Mohammad Syawaludin - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mohammad Syawaludin

Research paper thumbnail of Pernikahan Bugis-Melayu Dan Cikal Bakal Gelar Baru Kebangsawanan DI Kerajaan Johor Riau

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Ulama dan Cendekiawan

Research paper thumbnail of The Socio-Cultural Roots of Religious Moderation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Palembang and Lampung, Southern Sumatra


This article examines the behavior of religious moderation in Indonesia, concerning local wisdom,... more This article examines the behavior of religious moderation in Indonesia, concerning local wisdom, social, cultural, and spiritual traditions. A phenomenological approach utilizing Parsons' structural functionalism theory identifies two generic concepts of structural functionalism: the system, function, and culture. These concepts facilitate interactions between actors and personalities, as well as unifying social systems. Culture can and does act as a component of other systemother systemss. The central argument in this article is that the concept of religious moderation, as observed in Palembang and other regions of southern Sumatra, including Lampung, Indonesia, is not a novel phenomenon in religious studies. It can be traced back to Robert Bellah's work on civil religion. Bellah's conceptualization makes it clear that several factors contribute to the formation of religious moderation. These include traditions based on local wisdom, religious symbols, and state commitments.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia Barat Daya Pada Abad IX

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia B... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia Barat Daya Pada Abad IX. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan juga penelitian heuristik. Fatimiyah adalah Dinasti Syi'ah Isma'iliyah. Dinasti Fatimiyah didirikan oleh Ubaidillah al-Mahdi. Ubaidillah al-Mahdi merupakan orang dari bangsa Syiria ke Afrika Utara. Konsep yang digunakan adalah Syi'ah radikal Isma'iliyah dengan doktrindoktrinnya yang berdimensi politik, agama, filsafat, dan sosial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Peranan dari Dinasti Fatimiyah dalam menyebarkan agama Islam terjadi di wilayah Mesir, AfrikaaUtara, SisiliaaPesisir LautaMerah Afrika, aPalestina, Suriah, Yamanadan Hijaz yang menyebarkan aliran Syi'ah. Kemajuan terbesar yang dihasilkan oleh Dinasti Fatimiyah yaitu dalam sistem pemerintahan, bidang ekonomi dan keilmuan. Tujuan utama dari Dinasti Fatimiyah adalahamendirikan sebuahaibu KotaaBaru yaituaKairo, membina danamendirikan suatuaUniversitas Islam yangabesar yaituaAl-Azhar sertaamenyebarluaskan IdeologiaDinasti Fatimiyahayaitu, Syi'ah keaPalestina, SyiriaadanaHijaz.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Islamic Values in Political Interests and Moderate Awareness in Indonesia After the Fall of New Order 1998

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Apr 20, 2021

After 1998, reformation era in Indonesia, the phenomenon of rise Muslim middle class towards stru... more After 1998, reformation era in Indonesia, the phenomenon of rise Muslim middle class towards structural formation was divided into two parts, namely the cultural activities of modern Muslims and practical activities. The first side forms the Muslim order to progress in aspects of tolerance, education, economy and global civilization, while the second side, strengthens the concern and participation of Muslims in political change, democracy and political parties.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Political Roots of Leadership Power In Ulu Malay Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe

Khazanah Sosial, Mar 15, 2023

Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. E... more Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. Emerging influences can be specific values, norms, beliefs, leadership, and knowledge. In the face of social change, even traditional identities are characterized as moral rituals. One is Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe, his four in the leadership tradition of Jagat Besemah. This practice is an ethical standard maintained and passed down in the Basemah community. Phenomenological and qualitative methods were used to interpretively analyze behavioral properties, values, norms, and knowledge data. Using theories of formative and constructive and cultural transformation, the forces and influences of civilization can be divided into three fundamental parts: social, cultural, and behavioral systems. The three methods are interrelated to form a dynamic space based on reference and action. The study found that Lampik empat merdike duwe leadership was socioculturally unable to function in the local leadership power space and only became a moral standard for the Besemah community. The Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe concept of power is more similar to the attribution and attainment status models. Attribution status is the social status given to a person by birth or genetic affiliation. A person cannot choose or achieve this status but is "given" by circumstances.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Dalam Perkawinan Masyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam

Tanjak, Jun 30, 2021

Penelitian ini berjudul Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Pada Mssyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam, dari po... more Penelitian ini berjudul Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Pada Mssyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam, dari pokok penelitian ini adalah 1.Bagaimana prosesi pelaksanaan tradisi Pantauan Bunting dalam perkawinan masyarakat desa Sukarami.2.Bagaimana perkembangan pelaksanaan tradisi Pantauan Bunting dalam perkawinan pada masa sekarang. Tujuan Penelitian Ini adalah .Untuk mengetahui prosesi pelaksanaan tradisipantauan bunting dalam perkawinan pada masyarakat desa Sukarami .Untuk mengetahui perubahan dan perkembangan tradisi pantauan bunting dalam perkawinan masyarakat desa Sukarami. Dari Hasil Penelitian Yang di Lakukan, maka peneliti menemukan beberapa hal baru bahwa Tradisi Pantauan Bunting merupakan suatu tradisi yang masih dilaksanakan masyarakat Pasemah, khususnya masyarakat desa Sukarami dalam rangkaian kegiatan upacara perkawinan yang berbentuk undangan atau ajakan makan dari masyarakat setempat terhadap pasangan penganten yang baru menikah. Tradisi Pantauan Bunting ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untung Muji Jurai atau menghormati keturunan, sebagai rasa syukur dan hormat terhadap keturunan mereka karena sudah ada yang menikah, atau bias juga dikatakan sebagai hadiah dari masyarakat terhadap penganten.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Behavior Of Muslim Voters In Giving Vote Of Political Support

Jurnal Syntax Transformation, Aug 19, 2022

This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by respo... more This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by responding to political realities that are not directly related to religious issues and the creation of voter polarization and voter subjectivity. Political relations between religion and other political instruments are considered something that does not show their identity. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological study and a political sociology approach. Followed by content and interpretive analysis, the results of this study found that Muslim citizens have three attitudes, namely; first; positive toward legislative candidates. This means that Muslims know, believe, agree with themselves as voters and vote based on the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. Both neutral attitudes know themselves as voters who care enough about the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. The third negative attitude is when the Muslim community does not know, does not believe, does not agree, and is apathetic.

Research paper thumbnail of Tri Wulan Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama Recitation's Cultural Values in East Oku Regency

JUSPI (Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

This article The NU Muslimat Quarterly Recitation in East OKU Regency is a routine activity that ... more This article The NU Muslimat Quarterly Recitation in East OKU Regency is a routine activity that is carried out every three months by NU Muslimat administrators from the branch level to the sub-branch level in the region. This activity was held with the aim of strengthening ties of friendship between NU Muslimat administrators, branch children, and village communities with various tribes in East OKU. First held in 2004, this quarterly recitation was held after going through several stages of deliberation to determine the place, time of activity, speakers, implementing committee, and funding. Apart from being an event to strengthen friendship ties, this quarterly recitation activity can also become a science major that is beneficial to students and pilgrims. In this study, participants can add religious knowledge, be more obedient to Allah, and gain religious insight. Quarterly recitation is also able to create positive socio-cultural values. The use of Muslim batik uniforms by all N...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Behavior Of Muslim Voters In Giving Vote Of Political Support

Jurnal Syntax Transformation

This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by respo... more This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by responding to political realities that are not directly related to religious issues and the creation of voter polarization and voter subjectivity. Political relations between religion and other political instruments are considered something that does not show their identity. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological study and a political sociology approach. Followed by content and interpretive analysis, the results of this study found that Muslim citizens have three attitudes, namely; first; positive toward legislative candidates. This means that Muslims know, believe, agree with themselves as voters and vote based on the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. Both neutral attitudes know themselves as voters who care enough about the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. The third negative attitude is when the Muslim community does ...

Research paper thumbnail of Alasan Talcott Parsons Tentang Pentingnya

Abstrak This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: a Study about the Parsonian Co... more Abstrak This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: a Study about the Parsonian Concept of system and culture harmony. This research focuses on the inclusive culture of the education boarding and the relation of the Islamic institutions example Pesantren or the sub concept like khalaqah, taddabur, taddarus, al-kulliyah. Through the analysis of period, this research can describe the progress from the first process of the structure development and the expansion of the inclusive culture education in Islamic education traditions for Indonesia case. Like khalaqah is action by youth movement Islamic can change from exclusive oriented to inclusive committed. The method of this study uses qualitative approach of case studies. This approach intends to rationalism, social reality, politic, and culture. Besides, the choosing of single case study method is research strategy that helps the researcher to investigate a program, phenomenon, activity, process, and individual group acc...

