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Papers by sema yaman

Research paper thumbnail of Role of choline in ruminant nutrition: a detailed review

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, Jul 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Relationship Between In Situ and In Vitro Rumen Protein Degradability of Extruded Full Fat Soybean

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

The objectives of this study were to estimate the protein degradability of extruded full fat soyb... more The objectives of this study were to estimate the protein degradability of extruded full fat soybean (ESB) by in situ (nylon bag) and in vitro enzymatic method and to develop an equation in order predict in situ degradability from in vitro values. In the study enzymatic technique; hydrolysis after 1 h (INV1) and after 24 h (INV24) by a purified protease extracted from Streptomyces griseus in a borate-phosphate buffer at pH 8 was used as in vitro method. Relationship between in situ effective protein degradability (INSE) and in vitro degradability after 1 and 24 hours incubations (INV1 and INV24) were determined. In situ protein degradability was measured at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 and at 72 h incubations in the rumen of 3 Holstein cows. In the study INSE, INV1 and INV24 were determined as 58.05, 20.24 and 41.46% respectively. Despite there were differences between in situ and in vitro protein degradability values, correlation coefficients between in situ and in vitro protein degr...

Research paper thumbnail of Ana Ürün Tariminda Yaygin Olarak Kullanilan Ve Kullanilabi̇lecek Olan Si̇lajlik Misir Çeşi̇tleri̇nde Veri̇m Ve Kali̇te Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 8, 2015

Türkiye'de mısır çoğunlukla ana ürün olarak yetişir fakat iklimin uygun olduğu kıyı şeridinde (Kı... more Türkiye'de mısır çoğunlukla ana ürün olarak yetişir fakat iklimin uygun olduğu kıyı şeridinde (Kıyı ege, Akdeniz bölgeleri) ve benzer iklime sahip Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde hem ana ürün (Nisan-Eylül arası) hem de ikinci ürün (buğday hasadından sonra Temmuz-Ekim arası) olarak yetiştirilme şansına sahiptir. Mısır yetiştiriciliğinde yetişme dönemine uygun doğru çeşidi saptamak en önemli konudur. Bu çalışma Ege Bölgesinde ana üründe yaygın olarak kullanılan ve kullanılabilecek olan 20 adet mısır çeşidiyle (8 kamu ve 12 özel) 2 yıl boyunca (2005 ve 2006) yürütülmüştür. Denemede agronomik ve kalite olmak üzere 2 grup gözlem alınmıştır. Agronomik gözlemler grubunda çiçeklenme gün sayısı, silaj olgunluk gün sayısı, bitki boyu, yaprak oranı, sap oranı, koçan oranı, yeşil ot ve kuru ot verimi gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Bu özellikler açısından mısır çeşitleri arasında istatistik anlamda önemli farklar oluşmuştur. Kalite analizleri bakımından ise ADF, NDF, ADL, kül, ham yağ, ham protein özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan istatistik değerlendirmede ana üründe ADF açısından çeşitler arasında istatistik anlamda önemli farklar oluşmuştur. Tüm bulguların ışığında; silajdan beklenen verim ve fayda açısından ana üründe; FAO olum grubu 650 ve yukarısı olan (650-750) orta geççi ve geççi çeşitlerin kullanılmasının yerinde olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Development, standardisation and validation of purine excretion technique for measuring microbial protein supply in yerli kara cross breed

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of A1-A2 β-Caseins in Milk and Their Effects on Human Health

Received : 19/11/2021 Accepted : 26/11/2021 Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been re... more Received : 19/11/2021 Accepted : 26/11/2021 Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions and many health problems. Allergic reaction to milk is called lactose intolerance, but it is estimated that this is not caused by lactose, but by the β -casein structure of milk, which varies depending on animal species. Although there are many fractions of β-casein in the structure of milk, especially A1 and A2 casein attract attention. A1 β -casein causes many health problems because it plays a role in the formation of the bioactive opioid peptide β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM-7). These health problems are allergic reactions, weakening of the immune system and slowing down of the gastro-intestinal system and some systemic diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia). The underdevelopment of gastro-intestinal system, especially in newborns, causes us to encounter these health problems more frequently. For this reason, the c...

Research paper thumbnail of Essential Oils: Potential Applications in Ruminant Production

Research paper thumbnail of Genetically Modified Crops and Animal Production

Research paper thumbnail of Sütteki A1-A2 β-Kazeinin Özellikleri Ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2021

Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions a... more Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions and many health problems. Allergic reaction to milk is called lactose intolerance, but it is estimated that this is not caused by lactose, but by the β -casein structure of milk, which varies depending on animal species. Although there are many fractions of β-casein in the structure of milk, especially A1 and A2 casein attract attention. A1 β -casein causes many health problems because it plays a role in the formation of the bioactive opioid peptide β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM-7). These health problems are allergic reactions, weakening of the immune system and slowing down of the gastro-intestinal system and some systemic diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia). The underdevelopment of gastro-intestinal system, especially in newborns, causes us to encounter these health problems more frequently. For this reason, the consumption of milk containing A1 β-casein, e...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Agricultural Crop Residues as Alternatives to Conventional Feedstuffs for Ruminants: A Review

The development and application of modern technology for upgrading crop residues has stimulated g... more The development and application of modern technology for upgrading crop residues has stimulated great interest in developing countries. Researchers are working on the development of crop residues particularly vegetable discarded leaves in agriculture fields as feed, with emphasis on improving their intake and digestibility in ruminants. Despite much research at universities and research stations, farmer uptake and utilization of the residues is still minimal. Reasons for this are manifold but include difficulties of transporting and storing crop residues, insufficient trials at farmer level, inappropriate technology, and absence of agriculture extension services. Literature showed that crop residues possess good nutritive values of crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and mineral contents. Results of various studies demonstrated that cereal straws and vegetable leaves from field crops and non-conventional feed resources showed a significant...

