Dr. EASSA A L I M O H A M M E D ALI/ د.عيسى علي محمد علي (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. EASSA A L I M O H A M M E D ALI/ د.عيسى علي محمد علي

Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Style When Translating, أخذ الأسلوب بعين الاعتبار أثناء الترجمة

Considering the Style When Translating, أخذ الأسلوب بعين الاعتبار أثناء الترجمة, 2021

Style is a manner of doing or presenting things and linguistically it is often described as an in... more Style is a manner of doing or presenting things and linguistically it is often described as an interface between texts and their perception. A translator decodes the message of the source text and then re-encodes the message in the target text and the decoding and encoding processes depend on understanding several issues including Style (of the source text and target text). This paper emphasizes the significance of accommodating the style when translating from the source language into the target language. It is important not only to translate the meaning of the original text into another language, but also to ensure that the original text has a style that helps in conveying and capturing the complete message. During translating, the translators need to be creative enough to recreate or reproduce the same source text stylistic effect through different means, be it linguistic and non-linguistic techniques in the target language, so as to make the reception of the translated version naturally close to 66 that of the original one. Style is a very important point that cannot be neglected in the journey of translating as it can make a difference in the message.

Research paper thumbnail of CORPUS-BASED MACHINE TRANSLATION


A Corpus is a collection of texts either written or spoken, and it is stored for the purpose of a... more A Corpus is a collection of texts either written or spoken, and it is stored for the purpose of analysis. A corpus can be used for multiple purposes such as language learning, machine translation, and etc. Corpus-based machine translation refers to a situation in which the software depends on a stored data 'corpus' to translate from one language into another language. The Corpus-based machine translators may be able to handle the linguistic issues, but it may be difficult to translate the cultural items and concepts. Therefore, they cannot replace human translators; rather they can only assist them. This study discusses the corpus-based machine translators compared to human translators with regards totranslating linguistic and cultural items from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Translational Performance of Al-Maqaleh in the Translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Examining the Translational Performance of Al-Maqaleh in the Translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, 2021

Translating between languages, which are genetically and typologically unrelated, is a challengin... more Translating between languages, which are genetically and typologically unrelated, is a challenging task as it is in the case of Arabic and English. We, as translators, should understand the difference between translational competence and translational performance. That is to say that there are people who can criticize translated versions and identify the errors in the translations, but they cannot exactly translate or perform translating. Moreover, they can even explain translation principles and procedures, but they fail to translate a long piece of discourse. To say how to translate is different than to do translating. Those peoplehave translational competence but not translational performance. On the other hand, some people can translate texts, but they cannot explain how to translate a text or cannot explain why certain options are appropriate but not others. Those people have translational performance but not translational competence. Therefore, this study aims at examining Al-Maqaleh’s translational performance in his Arabic translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. The study focuses on the stylistic devices that have been proposed to be the criteria to assess the translator’s translational performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The Present and Future Existence of Arabic Language حاضر ومستقبل اللغة العربية

The Present and Future Existence of Arabic Language حاضر ومستقبل اللغة العربية, 2019

لكل لغة أهمية ومكانة على الأقل لمتكلميها الأصليين. ولكن هذه الأهمية والمرتبة تتفاوت بين اللغات لع... more لكل لغة أهمية ومكانة على الأقل لمتكلميها الأصليين. ولكن هذه الأهمية والمرتبة تتفاوت بين اللغات لعدة عوامل منها سياسية وإقتصادية وثقافية وتراثية وجغرافية وغيرها من العوامل التي تؤثر بشكل كبير على جعل اللغة تحتل مرتبة عليا في قائمة اللغات العالمية والهامة. اللغة العربية كانت تحتل رأس قائمة اللغات العالمية وكان قديما من يريد أن يدرس الطب أو أي تخصص علمي، عليه أن يجتاز اختبار اللغة العربية فإن اجتاز ذلك الإمتحان سمح له بالإلتحاق والدراسة في التخصص الذي يرغب به. ...read more