Research paper thumbnail of Alasan Talcott Parsons Tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan Kultur

This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: aStudy about the Parsonian Concept of ... more This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: aStudy about the Parsonian Concept of system and cultureharmony. This research focuses on the inclusive culture ofthe education boarding and the relation of the Islamicinstitutions example Pesantren or the sub concept likekhalaqah, taddabur, taddarus, al-kulliyah. Through the analysisof period, this research can describe the progress from thefirst process of the structure development and theexpansion of the inclusive culture education in Islamiceducation traditions for Indonesia case. Like khalaqah isaction by youth movement Islamic can change fromexclusive oriented to inclusive committed. The method ofthis study uses qualitative approach of case studies. Thisapproach intends to rationalism, social reality, politic, andculture. Besides, the choosing of single case study methodis research strategy that helps the researcher to investigate aprogram, phenomenon, activity, process, and individualgroup accurately.

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Politik Calon Legislatif DPRD Danu Mirwando dari Partai Nasdem di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang)

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, 2020

Judul penelitian ini “STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Po... more Judul penelitian ini “STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Politik Calon Legislatif DPRD Danu Mirwando dari Partai Nasdem di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang) “ komunikasi dalam politik akan selalu dilibatkan sebagai salah satu strategi untuk meraih suatu tujuan yang telah direncakan secara sistematis seperti menduduki jabatan sebagai wakil rakyat baik menerapkan komunikasi secara dua arah maupun secara virtual. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh kandidat yang akan mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota DPRD untuk ke periode selanjutnya Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan tahap-tahapan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sementara itu yang menjadi sumber dalam penelitian ini, yakini sumber data primer. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Danu Mirwando menerapkan sta...

Research paper thumbnail of Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang dalam Pileg Tahun 2019

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, 2020

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim di Kecamatan Ilir T... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Kota Palembang Tahun 2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling sebanyak 100 masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan alat ukur skala likert. Keseluruhan perhitungan statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer program SPSS versi 20.00 for windows. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa komponen sikap politik terdiri dari komponen kognitif, afektif, evaluatif, Komponen kognitif ialah yang menyangkut pengetahuan masyarakat muslim tentang politik dan kepercayaan pada politik, peranan nya. komponen afektif masyarakat muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II adalah dengan melihat perasaan masyarakat muslim terhadap dirinya sebagai pemilih, sikap ter...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Harmony in The Bedusun Sedakah Tradition at Belitang District Martapura Regebcy Indonesia

The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passe... more The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passed down from generation to generation. All existing customs and practices have their own unique features and turn them into a feature of society. The diversity of customs is also an attraction, not only must be preserved, but existing are traditions also important to be introduced to a wider audience. A tradition that exists and is practiced in the culture of the South Sumatra region is sedakah bedusun. A tradition to express gratitude and purify the village from various trials and difficulties of life. This study aims to understand and interpret the social and religious values contained in the tradition. This This study uses a sociocultural approach with phenomenological qualitative research while data collection techniques are through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis is used simultaneously through interpretation and contents. The results of this study indicate that traditions based on local wisdom have undergone a process of acculturation and acculturation. The meaning of this tradition is to invite the community at large to maintain harmony and make it a social bridge for many people. This is reflected in each traditional procession and its social significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Traditional Culture “Temu Manten”: Part of Javanese Acculturation Society in Sumatera

JUSPI (Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

This reseach aims to describe the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture wich name is ... more This reseach aims to describe the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture wich name is “Temu Manten. This is the cultural root of the Javanese people that has occurred in all parts of Sumatra, especially South Sumatra. Researcher used qualitative research, it is descriptive type by Schutz's phenomenological theory research approach. The researcher describes a symptom, fact, event and problem. The researcher used two primary data sources (observations and interviews) and secondary (the results of research, books and other sources as other data sources). The researcher took purposive sampling to determine the informants. Analytical descriptive is used by researcher to describe their findings. As the results of this study found that the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture which called as “Temu Manten” does not only occur in South Sumatra, but has occurred in various regions on the island of Sumatra. The factors that influenced the acculturation of this cultu...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Political Roots of Leadership Power In Ulu Malay Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe

