youstiana rusita - (original) (raw)
Papers by youstiana rusita
Journal of pharmacopolium, Jan 12, 2024
The amount of pollution in Indonesia causes viruses to enter freely in the body which interferes ... more The amount of pollution in Indonesia causes viruses to enter freely in the body which interferes with the immune system. Immune system disorders can be prevented with antioxidant compounds, one of which is phenol contained in cocoa beans and dates in instant powder preparations. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality and phenol content of instant powder of cocoa beans and dates as an antioxidant drink. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with test parameters including organoleptic, moisture content, ash content, phenol content, phenol content, and antioxidant activity. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the instant powder had a distinctive aroma of chocolate and dates, a bitter taste, and a brown color. The results of the instant powder moisture content test successively, namely1.61 ± 0.01%;1.58 ± 0.01%; and 1.62 ± 0.01%. The instant powder ash content test results were successively 1.05 ± 0.02%; 1.06 ± 0.03%; 1.05±0.03%. The test results for the positive instant powder content contained phenol as indicated by the formation of a black-green color. The levels of polyphenols in instant powder were 101.52 ± 0.4 mgGAE/g; 92.62 ± 0.6 mgGAE/g; 71.50 ± 0.2 mgGAE/g. Instant powder is classified as a strong antioxidant category with an IC50 value of 86.03 ppm respectively; 88.82 ppm; and 97.83 ppm.
Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, Apr 29, 2022
Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coff ee... more Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coff ee (Coff ea arabica) contains chlorogenic, ferulic, caff eic, and n-coumaric acids which can be useful as antioxidants. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) contains curcumin, which has anti-infl ammatory and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality parameters and analyzed the antioxidant activity of peel-off masks containing coff ee (Coff ea arabica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). This research has made 3 mask formulas, each of which contains coff ee and turmeric. The formula made was a combination of coff ee and turmeric with a ratio of each formula F1 (10:0), F2 (5:,5) and F3 (0:10). The result of organoleptic parameters for F1 was dark brown with coff ee aroma and consistency like gel, F2 wasyellowish-brownn with spiced coff ee aroma and consistency like gel and F3 was yellow with turmeric aroma and consistency like gel. The result of the homogeneity test of all formulasmula was homogeny. The result of the pH value of all formulasmula was 5. The resulspreadabilityd ability of F1, F2 and F3 were 26.877 cm 2 ; 26.278 cm 2 ; 26.875 cm 2. The drying time of each formula was F1 27.36 min; F2 28.38 min; F3 28.54 min. The antioxidant activity is shown the by IC 50 value. The value of IC 50 for each formula F1 (37.277 ppm), F2 (34.757 ppm), and F3 (37.399 ppm). The test results showed that all formulas met the quality test requirements and had very strong antioxidant activity.
Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, Nov 1, 2017
Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive su... more Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive sun exposure can harm human skin, for skin damage can occur after exposure, namely in the form of burning or skin Erythema which is the onset of symptoms of degradation of cells and tissues. Sunscreen preparations have benefits to protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and also contains antioxidants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees.) that has the activity of sunscreen, because it contains the compound sinamaldehid in addition also have activity as antioxidant. Rhizome temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) contain a flavanoid with fairly high antioxidant activity. Preparation of the gel has a number of advantages including not sticky and gels have a steady flow of tiksotropik and pseudoplastik i.e. solid gel when it is stored and will soon melt away when beaten. Spray technique is one of the new material has advantages which allow preparations sprayed with the dispersed evenly without needing to contact directly to flatten. Base that is often used in the making of gel karbopol and HPMC, among others. This type of Research design is a True Experiment. The formula that is used, there are three types with a combination of karbopol and HPMC. The research of spray gel extract kayumanis and extract temugiring on physical organoleptic stability Formula I red the typical smell of condensed form, kayumanis, part or a little murky, there are some air bubbles and cool on the skin when sprayed. Formula II, color of red brick the distinctive aroma preparations kayumanis, condensed form, no turbid and slightly cold when air bubbles, didispersikan to the skin; Test the viscosity Formula I 4000mPas, Formula II 1000 mPas, Formula III 1500mPas; Power test scatterplot latched into a Formula I attached did not drip to the formulation II is slightly attached and dripping, Formula III wasn't too attached to or flow; Test the spray pattern, the Formula I and II pattern that is formed is not round spread, Formula III pattern formed round spread; Its homogeneity test Formulation I, II, and III there are no particles; Irritation test Formulation I, II, and III the absence of symptoms of irritation. As for testing the stability of the antioxidant Formula I average IC50 values 1.
Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jul 30, 2020
Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives... more Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives in children's snacks such as cilok, meatballs, noodles and other foods. BPOM data shows that throughout 2012, the incidence of poisoning due to consuming food occupied the highest position, namely 66.7%, one of the causes of food poisoning was the presence of chemical contamination in children's snack foods, such as borax and formalin. The accumulation of these substances in the body can have a negative impact on health. Purple trumpet flower is a simple detection material to find out the presence of borax and formalin in food. The aim of community service is to increase knowledge in mothers of school-age children, how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Methods: The method by means of detection training is how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Results: From the results of community service, that mothers with 90% of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Conclutions: that mothers of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Medical Technology (ICoMTech 2021), Dec 15, 2022
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd) and red ashoka (Ixora cocinea) flowers contains n... more Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd) and red ashoka (Ixora cocinea) flowers contains natural color pigment, namely anthocyanins. Anthocyanin levels in these two flowers are high enough so that can be used as natural color pigment. Anthocyanins can be used as an indicator for detection of borax food additives and formalin food preservatives. The subject of this research was creating a test media (test paper) of formaldehyde and borax from the extract of bougainvillea and red ashoka flowers. The test paper was used to analyze food samples such as sausages, kolang kaling fruit, wet noodles, meatball tofu, rambak crackers and tofu. The samples were selected based on the type of food consumed most often and survey, the type of food was mixed with dangerous substances, namely borax and formaldehyde. The anthocyanin content in the extract Bugenville flowers was 57.66 mg/100 g and extract Ashoka flowers was 8.66 mg/100 g. Screening of anthocyanin content in CEA was reacted with HCl, which resulted in a purple color change in the CEA of Bugenville flowers and in CEA of Ashoka flowers a bright red color change. The reaction of CEA with NaOH is a change in the bluish green color of the bougainvillea flowers and the CEA of the Ashoka flowers a green color change. Samples containing formaldehyde will change the color of the bougainvillea CEA test medium from magenta to deep purple and samples containing borax will change the color of the test medium to red. Samples containing formaldehyde will change the color of the red ashoka flower CEA test medium from red brown to bright red and samples containing borax will change the color of the media to green. The anthocyanin content in Bougainvillea flowers and Ashoka flower crowns can be used as a test medium (test paper) and is effective enough to be used as a test indicator for the content of formalin and borax in food.
Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coffee ... more Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coffee (Coffea arabica) contains chlorogenic, ferulic, caffeic, and n-coumaric acids which can be useful as antioxidants. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality parameters and analyzed the antioxidant activity of peel-off masks containing coffee (Coffea arabica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). This research has made 3 mask formulas, each of which contains coffee and turmeric. The formula made was a combination of coffee and turmeric with a ratio of each formula F1 (10:0), F2 (5:,5) and F3 (0:10). The result of organoleptic parameters for F1 was dark brown with coffee aroma and consistency like gel, F2 wasyellowish-brownn with spiced coffee aroma and consistency like gel and F3 was yellow with turmeric aroma and consistency like gel. The result of the homogeneity test of all formulasmu...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2019
Daun kelor mengandung zat β-sitosterol yang merupakan komponen yang dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL ... more Daun kelor mengandung zat β-sitosterol yang merupakan komponen yang dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL dan menurunkan LDL dalam darah. Pengolahan daun kelor biasanya dalam sediaan tablet, kapsul, dan seduhan, dengan demikian perlu adanya bentuk sediaan yang lebih praktis yaitu dalam sediaan serbuk effervescent ekstrak daun kelor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil uji fisik (uji kadar air, pH, waktu alir, sudut diam, waktu dispersi, dan uji organoleptik) dan uji hedonik variasi formula sediaan serbuk effervescent ekstrak daun kelor dengan membandingkan komponen asam basa. Perbandingan komponen asam sitrat, asam tartrat,
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Nov 27, 2020, 2020
Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives... more Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives in children's snacks such as cilok, meatballs, noodles and other foods. BPOM data shows that throughout 2012, the incidence of poisoning due to consuming food occupied the highest position, namely 66.7%, one of the causes of food poisoning was the presence of chemical contamination in children's snack foods, such as borax and formalin. The accumulation of these substances in the body can have a negative impact on health. Purple trumpet flower is a simple detection material to find out the presence of borax and formalin in food. The aim of community service is to increase knowledge in mothers of school-age children, how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Methods: The method by means of detection training is how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Results: From the results ...
One of herbal plants that is cultivated as a material for making traditional medicines is tea (Ca... more One of herbal plants that is cultivated as a material for making traditional medicines is tea (Camelia sinensis L.). Parts of plants that are used as traditional medicine were fresh or dried leaves. Tea leaves contain tannins which are known as active compound used to treat diarrhea, stop bledding and treat hemorrhoids. This research aimed to determine tannin concentration on fresh and dried tea leaf extract using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method. The type of this research used quantitative research with experimental design use t-test. This research used a sampling technique that is purposive sampling. The results of the analysis of tannin concentration using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method on fresh and dried tea leaf extract were 3,64 ± 0,105276 mg GAE/gram sample and 3,87 ± 0,019088 mg GAE/gram sample respectively. Tannin concentration on dried tea leaf extract was higher than on fresh tea leaf extract. After was analyzed statistically with independent sample test (T-test...
