desi rahmatina - (original) (raw)
Papers by desi rahmatina
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu berpikir dalam wacana matematika, dan merupaka... more Visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu berpikir dalam wacana matematika, dan merupakan bagian penting dalam proses berpikir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan visual mediator ketika mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kajian ini sebanyak 42 mahasiswa. Empat diantara 42 mahasiswa tersebut merupakan subjek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah hasil tes tertulis dan hasil wawancara. Satu soal diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Soal tersebut memuat pertanyaan yang menuntut mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi peran visual mediator yang digunakan mahasiswa ketika mereka melakukan penalaran statistis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai objek awal dan juga sebagai objek final untuk mempermudah dalam menghasilkan substantiation narrative, 2) visual mediator berupa grafik merupakan objek yang dapat mempermudah dalam membuat prediksi data time series, 3) diperlukan penggabungan berbagai visual mediator untuk memberikan substantiation narrative yang tepat dalam membuat kesimpulan dan prediksi data, 4) visual mediator yang sama pada individu berbeda dapat menghasilkan substantiation narrative berbeda dalam membuat kesimpulan dan memprediksi data. Kajian ini memberikan implikasi bahwa penggunaan berbagai visual mediator merupakan aspek penting dalam memahami objek serta berperan menghasilkan substantiation narrative ketika melakukan penalaran statistis.
International Journal of Instruction
Acta Scientiae
Background: Statistical reasoning plays an important role in decision making, as the latter requi... more Background: Statistical reasoning plays an important role in decision making, as the latter requires the individual to be able to connect and relate various aspects and ideas. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the student's statistical reasoning process using a commognitive framework based on the task of making decisions. Design: This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive exploratory design. Setting and Participants: Respondents in this study were students majoring in mathematics in the fourth and sixth semesters. There were 58 students involved; three of them were research subjects. Data collection and analysis: The authors gave students a task containing a question. The question had to do with choosing one out of six employees who were most successful at their jobs. Results: The findings in this study indicate two main aspects when carrying out the statistical reasoning process using a commognitive framework in making decisions: 1) the visual mediator created when representing data is the foundation for analysing and interpreting data. Visual mediators that were irrelevant to data had an impact on the emergence of ritualised routine, resulting in an illogical decision; 2) substantiations narrative, in the form of involving various aspects of decision making, and memorisation narrative, in the form of rules related to mathematical or statistical concepts in decision making, were tools to minimise the risks arising from the decisions made. Conclusions: Commognitive framework could be used as a tool when students carried out statistical reasoning process in making complex decisions. It was important to make a visual mediator matching the data display when students represented data.
Interpreting the mean of the data presented in a bar graph constitutes a mix of two concepts high... more Interpreting the mean of the data presented in a bar graph constitutes a mix of two concepts highly useful for testing students’ level of understanding of the mean. This study aimed to describe students’ misconceptions in the interpretation of the mean of data that are represented in a bar graph and the causes of such misconceptions and to examine whether misconceptions differed by gender and grade. The participants of this study consisted of 112 students (48 males, 64 females) of the Natural Science program of SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang in three grades—tenth, eleventh, twelfth. Employing a mixed method with an exploratory sequential design, this study collected and analyzed qualitative data prior to quantitative ones. The research identified 12 misconceptions about the mean and 8 causes of such misconceptions, and based on the chi-squared test results, neither gender- nor grade-based difference in students’ misconceptions was found. These results have an implication for teachers and oth...
The split population model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susce... more The split population model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptibles and long-term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration, and the event would be observed with certainty if complete follow-up were possible. However, the long-term survivors will never experience the event. We known that populations are immune in the Stanford Heart Transplant data. This paper focus on the long term survivors probability vary from individual to individual using logistic model for loglogistic survival distribution. In addition, a maximum likelihood method to estimate parameters in the split population model using the Newton-Raphson iterative method.
