sri siswati - (original) (raw)
Papers by sri siswati
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Introduction: TB disease is the first of the 10 leading causes of death in the world, and Indones... more Introduction: TB disease is the first of the 10 leading causes of death in the world, and Indonesia is the 3rd highest country after India and China. The Minister of Health said there were 824,000 people suspected of having TB and asked all health officials to prioritize surveillance efforts to find people with TB detected by name by address. The TB cure rate in West Sumatra Province in 2020 is 76.9% and has not reached the national target of 85% and the city of Padang is only 23%. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find suspected cases of TB using the Pharmamed Chatbot, by name and by address so that they are easy to find to overcome TB. Methods: This type of research is quantitative descriptive of suspected TB cases using a 20-question chatbot to obtain social data by name and by address and suspected cases of TB. Results: The results of 838 respondents obtained 91 people suspected of TB, the composition of respondents BPJS 78.5% and 22.5%, not BPJS. BPJS respondents of pr...
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Masalah-masalah kesehatan akibat penuaan terjadi pada berbagai sistem tubuh. Berdasarkan informas... more Masalah-masalah kesehatan akibat penuaan terjadi pada berbagai sistem tubuh. Berdasarkan informasi data yang dikutip dari buku ajar geriatri, penyakit yang paling tinggi presentasenya adalah osteoartritis, yaitu mencapai 49% (Kuntaraf, 2002). Osteoartritis adalah penyakit pada sendi-sendi penahan berat tubuh yang bersifat progresif, non inflamasi, nonsistemik, dan recurrent (Reeves, 2009). Prevalensi osteoartritis lebih banyak terjadi pada usia di atas 35 tahun, terutama wanita di atas 55 tahun (Reeves, 2009). Dalam suatu survey radiografi pada wanita di bawah usia 40 tahun hanya 2% yang mengalami osteoartritis, pada usia 45-60 tahun mencapai 30% sementara pada usia di atas 61 tahun lebih dari 65% (Noer, 2006). Dari hasil observasi dari berbagai Rumah Sakit ditemukan bahwa osteoartritis lebih banyak menyerang wanita. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Kecamatan Deli Serdang didapatkan bahwa jumlah lanjut usia yang selalu kontrol adalah 136 orang dan sebanyak ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Acid mine drainage has a negative impact on the environment. Adsorption is an effective and effic... more Acid mine drainage has a negative impact on the environment. Adsorption is an effective and efficient method for acid mine drainage treatment, besides that adsorption does not have a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze the ability of fly ash from a steam power plant as an adsorbent in acid mine drainage treatment. Using experimental methods and batch adsorption mechanisms, with variations of adsorption parameters carried out including adsorbent dose, stirring time, and stirring speed. The test results show that fly ash is very effective in acid mine drainage treatment. Where there is an increase in pH and a decrease in the concentration of Mn and Fe metals in acid mine drainage to match the quality standard. The increase in pH was in the range of 6.3 to 7.4 with the highest effectiveness of 54.05%. In the reduction of Mnmetalthe highest effectiveness was 78.14%, while in Fe metal the highest effectiveness was 85.83%. Fly ash can be used and is very useful ...
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2021
The challenges of the world of work in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 accelerated by the COVID... more The challenges of the world of work in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, require education graduates who have 4C competencies (Critical, Creativitythinking, Collaboration, and Communication) and HOTS (High Ordinary Thinking Skill) thinking skills. The lecture process in Health Ethics and Law at the Community Health Sciences study program FKM Unand has not been able to accommodate the needs for learning achievement (CPL) 4 C and the ability to think HOTS well.The results of interviews with 10 informants of Bachelor of Public Health revealed that the characteristics of public health ethics with the problem have not been mastered. The use of mind mapping in learning shows an increase in students' abilities by 75%, and without mind mapping only 35% (Buzan T 2009)1. This study aims to determine the level of student learning effectiveness using the Problem Based Learning Model By Using Mind Mapping. This type of research is Research and Developmen...
Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sank... more Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sanksi moral dan bagi yang melanggar hukum akan dikenakan sanksi hukum. Dalam bidang kesehatan pun terdapat etika dan hukum. Para petugas kesehatan dalam melayani masyarakat juga terikat pada etika dan hukum kesehatan. Apabila petugas kesehatan melanggarnya maka akan memperoleh sanksi etika profesinya dan apabila melanggar peraturan atau perundang-undangan? akan memperoleh sanksi hukum (pidana atau perdata). Oleh sebab itu, sepatutnyalah petugas kesehatan atau calon petugas kesehatan dari profesi apapun ( dokter, dokter gigi, kesehatan, masyarakat, perawat, bidan, apoteker, nutrisionis, dan lain-lain) untuk memahami etika dan hukum kesehatan
Proceedings of International on Healthcare Facilities, 2021
Advances in Health Sciences Research, 2022
The future development of information and communication technology is inevitable, including in th... more The future development of information and communication technology is inevitable, including in the health sector, namely electronic-health (e-health). In the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, there has been a huge change. E-health in the health sector is overgrowing. Many applications are created in health services and the distribution of health needs such as drugs, medical devices, and others. The Health sector adheres to the characteristics of medical ethics that respect patient autonomy (respect for autonomy), do good (beneficence), do not do things that will harm (nonmaleficence) and are fair (justice). On the other hand, in electronic print media, especially social media, the patient's medical secrets are disclosed. This research is a type of descriptive research of the quantitative approach. The study was conducted from April until October 2021 through Google Form. The population in the study was a student and general public, but the exact population number is unknown. For samples taken randomly using the formula Lemeshow with an unknown population and the sample obtained after the calculation of the formula, there are 97 respondence. The results show that it is necessary to disseminate information to the public about these medical secrets so that the public can understand the importance of medical secrets and issue regulations relating to medical secrets in e-health services and anticipate their impact on health service recipients. At the time of the covid-19 pandemic the use of e-health in the community is quite popular considering the situation and conditions that make them afraid to leave the house and choose to consult or buy drugs online. Basically, with adequate counselling or information from the doctor, the patient or his family can assess every step taken by the doctor. Informed consent (approval of medical actions) needs to be considered and essenti a l provided by the doctor and fully understood by the patient / his family. Not every disappointment from the results of medical services using telemedicine becomes a case of malpractice.
Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sank... more Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sanksi moral dan bagi yang melanggar hukum akan dikenakan sanksi hukum. Dalam bidang kesehatan pun terdapat etika dan hukum. Para petugas kesehatan dalam melayani masyarakat juga terikat pada etika dan hukum kesehatan. Apabila petugas kesehatan melanggarnya maka akan memperoleh sanksi etika profesinya dan apabila melanggar peraturan atau perundang-undangan? akan memperoleh sanksi hukum (pidana atau perdata). Oleh sebab itu, sepatutnyalah petugas kesehatan atau calon petugas kesehatan dari profesi apapun ( dokter, dokter gigi, kesehatan, masyarakat, perawat, bidan, apoteker, nutrisionis, dan lain-lain) untuk memahami etika dan hukum kesehatan
ABSTRAK Sering pasien atau keluarga pasien tidak mengerti tentang penyakit yang dideritanya , kar... more ABSTRAK Sering pasien atau keluarga pasien tidak mengerti tentang penyakit yang dideritanya , karena tidak adanya penjelasan dari tenaga kesehatan yang biasanya dokter, bahkan sampai akhir hayatnya. Penyakit yang merupakan rahasia medis ini secara prinsip adalah milik pasien dan bersifat rahasia . Saat ini memasuki Revolusi Industri 4.0, masyarakat yang dulunya pasif dan lemah, saat ini sudah aktif dan jika mengetahui adanya yang salah dalam tindakan kedokteran tidak segan untuk melaporkan dan bahkan membawa ke ranah hukum. Kondisi pelayanan, khususnya waktu pelayanan yang lama dan sarana pengaduan seperti ini memberikan ketidakpuasan pasien dan mempengaruhi Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat pada pelayanan publik ini. RSUP M. Jamil Padang adalah Pemberi Pelayanan TK III yang merupakan rumah sakit terakreditasi paripurna yang dalam pemberian pelayanan dan penanganan pengaduan ini seharusnya memberikan contoh dalam informasi yang jelas kepada pasien sehingga pasien puas. Penelitian (Sri Sisw...
Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas
Hipertensi saat ini menjadi masalah utama kita semua, tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga di dunia... more Hipertensi saat ini menjadi masalah utama kita semua, tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga di dunia. Hipertensi disebut sebagai the silent killer karena sering tanpa keluhan, sehingga penderita tidak mengetahui dirinya memiliki penyakit hipertensi dan tidak jarang diketahui setelah terjadi komplikasi. Berdasarkan data laporan Dinas Kesehatan Sumatera Barat jumlah kasus hipertensi terbanyak terletak di Kabupaten Solok (21.907 kasus). Berdasarkan analisis data kesehatan Puskesmas Jua Gaek tahun 2020, Hipertensi menjadi permasalahan utama penyakit Tidak menular terutama pada kelompok usia lanjut, sedangkan metode atau sistem dalam upaya promosi kesehatan kurang memadai. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan komitmen Puskesmas dan Tokoh masyarakat dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan masayarakat tentang Hipertensi dan merancang metode program promosi kesehatan yang lebih inovatif. Kegiatan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, pemasangan media promkes pembu...
Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan
AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dominasi kerja otak kiri dan kanan. Metode penelitia... more AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dominasi kerja otak kiri dan kanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa kebidanan yang belajar Etika dan Hukum Kesehatan berjumlah 40 orang dan semuanya dijadikan sebagai sampel. Responden penelitian diarahkan pada penyelesaian kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang menjadi profesi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk pretest dan posttest. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada posttest terjadi perubahan kerja otak kiri dan kanan ke arah berimbang secara bertahap. Diperlukan pemahaman dan peningkatan kreativitas kecerdasan otak secara bertahap agar dapat meningkatkan dan menyeimbangkan kemampuan otak. This research aimed to determine the dominance of the left and right brain. The research method used descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was midwifery students wh...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2021)
The Health Ethics and Law course is a mandatory public course for FKM Unand students following th... more The Health Ethics and Law course is a mandatory public course for FKM Unand students following the curriculum standards of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program throughout Indonesia, which has been agreed by the Association of Indonesian Public Health Higher Education Institutions. So far, the standard learning method carried out by lecturers is Lecture Center Learning, where lecturers provide learning materials while students only listen. The formulation for the research problem is how the development of Case-Based Methode in the course of Ethics and Health Law. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent of the effectiveness of the application of Cased Based Methode, which has been developed in the courses of Ethics and Health Law based on the mindset of students. The method used in the development of this learning model is the ADDIE Research and Development Model (Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation). The subject of this learning model is students who take courses in Health Ethics and Law. Identification data collection techniques using brain domination and pre-test and postest mindsets of students. From 7 meetings, at the first meeting, students were directed to discuss cases from the topics listed in the Semester Learning Plan with several supportive theories such as brain domain and mindset. Furthermore, students learn independently, in groups, communicate and collaborate. Lecturers concurrently become tutors in guiding students to develop. The position as a lecturer will be reactive in a problem discussed. The case-based method is very useful in learning so that students can think openly and critically to make the students with a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset.
ABSTRAK Kepuasan pasien tergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Suatu pelayanan dikata... more ABSTRAK Kepuasan pasien tergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Suatu pelayanan dikatakan baik oleh pasien, jika jasa yang diberikan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan atau harapan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kehandalan (reability), jaminan (assurance), bukti fisik (tangible), empati (emphaty), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jumlah personel, ketersediaan obat dan keamanan dan kenyamanan (amenity) dengan kepuasan pasien BPJS di unit rawat inap RSUD Kota. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh pasien peserta BPJS yang menjalani perawatan di unit rawat inap RSUD Kota Makassar berjumlah 1.293 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 143 orang. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada hubungan antara reability (p=0,001), tangible (p=0,000), empathy (p=0,0...
