wika yudha shanty - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by wika yudha shanty
Bhirawa Law Journal
Credit card is the one of modern paying tools which has benefit and easy. However, the credit car... more Credit card is the one of modern paying tools which has benefit and easy. However, the credit card can make kinds of criminal like fabrication credit card and robbing credit card data. The problem will be explain in this research are What is the judicial review toward District Court of Malang Judgment Number 6/Pid.SUs/2019/PN.MLG credit card criminal perspective, District Court of Malang Judgment Number 6/Pid.SUs/2019/PN.MLG credit card criminal perspective is already appropriate with Information and Electronic Transaction or not. Theresearch use normative law method with literature research. This research use secondary data which is obtained from act analysis that have relation with this research and another law materials consist of book, journal, and another literature. Carding criminal is the one of cybercrime. The way to handle carding criminal can use Criminal Code and Banking Act besides Information and Electronic Transaction Act.
Bhirawa Law Journal
In fact, drugs are goods that are very useful for the benefit of many people's lives when use... more In fact, drugs are goods that are very useful for the benefit of many people's lives when used and used properly. However, in reality this is not the case, and not a few of these items are used inappropriately for their intended purpose or in other words, are misused and cause various negative aspects in the community. The purpose of this paper is to find out the criminogenic side of drug use that should not be carried out by the community, and to find out drug use among the community, which is actually not in harmony with social values, cultural aspects and negative factors in people's lives. The study in this paper contributes in overcoming the crime of drug abuse, in order to achieve the goal and to facilitate the understanding and implementation of handling drug problems using Pre-emptive, Preventive, and Repressive methods; and understand trends related to drugs, more specifically trying to contribute in solving the problem of drug abuse as part of the social pathology ...
Bhirawa Law Journal
Narcotics abuse today has hit a part of the population in all countries, including Indonesia. Ab... more Narcotics abuse today has hit a part of the population in all countries, including Indonesia. Abusive behavior has an increasing trend, therefore to combat and overcome it is the responsibility of all elements of society and the nation. Narcotics are substances Kata kunci: Rehabilitasi, Penanganan, Narkotika Bhirawa Law Journal | 254 | Volume 2, Issue 2, November 2021 1. Latar Belakang Dewasa ini penyalahguna dan pecandu narkotika telah menjadi kebiasaaan negatif yang melanda dunia, tidak ada negara manapun yang terbebas dari pengaruh negatif penyalahgunaan narkotika, oleh karena itu, efek negatif narkotika menjadi persoalan dunia, musuh semua umat manusia, sehingga menjadi isu penting yang melanda dunia. Untuk mengatasi persoalan ini, Persirikatan Bangsa Bangsa sebagai lembaga dunia telah mengeluarkan Resolusi No 42/112 tanggal 7 Desember 1987, telah menetapkan bahwa setiap tanggal 26 Juni diperingati sebagai Hari Anti Narkotika Internasiponal (International Day Against Drugs Abus...
Purification was a process of purifying again. This process had a purpose to fix a condition to b... more Purification was a process of purifying again. This process had a purpose to fix a condition to be better than before or to run well again. A purification process had to be done carefully and structurally, by giving a realization not through compulsion process. Purification was a system working automatically. It also happened to the purification of justice value. Every individual had a realization about the justice value idealism. Therefore through the realization or consciousness, thepurification of the justice value would be able to run well. On the contrary, if the Purification process was carried out without any realization or because of compulsion, it would not run well. A lawyer was a component of law enforcement in Indonesia having a duty and responsibility to uphold the law based on the justice in a society. Lawyers, in doing their professions, directly contacted with people. They should have been able to be a law upholder who held firmly the law principles and justice witho...