Bioeducation Journal, 2019
The average national exam score of biology subject in high school in Tanjungpinang tends to be th... more The average national exam score of biology subject in high school in Tanjungpinang tends to be the lowest among other subjects. It is assumed that the ability of student science literacy also tends to be weak. The role of teacher is very important to improve student’s science literacy ability. Applying various learning strategies to create meaningful learning processes is one of the teacher's role. The strategy is Problem-based Learning (PBL) model. This research was conducted to determine science literacy ability of high school students in Tanjungpinang using PBL learning strategy. Research was conducted in SMA 4 and SMA 6 in Tanjungpinang. It is a quantitative approach with Quasi Experiment. PBL is free variable and science literacy skills as bound variable. Researcher uses tests, observation sheets and interviews as research instruments. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that implementation of PBL gives significant difference for student’s science literac...
Science literacy is an essential element of science and technology learning. The mastery of scien... more Science literacy is an essential element of science and technology learning. The mastery of science literacy drives people being competitive and worth employed, especially in the workplace where an employee is expected to be innovative. Globally the mastery of society's science literacy of Indonesian students was still low. Science literacy consists of 4 dimensions, namely context, science competence, knowledge, and science attitude. The science competency dimension becomes important to be achieved by the students as an indicator of the achievement of science literacy. Related to improving science literacy through components of learning strategy, based on various relevant research, in SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang has been conducted a study to compare the achievement of science competency with Problem-based learning and Cooperative Learning (STAD type). To test whether there is a significant difference in the average level of science competency scores between the PBL class and the ...
1,2,3&4 Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malay... more 1,2,3&4 Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Email:,,, Abstract. The mixture model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptible and long-term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration. However, the long-term survivors or immune individuals will never experience the event. This paper focuses on the covariates associated with individuals such as age, surgery and transplant related to the probability of being immune in a logistic Weibull model and to evaluate the effect of heart transplantation on subsequent survival.
This paper considers the result of the trends in international mathematics and science study (TIM... more This paper considers the result of the trends in international mathematics and science study (TIMSS) 2011 assessment conducted in Indonesia. The average mathematics achievement in Indonesia eighth grades have made average scale score of 386 points and with this achievement have indicated that students in Indonesia have typically scored below international averages. Therefore, analyses were undertaken using the Lisrel software to examine the effect of students attitude toward mathematics for mathematics achievement. The dependent variables consisted of the five plausible value calculated for each student as a measure of mathematics achievement, there are labelled BSMMAT01 through BSMMAT05. And independent variables consisted of the students attitude toward mathematics, there are labelled BSDGSLM, BSDGSVM and BSDGSCM. Students attitude toward mathematics consisted of the three items, there are students like learning mathematics (BSDGSLM), students value mathematics (BSDGSVM) and students confident in mathematics (BSDGSCM). Results of multivariate analyses has shown a strong positive relationship between student attitude toward mathematics and their mathematics achievement. Keywords. Student attitude toward mathematics, mathematics achievement.
Periódico Tchê Química, 2020
Statistical reasoning is the way people reason with statistical ideas and make sense of statistic... more Statistical reasoning is the way people reason with statistical ideas and make sense of statistical information. Statistical reasoning plays a major role and is essential when individuals are faced with daily phenomena such as educational achievement. Variability is a fundamental component of statistical reasoning. This study aimed to investigate the process of statistical reasoning observed from the students' narration based on the task of variability. The statistical reasoning process used in this study is in analyzing and interpreting the data. There are three indicators used in statistical reasoning, namely students’ narrative in comparing variability, making conclusions, and making decisions based on the ogive graph. There were 108 students involved in this study in Mathematics Education; 49 were selected as research subjects. The subject was chosen because they had carried out a statistical reasoning process using narrative with "make sense" without doing mathema...
Malikussaleh Journal of Mathematics Learning (MJML), 2019
This study examined on status of school (public and private school) differences for the perceptio... more This study examined on status of school (public and private school) differences for the perceptions of participats (teachers,principals and school supervisors ) in eleven senior high school on the students skills of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Tanjungpinang city, Kepulauan Riau Province,Indonesia. Data was taken by the use of online survey in 2016 who conducted by the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Republic of Indonesia. We accumulate data from 310 respondents, they are 11 principals, 9 supervisors and 290 teachers on the eleven senior high school of Tanjungpinang district, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia. Data analysis was done using quantitative analysis, the first using descriptive statistics mainly percentages perceptions of the principal, supervisor and teachers toward skill’s students using ICT in learning, the second to inferential statistical analysis of non parametric statistics Mann Whitney to test alternative hypot...