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2019
Green apples containing antioxidants substance that has beneficial effect in skin health. Green a... more Green apples containing antioxidants substance that has beneficial effect in skin health. Green apples containing catechin, epicatechin, ploridzin, quercetin, ellergic acid and chlorogenic acid. One of food processing is hot drying, hot drying can influence bioactive substance in the food. The aim of this study is to measure antioxidant activity of fresh and dry green apple extract. Design of this study is experimental design, independent variable of this study is hot drying, and dependent variable of this study is antioxidant activity level. Extraction method using ultrasonic maseration, hot drying using oven. Antioxidant activity measuring using spectrophotometry method. IC50 level of fresh green apple extract is 31.26 ppm, IC50 of dry green apple extract is 52.36 ppm. IC50 level of fresh green apple extract are less than 50 ppm and IC50 level of dry green apple extract are more than 500 ppm. Conclusion of this study is fresh green apple extract has strong antioxidant activity and dry green apple extract has very strong antioxidant activity.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2016
Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants... more Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants are efficacious among others to the tonsils. Dewa leaf extract can be prepared as lozenges because it is more practical and effective than the traditional way in the form of infusion. This study aimed to get the optimum formula mannitol-sucrose using the simplex lattice design that has more value than triall error. Dewa leaf aqueous extract obtained by maceration leaf powder dewa with 70% ethanol and then evaporated to obtain a thick extract is dried with aerosil. This study is based on the method simplex lattice design with two components, namely FI (100% mannitol), F II (100% sucrose), F III (50% mannitol: 50% sucrose). The method used in the manufacture of leaf extract lozenges Dewa was wet granulation using the binder PVP. The granules tested flow rate, compactibility and granules ditablet to test the taste responses. Of the value of the response characteristics of the granules obtained the largest total selected as the optimum formula. Furthermore ditablet and tested physical properties which include uniformity of weight, hardness and friability of tablets. Data of physical properties of the granules suction of the optimum formula theoretically and statistically tested using the t test (T-test). The results showed that the optimum formula derived from a mixture of mannitol 70%-sucrosa 30%. From the results of the t test (T-test) and compactibility flow rate did not different significantly betwen theoretical experiment. To test the taste responses acceptable 98% of respondents. Dewa leaf extract lozenges optimum formula produced meets the physical properties of the tablet.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2017
SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage t... more SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage to the skin texture, premature aging, burning skin reactions and skin cancer in exposed skin in a long period. One of the ways to protect skin from UV radiation use sunscreen lotions. Stem bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmani) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) is known as an antioxidant activity and have a compound that is potentially as sunscreens. This research aims to know the activity of sunscreen with an SPF value of sunscreen lotions of pomegranate peel and cinnamon extract and the warming rays of the Sun and closed space. The determination of the value of the sun protection factor is done with methods of in vitro in Mansur using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. SPF Value calculated based on the Absorbance at a wavelength of 290-320 nm. The result is a non parametric Test is analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. Results of organoleptic the colored is yellow brown, like to emultion and shaped the distinctive, smell of cinnamon, less homogeneous, showed the value of pH 5.63, dispersive power 6 cm, adhesion 1.75 seconds and viscosity 5,500 cps. Preparations that are exposed in the Sunlight showed the value of SPF 20.146 whereas preparations stored in enclosed space showed the value of SPF 26.398. The results of statistical tests indicate that there is no difference between the SPF on preparations that are exposed to sunlight and in a closed space with alpha value > 0.05.
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2017
Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive su... more Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive sun exposure can harm human skin, for skin damage can occur after exposure, namely in the form of burning or skin Erythema which is the onset of symptoms of degradation of cells and tissues. Sunscreen preparations have benefits to protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and also contains antioxidants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees.) that has the activity of sunscreen, because it contains the compound sinamaldehid in addition also have activity as antioxidant. Rhizome temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) contain a flavanoid with fairly high antioxidant activity. Preparation of the gel has a number of advantages including not sticky and gels have a steady flow of tiksotropik and pseudoplastik i.e. solid gel when it is stored and will soon melt away when beaten. Spray technique is one of the new material has advantages which allow preparations sprayed with the dispersed evenly without needing to contact directly to flatten. Base that is often used in the making of gel karbopol and HPMC, among others. This type of Research design is a True Experiment. The formula that is used, there are three types with a combination of karbopol and HPMC. The research of spray gel extract kayumanis and extract temugiring on physical organoleptic stability Formula I red the typical smell of condensed form, kayumanis, part or a little murky, there are some air bubbles and cool on the skin when sprayed. Formula II, color of red brick the distinctive aroma preparations kayumanis, condensed form, no turbid and slightly cold when air bubbles, didispersikan to the skin; Test the viscosity Formula I 4000mPas, Formula II 1000 mPas, Formula III 1500mPas; Power test scatterplot latched into a Formula I attached did not drip to the formulation II is slightly attached and dripping, Formula III wasn't too attached to or flow; Test the spray pattern, the Formula I and II pattern that is formed is not round spread, Formula III pattern formed round spread; Its homogeneity test Formulation I, II, and III there are no particles; Irritation test Formulation I, II, and III the absence of symptoms of irritation. As for testing the stability of the antioxidant Formula I average IC50 values 1.
Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2017
Physical Stability, Hedonic, Syrup, Tumeric Tamarind. Tumeric have a benefit as antiinflammation ... more Physical Stability, Hedonic, Syrup, Tumeric Tamarind. Tumeric have a benefit as antiinflammation so can be improved in the syrup formula. This research aimed to describe the result physical stability and hedonic test of the tumeric tamarind sirup with differences temperature storing for phormula I was saving in 5 0 C and phormula II was saving in 35 0 C for 24 hours as many 14 cyclic. It was experimental research. This research was done by testing physical stability of the tumeric tamarind sirup include to organoleptic, pH, homogenity and pour time test and also hedonic test. The result research: organoleptic test were no change for two weeks with brownish yellow colour, smell test is tumeric tamarind, flavor test is sweet and tamarind and texture is solid. pH test is stable at 4, homogenity test is stable homogen and pour time test is phormula I was storing in 5 0 C is 8,14 second and 7,84 second, phormula II was storing in 35 0 C is 5,04 second and 4,14 second for 24 hour as many 14 cyclic. Hedonic test was showed result for first week at temperature 5 0 C is 40% of respondents are very like, 40% of respondents are like and 20% of respondents are dislike, at temperature 35°C is 40% of respondents are very like and 60% of respondents are like. While for second week at temperature 5 0 C is 60% of respondents are very like and 40% of respondents are like, at temperature 35°C is 80% of respondents are very like and 20% of respondents are like.