Research paper thumbnail of Documentary vs. Instrumental Translation: An analysis of Nord's documentary and instrumental models

authorpress, 2022

Translation theory has undergone many different phases. This study focuses on the functionalism p... more Translation theory has undergone many different phases. This study focuses on the functionalism phase. It focuses specifically on Nord's documentary and instrument models (1988). Translation, in this phase, does not focus on the concept of equivalence but on the purpose of translating. The same source text may be translated differently, depending on the skopos of translating. The study examines the application of documentary and instrumental models based on Arabic and English texts. Some idiomatic and cultural expressions have been selected to carry out the study. It has been found out that when translating cultural expressions, documentary translation is better to be employed as we pay attention and show respect of the source language culture. Employing the instrumental translation, when translating cultural items and expressions, shows that the target culture attacks and dominates the source culture. Moreover, the meaning sometimes gets lost in instrumental translation. Therefore, documentary translation is safe as the additional explanation is provided to clarify the cultural concepts.



This study focuses on how meaning is captured when translating cultural expressions and how meani... more This study focuses on how meaning is captured when translating cultural expressions and how meaning loss is compensated. Fifty-nine expressions are selected from the chosen novel and analyzed, using the Analytical and Critical Method. Findings indicate that, in most of expressions the translators could capture the meaning, the translators overused transliteration which makes the target text look foreign, consistency of translation is absent in some expressions, the translation of some expressions does not maintain the same effect as the source text does, and some expressions left untranslated.

Research paper thumbnail of مهارة التدريس لتحقيق الاكتساب اللغوي عند الناطقين بغير العربية: تجربتي في كيرلا  Teaching Skills for Arabic Mastery: A personal experience in Kerala


تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على كيفية الوصول بالطلاب الناطقين بغير العربية إلى مرحلة اكتساب اللغة وليس... more تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على كيفية الوصول بالطلاب الناطقين بغير العربية إلى مرحلة اكتساب اللغة وليس فقط تعلم اللغة من حيث القواعد الإملائية والصرفية والنحوية ولكن لابد من التركيز على القدرة التواصلية من خلال اكسابهم المهارات الأربع (الاستماع والتحدث والقراءة والكتابة) والتي تعتبر النواة الأساسية لأي لغة. فمن خلال تجربة الباحث في تدريس اللغة العربية لطلاب كيرلا, فقد توصل الباحث إلى أن هناك استراتيجات وطرق وتقنيات ينبغي استخدامها اثناء التدريس لتحقيق الاكتساب اللغوي ولتحقيق القدرة على الفهم والإفهام عند الطلاب بطريقة سليمة. تجربة الباحث تمتد إلى حوالي ثلاث سنوات حيث استنتج الباحث أن البيئة الاصطناعية الموجودة في قاعات تدريس اللغة هي السبب الرئيسي في عدم تحقيق الملكة التواصلية عند متعلمي أي لغة جديدة ويخص بالذكر هنا اللغة العربية. فمهارات المدرس في التدريس هي أهم بكثير من اختيار المنهج المناسب أو أي عوامل تعليمية أخرى لأن المدرس هو من يمكنه استثمار تلك العوامل بطريقة فعالة ومفيدة أو استخدامها بطريقة مملة وبدون فائدة. الكلمات الرئيسية: اكتساب اللغة – تعلم اللغة – الناطقون بغير العربية- الاتقان والطلاقة التواصلية

Research paper thumbnail of اللغة العربية وتحديات تعلمها في كيرلا: دراسة وصفية وتحليلية  Arabic Language and its Learning Challenges in Kerala: A Descriptive and Analytical Study

Kalikoot, 2020

هذه الدراسة تحاول التركيز على التحديات والمشاكل التي يواجهها الناطقون بغير اللغة العربية في كيرلا... more هذه الدراسة تحاول التركيز على التحديات والمشاكل التي يواجهها الناطقون بغير اللغة العربية في كيرلا كالتحديات اللغوية والتحديات الثقافية والسياقية وغيرها. كما تحاول هذه الدراسة معرفة وتحديد مسببات هذه المشاكل والمعوقات كتأثير اللغة الأم على الطالب مثلاً, وكذلك تحاول هذه الدراسة اقتراح بعض الحلول الممكنة والمجربة والتي قد تسهم بشكل كبير في تجاوز تلك العقبات والحد منها. فهذه الدراسة نابعة من تجربة الباحث في كيرلا حيث عايش الباحث متعلمي اللغة العربية لمدة أربع سنوات واختلط بهم وتعرف على تلك المشاكل عن قرب. وهذه الدراسة نابعة أيضاً من خلال الخبرة التدريسية للناطقين بغير العربية في كيرلا لمدة حوالي ثلاثة أعوام, فهي عبارة عن دراسة وصفية وتحليلية للواقع الملحوظ أثناء تعلم اللغة العربية في كيرلا وللمعوقات التي تعيق أو تبطئ عملية اكتساب اللغة العربية السهلة والسليمة. وقد طبق الباحث بعض الحلول لمعالجة لتلك الاشكاليات والتي ساهمت بشكل فعال في تحسين المستوى اللغوي عند متعلمي اللغة العربية في كيرلا. الكلمات الرئيسية: تحديات تعلم اللغة العربية – اللغة العربية في كيرلا – تأثير اللغة الأم- الأخطاء الشائعة عند متعلمي اللغة العربية.

