sarjoko lelono - (original) (raw)
Papers by sarjoko lelono
Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), Jan 9, 2020
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue (SAR), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill's Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR, sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata baik wisata pantai, sungai atau waduk, dan pekerjaan yang lain yang menuntut skillls tersebut.
Mitra: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, May 6, 2020
Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and re... more Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and resilient to disasters. The Destana program was initiated by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) decreed by the Regulation of the head of BNPB No. 1/2012. A village represents the bottom line in the government system and therefore the capacity building for disaster resilience starts from the villages. The number of villages in Central Java reaches 8559 villages, while BNPB, BPBD Province, BPBD Regency/City can only launch Destana on average 30 villages each year from 2013-2018. As a result, it takes quite a long time to forming Destana in all villages in Central Java. Therefore, the role of universities, in particular the state universities in forming Destana, is really needed. One of the activities in the formation of Destana was in the kuliah kerja nyata tematik program (KKN PRB) conducted in Purbalingga Regency in 2 villages that were prone to landslides. Provisioning for students refers to Perka BNPB Number 1/2012 by implementing 20 Destana indicators. Gunungwuled village and Panusupan village were the two villages where the KKN PRB done by 10 students each. For 45 days students could build several indicators, i.e. making disaster risk maps calculated based on hazard maps, vulnerability maps, and capacity maps. Next, they made a Landslide Contingency Planning Document with residents and relevant stakeholders. The Village Disaster Risk Reduction Forum consisting of various community components and the BPBD of Purbalingga Regency was also formed. Afterwards, the capacity building activities to the community against disasters were conducted. Finally, an early warning system for landslides in areas with potential landslides was created and warning signs for landslide-prone areas and evacuation route signs were installed. With the help of KKN PRB, the Panusupan village and Gunungwuled village have now become disaster resilient villages.
The impact of pandemic Covid-19 is requires all of humanity to carry out social distancing and ma... more The impact of pandemic Covid-19 is requires all of humanity to carry out social distancing and maintain a distance. As a result of these restrictions, many sectors are affected. One of the most significantly affected sectors is the education sector. In the learning process in the education sector distance learning is applied with the Online system.This distance learning system has also been implemented at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta (UNS) since March 2020. This study aims to determine the perception of the online learning process of UNS students. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method using purposive sampling (active students who take part in learning at UNS). As for the results of this study, it can be seen that from a total of 13 questions in the online learning perception instrument, 62% of the total questions stated that students had difficulties in online learning and there were 38% of the total questions regarding the ease of online learnin...
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face... more The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face learning process turned into distance learning. This study aimed to obtain information about parental understanding and forms of parental support for children in the learning process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative. In this research, we distributed questionnaires to parents of school-age children. And then, we provide counseling and distribute the questionnaires again. The results obtained are that it can be seen that the level of understanding of the community in the Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, and Sukoharjo Regency regarding the children's learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic era is relatively high, but it turns out that in the process of implementing online learning the respondents in this study stated that the difficulti...
This study aims to determine the condition of students before and after guidance and counselingse... more This study aims to determine the condition of students before and after guidance and counselingservices are carried out using the group guidance model, as well as to determine the effectiveness of groupguidance services in improving the discipline of doing assignments from subject teachers on time. Theresearcher divides this action research into three parts, namely the initial activity of choosing class XI IPS asthe research sample because in this class the most violations occur. The results showed that in the initialconditions students who committed violations did not do assignments on time 7 times and above in class XIIPS as many as 8 students with the details of class XI IPS 1 as many as 3 students, class XI IPS 2 as many as3 students and class XI IPS 3 as many as 3 students. 2 students. The number of violations of the initialconditions before the BKp was carried out was 87 violations. After BKp cycle I there was a decrease in thenumber of violations by 37 (42.53%). In the BKp cy...
Jurnal Olahraga dan Prestasi, 2014
According to (WHO) in the year 2016 the prevalence of mental retardation worldwide is estimated a... more According to (WHO) in the year 2016 the prevalence of mental retardation worldwide is estimated at 2.3% of the entire population. Based on RISKESDAS in the year (2013), the number of Indonesian population suffered from mental retardation of about 402,817 people. Mental retardation is the greatest problem for developing countries with the criterion of severe mental retardation 8% mental retardation is a 12% mild mental retardation of 80% with a percentage of 60% experienced by boys and 40% experienced by girls. Based on the background that the child of mental retardation is still not able to do self-care independently of this is not only due to the submission but because of a less supportive environment. And one of the factors that influence it is the foster pattern of parents, parents have a major role in providing parenting to the child. The purpose of research to know the relationship of parents ' foster pattern with self-care ability in children mental retardation level SD in...