Jurnal Gantang, 2018
Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif... more Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif dalam hal membuat media pembelajaran yang inovatif, menarik, serta tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dengan menggunakan media visual guru dapat memberikan visual tertentu pada siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir C3. Lalu dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan siswa yang rendah dalam mengerjakan soal applikasi operasi pada himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari sekaligus memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan, berdasarkan survei peneliti melalui wawancara dengan guru SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang. Sehingga pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan media visual berbasis multimedia berbantuan software swish max4, untuk membantu siswa berpikir hingga level C3 atau pada ranah mengaplikasikan khususnya pada materi operasi himpunan dan juga dapat memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari. Telah dilakukan eksperimen di kelas VII.1 dan kelas VII.2 p...
ABSTRAK Pada abad 21 dimana masyarakat sudah menggunakan teknologi, layak kalau anak-anak usia ... more ABSTRAK Pada abad 21 dimana masyarakat sudah menggunakan teknologi, layak kalau anak-anak usia dini juga dipersiapkan untuk memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik, utamanya di kemampuan berpikir. Sudah saatnya anak diberikan kegiatan yang lebih menantang dan menggunakan strategi yang tepat sehingga kemampuan anak benar-benar dapat meningkat lebih baik. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis anak melalui bermain sains, salah satu permainan yang disukai anak yaitu bermain balon. Strategi yang dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak, pemecahan masalah (problem solving) dan penemuan terbimbing (Guided Discovery). Masalah yang akan dipecahkan pada tindakan ini adalah bagaimana permainan sains dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis anak, pada kelompok A (4-5 tahun) di Laboratorium Paud Yasmin Jember tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Adapun jenis penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti adalah tindakan kelas, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian kali ...
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2018
Pembelajaran geometri ruang merupakan salah satu pembelajran yang memerlukan kemampuan analitis d... more Pembelajaran geometri ruang merupakan salah satu pembelajran yang memerlukan kemampuan analitis dan komunikatif mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengkaji penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran geometri ruang berbasis ICT dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, 2) untuk mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran geometri berbasis ICT. Pembelajaran geometri memerlukan kemampuan mengkomunikasikan bangun yang sifatnya abstrak menjadi konkrit sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi dengan menggunakan ICT. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis ICT dengan program wingeom dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Learning geometry of space is one pembelajran that require analytical and communicative abilities of students. The purpose of this study were 1) to assess the use of the learning device geometry of space-based ICT in enhancing the ability to think critically, 2) to study th...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
The study aimed to propose the Confirmatory Factor Analysis via four latent variables : 1) Studen... more The study aimed to propose the Confirmatory Factor Analysis via four latent variables : 1) Students Attitude toward mathematics, 2) Self-belief in mathematics, 3) Students engagement in mathematics lessons and 4) Mathematics Achievement and 19 observed variables and then we conduct to the correlations between latent variables and observed variables. The subjects were 5795 eight grades students from the result of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 assessment conducted in Indonesia. Data Analysis were undertaken using the Lisrel software to examine the effect of students attitude toward mathematics, students self belief and students engagement in mathematics lesson for mathematics achievement. The proposed Confirmatory Factor Analysis model of the latent variables and observed variables fit well with the empirical data set (RMSEA = 0,071). The results of multivariate analyses has shown a strong negative relationship between student attitude toward ...
International Journal of Education, 2018
This study is intended to provide an analysis of the competency map of senior high school student... more This study is intended to provide an analysis of the competency map of senior high school students in the Final National Exam (FNE) for mathematics subject in Free Trade Zone (FTZ) of Riau Islands province. Sample was determined by examining secondary data in the form of 2014 Final National Examination (FNE) results published by the Education Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the FTZ of Riau Islands Province, namely Batam, Bintan, and Karimun regencies. Criteria of sample determination were schools with lower Graduate Competency Standards (GCS) than the regency/city GCS, distribution of public or private schools, and distribution of school locations, with a total sample of 37 schools. The research was conducted by using descriptive statistical method to gain a description of the senior high school students’ competency in mathematics subject based on their FNE scores. The findings of this research can be made input and consider...
