE (sensitivity 0.77; specificity 0.67; AUC 0.71 (0.57-0.86); p 0.01). fQRS had 73% sensitivity and 49% specificity and Q wave had 58% sensitivity and 85% specificity for demonstrating the presence of scar on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with ROC curve analysis. The presence of a fQRS at the 48th hour is a significant predictor of MACE in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction who have undergone primary PCI. (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT01136837).

Research paper thumbnail of Left ventricular hemangioma

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 1999

Cardiac hemangiomas are rare, primary benign cardiac tumors. The authors report their experience ... more Cardiac hemangiomas are rare, primary benign cardiac tumors. The authors report their experience of diagnosis and treatment of an hemangioma localized into the left ventricle. The tumor could be successfully resected and there is no recurrence at 1 year follow-up.