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan, 2021
A retrospective evaluation: Follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of comm... more A retrospective evaluation: Follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of community mental health workers among cadres of non-specialist health workersBackground : The default of regular treatment can cause a recurrence of patients with mental disorders. As an effort to increase participation in medicine, one of them is increasing the role of mental health cadres. Based on the results of a pre-survey study conducted in the work area of Way Mili Health Center in December 2018 - January 2019, found it out that 39 patients who actively took part in mental health programs were only 38.46%. And out of 5 mental health cadres, only 1 cadre has an ideal role and the remaining role is less ideal due to individual busyness and cadre incentives that are not under the responsibilities given.Purpose: Knowing the relationship between follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of community mental health workers among cadres of non-specialist health workersMeth...
Jurnal Ilmiah Wijaya, 2020
Background : Aggressive behavior is a way to fight very strongly, fight, injure, attack, kill or ... more Background : Aggressive behavior is a way to fight very strongly, fight, injure, attack, kill or punish others, aggressively intended to hurt others or damage other people's property. Aggressive behavior aims to hurt others, both physically and psychologically, aggressive behavior can be done verbally or physically. Watching violence shows influence violent behavior, especially in school children. The more often children watch violent shows, the children will tend to be more aggressive and more violent. Violent impressions can also cause children to lose their sense of sensitivity. That is, they consider violence to be something normal and normal. As a result, they become accustomed to violence in everyday life. Objective :Determining the correlation between violence exposure with aggressive behavior of adolescent in Gunung Putri Junior High School Bogor Dstrict. Method :Research design used is Deskriptif Analitik Kuantitatif with Cross Sectional approach. The population studied...
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa, 2011
The aim of the research is to disclose some aspects of underachiever students and the role of gui... more The aim of the research is to disclose some aspects of underachiever students and the role of guidance teachers in handling the students problems. This study is classified into descriptive quantitative method. The underachiever student’s problems based upon each problemed field ranked from the most problems up to the least problems namely: (1) learning skill problems, (2) personal problems, 3) learning environment and socio-emotional problems, (4) lesson material mastery pre requirement problems and (5) medium of learning problems. Most of the underachiever student eventually have less learning motivation. The parents of underachiever student who are most of strata 1 graduates and civil servants. The role of guidance and counseling teacher is not yet optimal and not yet focus because they have no time for entering classes and the ratio number of the guidance and counseling teacher is not equal with the number of the guided students.
The prototype of nursing system has been made with dotmatrik and PC that design to make it easier... more The prototype of nursing system has been made with dotmatrik and PC that design to make it easier in nurse information system for management patient in ambulatory room with a switch that turn into nurse calling alarm. This system consist of a dotmatrik driver, microcontroller system sirkuit and software system. The outcame and control from this information system will process and result as dotmatrik display and in the PC. The information system with dot matrix can be implemented with microcontroller ATMega16 and PC for interface program. The switches was placed in one of the rooms used to provide input to the microcontroller. Data from buttons was pressed the output in the form of words that will appear dotmatrik display board and PC. In this prototype system that will be displayed in the form of the information room and the needs of patients in an inpatient in a hospital, with the verification of test results, information systems using dot matrix viewer and PC works fine. When the button is pressed by the user it will be forwarded to the dot matrix display boards containing information about the room and the patient's needs
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan ini menyetujui untuk memberikan ijin kepada pihak Prog... more Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan ini menyetujui untuk memberikan ijin kepada pihak Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muria Kudus Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif (Non-exclusive Royalti-Free Right) atas karya ilmiah kami yang berjudul : "Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Beasiswa Di SMA N 1 Jekulo Berbasis WEB" beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (apabila ada). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif ini pihak Universitas Muria Kudus berhak menyimpan, mengalih-media atau bentuk-kan, pengelolaannya dalam pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikannya dan menampilkan atau mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari kami. Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi, tanpa melibatkan pihak Universitas Muria Kudus, segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah saya ini. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fib, Oct 1, 2014
SEMAR (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni bagi Masyarakat)
Pertambahan usia akan memberikan banyak perubahan pada tubuh manusia. Salah satunya dalah penurun... more Pertambahan usia akan memberikan banyak perubahan pada tubuh manusia. Salah satunya dalah penurunan massa otot yang dialami lansia. Penurunan massa otot pada lansia dapat menimbulkan gangguan otot rangka yang progresif dan terjadi secara menyeluruh. Pada kelompok lansia terjadi percepatan hilangnya massa otot dan fungsi gerak sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan risiko jatuh, penurunan fungsional, kelemahan, dan kematian. Sesuai rekomendasi WHO bahwa usia lansia yaitu diatas 65 tahun selain melakukan latihan fisik bersifat aerobik juga melakukan latihan penguatan otot berupa latihan beban yang dilakukan 2 hari dalam satu minggu. Namun, belum banyak kelompok lansia yang mengetahui dan mampu melakukan latihan beban. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan bagi kelompok senam Prolanis Sehat Bugar Ceria di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Sehingga tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pengenalan berbagai gerakan latihan beban yang dapat dilakukan sec...