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2018
Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs) are important thinking skills for lifelong learners, active s... more Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs) are important thinking skills for lifelong learners, active social responsibility and proactive employees in the 21st century. The rapid development of technology in education has made learning anywhere and anytime possible. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the integration of peer instruction in online social network could on students ability to answer HOTs questions. Peer instruction is one of the learning techniques that promote HOTs in a cooperative learning setting. It promotes students' participation in class and increases their learning engagement. This study applied repeated measures one group pre-post test design which was carried out among 20 students (purposive sampling technique) in higher education institution. It was carried out in 3 different sessions. Students have to answer HOTs questions in the form of multiple choices using an online quiz system, while peer instruction activities were carried out using and online social network app. Findings show that there is significant effect of peer instruction activities on students quiz scores and no significant difference of students peer instruction activities among the 3 learning sessions.
The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of fourth and ... more The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of fourth and eighth grade students achievement in mathematics and science. The purpose of this study was examine the compares of student self-belief and mathematics in Asian countries using data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study 2011. The analysis is conducted through a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) model with random effects for each country. East Asian countries Korea, Singapore, and Chinese Taipei Hong Kong SAR and Japan were the top-performing countries at the eighth grade to lead the world in mathematics achievement. The null hypotheses used in this study there are no statistically significant difference in self belief and mathematics achievement between Asian students.
Jurnal Teknologi, 2006
Model gabungan mempostulatkan sebuah populasi yang terdiri daripada dua jenis individu iaitu peka... more Model gabungan mempostulatkan sebuah populasi yang terdiri daripada dua jenis individu iaitu peka dan kebal. Individu yang peka merupakan individu yang berisiko mengalami peristiwa terhadap kajian yang dibuat. Manakala individu yang kebal adalah individu yang tidak berisiko mengalami peristiwa tersebut. Kertas kerja ini memfokuskan kepada kovariat pada individu seperti umur, pembedahan dan pemindahan yang dihubungkan dengan kebarangkalian wujudnya kebal dalam sebuah model logistik Weibull dan menghuraikan kesan pemindahan jantung terhadap masa hayat seterusnya. Kata kunci: Model gabungan, model logistik Weibull mudah, model Weibull belahan, model logistik Weibull belahan The mixture model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptible and long–term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration. However, the long–term survivors or immune individuals will never experience the event. This paper focuses on the covar...
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu berpikir dalam wacana matematika, dan merupaka... more Visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu berpikir dalam wacana matematika, dan merupakan bagian penting dalam proses berpikir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan visual mediator ketika mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kajian ini sebanyak 42 mahasiswa. Empat diantara 42 mahasiswa tersebut merupakan subjek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah hasil tes tertulis dan hasil wawancara. Satu soal diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Soal tersebut memuat pertanyaan yang menuntut mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi peran visual mediator yang digunakan mahasiswa ketika mereka melakukan penalaran statistis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai objek awal dan juga sebagai objek final untuk mempermudah dalam menghasilkan substantiation narrative, 2) visual mediator berupa grafik merupakan objek yang dapat mempermudah dalam membuat prediksi data time series, 3) diperlukan penggabungan berbagai visual mediator untuk memberikan substantiation narrative yang tepat dalam membuat kesimpulan dan prediksi data, 4) visual mediator yang sama pada individu berbeda dapat menghasilkan substantiation narrative berbeda dalam membuat kesimpulan dan memprediksi data. Kajian ini memberikan implikasi bahwa penggunaan berbagai visual mediator merupakan aspek penting dalam memahami objek serta berperan menghasilkan substantiation narrative ketika melakukan penalaran statistis.
International Journal of Instruction
Acta Scientiae
Background: Statistical reasoning plays an important role in decision making, as the latter requi... more Background: Statistical reasoning plays an important role in decision making, as the latter requires the individual to be able to connect and relate various aspects and ideas. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the student's statistical reasoning process using a commognitive framework based on the task of making decisions. Design: This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive exploratory design. Setting and Participants: Respondents in this study were students majoring in mathematics in the fourth and sixth semesters. There were 58 students involved; three of them were research subjects. Data collection and analysis: The authors gave students a task containing a question. The question had to do with choosing one out of six employees who were most successful at their jobs. Results: The findings in this study indicate two main aspects when carrying out the statistical reasoning process using a commognitive framework in making decisions: 1) the visual mediator created when representing data is the foundation for analysing and interpreting data. Visual mediators that were irrelevant to data had an impact on the emergence of ritualised routine, resulting in an illogical decision; 2) substantiations narrative, in the form of involving various aspects of decision making, and memorisation narrative, in the form of rules related to mathematical or statistical concepts in decision making, were tools to minimise the risks arising from the decisions made. Conclusions: Commognitive framework could be used as a tool when students carried out statistical reasoning process in making complex decisions. It was important to make a visual mediator matching the data display when students represented data.