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2018
Wedang Sappanwood, Physical Stability, Stability of Antioxidant, Test Hedonik, Low in Calories. W... more Wedang Sappanwood, Physical Stability, Stability of Antioxidant, Test Hedonik, Low in Calories. Wedang sappanwood is a traditional drink of Indonesia, especially from the region of Central Java, which is made from the wood of caesalpinia sappan (Sappan L caesalpia) which gives a fresh red color like wine (wine). In addition to wood, sappanwood in wedang sappanwood also there are other spices that serves as a flavor enhancer. Empirically wedang sappanwood can be efficacious for preventing and minimizing the occurrence of degenerative disease through its activity as antioxidant and lowering blood sugar so that the necessary development of other caesalpiniasappan became preparations down ready low-calorie drink that is safe for diabetics. This research aims to develop preparations Wedang Sappanwood As lowcalorie Beverages in view of physical stability, stability of antioxidant and consumer acceptance (test hedonik). Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most smaller parameter flavor. The physical test result wedang sappanwood in Weeks 0 through Sunday XII shows the results organoleptc the smell of stale spices, brown color, liquid form, there are deposits of liquid, viscosity 1 cp, and pH of 4.23. Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most small parameter flavor. Test of antioxidants in 0 to month decline to III activities antioxidant it is characterized with a price less than the CI50 150 ppm of antioxidant activities are categorized, so weak.
Jurnal Jamu Kusuma
Daun kersen mengandung senyawa flavonoid, saponin, polifenol dan tanin sehingga dapat digunakan s... more Daun kersen mengandung senyawa flavonoid, saponin, polifenol dan tanin sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar polifenol dan flavonoid pada ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) segar dan kering. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah true eksperimental. Analisis data menggunakan analisis bivariat dengan uji independet sample t-test. Hasil kadar polifenol ekstrak daun kersen kering sebesar 3,295±0,128 mg GAE/g sampel dan untuk ekstrak daun kersen segar sebesar 3,398±0,0673 mg GAE/g sampel. Hasil kadar flavonoid ekstrak daun kersen kering sebesar 0,288±0,0157 mg QE/g sampel dan untuk ekstrak daun kersen besar sebesar 0,535±0,0423 mg QE/g sampel. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan uji statistik dan dilanjutkan uji t- Test dan menghasilkan masing-masing perlakuan dengan nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05 dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada kadar poli...
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2016
Cholesterol Blood, Red Onion (Allium Cepa, L.), Hyperlipidemia. Changes in lifestyle, diet and ad... more Cholesterol Blood, Red Onion (Allium Cepa, L.), Hyperlipidemia. Changes in lifestyle, diet and advances in technology may lead to a decline in physical activity in the community, resulting in the occurrence of energy imbalance. Hyperlipidemia was a condition to an increase in cholesterol and or triglyceride serum upper limit of normal. Onion (Allium cepa, L) contains quercetin in high enough levels can reduce total cholesterol. This study used a sample of onion powder capsules that aims to determine the effect of onion (Allium cepa, L.) to decrease blood cholesterol levels in patients with hyperlipidemia. This research is a pre-experimental design, wherein the treatment group were given capsules of onion (Allium cepa, L.) using a randomized experimental design pretest-Post test Group Design. This study uses the Shapiro Wilk normality test with the sample amounted to 31 people. Based on the results of non-parametric Wilcoxon statistical test showed that cholesterol levels before taking capsules red onion ranged between 226 mg / dl and 370 mg / dl with an average of 281.7 mg / dl. While cholesterol levels after consuming capsules onion ranged between 129 mg / dl and 400 mg / dl with an average of 273.7 mg / dl. The value of p = 0.737 (α ˃ 0.05) means that there is not a statistically significant effect capsule onion powder to decrease cholesterol levels.
: Fruit Bits (Bite vulgare L.), Effervescent granules, Simplex Lattice Design. Bit much-loved bec... more : Fruit Bits (Bite vulgare L.), Effervescent granules, Simplex Lattice Design. Bit much-loved because it feels good, slightly sweet, and soft. Bits contain lots of folic acid, potassium vitamin C, magnesium, tritopfan, iron, copper, phosphorus, caumarin, betasianin. Betasianin of beet (Beta vulgaris L.) has been known to have an effect antiradikal and high antioxidant activity. One product that is easily consumed beverage preparation and popular among the people is the kind of effervescent dosage. Effervescent gives a pleasant taste due to the carbonation process of acids and bases. Characteristics of sweet fruit bits are appropriate when made in the form of effervescent granules. This research method is quantitative descriptive quantitative method which is based on the simplex lattice design with two components, namely Na CMC and gelatin to obtain 3 formulas that FI (CMC Na 100%), F II (Gelatin 100%), F III (50% Na CMC : Gelatin 50%). The results are calculated by the equation simp...