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and re... more Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and resilient to disasters. The Destana program was initiated by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) decreed by the Regulation of the head of BNPB No. 1/2012. A village represents the bottom line in the government system and therefore the capacity building for disaster resilience starts from the villages. The number of villages in Central Java reaches 8559 villages, while BNPB, BPBD Province, BPBD Regency/City can only launch Destana on average 30 villages each year from 2013 - 2018. As a result, it takes quite a long time to forming Destana in all villages in Central Java. Therefore, the role of universities, in particular the state universities in forming Destana, is really needed. One of the activities in the formation of Destana was in the kuliah kerja nyata tematik program (KKN PRB) conducted in Purbalingga Regency in 2 villages that were prone to landslides. Provisioning for s...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Nov 1, 2017
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue ( SAR ), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill’s Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR , sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata...
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue ( SAR ), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill’s Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR , sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata...
Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), Jan 9, 2020
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue (SAR), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill's Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR, sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata baik wisata pantai, sungai atau waduk, dan pekerjaan yang lain yang menuntut skillls tersebut.
Mitra: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, May 6, 2020
Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and re... more Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and resilient to disasters. The Destana program was initiated by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) decreed by the Regulation of the head of BNPB No. 1/2012. A village represents the bottom line in the government system and therefore the capacity building for disaster resilience starts from the villages. The number of villages in Central Java reaches 8559 villages, while BNPB, BPBD Province, BPBD Regency/City can only launch Destana on average 30 villages each year from 2013-2018. As a result, it takes quite a long time to forming Destana in all villages in Central Java. Therefore, the role of universities, in particular the state universities in forming Destana, is really needed. One of the activities in the formation of Destana was in the kuliah kerja nyata tematik program (KKN PRB) conducted in Purbalingga Regency in 2 villages that were prone to landslides. Provisioning for students refers to Perka BNPB Number 1/2012 by implementing 20 Destana indicators. Gunungwuled village and Panusupan village were the two villages where the KKN PRB done by 10 students each. For 45 days students could build several indicators, i.e. making disaster risk maps calculated based on hazard maps, vulnerability maps, and capacity maps. Next, they made a Landslide Contingency Planning Document with residents and relevant stakeholders. The Village Disaster Risk Reduction Forum consisting of various community components and the BPBD of Purbalingga Regency was also formed. Afterwards, the capacity building activities to the community against disasters were conducted. Finally, an early warning system for landslides in areas with potential landslides was created and warning signs for landslide-prone areas and evacuation route signs were installed. With the help of KKN PRB, the Panusupan village and Gunungwuled village have now become disaster resilient villages.
The impact of pandemic Covid-19 is requires all of humanity to carry out social distancing and ma... more The impact of pandemic Covid-19 is requires all of humanity to carry out social distancing and maintain a distance. As a result of these restrictions, many sectors are affected. One of the most significantly affected sectors is the education sector. In the learning process in the education sector distance learning is applied with the Online system.This distance learning system has also been implemented at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta (UNS) since March 2020. This study aims to determine the perception of the online learning process of UNS students. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method using purposive sampling (active students who take part in learning at UNS). As for the results of this study, it can be seen that from a total of 13 questions in the online learning perception instrument, 62% of the total questions stated that students had difficulties in online learning and there were 38% of the total questions regarding the ease of online learnin...
