jovanka djordjevic jovanovic - (original) (raw)

Papers by jovanka djordjevic jovanovic

Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in Griechischen Periodika

Traditiones, Nov 15, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas, ed.: Greece and the Balkans. Identities, perceptions and cultural encounters since the enlightenment, Ashgate, Aldershort, 2004

Interesovanje zapadnog sveta za Balkan, shodno istorijskim i političkim prilikama, ciklično raste... more Interesovanje zapadnog sveta za Balkan, shodno istorijskim i političkim prilikama, ciklično raste i opada pokrećući i interesovanje naučnika. U novije vreme objavljene su knjige, s jedne strane, o balkanskim problemima sagledanim u kontekstu istorijskog razvoja ovog prostora (S. Pavlowitch Istorija Balkana 1804-1945; M. Glenny, Balkan 1804-1999: Nacionalizam, Rat i Velike sile; M. Mazower, The Balkans - 2000). S druge strane, to su studije koje se bave percepcijom Balkana u delima zapadnih istoričara, putopisaca ili književnih stvaralaca (M. Todorova, Imaginarni Balkan; V. Goldsforti Izmišljanje Ruritanije. Imperijalizam mašte). Kada je interesovanje Zapada počelo da opada, pojavile su se studije koje se odnose na međusobno viđenje balkanskih suseda

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas: The other self. Selfhood and society in modern Greek fiction, Lexington Books, Oxford, 2003

Dimitris Tziovas, profesor neohelenske književnosti na Univerzitetu u Birmingenu, posvetio je ovu... more Dimitris Tziovas, profesor neohelenske književnosti na Univerzitetu u Birmingenu, posvetio je ovu knjigu studijama grčke proze, "Pepeljugi" grčke književnosti. Grčki pesnici, naročito dobitnici Nobelove nagrade, privlačili su više pažnje kako čitalaca tako i istoričara književnosti. Grčka proza posebno romani, posmatrani su više kao istorijska ili biografska ostvarenja a retko u širem književnom ili društvenom kontekstu. Iako Tziovas ne pretenduje da pruži celokupni pregled razvoja grčkog romana, obilje podataka koje navodi, sagledavajući ih kroz odnos tumačenja u različitim vremenima ili školama, predstavljaju pouzdan oslonac za razumevanje osobenosti geneze novogrčke proze. Odabrani romani koje Tziovas u ovoj knjizi tumači predstavljaju, u neku ruku, prelomne tačke u razvoju grčkog biografskog romana: pikarestnog romana (Veliki paćenik), bildungs roman (Leoni i Sunce smrti), ženskog romana "otkrivanja samosvesti i buđenja" (Ludino zlato)

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in Griechischen Periodika

Traditiones, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Greece in Serbian periodicals (first half of 20th century)

Balkan Studies, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Translates Greek literature into Serbian


A review of translations of Greek novels, stories, poetry and folk poetry into Serbian. Select bi... more A review of translations of Greek novels, stories, poetry and folk poetry into Serbian. Select bibliography of studies on Greek literature with Serbs.

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Reviewing archive and literary sources on certain Greek families in Serbian lands under the rule ... more Reviewing archive and literary sources on certain Greek families in Serbian lands under the rule of Turkey or Austria-Hungary in the course of the 19th century, we move towards reconstructing the organisation of the so-called Greek municipalities, which existed in all the major settlements (Belgrade, Smederevo, Pančevo, Požarevac, Niš, Aleksinac). They were organised in accordance with the common law, as remembered from the homeland. On the one hand, those were closed communities which, even in those parts of Serbia that were under Austria-Hungary, settled their disputes outside the law of the host country. As long as circumstances allowed it, the choice of spouses was restricted to the Greek community. Within the framework of the family life of Greek patriarchal families, the Greek language, religion and customs were preserved. In public life as well, Greeks strove to preserve the markers of their identity. Within the social structure of Greek municipalities, it was the well-to-do, educated families that stood out. Those were the leading families, not numerous, families that also functioned as a link to the world outside the Greek community. They were open to commercial undertakings regardless of the national or religious affiliation of prospective business partners. Their marital connections also reached outside the narrow circle of the community, and they married into families from other confessions and nations, in accordance with their social status, their equals in terms of reputation or financial position.
Thus the Hadiya family was present in Serbia for almost three centuries, from the second half of the 17th century almost to the end of the 20th century. The founding father of this family was Constantine Hadiya the Brewer, originating from Melnik, one of the most influential members of the Greek colony in Zemun. He traded with Serbs during the course of the Serbian uprisings, but he shied from political cooperation with them, at least according to written sources. His inheritor Constantine, as a trusted collaborator of and son-in-law to the Obrenović family, was influential in the state affairs of Serbia at the highest level. Owing to his high reputation, he was well known not only in Serbia and the Austrian, later Austro-Hungarian monarchy, but throughout Europe, all the way to the far-off Russia. A number of countries awarded him with medals and the titles of ritter and cavalier as a sign of gratitude for donations or for special missions performed by him. Constantine Hadiya marked the highest point of the rise of this family.
Subsequently, the Hadiya family, which had risen from traders and craftsmen to the ranks of nobility and then merged with the middle layer of bourgeois intelligentsia, continued to leave its mark in the history of their microenvironment as a highly respected family within the framework of the intellectual and spiritual elite of the second half of the 19th century and during the course of the 20th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge about Serbian folklore in Greece