Journal of pharmacopolium, Jan 12, 2024
The amount of pollution in Indonesia causes viruses to enter freely in the body which interferes ... more The amount of pollution in Indonesia causes viruses to enter freely in the body which interferes with the immune system. Immune system disorders can be prevented with antioxidant compounds, one of which is phenol contained in cocoa beans and dates in instant powder preparations. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality and phenol content of instant powder of cocoa beans and dates as an antioxidant drink. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with test parameters including organoleptic, moisture content, ash content, phenol content, phenol content, and antioxidant activity. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the instant powder had a distinctive aroma of chocolate and dates, a bitter taste, and a brown color. The results of the instant powder moisture content test successively, namely1.61 ± 0.01%;1.58 ± 0.01%; and 1.62 ± 0.01%. The instant powder ash content test results were successively 1.05 ± 0.02%; 1.06 ± 0.03%; 1.05±0.03%. The test results for the positive instant powder content contained phenol as indicated by the formation of a black-green color. The levels of polyphenols in instant powder were 101.52 ± 0.4 mgGAE/g; 92.62 ± 0.6 mgGAE/g; 71.50 ± 0.2 mgGAE/g. Instant powder is classified as a strong antioxidant category with an IC50 value of 86.03 ppm respectively; 88.82 ppm; and 97.83 ppm.
Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, Apr 29, 2022
Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coff ee... more Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coff ee (Coff ea arabica) contains chlorogenic, ferulic, caff eic, and n-coumaric acids which can be useful as antioxidants. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) contains curcumin, which has anti-infl ammatory and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality parameters and analyzed the antioxidant activity of peel-off masks containing coff ee (Coff ea arabica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). This research has made 3 mask formulas, each of which contains coff ee and turmeric. The formula made was a combination of coff ee and turmeric with a ratio of each formula F1 (10:0), F2 (5:,5) and F3 (0:10). The result of organoleptic parameters for F1 was dark brown with coff ee aroma and consistency like gel, F2 wasyellowish-brownn with spiced coff ee aroma and consistency like gel and F3 was yellow with turmeric aroma and consistency like gel. The result of the homogeneity test of all formulasmula was homogeny. The result of the pH value of all formulasmula was 5. The resulspreadabilityd ability of F1, F2 and F3 were 26.877 cm 2 ; 26.278 cm 2 ; 26.875 cm 2. The drying time of each formula was F1 27.36 min; F2 28.38 min; F3 28.54 min. The antioxidant activity is shown the by IC 50 value. The value of IC 50 for each formula F1 (37.277 ppm), F2 (34.757 ppm), and F3 (37.399 ppm). The test results showed that all formulas met the quality test requirements and had very strong antioxidant activity.
Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, Nov 1, 2017
Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive su... more Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive sun exposure can harm human skin, for skin damage can occur after exposure, namely in the form of burning or skin Erythema which is the onset of symptoms of degradation of cells and tissues. Sunscreen preparations have benefits to protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and also contains antioxidants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees.) that has the activity of sunscreen, because it contains the compound sinamaldehid in addition also have activity as antioxidant. Rhizome temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) contain a flavanoid with fairly high antioxidant activity. Preparation of the gel has a number of advantages including not sticky and gels have a steady flow of tiksotropik and pseudoplastik i.e. solid gel when it is stored and will soon melt away when beaten. Spray technique is one of the new material has advantages which allow preparations sprayed with the dispersed evenly without needing to contact directly to flatten. Base that is often used in the making of gel karbopol and HPMC, among others. This type of Research design is a True Experiment. The formula that is used, there are three types with a combination of karbopol and HPMC. The research of spray gel extract kayumanis and extract temugiring on physical organoleptic stability Formula I red the typical smell of condensed form, kayumanis, part or a little murky, there are some air bubbles and cool on the skin when sprayed. Formula II, color of red brick the distinctive aroma preparations kayumanis, condensed form, no turbid and slightly cold when air bubbles, didispersikan to the skin; Test the viscosity Formula I 4000mPas, Formula II 1000 mPas, Formula III 1500mPas; Power test scatterplot latched into a Formula I attached did not drip to the formulation II is slightly attached and dripping, Formula III wasn't too attached to or flow; Test the spray pattern, the Formula I and II pattern that is formed is not round spread, Formula III pattern formed round spread; Its homogeneity test Formulation I, II, and III there are no particles; Irritation test Formulation I, II, and III the absence of symptoms of irritation. As for testing the stability of the antioxidant Formula I average IC50 values 1.
Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jul 30, 2020
Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives... more Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives in children's snacks such as cilok, meatballs, noodles and other foods. BPOM data shows that throughout 2012, the incidence of poisoning due to consuming food occupied the highest position, namely 66.7%, one of the causes of food poisoning was the presence of chemical contamination in children's snack foods, such as borax and formalin. The accumulation of these substances in the body can have a negative impact on health. Purple trumpet flower is a simple detection material to find out the presence of borax and formalin in food. The aim of community service is to increase knowledge in mothers of school-age children, how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Methods: The method by means of detection training is how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Results: From the results of community service, that mothers with 90% of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Conclutions: that mothers of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Medical Technology (ICoMTech 2021), Dec 15, 2022
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd) and red ashoka (Ixora cocinea) flowers contains n... more Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd) and red ashoka (Ixora cocinea) flowers contains natural color pigment, namely anthocyanins. Anthocyanin levels in these two flowers are high enough so that can be used as natural color pigment. Anthocyanins can be used as an indicator for detection of borax food additives and formalin food preservatives. The subject of this research was creating a test media (test paper) of formaldehyde and borax from the extract of bougainvillea and red ashoka flowers. The test paper was used to analyze food samples such as sausages, kolang kaling fruit, wet noodles, meatball tofu, rambak crackers and tofu. The samples were selected based on the type of food consumed most often and survey, the type of food was mixed with dangerous substances, namely borax and formaldehyde. The anthocyanin content in the extract Bugenville flowers was 57.66 mg/100 g and extract Ashoka flowers was 8.66 mg/100 g. Screening of anthocyanin content in CEA was reacted with HCl, which resulted in a purple color change in the CEA of Bugenville flowers and in CEA of Ashoka flowers a bright red color change. The reaction of CEA with NaOH is a change in the bluish green color of the bougainvillea flowers and the CEA of the Ashoka flowers a green color change. Samples containing formaldehyde will change the color of the bougainvillea CEA test medium from magenta to deep purple and samples containing borax will change the color of the test medium to red. Samples containing formaldehyde will change the color of the red ashoka flower CEA test medium from red brown to bright red and samples containing borax will change the color of the media to green. The anthocyanin content in Bougainvillea flowers and Ashoka flower crowns can be used as a test medium (test paper) and is effective enough to be used as a test indicator for the content of formalin and borax in food.
Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coffee ... more Peel-Off face mask is one of the cosmetics that is used to treat skin from free radicals. Coffee (Coffea arabica) contains chlorogenic, ferulic, caffeic, and n-coumaric acids which can be useful as antioxidants. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality parameters and analyzed the antioxidant activity of peel-off masks containing coffee (Coffea arabica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). This research has made 3 mask formulas, each of which contains coffee and turmeric. The formula made was a combination of coffee and turmeric with a ratio of each formula F1 (10:0), F2 (5:,5) and F3 (0:10). The result of organoleptic parameters for F1 was dark brown with coffee aroma and consistency like gel, F2 wasyellowish-brownn with spiced coffee aroma and consistency like gel and F3 was yellow with turmeric aroma and consistency like gel. The result of the homogeneity test of all formulasmu...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2019
Daun kelor mengandung zat β-sitosterol yang merupakan komponen yang dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL ... more Daun kelor mengandung zat β-sitosterol yang merupakan komponen yang dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL dan menurunkan LDL dalam darah. Pengolahan daun kelor biasanya dalam sediaan tablet, kapsul, dan seduhan, dengan demikian perlu adanya bentuk sediaan yang lebih praktis yaitu dalam sediaan serbuk effervescent ekstrak daun kelor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil uji fisik (uji kadar air, pH, waktu alir, sudut diam, waktu dispersi, dan uji organoleptik) dan uji hedonik variasi formula sediaan serbuk effervescent ekstrak daun kelor dengan membandingkan komponen asam basa. Perbandingan komponen asam sitrat, asam tartrat,
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Nov 27, 2020, 2020
Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives... more Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives in children's snacks such as cilok, meatballs, noodles and other foods. BPOM data shows that throughout 2012, the incidence of poisoning due to consuming food occupied the highest position, namely 66.7%, one of the causes of food poisoning was the presence of chemical contamination in children's snack foods, such as borax and formalin. The accumulation of these substances in the body can have a negative impact on health. Purple trumpet flower is a simple detection material to find out the presence of borax and formalin in food. The aim of community service is to increase knowledge in mothers of school-age children, how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Methods: The method by means of detection training is how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Results: From the results ...
One of herbal plants that is cultivated as a material for making traditional medicines is tea (Ca... more One of herbal plants that is cultivated as a material for making traditional medicines is tea (Camelia sinensis L.). Parts of plants that are used as traditional medicine were fresh or dried leaves. Tea leaves contain tannins which are known as active compound used to treat diarrhea, stop bledding and treat hemorrhoids. This research aimed to determine tannin concentration on fresh and dried tea leaf extract using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method. The type of this research used quantitative research with experimental design use t-test. This research used a sampling technique that is purposive sampling. The results of the analysis of tannin concentration using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method on fresh and dried tea leaf extract were 3,64 ± 0,105276 mg GAE/gram sample and 3,87 ± 0,019088 mg GAE/gram sample respectively. Tannin concentration on dried tea leaf extract was higher than on fresh tea leaf extract. After was analyzed statistically with independent sample test (T-test...