Research paper thumbnail of LEXICO SEMANTIC ISSUES ON TRANSLATING HOMONYMY AND POLYSEMY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BASED ON THE NOBLE QURAN20200628 77824 xt9s7a/اشكاليات معجمية دلالية في ترجمة المشترك اللفظي والمشترك الدلالي: دراسة مقارنة على القرآن الكريم


This study focuses on the rendition of Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems in three famous English tra... more This study focuses on the rendition of Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems in three famous English translations. The research aims at scrutinizing the three translations and comparing them to the source text for determining which of the selected translations is more faithful and eventually to answer this question “To what extent does each of the translations succeed in avoiding meaning loss and showing awareness in translating Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems?” The criticism relies on the three renowned Arabic exegeses; Ibn Kathir, Al-Tabari and Al-Qurtubi. Therefore, to answer the aforementioned question, fourteen examples have been selected for the study. The study started analyzing the three translations by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis Method. The findings obtained from the data analysis indicate that: First, homonymy and polysemy are one of the core problems in translation as they have multiple meanings that differ from one context into another. Second, the translators show awareness of homonymy and polysemy so that they maintain the source message in most of the cases. However, they, especially Yusuf Ali, miss the homonymic and polysemic senses, in some cases, due to the literal translation shown through their consideration of only the primary meanings. Third, the three translations vary in the accuracy degree due to the choice of English words. Fourth, mistranslating the selected items affects the total meaning of the Qur’ānic verse in some cases. Briefly, Hilali & Khan’s and Saheeh Internayional’s come first in faithfulness and then Yusuf Ali’s.

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus-based Method in Language Learning and Teaching

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2019

A corpus is a large collection of written or spoken texts that can be developed manually or elect... more A corpus is a large collection of written or spoken texts that can be developed manually or electronically and be representative of the authentic language data. The corpus has numerous applications in the field of applied linguistics such as development of dictionaries, construction of grammar books, enhancement of language learning and teaching, study of dialects, machine translation, etc. The present paper is meant to review some recent literature regarding the applications of corpus in the area of language learning and teaching, whether a first, second or foreign language. The review focuses on some empirical findings from experiments conducted on learners of various levels of language proficiency in different societies. Based on the empirical findings probed from previous studies, it was indicated that corpus-based method of learning and teaching a language is effective and learners get direct access to data, hence, enhancing their language learning in various linguistic skills and develop more autonomy.

Books by Dr. EASSA A L I M O H A M M E D ALI/ د.عيسى علي محمد علي

Research paper thumbnail of Rendering into the Meanings of the Noble Qura'an ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم

Lamber publishing lab, 2018

Noble Qur’ān is the Word of Allah and it cannot be easily translated with complete accuracy becau... more Noble Qur’ān is the Word of Allah and it cannot be easily translated with complete accuracy because of its aesthetic, linguistic and eloquent features. The linguistic uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’ān, of course, reinforces the chance of having problems in the translation of the Qur’ānic homonymy and polysemy. Hopefully, this book can contribute in clarifying the ambiguity in Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems as these homonyms and polysems may negatively affect the total meaning of the Qur’ānic verses if they are not understood or translated properly. The concept of homonymy and polysemy in Arabic, especially in the Holy Qur’ān, and in English has been broadly discussed in this book. Some Qur’ānic multi-meaning terms have been chosen to be comparatively analyzed in three famous translations with reference to three popular exegetes's interpretations so that the comparison can be valid and reliable. This book is a product of almost 6 years of experience in translation studies, so it can be helpful for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Linguistics and Translation Studies. It can also be useful for those who are interested in translating and understanding the Holy Qur’ān.

Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Style When Translating, أخذ الأسلوب بعين الاعتبار أثناء الترجمة

Considering the Style When Translating, أخذ الأسلوب بعين الاعتبار أثناء الترجمة, 2021

Style is a manner of doing or presenting things and linguistically it is often described as an in... more Style is a manner of doing or presenting things and linguistically it is often described as an interface between texts and their perception. A translator decodes the message of the source text and then re-encodes the message in the target text and the decoding and encoding processes depend on understanding several issues including Style (of the source text and target text). This paper emphasizes the significance of accommodating the style when translating from the source language into the target language. It is important not only to translate the meaning of the original text into another language, but also to ensure that the original text has a style that helps in conveying and capturing the complete message. During translating, the translators need to be creative enough to recreate or reproduce the same source text stylistic effect through different means, be it linguistic and non-linguistic techniques in the target language, so as to make the reception of the translated version naturally close to 66 that of the original one. Style is a very important point that cannot be neglected in the journey of translating as it can make a difference in the message.

Research paper thumbnail of CORPUS-BASED MACHINE TRANSLATION


A Corpus is a collection of texts either written or spoken, and it is stored for the purpose of a... more A Corpus is a collection of texts either written or spoken, and it is stored for the purpose of analysis. A corpus can be used for multiple purposes such as language learning, machine translation, and etc. Corpus-based machine translation refers to a situation in which the software depends on a stored data 'corpus' to translate from one language into another language. The Corpus-based machine translators may be able to handle the linguistic issues, but it may be difficult to translate the cultural items and concepts. Therefore, they cannot replace human translators; rather they can only assist them. This study discusses the corpus-based machine translators compared to human translators with regards totranslating linguistic and cultural items from Arabic into English and vice versa.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Translational Performance of Al-Maqaleh in the Translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Examining the Translational Performance of Al-Maqaleh in the Translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, 2021

Translating between languages, which are genetically and typologically unrelated, is a challengin... more Translating between languages, which are genetically and typologically unrelated, is a challenging task as it is in the case of Arabic and English. We, as translators, should understand the difference between translational competence and translational performance. That is to say that there are people who can criticize translated versions and identify the errors in the translations, but they cannot exactly translate or perform translating. Moreover, they can even explain translation principles and procedures, but they fail to translate a long piece of discourse. To say how to translate is different than to do translating. Those peoplehave translational competence but not translational performance. On the other hand, some people can translate texts, but they cannot explain how to translate a text or cannot explain why certain options are appropriate but not others. Those people have translational performance but not translational competence. Therefore, this study aims at examining Al-Maqaleh’s translational performance in his Arabic translation of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. The study focuses on the stylistic devices that have been proposed to be the criteria to assess the translator’s translational performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The Present and Future Existence of Arabic Language حاضر ومستقبل اللغة العربية

The Present and Future Existence of Arabic Language حاضر ومستقبل اللغة العربية, 2019

لكل لغة أهمية ومكانة على الأقل لمتكلميها الأصليين. ولكن هذه الأهمية والمرتبة تتفاوت بين اللغات لع... more لكل لغة أهمية ومكانة على الأقل لمتكلميها الأصليين. ولكن هذه الأهمية والمرتبة تتفاوت بين اللغات لعدة عوامل منها سياسية وإقتصادية وثقافية وتراثية وجغرافية وغيرها من العوامل التي تؤثر بشكل كبير على جعل اللغة تحتل مرتبة عليا في قائمة اللغات العالمية والهامة. اللغة العربية كانت تحتل رأس قائمة اللغات العالمية وكان قديما من يريد أن يدرس الطب أو أي تخصص علمي، عليه أن يجتاز اختبار اللغة العربية فإن اجتاز ذلك الإمتحان سمح له بالإلتحاق والدراسة في التخصص الذي يرغب به. ...read more

Research paper thumbnail of Documentary vs. Instrumental Translation: An analysis of Nord's documentary and instrumental models

authorpress, 2022

Translation theory has undergone many different phases. This study focuses on the functionalism p... more Translation theory has undergone many different phases. This study focuses on the functionalism phase. It focuses specifically on Nord's documentary and instrument models (1988). Translation, in this phase, does not focus on the concept of equivalence but on the purpose of translating. The same source text may be translated differently, depending on the skopos of translating. The study examines the application of documentary and instrumental models based on Arabic and English texts. Some idiomatic and cultural expressions have been selected to carry out the study. It has been found out that when translating cultural expressions, documentary translation is better to be employed as we pay attention and show respect of the source language culture. Employing the instrumental translation, when translating cultural items and expressions, shows that the target culture attacks and dominates the source culture. Moreover, the meaning sometimes gets lost in instrumental translation. Therefore, documentary translation is safe as the additional explanation is provided to clarify the cultural concepts.



