Yohanes Suhari - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Yohanes Suhari
Intecoms, Nov 22, 2023
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that aims to increase customer sat... more Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that aims to increase customer satisfaction and retention in a business. The application of CRM in drugstores is important because of the increasingly fierce competition in the market. The purpose of this research is to develop and implement a CRM system in drugstores to improve service quality, optimize interactions with customers, and improve operational efficiency. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study at the Herbal Stokis drug store, Semarang Branch. Data collection methods include direct observation, interviews with management, employees and customers. Development of a CRM system with a structured approach through stages that refer to the waterfall model. The results of the built CRM system are sales transactions and customer service facilities. Better transaction and service facilities are expected to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi
This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of Work Motivation and Self Eff... more This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of Work Motivation and Self Efficacy on Employee Performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch. The hypothesis put forward is that there is an influence of work motivation and self-efficacy on employee performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch. The author uses 46 respondents as a sample taken from 46 populations using the Sugiyono formula. The results of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between work motivation and self-efficacy on employee performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch and its correlation coefficient is 0.419, so when interpreted on a value scale it can be categorized as moderate. While the coefficient of determination is known that Work Motivation and Self Efficacy only contribute 33.3% to Employee Performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch and the remaining 66.7% is influenced by other factors not examined. Regression equation obtained Y = 15.032...
Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)
Currently, the sphere of sports is continuously expanding in Indonesia. E-ticketing has made it p... more Currently, the sphere of sports is continuously expanding in Indonesia. E-ticketing has made it possible for fans to quickly and easily purchase tickets to soccer matches thanks to advances in technology and information. Some studies have found that the ability to distribute tickets rapidly and efficiently is one of the e-greatest ticketing benefits. The goal of this study is to evaluate how soccer fans' perceptions of the ease and advantages of ticket purchasing influence their willingness to make those purchases. Subjects in this study are the 120 football fans who regularly attend PSIS Semarang games in International Stadium Jatidiri Semarang. This study also has a quantitative component. The analysis that is used is a multivariate regression. This study shows that a minimal number of soccer fans still prefer to purchase tickets online. In addition, the study found that (1) ease of usei has a positive impact on perceived usefulness of e-ticketing, (2) ease of use has no effec...
membantu pihak mitra dengan tujuan dapat meringankan bahkan menyelsaikan permasalahan diatas mela... more membantu pihak mitra dengan tujuan dapat meringankan bahkan menyelsaikan permasalahan diatas melalui program pendampingan dan pelatihan dalam mengelola data transaksi simpan pinjam koperasi menggunakan Microsoft excel. Pendampingan dan pelatihan diberikan dengan cara penjelasan materi, pendampingan dari Tim PKM serta diskusi tanya jawab. Melalui kegiatan ini terjadi peningkatkan pemahaman penggunaan IT dan pengelolaan data transaksi secara baik sehingga mampu menyediakan laporan bulanan yang diharus disampaikan kepada anggota demi untuk kemajuan koperasi.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Jul 1, 2002
In today's fast growing demand of electronic transactions, with more people accessing the int... more In today's fast growing demand of electronic transactions, with more people accessing the internet worldwide, online shopping becomes an increasingly profitable but risk, business. Selling online becomes a very competitive business and time is a critical factor in launching a web site for business. This paper studies the strategic planning process of an electronic business project and identifies how risks can be minimized by proper planning and how planning is implemented. It also describes how to detect any changes in the marketplace so that effective measures, can be made to avoid dropping out from competitor. The emphasis is on the planning tactics, particularly in ensuring accurate tracking that is specific to the e-business start up process.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 16, 2023
The implementation of cluster-based SME e-commerce systems is a stage after analysis and design. ... more The implementation of cluster-based SME e-commerce systems is a stage after analysis and design. However, although SEO could be operated and implemented, this stage cannot be regarded as perfect in fulfilling the development of information system. It is still too risky for the continuity of cluster-based ecommerce business in the future. It is because the lack of control, maintenance and development managements applied to e-commerce business with such cluster model. This study aims to develop and offer strategies of control, maintenance and development of cluster-based SME e-commerce in order for the operation to sustainably able to run and grow. These include regularly-updated contents of the website, more improved privacy protection and cares for stakeholders, and continued increase of SEO ranking on the top level, for ease of customers' browsing activities. Meanwhile, the system control methods used include general control, ecommerce application control, access control to e-commerce systems, and administrative control with COSO approach. In terms of maintenance, preventive, corrective and perfective maintenances are performed in a postimplementation model of development by means of prototyping. E-commerce Operating Standards and Procedures are implemented so that e-commerce system can be effectively controlled and maintained to reduce risks of its operations.