Khazanah Sosial

Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. E... more Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. Emerging influences can be specific values, norms, beliefs, leadership, and knowledge. In the face of social change, even traditional identities are characterized as moral rituals. One is Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe, his four in the leadership tradition of Jagat Besemah. This practice is an ethical standard maintained and passed down in the Basemah community. Phenomenological and qualitative methods were used to interpretively analyze behavioral properties, values, norms, and knowledge data. Using theories of formative and constructive and cultural transformation, the forces and influences of civilization can be divided into three fundamental parts: social, cultural, and behavioral systems. The three methods are interrelated to form a dynamic space based on reference and action. The study found that Lampik empat merdike duwe leadership was socioculturally unable to function in the local lea...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Harmony in The Bedusun Sedakah Tradition at Belitang District Martapura Regebcy Indonesia

Asian Journal of Arts and Culture

The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passe... more The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passed down from generation to generation. All existing customs and practices have their own unique features and turn them into a feature of society. The diversity of customs is also an attraction, not only must be preserved, but existing are traditions also important to be introduced to a wider audience. A tradition that exists and is practiced in the culture of the South Sumatra region is sedakah bedusun . A tradition to express gratitude and purify the village from various trials and difficulties of life. This study aims to understand and interpret the social and religious values ​​contained in the tradition. This study uses a sociocultural approach and phenomenological type research while data collection techniques are increasingly advanced, namely observation, in-depth interviews in addition to documentation. Data analysis is used simultaneously through interpretation and contents. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Politik Kebudayaan Zuriat Kiyai Marogan Dalam Mempertahankan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Di Pulau Kemaro

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization

Kajian ini membahas tentang kebijakan budaya keturunan Kiyai Marogan dalam menjaga nilai-nilai bu... more Kajian ini membahas tentang kebijakan budaya keturunan Kiyai Marogan dalam menjaga nilai-nilai budaya Pulau Kemaro sebagai bentuk pencegahan kepada pemerintah kota palembang yang ingin membangun kawasan tersebut. Tulisan ini juga menguraikan terkait politik pembangunan oleh pemerintah kota palembang yang akan dilakukan di pulau kemaro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1. Untuk mengetahui bentuk politik keturunan Kiyai Marogan yang mempertahankan nilai-nilai budaya yang ada di Pulau Kemaro. 2. Mengkaji upaya Zuriat Kiyai Marogan dalam memelihara dan melestarikan budaya lokal Pulau Kemaro. Hasil .penelitian. ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan zuriat kiyai marogan Dalam menjaga nilai budaya atau melestarikan kembali nilia-nilai kebudayaan di pulau kemaro supaya tidak terjadinya marjinalisasi pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kota palembang yang hanya memutuskan kebijakan sepihak tanpa adanya koordinasi dengan masyarakat setempat dan pemilik tanah, maka orientasi sikap politik da...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Kelas Sosial Masyarakat Di Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam Pada Masa Transisi

Stratification and social class are two different things but are very often used interchangeably.... more Stratification and social class are two different things but are very often used interchangeably. Class has a narrower meaning than social stratification. if class is more specific then stratification has a broader meaning because it refers more to the division of a group of people or society at their respective levels. And this belongs to the layers that exist in society. Something similar like this of course also happened to the people of the Sultanate of Palembang Darusslam. Moreover, Palembang has a strategic location which makes its port so that it can be said to be in the international arena which makes traders from outside also come. So it does not rule out if the European nation is interested in both agricultural products and areas from Palembang. This research tries to be able to better explain the social conditions that existed in society during the Palembang Darussalam sultanate during the transition period to be precise. So the researchers hope that this can be a way of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pernikahan Bugis-Melayu Dan Cikal Bakal Gelar Baru Kebangsawanan DI Kerajaan Johor Riau

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Ulama dan Cendekiawan

Research paper thumbnail of The Socio-Cultural Roots of Religious Moderation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Palembang and Lampung, Southern Sumatra