This research focuses on how the power of proof of electronic documents in the form of authentic ... more This research focuses on how the power of proof of electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence in electronic civil proceedings (e-litigation) and how legal interpretations to consider electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence in electronic civil proceedings (e-litigation). The method used in this research is the normative method. Electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds are valid evidence in civil procedural law if they meet the formal and material requirements stipulated in the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the ITE Law, namely if the documents are original, can be accessed, displayed, their integrity is guaranteed, and can be accounted for. However, the value of evidentiary power attached to electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence does not yet have perfect evidentiary power. Because it still requires specific arrangements with the aim of ensuring legal certainty. Even though it has not been specificall...
The consequences of arbitrary verdict has to put by good intention from both sides who have chose... more The consequences of arbitrary verdict has to put by good intention from both sides who have chosen to resolutetheir dispute outside the court. It is weird if both sides who chose resolute their dispute to the arbitraryinstitution end up complaining about the institution authority. In other words recognition and effectivity ofarbitrary verdict is relied on both sides who chose arbitrary institution. The contradiction between courtverdict and arbitrary verdict rises a new question about legality of court verdict put by judges, meanwhile thecontract has arbitrary clause which accepted by both sides. The goal and focus of this research is rely on howlegality of arbitrary verdict if in the contract has arbitrary clause to resolute dispute or different opinionbetween them. Achievement indicator of this research is explanation based law regulation if there is arbitraryclause and effect of the verdict if court and arbitrary institution put verdict to the same case.
On normative perspective, court upheld law based on the regulation and justice. Judicature was ca... more On normative perspective, court upheld law based on the regulation and justice. Judicature was carried outfast, simple and cheap. However, in practice, judicature process always spent much time because of the formalprocedure. From entering the case to court until decision or finding of court which got the law confirmation, italways needed much time, complicated process, and much money. Especially for businessmen, case or longconflict would inflict financial loss. In business world, special skill was needed to decide special conflict inbusiness world which was not always known by every judge, for example contract. To be able to investigate anddecide those kinds of conflicts completely, it was not enough only having knowledge about regulation as thelaw principle. To make a business conflict completion reflected justice or it could be accepted by all parties, lawsystem gave alternative of conflict completion out of court. By this way, the burden of court was decreased andmore than that...
The large number of Indonesian workers who work abroad is one of the largest foreign exchange con... more The large number of Indonesian workers who work abroad is one of the largest foreign exchange contributors in the country, but in practice, many problems arise for Indonesian workers who work abroad, one of which is the rape of female workers by their employers to cause children. from the results of the extramarital relationship. This study uses a normative juridical approach. This approach focuses on examining literature materials such as legislation and other relevant sources. This research examines how the compilation of Islamic law reviews the status and inheritance rights of children resulting from extramarital relations between female workers and their employers. The results of this study are children from the results of extramarital relations between female workers and their employers only have a family relationship with their mother and their mother’s family and do not have a family relationship with their biological father and the family of their biological father.
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 2020
Asas hukum sebagai norma dasar yang dijabarkan sebagai dasar/petunjuk umum bagi hukum positif/ hu... more Asas hukum sebagai norma dasar yang dijabarkan sebagai dasar/petunjuk umum bagi hukum positif/ hukum yang berlaku. Salah satu permasalahan asas hukum yang akan dibahas oleh peneliti dalam penelitian kali ini adalah tentang penerapan asas yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di pengadilan. Terlalu banyak formalitas yang sulit untuk dipahami, dan peraturan-peraturan yang tidak jelas, sehingga memungkinkan timbulnya berbagai penafsiran dan mengakibatkan ketakutan untuk beracara di pengadilan. Terlalu banyak formalitas merupakan hambatan bagi jalannya pengadilan. Dalam hal ini permasalahannya tidak hanya dalam pemeriksaan di persidangan saja, tetapi juga penyelesaian pada berita acara pemeriksaan di persidangan hingga penandatanganan putusan oleh hakim dan pelaksanaannya. Sering terjadi suatu perkara tertunda sampai bertahun-tahun karena saksi tidak datang, atau para pihak bergantian tidak datang atau memutuskan untuk mundur dari perkara. Bahkan ada beberapa perkara yang dilanjutkan oleh ahli warisnya. Sedangkan dilihat dari segi biaya dalam persidangan, biaya perkara yang tinggi akan menyebabkan pihak yang berkepentingan akan berpikir berkalikali untuk mengajukan tuntutan hak ke pengadilan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, cepatnya jalannya persidangan akan meningkatkan kewibawaan pengadilan tersebut dan menambah kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pengadilan.
