vicente quesada - (original) (raw)

vicente quesada


Papers by vicente quesada

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis wavelet de la precipitación en la Península Ibérica

Ponencia presentada en: II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología “El tiempo del clim... more Ponencia presentada en: II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología “El tiempo del clima”, celebrado en Valencia del 7 al 9 de junio de 2001[ES]Se ha estudiado la variabilidad climática en la Península Ibérica mediante un análisis wavelet. El conjunto de datos está formado por series precipitación mensual de la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares. Aparecen diferencias no sólo en los análisis wavelet continuo y discreto, sino también los resultados son distintos para distintas zonas de la Península. Como consecuencia de esto se ha dividido el territorio peninsular en dos regiones: la región Atlántica y la región Mediterránea y se ha realizado el análisis continuo y discreto en ambas. Se pueden observar fuertes diferencias en la intensidad de los coeficientes wavelet en las dos regiones, así como en la variabilidad que muestran. En la región Mediterránea aparecen variaciones más intensas para grandes escalas temporales mientras que en la región Atlántica las escalas tempo...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio estadístico de la precipitación enla Península Ibérica mediante transformadas Wavelet

Un analisis estadistico basado en transformadas wavelet se ha aplicado a series de precipitacion ... more Un analisis estadistico basado en transformadas wavelet se ha aplicado a series de precipitacion de la Peninsula Iberica. Aparecen diferencias no solo en los analisis wavelet continuo y discreto, sino tambien los resultados son distintos para distintas zonas de las Peninsula. Como consecuencia de esto se ha divido el territorio peninsular en dos regiones: la region Atlantica y la region Mediterranea y se ha realizado el analisis continuo y discreto en ambas. En la region Mediterranea aparecen variaciones mas intensas para grandes escalas temporales mientras que en la region Atlantica las escalas temporales mas destacadas son mas cortas.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapas de autosimilaridad de la precipitación en España en baja frecuencia

La Climatologia Espanola En Los Albores Del Siglo Xxi Aportaciones Presentadas Al I Congreso De La Asociacion De Climatologia 1999 Isbn 84 281 0979 6 Pags 253 257, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Extended Homogeneous Processes and Bayes Estimation of Reliability Functions

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Sep 1, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of GENERALIZED MEAN OF ORDER <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><mi>t</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">t</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6151em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">t</span></span></span></span> VIA BOX AND COX'S TRANSFORMATION

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

Mean of order ttt and Box and Cox's transformation function are very famous in the literature... more Mean of order ttt and Box and Cox's transformation function are very famous in the literature of mathematics and statistics respectively. In this paper, we have derived some standard inequalities from the mean of order ttt and studied some interesting properties of Box and Cox's transformation function. A compos- iterelation of these two measures, calling generalized mean of order ttt or unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean is considered. The unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean leads us to very important gen- eralized information theoretic measures. These measures include generalizations of Shannon's entropy, Kullback-leibler's relative information, Kerridge's inaccu- racy, J-divergence, Jensen difference dive~gence measure, etc. Properties of unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean are also studied.

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential estimation of survival functions with a neutral to the right process prior

Applications of Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of survival functions with partially censored observations

Research paper thumbnail of Quality control and homogenization of monthly precipitation data in the southwest of Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential Sampling Plan based on the Informational Energy for an Exponential Population | Plan de Muestreo Secuencial basado en la Energia Informacional para una poblacion exponencial

Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Bayesian non parametric estimation of a survival function with partialy censured data | Estimacion parametrica Bayesiana no parametrica de funciones de supervivencias con observaciones parcialmente censuradas

Research paper thumbnail of f *-divergence in the sequential design of experiments in a bayesian context | Las medidas de f*-divergencia en el diseno secuencial de experimentos en un contexto bayesiano

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a reliability function with extended gamma prior knowledge | Estimacion bayesiana de una funcion de fiabilidad con conocimiento a priori gamma extendido

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Control and Homogeneity of Precipitation Data in the Southwest of Europe

Research paper thumbnail of The chi-square divergence measure in random sampling with dirichlet process priors

Information Sciences, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian survival estimation for incomplete data when the life distribution is proportionally related to the censoring time

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1991

ABSTRACT This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve... more ABSTRACT This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a proportional hazard model when some of the data are censored on the left and some are censored on the right. The method works under the assumption that there is a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the variable of interest. An example is given .To finish some simulation is presented to analyze the estimator.