Interpreting the mean of the data presented in a bar graph constitutes a mix of two concepts high... more Interpreting the mean of the data presented in a bar graph constitutes a mix of two concepts highly useful for testing students’ level of understanding of the mean. This study aimed to describe students’ misconceptions in the interpretation of the mean of data that are represented in a bar graph and the causes of such misconceptions and to examine whether misconceptions differed by gender and grade. The participants of this study consisted of 112 students (48 males, 64 females) of the Natural Science program of SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang in three grades—tenth, eleventh, twelfth. Employing a mixed method with an exploratory sequential design, this study collected and analyzed qualitative data prior to quantitative ones. The research identified 12 misconceptions about the mean and 8 causes of such misconceptions, and based on the chi-squared test results, neither gender- nor grade-based difference in students’ misconceptions was found. These results have an implication for teachers and oth...
The split population model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susce... more The split population model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptibles and long-term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration, and the event would be observed with certainty if complete follow-up were possible. However, the long-term survivors will never experience the event. We known that populations are immune in the Stanford Heart Transplant data. This paper focus on the long term survivors probability vary from individual to individual using logistic model for loglogistic survival distribution. In addition, a maximum likelihood method to estimate parameters in the split population model using the Newton-Raphson iterative method.
Bioeducation Journal, 2019
The average national exam score of biology subject in high school in Tanjungpinang tends to be th... more The average national exam score of biology subject in high school in Tanjungpinang tends to be the lowest among other subjects. It is assumed that the ability of student science literacy also tends to be weak. The role of teacher is very important to improve student’s science literacy ability. Applying various learning strategies to create meaningful learning processes is one of the teacher's role. The strategy is Problem-based Learning (PBL) model. This research was conducted to determine science literacy ability of high school students in Tanjungpinang using PBL learning strategy. Research was conducted in SMA 4 and SMA 6 in Tanjungpinang. It is a quantitative approach with Quasi Experiment. PBL is free variable and science literacy skills as bound variable. Researcher uses tests, observation sheets and interviews as research instruments. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that implementation of PBL gives significant difference for student’s science literac...
Science literacy is an essential element of science and technology learning. The mastery of scien... more Science literacy is an essential element of science and technology learning. The mastery of science literacy drives people being competitive and worth employed, especially in the workplace where an employee is expected to be innovative. Globally the mastery of society's science literacy of Indonesian students was still low. Science literacy consists of 4 dimensions, namely context, science competence, knowledge, and science attitude. The science competency dimension becomes important to be achieved by the students as an indicator of the achievement of science literacy. Related to improving science literacy through components of learning strategy, based on various relevant research, in SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang has been conducted a study to compare the achievement of science competency with Problem-based learning and Cooperative Learning (STAD type). To test whether there is a significant difference in the average level of science competency scores between the PBL class and the ...
1,2,3&4 Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malay... more 1,2,3&4 Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Email:,,, Abstract. The mixture model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptible and long-term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration. However, the long-term survivors or immune individuals will never experience the event. This paper focuses on the covariates associated with individuals such as age, surgery and transplant related to the probability of being immune in a logistic Weibull model and to evaluate the effect of heart transplantation on subsequent survival.
This paper considers the result of the trends in international mathematics and science study (TIM... more This paper considers the result of the trends in international mathematics and science study (TIMSS) 2011 assessment conducted in Indonesia. The average mathematics achievement in Indonesia eighth grades have made average scale score of 386 points and with this achievement have indicated that students in Indonesia have typically scored below international averages. Therefore, analyses were undertaken using the Lisrel software to examine the effect of students attitude toward mathematics for mathematics achievement. The dependent variables consisted of the five plausible value calculated for each student as a measure of mathematics achievement, there are labelled BSMMAT01 through BSMMAT05. And independent variables consisted of the students attitude toward mathematics, there are labelled BSDGSLM, BSDGSVM and BSDGSCM. Students attitude toward mathematics consisted of the three items, there are students like learning mathematics (BSDGSLM), students value mathematics (BSDGSVM) and students confident in mathematics (BSDGSCM). Results of multivariate analyses has shown a strong positive relationship between student attitude toward mathematics and their mathematics achievement. Keywords. Student attitude toward mathematics, mathematics achievement.