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 2020
The implementation of counseling services by Pharmacists in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not ru... more The implementation of counseling services by Pharmacists in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not run optimally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of counseling services by pharmacists in private pharmacies in the Padang in 2019. Type of qualitative research with a systems approach, as many as 12 research informants, purposive sampling informant determination techniques. Data collection method by in-depth interviews, observation, and document review. Data analysis was performed with content analysis. Data processing used triangulation of sources and methods. Based on the results of research, the implementation of counseling services in Private Pharmacy in Padang, has not referred to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. The number of human resources is sufficient, funds sourced from the personal funds of the pharmacy owner, facilities and infrastructure are not yet sufficient, Standard Operational Procedure for pharmacy services at the pharmacy is not yet available. Policy socialization has been done through seminars and workshops, special training for counseling services has never been done, pharmacist practice services have not been paid according to the standards of professional organizations, coaching and supervision are still lacking. The implementation of counseling services in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not run optimally. The main obstacle is Pharmacists are not yet fully available in pharmacies, there is no counseling room, training is rarely done, and there is still a lack of guidance and supervision conducted by stakeholders. It is expected that an innovation based on information technology in accordance with the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas
Jika dilihat perkembangan pada masa pandemi sekarang masyarakat banyak yang takut memeriksakan di... more Jika dilihat perkembangan pada masa pandemi sekarang masyarakat banyak yang takut memeriksakan diri ke puskesmas karena adanya prosedur yang mewajibkan untuk tes antigen/swab. Data Cakupan Pelayanan Kesehatan menurut data Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) di Puskesmas Talang orang terduga TB di Puskesmas Talang tahun 2020 tergolong masih rendah dengan target 386 orang. Berdasarkan data terakhir PIS-PK Puskesmas Talang sampai bulan September tahun 2021 ditemukan rendahnya cakupan penderita TB-Paru yang berobat sesuai standar di Kecamatan Gunung Talang sebesar 19,83%. Data cakupan orang terduga TB menurut data SPM (Standar Pelayanan Minimal) di Puskesmas Talang pada bulan Januari s/d September 2021 didapatkan sebanyak 155 kasus (40,15%), cakupan terendah di Nagari Jawi-Jawi sebesar 17.72%. penyebab masalah TB paru ini adalah terlalu banyaknya program yang dipegang oleh beberapa orang, sehingga program tidak terawasi dan pemegang program tidak fokus pada masalah TB paru ini. Sedangkan ji...
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Introduction: TB disease is the first of the 10 leading causes of death in the world, and Indones... more Introduction: TB disease is the first of the 10 leading causes of death in the world, and Indonesia is the 3rd highest country after India and China. The Minister of Health said there were 824,000 people suspected of having TB and asked all health officials to prioritize surveillance efforts to find people with TB detected by name by address. The TB cure rate in West Sumatra Province in 2020 is 76.9% and has not reached the national target of 85% and the city of Padang is only 23%. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find suspected cases of TB using the Pharmamed Chatbot, by name and by address so that they are easy to find to overcome TB. Methods: This type of research is quantitative descriptive of suspected TB cases using a 20-question chatbot to obtain social data by name and by address and suspected cases of TB. Results: The results of 838 respondents obtained 91 people suspected of TB, the composition of respondents BPJS 78.5% and 22.5%, not BPJS. BPJS respondents of pr...
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Masalah-masalah kesehatan akibat penuaan terjadi pada berbagai sistem tubuh. Berdasarkan informas... more Masalah-masalah kesehatan akibat penuaan terjadi pada berbagai sistem tubuh. Berdasarkan informasi data yang dikutip dari buku ajar geriatri, penyakit yang paling tinggi presentasenya adalah osteoartritis, yaitu mencapai 49% (Kuntaraf, 2002). Osteoartritis adalah penyakit pada sendi-sendi penahan berat tubuh yang bersifat progresif, non inflamasi, nonsistemik, dan recurrent (Reeves, 2009). Prevalensi osteoartritis lebih banyak terjadi pada usia di atas 35 tahun, terutama wanita di atas 55 tahun (Reeves, 2009). Dalam suatu survey radiografi pada wanita di bawah usia 40 tahun hanya 2% yang mengalami osteoartritis, pada usia 45-60 tahun mencapai 30% sementara pada usia di atas 61 tahun lebih dari 65% (Noer, 2006). Dari hasil observasi dari berbagai Rumah Sakit ditemukan bahwa osteoartritis lebih banyak menyerang wanita. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Kecamatan Deli Serdang didapatkan bahwa jumlah lanjut usia yang selalu kontrol adalah 136 orang dan sebanyak ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Acid mine drainage has a negative impact on the environment. Adsorption is an effective and effic... more Acid mine drainage has a negative impact on the environment. Adsorption is an effective and efficient method for acid mine drainage treatment, besides that adsorption does not have a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze the ability of fly ash from a steam power plant as an adsorbent in acid mine drainage treatment. Using experimental methods and batch adsorption mechanisms, with variations of adsorption parameters carried out including adsorbent dose, stirring time, and stirring speed. The test results show that fly ash is very effective in acid mine drainage treatment. Where there is an increase in pH and a decrease in the concentration of Mn and Fe metals in acid mine drainage to match the quality standard. The increase in pH was in the range of 6.3 to 7.4 with the highest effectiveness of 54.05%. In the reduction of Mnmetalthe highest effectiveness was 78.14%, while in Fe metal the highest effectiveness was 85.83%. Fly ash can be used and is very useful ...