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Dec 31, 2016
Indonesian law is a part of the Indonesian language that has a specificity in the diction and the... more Indonesian law is a part of the Indonesian language that has a specificity in the diction and the wording. Indonesian law is not only used by the legal community, especially the legal scholars, but also by the whole society. Implementation of legal language is not only found in legislation, but also in other legal products in law enforcement. Indonesian law is used in legislation, requisition, Polidori, lawsuit, answer, replica, uplink, decision and so on. The practical aspects of law enforcement by judges, prosecutors, advocates, notaries, police, legal journalists. Student law and others. Law is a grand design that is used as a means of control and communication within the community. The movement and work of the law for interaction and communication within the community, in order to improve the quality of life and prevent conflict, should be communicated through the language for the purpose and purpose of law for the enforcement and legal certainty until the community is always maintained its regularity. Indonesian law must be continuously improved in quality, to prevent multiple interpretations or different interpretations. It aims at the upholding of legal certainty, which becomes one among other legal functions such as justice and legal benefit.
Peace was one of the media to get a deal between two parties who had different agreement without ... more Peace was one of the media to get a deal between two parties who had different agreement without relying on "win or lose" result. In Indonesia, the regulation that arranged peace was in article 130 HIR and article 145
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
The existence and efforts to protect children are currently regulated in the provisions of laws a... more The existence and efforts to protect children are currently regulated in the provisions of laws and regulations, however, there are many deviations that befall children, for example, parents are wrong in providing care, acts of violence against children both physically and psychologically, are involved in criminal acts of decency, sexual deviation, and so on. The negative influence on children is very large, therefore it requires vigilance, accuracy, seriousness, and handled properly and correctly. It is said so because children are the next generation of the nation whose existence will determine the survival and future of the nation. This study is an empirical legal study with a socio-legal research approach, by taking secondary data from the Police which is compared with the provisions of the relevant legislation governing children. Then the data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively, using logic and inductive and deductive reasoning according to the need to solve and...
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has a very large role as the foundation of all... more The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has a very large role as the foundation of all existing laws and regulations in Indonesia. Including regarding the respect and recognition of customary law community units whose traditional rights as long as their existence still exist. In this paper, one of the examples taken by the author is the indigenous people in the eastern part of East Nusa Tenggara Province, namely the indigenous people of Pubabu. The existence of the Pubabu indigenous people is very critical because the recognition they get is very weak. This causes their customary rights to be in a complicated position when it comes to dealing with the state’s right to control. The local government seems to interfere with the rights of indigenous peoples because it is in the interests of the state. This certainly should not be done. Therefore, so that customary rights are not disturbed, let alone eliminating the right to control the state, it is necessary to have restricti...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang
Desa Kepuharjo merupakan wilayah di Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang yang menjadikan tanam... more Desa Kepuharjo merupakan wilayah di Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang yang menjadikan tanaman obat keluarga menjadi salah satu potensi yang ada di desa tersebut. Banyaknya toga yang ditanam oleh masyarakat desa dapat dikembangkan menjadi suatu produk yang dapat mendongkrak perekonomian dan mengurangi pengangguran. Sudah sejak lama tanaman obat keluarga ditanam secara turun temurun dan diajarkan oleh generasi yang terdahulu ke generasi selanjutnya. Di Desa kepuharjo tradisi ini sebagian besar masih dipertahankan bahkan hingga sekarang hampir di setiap rumah/tempat tinggal warganya menanam tanaman obat keluarga. Bahkan desa ini merupakan desa percontohan dimana warganya mengembangkan dan membudi dayakan tanaman obat keluarga. Pengelolaan potensi desa yang dalam hal ini adalah tanaman obat keluarga diolah menjadi suatu produk yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan lebih banyak dibandingkan apabila hasil panennya langsung dijual tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu. Tidak jarang mereka mengeluh dikarenakan hasil panen yang berlimpah dan tidak terjual habis maka terjadi penumpukan hingga membusuk. Jalan satu-satunya yang mereka tempuh adalah menjualnya kepada tengkulak dengan harga dasar sehingga mereka tidak mendapat keuntungan bahkan tidak jarang mengalami kerugian. Dengan demikian diharapkan akan membantu masyarakat dalam memperpanjang usia panen, mengembangkan desa menjadi desa swakarya dan industri kecil menengah yang mengelola hasil tanaman obat keluarga hingga menjadi produk olahan yang digemari masyarakat. Untuk kedepannya temulawak akan menjadi ikon desa Kepuharjo,
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
When electronic transactions often consumers are required to enter some personal data in electron... more When electronic transactions often consumers are required to enter some personal data in electronic systems. Personal data held by consumers is abused by business actors when consumers enter their personal data first in the online trading website. The sale of personal data to other companies or product offerings that violate the rights of consumers may result from a lack of protection or a security guarantee of personal data from consumers entered on the online buying and selling website. This problem also arises because of the consumer's perspective on the awareness of their inadequate rights and the need for stricter consumer protection law enforcement, particularly in online transactions. This factor causes quite a number of cases related to online consumer fraud, where although it is regulated but the government has not provided a definite form of legal order to provide protection to consumers. This study examines and analyzes the rules regarding certification of reliability in legislation and constraints in its implementation, as well as how the ideal arrangement relates to the implementation of website reliability certification.
Bhirawa Law Journal
Credit card is the one of modern paying tools which has benefit and easy. However, the credit car... more Credit card is the one of modern paying tools which has benefit and easy. However, the credit card can make kinds of criminal like fabrication credit card and robbing credit card data. The problem will be explain in this research are What is the judicial review toward District Court of Malang Judgment Number 6/Pid.SUs/2019/PN.MLG credit card criminal perspective, District Court of Malang Judgment Number 6/Pid.SUs/2019/PN.MLG credit card criminal perspective is already appropriate with Information and Electronic Transaction or not. Theresearch use normative law method with literature research. This research use secondary data which is obtained from act analysis that have relation with this research and another law materials consist of book, journal, and another literature. Carding criminal is the one of cybercrime. The way to handle carding criminal can use Criminal Code and Banking Act besides Information and Electronic Transaction Act.
Bhirawa Law Journal
In fact, drugs are goods that are very useful for the benefit of many people's lives when use... more In fact, drugs are goods that are very useful for the benefit of many people's lives when used and used properly. However, in reality this is not the case, and not a few of these items are used inappropriately for their intended purpose or in other words, are misused and cause various negative aspects in the community. The purpose of this paper is to find out the criminogenic side of drug use that should not be carried out by the community, and to find out drug use among the community, which is actually not in harmony with social values, cultural aspects and negative factors in people's lives. The study in this paper contributes in overcoming the crime of drug abuse, in order to achieve the goal and to facilitate the understanding and implementation of handling drug problems using Pre-emptive, Preventive, and Repressive methods; and understand trends related to drugs, more specifically trying to contribute in solving the problem of drug abuse as part of the social pathology ...