Periódico Tchê Química, 2020
Statistical reasoning is the way people reason with statistical ideas and make sense of statistic... more Statistical reasoning is the way people reason with statistical ideas and make sense of statistical information. Statistical reasoning plays a major role and is essential when individuals are faced with daily phenomena such as educational achievement. Variability is a fundamental component of statistical reasoning. This study aimed to investigate the process of statistical reasoning observed from the students' narration based on the task of variability. The statistical reasoning process used in this study is in analyzing and interpreting the data. There are three indicators used in statistical reasoning, namely students’ narrative in comparing variability, making conclusions, and making decisions based on the ogive graph. There were 108 students involved in this study in Mathematics Education; 49 were selected as research subjects. The subject was chosen because they had carried out a statistical reasoning process using narrative with "make sense" without doing mathema...
Malikussaleh Journal of Mathematics Learning (MJML), 2019
This study examined on status of school (public and private school) differences for the perceptio... more This study examined on status of school (public and private school) differences for the perceptions of participats (teachers,principals and school supervisors ) in eleven senior high school on the students skills of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Tanjungpinang city, Kepulauan Riau Province,Indonesia. Data was taken by the use of online survey in 2016 who conducted by the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Republic of Indonesia. We accumulate data from 310 respondents, they are 11 principals, 9 supervisors and 290 teachers on the eleven senior high school of Tanjungpinang district, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia. Data analysis was done using quantitative analysis, the first using descriptive statistics mainly percentages perceptions of the principal, supervisor and teachers toward skill’s students using ICT in learning, the second to inferential statistical analysis of non parametric statistics Mann Whitney to test alternative hypot...
Jurnal Gantang, 2018
Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif... more Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif dalam hal membuat media pembelajaran yang inovatif, menarik, serta tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dengan menggunakan media visual guru dapat memberikan visual tertentu pada siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir C3. Lalu dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan siswa yang rendah dalam mengerjakan soal applikasi operasi pada himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari sekaligus memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan, berdasarkan survei peneliti melalui wawancara dengan guru SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang. Sehingga pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan media visual berbasis multimedia berbantuan software swish max4, untuk membantu siswa berpikir hingga level C3 atau pada ranah mengaplikasikan khususnya pada materi operasi himpunan dan juga dapat memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari. Telah dilakukan eksperimen di kelas VII.1 dan kelas VII.2 p...
ABSTRAK Pada abad 21 dimana masyarakat sudah menggunakan teknologi, layak kalau anak-anak usia ... more ABSTRAK Pada abad 21 dimana masyarakat sudah menggunakan teknologi, layak kalau anak-anak usia dini juga dipersiapkan untuk memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik, utamanya di kemampuan berpikir. Sudah saatnya anak diberikan kegiatan yang lebih menantang dan menggunakan strategi yang tepat sehingga kemampuan anak benar-benar dapat meningkat lebih baik. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis anak melalui bermain sains, salah satu permainan yang disukai anak yaitu bermain balon. Strategi yang dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak, pemecahan masalah (problem solving) dan penemuan terbimbing (Guided Discovery). Masalah yang akan dipecahkan pada tindakan ini adalah bagaimana permainan sains dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis anak, pada kelompok A (4-5 tahun) di Laboratorium Paud Yasmin Jember tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Adapun jenis penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti adalah tindakan kelas, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian kali ...