This article examines the behavior of religious moderation in Indonesia, concerning local wisdom,... more This article examines the behavior of religious moderation in Indonesia, concerning local wisdom, social, cultural, and spiritual traditions. A phenomenological approach utilizing Parsons' structural functionalism theory identifies two generic concepts of structural functionalism: the system, function, and culture. These concepts facilitate interactions between actors and personalities, as well as unifying social systems. Culture can and does act as a component of other systemother systemss. The central argument in this article is that the concept of religious moderation, as observed in Palembang and other regions of southern Sumatra, including Lampung, Indonesia, is not a novel phenomenon in religious studies. It can be traced back to Robert Bellah's work on civil religion. Bellah's conceptualization makes it clear that several factors contribute to the formation of religious moderation. These include traditions based on local wisdom, religious symbols, and state commitments.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia Barat Daya Pada Abad IX

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia B... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Peranan Dinasti Fatimiyah Dalam Penyebaran Agama Islam di Asia Barat Daya Pada Abad IX. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan juga penelitian heuristik. Fatimiyah adalah Dinasti Syi'ah Isma'iliyah. Dinasti Fatimiyah didirikan oleh Ubaidillah al-Mahdi. Ubaidillah al-Mahdi merupakan orang dari bangsa Syiria ke Afrika Utara. Konsep yang digunakan adalah Syi'ah radikal Isma'iliyah dengan doktrindoktrinnya yang berdimensi politik, agama, filsafat, dan sosial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Peranan dari Dinasti Fatimiyah dalam menyebarkan agama Islam terjadi di wilayah Mesir, AfrikaaUtara, SisiliaaPesisir LautaMerah Afrika, aPalestina, Suriah, Yamanadan Hijaz yang menyebarkan aliran Syi'ah. Kemajuan terbesar yang dihasilkan oleh Dinasti Fatimiyah yaitu dalam sistem pemerintahan, bidang ekonomi dan keilmuan. Tujuan utama dari Dinasti Fatimiyah adalahamendirikan sebuahaibu KotaaBaru yaituaKairo, membina danamendirikan suatuaUniversitas Islam yangabesar yaituaAl-Azhar sertaamenyebarluaskan IdeologiaDinasti Fatimiyahayaitu, Syi'ah keaPalestina, SyiriaadanaHijaz.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Islamic Values in Political Interests and Moderate Awareness in Indonesia After the Fall of New Order 1998

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Apr 20, 2021

After 1998, reformation era in Indonesia, the phenomenon of rise Muslim middle class towards stru... more After 1998, reformation era in Indonesia, the phenomenon of rise Muslim middle class towards structural formation was divided into two parts, namely the cultural activities of modern Muslims and practical activities. The first side forms the Muslim order to progress in aspects of tolerance, education, economy and global civilization, while the second side, strengthens the concern and participation of Muslims in political change, democracy and political parties.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Political Roots of Leadership Power In Ulu Malay Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe

Khazanah Sosial, Mar 15, 2023

Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. E... more Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. Emerging influences can be specific values, norms, beliefs, leadership, and knowledge. In the face of social change, even traditional identities are characterized as moral rituals. One is Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe, his four in the leadership tradition of Jagat Besemah. This practice is an ethical standard maintained and passed down in the Basemah community. Phenomenological and qualitative methods were used to interpretively analyze behavioral properties, values, norms, and knowledge data. Using theories of formative and constructive and cultural transformation, the forces and influences of civilization can be divided into three fundamental parts: social, cultural, and behavioral systems. The three methods are interrelated to form a dynamic space based on reference and action. The study found that Lampik empat merdike duwe leadership was socioculturally unable to function in the local leadership power space and only became a moral standard for the Besemah community. The Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe concept of power is more similar to the attribution and attainment status models. Attribution status is the social status given to a person by birth or genetic affiliation. A person cannot choose or achieve this status but is "given" by circumstances.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Dalam Perkawinan Masyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam

Tanjak, Jun 30, 2021

Penelitian ini berjudul Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Pada Mssyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam, dari po... more Penelitian ini berjudul Tradisi Pantauan Bunting Pada Mssyarakat Desa Sukarami Pagaralam, dari pokok penelitian ini adalah 1.Bagaimana prosesi pelaksanaan tradisi Pantauan Bunting dalam perkawinan masyarakat desa Sukarami.2.Bagaimana perkembangan pelaksanaan tradisi Pantauan Bunting dalam perkawinan pada masa sekarang. Tujuan Penelitian Ini adalah .Untuk mengetahui prosesi pelaksanaan tradisipantauan bunting dalam perkawinan pada masyarakat desa Sukarami .Untuk mengetahui perubahan dan perkembangan tradisi pantauan bunting dalam perkawinan masyarakat desa Sukarami. Dari Hasil Penelitian Yang di Lakukan, maka peneliti menemukan beberapa hal baru bahwa Tradisi Pantauan Bunting merupakan suatu tradisi yang masih dilaksanakan masyarakat Pasemah, khususnya masyarakat desa Sukarami dalam rangkaian kegiatan upacara perkawinan yang berbentuk undangan atau ajakan makan dari masyarakat setempat terhadap pasangan penganten yang baru menikah. Tradisi Pantauan Bunting ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untung Muji Jurai atau menghormati keturunan, sebagai rasa syukur dan hormat terhadap keturunan mereka karena sudah ada yang menikah, atau bias juga dikatakan sebagai hadiah dari masyarakat terhadap penganten.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Behavior Of Muslim Voters In Giving Vote Of Political Support

Jurnal Syntax Transformation, Aug 19, 2022

This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by respo... more This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by responding to political realities that are not directly related to religious issues and the creation of voter polarization and voter subjectivity. Political relations between religion and other political instruments are considered something that does not show their identity. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological study and a political sociology approach. Followed by content and interpretive analysis, the results of this study found that Muslim citizens have three attitudes, namely; first; positive toward legislative candidates. This means that Muslims know, believe, agree with themselves as voters and vote based on the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. Both neutral attitudes know themselves as voters who care enough about the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. The third negative attitude is when the Muslim community does not know, does not believe, does not agree, and is apathetic.

Research paper thumbnail of Tri Wulan Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama Recitation's Cultural Values in East Oku Regency

JUSPI (Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

This article The NU Muslimat Quarterly Recitation in East OKU Regency is a routine activity that ... more This article The NU Muslimat Quarterly Recitation in East OKU Regency is a routine activity that is carried out every three months by NU Muslimat administrators from the branch level to the sub-branch level in the region. This activity was held with the aim of strengthening ties of friendship between NU Muslimat administrators, branch children, and village communities with various tribes in East OKU. First held in 2004, this quarterly recitation was held after going through several stages of deliberation to determine the place, time of activity, speakers, implementing committee, and funding. Apart from being an event to strengthen friendship ties, this quarterly recitation activity can also become a science major that is beneficial to students and pilgrims. In this study, participants can add religious knowledge, be more obedient to Allah, and gain religious insight. Quarterly recitation is also able to create positive socio-cultural values. The use of Muslim batik uniforms by all N...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Behavior Of Muslim Voters In Giving Vote Of Political Support

Jurnal Syntax Transformation

This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by respo... more This study determines political choices in the legislative general election in Palembang by responding to political realities that are not directly related to religious issues and the creation of voter polarization and voter subjectivity. Political relations between religion and other political instruments are considered something that does not show their identity. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological study and a political sociology approach. Followed by content and interpretive analysis, the results of this study found that Muslim citizens have three attitudes, namely; first; positive toward legislative candidates. This means that Muslims know, believe, agree with themselves as voters and vote based on the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. Both neutral attitudes know themselves as voters who care enough about the vision and mission of the legislative candidates. The third negative attitude is when the Muslim community does ...

Research paper thumbnail of Alasan Talcott Parsons Tentang Pentingnya

Abstrak This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: a Study about the Parsonian Co... more Abstrak This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: a Study about the Parsonian Concept of system and culture harmony. This research focuses on the inclusive culture of the education boarding and the relation of the Islamic institutions example Pesantren or the sub concept like khalaqah, taddabur, taddarus, al-kulliyah. Through the analysis of period, this research can describe the progress from the first process of the structure development and the expansion of the inclusive culture education in Islamic education traditions for Indonesia case. Like khalaqah is action by youth movement Islamic can change from exclusive oriented to inclusive committed. The method of this study uses qualitative approach of case studies. This approach intends to rationalism, social reality, politic, and culture. Besides, the choosing of single case study method is research strategy that helps the researcher to investigate a program, phenomenon, activity, process, and individual group acc...