Gelanggang olahraga, Jun 12, 2022
This study aimed to examine and analyze the role of teacher social support in moderating the effe... more This study aimed to examine and analyze the role of teacher social support in moderating the effect of motivation and passion on student engagement. The study population was students of SMAN 1 Randudongkal in Pemalang Regency, with 291 students as the sample determined by the Slovin formula. The research method used computer software with SPSS for Windows version 22. The data analysis method used Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA) with a quasi-moderator type. The results of the t-test significance obtained that the regression coefficient of the learning motivation variable was 0.190, and the significance was 0.001 (<0.05). The regression coefficient for the learning passion variable is 0.317 with a significance of 0.000 (<0.05), and the regression coefficient for the teacher social support variable is 0.343, and a significance of 0.000 (<0.05). From the results of this study, it can be interpreted that the teacher's social
This study aimed to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher ... more This study aimed to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance in MTs Sekecamatan Winong moderated Pati regency with the work environment. The specific objectives of this study was to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance are moderated by the role of the working environment. The usefulness of this study is to clarify and extend previous research on the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance are moderated working environment. This study used a population of teachers in MTs Sekecamatan Winong Pati regency much as 173 teachers. Sampling techniques in this research is proportional to the purposive sampling method. Based on the results of the study can be summarized as follows labor discipline effect on the performance of teachers, teacher competence has no effect on the performance of the teacher, the work environment affect the performance of teachers, working environment weaken labor discipline relation to the performance, and the work environment does not affect the relationship of teacher competence on performance. Keywords: work discipline, teacher competence, work environment, the performance of teachers.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2002
Decision support systems basecl on fuzzy logic ntay be nsecl to solve problems to find optirnum s... more Decision support systems basecl on fuzzy logic ntay be nsecl to solve problems to find optirnum solution on fuzziness environntentil. The-differences with old decision sapport system is we can find optintum sorutiort that more ,nnlitinr, becartse in fttaxy rogic rrot use qbsolute trutltful rigtrt orfalse. Goal of this article is Irotu to corrtruct ntodel base on decisiotr support system based on fuzy ligic. Key word : Model base, Decisiort srtpport systertt, Fuzy logic PENDAHULUAN Dalam realitas kehidupan banyak ditemukan hal-hal yang batasannya tidak jelas (bersifat gradasi)' Sebagai contoh dibuat peraturan bahwa mahasiswa bisa lulus bila salah satu syaratnya yaitu index presatasi harus > 2. Tentu saja sebagi konsekuensi dari peraturan ini mahasiswa yang index prestasinya < 2 tidak akan lulus. Secara lebih radikal mahasiswa yang index prestinya r,999999999 tidak akan lulus, sedangkan mahasiswa yang index prestasinya 2,000000000 bisa lulus, pada hal kalau dihitung selisih index prestasinya hanya 0,000000001. Salah satu contoh lagi misalnya batasan antara tua dan muda. Misal dipakai usia 30 tahun sebagai batasan antara tua dan muda. Orang dikatakan tua bila berusia > 30 tahun, sedang bila berusia < 30 tahun dikatakan muda, sebagai akibat dari batasan ini berarti orang yang berusia29 tahun364hari23 jam 59 menit 59 detik dikatakan muda. padahal selisihnya untuk masuk kategori tua hanya 1 detik. Model Base Pada Sistem penunjang f"p
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2012
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 17, 2023
Problems often experienced by SMEs are the limited number and coverage of their product marketing... more Problems often experienced by SMEs are the limited number and coverage of their product marketing and sales. Likewise, the similar product competition can occur among local products or products coming from outside. This is because marketing and sales are still performed conventionally and individually. This study intends to implement a model of E-Commerce system for SME products in a region or District with cyber cluster participatory in the linking web which is developed using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) system and Content Management System (CMS). The purpose is that the developed web can easily reach top rank in the web search engines and the content and rank can be always updated. The benefits of this study is to improve marketing and sales of SME products into global market and to make the said web address is easy to find and easy to search because they often appear in the top positions in search engines like Google. The output of this study is SME product website which is based on CMS and optimized with internal and external link model that always appear at the top position in search range. This study method used action research, with waterfall-structured system development model. The application of the web itself was developed with a prototype model, according to the consumer needs.