Research paper thumbnail of Feed Evaluation Methods: Performance, Economy and Environment

Feed evaluation methods aim to give information on the feeds to meet the nutritional needs of the... more Feed evaluation methods aim to give information on the feeds to meet the nutritional needs of the animal. Therefore feed evaluation is needed to assess the nutritional value between feeds. The methods to express the feed value incline to measure mainly digestibility of the feedstuff. Many feed evaluation methods have been developed and modified over the years to predict the nutritional component of the feed. The nutritive value of ruminant feeds is assessed by the chemical composition, concentration and rate and extent of digestion of feed in the rumen. Chemical, digestibility and enzymatic methods are the main methods that have been used for feed evaluation. The Weende and detergent analysis systems are the commonly used chemical methods of feed evaluation. For many years, feed digestibility has been measured by in-vivo, in situ and in-vitro digestibility techniques. This paper aims to review the feed evaluation methods of chemical, digestibility and enzymatic with emphasis on per...

Research paper thumbnail of Deği̇şi̇k Katki Maddeleri̇ İle Si̇lolanan Elma Posasi

This research has been carried out to determine the most appropriate ensilaging technique and eff... more This research has been carried out to determine the most appropriate ensilaging technique and effective use of apple pomace, sugar beet pulp and barley + vetch silages, ensilaged with various supplements in different ratio in cattle fattening. Addition of 1 kg straw ( 1.5 kg to 5 th group) and 4 kg concentrated feed to all groups in 168 days fattening period, received barley + vetch silage ensilaged with crushed barley, received barley + vetch silage ensilaged with molasses, received straw with urea + apple pomace silage, received straw with urea + sugar beet pulp silage and received only crushed barley as ad-lib. The values obtained in fattening period as daily average live-weight gain feed consumption on dry malter basis far 1 kg live weight gain (straw + concentrate + silage or crushed barley), dressing percentage of cold carcass and kidney-pelvis fat weight are in 1039 g , 8.04 kg , % 57.8 and 3.57 kg ; in 1122 g , 7.49 kg ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rasyon çinko miktarının boğalarda sperma miktar ve kalitesine etkisi

Ozet: Arastirmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancilik Merkez Arastirma Enstitusunde, dondurulmu... more Ozet: Arastirmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancilik Merkez Arastirma Enstitusunde, dondurulmus sperma uretimi yapilan 9 bas Siyah Alaca irki boga kullanilmistir. Arastirma, karma yemde 40 mg/kg cinko iceren kontrol grubu ve kontrol grubunda kullanan karma yeme ilave olarak 110mg/kg cinko (toplam 150 mg/kg Zn iceren 1. grup) ve 160 mg/kg (toplam 200 mg/kg Zn iceren 2. grup) cinko eklenen 3 farkli muamele grubundan olusmustur. Her gruba tesadufi olarak 3er bas boga dagitilmistir. Cinko preparati olarak, kontrol grubu ve diger iki muamele grubunda organik cinko bilesigi Bioplex Zinc (Aminoasit hidratin cinko selat, Alltech) kullanilmistir. Deneme baslangicinda, 60 gun on yemleme yapilmistir. Bu sure sonunda bogalardan suni vajen yontemiyle 5 hafta boyunca, haftada 2 defa 2’ser ejakulat sperma alinmistir. Sulandirilan spermalar, ekilibrasyondan sonra 0.25 ml’lik payetlere cekilerek, kontrollu dondurma cihazinda dondurulup sivi azot icinde saklanmistir. Nativ spermatolojik degerlendi...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of diatery zinc level on volume and quality of bull semen

Araştırmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsünde, dondurulmuş sper... more Araştırmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsünde, dondurulmuş sperma üretimi yapılan 9 baş Siyah Alaca ırkı boğa kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, karma yemde 40 mg/kg çinko içeren kontrol grubu ve kontrol grubunda kullanan karma yeme ilave olarak 110mg/kg çinko (toplam 150 mg/kg Zn içeren 1. grup) ve 160 mg/kg (toplam 200 mg/kg Zn içeren 2. grup) çinko eklenen 3 farklı muamele grubundan oluşmuştur. Her gruba tesadüfi olarak 3er baş boğa dağıtılmıştır. Çinko preparatı olarak, kontrol grubu ve diğer iki muamele grubunda organik çinko bileşiği Bioplex Zinc (Aminoasit hidratin çinko şelat, Alltech) kullanılmıştır. Deneme başlangıcında, 60 gün ön yemleme yapılmıştır. Bu süre sonunda boğalardan suni vajen yöntemiyle 5 hafta boyunca, haftada 2 defa 2'şer ejakülat sperma alınmıştır. Sulandırılan spermalar, ekilibrasyondan sonra 0.25 ml'lik payetlere çekilerek, kontrollü dondurma cihazında dondurulup sıvı azot içinde saklanmıştır. Nativ spermatolojik değerlendirmeler aynı gün, çözüm sonu değerlendirmeleri ise 24 saatlik dondurma sürecinden sonra payetler 37°C'de 30 saniye süreyle çözdürülerek değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada sperma miktarı yönünden kontrol grubu ile 200 mg/kg çinko içeren 2. grup arasından fark önemsiz, kontrol grubu ile 150 mg/kg çinko içeren 1. grup arasındaki fark önemli (P<0.05) bulunmuştur. Motilite oranı, mass aktivite değeri ve yoğunluk yönünden kontrol grubu ile 1. ve 2. gruplar arasındaki fark önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Sperma yoğunluğu bakımından en iyi sonuç 1. gruptan alınmıştır. Çözüm sonu en iyi motilite değeri ise 2. grupta elde edilmiştir. Damızlık boğaların beslenmesinde, karma yemde 40 mg/kg çinko (NRC 2001) kullanılması yerine, 150 veya 200 mg/ kg çinko kullanılmasının sperma miktarı ve kalitesi üzerine olumlu etki yaptığı kanaatine varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Rumi̇nantlarda Selülozun Si̇ndi̇ri̇mi̇ (Derleme)

Gevis getiren ciftlik hayvanlari icin birinci derecede enerji kaynagi suphesiz karbonhidratlardir... more Gevis getiren ciftlik hayvanlari icin birinci derecede enerji kaynagi suphesiz karbonhidratlardir. Seluloz bir hayvan yemi olarak, karbonhidratlarin onemli bir bolumunu teskil eder. Dunyada en fazla bulunan karbonhidrattir ve bitki kuru maddesinin %20-40ini olusturur. Seluloz keza bitki hucre duvarinin en buyuk oranini temsil eder ve baslica lifli maddeyi olusturur. Selulozun degerlendirilmesi lignifiye olma durumuna gore hic sindirilememekten tam sindirilmeye kadar degisir. Selulozun sindirimini lignifiye olmasi yaninda diger inhibitorler ve kisitlayici faktorler, selulozun kendi ic ozellikleri etkiler. Bu kisitlayici faktorler ve kendi ic ozellikleri nedeniyle sindirim kanalinda selulozun sindirimi halen tam olarak aciklanmis degildir. Bu derleme, ruminantlarda selulozun mikrobiyal yikimi ve seluloz sindiriminin nasil gerceklestigini aciklamak icin yapilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of İki̇nci̇ Ürün Tariminda Yaygin Olarak Kullanilan Ve Kullanilabi̇lecek Olan Si̇lajlik Misir Çeşi̇tleri̇nde Veri̇m Ve Kali̇te Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Turkiye genelinde dusunuldugunde silaj ana urunde yayginlik gostermekle beraber iklim kosullarini... more Turkiye genelinde dusunuldugunde silaj ana urunde yayginlik gostermekle beraber iklim kosullarinin ve sicakligin uygun oldugu kiyi ve gecit iklime sahip yorelerde ve benzer iklime sahip Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesinde bugday hasadindan sonra silo yemi amaciyla ikinci urun olarak da (Haziran-Ekim arasi) yetistirilmektedir. Bu noktada en onemli konu 2.urune uygun kisa vejetasyonlu, yuksek verimli dogru cesidi saptamaktir. Bu calisma 17 adet misir cesidiyle 2 yil boyunca (2005 ve 2006) yurutulmustur. Denemede agronomik ve kalite olmak uzere 2 grup gozlem alinmistir. Agronomik gozlemler grubunda ciceklenme gun sayisi, silaj olgunluk gun sayisi, bitki boyu, yaprak orani, sap orani, kocan orani, yesil ot ve kuru ot verimi gibi ozellikler incelenmistir. Bu ozellikler acisindan misir cesitleri arasinda istatistik anlamda onemli farklar olusmustur. Kalite analizleri bakimindan ise ADF (Asit deterjanda cozunmeyen lif), NDF (Notr deterjanda cozunmeyen lif), ADL(Asit deterjanda cozunmeyen ligni...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Quality and Effective Use of Apple Pomace

Bu calisma, taze elma ve seker pancari posasi ile arpa+fig hasilinin degisik oranlarda cesitli ka... more Bu calisma, taze elma ve seker pancari posasi ile arpa+fig hasilinin degisik oranlarda cesitli katki maddeleriyle silolanarak en uygun silolama teknigini sigir besisindeki yerleri ve onemlerini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulmustur. Gruplarin hepsine, 168 gunluk besi suresince gunde hayvan basina 1 kg saman (5. Grupta 1,5 kg ) ve 4 kg kesif yem ve bunlara ilaveten ad- libitum olarak; 1.gruba kirilmis arpa ile silolanmis arpa+fig hasili silaji, 2.gruba melasla silolanmis arpa+fig hasili silaji, 3.gruba ureli samanla silolanmis elma posasi silaji, 4.gruba ureli samanla silolanmis pancar posasi ayem tuketimi (saman+kesif yem+silaj veya arpa kirmasi), soguk karkas randimani ve bobrek-legen yaglari agirligi bakimindan elde edilen degerler; 1.grupta sirasiyla 1039 g , 8.04 kg , % 57.8 ve 3.57 kg ; 2 grupta 1122 g , 7.49 kg , % 56.4 ve 3.10 kg ; 3.grupta 1162 g , 7.35 kg , %57.1 ve 3.52 kg ; 4.grupta 1156 g , 7.29 kg , % 57.3 ve 2.80 kg ; 5.grupta 1287 g , 6.64 kg , % 58.9 ve 4.80 kg bulunmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Niğde Bölgesinde Bulunan Ökse Otunun Yem Değerinin In Vitro Gaz Üretim Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2018