Research paper thumbnail of Alasan Talcott Parsons Tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan Kultur

This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: aStudy about the Parsonian Concept of ... more This research has a title the Inclusive Culture Education: aStudy about the Parsonian Concept of system and cultureharmony. This research focuses on the inclusive culture ofthe education boarding and the relation of the Islamicinstitutions example Pesantren or the sub concept likekhalaqah, taddabur, taddarus, al-kulliyah. Through the analysisof period, this research can describe the progress from thefirst process of the structure development and theexpansion of the inclusive culture education in Islamiceducation traditions for Indonesia case. Like khalaqah isaction by youth movement Islamic can change fromexclusive oriented to inclusive committed. The method ofthis study uses qualitative approach of case studies. Thisapproach intends to rationalism, social reality, politic, andculture. Besides, the choosing of single case study methodis research strategy that helps the researcher to investigate aprogram, phenomenon, activity, process, and individualgroup accurately.

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Politik Calon Legislatif DPRD Danu Mirwando dari Partai Nasdem di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang)

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, 2020

Judul penelitian ini “STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Po... more Judul penelitian ini “STRATEGI POLITIK DALAM PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF 2019 (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Politik Calon Legislatif DPRD Danu Mirwando dari Partai Nasdem di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang) “ komunikasi dalam politik akan selalu dilibatkan sebagai salah satu strategi untuk meraih suatu tujuan yang telah direncakan secara sistematis seperti menduduki jabatan sebagai wakil rakyat baik menerapkan komunikasi secara dua arah maupun secara virtual. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh kandidat yang akan mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota DPRD untuk ke periode selanjutnya Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan tahap-tahapan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sementara itu yang menjadi sumber dalam penelitian ini, yakini sumber data primer. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Danu Mirwando menerapkan sta...

Research paper thumbnail of Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang dalam Pileg Tahun 2019

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, 2020

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim di Kecamatan Ilir T... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Sikap Politik Masyarakat Muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Kota Palembang Tahun 2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling sebanyak 100 masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan alat ukur skala likert. Keseluruhan perhitungan statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer program SPSS versi 20.00 for windows. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa komponen sikap politik terdiri dari komponen kognitif, afektif, evaluatif, Komponen kognitif ialah yang menyangkut pengetahuan masyarakat muslim tentang politik dan kepercayaan pada politik, peranan nya. komponen afektif masyarakat muslim di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II adalah dengan melihat perasaan masyarakat muslim terhadap dirinya sebagai pemilih, sikap ter...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Harmony in The Bedusun Sedakah Tradition at Belitang District Martapura Regebcy Indonesia

The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passe... more The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passed down from generation to generation. All existing customs and practices have their own unique features and turn them into a feature of society. The diversity of customs is also an attraction, not only must be preserved, but existing are traditions also important to be introduced to a wider audience. A tradition that exists and is practiced in the culture of the South Sumatra region is sedakah bedusun. A tradition to express gratitude and purify the village from various trials and difficulties of life. This study aims to understand and interpret the social and religious values contained in the tradition. This This study uses a sociocultural approach with phenomenological qualitative research while data collection techniques are through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis is used simultaneously through interpretation and contents. The results of this study indicate that traditions based on local wisdom have undergone a process of acculturation and acculturation. The meaning of this tradition is to invite the community at large to maintain harmony and make it a social bridge for many people. This is reflected in each traditional procession and its social significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Traditional Culture “Temu Manten”: Part of Javanese Acculturation Society in Sumatera