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face... more The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face learning process turned into distance learning. This study aimed to obtain information about parental understanding and forms of parental support for children in the learning process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative. In this research, we distributed questionnaires to parents of school-age children. And then, we provide counseling and distribute the questionnaires again. The results obtained are that it can be seen that the level of understanding of the community in the Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, and Sukoharjo Regency regarding the children's learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic era is relatively high, but it turns out that in the process of implementing online learning the respondents in this study stated that the difficulti...
This study aims to determine the condition of students before and after guidance and counselingse... more This study aims to determine the condition of students before and after guidance and counselingservices are carried out using the group guidance model, as well as to determine the effectiveness of groupguidance services in improving the discipline of doing assignments from subject teachers on time. Theresearcher divides this action research into three parts, namely the initial activity of choosing class XI IPS asthe research sample because in this class the most violations occur. The results showed that in the initialconditions students who committed violations did not do assignments on time 7 times and above in class XIIPS as many as 8 students with the details of class XI IPS 1 as many as 3 students, class XI IPS 2 as many as3 students and class XI IPS 3 as many as 3 students. 2 students. The number of violations of the initialconditions before the BKp was carried out was 87 violations. After BKp cycle I there was a decrease in thenumber of violations by 37 (42.53%). In the BKp cy...
Jurnal Olahraga dan Prestasi, 2014
According to (WHO) in the year 2016 the prevalence of mental retardation worldwide is estimated a... more According to (WHO) in the year 2016 the prevalence of mental retardation worldwide is estimated at 2.3% of the entire population. Based on RISKESDAS in the year (2013), the number of Indonesian population suffered from mental retardation of about 402,817 people. Mental retardation is the greatest problem for developing countries with the criterion of severe mental retardation 8% mental retardation is a 12% mild mental retardation of 80% with a percentage of 60% experienced by boys and 40% experienced by girls. Based on the background that the child of mental retardation is still not able to do self-care independently of this is not only due to the submission but because of a less supportive environment. And one of the factors that influence it is the foster pattern of parents, parents have a major role in providing parenting to the child. The purpose of research to know the relationship of parents ' foster pattern with self-care ability in children mental retardation level SD in...
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan, 2021
A retrospective evaluation: Follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of comm... more A retrospective evaluation: Follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of community mental health workers among cadres of non-specialist health workersBackground : The default of regular treatment can cause a recurrence of patients with mental disorders. As an effort to increase participation in medicine, one of them is increasing the role of mental health cadres. Based on the results of a pre-survey study conducted in the work area of Way Mili Health Center in December 2018 - January 2019, found it out that 39 patients who actively took part in mental health programs were only 38.46%. And out of 5 mental health cadres, only 1 cadre has an ideal role and the remaining role is less ideal due to individual busyness and cadre incentives that are not under the responsibilities given.Purpose: Knowing the relationship between follow-up of patients with severe mental illness and the role of community mental health workers among cadres of non-specialist health workersMeth...
Jurnal Ilmiah Wijaya, 2020
Background : Aggressive behavior is a way to fight very strongly, fight, injure, attack, kill or ... more Background : Aggressive behavior is a way to fight very strongly, fight, injure, attack, kill or punish others, aggressively intended to hurt others or damage other people's property. Aggressive behavior aims to hurt others, both physically and psychologically, aggressive behavior can be done verbally or physically. Watching violence shows influence violent behavior, especially in school children. The more often children watch violent shows, the children will tend to be more aggressive and more violent. Violent impressions can also cause children to lose their sense of sensitivity. That is, they consider violence to be something normal and normal. As a result, they become accustomed to violence in everyday life. Objective :Determining the correlation between violence exposure with aggressive behavior of adolescent in Gunung Putri Junior High School Bogor Dstrict. Method :Research design used is Deskriptif Analitik Kuantitatif with Cross Sectional approach. The population studied...
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa, 2011
The aim of the research is to disclose some aspects of underachiever students and the role of gui... more The aim of the research is to disclose some aspects of underachiever students and the role of guidance teachers in handling the students problems. This study is classified into descriptive quantitative method. The underachiever student’s problems based upon each problemed field ranked from the most problems up to the least problems namely: (1) learning skill problems, (2) personal problems, 3) learning environment and socio-emotional problems, (4) lesson material mastery pre requirement problems and (5) medium of learning problems. Most of the underachiever student eventually have less learning motivation. The parents of underachiever student who are most of strata 1 graduates and civil servants. The role of guidance and counseling teacher is not yet optimal and not yet focus because they have no time for entering classes and the ratio number of the guidance and counseling teacher is not equal with the number of the guided students.