Elkom: Jurnal Elektronika dan Komputer, Jul 1, 2022
The development of computer technology today with the speed of the process has allowed the develo... more The development of computer technology today with the speed of the process has allowed the development of computer-based information systems. This study discusses the making of the Web in one of the high schools, because it sees the quality of data processing which is still manual, which is still using paper and pen. By using the Prototype l methodology, the design of this web-based academic information system can improve the quality of academic data processing at the school. By using PHP and MySQL this application can be designed easily. With this information system, it helps simplify the processing of school academic data and is more optimal and practical because it can be accessed from anywhere while keeping data safe, which previously were all done manually and data is easily lost.
Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Ilmu Unisbank 2015, 2015
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Mencari faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsu... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Mencari faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen dalam memilih situs web; dan (2) Menentukan urutan prioritas faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen dalam memilih situs web. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yang pertama dilakukan dengan studi literatur untuk menemukan kerangka kerja. Tahap berikutnya, berdasarkan kerangka kerja yang telah dibangun dilakukan tes pada konsumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Stikubank Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Responden ditentukan dengan cara dicari di kampus yang memenuhi syarat sudah melakukan akses situs web yang menyediakan fasilitas penjualan atau pembelian. Banyaknya responden pada penelitian ini adalah 107 mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut : 1. Unsur situs web dikelompokan menjadi 3 dan berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya dari yang paling tinggi adalah: (i) Pencarian informasi; (ii) Transaksi; (iii) Kenyamanan; 2. Tiga komponen pertama situs web yang dianggap sangat penting berturut-turut adalah sebagai berikut : (i) Informasi yang tepat; (ii) Transaksi aman; (iii) Tersedia informasi produk yang lengkap; 3. Tiga komponen pertama situs web yang dianggap tidak begitu penting adalah : (i) Selera humor; (ii) Sound atau musik latar / background (iii) Animasi. Kata Kunci: desain situs web, business to consumer, persepsi pengguna
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2003
This pqter presenl.s n c:oncephral model of Internet-based bttsiness-consumer relationship murkel... more This pqter presenl.s n c:oncephral model of Internet-based bttsiness-consumer relationship murkeling v,ith ct focus on lhe contexl, content, and the process of relationship development from the c:ortsumer's perspective. The rnodel con be divided into two broad groups. Thefirst group is a set oJ conle.rfual Jndors (environntent, parties to the relationship, consumption task) that influence relalionship tlevelopment. The second group is the content and process oJ'relation,ship development that can be viev,ed via three interrelated conceptuul phctses: consumer motives to seek interaction, erplorati.on and iuleroc:tion, and relationship bonding. Utith the rapid growth of E-commerce and on-line consumer shopping trends, the intporlance o/'building and nruinlaining custonter loyalty in electronic rnarketplaces has come into slnrper.focus in marlrcting tlteory and practice. This paper also to present a conceptualframework of "e-lo.y'alty" and its underlying drives. KEY fYORDS : e-Io.y,al|y, c'onceptual model, conceptual.framework PENGANTAR Mempertahankiin nasabah agar tetap loyal merupakan harapan dari setiap perusahaan. Sekarang teknologi komunikasi yang bersifat interaktif (yaitu intemet) membantu perusahaan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada konsumen secara individu. Dalam pemasaran intemet dipakai sebagai alat untr-rk menjaga hubungan antara perusahaan dengan konsumen (Parsons, Zeisser, & Waitman, 1998). Pemahaman yang berkaitan dengan perilaku konsumen dalam berbelanja secara online masih sedikit, khususnya untuk dua perspektif berikut : (1) perspektif proses, dan (2) perspektif konsumen. Guna meningkatkan pemahaman tentang perspektif proses perlu diadakan penelitian. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui hubungan perusahaankonsumen diperlukan pemahanan dari sisr perspektil'konsumen. Walaupr-rn dari bagian pemasaran dapat meningkatkan hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara konsumen dengan pemasar, akan tetapi masih terdapat perbedaan sudut pandang antara konsumen dengan pemasar yaitu masalah alasan dan fungsi misalnya sepertr resiko (Huang, 1998). Selanjutnya perusahaan seharusnya tidak kehilangan "penglihatan" terhadap faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan kor.rsltmen. "Disain Sistern Inforrnas:i Perpustakaan Pribadi (SIPP)"