This study focuses on how meaning is captured when translating cultural expressions and how meani... more This study focuses on how meaning is captured when translating cultural expressions and how meaning loss is compensated. Fifty-nine expressions are selected from the chosen novel and analyzed, using the Analytical and Critical Method. Findings indicate that, in most of expressions the translators could capture the meaning, the translators overused transliteration which makes the target text look foreign, consistency of translation is absent in some expressions, the translation of some expressions does not maintain the same effect as the source text does, and some expressions left untranslated.

Research paper thumbnail of مهارة التدريس لتحقيق الاكتساب اللغوي عند الناطقين بغير العربية: تجربتي في كيرلا  Teaching Skills for Arabic Mastery: A personal experience in Kerala


تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على كيفية الوصول بالطلاب الناطقين بغير العربية إلى مرحلة اكتساب اللغة وليس... more تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على كيفية الوصول بالطلاب الناطقين بغير العربية إلى مرحلة اكتساب اللغة وليس فقط تعلم اللغة من حيث القواعد الإملائية والصرفية والنحوية ولكن لابد من التركيز على القدرة التواصلية من خلال اكسابهم المهارات الأربع (الاستماع والتحدث والقراءة والكتابة) والتي تعتبر النواة الأساسية لأي لغة. فمن خلال تجربة الباحث في تدريس اللغة العربية لطلاب كيرلا, فقد توصل الباحث إلى أن هناك استراتيجات وطرق وتقنيات ينبغي استخدامها اثناء التدريس لتحقيق الاكتساب اللغوي ولتحقيق القدرة على الفهم والإفهام عند الطلاب بطريقة سليمة. تجربة الباحث تمتد إلى حوالي ثلاث سنوات حيث استنتج الباحث أن البيئة الاصطناعية الموجودة في قاعات تدريس اللغة هي السبب الرئيسي في عدم تحقيق الملكة التواصلية عند متعلمي أي لغة جديدة ويخص بالذكر هنا اللغة العربية. فمهارات المدرس في التدريس هي أهم بكثير من اختيار المنهج المناسب أو أي عوامل تعليمية أخرى لأن المدرس هو من يمكنه استثمار تلك العوامل بطريقة فعالة ومفيدة أو استخدامها بطريقة مملة وبدون فائدة. الكلمات الرئيسية: اكتساب اللغة – تعلم اللغة – الناطقون بغير العربية- الاتقان والطلاقة التواصلية

Research paper thumbnail of اللغة العربية وتحديات تعلمها في كيرلا: دراسة وصفية وتحليلية  Arabic Language and its Learning Challenges in Kerala: A Descriptive and Analytical Study

Kalikoot, 2020

هذه الدراسة تحاول التركيز على التحديات والمشاكل التي يواجهها الناطقون بغير اللغة العربية في كيرلا... more هذه الدراسة تحاول التركيز على التحديات والمشاكل التي يواجهها الناطقون بغير اللغة العربية في كيرلا كالتحديات اللغوية والتحديات الثقافية والسياقية وغيرها. كما تحاول هذه الدراسة معرفة وتحديد مسببات هذه المشاكل والمعوقات كتأثير اللغة الأم على الطالب مثلاً, وكذلك تحاول هذه الدراسة اقتراح بعض الحلول الممكنة والمجربة والتي قد تسهم بشكل كبير في تجاوز تلك العقبات والحد منها. فهذه الدراسة نابعة من تجربة الباحث في كيرلا حيث عايش الباحث متعلمي اللغة العربية لمدة أربع سنوات واختلط بهم وتعرف على تلك المشاكل عن قرب. وهذه الدراسة نابعة أيضاً من خلال الخبرة التدريسية للناطقين بغير العربية في كيرلا لمدة حوالي ثلاثة أعوام, فهي عبارة عن دراسة وصفية وتحليلية للواقع الملحوظ أثناء تعلم اللغة العربية في كيرلا وللمعوقات التي تعيق أو تبطئ عملية اكتساب اللغة العربية السهلة والسليمة. وقد طبق الباحث بعض الحلول لمعالجة لتلك الاشكاليات والتي ساهمت بشكل فعال في تحسين المستوى اللغوي عند متعلمي اللغة العربية في كيرلا. الكلمات الرئيسية: تحديات تعلم اللغة العربية – اللغة العربية في كيرلا – تأثير اللغة الأم- الأخطاء الشائعة عند متعلمي اللغة العربية.