Bhirawa Law Journal
Narcotics abuse today has hit a part of the population in all countries, including Indonesia. Ab... more Narcotics abuse today has hit a part of the population in all countries, including Indonesia. Abusive behavior has an increasing trend, therefore to combat and overcome it is the responsibility of all elements of society and the nation. Narcotics are substances Kata kunci: Rehabilitasi, Penanganan, Narkotika Bhirawa Law Journal | 254 | Volume 2, Issue 2, November 2021 1. Latar Belakang Dewasa ini penyalahguna dan pecandu narkotika telah menjadi kebiasaaan negatif yang melanda dunia, tidak ada negara manapun yang terbebas dari pengaruh negatif penyalahgunaan narkotika, oleh karena itu, efek negatif narkotika menjadi persoalan dunia, musuh semua umat manusia, sehingga menjadi isu penting yang melanda dunia. Untuk mengatasi persoalan ini, Persirikatan Bangsa Bangsa sebagai lembaga dunia telah mengeluarkan Resolusi No 42/112 tanggal 7 Desember 1987, telah menetapkan bahwa setiap tanggal 26 Juni diperingati sebagai Hari Anti Narkotika Internasiponal (International Day Against Drugs Abus...
Purification was a process of purifying again. This process had a purpose to fix a condition to b... more Purification was a process of purifying again. This process had a purpose to fix a condition to be better than before or to run well again. A purification process had to be done carefully and structurally, by giving a realization not through compulsion process. Purification was a system working automatically. It also happened to the purification of justice value. Every individual had a realization about the justice value idealism. Therefore through the realization or consciousness, thepurification of the justice value would be able to run well. On the contrary, if the Purification process was carried out without any realization or because of compulsion, it would not run well. A lawyer was a component of law enforcement in Indonesia having a duty and responsibility to uphold the law based on the justice in a society. Lawyers, in doing their professions, directly contacted with people. They should have been able to be a law upholder who held firmly the law principles and justice witho...
This research focuses on how the power of proof of electronic documents in the form of authentic ... more This research focuses on how the power of proof of electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence in electronic civil proceedings (e-litigation) and how legal interpretations to consider electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence in electronic civil proceedings (e-litigation). The method used in this research is the normative method. Electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds are valid evidence in civil procedural law if they meet the formal and material requirements stipulated in the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the ITE Law, namely if the documents are original, can be accessed, displayed, their integrity is guaranteed, and can be accounted for. However, the value of evidentiary power attached to electronic documents in the form of authentic deeds as evidence does not yet have perfect evidentiary power. Because it still requires specific arrangements with the aim of ensuring legal certainty. Even though it has not been specificall...
The consequences of arbitrary verdict has to put by good intention from both sides who have chose... more The consequences of arbitrary verdict has to put by good intention from both sides who have chosen to resolutetheir dispute outside the court. It is weird if both sides who chose resolute their dispute to the arbitraryinstitution end up complaining about the institution authority. In other words recognition and effectivity ofarbitrary verdict is relied on both sides who chose arbitrary institution. The contradiction between courtverdict and arbitrary verdict rises a new question about legality of court verdict put by judges, meanwhile thecontract has arbitrary clause which accepted by both sides. The goal and focus of this research is rely on howlegality of arbitrary verdict if in the contract has arbitrary clause to resolute dispute or different opinionbetween them. Achievement indicator of this research is explanation based law regulation if there is arbitraryclause and effect of the verdict if court and arbitrary institution put verdict to the same case.
On normative perspective, court upheld law based on the regulation and justice. Judicature was ca... more On normative perspective, court upheld law based on the regulation and justice. Judicature was carried outfast, simple and cheap. However, in practice, judicature process always spent much time because of the formalprocedure. From entering the case to court until decision or finding of court which got the law confirmation, italways needed much time, complicated process, and much money. Especially for businessmen, case or longconflict would inflict financial loss. In business world, special skill was needed to decide special conflict inbusiness world which was not always known by every judge, for example contract. To be able to investigate anddecide those kinds of conflicts completely, it was not enough only having knowledge about regulation as thelaw principle. To make a business conflict completion reflected justice or it could be accepted by all parties, lawsystem gave alternative of conflict completion out of court. By this way, the burden of court was decreased andmore than that...