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Jul 1, 2003
This article discuss research progress and future opportunities for modeling consumer choice on t... more This article discuss research progress and future opportunities for modeling consumer choice on the Internet using clickstream data and also to compare the nature of Internet choice (as captured by clickstream data) with supermarket choice (as captured by UPC scanner panel data). Though the application of choice models to clickstream data is relatively new, and review existing early work and provide a two-by-two categorization of the applications studied to date (delineating search versus purchase on the one hand and within-site versus across-site choices on the other). The article discusses additional opportunities afforded by clickstream information, including personalization, data mining, automation, and customer valuation and also offers directions for further research in these areas. Notwithstanding the numerous challenges associated with clickstream data research.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2010
Aplikasi jaringan syaraf tiruan sudah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu aplikasi... more Aplikasi jaringan syaraf tiruan sudah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu aplikasi adalah pada bidang pemasaran. Pemilihan merek merupakan persoalan penting dalam pemasaran. Sebelum melakukan pemilihan merek konsumen lebih dahulu melalui tahap pembentukan seperangkat pertimbangan. Salah satu model yang paling dikenal selama ini adalah multinomial logit. Model multinomial logit ini berasumsi bahwa konsumen mempertimbangkan semua merek secara bersamaan. Asumsi dalam model multinomial logit ini menjadi kurang realistis. Pada tulisan ini mengulas model lain yang lebih realistik, yakni pemilihan merek dilakukan melalui dua tahap dengan struktur jaringan syara tiruan. Jaringan syaraf tiruan dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan secara lebih baik pada persoalan pemilihan merek secara bertahap.
Jurnal Dinamika Informatika, Mar 1, 2011
Pesatnya pengguna website di Indonesia merupakan pasar yang potensial untuk melakukan bisnis seca... more Pesatnya pengguna website di Indonesia merupakan pasar yang potensial untuk melakukan bisnis secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan pada internet terhadap keingingan mencari informasi serta niat beli secara online. Analisis pada penelitian ini meliputi analisis deskriptif dan path analysis. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut : (1) Kepercayaan pada internet (toko online) berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan mencari informasi pada toko online; (2) Kepercayaan pada internet (toko online) berpengaruh terhadap niat membeli secara online; dan (3) Pencarian informasi pada toko online berpengaruh positif terhadap niat membeli secara online.
Intecoms, Apr 10, 2023
Interface menjadi bagian penting dalam e-commerce karena merupakan media interaksi antara pembeli... more Interface menjadi bagian penting dalam e-commerce karena merupakan media interaksi antara pembeli dan penjual online konsumen akan merasa nyaman untuk membeli barang ataupun sekedar melihaat-lihat barang produk di marketplace. Salah satu toko online atau e-commerce yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat pada umumnya adalah e-commerce shopee. Dalam penelitian peneliti akan mencari faktor-faktor interface apa saja yang dipertimbangkan konsumen dalam memilih e-commerce shopee indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode exploratory factor analysis (EFA) peneliti menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan melalui whatsapp ataupun sosial media lainnya guna mencari jawaban dari pengguna shopee dikota Semarang.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsumen yang menggukan e-commerce shopee mempertimbangkan tampilan website dan aplikasi yang mudah dipahami, fasilitas detail menampilkan detail produk, serta terdapat fitur COD.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kemandirian belajar dan motivasi sis... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kemandirian belajar dan motivasi siswa terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa, dengan mempertimbangkan lingkungan sekolah. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian dan motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi Belajar Bahasa Jawa yang dimoderasi lingkungan sekolah di SMP Negeri 13 Pekalongan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian Analisis regresi moderasi kausalitas dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 189 siswa kelas 9 SMP Negeri 13 Pekalongan dan data 105 siswa perempuan dan 84 siswa laki-laki. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji normalitas, uji heterokedastisitas, uji statistik F dengan menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), uji statistik t dan analisis regresi linear berganda uji koefisien determinasi (R2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemandirian belajar, motivasi siswa dan lingkungan sekolah berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa, n...
