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Papers by surasa surasa
J - SIMBOL (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya), Dec 20, 2013
The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students' writing poetry ability ... more The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students' writing poetry ability by using cooperative learning model of jigsaw II and conventional model. It's also describing the effectiveness of those models to increase the students' writing poetry ability.This true experiment is treated to the students of class VII SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu with 240 populations. The data of research is collected by doing the writing test of poetry. The technique is to analyse t-test data.The result shows that there is a significant difference between the students' writing poetry ability by using learning model of jigsaw II with conventional learning model that is (tarithmetic 35.310 > ttable 1.688) and the use of jigsaw II model is more effective than by using conventional learning model with the rank of effectiveness is 14.70 % versus 9%.
DEDIKASI PKM, May 1, 2021
There has been an epidemic (Covid 19) that has almost a year, causing a growing desire for a simp... more There has been an epidemic (Covid 19) that has almost a year, causing a growing desire for a simple and economical feed manufacture, making chicken feed from a fermentation system. The making of this feed is done by establishing of training for the students in the Al-quran Alquran Yatim Himmatul 'Ulya Islamic boarding school and the surrounding community. The method used is the training and discussion method. The training was given on how to make fermented chicken feed and its benefits. The activity is expected to increase the knowledge and insight of the students regarding the good impact, so that the students understand what must be prepared and needed to make fermented chicken feed, besides that it can foster an entrepreneurial spirit by developing and producing chickens with easy, practical chicken feed. , rich in protein and environmentally friendly because with this feed, chicken manure is odorless. There are 20 participants who attended, most of the responses were positive.
Terdapat wabah (Covid 19) yang hampir setahun, menyebabkan tumbuhnya keinginan pada pembuatan pak... more Terdapat wabah (Covid 19) yang hampir setahun, menyebabkan tumbuhnya keinginan pada pembuatan pakan yang simple dan hemat yaitu membuat pakan ayam dari sistem fermentasi. Pembuatan pakan ini dilakukan dengan cara pemberian training kepada para santri -santri yang ada di Ponpes Ponpes Alqur’an Yatim Himmatul ‘Ulya maupun masyarakat daerah sekitar. Metode yang digunakan dengan metode training dan diskusi. Training yang diberikan mengenai cara- cara membuat pakan ayam fermentasi dan manfaatnya. Kegiatan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan para santri mengernai dampak yang baik ditimbulkan, sehingga para santri memahami apa saja yang harus disiapkan dan dibutuhkan untuk membuat pakan ayam fermentasi, selain itu dapat menumbuhkan jiwa wiraswasta dengan mengembangkan dan memproduksi ayam dengan pakan ayam yang mudah, praktis, kaya protein dan ramah ramah lingkungan karena dengan pakan ini, kotoran ayam tidak berbau. Dari 20 peserta yang hadir sebagian besar responny...
Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan aktivitas siswa, (2) meningkatkan aktivitas guru, dan (... more Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan aktivitas siswa, (2) meningkatkan aktivitas guru, dan (3) meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi gerak lurus dengan menerapkan model NHT di kelas X-2 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung. Dalam pembelajaran sering kita temui dimana siswa melakukan aktivitas diluar pembelajaran diantaranya yaitu ada yang berbicara dengan teman dan tertidur pada saat pembelajaran sehingga hasil pembelajaran yang diharapkan tidak tercapai. Melihat hal tersebut maka peneliti menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT yang melibatkan semua siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajar yang diharapkan tercapai. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas dalam 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung Tabalong dengan s ubyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X-2 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 33 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data mengg...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang cara penggunaan Teknik digital painting pada pr... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang cara penggunaan Teknik digital painting pada produksi animasi. Awalnya Teknik ini adalah seni Lukis tradisional dengan menggunakan cat air, cat minyak, tinta, cat akrilik, cat air dan lain-lain pada media canvas atau kertas, namun seiring berjalan nya zaman munculah perangkat-perangkat digital seperti pen tablet dan stylus pen yang dimana perangkat ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah para seniman dalam membuat karya seni Lukis secara digital. Pada penggunaan media digital ini, para seniman bisa menggunakan berbagai brush kuas, brush pencil, dan pena yang menyerupai alat aslinya. Hasil dari pembuatan karya produksi ini adalah berupa background dengan metode painting, dan menghasilkan karya landscape yang membuat ilusi seperti membuat lukisan di dalam canvas. Penelitian ini berhasil di terapkan pada animasi 2D Animation (Animasi dua dimensi) dengan menggunakan Teknik frame by frame, objek penelitian ini adalah film animasi pendek dua dimen...