The large number of Indonesian workers who work abroad is one of the largest foreign exchange con... more The large number of Indonesian workers who work abroad is one of the largest foreign exchange contributors in the country, but in practice, many problems arise for Indonesian workers who work abroad, one of which is the rape of female workers by their employers to cause children. from the results of the extramarital relationship. This study uses a normative juridical approach. This approach focuses on examining literature materials such as legislation and other relevant sources. This research examines how the compilation of Islamic law reviews the status and inheritance rights of children resulting from extramarital relations between female workers and their employers. The results of this study are children from the results of extramarital relations between female workers and their employers only have a family relationship with their mother and their mother’s family and do not have a family relationship with their biological father and the family of their biological father.
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 2020
Asas hukum sebagai norma dasar yang dijabarkan sebagai dasar/petunjuk umum bagi hukum positif/ hu... more Asas hukum sebagai norma dasar yang dijabarkan sebagai dasar/petunjuk umum bagi hukum positif/ hukum yang berlaku. Salah satu permasalahan asas hukum yang akan dibahas oleh peneliti dalam penelitian kali ini adalah tentang penerapan asas yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di pengadilan. Terlalu banyak formalitas yang sulit untuk dipahami, dan peraturan-peraturan yang tidak jelas, sehingga memungkinkan timbulnya berbagai penafsiran dan mengakibatkan ketakutan untuk beracara di pengadilan. Terlalu banyak formalitas merupakan hambatan bagi jalannya pengadilan. Dalam hal ini permasalahannya tidak hanya dalam pemeriksaan di persidangan saja, tetapi juga penyelesaian pada berita acara pemeriksaan di persidangan hingga penandatanganan putusan oleh hakim dan pelaksanaannya. Sering terjadi suatu perkara tertunda sampai bertahun-tahun karena saksi tidak datang, atau para pihak bergantian tidak datang atau memutuskan untuk mundur dari perkara. Bahkan ada beberapa perkara yang dilanjutkan oleh ahli warisnya. Sedangkan dilihat dari segi biaya dalam persidangan, biaya perkara yang tinggi akan menyebabkan pihak yang berkepentingan akan berpikir berkalikali untuk mengajukan tuntutan hak ke pengadilan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, cepatnya jalannya persidangan akan meningkatkan kewibawaan pengadilan tersebut dan menambah kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pengadilan.
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Dec 31, 2016
Indonesian law is a part of the Indonesian language that has a specificity in the diction and the... more Indonesian law is a part of the Indonesian language that has a specificity in the diction and the wording. Indonesian law is not only used by the legal community, especially the legal scholars, but also by the whole society. Implementation of legal language is not only found in legislation, but also in other legal products in law enforcement. Indonesian law is used in legislation, requisition, Polidori, lawsuit, answer, replica, uplink, decision and so on. The practical aspects of law enforcement by judges, prosecutors, advocates, notaries, police, legal journalists. Student law and others. Law is a grand design that is used as a means of control and communication within the community. The movement and work of the law for interaction and communication within the community, in order to improve the quality of life and prevent conflict, should be communicated through the language for the purpose and purpose of law for the enforcement and legal certainty until the community is always maintained its regularity. Indonesian law must be continuously improved in quality, to prevent multiple interpretations or different interpretations. It aims at the upholding of legal certainty, which becomes one among other legal functions such as justice and legal benefit.