Intecoms, Nov 22, 2023
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that aims to increase customer sat... more Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that aims to increase customer satisfaction and retention in a business. The application of CRM in drugstores is important because of the increasingly fierce competition in the market. The purpose of this research is to develop and implement a CRM system in drugstores to improve service quality, optimize interactions with customers, and improve operational efficiency. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study at the Herbal Stokis drug store, Semarang Branch. Data collection methods include direct observation, interviews with management, employees and customers. Development of a CRM system with a structured approach through stages that refer to the waterfall model. The results of the built CRM system are sales transactions and customer service facilities. Better transaction and service facilities are expected to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi
This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of Work Motivation and Self Eff... more This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of Work Motivation and Self Efficacy on Employee Performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch. The hypothesis put forward is that there is an influence of work motivation and self-efficacy on employee performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch. The author uses 46 respondents as a sample taken from 46 populations using the Sugiyono formula. The results of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between work motivation and self-efficacy on employee performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch and its correlation coefficient is 0.419, so when interpreted on a value scale it can be categorized as moderate. While the coefficient of determination is known that Work Motivation and Self Efficacy only contribute 33.3% to Employee Performance at PT. Pelindo (Persero) Sibolga Branch and the remaining 66.7% is influenced by other factors not examined. Regression equation obtained Y = 15.032...
Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)
Currently, the sphere of sports is continuously expanding in Indonesia. E-ticketing has made it p... more Currently, the sphere of sports is continuously expanding in Indonesia. E-ticketing has made it possible for fans to quickly and easily purchase tickets to soccer matches thanks to advances in technology and information. Some studies have found that the ability to distribute tickets rapidly and efficiently is one of the e-greatest ticketing benefits. The goal of this study is to evaluate how soccer fans' perceptions of the ease and advantages of ticket purchasing influence their willingness to make those purchases. Subjects in this study are the 120 football fans who regularly attend PSIS Semarang games in International Stadium Jatidiri Semarang. This study also has a quantitative component. The analysis that is used is a multivariate regression. This study shows that a minimal number of soccer fans still prefer to purchase tickets online. In addition, the study found that (1) ease of usei has a positive impact on perceived usefulness of e-ticketing, (2) ease of use has no effec...
membantu pihak mitra dengan tujuan dapat meringankan bahkan menyelsaikan permasalahan diatas mela... more membantu pihak mitra dengan tujuan dapat meringankan bahkan menyelsaikan permasalahan diatas melalui program pendampingan dan pelatihan dalam mengelola data transaksi simpan pinjam koperasi menggunakan Microsoft excel. Pendampingan dan pelatihan diberikan dengan cara penjelasan materi, pendampingan dari Tim PKM serta diskusi tanya jawab. Melalui kegiatan ini terjadi peningkatkan pemahaman penggunaan IT dan pengelolaan data transaksi secara baik sehingga mampu menyediakan laporan bulanan yang diharus disampaikan kepada anggota demi untuk kemajuan koperasi.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Jul 1, 2002
In today's fast growing demand of electronic transactions, with more people accessing the int... more In today's fast growing demand of electronic transactions, with more people accessing the internet worldwide, online shopping becomes an increasingly profitable but risk, business. Selling online becomes a very competitive business and time is a critical factor in launching a web site for business. This paper studies the strategic planning process of an electronic business project and identifies how risks can be minimized by proper planning and how planning is implemented. It also describes how to detect any changes in the marketplace so that effective measures, can be made to avoid dropping out from competitor. The emphasis is on the planning tactics, particularly in ensuring accurate tracking that is specific to the e-business start up process.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 16, 2023
The implementation of cluster-based SME e-commerce systems is a stage after analysis and design. ... more The implementation of cluster-based SME e-commerce systems is a stage after analysis and design. However, although SEO could be operated and implemented, this stage cannot be regarded as perfect in fulfilling the development of information system. It is still too risky for the continuity of cluster-based ecommerce business in the future. It is because the lack of control, maintenance and development managements applied to e-commerce business with such cluster model. This study aims to develop and offer strategies of control, maintenance and development of cluster-based SME e-commerce in order for the operation to sustainably able to run and grow. These include regularly-updated contents of the website, more improved privacy protection and cares for stakeholders, and continued increase of SEO ranking on the top level, for ease of customers' browsing activities. Meanwhile, the system control methods used include general control, ecommerce application control, access control to e-commerce systems, and administrative control with COSO approach. In terms of maintenance, preventive, corrective and perfective maintenances are performed in a postimplementation model of development by means of prototyping. E-commerce Operating Standards and Procedures are implemented so that e-commerce system can be effectively controlled and maintained to reduce risks of its operations.