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation Of A Survival Function With Doubly Censored Data And Dirichlet Process Prior Knowledge On The Observable Variable

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1990

This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a pro... more This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a proportional hazard model when some of the data are censored on the left and some are censored on the right. The method works under the assumption that there is a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the observable variable. Strong consistency of the estimator is proved and

Research paper thumbnail of Generalized Mean of Order t via Box and Cox's Transformation

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis wavelet de la precipitación en la Península Ibérica

Ponencia presentada en: II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología “El tiempo del clim... more Ponencia presentada en: II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología “El tiempo del clima”, celebrado en Valencia del 7 al 9 de junio de 2001[ES]Se ha estudiado la variabilidad climática en la Península Ibérica mediante un análisis wavelet. El conjunto de datos está formado por series precipitación mensual de la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares. Aparecen diferencias no sólo en los análisis wavelet continuo y discreto, sino también los resultados son distintos para distintas zonas de la Península. Como consecuencia de esto se ha dividido el territorio peninsular en dos regiones: la región Atlántica y la región Mediterránea y se ha realizado el análisis continuo y discreto en ambas. Se pueden observar fuertes diferencias en la intensidad de los coeficientes wavelet en las dos regiones, así como en la variabilidad que muestran. En la región Mediterránea aparecen variaciones más intensas para grandes escalas temporales mientras que en la región Atlántica las escalas tempo...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio estadístico de la precipitación enla Península Ibérica mediante transformadas Wavelet

Un analisis estadistico basado en transformadas wavelet se ha aplicado a series de precipitacion ... more Un analisis estadistico basado en transformadas wavelet se ha aplicado a series de precipitacion de la Peninsula Iberica. Aparecen diferencias no solo en los analisis wavelet continuo y discreto, sino tambien los resultados son distintos para distintas zonas de las Peninsula. Como consecuencia de esto se ha divido el territorio peninsular en dos regiones: la region Atlantica y la region Mediterranea y se ha realizado el analisis continuo y discreto en ambas. En la region Mediterranea aparecen variaciones mas intensas para grandes escalas temporales mientras que en la region Atlantica las escalas temporales mas destacadas son mas cortas.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapas de autosimilaridad de la precipitación en España en baja frecuencia

La Climatologia Espanola En Los Albores Del Siglo Xxi Aportaciones Presentadas Al I Congreso De La Asociacion De Climatologia 1999 Isbn 84 281 0979 6 Pags 253 257, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Extended Homogeneous Processes and Bayes Estimation of Reliability Functions

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Sep 1, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of GENERALIZED MEAN OF ORDER <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><mi>t</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">t</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6151em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">t</span></span></span></span> VIA BOX AND COX'S TRANSFORMATION

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

Mean of order ttt and Box and Cox's transformation function are very famous in the literature... more Mean of order ttt and Box and Cox's transformation function are very famous in the literature of mathematics and statistics respectively. In this paper, we have derived some standard inequalities from the mean of order ttt and studied some interesting properties of Box and Cox's transformation function. A compos- iterelation of these two measures, calling generalized mean of order ttt or unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean is considered. The unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean leads us to very important gen- eralized information theoretic measures. These measures include generalizations of Shannon's entropy, Kullback-leibler's relative information, Kerridge's inaccu- racy, J-divergence, Jensen difference dive~gence measure, etc. Properties of unified (t,s)(t,s)(t,s)-mean are also studied.

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential estimation of survival functions with a neutral to the right process prior

Applications of Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of survival functions with partially censored observations

Research paper thumbnail of Quality control and homogenization of monthly precipitation data in the southwest of Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential Sampling Plan based on the Informational Energy for an Exponential Population | Plan de Muestreo Secuencial basado en la Energia Informacional para una poblacion exponencial

Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Bayesian non parametric estimation of a survival function with partialy censured data | Estimacion parametrica Bayesiana no parametrica de funciones de supervivencias con observaciones parcialmente censuradas

Research paper thumbnail of f *-divergence in the sequential design of experiments in a bayesian context | Las medidas de f*-divergencia en el diseno secuencial de experimentos en un contexto bayesiano

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a reliability function with extended gamma prior knowledge | Estimacion bayesiana de una funcion de fiabilidad con conocimiento a priori gamma extendido

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Control and Homogeneity of Precipitation Data in the Southwest of Europe

Research paper thumbnail of The chi-square divergence measure in random sampling with dirichlet process priors

Information Sciences, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian survival estimation for incomplete data when the life distribution is proportionally related to the censoring time

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1991

ABSTRACT This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve... more ABSTRACT This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a proportional hazard model when some of the data are censored on the left and some are censored on the right. The method works under the assumption that there is a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the variable of interest. An example is given .To finish some simulation is presented to analyze the estimator.

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation Of A Survival Function With Doubly Censored Data And Dirichlet Process Prior Knowledge On The Observable Variable

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1990

This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a pro... more This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a proportional hazard model when some of the data are censored on the left and some are censored on the right. The method works under the assumption that there is a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the observable variable. Strong consistency of the estimator is proved and

Research paper thumbnail of Generalized Mean of Order t via Box and Cox's Transformation

Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

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