Research paper thumbnail of LEXICO SEMANTIC ISSUES ON TRANSLATING HOMONYMY AND POLYSEMY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BASED ON THE NOBLE QURAN20200628 77824 xt9s7a/اشكاليات معجمية دلالية في ترجمة المشترك اللفظي والمشترك الدلالي: دراسة مقارنة على القرآن الكريم


This study focuses on the rendition of Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems in three famous English tra... more This study focuses on the rendition of Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems in three famous English translations. The research aims at scrutinizing the three translations and comparing them to the source text for determining which of the selected translations is more faithful and eventually to answer this question “To what extent does each of the translations succeed in avoiding meaning loss and showing awareness in translating Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems?” The criticism relies on the three renowned Arabic exegeses; Ibn Kathir, Al-Tabari and Al-Qurtubi. Therefore, to answer the aforementioned question, fourteen examples have been selected for the study. The study started analyzing the three translations by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis Method. The findings obtained from the data analysis indicate that: First, homonymy and polysemy are one of the core problems in translation as they have multiple meanings that differ from one context into another. Second, the translators show awareness of homonymy and polysemy so that they maintain the source message in most of the cases. However, they, especially Yusuf Ali, miss the homonymic and polysemic senses, in some cases, due to the literal translation shown through their consideration of only the primary meanings. Third, the three translations vary in the accuracy degree due to the choice of English words. Fourth, mistranslating the selected items affects the total meaning of the Qur’ānic verse in some cases. Briefly, Hilali & Khan’s and Saheeh Internayional’s come first in faithfulness and then Yusuf Ali’s.

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus-based Method in Language Learning and Teaching

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2019

A corpus is a large collection of written or spoken texts that can be developed manually or elect... more A corpus is a large collection of written or spoken texts that can be developed manually or electronically and be representative of the authentic language data. The corpus has numerous applications in the field of applied linguistics such as development of dictionaries, construction of grammar books, enhancement of language learning and teaching, study of dialects, machine translation, etc. The present paper is meant to review some recent literature regarding the applications of corpus in the area of language learning and teaching, whether a first, second or foreign language. The review focuses on some empirical findings from experiments conducted on learners of various levels of language proficiency in different societies. Based on the empirical findings probed from previous studies, it was indicated that corpus-based method of learning and teaching a language is effective and learners get direct access to data, hence, enhancing their language learning in various linguistic skills and develop more autonomy.

Research paper thumbnail of Rendering into the Meanings of the Noble Qura'an ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم

Lamber publishing lab, 2018

Noble Qur’ān is the Word of Allah and it cannot be easily translated with complete accuracy becau... more Noble Qur’ān is the Word of Allah and it cannot be easily translated with complete accuracy because of its aesthetic, linguistic and eloquent features. The linguistic uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’ān, of course, reinforces the chance of having problems in the translation of the Qur’ānic homonymy and polysemy. Hopefully, this book can contribute in clarifying the ambiguity in Qur’ānic homonyms and polysems as these homonyms and polysems may negatively affect the total meaning of the Qur’ānic verses if they are not understood or translated properly. The concept of homonymy and polysemy in Arabic, especially in the Holy Qur’ān, and in English has been broadly discussed in this book. Some Qur’ānic multi-meaning terms have been chosen to be comparatively analyzed in three famous translations with reference to three popular exegetes's interpretations so that the comparison can be valid and reliable. This book is a product of almost 6 years of experience in translation studies, so it can be helpful for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Linguistics and Translation Studies. It can also be useful for those who are interested in translating and understanding the Holy Qur’ān.