Славистичке студије нису налазиле своје место у грчкој науци, као самосталне, већ као део балкан... more Славистичке студије нису налазиле своје место у грчкој науци, као самосталне, већ као део балканологије.
Према библиографији и студијама посвећеним славистичким истраживањима у Грчкој, славистика се може дефинисати као наука која се бави историјом и историјом цркве балканских Словена (Срба и Бугара) и Руса.

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Research paper thumbnail of Από κυρίαρχοι της πόλης σε αφανή μειονότητα / Greeks in Belgrade

Greeks have settled in Belgrade and other Serbian towns in several migration waves which were cau... more Greeks have settled in Belgrade and other Serbian towns in several migration waves which were caused by various reasons.
In the second half of XIX century, there was a decline of the Greek population in the Serbian settlements. A great number of Greeks came back to the liberated homeland, while many of them were assimilated. Memory about Greeks in Serbian areas was preserved in folklore texts, literature, music and plastic arts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Лирске народне песме у часопису "Букет"( Folk Poems in periodical Mpouketo)

Међународни научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане, 32/ 2, Београд 2004, 343- 364.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonder... more Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonderen Wellen (im sieben Jahrzehnt des 19. Jh., gleich zu Beginn des 20. Jh. und im dritten und vierten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jh.). Die von Tommaseo, Koumanoudis, Martsokis oder Velianitis in führenden literarischen oder volkstümlichen Zeitschriften erschienenen Übersetzungen, hatten außer einer kulturellen auch eine politische Mission. Die Instrumentalisierung der geistigen Werte für den Bedarf der politischen Annäherung zeigt auch die Änderungen im Selbstverständnis des griechischen nationalen Wesens auf.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonder... more Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonderen Wellen (im sieben Jahrzehnt des 19. Jh., gleich zu Beginn des 20. Jh. und im dritten und vierten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jh.). Die von Tommaseo, Koumanoudis, Martsokis oder Velianitis in führenden literarischen oder volkstümlichen Zeitschriften erschienenen Übersetzungen, hatten außer einer kulturellen auch eine politische Mission. Die Instrumentalisierung der geistigen Werte für den Bedarf der politischen Annäherung zeigt auch die Änderungen im Selbstverständnis des griechischen nationalen Wesens auf.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbian folk lyrical poems in'Αττική Ίρις

Balcanica, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of U Serviji kći Kraljevića Marka

Prilozi za književnost i jezik, istoriju i …, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Смех и подсмех: Сремчеви Грци

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Research paper thumbnail of Ο ιατροφιλόσοφος Παναγιώτης Παπακωστόπουλος απόδημος στη Σερβία από το Βελβενδό Δυτικής Μακεδονίας

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Research paper thumbnail of Duhovne veze Grka i Grčke sa balkanskim narodima, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Komotini, 1999

Balcanica, Jan 1, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas, ed.: Greece and the Balkans. Identities, perceptions and cultural encounters since the enlightenment, Ashgate, Aldershort, 2004

Balcanica, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in Griechischen Periodika

Traditiones, Nov 15, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas, ed.: Greece and the Balkans. Identities, perceptions and cultural encounters since the enlightenment, Ashgate, Aldershort, 2004

Interesovanje zapadnog sveta za Balkan, shodno istorijskim i političkim prilikama, ciklično raste... more Interesovanje zapadnog sveta za Balkan, shodno istorijskim i političkim prilikama, ciklično raste i opada pokrećući i interesovanje naučnika. U novije vreme objavljene su knjige, s jedne strane, o balkanskim problemima sagledanim u kontekstu istorijskog razvoja ovog prostora (S. Pavlowitch Istorija Balkana 1804-1945; M. Glenny, Balkan 1804-1999: Nacionalizam, Rat i Velike sile; M. Mazower, The Balkans - 2000). S druge strane, to su studije koje se bave percepcijom Balkana u delima zapadnih istoričara, putopisaca ili književnih stvaralaca (M. Todorova, Imaginarni Balkan; V. Goldsforti Izmišljanje Ruritanije. Imperijalizam mašte). Kada je interesovanje Zapada počelo da opada, pojavile su se studije koje se odnose na međusobno viđenje balkanskih suseda