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2021
The challenges of the world of work in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 accelerated by the COVID... more The challenges of the world of work in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, require education graduates who have 4C competencies (Critical, Creativitythinking, Collaboration, and Communication) and HOTS (High Ordinary Thinking Skill) thinking skills. The lecture process in Health Ethics and Law at the Community Health Sciences study program FKM Unand has not been able to accommodate the needs for learning achievement (CPL) 4 C and the ability to think HOTS well.The results of interviews with 10 informants of Bachelor of Public Health revealed that the characteristics of public health ethics with the problem have not been mastered. The use of mind mapping in learning shows an increase in students' abilities by 75%, and without mind mapping only 35% (Buzan T 2009)1. This study aims to determine the level of student learning effectiveness using the Problem Based Learning Model By Using Mind Mapping. This type of research is Research and Developmen...
Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sank... more Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sanksi moral dan bagi yang melanggar hukum akan dikenakan sanksi hukum. Dalam bidang kesehatan pun terdapat etika dan hukum. Para petugas kesehatan dalam melayani masyarakat juga terikat pada etika dan hukum kesehatan. Apabila petugas kesehatan melanggarnya maka akan memperoleh sanksi etika profesinya dan apabila melanggar peraturan atau perundang-undangan? akan memperoleh sanksi hukum (pidana atau perdata). Oleh sebab itu, sepatutnyalah petugas kesehatan atau calon petugas kesehatan dari profesi apapun ( dokter, dokter gigi, kesehatan, masyarakat, perawat, bidan, apoteker, nutrisionis, dan lain-lain) untuk memahami etika dan hukum kesehatan
Proceedings of International on Healthcare Facilities, 2021
Advances in Health Sciences Research, 2022
The future development of information and communication technology is inevitable, including in th... more The future development of information and communication technology is inevitable, including in the health sector, namely electronic-health (e-health). In the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, there has been a huge change. E-health in the health sector is overgrowing. Many applications are created in health services and the distribution of health needs such as drugs, medical devices, and others. The Health sector adheres to the characteristics of medical ethics that respect patient autonomy (respect for autonomy), do good (beneficence), do not do things that will harm (nonmaleficence) and are fair (justice). On the other hand, in electronic print media, especially social media, the patient's medical secrets are disclosed. This research is a type of descriptive research of the quantitative approach. The study was conducted from April until October 2021 through Google Form. The population in the study was a student and general public, but the exact population number is unknown. For samples taken randomly using the formula Lemeshow with an unknown population and the sample obtained after the calculation of the formula, there are 97 respondence. The results show that it is necessary to disseminate information to the public about these medical secrets so that the public can understand the importance of medical secrets and issue regulations relating to medical secrets in e-health services and anticipate their impact on health service recipients. At the time of the covid-19 pandemic the use of e-health in the community is quite popular considering the situation and conditions that make them afraid to leave the house and choose to consult or buy drugs online. Basically, with adequate counselling or information from the doctor, the patient or his family can assess every step taken by the doctor. Informed consent (approval of medical actions) needs to be considered and essenti a l provided by the doctor and fully understood by the patient / his family. Not every disappointment from the results of medical services using telemedicine becomes a case of malpractice.
Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sank... more Dalam profesi apapun selalu ada etika dan hukumnya. Bagi yang melanggar etika akan dikenakan sanksi moral dan bagi yang melanggar hukum akan dikenakan sanksi hukum. Dalam bidang kesehatan pun terdapat etika dan hukum. Para petugas kesehatan dalam melayani masyarakat juga terikat pada etika dan hukum kesehatan. Apabila petugas kesehatan melanggarnya maka akan memperoleh sanksi etika profesinya dan apabila melanggar peraturan atau perundang-undangan? akan memperoleh sanksi hukum (pidana atau perdata). Oleh sebab itu, sepatutnyalah petugas kesehatan atau calon petugas kesehatan dari profesi apapun ( dokter, dokter gigi, kesehatan, masyarakat, perawat, bidan, apoteker, nutrisionis, dan lain-lain) untuk memahami etika dan hukum kesehatan
ABSTRAK Sering pasien atau keluarga pasien tidak mengerti tentang penyakit yang dideritanya , kar... more ABSTRAK Sering pasien atau keluarga pasien tidak mengerti tentang penyakit yang dideritanya , karena tidak adanya penjelasan dari tenaga kesehatan yang biasanya dokter, bahkan sampai akhir hayatnya. Penyakit yang merupakan rahasia medis ini secara prinsip adalah milik pasien dan bersifat rahasia . Saat ini memasuki Revolusi Industri 4.0, masyarakat yang dulunya pasif dan lemah, saat ini sudah aktif dan jika mengetahui adanya yang salah dalam tindakan kedokteran tidak segan untuk melaporkan dan bahkan membawa ke ranah hukum. Kondisi pelayanan, khususnya waktu pelayanan yang lama dan sarana pengaduan seperti ini memberikan ketidakpuasan pasien dan mempengaruhi Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat pada pelayanan publik ini. RSUP M. Jamil Padang adalah Pemberi Pelayanan TK III yang merupakan rumah sakit terakreditasi paripurna yang dalam pemberian pelayanan dan penanganan pengaduan ini seharusnya memberikan contoh dalam informasi yang jelas kepada pasien sehingga pasien puas. Penelitian (Sri Sisw...
Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas
Hipertensi saat ini menjadi masalah utama kita semua, tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga di dunia... more Hipertensi saat ini menjadi masalah utama kita semua, tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga di dunia. Hipertensi disebut sebagai the silent killer karena sering tanpa keluhan, sehingga penderita tidak mengetahui dirinya memiliki penyakit hipertensi dan tidak jarang diketahui setelah terjadi komplikasi. Berdasarkan data laporan Dinas Kesehatan Sumatera Barat jumlah kasus hipertensi terbanyak terletak di Kabupaten Solok (21.907 kasus). Berdasarkan analisis data kesehatan Puskesmas Jua Gaek tahun 2020, Hipertensi menjadi permasalahan utama penyakit Tidak menular terutama pada kelompok usia lanjut, sedangkan metode atau sistem dalam upaya promosi kesehatan kurang memadai. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan komitmen Puskesmas dan Tokoh masyarakat dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan masayarakat tentang Hipertensi dan merancang metode program promosi kesehatan yang lebih inovatif. Kegiatan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, pemasangan media promkes pembu...
Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan
AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dominasi kerja otak kiri dan kanan. Metode penelitia... more AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dominasi kerja otak kiri dan kanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa kebidanan yang belajar Etika dan Hukum Kesehatan berjumlah 40 orang dan semuanya dijadikan sebagai sampel. Responden penelitian diarahkan pada penyelesaian kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang menjadi profesi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk pretest dan posttest. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada posttest terjadi perubahan kerja otak kiri dan kanan ke arah berimbang secara bertahap. Diperlukan pemahaman dan peningkatan kreativitas kecerdasan otak secara bertahap agar dapat meningkatkan dan menyeimbangkan kemampuan otak. This research aimed to determine the dominance of the left and right brain. The research method used descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was midwifery students wh...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2021)
The Health Ethics and Law course is a mandatory public course for FKM Unand students following th... more The Health Ethics and Law course is a mandatory public course for FKM Unand students following the curriculum standards of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program throughout Indonesia, which has been agreed by the Association of Indonesian Public Health Higher Education Institutions. So far, the standard learning method carried out by lecturers is Lecture Center Learning, where lecturers provide learning materials while students only listen. The formulation for the research problem is how the development of Case-Based Methode in the course of Ethics and Health Law. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent of the effectiveness of the application of Cased Based Methode, which has been developed in the courses of Ethics and Health Law based on the mindset of students. The method used in the development of this learning model is the ADDIE Research and Development Model (Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation). The subject of this learning model is students who take courses in Health Ethics and Law. Identification data collection techniques using brain domination and pre-test and postest mindsets of students. From 7 meetings, at the first meeting, students were directed to discuss cases from the topics listed in the Semester Learning Plan with several supportive theories such as brain domain and mindset. Furthermore, students learn independently, in groups, communicate and collaborate. Lecturers concurrently become tutors in guiding students to develop. The position as a lecturer will be reactive in a problem discussed. The case-based method is very useful in learning so that students can think openly and critically to make the students with a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset.