Bu çalışma, ökse otu (ÖO) olarak bilinen (Viscum album L.)‘nin yem değerinin ortaya konulması ama... more Bu çalışma, ökse otu (ÖO) olarak bilinen (Viscum album L.)‘nin yem değerinin ortaya konulması amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Bu nedenle, kayısı (Purunus cinsi) ve badem (Amygdalus communis L.) ağaçlarından alınan ÖO numuneleri; bütün bitki, sap, yaprak ve meyveler olmak üzere dört alt gruba ayrılmıştır. Kesimhaneden alınan rumen sıvısı ve içeriği kullanılarak In vitro gaz üretim tekniği ile ÖO örnekleri 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72 ve 96 saat süre ile inkübe edilmiştir. Örneklerin In vitro organik madde sindirilebilirliliği (OMS), metabolize olabilir enerji (ME) ve net enerji laktasyon (NEL) değerleri 24 saatlik gaz çıkışına bağlı olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kayısı ağacından toplanan ÖO bitkisinin farklı kısımlarındaki (bütün bitki, sap, yaprak ve meyveler) ham protein, ham yağ, ADF ve NDF içerikleri, 90,25 ile 120,82, 80,05 ile100,13, 190,29 ile 330,17, 280,85 ile 500,86 g kg-1 KM aralığında bulunurken badem ağaçlarından toplanan ÖO bitkilerinin aynı ham besin madde içerikleri sırasıyla 100,37 ile...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of Aloe Vera as A Natural Feed Additive in Broiler Production

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019

Phytogenic feed additives have replaced the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in the diet ... more Phytogenic feed additives have replaced the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in the diet of poultry particularly broiler chickens. Researchers are moving towards the use of natural products such as herbs, spices, plants and plant products, which possess influential effects on growth performance parameters, immune response and treatment of various diseases. Aloe vera is a well-known medicinal plant and is being used for commercial and therapeutic purposes such as antimicrobials, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, wound healing, antioxidant and antiprotozoal agents. From a few last decades, the use of Aloe vera has been increased as a natural additive to broiler diet. Based on the review of literature, Aloe vera can improve immune response, growth performance in the broiler, as well as an excellent alternative of AGPs and anticoccidial drugs. It can be used for broiler diet in the form of gel, powder, ethanolic extract and aqueous extract. This review provides info...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Feeding Genetically Modified Crops to Domestic Animals: A Review

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019

Genetically modified (GM) crops are being planted at large scale worldwide. In most of the countr... more Genetically modified (GM) crops are being planted at large scale worldwide. In most of the countries, GM crops are processed into livestock feed. The land is used for cultivation of GM plants has been increased in recent years; in 2012 GM plants were grown on over 170 million hectares in 28 countries by 17.3 million farmers and extended to 185.1 million hectors in 2016 worldwide. GM plants have been used as feed for animals and the number of studies has proved their safety for animal and public health. This paper reviews the possible effects of GM crops on livestock, poultry, and aquatic animals by reviewing different type of studies, in which parameters such as performance, reproductive and health assessment were investigated. The most of peer-reviewed papers evaluating the effects of feeding animals with transgenic crops were based on GM plants with improved agronomic traits i.e. herbicide-tolerant plants and pets-tolerant plants; however, in some cases GM plants with boosted nutr...

Research paper thumbnail of Use of essential oils in active food packaging: Recent advances and future trends

Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2017

Background: Essential oils (EOs) extracted from plants have been the focus of numerous researches... more Background: Essential oils (EOs) extracted from plants have been the focus of numerous researches due to their potential in the food and pharmaceutical industries and aromatherapy. Scope and approach: The effectiveness of EO may be observed in antimicrobial and antioxidant tests. Volatile compounds are present in EOs and are responsible by their biological activities, namely antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity. Several manuscripts and patents have emerged with applications of EOs and their constituents, and their incorporation into food packaging. These packages with EOs have shown efficiency against microorganisms and oxidants in vitro, in tests with food and/or food simulants evaluation tests. In line with this, chromatographic techniques can be used to identify the main volatile compounds present in EOs or to determine the compounds that migrated from packaging to food or food simulants. This review provides a concise and critical insight in the use of EOs with emphasis in food applications. The innovative food packaging applications are highlighted and future trends are discussed. Key findings and conclusions: In general, EOs extend food stability during storage, inhibiting the growth of spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms and protecting against oxidation. Moreover, in spite of the potential of EOs, more studies should evaluate their safety and possible side effects before considering their use for food purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of choline in ruminant nutrition: a detailed review

