risa wismaliya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by risa wismaliya
Jurnal Basicedu
Pada masa pandemic, pembelajaran cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dilaksanakan pada pembela... more Pada masa pandemic, pembelajaran cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dilaksanakan pada pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral pada pembelajaran jarak jauh dan tatap muka dalam mengembangkan pertimbangan moral siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan partisipan sebanyak 60 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan tes DIT dan teknis analisis data menggunakan penghitungan statistic uji Kruskal wallis serta N-gain dari rata-rata skor pre dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data statistic Kruskal wallis diperoleh hasil Asymp. Sig sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sesuai dengan dasar pengambilan keputusan dapat disimpulkan bahwa “H0 ditolak” dan “H1 diterima” dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar tatap muka dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Persentase keefektifan kelas tatap muka sebesar 82% kategori efektif dan kelas ...
Applied Linguistics Research Journal
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 2020
The moral dilemma story developed by Kohlberg is part of moral education in schools, one of which... more The moral dilemma story developed by Kohlberg is part of moral education in schools, one of which is in Sports Physical Education and Health subjects in Elementary Schools. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive description of the concepts and implementation of moral dilemma stories in football games to develop moral judgment of elementary school students. This study is based on product development by using an internal test of moral dilemma stories in the game of football by expert judgment. This research produces various moral dilemma stories in football games that can be used as material to develop moral judgment of elementary school students. The result of an internal test from expert judgment is that sports not only to build moral behavior but can be used as a media to develop maturity of students' moral judgment.
This research is about the case study of the teaching learning model based on the cognitive moral... more This research is about the case study of the teaching learning model based on the cognitive moral on Indonesia Language subject in 4th grade in Pasirtamiang 2 Elementary school in a working to actualize the education character. Background of the research is started from the teaching learning process done at that school by using the based on the cognitive moral teaching learning model that is worried about the moral degradation of the Indonesia nation morality that nowadays appears actual news about the abuse to the under age children, sex abuse, etc. The data gotten from Menkokesra 2006 in Kusnaedi (2013. Page 5) states that "there're not any provinces in Indonesia those are free from Hiv/aids, the development shows 10%", so that the role of family especially father and mother and the school especially teacher is important in making a habitual of daily acitivities done morally that can be a characteristic in a personality of someone. This research explains about the steps of based on cognitive moral teaching learning model starts from the planning, actuating, and evaluating. The method used is case study with a qualitative approach. The explanation covers the compatibility of the teaching learning planning with the action and the students' learning results and all of the acitivities done those are the characteristics hoped within. Those education characteristics are related to 18 value of education culture and characteristics of Indonesia nations. This based on cognitive moral teaching learning model has been united into every teaching learning process in giving the morality message and imposing education by characteristics but this research explains how to do the teaching learning process by using the based on the cognitive moral teaching learning model in the real life. Key words: based on cognitive moral teaching learning model, sintax, education character. Penelitian ini mengenai studi kasus model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas IV di SDN 2 Pasirtamiang dalam upaya mewujudkan pendidikan karakter. Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar tersebut dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral yang merasa khawatir dengan degradasi moral bangsa Indonesia yang belakangan ini muncul berita aktual mengenai kekerasan kepada anak dibawah umur, pelecehan seksual, dan lain-lain. Data yang didapatkan dari Menko Kesra, 2006 dalam Kusnaedi (2013, hlm. 5) menyatakan bahwa “tidak ada satu provinsi-pun di Indonesia yang terbebas dari HIV/AIDS.perkembangannya menunjukkan 10 %”, sehingga peran orang tua dan sekolah khususnya guru penting menanamkan kebiasaan hidup bermoral yang kemudian akan menjadi karakter dalam diri seseorang. Penelitian ini memaparkan mengenai tahapan (sintaks) model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral dari mulai perencanaan, pelaksaan dan evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pembahasannya mencakup kesesuaian perencanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dengan pelaksanaan dan hasil belajara siswa serta semua kegiatan yang dilakukan memuat karakter yang diharapkan. Karakter tersebut (Education character) mengacu kepada 18 nilai pendidikan budaya dan karater bangsa. Model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral ini sudah terpadu kepada setiap pembelajaran dalam memberikan pesan moral dan penanaman pendidikan karakter namun penelitian ini memaparkan bagaimana pelaksanaan model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral di lapangan. Kata kunci : model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral, sintaks, education character.
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education
Cultural traditions of value education in Indonesia are taught through value transmission, wherea... more Cultural traditions of value education in Indonesia are taught through value transmission, whereas humans have the potential to develop value not only receive value. So in addition beside of value transmission there is another model of learning, this is constructive value or value development. This model will be born rational people in thinking and maturing in action. The process is through moral judgment by choosing, frizing, acting or behaving. Then it is realized through mediation of moral dilemmas and role-taking. The moral dilemma is in one of the syntax of moral cognitive-based learning models. Where the students are faced one dilemma situation that must be chosen. The choice is not about right or wrong, but the reason behind that choice. This Cognitive Moral Development model can be tested through the Defining Issues Test (DIT) by James Rest to find out the stages of moral development of elementary school. Beside through moral dilemmas, moral development in elementary schools can be conducted through Role taking in Just Community School. This school of fairness provides the natural atmosphere of the same position between teachers and students. Students feel completely alive and always face a dilemmatic situation that they must play. Furthermore, the moral development conducted through peers in elementary school. At the elementary school stage, students are taught the values transmission, but it should not be sustained and neglected other potential, that is developing value, because students will grow up to have the personality from all the things he learned from time to time. This study expected the students not only accept the moral values inherited because it will made a good person or obedient but not resistant to temptation, but also the students able to develop the value to be a good person and mature in making decision.