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2019
Green apples containing antioxidants substance that has beneficial effect in skin health. Green a... more Green apples containing antioxidants substance that has beneficial effect in skin health. Green apples containing catechin, epicatechin, ploridzin, quercetin, ellergic acid and chlorogenic acid. One of food processing is hot drying, hot drying can influence bioactive substance in the food. The aim of this study is to measure antioxidant activity of fresh and dry green apple extract. Design of this study is experimental design, independent variable of this study is hot drying, and dependent variable of this study is antioxidant activity level. Extraction method using ultrasonic maseration, hot drying using oven. Antioxidant activity measuring using spectrophotometry method. IC50 level of fresh green apple extract is 31.26 ppm, IC50 of dry green apple extract is 52.36 ppm. IC50 level of fresh green apple extract are less than 50 ppm and IC50 level of dry green apple extract are more than 500 ppm. Conclusion of this study is fresh green apple extract has strong antioxidant activity and dry green apple extract has very strong antioxidant activity.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2016
Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants... more Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants are efficacious among others to the tonsils. Dewa leaf extract can be prepared as lozenges because it is more practical and effective than the traditional way in the form of infusion. This study aimed to get the optimum formula mannitol-sucrose using the simplex lattice design that has more value than triall error. Dewa leaf aqueous extract obtained by maceration leaf powder dewa with 70% ethanol and then evaporated to obtain a thick extract is dried with aerosil. This study is based on the method simplex lattice design with two components, namely FI (100% mannitol), F II (100% sucrose), F III (50% mannitol: 50% sucrose). The method used in the manufacture of leaf extract lozenges Dewa was wet granulation using the binder PVP. The granules tested flow rate, compactibility and granules ditablet to test the taste responses. Of the value of the response characteristics of the granules obtained the largest total selected as the optimum formula. Furthermore ditablet and tested physical properties which include uniformity of weight, hardness and friability of tablets. Data of physical properties of the granules suction of the optimum formula theoretically and statistically tested using the t test (T-test). The results showed that the optimum formula derived from a mixture of mannitol 70%-sucrosa 30%. From the results of the t test (T-test) and compactibility flow rate did not different significantly betwen theoretical experiment. To test the taste responses acceptable 98% of respondents. Dewa leaf extract lozenges optimum formula produced meets the physical properties of the tablet.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2017
SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage t... more SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage to the skin texture, premature aging, burning skin reactions and skin cancer in exposed skin in a long period. One of the ways to protect skin from UV radiation use sunscreen lotions. Stem bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmani) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) is known as an antioxidant activity and have a compound that is potentially as sunscreens. This research aims to know the activity of sunscreen with an SPF value of sunscreen lotions of pomegranate peel and cinnamon extract and the warming rays of the Sun and closed space. The determination of the value of the sun protection factor is done with methods of in vitro in Mansur using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. SPF Value calculated based on the Absorbance at a wavelength of 290-320 nm. The result is a non parametric Test is analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. Results of organoleptic the colored is yellow brown, like to emultion and shaped the distinctive, smell of cinnamon, less homogeneous, showed the value of pH 5.63, dispersive power 6 cm, adhesion 1.75 seconds and viscosity 5,500 cps. Preparations that are exposed in the Sunlight showed the value of SPF 20.146 whereas preparations stored in enclosed space showed the value of SPF 26.398. The results of statistical tests indicate that there is no difference between the SPF on preparations that are exposed to sunlight and in a closed space with alpha value > 0.05.
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2017
Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive su... more Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive sun exposure can harm human skin, for skin damage can occur after exposure, namely in the form of burning or skin Erythema which is the onset of symptoms of degradation of cells and tissues. Sunscreen preparations have benefits to protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and also contains antioxidants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees.) that has the activity of sunscreen, because it contains the compound sinamaldehid in addition also have activity as antioxidant. Rhizome temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) contain a flavanoid with fairly high antioxidant activity. Preparation of the gel has a number of advantages including not sticky and gels have a steady flow of tiksotropik and pseudoplastik i.e. solid gel when it is stored and will soon melt away when beaten. Spray technique is one of the new material has advantages which allow preparations sprayed with the dispersed evenly without needing to contact directly to flatten. Base that is often used in the making of gel karbopol and HPMC, among others. This type of Research design is a True Experiment. The formula that is used, there are three types with a combination of karbopol and HPMC. The research of spray gel extract kayumanis and extract temugiring on physical organoleptic stability Formula I red the typical smell of condensed form, kayumanis, part or a little murky, there are some air bubbles and cool on the skin when sprayed. Formula II, color of red brick the distinctive aroma preparations kayumanis, condensed form, no turbid and slightly cold when air bubbles, didispersikan to the skin; Test the viscosity Formula I 4000mPas, Formula II 1000 mPas, Formula III 1500mPas; Power test scatterplot latched into a Formula I attached did not drip to the formulation II is slightly attached and dripping, Formula III wasn't too attached to or flow; Test the spray pattern, the Formula I and II pattern that is formed is not round spread, Formula III pattern formed round spread; Its homogeneity test Formulation I, II, and III there are no particles; Irritation test Formulation I, II, and III the absence of symptoms of irritation. As for testing the stability of the antioxidant Formula I average IC50 values 1.
Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2017
Physical Stability, Hedonic, Syrup, Tumeric Tamarind. Tumeric have a benefit as antiinflammation ... more Physical Stability, Hedonic, Syrup, Tumeric Tamarind. Tumeric have a benefit as antiinflammation so can be improved in the syrup formula. This research aimed to describe the result physical stability and hedonic test of the tumeric tamarind sirup with differences temperature storing for phormula I was saving in 5 0 C and phormula II was saving in 35 0 C for 24 hours as many 14 cyclic. It was experimental research. This research was done by testing physical stability of the tumeric tamarind sirup include to organoleptic, pH, homogenity and pour time test and also hedonic test. The result research: organoleptic test were no change for two weeks with brownish yellow colour, smell test is tumeric tamarind, flavor test is sweet and tamarind and texture is solid. pH test is stable at 4, homogenity test is stable homogen and pour time test is phormula I was storing in 5 0 C is 8,14 second and 7,84 second, phormula II was storing in 35 0 C is 5,04 second and 4,14 second for 24 hour as many 14 cyclic. Hedonic test was showed result for first week at temperature 5 0 C is 40% of respondents are very like, 40% of respondents are like and 20% of respondents are dislike, at temperature 35°C is 40% of respondents are very like and 60% of respondents are like. While for second week at temperature 5 0 C is 60% of respondents are very like and 40% of respondents are like, at temperature 35°C is 80% of respondents are very like and 20% of respondents are like.