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas: The other self. Selfhood and society in modern Greek fiction, Lexington Books, Oxford, 2003

Dimitris Tziovas, profesor neohelenske književnosti na Univerzitetu u Birmingenu, posvetio je ovu... more Dimitris Tziovas, profesor neohelenske književnosti na Univerzitetu u Birmingenu, posvetio je ovu knjigu studijama grčke proze, "Pepeljugi" grčke književnosti. Grčki pesnici, naročito dobitnici Nobelove nagrade, privlačili su više pažnje kako čitalaca tako i istoričara književnosti. Grčka proza posebno romani, posmatrani su više kao istorijska ili biografska ostvarenja a retko u širem književnom ili društvenom kontekstu. Iako Tziovas ne pretenduje da pruži celokupni pregled razvoja grčkog romana, obilje podataka koje navodi, sagledavajući ih kroz odnos tumačenja u različitim vremenima ili školama, predstavljaju pouzdan oslonac za razumevanje osobenosti geneze novogrčke proze. Odabrani romani koje Tziovas u ovoj knjizi tumači predstavljaju, u neku ruku, prelomne tačke u razvoju grčkog biografskog romana: pikarestnog romana (Veliki paćenik), bildungs roman (Leoni i Sunce smrti), ženskog romana "otkrivanja samosvesti i buđenja" (Ludino zlato)

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in Griechischen Periodika

Traditiones, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Greece in Serbian periodicals (first half of 20th century)

Balkan Studies, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Translates Greek literature into Serbian


A review of translations of Greek novels, stories, poetry and folk poetry into Serbian. Select bi... more A review of translations of Greek novels, stories, poetry and folk poetry into Serbian. Select bibliography of studies on Greek literature with Serbs.

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Reviewing archive and literary sources on certain Greek families in Serbian lands under the rule ... more Reviewing archive and literary sources on certain Greek families in Serbian lands under the rule of Turkey or Austria-Hungary in the course of the 19th century, we move towards reconstructing the organisation of the so-called Greek municipalities, which existed in all the major settlements (Belgrade, Smederevo, Pančevo, Požarevac, Niš, Aleksinac). They were organised in accordance with the common law, as remembered from the homeland. On the one hand, those were closed communities which, even in those parts of Serbia that were under Austria-Hungary, settled their disputes outside the law of the host country. As long as circumstances allowed it, the choice of spouses was restricted to the Greek community. Within the framework of the family life of Greek patriarchal families, the Greek language, religion and customs were preserved. In public life as well, Greeks strove to preserve the markers of their identity. Within the social structure of Greek municipalities, it was the well-to-do, educated families that stood out. Those were the leading families, not numerous, families that also functioned as a link to the world outside the Greek community. They were open to commercial undertakings regardless of the national or religious affiliation of prospective business partners. Their marital connections also reached outside the narrow circle of the community, and they married into families from other confessions and nations, in accordance with their social status, their equals in terms of reputation or financial position.
Thus the Hadiya family was present in Serbia for almost three centuries, from the second half of the 17th century almost to the end of the 20th century. The founding father of this family was Constantine Hadiya the Brewer, originating from Melnik, one of the most influential members of the Greek colony in Zemun. He traded with Serbs during the course of the Serbian uprisings, but he shied from political cooperation with them, at least according to written sources. His inheritor Constantine, as a trusted collaborator of and son-in-law to the Obrenović family, was influential in the state affairs of Serbia at the highest level. Owing to his high reputation, he was well known not only in Serbia and the Austrian, later Austro-Hungarian monarchy, but throughout Europe, all the way to the far-off Russia. A number of countries awarded him with medals and the titles of ritter and cavalier as a sign of gratitude for donations or for special missions performed by him. Constantine Hadiya marked the highest point of the rise of this family.
Subsequently, the Hadiya family, which had risen from traders and craftsmen to the ranks of nobility and then merged with the middle layer of bourgeois intelligentsia, continued to leave its mark in the history of their microenvironment as a highly respected family within the framework of the intellectual and spiritual elite of the second half of the 19th century and during the course of the 20th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge about Serbian folklore in Greece

Славистичке студије нису налазиле своје место у грчкој науци, као самосталне, већ као део балкан... more Славистичке студије нису налазиле своје место у грчкој науци, као самосталне, већ као део балканологије.
Према библиографији и студијама посвећеним славистичким истраживањима у Грчкој, славистика се може дефинисати као наука која се бави историјом и историјом цркве балканских Словена (Срба и Бугара) и Руса.