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2018
Pembelajaran geometri ruang merupakan salah satu pembelajran yang memerlukan kemampuan analitis d... more Pembelajaran geometri ruang merupakan salah satu pembelajran yang memerlukan kemampuan analitis dan komunikatif mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengkaji penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran geometri ruang berbasis ICT dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, 2) untuk mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran geometri berbasis ICT. Pembelajaran geometri memerlukan kemampuan mengkomunikasikan bangun yang sifatnya abstrak menjadi konkrit sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi dengan menggunakan ICT. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis ICT dengan program wingeom dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Learning geometry of space is one pembelajran that require analytical and communicative abilities of students. The purpose of this study were 1) to assess the use of the learning device geometry of space-based ICT in enhancing the ability to think critically, 2) to study th...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
The study aimed to propose the Confirmatory Factor Analysis via four latent variables : 1) Studen... more The study aimed to propose the Confirmatory Factor Analysis via four latent variables : 1) Students Attitude toward mathematics, 2) Self-belief in mathematics, 3) Students engagement in mathematics lessons and 4) Mathematics Achievement and 19 observed variables and then we conduct to the correlations between latent variables and observed variables. The subjects were 5795 eight grades students from the result of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 assessment conducted in Indonesia. Data Analysis were undertaken using the Lisrel software to examine the effect of students attitude toward mathematics, students self belief and students engagement in mathematics lesson for mathematics achievement. The proposed Confirmatory Factor Analysis model of the latent variables and observed variables fit well with the empirical data set (RMSEA = 0,071). The results of multivariate analyses has shown a strong negative relationship between student attitude toward ...
International Journal of Education, 2018
This study is intended to provide an analysis of the competency map of senior high school student... more This study is intended to provide an analysis of the competency map of senior high school students in the Final National Exam (FNE) for mathematics subject in Free Trade Zone (FTZ) of Riau Islands province. Sample was determined by examining secondary data in the form of 2014 Final National Examination (FNE) results published by the Education Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the FTZ of Riau Islands Province, namely Batam, Bintan, and Karimun regencies. Criteria of sample determination were schools with lower Graduate Competency Standards (GCS) than the regency/city GCS, distribution of public or private schools, and distribution of school locations, with a total sample of 37 schools. The research was conducted by using descriptive statistical method to gain a description of the senior high school students’ competency in mathematics subject based on their FNE scores. The findings of this research can be made input and consider...
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2018
Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs) are important thinking skills for lifelong learners, active s... more Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs) are important thinking skills for lifelong learners, active social responsibility and proactive employees in the 21st century. The rapid development of technology in education has made learning anywhere and anytime possible. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the integration of peer instruction in online social network could on students ability to answer HOTs questions. Peer instruction is one of the learning techniques that promote HOTs in a cooperative learning setting. It promotes students' participation in class and increases their learning engagement. This study applied repeated measures one group pre-post test design which was carried out among 20 students (purposive sampling technique) in higher education institution. It was carried out in 3 different sessions. Students have to answer HOTs questions in the form of multiple choices using an online quiz system, while peer instruction activities were carried out using and online social network app. Findings show that there is significant effect of peer instruction activities on students quiz scores and no significant difference of students peer instruction activities among the 3 learning sessions.
The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of fourth and ... more The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of fourth and eighth grade students achievement in mathematics and science. The purpose of this study was examine the compares of student self-belief and mathematics in Asian countries using data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study 2011. The analysis is conducted through a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) model with random effects for each country. East Asian countries Korea, Singapore, and Chinese Taipei Hong Kong SAR and Japan were the top-performing countries at the eighth grade to lead the world in mathematics achievement. The null hypotheses used in this study there are no statistically significant difference in self belief and mathematics achievement between Asian students.
Jurnal Teknologi, 2006
Model gabungan mempostulatkan sebuah populasi yang terdiri daripada dua jenis individu iaitu peka... more Model gabungan mempostulatkan sebuah populasi yang terdiri daripada dua jenis individu iaitu peka dan kebal. Individu yang peka merupakan individu yang berisiko mengalami peristiwa terhadap kajian yang dibuat. Manakala individu yang kebal adalah individu yang tidak berisiko mengalami peristiwa tersebut. Kertas kerja ini memfokuskan kepada kovariat pada individu seperti umur, pembedahan dan pemindahan yang dihubungkan dengan kebarangkalian wujudnya kebal dalam sebuah model logistik Weibull dan menghuraikan kesan pemindahan jantung terhadap masa hayat seterusnya. Kata kunci: Model gabungan, model logistik Weibull mudah, model Weibull belahan, model logistik Weibull belahan The mixture model postulates a mixed population with two types of individuals, the susceptible and long–term survivors. The susceptibles are at the risk of developing the event under consideration. However, the long–term survivors or immune individuals will never experience the event. This paper focuses on the covar...