The prototype of nursing system has been made with dotmatrik and PC that design to make it easier... more The prototype of nursing system has been made with dotmatrik and PC that design to make it easier in nurse information system for management patient in ambulatory room with a switch that turn into nurse calling alarm. This system consist of a dotmatrik driver, microcontroller system sirkuit and software system. The outcame and control from this information system will process and result as dotmatrik display and in the PC. The information system with dot matrix can be implemented with microcontroller ATMega16 and PC for interface program. The switches was placed in one of the rooms used to provide input to the microcontroller. Data from buttons was pressed the output in the form of words that will appear dotmatrik display board and PC. In this prototype system that will be displayed in the form of the information room and the needs of patients in an inpatient in a hospital, with the verification of test results, information systems using dot matrix viewer and PC works fine. When the button is pressed by the user it will be forwarded to the dot matrix display boards containing information about the room and the patient's needs
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan ini menyetujui untuk memberikan ijin kepada pihak Prog... more Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan ini menyetujui untuk memberikan ijin kepada pihak Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muria Kudus Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif (Non-exclusive Royalti-Free Right) atas karya ilmiah kami yang berjudul : "Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Beasiswa Di SMA N 1 Jekulo Berbasis WEB" beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (apabila ada). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif ini pihak Universitas Muria Kudus berhak menyimpan, mengalih-media atau bentuk-kan, pengelolaannya dalam pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikannya dan menampilkan atau mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari kami. Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi, tanpa melibatkan pihak Universitas Muria Kudus, segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah saya ini. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fib, Oct 1, 2014
SEMAR (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni bagi Masyarakat)
Pertambahan usia akan memberikan banyak perubahan pada tubuh manusia. Salah satunya dalah penurun... more Pertambahan usia akan memberikan banyak perubahan pada tubuh manusia. Salah satunya dalah penurunan massa otot yang dialami lansia. Penurunan massa otot pada lansia dapat menimbulkan gangguan otot rangka yang progresif dan terjadi secara menyeluruh. Pada kelompok lansia terjadi percepatan hilangnya massa otot dan fungsi gerak sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan risiko jatuh, penurunan fungsional, kelemahan, dan kematian. Sesuai rekomendasi WHO bahwa usia lansia yaitu diatas 65 tahun selain melakukan latihan fisik bersifat aerobik juga melakukan latihan penguatan otot berupa latihan beban yang dilakukan 2 hari dalam satu minggu. Namun, belum banyak kelompok lansia yang mengetahui dan mampu melakukan latihan beban. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan bagi kelompok senam Prolanis Sehat Bugar Ceria di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Sehingga tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pengenalan berbagai gerakan latihan beban yang dapat dilakukan sec...
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and re... more Desa tangguh bencana (Destana) is a program aimed to make a village community prepared for and resilient to disasters. The Destana program was initiated by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) decreed by the Regulation of the head of BNPB No. 1/2012. A village represents the bottom line in the government system and therefore the capacity building for disaster resilience starts from the villages. The number of villages in Central Java reaches 8559 villages, while BNPB, BPBD Province, BPBD Regency/City can only launch Destana on average 30 villages each year from 2013 - 2018. As a result, it takes quite a long time to forming Destana in all villages in Central Java. Therefore, the role of universities, in particular the state universities in forming Destana, is really needed. One of the activities in the formation of Destana was in the kuliah kerja nyata tematik program (KKN PRB) conducted in Purbalingga Regency in 2 villages that were prone to landslides. Provisioning for s...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Nov 1, 2017
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue ( SAR ), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill’s Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR , sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata...
Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan t... more Usaha untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka lebih kreatif dan produktif untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup gencar digaungkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan proses pembangunan dengan inisiatif dari masyarakat untuk memulai kegiatan dalam upaya memperbaiki situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi. Relawan adalah sebuah aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh personal maupun kelompok yang didasari atas kemauan sendiri untuk membantu sesama yang membutuhkan pada saat keadaan darurat atau bencana. Di luar kegiatan Search and Rescue ( SAR ), relawan tidak memiliki aktivitas lain yang produktif, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Diving Skill’s Coaching adalah salah satu upaya untuk memberdayakan para relawan dengan membekali mereka keterampilan menyelam. Keterampilan tersebut dapat mendukung profesionalismenya sebagai relawan SAR , sekaligus mereka dapat memanfaatkannya dalam berbagai aktivitas lain yang bersifat produktif seperti sebagai life guard, pemandu wisata...