Jurnal Basicedu
Pada masa pandemic, pembelajaran cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dilaksanakan pada pembela... more Pada masa pandemic, pembelajaran cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dilaksanakan pada pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral pada pembelajaran jarak jauh dan tatap muka dalam mengembangkan pertimbangan moral siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan partisipan sebanyak 60 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan tes DIT dan teknis analisis data menggunakan penghitungan statistic uji Kruskal wallis serta N-gain dari rata-rata skor pre dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data statistic Kruskal wallis diperoleh hasil Asymp. Sig sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sesuai dengan dasar pengambilan keputusan dapat disimpulkan bahwa “H0 ditolak” dan “H1 diterima” dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar tatap muka dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Persentase keefektifan kelas tatap muka sebesar 82% kategori efektif dan kelas ...
Applied Linguistics Research Journal
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 2020
The moral dilemma story developed by Kohlberg is part of moral education in schools, one of which... more The moral dilemma story developed by Kohlberg is part of moral education in schools, one of which is in Sports Physical Education and Health subjects in Elementary Schools. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive description of the concepts and implementation of moral dilemma stories in football games to develop moral judgment of elementary school students. This study is based on product development by using an internal test of moral dilemma stories in the game of football by expert judgment. This research produces various moral dilemma stories in football games that can be used as material to develop moral judgment of elementary school students. The result of an internal test from expert judgment is that sports not only to build moral behavior but can be used as a media to develop maturity of students' moral judgment.
This research is about the case study of the teaching learning model based on the cognitive moral... more This research is about the case study of the teaching learning model based on the cognitive moral on Indonesia Language subject in 4th grade in Pasirtamiang 2 Elementary school in a working to actualize the education character. Background of the research is started from the teaching learning process done at that school by using the based on the cognitive moral teaching learning model that is worried about the moral degradation of the Indonesia nation morality that nowadays appears actual news about the abuse to the under age children, sex abuse, etc. The data gotten from Menkokesra 2006 in Kusnaedi (2013. Page 5) states that "there're not any provinces in Indonesia those are free from Hiv/aids, the development shows 10%", so that the role of family especially father and mother and the school especially teacher is important in making a habitual of daily acitivities done morally that can be a characteristic in a personality of someone. This research explains about the steps of based on cognitive moral teaching learning model starts from the planning, actuating, and evaluating. The method used is case study with a qualitative approach. The explanation covers the compatibility of the teaching learning planning with the action and the students' learning results and all of the acitivities done those are the characteristics hoped within. Those education characteristics are related to 18 value of education culture and characteristics of Indonesia nations. This based on cognitive moral teaching learning model has been united into every teaching learning process in giving the morality message and imposing education by characteristics but this research explains how to do the teaching learning process by using the based on the cognitive moral teaching learning model in the real life. Key words: based on cognitive moral teaching learning model, sintax, education character. Penelitian ini mengenai studi kasus model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas IV di SDN 2 Pasirtamiang dalam upaya mewujudkan pendidikan karakter. Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar tersebut dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral yang merasa khawatir dengan degradasi moral bangsa Indonesia yang belakangan ini muncul berita aktual mengenai kekerasan kepada anak dibawah umur, pelecehan seksual, dan lain-lain. Data yang didapatkan dari Menko Kesra, 2006 dalam Kusnaedi (2013, hlm. 5) menyatakan bahwa “tidak ada satu provinsi-pun di Indonesia yang terbebas dari HIV/AIDS.perkembangannya menunjukkan 10 %”, sehingga peran orang tua dan sekolah khususnya guru penting menanamkan kebiasaan hidup bermoral yang kemudian akan menjadi karakter dalam diri seseorang. Penelitian ini memaparkan mengenai tahapan (sintaks) model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral dari mulai perencanaan, pelaksaan dan evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pembahasannya mencakup kesesuaian perencanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dengan pelaksanaan dan hasil belajara siswa serta semua kegiatan yang dilakukan memuat karakter yang diharapkan. Karakter tersebut (Education character) mengacu kepada 18 nilai pendidikan budaya dan karater bangsa. Model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral ini sudah terpadu kepada setiap pembelajaran dalam memberikan pesan moral dan penanaman pendidikan karakter namun penelitian ini memaparkan bagaimana pelaksanaan model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral di lapangan. Kata kunci : model pembelajaran berbasis kognitif moral, sintaks, education character.
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education
Cultural traditions of value education in Indonesia are taught through value transmission, wherea... more Cultural traditions of value education in Indonesia are taught through value transmission, whereas humans have the potential to develop value not only receive value. So in addition beside of value transmission there is another model of learning, this is constructive value or value development. This model will be born rational people in thinking and maturing in action. The process is through moral judgment by choosing, frizing, acting or behaving. Then it is realized through mediation of moral dilemmas and role-taking. The moral dilemma is in one of the syntax of moral cognitive-based learning models. Where the students are faced one dilemma situation that must be chosen. The choice is not about right or wrong, but the reason behind that choice. This Cognitive Moral Development model can be tested through the Defining Issues Test (DIT) by James Rest to find out the stages of moral development of elementary school. Beside through moral dilemmas, moral development in elementary schools can be conducted through Role taking in Just Community School. This school of fairness provides the natural atmosphere of the same position between teachers and students. Students feel completely alive and always face a dilemmatic situation that they must play. Furthermore, the moral development conducted through peers in elementary school. At the elementary school stage, students are taught the values transmission, but it should not be sustained and neglected other potential, that is developing value, because students will grow up to have the personality from all the things he learned from time to time. This study expected the students not only accept the moral values inherited because it will made a good person or obedient but not resistant to temptation, but also the students able to develop the value to be a good person and mature in making decision.