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, Jul 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Relationship Between In Situ and In Vitro Rumen Protein Degradability of Extruded Full Fat Soybean

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

The objectives of this study were to estimate the protein degradability of extruded full fat soyb... more The objectives of this study were to estimate the protein degradability of extruded full fat soybean (ESB) by in situ (nylon bag) and in vitro enzymatic method and to develop an equation in order predict in situ degradability from in vitro values. In the study enzymatic technique; hydrolysis after 1 h (INV1) and after 24 h (INV24) by a purified protease extracted from Streptomyces griseus in a borate-phosphate buffer at pH 8 was used as in vitro method. Relationship between in situ effective protein degradability (INSE) and in vitro degradability after 1 and 24 hours incubations (INV1 and INV24) were determined. In situ protein degradability was measured at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 and at 72 h incubations in the rumen of 3 Holstein cows. In the study INSE, INV1 and INV24 were determined as 58.05, 20.24 and 41.46% respectively. Despite there were differences between in situ and in vitro protein degradability values, correlation coefficients between in situ and in vitro protein degr...

Research paper thumbnail of Ana Ürün Tariminda Yaygin Olarak Kullanilan Ve Kullanilabi̇lecek Olan Si̇lajlik Misir Çeşi̇tleri̇nde Veri̇m Ve Kali̇te Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 8, 2015

Türkiye'de mısır çoğunlukla ana ürün olarak yetişir fakat iklimin uygun olduğu kıyı şeridinde (Kı... more Türkiye'de mısır çoğunlukla ana ürün olarak yetişir fakat iklimin uygun olduğu kıyı şeridinde (Kıyı ege, Akdeniz bölgeleri) ve benzer iklime sahip Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde hem ana ürün (Nisan-Eylül arası) hem de ikinci ürün (buğday hasadından sonra Temmuz-Ekim arası) olarak yetiştirilme şansına sahiptir. Mısır yetiştiriciliğinde yetişme dönemine uygun doğru çeşidi saptamak en önemli konudur. Bu çalışma Ege Bölgesinde ana üründe yaygın olarak kullanılan ve kullanılabilecek olan 20 adet mısır çeşidiyle (8 kamu ve 12 özel) 2 yıl boyunca (2005 ve 2006) yürütülmüştür. Denemede agronomik ve kalite olmak üzere 2 grup gözlem alınmıştır. Agronomik gözlemler grubunda çiçeklenme gün sayısı, silaj olgunluk gün sayısı, bitki boyu, yaprak oranı, sap oranı, koçan oranı, yeşil ot ve kuru ot verimi gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Bu özellikler açısından mısır çeşitleri arasında istatistik anlamda önemli farklar oluşmuştur. Kalite analizleri bakımından ise ADF, NDF, ADL, kül, ham yağ, ham protein özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan istatistik değerlendirmede ana üründe ADF açısından çeşitler arasında istatistik anlamda önemli farklar oluşmuştur. Tüm bulguların ışığında; silajdan beklenen verim ve fayda açısından ana üründe; FAO olum grubu 650 ve yukarısı olan (650-750) orta geççi ve geççi çeşitlerin kullanılmasının yerinde olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Development, standardisation and validation of purine excretion technique for measuring microbial protein supply in yerli kara cross breed

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of A1-A2 β-Caseins in Milk and Their Effects on Human Health

Received : 19/11/2021 Accepted : 26/11/2021 Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been re... more Received : 19/11/2021 Accepted : 26/11/2021 Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions and many health problems. Allergic reaction to milk is called lactose intolerance, but it is estimated that this is not caused by lactose, but by the β -casein structure of milk, which varies depending on animal species. Although there are many fractions of β-casein in the structure of milk, especially A1 and A2 casein attract attention. A1 β -casein causes many health problems because it plays a role in the formation of the bioactive opioid peptide β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM-7). These health problems are allergic reactions, weakening of the immune system and slowing down of the gastro-intestinal system and some systemic diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia). The underdevelopment of gastro-intestinal system, especially in newborns, causes us to encounter these health problems more frequently. For this reason, the c...

Research paper thumbnail of Essential Oils: Potential Applications in Ruminant Production

Research paper thumbnail of Genetically Modified Crops and Animal Production

Research paper thumbnail of Sütteki A1-A2 β-Kazeinin Özellikleri Ve İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2021

Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions a... more Despite positive effects on nutrition, it has been reported that milk causes allergic reactions and many health problems. Allergic reaction to milk is called lactose intolerance, but it is estimated that this is not caused by lactose, but by the β -casein structure of milk, which varies depending on animal species. Although there are many fractions of β-casein in the structure of milk, especially A1 and A2 casein attract attention. A1 β -casein causes many health problems because it plays a role in the formation of the bioactive opioid peptide β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM-7). These health problems are allergic reactions, weakening of the immune system and slowing down of the gastro-intestinal system and some systemic diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia). The underdevelopment of gastro-intestinal system, especially in newborns, causes us to encounter these health problems more frequently. For this reason, the consumption of milk containing A1 β-casein, e...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Agricultural Crop Residues as Alternatives to Conventional Feedstuffs for Ruminants: A Review

The development and application of modern technology for upgrading crop residues has stimulated g... more The development and application of modern technology for upgrading crop residues has stimulated great interest in developing countries. Researchers are working on the development of crop residues particularly vegetable discarded leaves in agriculture fields as feed, with emphasis on improving their intake and digestibility in ruminants. Despite much research at universities and research stations, farmer uptake and utilization of the residues is still minimal. Reasons for this are manifold but include difficulties of transporting and storing crop residues, insufficient trials at farmer level, inappropriate technology, and absence of agriculture extension services. Literature showed that crop residues possess good nutritive values of crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and mineral contents. Results of various studies demonstrated that cereal straws and vegetable leaves from field crops and non-conventional feed resources showed a significant...

