umi laili - (original) (raw)
Papers by umi laili
Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk per... more Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasi manusia. Anak adalah amanah sekaligus karunia Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang dari sisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, anak adalah masa depan bangsa dan generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa, sehingga setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Generasi yang berkarakter adalah generasi yang berkualitas serta memiliki peran yang baik di setiap lapisan masyarakat, dapat memberi pengaruh baik dan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi generasi lainnya. Karakter diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai yang baik yang terpatri dalam diri dan terjawantahkan dalam perilaku. Membentuk anak yang berkarakter dilakukan sebagai salah satu alternatif perlindungan anak. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode sosio-legal. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan mengacu pada ilmu-ilmu sosial dan berbagai disiplin yang memberikan perhatian pada hukum. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan membandingkan prilaku yang terjadi pada masyarakat dengan data literatur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber pada data primer dan data sukunder. Pembentukan karakter harus dilakukan sejak dini. Dalam membentuk karakter anak diperlukan peran serta dari seluruh komponen bangsa, secara bersama-sama, terusmenerus sehingga mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang berkompeten, berdaya saing, dan berakhlak mulia. Lingkungan sebagai pendidik terdepan bagi anak, interaksi dengan lingkungan selayaknya orang tua, guru maupun masyarakat memberikan tauladan yang baik dengan terus menerus membina dan mengawasi pergaulan anak, jangan sampai terjebak dalam lingkungan pergaulan yang salah, sehingga anak pun menteladani hal-hal positif yang telah dilakukan dan dicontohkan oleh lingkungan.
DEDIKASI, Dec 11, 2015
Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to... more Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to children right representing human right. Child is trust at the same time God Single grant from above The most, which ever we have to take care of because in coherent x'self of standing, prestige, and its rights as human being which must hold high is high. Than side life of and nation have state, child is nation future and of gerasi router dream of nation, so that each; every child is entitled to to the continuity of life, grow, and expand, participating and also is entitled to of protection from acting discrimination and hardness. Lifting of child (adobsi) is an deed of intake of others child into family alone, so that between old fellow collecting the collecting child and child arise an is same familiarity law, like old fellow and child with child contain alone him. Lifting of child can only be done/conducted by for the sake of best to child and conducted pursuant to local habit and rule of law and regulation going into effect. This Pelitian is done by using empirical method and have the character of quantitative join among and yuridis of normative about process punish and applying in child adoption. Then comparing them with child rights which is contained in Law about Human rights and Law Protection of Child and regulation of lagislation of other lagislations. Result of research indicate that lifting of town child of Samarinda in general is in fact executed to utilize to petrify all husband/wife spouse which not yet owned child and at the same time give aid to child coming family unable to, what is in general conducted with intention of good utilize is giving each other aid one another. But in its its his without procedure matching with law and regulation going into effect. Execution of lifting of child is that way resulted by its minim of knowledge of them to child rights in realizing protection of child. In order that children right to be able to live, grow, expanding, and participating in an optimal fashion hence to child which in adobsi is entitled to get foster parent or sponsor pursuant to justice decision if both old fellow have passed
Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna N... more Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar. Tesis Program Pasca Sarjana Kependidikan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Ir. Kohar Sulistyadi, M. SIE dan Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, M.S Tujuan penilitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk memperoleh peramalan permintaan sesuai kebutuhan konsumen, 2) Untuk mendapatkan rancangan biaya produksi terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3) Untuk mendapatkan biaya persediaan terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4) Untuk mendapatkan model transportasi yang tepat pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, dan 5) Untuk menghasilkan penerapan supply chain management pada CV Biojanna Nusantara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pemodelan sistem. teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah peramalan permintaan, perencanan agregat, EOQ, transportasi, dan supply chain management. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peramalan permintaan untuk periode 2015 sebanyak 444.685 botol, pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku membutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 12.371.327.650, hasil perencanaan agregat sebesar Rp 96.784.275, hasil pengelolaan persediaan produk jadi sebesar Rp 69.140, dan hasil perhitungan transportasi sebesar Rp Total biaya untuk menjalankan alur supply chain management sebesar Rp 13.485.234.515. Setelah dibandingkan dengan perhitungan yang diterapakan sebelumnya menghasilkan biaya sebesar Rp 13.803.224.736 akan diperoleh penghematan sebesar Rp 317.990.221 selama tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penerapan supply chain management dapat memberikan efisiensi biaya dan waktu, serta dapat meningkatkan pelayanan pada konsumen lebih baik, sehingga perusahaan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi. Kata Kunci: Supply Chain Management, Indrustri Obat Tradisional
ABSTRAK Laili, Umi Nadhirotul. 2018. Efektivitas Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Inkuiri... more ABSTRAK Laili, Umi Nadhirotul. 2018. Efektivitas Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing pada Materi Asam-Basa terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif dan Persepsi Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA Negeri 10 Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Munzil, M.Si., (II) Dr. Sumari, M.Si. Kata kunci: bahan ajar digital, hasil belajar kognitif, asam-basa Salah satu materi kimia yang dipelajari peserta didik kelas XI SMA adalah materi asam-basa. Materi asam-basa penting untuk dikuasai baik dari aspek makroskopis, submikroskopis, maupun simbolik. Berdasarkan karakteristik tersebut, maka diperlukan sebuah bahan ajar yang memudahkan dalam mempelajari materi asam-basa. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dikembangkan bahan ajar digital berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi asam-basadengan tiga level representasi. Pengembangan bahan ajar digital dibatasi pada tahap pengembangan dan belum diuji coba efektivitasnya dalampembelajaran. Pe...
Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna N... more Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar. Tesis Program Pasca Sarjana Kependidikan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Ir. Kohar Sulistyadi, M. SIE dan Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, M.S Tujuan penilitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk memperoleh peramalan permintaan sesuai kebutuhan konsumen, 2) Untuk mendapatkan rancangan biaya produksi terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3) Untuk mendapatkan biaya persediaan terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4) Untuk mendapatkan model transportasi yang tepat pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, dan 5) Untuk menghasilkan penerapan supply chain management pada CV Biojanna Nusantara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pemodelan sistem. teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah peramalan permintaan, perencanan agregat, EOQ, transportasi, dan suppl...
The State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Cons... more The State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic State of Indonesia, which upholds human rights and guarantees all citizens at the same time in law and government and is obliged to uphold such law and government without exception. The judge is the organs of the court on which should be placed duty and great responsibility for law and justice can be enforced, but on the other hand Judge is also an ordinary man who in carrying out his duty that can't be separated from mistakes either intentionally or unintentionally. Many public scrutiny that saw the duties of a judge was questioned, ranging from the behavior of a dormant judge while performing his duties in the courtroom, to the alleged bribery to the judge when handling a case including Judge's infidelity into a bleak portrait of public concern. Given the many phenomena of irregularities committed by Judges above, it is necessary an independent institution in charge of providing oversight of violations of ethical codes and judicial behavior guidelines. This judicial commission was established to fulfill a sense of justice and truth for the community with a background. In this research, the author uses normative legal research methods, and empirical law research methods as well. However, researchers will focus more on normative legal research, while empirical law research serves as supporting information. Using primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The oversight of the judicial commission is carried out both internally and externally to ensure that all judges as the principal implementers of the court function shall be of high integrity, honesty and professionalism, thereby gaining the trust of the community and seekers of justice. The public may participate in supervising the behavior of judges in order to bring about a clean and professional judiciary through community reports. Reports may be conducted by individuals, groups of people, public entities, legal entities, corporation or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who are aware of alleged code violations Judicial conduct ethics and judicial guidelines and not limited to the injured party. As reported is the Judge allegedly violating the Code of Ethics and Judicial Conduct Guidelines.
Journal of Law ( Jurnal Ilmu Hukum ), Jun 5, 2014
The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protecti... more The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law as a means of protection of human rights. Provision of legal aid to the poor as the realization of access to justice is the responsibility of the state. Ideally someone who is able (the have) that have a legal problem and someone who are poor (the have not) who also have a legal problem, all have defense of the right to request a public defender or as workers in legal aid for defend their interests in a lawsuit. This condition must be met in order in order to realize the principle of equality before the law and equal access to justice and behavior (acces to justice). In fact, a number of humanitarian cases invite the attention of the public, which shows the lack of access of the poor to obtain legal aid. This study aims to describe the implementation model of legal aid for the poor in the field, which is implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This research uses quantitative research, where the primary data from informants from the ministry of law and human rights, legal aid and academics from university. While secondary data from literature from books, scientific manuscripts, research reports, and documents related to the research topic.
Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to... more Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to children right representing human right. Child is trust at the same time God Single grant from above The most, which ever we have to take care of because in coherent x'self of standing, prestige, and its rights as human being which must hold high is high. Than side life of and nation have state, child is nation future and of gerasi router dream of nation, so that each; every child is entitled to to the continuity of life, grow, and expand, participating and also is entitled to of protection from acting discrimination and hardness. Lifting of child ( adobsi ) is an deed of intake of others child into family alone, so that between old fellow collecting the collecting child and child arise an is same familiarity law, like old fellow and child with child contain alone him. Lifting of child can only be done/conducted by for the sake of best to child and conducted pursuant to local habit ...
T he State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Con... more T he State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic State of Indonesia, which upholds human rights and guarantees all citizens at the same time in law and government and is obliged to uphold such law and government without exception. T he judge is the organs of the court on which should be placed duty and great responsibility for law and justice can be enforced, but on the other hand Judge is also an ordinary man who in carrying out his duty that can’t be separated from mistakes either intentionally or unintentionally. M any public scrutiny that saw the duties of a judge was questioned, ranging from the behavior of a dormant judge while performing his duties in the courtroom, to the alleged bribery to the judge when handling a case including Judge's infidelity into a bleak portrait of public concern. Given the many phenomena of irregularities committed by Judges above, it is necessary an independent instituti...
Dedikasi, Jun 5, 2014
The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protecti... more The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law as a means of protection of human rights. Provision of legal aid to the poor as the realization of access to justice is the responsibility of the state. Ideally someone who is able (the have) that have a legal problem and someone who are poor (the have not) who also have a legal problem, all have defense of the right to request a public defender or as workers in legal aid for defend their interests in a lawsuit. This condition must be met in order in order to realize the principle of equality before the law and equal access to justice and behavior (acces to justice). In fact, a number of humanitarian cases invite the attention of the public, which shows the lack of access of the poor to obtain legal aid. This study aims to describe the implementation model of legal aid for the poor in the field, which is implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This research uses quantitative research, where the primary data from informants from the ministry of law and human rights, legal aid and academics from university. While secondary data from literature from books, scientific manuscripts, research reports, and documents related to the research topic.
Dedikasi, Jun 9, 2014
Indonesia is law state that means Unity State Of Republic Indonesia is State which based on of la... more Indonesia is law state that means Unity State Of Republic Indonesia is State which based on of law (rechtsstaat) and not based on of power (machtsstaat). Consequently each, every Indonesia citizen obliged to bow and law abiding which go into effect. In order to improving law in all society coat so that can be created awareness and compliance of law for the sake of the straighten of rule of law in Unity State Of Republic Indonesia, required counseling of law. In this time we earn to feel incidence of law cultural degrease in society environment with downhill indication is decrease of mount society appreciation of law including government officer. Downhill of awareness of rights and obligations of society, and also compliance of society marked at the height of transgression number, including decreased trust of society to enforcer law of government officer. This matter can be seen from to the number of mass conflict between student, conflict between society citizen element, including so many violent demonstration which is anarchist. Thereby it needed effort to improve of society sense of justice, passing by counseling of law activity. Counseling of law carried out with a purpose to realize better society sense of justice so that each, every society member realize and involve its rights and obligations as citizen and realizing culture punish in conscious behavior and attitude, obedient, and law-abiding and also respect Human right. This research use quantitative research type, where primary data come from informant of Regional Ministry Office of Law and Human right. While data of seconder are form of literature either from book, erudite copy, research report, and documents related to this topic of research Result of research indicate that there are 2 (two method) counseling of law executed by Regional Ministry office of Law and Human right of East Kalimantan that is method counseling of indirect and direct law. Efficacy of activity of counseling of law can be seen from is effective of him punish in society, law will be effective walk if the law have reached the target of desired, especially by form punish and also by executor of pertinent law. Law expressed effective if behavioral society citizen of me as expected or desired by law. Effective counseling of law can influence by some factor, According to Soerjono Soekanto that the factor there are five, that is : its own Law factor, factor Enforcer of Law, Medium factor and facility, Society factor, and also Culture factor.
Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk per... more Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasi manusia. Anak adalah amanah sekaligus karunia Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang dari sisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, anak adalah masa depan bangsa dan generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa, sehingga setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Generasi yang berkarakter adalah generasi yang berkualitas serta memiliki peran yang baik di setiap lapisan masyarakat, dapat memberi pengaruh baik dan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi generasi lainnya. Karakter diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai yang baik yang terpatri dalam diri dan terjawantahkan dalam perilaku. Membentuk anak yang berkarakter dilakukan sebagai salah satu alternatif perlindungan anak. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode sosio-legal. Metode sosio-legal di...
Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk per... more Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasi manusia. Anak adalah amanah sekaligus karunia Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang dari sisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, anak adalah masa depan bangsa dan generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa, sehingga setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Generasi yang berkarakter adalah generasi yang berkualitas serta memiliki peran yang baik di setiap lapisan masyarakat, dapat memberi pengaruh baik dan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi generasi lainnya. Karakter diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai yang baik yang terpatri dalam diri dan terjawantahkan dalam perilaku. Membentuk anak yang berkarakter dilakukan sebagai salah satu alternatif perlindungan anak. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode sosio-legal. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan mengacu pada ilmu-ilmu sosial dan berbagai disiplin yang memberikan perhatian pada hukum. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan membandingkan prilaku yang terjadi pada masyarakat dengan data literatur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber pada data primer dan data sukunder. Pembentukan karakter harus dilakukan sejak dini. Dalam membentuk karakter anak diperlukan peran serta dari seluruh komponen bangsa, secara bersama-sama, terusmenerus sehingga mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang berkompeten, berdaya saing, dan berakhlak mulia. Lingkungan sebagai pendidik terdepan bagi anak, interaksi dengan lingkungan selayaknya orang tua, guru maupun masyarakat memberikan tauladan yang baik dengan terus menerus membina dan mengawasi pergaulan anak, jangan sampai terjebak dalam lingkungan pergaulan yang salah, sehingga anak pun menteladani hal-hal positif yang telah dilakukan dan dicontohkan oleh lingkungan.
DEDIKASI, Dec 11, 2015
Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to... more Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to children right representing human right. Child is trust at the same time God Single grant from above The most, which ever we have to take care of because in coherent x'self of standing, prestige, and its rights as human being which must hold high is high. Than side life of and nation have state, child is nation future and of gerasi router dream of nation, so that each; every child is entitled to to the continuity of life, grow, and expand, participating and also is entitled to of protection from acting discrimination and hardness. Lifting of child (adobsi) is an deed of intake of others child into family alone, so that between old fellow collecting the collecting child and child arise an is same familiarity law, like old fellow and child with child contain alone him. Lifting of child can only be done/conducted by for the sake of best to child and conducted pursuant to local habit and rule of law and regulation going into effect. This Pelitian is done by using empirical method and have the character of quantitative join among and yuridis of normative about process punish and applying in child adoption. Then comparing them with child rights which is contained in Law about Human rights and Law Protection of Child and regulation of lagislation of other lagislations. Result of research indicate that lifting of town child of Samarinda in general is in fact executed to utilize to petrify all husband/wife spouse which not yet owned child and at the same time give aid to child coming family unable to, what is in general conducted with intention of good utilize is giving each other aid one another. But in its its his without procedure matching with law and regulation going into effect. Execution of lifting of child is that way resulted by its minim of knowledge of them to child rights in realizing protection of child. In order that children right to be able to live, grow, expanding, and participating in an optimal fashion hence to child which in adobsi is entitled to get foster parent or sponsor pursuant to justice decision if both old fellow have passed
Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna N... more Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar. Tesis Program Pasca Sarjana Kependidikan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Ir. Kohar Sulistyadi, M. SIE dan Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, M.S Tujuan penilitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk memperoleh peramalan permintaan sesuai kebutuhan konsumen, 2) Untuk mendapatkan rancangan biaya produksi terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3) Untuk mendapatkan biaya persediaan terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4) Untuk mendapatkan model transportasi yang tepat pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, dan 5) Untuk menghasilkan penerapan supply chain management pada CV Biojanna Nusantara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pemodelan sistem. teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah peramalan permintaan, perencanan agregat, EOQ, transportasi, dan supply chain management. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peramalan permintaan untuk periode 2015 sebanyak 444.685 botol, pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku membutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 12.371.327.650, hasil perencanaan agregat sebesar Rp 96.784.275, hasil pengelolaan persediaan produk jadi sebesar Rp 69.140, dan hasil perhitungan transportasi sebesar Rp Total biaya untuk menjalankan alur supply chain management sebesar Rp 13.485.234.515. Setelah dibandingkan dengan perhitungan yang diterapakan sebelumnya menghasilkan biaya sebesar Rp 13.803.224.736 akan diperoleh penghematan sebesar Rp 317.990.221 selama tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penerapan supply chain management dapat memberikan efisiensi biaya dan waktu, serta dapat meningkatkan pelayanan pada konsumen lebih baik, sehingga perusahaan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi. Kata Kunci: Supply Chain Management, Indrustri Obat Tradisional
ABSTRAK Laili, Umi Nadhirotul. 2018. Efektivitas Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Inkuiri... more ABSTRAK Laili, Umi Nadhirotul. 2018. Efektivitas Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing pada Materi Asam-Basa terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif dan Persepsi Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA Negeri 10 Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Munzil, M.Si., (II) Dr. Sumari, M.Si. Kata kunci: bahan ajar digital, hasil belajar kognitif, asam-basa Salah satu materi kimia yang dipelajari peserta didik kelas XI SMA adalah materi asam-basa. Materi asam-basa penting untuk dikuasai baik dari aspek makroskopis, submikroskopis, maupun simbolik. Berdasarkan karakteristik tersebut, maka diperlukan sebuah bahan ajar yang memudahkan dalam mempelajari materi asam-basa. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dikembangkan bahan ajar digital berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi asam-basadengan tiga level representasi. Pengembangan bahan ajar digital dibatasi pada tahap pengembangan dan belum diuji coba efektivitasnya dalampembelajaran. Pe...
Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna N... more Mufidatul Laili, Umi. S991302020. 2015. Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain) pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar. Tesis Program Pasca Sarjana Kependidikan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Ir. Kohar Sulistyadi, M. SIE dan Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, M.S Tujuan penilitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk memperoleh peramalan permintaan sesuai kebutuhan konsumen, 2) Untuk mendapatkan rancangan biaya produksi terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3) Untuk mendapatkan biaya persediaan terendah pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4) Untuk mendapatkan model transportasi yang tepat pada CV Biojanna Nusantara, dan 5) Untuk menghasilkan penerapan supply chain management pada CV Biojanna Nusantara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pemodelan sistem. teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah peramalan permintaan, perencanan agregat, EOQ, transportasi, dan suppl...
The State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Cons... more The State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic State of Indonesia, which upholds human rights and guarantees all citizens at the same time in law and government and is obliged to uphold such law and government without exception. The judge is the organs of the court on which should be placed duty and great responsibility for law and justice can be enforced, but on the other hand Judge is also an ordinary man who in carrying out his duty that can't be separated from mistakes either intentionally or unintentionally. Many public scrutiny that saw the duties of a judge was questioned, ranging from the behavior of a dormant judge while performing his duties in the courtroom, to the alleged bribery to the judge when handling a case including Judge's infidelity into a bleak portrait of public concern. Given the many phenomena of irregularities committed by Judges above, it is necessary an independent institution in charge of providing oversight of violations of ethical codes and judicial behavior guidelines. This judicial commission was established to fulfill a sense of justice and truth for the community with a background. In this research, the author uses normative legal research methods, and empirical law research methods as well. However, researchers will focus more on normative legal research, while empirical law research serves as supporting information. Using primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The oversight of the judicial commission is carried out both internally and externally to ensure that all judges as the principal implementers of the court function shall be of high integrity, honesty and professionalism, thereby gaining the trust of the community and seekers of justice. The public may participate in supervising the behavior of judges in order to bring about a clean and professional judiciary through community reports. Reports may be conducted by individuals, groups of people, public entities, legal entities, corporation or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who are aware of alleged code violations Judicial conduct ethics and judicial guidelines and not limited to the injured party. As reported is the Judge allegedly violating the Code of Ethics and Judicial Conduct Guidelines.
Journal of Law ( Jurnal Ilmu Hukum ), Jun 5, 2014
The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protecti... more The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law as a means of protection of human rights. Provision of legal aid to the poor as the realization of access to justice is the responsibility of the state. Ideally someone who is able (the have) that have a legal problem and someone who are poor (the have not) who also have a legal problem, all have defense of the right to request a public defender or as workers in legal aid for defend their interests in a lawsuit. This condition must be met in order in order to realize the principle of equality before the law and equal access to justice and behavior (acces to justice). In fact, a number of humanitarian cases invite the attention of the public, which shows the lack of access of the poor to obtain legal aid. This study aims to describe the implementation model of legal aid for the poor in the field, which is implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This research uses quantitative research, where the primary data from informants from the ministry of law and human rights, legal aid and academics from university. While secondary data from literature from books, scientific manuscripts, research reports, and documents related to the research topic.
Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to... more Unity state Republic Of Indonesia guarantee prosperity every its citizen, including protection to children right representing human right. Child is trust at the same time God Single grant from above The most, which ever we have to take care of because in coherent x'self of standing, prestige, and its rights as human being which must hold high is high. Than side life of and nation have state, child is nation future and of gerasi router dream of nation, so that each; every child is entitled to to the continuity of life, grow, and expand, participating and also is entitled to of protection from acting discrimination and hardness. Lifting of child ( adobsi ) is an deed of intake of others child into family alone, so that between old fellow collecting the collecting child and child arise an is same familiarity law, like old fellow and child with child contain alone him. Lifting of child can only be done/conducted by for the sake of best to child and conducted pursuant to local habit ...
T he State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Con... more T he State of Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic State of Indonesia, which upholds human rights and guarantees all citizens at the same time in law and government and is obliged to uphold such law and government without exception. T he judge is the organs of the court on which should be placed duty and great responsibility for law and justice can be enforced, but on the other hand Judge is also an ordinary man who in carrying out his duty that can’t be separated from mistakes either intentionally or unintentionally. M any public scrutiny that saw the duties of a judge was questioned, ranging from the behavior of a dormant judge while performing his duties in the courtroom, to the alleged bribery to the judge when handling a case including Judge's infidelity into a bleak portrait of public concern. Given the many phenomena of irregularities committed by Judges above, it is necessary an independent instituti...
Dedikasi, Jun 5, 2014
The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protecti... more The State guarantees the right of every person constitutional for recognition, security, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law as a means of protection of human rights. Provision of legal aid to the poor as the realization of access to justice is the responsibility of the state. Ideally someone who is able (the have) that have a legal problem and someone who are poor (the have not) who also have a legal problem, all have defense of the right to request a public defender or as workers in legal aid for defend their interests in a lawsuit. This condition must be met in order in order to realize the principle of equality before the law and equal access to justice and behavior (acces to justice). In fact, a number of humanitarian cases invite the attention of the public, which shows the lack of access of the poor to obtain legal aid. This study aims to describe the implementation model of legal aid for the poor in the field, which is implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This research uses quantitative research, where the primary data from informants from the ministry of law and human rights, legal aid and academics from university. While secondary data from literature from books, scientific manuscripts, research reports, and documents related to the research topic.
Dedikasi, Jun 9, 2014
Indonesia is law state that means Unity State Of Republic Indonesia is State which based on of la... more Indonesia is law state that means Unity State Of Republic Indonesia is State which based on of law (rechtsstaat) and not based on of power (machtsstaat). Consequently each, every Indonesia citizen obliged to bow and law abiding which go into effect. In order to improving law in all society coat so that can be created awareness and compliance of law for the sake of the straighten of rule of law in Unity State Of Republic Indonesia, required counseling of law. In this time we earn to feel incidence of law cultural degrease in society environment with downhill indication is decrease of mount society appreciation of law including government officer. Downhill of awareness of rights and obligations of society, and also compliance of society marked at the height of transgression number, including decreased trust of society to enforcer law of government officer. This matter can be seen from to the number of mass conflict between student, conflict between society citizen element, including so many violent demonstration which is anarchist. Thereby it needed effort to improve of society sense of justice, passing by counseling of law activity. Counseling of law carried out with a purpose to realize better society sense of justice so that each, every society member realize and involve its rights and obligations as citizen and realizing culture punish in conscious behavior and attitude, obedient, and law-abiding and also respect Human right. This research use quantitative research type, where primary data come from informant of Regional Ministry Office of Law and Human right. While data of seconder are form of literature either from book, erudite copy, research report, and documents related to this topic of research Result of research indicate that there are 2 (two method) counseling of law executed by Regional Ministry office of Law and Human right of East Kalimantan that is method counseling of indirect and direct law. Efficacy of activity of counseling of law can be seen from is effective of him punish in society, law will be effective walk if the law have reached the target of desired, especially by form punish and also by executor of pertinent law. Law expressed effective if behavioral society citizen of me as expected or desired by law. Effective counseling of law can influence by some factor, According to Soerjono Soekanto that the factor there are five, that is : its own Law factor, factor Enforcer of Law, Medium factor and facility, Society factor, and also Culture factor.
Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk per... more Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasi manusia. Anak adalah amanah sekaligus karunia Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang dari sisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, anak adalah masa depan bangsa dan generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa, sehingga setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Generasi yang berkarakter adalah generasi yang berkualitas serta memiliki peran yang baik di setiap lapisan masyarakat, dapat memberi pengaruh baik dan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi generasi lainnya. Karakter diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai yang baik yang terpatri dalam diri dan terjawantahkan dalam perilaku. Membentuk anak yang berkarakter dilakukan sebagai salah satu alternatif perlindungan anak. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode sosio-legal. Metode sosio-legal di...