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2018
Wedang Sappanwood, Physical Stability, Stability of Antioxidant, Test Hedonik, Low in Calories. W... more Wedang Sappanwood, Physical Stability, Stability of Antioxidant, Test Hedonik, Low in Calories. Wedang sappanwood is a traditional drink of Indonesia, especially from the region of Central Java, which is made from the wood of caesalpinia sappan (Sappan L caesalpia) which gives a fresh red color like wine (wine). In addition to wood, sappanwood in wedang sappanwood also there are other spices that serves as a flavor enhancer. Empirically wedang sappanwood can be efficacious for preventing and minimizing the occurrence of degenerative disease through its activity as antioxidant and lowering blood sugar so that the necessary development of other caesalpiniasappan became preparations down ready low-calorie drink that is safe for diabetics. This research aims to develop preparations Wedang Sappanwood As lowcalorie Beverages in view of physical stability, stability of antioxidant and consumer acceptance (test hedonik). Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most smaller parameter flavor. The physical test result wedang sappanwood in Weeks 0 through Sunday XII shows the results organoleptc the smell of stale spices, brown color, liquid form, there are deposits of liquid, viscosity 1 cp, and pH of 4.23. Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most small parameter flavor. Test of antioxidants in 0 to month decline to III activities antioxidant it is characterized with a price less than the CI50 150 ppm of antioxidant activities are categorized, so weak.
Jurnal Jamu Kusuma
Daun kersen mengandung senyawa flavonoid, saponin, polifenol dan tanin sehingga dapat digunakan s... more Daun kersen mengandung senyawa flavonoid, saponin, polifenol dan tanin sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar polifenol dan flavonoid pada ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) segar dan kering. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah true eksperimental. Analisis data menggunakan analisis bivariat dengan uji independet sample t-test. Hasil kadar polifenol ekstrak daun kersen kering sebesar 3,295±0,128 mg GAE/g sampel dan untuk ekstrak daun kersen segar sebesar 3,398±0,0673 mg GAE/g sampel. Hasil kadar flavonoid ekstrak daun kersen kering sebesar 0,288±0,0157 mg QE/g sampel dan untuk ekstrak daun kersen besar sebesar 0,535±0,0423 mg QE/g sampel. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan uji statistik dan dilanjutkan uji t- Test dan menghasilkan masing-masing perlakuan dengan nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05 dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada kadar poli...
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2016
Cholesterol Blood, Red Onion (Allium Cepa, L.), Hyperlipidemia. Changes in lifestyle, diet and ad... more Cholesterol Blood, Red Onion (Allium Cepa, L.), Hyperlipidemia. Changes in lifestyle, diet and advances in technology may lead to a decline in physical activity in the community, resulting in the occurrence of energy imbalance. Hyperlipidemia was a condition to an increase in cholesterol and or triglyceride serum upper limit of normal. Onion (Allium cepa, L) contains quercetin in high enough levels can reduce total cholesterol. This study used a sample of onion powder capsules that aims to determine the effect of onion (Allium cepa, L.) to decrease blood cholesterol levels in patients with hyperlipidemia. This research is a pre-experimental design, wherein the treatment group were given capsules of onion (Allium cepa, L.) using a randomized experimental design pretest-Post test Group Design. This study uses the Shapiro Wilk normality test with the sample amounted to 31 people. Based on the results of non-parametric Wilcoxon statistical test showed that cholesterol levels before taking capsules red onion ranged between 226 mg / dl and 370 mg / dl with an average of 281.7 mg / dl. While cholesterol levels after consuming capsules onion ranged between 129 mg / dl and 400 mg / dl with an average of 273.7 mg / dl. The value of p = 0.737 (α ˃ 0.05) means that there is not a statistically significant effect capsule onion powder to decrease cholesterol levels.
: Fruit Bits (Bite vulgare L.), Effervescent granules, Simplex Lattice Design. Bit much-loved bec... more : Fruit Bits (Bite vulgare L.), Effervescent granules, Simplex Lattice Design. Bit much-loved because it feels good, slightly sweet, and soft. Bits contain lots of folic acid, potassium vitamin C, magnesium, tritopfan, iron, copper, phosphorus, caumarin, betasianin. Betasianin of beet (Beta vulgaris L.) has been known to have an effect antiradikal and high antioxidant activity. One product that is easily consumed beverage preparation and popular among the people is the kind of effervescent dosage. Effervescent gives a pleasant taste due to the carbonation process of acids and bases. Characteristics of sweet fruit bits are appropriate when made in the form of effervescent granules. This research method is quantitative descriptive quantitative method which is based on the simplex lattice design with two components, namely Na CMC and gelatin to obtain 3 formulas that FI (CMC Na 100%), F II (Gelatin 100%), F III (50% Na CMC : Gelatin 50%). The results are calculated by the equation simp...