ABSTRAK Kepuasan pasien tergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Suatu pelayanan dikata... more ABSTRAK Kepuasan pasien tergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Suatu pelayanan dikatakan baik oleh pasien, jika jasa yang diberikan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan atau harapan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kehandalan (reability), jaminan (assurance), bukti fisik (tangible), empati (emphaty), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jumlah personel, ketersediaan obat dan keamanan dan kenyamanan (amenity) dengan kepuasan pasien BPJS di unit rawat inap RSUD Kota. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh pasien peserta BPJS yang menjalani perawatan di unit rawat inap RSUD Kota Makassar berjumlah 1.293 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 143 orang. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada hubungan antara reability (p=0,001), tangible (p=0,000), empathy (p=0,0...
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 2020
The implementation of counseling services by Pharmacists in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not ru... more The implementation of counseling services by Pharmacists in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not run optimally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of counseling services by pharmacists in private pharmacies in the Padang in 2019. Type of qualitative research with a systems approach, as many as 12 research informants, purposive sampling informant determination techniques. Data collection method by in-depth interviews, observation, and document review. Data analysis was performed with content analysis. Data processing used triangulation of sources and methods. Based on the results of research, the implementation of counseling services in Private Pharmacy in Padang, has not referred to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. The number of human resources is sufficient, funds sourced from the personal funds of the pharmacy owner, facilities and infrastructure are not yet sufficient, Standard Operational Procedure for pharmacy services at the pharmacy is not yet available. Policy socialization has been done through seminars and workshops, special training for counseling services has never been done, pharmacist practice services have not been paid according to the standards of professional organizations, coaching and supervision are still lacking. The implementation of counseling services in Private Pharmacy in Padang has not run optimally. The main obstacle is Pharmacists are not yet fully available in pharmacies, there is no counseling room, training is rarely done, and there is still a lack of guidance and supervision conducted by stakeholders. It is expected that an innovation based on information technology in accordance with the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas
Jika dilihat perkembangan pada masa pandemi sekarang masyarakat banyak yang takut memeriksakan di... more Jika dilihat perkembangan pada masa pandemi sekarang masyarakat banyak yang takut memeriksakan diri ke puskesmas karena adanya prosedur yang mewajibkan untuk tes antigen/swab. Data Cakupan Pelayanan Kesehatan menurut data Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) di Puskesmas Talang orang terduga TB di Puskesmas Talang tahun 2020 tergolong masih rendah dengan target 386 orang. Berdasarkan data terakhir PIS-PK Puskesmas Talang sampai bulan September tahun 2021 ditemukan rendahnya cakupan penderita TB-Paru yang berobat sesuai standar di Kecamatan Gunung Talang sebesar 19,83%. Data cakupan orang terduga TB menurut data SPM (Standar Pelayanan Minimal) di Puskesmas Talang pada bulan Januari s/d September 2021 didapatkan sebanyak 155 kasus (40,15%), cakupan terendah di Nagari Jawi-Jawi sebesar 17.72%. penyebab masalah TB paru ini adalah terlalu banyaknya program yang dipegang oleh beberapa orang, sehingga program tidak terawasi dan pemegang program tidak fokus pada masalah TB paru ini. Sedangkan ji...