Research paper thumbnail of Feed Evaluation Methods: Performance, Economy and Environment

Feed evaluation methods aim to give information on the feeds to meet the nutritional needs of the... more Feed evaluation methods aim to give information on the feeds to meet the nutritional needs of the animal. Therefore feed evaluation is needed to assess the nutritional value between feeds. The methods to express the feed value incline to measure mainly digestibility of the feedstuff. Many feed evaluation methods have been developed and modified over the years to predict the nutritional component of the feed. The nutritive value of ruminant feeds is assessed by the chemical composition, concentration and rate and extent of digestion of feed in the rumen. Chemical, digestibility and enzymatic methods are the main methods that have been used for feed evaluation. The Weende and detergent analysis systems are the commonly used chemical methods of feed evaluation. For many years, feed digestibility has been measured by in-vivo, in situ and in-vitro digestibility techniques. This paper aims to review the feed evaluation methods of chemical, digestibility and enzymatic with emphasis on per...

Research paper thumbnail of Deği̇şi̇k Katki Maddeleri̇ İle Si̇lolanan Elma Posasi

This research has been carried out to determine the most appropriate ensilaging technique and eff... more This research has been carried out to determine the most appropriate ensilaging technique and effective use of apple pomace, sugar beet pulp and barley + vetch silages, ensilaged with various supplements in different ratio in cattle fattening. Addition of 1 kg straw ( 1.5 kg to 5 th group) and 4 kg concentrated feed to all groups in 168 days fattening period, received barley + vetch silage ensilaged with crushed barley, received barley + vetch silage ensilaged with molasses, received straw with urea + apple pomace silage, received straw with urea + sugar beet pulp silage and received only crushed barley as ad-lib. The values obtained in fattening period as daily average live-weight gain feed consumption on dry malter basis far 1 kg live weight gain (straw + concentrate + silage or crushed barley), dressing percentage of cold carcass and kidney-pelvis fat weight are in 1039 g , 8.04 kg , % 57.8 and 3.57 kg ; in 1122 g , 7.49 kg ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rasyon çinko miktarının boğalarda sperma miktar ve kalitesine etkisi

Ozet: Arastirmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancilik Merkez Arastirma Enstitusunde, dondurulmu... more Ozet: Arastirmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancilik Merkez Arastirma Enstitusunde, dondurulmus sperma uretimi yapilan 9 bas Siyah Alaca irki boga kullanilmistir. Arastirma, karma yemde 40 mg/kg cinko iceren kontrol grubu ve kontrol grubunda kullanan karma yeme ilave olarak 110mg/kg cinko (toplam 150 mg/kg Zn iceren 1. grup) ve 160 mg/kg (toplam 200 mg/kg Zn iceren 2. grup) cinko eklenen 3 farkli muamele grubundan olusmustur. Her gruba tesadufi olarak 3er bas boga dagitilmistir. Cinko preparati olarak, kontrol grubu ve diger iki muamele grubunda organik cinko bilesigi Bioplex Zinc (Aminoasit hidratin cinko selat, Alltech) kullanilmistir. Deneme baslangicinda, 60 gun on yemleme yapilmistir. Bu sure sonunda bogalardan suni vajen yontemiyle 5 hafta boyunca, haftada 2 defa 2’ser ejakulat sperma alinmistir. Sulandirilan spermalar, ekilibrasyondan sonra 0.25 ml’lik payetlere cekilerek, kontrollu dondurma cihazinda dondurulup sivi azot icinde saklanmistir. Nativ spermatolojik degerlendi...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of diatery zinc level on volume and quality of bull semen

Araştırmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsünde, dondurulmuş sper... more Araştırmada, hayvan materyali olarak, Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsünde, dondurulmuş sperma üretimi yapılan 9 baş Siyah Alaca ırkı boğa kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, karma yemde 40 mg/kg çinko içeren kontrol grubu ve kontrol grubunda kullanan karma yeme ilave olarak 110mg/kg çinko (toplam 150 mg/kg Zn içeren 1. grup) ve 160 mg/kg (toplam 200 mg/kg Zn içeren 2. grup) çinko eklenen 3 farklı muamele grubundan oluşmuştur. Her gruba tesadüfi olarak 3er baş boğa dağıtılmıştır. Çinko preparatı olarak, kontrol grubu ve diğer iki muamele grubunda organik çinko bileşiği Bioplex Zinc (Aminoasit hidratin çinko şelat, Alltech) kullanılmıştır. Deneme başlangıcında, 60 gün ön yemleme yapılmıştır. Bu süre sonunda boğalardan suni vajen yöntemiyle 5 hafta boyunca, haftada 2 defa 2'şer ejakülat sperma alınmıştır. Sulandırılan spermalar, ekilibrasyondan sonra 0.25 ml'lik payetlere çekilerek, kontrollü dondurma cihazında dondurulup sıvı azot içinde saklanmıştır. Nativ spermatolojik değerlendirmeler aynı gün, çözüm sonu değerlendirmeleri ise 24 saatlik dondurma sürecinden sonra payetler 37°C'de 30 saniye süreyle çözdürülerek değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada sperma miktarı yönünden kontrol grubu ile 200 mg/kg çinko içeren 2. grup arasından fark önemsiz, kontrol grubu ile 150 mg/kg çinko içeren 1. grup arasındaki fark önemli (P<0.05) bulunmuştur. Motilite oranı, mass aktivite değeri ve yoğunluk yönünden kontrol grubu ile 1. ve 2. gruplar arasındaki fark önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Sperma yoğunluğu bakımından en iyi sonuç 1. gruptan alınmıştır. Çözüm sonu en iyi motilite değeri ise 2. grupta elde edilmiştir. Damızlık boğaların beslenmesinde, karma yemde 40 mg/kg çinko (NRC 2001) kullanılması yerine, 150 veya 200 mg/ kg çinko kullanılmasının sperma miktarı ve kalitesi üzerine olumlu etki yaptığı kanaatine varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Rumi̇nantlarda Selülozun Si̇ndi̇ri̇mi̇ (Derleme)

Gevis getiren ciftlik hayvanlari icin birinci derecede enerji kaynagi suphesiz karbonhidratlardir... more Gevis getiren ciftlik hayvanlari icin birinci derecede enerji kaynagi suphesiz karbonhidratlardir. Seluloz bir hayvan yemi olarak, karbonhidratlarin onemli bir bolumunu teskil eder. Dunyada en fazla bulunan karbonhidrattir ve bitki kuru maddesinin %20-40ini olusturur. Seluloz keza bitki hucre duvarinin en buyuk oranini temsil eder ve baslica lifli maddeyi olusturur. Selulozun degerlendirilmesi lignifiye olma durumuna gore hic sindirilememekten tam sindirilmeye kadar degisir. Selulozun sindirimini lignifiye olmasi yaninda diger inhibitorler ve kisitlayici faktorler, selulozun kendi ic ozellikleri etkiler. Bu kisitlayici faktorler ve kendi ic ozellikleri nedeniyle sindirim kanalinda selulozun sindirimi halen tam olarak aciklanmis degildir. Bu derleme, ruminantlarda selulozun mikrobiyal yikimi ve seluloz sindiriminin nasil gerceklestigini aciklamak icin yapilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of İki̇nci̇ Ürün Tariminda Yaygin Olarak Kullanilan Ve Kullanilabi̇lecek Olan Si̇lajlik Misir Çeşi̇tleri̇nde Veri̇m Ve Kali̇te Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Turkiye genelinde dusunuldugunde silaj ana urunde yayginlik gostermekle beraber iklim kosullarini... more Turkiye genelinde dusunuldugunde silaj ana urunde yayginlik gostermekle beraber iklim kosullarinin ve sicakligin uygun oldugu kiyi ve gecit iklime sahip yorelerde ve benzer iklime sahip Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesinde bugday hasadindan sonra silo yemi amaciyla ikinci urun olarak da (Haziran-Ekim arasi) yetistirilmektedir. Bu noktada en onemli konu 2.urune uygun kisa vejetasyonlu, yuksek verimli dogru cesidi saptamaktir. Bu calisma 17 adet misir cesidiyle 2 yil boyunca (2005 ve 2006) yurutulmustur. Denemede agronomik ve kalite olmak uzere 2 grup gozlem alinmistir. Agronomik gozlemler grubunda ciceklenme gun sayisi, silaj olgunluk gun sayisi, bitki boyu, yaprak orani, sap orani, kocan orani, yesil ot ve kuru ot verimi gibi ozellikler incelenmistir. Bu ozellikler acisindan misir cesitleri arasinda istatistik anlamda onemli farklar olusmustur. Kalite analizleri bakimindan ise ADF (Asit deterjanda cozunmeyen lif), NDF (Notr deterjanda cozunmeyen lif), ADL(Asit deterjanda cozunmeyen ligni...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Quality and Effective Use of Apple Pomace

Bu calisma, taze elma ve seker pancari posasi ile arpa+fig hasilinin degisik oranlarda cesitli ka... more Bu calisma, taze elma ve seker pancari posasi ile arpa+fig hasilinin degisik oranlarda cesitli katki maddeleriyle silolanarak en uygun silolama teknigini sigir besisindeki yerleri ve onemlerini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulmustur. Gruplarin hepsine, 168 gunluk besi suresince gunde hayvan basina 1 kg saman (5. Grupta 1,5 kg ) ve 4 kg kesif yem ve bunlara ilaveten ad- libitum olarak; 1.gruba kirilmis arpa ile silolanmis arpa+fig hasili silaji, 2.gruba melasla silolanmis arpa+fig hasili silaji, 3.gruba ureli samanla silolanmis elma posasi silaji, 4.gruba ureli samanla silolanmis pancar posasi ayem tuketimi (saman+kesif yem+silaj veya arpa kirmasi), soguk karkas randimani ve bobrek-legen yaglari agirligi bakimindan elde edilen degerler; 1.grupta sirasiyla 1039 g , 8.04 kg , % 57.8 ve 3.57 kg ; 2 grupta 1122 g , 7.49 kg , % 56.4 ve 3.10 kg ; 3.grupta 1162 g , 7.35 kg , %57.1 ve 3.52 kg ; 4.grupta 1156 g , 7.29 kg , % 57.3 ve 2.80 kg ; 5.grupta 1287 g , 6.64 kg , % 58.9 ve 4.80 kg bulunmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Niğde Bölgesinde Bulunan Ökse Otunun Yem Değerinin In Vitro Gaz Üretim Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2018