Jurnal Ilmiah Multimedia dan Komunikasi, 2019
LEARNING : Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
The structure of the storyline archplot is a storyline that has a goal orientation where the occu... more The structure of the storyline archplot is a storyline that has a goal orientation where the occurrence of a good or bad event that makes a character's life change, encourages the desire of the character to struggle consciously or unconsciously to restore his life as before. Characters will be encouraged to undergo a missionary journey based on their desire to fight the forces of antagonism (inner, personal, extra-personal). Characters may or may not achieve their goals. Archplot has the characteristics of 3 acts, 6 stages and 5 turning points. These three rounds consist of beginning/Set-Up (act 1), middle confrontation (act 2), end resolution (act 3). While the six parts consist of Set-Up, new situation, progress, complications & higher stakes, final push, and aftermath. Then, the turning point of the story consists of opportunity, change of plans, point of no return, major setback and climax. The animated film “BHUMI” was made using hybrid animation techniques. This technique ...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
3D animation is often relied on for entertainment media purposes ranging from movies, video games... more 3D animation is often relied on for entertainment media purposes ranging from movies, video games, and advertising. However, in making 3D animated films, it is certainly not much different from filmmaking in general, especially in shooting techniques or cinematography techniques. The application of good cinematography techniques in a 3-dimensional animated film will be able to improve the quality in terms of graphics and storytelling. choosing a random point of view can make the audience confused, so that the selection of a clear point of view can make a film bring out its best potential and make the audience become it is easy to understand the storyline that the filmmaker wants to convey. In the 3D animated film “Tamiya”, this emphasizes the quality in the field of cinematography. Cinematography is not just about tools like cameras, cranes or anything else, but the concept of cinematography is what the filmmaker really wants to deliver. There are several important aspects that can ...
J - SIMBOL (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya), Dec 20, 2013
The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students' writing poetry ability ... more The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students' writing poetry ability by using cooperative learning model of jigsaw II and conventional model. It's also describing the effectiveness of those models to increase the students' writing poetry ability.This true experiment is treated to the students of class VII SMP Negeri 3 Pringsewu with 240 populations. The data of research is collected by doing the writing test of poetry. The technique is to analyse t-test data.The result shows that there is a significant difference between the students' writing poetry ability by using learning model of jigsaw II with conventional learning model that is (tarithmetic 35.310 > ttable 1.688) and the use of jigsaw II model is more effective than by using conventional learning model with the rank of effectiveness is 14.70 % versus 9%.
DEDIKASI PKM, May 1, 2021
There has been an epidemic (Covid 19) that has almost a year, causing a growing desire for a simp... more There has been an epidemic (Covid 19) that has almost a year, causing a growing desire for a simple and economical feed manufacture, making chicken feed from a fermentation system. The making of this feed is done by establishing of training for the students in the Al-quran Alquran Yatim Himmatul 'Ulya Islamic boarding school and the surrounding community. The method used is the training and discussion method. The training was given on how to make fermented chicken feed and its benefits. The activity is expected to increase the knowledge and insight of the students regarding the good impact, so that the students understand what must be prepared and needed to make fermented chicken feed, besides that it can foster an entrepreneurial spirit by developing and producing chickens with easy, practical chicken feed. , rich in protein and environmentally friendly because with this feed, chicken manure is odorless. There are 20 participants who attended, most of the responses were positive.