Gelanggang olahraga, Jun 12, 2022
This study aimed to examine and analyze the role of teacher social support in moderating the effe... more This study aimed to examine and analyze the role of teacher social support in moderating the effect of motivation and passion on student engagement. The study population was students of SMAN 1 Randudongkal in Pemalang Regency, with 291 students as the sample determined by the Slovin formula. The research method used computer software with SPSS for Windows version 22. The data analysis method used Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA) with a quasi-moderator type. The results of the t-test significance obtained that the regression coefficient of the learning motivation variable was 0.190, and the significance was 0.001 (<0.05). The regression coefficient for the learning passion variable is 0.317 with a significance of 0.000 (<0.05), and the regression coefficient for the teacher social support variable is 0.343, and a significance of 0.000 (<0.05). From the results of this study, it can be interpreted that the teacher's social
This study aimed to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher ... more This study aimed to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance in MTs Sekecamatan Winong moderated Pati regency with the work environment. The specific objectives of this study was to examine the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance are moderated by the role of the working environment. The usefulness of this study is to clarify and extend previous research on the effect of labor discipline and competence of teachers on teacher performance are moderated working environment. This study used a population of teachers in MTs Sekecamatan Winong Pati regency much as 173 teachers. Sampling techniques in this research is proportional to the purposive sampling method. Based on the results of the study can be summarized as follows labor discipline effect on the performance of teachers, teacher competence has no effect on the performance of the teacher, the work environment affect the performance of teachers, working environment weaken labor discipline relation to the performance, and the work environment does not affect the relationship of teacher competence on performance. Keywords: work discipline, teacher competence, work environment, the performance of teachers.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2002
Decision support systems basecl on fuzzy logic ntay be nsecl to solve problems to find optirnum s... more Decision support systems basecl on fuzzy logic ntay be nsecl to solve problems to find optirnum solution on fuzziness environntentil. The-differences with old decision sapport system is we can find optintum sorutiort that more ,nnlitinr, becartse in fttaxy rogic rrot use qbsolute trutltful rigtrt orfalse. Goal of this article is Irotu to corrtruct ntodel base on decisiotr support system based on fuzy ligic. Key word : Model base, Decisiort srtpport systertt, Fuzy logic PENDAHULUAN Dalam realitas kehidupan banyak ditemukan hal-hal yang batasannya tidak jelas (bersifat gradasi)' Sebagai contoh dibuat peraturan bahwa mahasiswa bisa lulus bila salah satu syaratnya yaitu index presatasi harus > 2. Tentu saja sebagi konsekuensi dari peraturan ini mahasiswa yang index prestasinya < 2 tidak akan lulus. Secara lebih radikal mahasiswa yang index prestinya r,999999999 tidak akan lulus, sedangkan mahasiswa yang index prestasinya 2,000000000 bisa lulus, pada hal kalau dihitung selisih index prestasinya hanya 0,000000001. Salah satu contoh lagi misalnya batasan antara tua dan muda. Misal dipakai usia 30 tahun sebagai batasan antara tua dan muda. Orang dikatakan tua bila berusia > 30 tahun, sedang bila berusia < 30 tahun dikatakan muda, sebagai akibat dari batasan ini berarti orang yang berusia29 tahun364hari23 jam 59 menit 59 detik dikatakan muda. padahal selisihnya untuk masuk kategori tua hanya 1 detik. Model Base Pada Sistem penunjang f"p
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2012
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 17, 2023
Problems often experienced by SMEs are the limited number and coverage of their product marketing... more Problems often experienced by SMEs are the limited number and coverage of their product marketing and sales. Likewise, the similar product competition can occur among local products or products coming from outside. This is because marketing and sales are still performed conventionally and individually. This study intends to implement a model of E-Commerce system for SME products in a region or District with cyber cluster participatory in the linking web which is developed using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) system and Content Management System (CMS). The purpose is that the developed web can easily reach top rank in the web search engines and the content and rank can be always updated. The benefits of this study is to improve marketing and sales of SME products into global market and to make the said web address is easy to find and easy to search because they often appear in the top positions in search engines like Google. The output of this study is SME product website which is based on CMS and optimized with internal and external link model that always appear at the top position in search range. This study method used action research, with waterfall-structured system development model. The application of the web itself was developed with a prototype model, according to the consumer needs.