Peace was one of the media to get a deal between two parties who had different agreement without ... more Peace was one of the media to get a deal between two parties who had different agreement without relying on "win or lose" result. In Indonesia, the regulation that arranged peace was in article 130 HIR and article 145
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
The existence and efforts to protect children are currently regulated in the provisions of laws a... more The existence and efforts to protect children are currently regulated in the provisions of laws and regulations, however, there are many deviations that befall children, for example, parents are wrong in providing care, acts of violence against children both physically and psychologically, are involved in criminal acts of decency, sexual deviation, and so on. The negative influence on children is very large, therefore it requires vigilance, accuracy, seriousness, and handled properly and correctly. It is said so because children are the next generation of the nation whose existence will determine the survival and future of the nation. This study is an empirical legal study with a socio-legal research approach, by taking secondary data from the Police which is compared with the provisions of the relevant legislation governing children. Then the data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively, using logic and inductive and deductive reasoning according to the need to solve and...
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has a very large role as the foundation of all... more The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has a very large role as the foundation of all existing laws and regulations in Indonesia. Including regarding the respect and recognition of customary law community units whose traditional rights as long as their existence still exist. In this paper, one of the examples taken by the author is the indigenous people in the eastern part of East Nusa Tenggara Province, namely the indigenous people of Pubabu. The existence of the Pubabu indigenous people is very critical because the recognition they get is very weak. This causes their customary rights to be in a complicated position when it comes to dealing with the state’s right to control. The local government seems to interfere with the rights of indigenous peoples because it is in the interests of the state. This certainly should not be done. Therefore, so that customary rights are not disturbed, let alone eliminating the right to control the state, it is necessary to have restricti...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang
Desa Kepuharjo merupakan wilayah di Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang yang menjadikan tanam... more Desa Kepuharjo merupakan wilayah di Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang yang menjadikan tanaman obat keluarga menjadi salah satu potensi yang ada di desa tersebut. Banyaknya toga yang ditanam oleh masyarakat desa dapat dikembangkan menjadi suatu produk yang dapat mendongkrak perekonomian dan mengurangi pengangguran. Sudah sejak lama tanaman obat keluarga ditanam secara turun temurun dan diajarkan oleh generasi yang terdahulu ke generasi selanjutnya. Di Desa kepuharjo tradisi ini sebagian besar masih dipertahankan bahkan hingga sekarang hampir di setiap rumah/tempat tinggal warganya menanam tanaman obat keluarga. Bahkan desa ini merupakan desa percontohan dimana warganya mengembangkan dan membudi dayakan tanaman obat keluarga. Pengelolaan potensi desa yang dalam hal ini adalah tanaman obat keluarga diolah menjadi suatu produk yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan lebih banyak dibandingkan apabila hasil panennya langsung dijual tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu. Tidak jarang mereka mengeluh dikarenakan hasil panen yang berlimpah dan tidak terjual habis maka terjadi penumpukan hingga membusuk. Jalan satu-satunya yang mereka tempuh adalah menjualnya kepada tengkulak dengan harga dasar sehingga mereka tidak mendapat keuntungan bahkan tidak jarang mengalami kerugian. Dengan demikian diharapkan akan membantu masyarakat dalam memperpanjang usia panen, mengembangkan desa menjadi desa swakarya dan industri kecil menengah yang mengelola hasil tanaman obat keluarga hingga menjadi produk olahan yang digemari masyarakat. Untuk kedepannya temulawak akan menjadi ikon desa Kepuharjo,
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
When electronic transactions often consumers are required to enter some personal data in electron... more When electronic transactions often consumers are required to enter some personal data in electronic systems. Personal data held by consumers is abused by business actors when consumers enter their personal data first in the online trading website. The sale of personal data to other companies or product offerings that violate the rights of consumers may result from a lack of protection or a security guarantee of personal data from consumers entered on the online buying and selling website. This problem also arises because of the consumer's perspective on the awareness of their inadequate rights and the need for stricter consumer protection law enforcement, particularly in online transactions. This factor causes quite a number of cases related to online consumer fraud, where although it is regulated but the government has not provided a definite form of legal order to provide protection to consumers. This study examines and analyzes the rules regarding certification of reliability in legislation and constraints in its implementation, as well as how the ideal arrangement relates to the implementation of website reliability certification.