Terdapat wabah (Covid 19) yang hampir setahun, menyebabkan tumbuhnya keinginan pada pembuatan pak... more Terdapat wabah (Covid 19) yang hampir setahun, menyebabkan tumbuhnya keinginan pada pembuatan pakan yang simple dan hemat yaitu membuat pakan ayam dari sistem fermentasi. Pembuatan pakan ini dilakukan dengan cara pemberian training kepada para santri -santri yang ada di Ponpes Ponpes Alqur’an Yatim Himmatul ‘Ulya maupun masyarakat daerah sekitar. Metode yang digunakan dengan metode training dan diskusi. Training yang diberikan mengenai cara- cara membuat pakan ayam fermentasi dan manfaatnya. Kegiatan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan para santri mengernai dampak yang baik ditimbulkan, sehingga para santri memahami apa saja yang harus disiapkan dan dibutuhkan untuk membuat pakan ayam fermentasi, selain itu dapat menumbuhkan jiwa wiraswasta dengan mengembangkan dan memproduksi ayam dengan pakan ayam yang mudah, praktis, kaya protein dan ramah ramah lingkungan karena dengan pakan ini, kotoran ayam tidak berbau. Dari 20 peserta yang hadir sebagian besar responny...
Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan aktivitas siswa, (2) meningkatkan aktivitas guru, dan (... more Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan aktivitas siswa, (2) meningkatkan aktivitas guru, dan (3) meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi gerak lurus dengan menerapkan model NHT di kelas X-2 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung. Dalam pembelajaran sering kita temui dimana siswa melakukan aktivitas diluar pembelajaran diantaranya yaitu ada yang berbicara dengan teman dan tertidur pada saat pembelajaran sehingga hasil pembelajaran yang diharapkan tidak tercapai. Melihat hal tersebut maka peneliti menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT yang melibatkan semua siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajar yang diharapkan tercapai. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas dalam 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung Tabalong dengan s ubyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X-2 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 33 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data mengg...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang cara penggunaan Teknik digital painting pada pr... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang cara penggunaan Teknik digital painting pada produksi animasi. Awalnya Teknik ini adalah seni Lukis tradisional dengan menggunakan cat air, cat minyak, tinta, cat akrilik, cat air dan lain-lain pada media canvas atau kertas, namun seiring berjalan nya zaman munculah perangkat-perangkat digital seperti pen tablet dan stylus pen yang dimana perangkat ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah para seniman dalam membuat karya seni Lukis secara digital. Pada penggunaan media digital ini, para seniman bisa menggunakan berbagai brush kuas, brush pencil, dan pena yang menyerupai alat aslinya. Hasil dari pembuatan karya produksi ini adalah berupa background dengan metode painting, dan menghasilkan karya landscape yang membuat ilusi seperti membuat lukisan di dalam canvas. Penelitian ini berhasil di terapkan pada animasi 2D Animation (Animasi dua dimensi) dengan menggunakan Teknik frame by frame, objek penelitian ini adalah film animasi pendek dua dimen...
Jurnal Ilmiah Multimedia dan Komunikasi, 2019
LEARNING : Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
The structure of the storyline archplot is a storyline that has a goal orientation where the occu... more The structure of the storyline archplot is a storyline that has a goal orientation where the occurrence of a good or bad event that makes a character's life change, encourages the desire of the character to struggle consciously or unconsciously to restore his life as before. Characters will be encouraged to undergo a missionary journey based on their desire to fight the forces of antagonism (inner, personal, extra-personal). Characters may or may not achieve their goals. Archplot has the characteristics of 3 acts, 6 stages and 5 turning points. These three rounds consist of beginning/Set-Up (act 1), middle confrontation (act 2), end resolution (act 3). While the six parts consist of Set-Up, new situation, progress, complications & higher stakes, final push, and aftermath. Then, the turning point of the story consists of opportunity, change of plans, point of no return, major setback and climax. The animated film “BHUMI” was made using hybrid animation techniques. This technique ...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
3D animation is often relied on for entertainment media purposes ranging from movies, video games... more 3D animation is often relied on for entertainment media purposes ranging from movies, video games, and advertising. However, in making 3D animated films, it is certainly not much different from filmmaking in general, especially in shooting techniques or cinematography techniques. The application of good cinematography techniques in a 3-dimensional animated film will be able to improve the quality in terms of graphics and storytelling. choosing a random point of view can make the audience confused, so that the selection of a clear point of view can make a film bring out its best potential and make the audience become it is easy to understand the storyline that the filmmaker wants to convey. In the 3D animated film “Tamiya”, this emphasizes the quality in the field of cinematography. Cinematography is not just about tools like cameras, cranes or anything else, but the concept of cinematography is what the filmmaker really wants to deliver. There are several important aspects that can ...