Elkom: Jurnal Elektronika dan Komputer, Jul 1, 2022
The development of computer technology today with the speed of the process has allowed the develo... more The development of computer technology today with the speed of the process has allowed the development of computer-based information systems. This study discusses the making of the Web in one of the high schools, because it sees the quality of data processing which is still manual, which is still using paper and pen. By using the Prototype l methodology, the design of this web-based academic information system can improve the quality of academic data processing at the school. By using PHP and MySQL this application can be designed easily. With this information system, it helps simplify the processing of school academic data and is more optimal and practical because it can be accessed from anywhere while keeping data safe, which previously were all done manually and data is easily lost.
Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Ilmu Unisbank 2015, 2015
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Mencari faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsu... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Mencari faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen dalam memilih situs web; dan (2) Menentukan urutan prioritas faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen dalam memilih situs web. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yang pertama dilakukan dengan studi literatur untuk menemukan kerangka kerja. Tahap berikutnya, berdasarkan kerangka kerja yang telah dibangun dilakukan tes pada konsumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Stikubank Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Responden ditentukan dengan cara dicari di kampus yang memenuhi syarat sudah melakukan akses situs web yang menyediakan fasilitas penjualan atau pembelian. Banyaknya responden pada penelitian ini adalah 107 mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut : 1. Unsur situs web dikelompokan menjadi 3 dan berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya dari yang paling tinggi adalah: (i) Pencarian informasi; (ii) Transaksi; (iii) Kenyamanan; 2. Tiga komponen pertama situs web yang dianggap sangat penting berturut-turut adalah sebagai berikut : (i) Informasi yang tepat; (ii) Transaksi aman; (iii) Tersedia informasi produk yang lengkap; 3. Tiga komponen pertama situs web yang dianggap tidak begitu penting adalah : (i) Selera humor; (ii) Sound atau musik latar / background (iii) Animasi. Kata Kunci: desain situs web, business to consumer, persepsi pengguna
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2003
This pqter presenl.s n c:oncephral model of Internet-based bttsiness-consumer relationship murkel... more This pqter presenl.s n c:oncephral model of Internet-based bttsiness-consumer relationship murkeling v,ith ct focus on lhe contexl, content, and the process of relationship development from the c:ortsumer's perspective. The rnodel con be divided into two broad groups. Thefirst group is a set oJ conle.rfual Jndors (environntent, parties to the relationship, consumption task) that influence relalionship tlevelopment. The second group is the content and process oJ'relation,ship development that can be viev,ed via three interrelated conceptuul phctses: consumer motives to seek interaction, erplorati.on and iuleroc:tion, and relationship bonding. Utith the rapid growth of E-commerce and on-line consumer shopping trends, the intporlance o/'building and nruinlaining custonter loyalty in electronic rnarketplaces has come into slnrper.focus in marlrcting tlteory and practice. This paper also to present a conceptualframework of "e-lo.y'alty" and its underlying drives. KEY fYORDS : e-Io.y,al|y, c'onceptual model, conceptual.framework PENGANTAR Mempertahankiin nasabah agar tetap loyal merupakan harapan dari setiap perusahaan. Sekarang teknologi komunikasi yang bersifat interaktif (yaitu intemet) membantu perusahaan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada konsumen secara individu. Dalam pemasaran intemet dipakai sebagai alat untr-rk menjaga hubungan antara perusahaan dengan konsumen (Parsons, Zeisser, & Waitman, 1998). Pemahaman yang berkaitan dengan perilaku konsumen dalam berbelanja secara online masih sedikit, khususnya untuk dua perspektif berikut : (1) perspektif proses, dan (2) perspektif konsumen. Guna meningkatkan pemahaman tentang perspektif proses perlu diadakan penelitian. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui hubungan perusahaankonsumen diperlukan pemahanan dari sisr perspektil'konsumen. Walaupr-rn dari bagian pemasaran dapat meningkatkan hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara konsumen dengan pemasar, akan tetapi masih terdapat perbedaan sudut pandang antara konsumen dengan pemasar yaitu masalah alasan dan fungsi misalnya sepertr resiko (Huang, 1998). Selanjutnya perusahaan seharusnya tidak kehilangan "penglihatan" terhadap faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan kor.rsltmen. "Disain Sistern Inforrnas:i Perpustakaan Pribadi (SIPP)"
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Jul 1, 2003
This article discuss research progress and future opportunities for modeling consumer choice on t... more This article discuss research progress and future opportunities for modeling consumer choice on the Internet using clickstream data and also to compare the nature of Internet choice (as captured by clickstream data) with supermarket choice (as captured by UPC scanner panel data). Though the application of choice models to clickstream data is relatively new, and review existing early work and provide a two-by-two categorization of the applications studied to date (delineating search versus purchase on the one hand and within-site versus across-site choices on the other). The article discusses additional opportunities afforded by clickstream information, including personalization, data mining, automation, and customer valuation and also offers directions for further research in these areas. Notwithstanding the numerous challenges associated with clickstream data research.