JUSPI (Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

This reseach aims to describe the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture wich name is ... more This reseach aims to describe the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture wich name is “Temu Manten. This is the cultural root of the Javanese people that has occurred in all parts of Sumatra, especially South Sumatra. Researcher used qualitative research, it is descriptive type by Schutz's phenomenological theory research approach. The researcher describes a symptom, fact, event and problem. The researcher used two primary data sources (observations and interviews) and secondary (the results of research, books and other sources as other data sources). The researcher took purposive sampling to determine the informants. Analytical descriptive is used by researcher to describe their findings. As the results of this study found that the acculturation of the Javanese traditional culture which called as “Temu Manten” does not only occur in South Sumatra, but has occurred in various regions on the island of Sumatra. The factors that influenced the acculturation of this cultu...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Political Roots of Leadership Power In Ulu Malay Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe

Khazanah Sosial

Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. E... more Traditional leadership in modern societies still influences decisions made and social behavior. Emerging influences can be specific values, norms, beliefs, leadership, and knowledge. In the face of social change, even traditional identities are characterized as moral rituals. One is Lampik Empat Merdike Duwe, his four in the leadership tradition of Jagat Besemah. This practice is an ethical standard maintained and passed down in the Basemah community. Phenomenological and qualitative methods were used to interpretively analyze behavioral properties, values, norms, and knowledge data. Using theories of formative and constructive and cultural transformation, the forces and influences of civilization can be divided into three fundamental parts: social, cultural, and behavioral systems. The three methods are interrelated to form a dynamic space based on reference and action. The study found that Lampik empat merdike duwe leadership was socioculturally unable to function in the local lea...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Harmony in The Bedusun Sedakah Tradition at Belitang District Martapura Regebcy Indonesia

Asian Journal of Arts and Culture

The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passe... more The various regions of Indonesia certainly have cultures and traditions that are formed and passed down from generation to generation. All existing customs and practices have their own unique features and turn them into a feature of society. The diversity of customs is also an attraction, not only must be preserved, but existing are traditions also important to be introduced to a wider audience. A tradition that exists and is practiced in the culture of the South Sumatra region is sedakah bedusun . A tradition to express gratitude and purify the village from various trials and difficulties of life. This study aims to understand and interpret the social and religious values ​​contained in the tradition. This study uses a sociocultural approach and phenomenological type research while data collection techniques are increasingly advanced, namely observation, in-depth interviews in addition to documentation. Data analysis is used simultaneously through interpretation and contents. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Politik Kebudayaan Zuriat Kiyai Marogan Dalam Mempertahankan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Di Pulau Kemaro

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization

Kajian ini membahas tentang kebijakan budaya keturunan Kiyai Marogan dalam menjaga nilai-nilai bu... more Kajian ini membahas tentang kebijakan budaya keturunan Kiyai Marogan dalam menjaga nilai-nilai budaya Pulau Kemaro sebagai bentuk pencegahan kepada pemerintah kota palembang yang ingin membangun kawasan tersebut. Tulisan ini juga menguraikan terkait politik pembangunan oleh pemerintah kota palembang yang akan dilakukan di pulau kemaro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1. Untuk mengetahui bentuk politik keturunan Kiyai Marogan yang mempertahankan nilai-nilai budaya yang ada di Pulau Kemaro. 2. Mengkaji upaya Zuriat Kiyai Marogan dalam memelihara dan melestarikan budaya lokal Pulau Kemaro. Hasil .penelitian. ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan zuriat kiyai marogan Dalam menjaga nilai budaya atau melestarikan kembali nilia-nilai kebudayaan di pulau kemaro supaya tidak terjadinya marjinalisasi pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kota palembang yang hanya memutuskan kebijakan sepihak tanpa adanya koordinasi dengan masyarakat setempat dan pemilik tanah, maka orientasi sikap politik da...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Kelas Sosial Masyarakat Di Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam Pada Masa Transisi

Stratification and social class are two different things but are very often used interchangeably.... more Stratification and social class are two different things but are very often used interchangeably. Class has a narrower meaning than social stratification. if class is more specific then stratification has a broader meaning because it refers more to the division of a group of people or society at their respective levels. And this belongs to the layers that exist in society. Something similar like this of course also happened to the people of the Sultanate of Palembang Darusslam. Moreover, Palembang has a strategic location which makes its port so that it can be said to be in the international arena which makes traders from outside also come. So it does not rule out if the European nation is interested in both agricultural products and areas from Palembang. This research tries to be able to better explain the social conditions that existed in society during the Palembang Darussalam sultanate during the transition period to be precise. So the researchers hope that this can be a way of ...