Bu çalışma, ökse otu (ÖO) olarak bilinen (Viscum album L.)‘nin yem değerinin ortaya konulması ama... more Bu çalışma, ökse otu (ÖO) olarak bilinen (Viscum album L.)‘nin yem değerinin ortaya konulması amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Bu nedenle, kayısı (Purunus cinsi) ve badem (Amygdalus communis L.) ağaçlarından alınan ÖO numuneleri; bütün bitki, sap, yaprak ve meyveler olmak üzere dört alt gruba ayrılmıştır. Kesimhaneden alınan rumen sıvısı ve içeriği kullanılarak In vitro gaz üretim tekniği ile ÖO örnekleri 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72 ve 96 saat süre ile inkübe edilmiştir. Örneklerin In vitro organik madde sindirilebilirliliği (OMS), metabolize olabilir enerji (ME) ve net enerji laktasyon (NEL) değerleri 24 saatlik gaz çıkışına bağlı olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kayısı ağacından toplanan ÖO bitkisinin farklı kısımlarındaki (bütün bitki, sap, yaprak ve meyveler) ham protein, ham yağ, ADF ve NDF içerikleri, 90,25 ile 120,82, 80,05 ile100,13, 190,29 ile 330,17, 280,85 ile 500,86 g kg-1 KM aralığında bulunurken badem ağaçlarından toplanan ÖO bitkilerinin aynı ham besin madde içerikleri sırasıyla 100,37 ile...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of Aloe Vera as A Natural Feed Additive in Broiler Production

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019

Phytogenic feed additives have replaced the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in the diet ... more Phytogenic feed additives have replaced the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in the diet of poultry particularly broiler chickens. Researchers are moving towards the use of natural products such as herbs, spices, plants and plant products, which possess influential effects on growth performance parameters, immune response and treatment of various diseases. Aloe vera is a well-known medicinal plant and is being used for commercial and therapeutic purposes such as antimicrobials, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, wound healing, antioxidant and antiprotozoal agents. From a few last decades, the use of Aloe vera has been increased as a natural additive to broiler diet. Based on the review of literature, Aloe vera can improve immune response, growth performance in the broiler, as well as an excellent alternative of AGPs and anticoccidial drugs. It can be used for broiler diet in the form of gel, powder, ethanolic extract and aqueous extract. This review provides info...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Feeding Genetically Modified Crops to Domestic Animals: A Review

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019

Genetically modified (GM) crops are being planted at large scale worldwide. In most of the countr... more Genetically modified (GM) crops are being planted at large scale worldwide. In most of the countries, GM crops are processed into livestock feed. The land is used for cultivation of GM plants has been increased in recent years; in 2012 GM plants were grown on over 170 million hectares in 28 countries by 17.3 million farmers and extended to 185.1 million hectors in 2016 worldwide. GM plants have been used as feed for animals and the number of studies has proved their safety for animal and public health. This paper reviews the possible effects of GM crops on livestock, poultry, and aquatic animals by reviewing different type of studies, in which parameters such as performance, reproductive and health assessment were investigated. The most of peer-reviewed papers evaluating the effects of feeding animals with transgenic crops were based on GM plants with improved agronomic traits i.e. herbicide-tolerant plants and pets-tolerant plants; however, in some cases GM plants with boosted nutr...

Research paper thumbnail of Use of essential oils in active food packaging: Recent advances and future trends

Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2017

Background: Essential oils (EOs) extracted from plants have been the focus of numerous researches... more Background: Essential oils (EOs) extracted from plants have been the focus of numerous researches due to their potential in the food and pharmaceutical industries and aromatherapy. Scope and approach: The effectiveness of EO may be observed in antimicrobial and antioxidant tests. Volatile compounds are present in EOs and are responsible by their biological activities, namely antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity. Several manuscripts and patents have emerged with applications of EOs and their constituents, and their incorporation into food packaging. These packages with EOs have shown efficiency against microorganisms and oxidants in vitro, in tests with food and/or food simulants evaluation tests. In line with this, chromatographic techniques can be used to identify the main volatile compounds present in EOs or to determine the compounds that migrated from packaging to food or food simulants. This review provides a concise and critical insight in the use of EOs with emphasis in food applications. The innovative food packaging applications are highlighted and future trends are discussed. Key findings and conclusions: In general, EOs extend food stability during storage, inhibiting the growth of spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms and protecting against oxidation. Moreover, in spite of the potential of EOs, more studies should evaluate their safety and possible side effects before considering their use for food purposes.