Dinamik - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2010
Aplikasi jaringan syaraf tiruan sudah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu aplikasi... more Aplikasi jaringan syaraf tiruan sudah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu aplikasi adalah pada bidang pemasaran. Pemilihan merek merupakan persoalan penting dalam pemasaran. Sebelum melakukan pemilihan merek konsumen lebih dahulu melalui tahap pembentukan seperangkat pertimbangan. Salah satu model yang paling dikenal selama ini adalah multinomial logit. Model multinomial logit ini berasumsi bahwa konsumen mempertimbangkan semua merek secara bersamaan. Asumsi dalam model multinomial logit ini menjadi kurang realistis. Pada tulisan ini mengulas model lain yang lebih realistik, yakni pemilihan merek dilakukan melalui dua tahap dengan struktur jaringan syara tiruan. Jaringan syaraf tiruan dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan secara lebih baik pada persoalan pemilihan merek secara bertahap.
Jurnal Dinamika Informatika, Mar 1, 2011
Pesatnya pengguna website di Indonesia merupakan pasar yang potensial untuk melakukan bisnis seca... more Pesatnya pengguna website di Indonesia merupakan pasar yang potensial untuk melakukan bisnis secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan pada internet terhadap keingingan mencari informasi serta niat beli secara online. Analisis pada penelitian ini meliputi analisis deskriptif dan path analysis. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut : (1) Kepercayaan pada internet (toko online) berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan mencari informasi pada toko online; (2) Kepercayaan pada internet (toko online) berpengaruh terhadap niat membeli secara online; dan (3) Pencarian informasi pada toko online berpengaruh positif terhadap niat membeli secara online.
Intecoms, Apr 10, 2023
Interface menjadi bagian penting dalam e-commerce karena merupakan media interaksi antara pembeli... more Interface menjadi bagian penting dalam e-commerce karena merupakan media interaksi antara pembeli dan penjual online konsumen akan merasa nyaman untuk membeli barang ataupun sekedar melihaat-lihat barang produk di marketplace. Salah satu toko online atau e-commerce yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat pada umumnya adalah e-commerce shopee. Dalam penelitian peneliti akan mencari faktor-faktor interface apa saja yang dipertimbangkan konsumen dalam memilih e-commerce shopee indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode exploratory factor analysis (EFA) peneliti menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan melalui whatsapp ataupun sosial media lainnya guna mencari jawaban dari pengguna shopee dikota Semarang.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsumen yang menggukan e-commerce shopee mempertimbangkan tampilan website dan aplikasi yang mudah dipahami, fasilitas detail menampilkan detail produk, serta terdapat fitur COD.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kemandirian belajar dan motivasi sis... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh kemandirian belajar dan motivasi siswa terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa, dengan mempertimbangkan lingkungan sekolah. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian dan motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi Belajar Bahasa Jawa yang dimoderasi lingkungan sekolah di SMP Negeri 13 Pekalongan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian Analisis regresi moderasi kausalitas dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 189 siswa kelas 9 SMP Negeri 13 Pekalongan dan data 105 siswa perempuan dan 84 siswa laki-laki. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji normalitas, uji heterokedastisitas, uji statistik F dengan menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), uji statistik t dan analisis regresi linear berganda uji koefisien determinasi (R2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemandirian belajar, motivasi siswa dan lingkungan sekolah berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa, n...