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Research paper thumbnail of Από κυρίαρχοι της πόλης σε αφανή μειονότητα / Greeks in Belgrade

Greeks have settled in Belgrade and other Serbian towns in several migration waves which were cau... more Greeks have settled in Belgrade and other Serbian towns in several migration waves which were caused by various reasons.
In the second half of XIX century, there was a decline of the Greek population in the Serbian settlements. A great number of Greeks came back to the liberated homeland, while many of them were assimilated. Memory about Greeks in Serbian areas was preserved in folklore texts, literature, music and plastic arts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Лирске народне песме у часопису "Букет"( Folk Poems in periodical Mpouketo)

Међународни научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане, 32/ 2, Београд 2004, 343- 364.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonder... more Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonderen Wellen (im sieben Jahrzehnt des 19. Jh., gleich zu Beginn des 20. Jh. und im dritten und vierten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jh.). Die von Tommaseo, Koumanoudis, Martsokis oder Velianitis in führenden literarischen oder volkstümlichen Zeitschriften erschienenen Übersetzungen, hatten außer einer kulturellen auch eine politische Mission. Die Instrumentalisierung der geistigen Werte für den Bedarf der politischen Annäherung zeigt auch die Änderungen im Selbstverständnis des griechischen nationalen Wesens auf.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonder... more Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonderen Wellen (im sieben Jahrzehnt des 19. Jh., gleich zu Beginn des 20. Jh. und im dritten und vierten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jh.). Die von Tommaseo, Koumanoudis, Martsokis oder Velianitis in führenden literarischen oder volkstümlichen Zeitschriften erschienenen Übersetzungen, hatten außer einer kulturellen auch eine politische Mission. Die Instrumentalisierung der geistigen Werte für den Bedarf der politischen Annäherung zeigt auch die Änderungen im Selbstverständnis des griechischen nationalen Wesens auf.

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbische Volkslyrik in griechischen Periodika

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Research paper thumbnail of Serbian folk lyrical poems in'Αττική Ίρις

Balcanica, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of U Serviji kći Kraljevića Marka

Prilozi za književnost i jezik, istoriju i …, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Смех и подсмех: Сремчеви Грци

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Research paper thumbnail of Ο ιατροφιλόσοφος Παναγιώτης Παπακωστόπουλος απόδημος στη Σερβία από το Βελβενδό Δυτικής Μακεδονίας

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Research paper thumbnail of Duhovne veze Grka i Grčke sa balkanskim narodima, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Komotini, 1999

Balcanica, Jan 1, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimitris Tsiovas, ed.: Greece and the Balkans. Identities, perceptions and cultural encounters since the enlightenment, Ashgate, Aldershort, 2004

Balcanica, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of CV Jovanka Djordjevic Jovanovic

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Research paper thumbnail of Srpske lirske pesme u grčkoj periodici (1864 – 1939)

Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonder... more Das Interesse der Griechen für das serbische lyrische Volksschaffen äußerte sich in drei besonderen Wellen (im sieben Jahrzehnt des 19. Jh., gleich zu Beginn des 20. Jh. und im dritten und vierten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jh.). Die von Tommaseo, Koumanoudis, Martsokis oder Velianitis in führenden literarischen oder volkstümlichen Zeitschriften erschienenen Übersetzungen, hatten außer einer kulturellen auch eine politische Mission. Die Instrumentalisierung der geistigen Werte für den Bedarf der politischen Annäherung zeigt auch die Änderungen im Selbstverständnis des griechischen nationalen Wesens auf.

The complexity of cultural relations between Serbia and Greece was deepened through centuries by unfavorable historical and political circumstances, and one of the restraining factors was the lack of knowledge of the language. Therefore, it is only understandable that folk poems of the two nations, although with many a common motif, and with similar poetic expression, were first translated and presented in Western Europe, and then, several decades later, and in small numbers, in both countries.
The model of utilizing folklore, history and literature in building awareness of the spiritual unity, of belonging to the nation and its ‘grand idea’ both with the Serbs and the Greeks, starting from the first half of 19th century turned out to be applicable at the international level. Turning towards Serbia and seeking for the common issues in the poetry as the best reflection of “Serbian soul” indicates the change in the Greek idea of their neighbors as the “second-rate nation”, “heroes and barbarians”. The onset of overcoming the self-perception of the Greek being as superior in the Balkans, initiated in 1864/65, intensified in 1904/1906, reached the turning point in the 1922s. The persecution of Greeks during the so called Asia Minor Catastrophe and the disintegration of the Great Idea were a powerful reminder of the collapse of the Serbian empire at Kosovo and provided the opportunity for them to identify with the Orthodox “Sister Serbia”.

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