Robmarie Lopez-Soto | Independent Scholar (original) (raw)

Papers by Robmarie Lopez-Soto

Research paper thumbnail of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) As A Biomarker Of Mood Disorder Neuroprogression In A Sample Of Adult Puerto Rican Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Dissertation, 2019

It takes ~10 years to reach an accurate Bipolar Disorder (BD) diagnosis in primary care clinics (... more It takes ~10 years to reach an accurate Bipolar Disorder (BD) diagnosis in primary care clinics (PCC), increasing the risk of mortality and morbidity. Biomarker analysis may improve diagnostic accuracy in PCC. Thus, we aimed to: 1) Assess the feasibility of using the BDNF val66met polymorphism as a BD diagnostic biomarker in PCC; 2) Identify clinical correlates of Possible BD in outpatients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Method: For this exploratory, cross-sectional study, ICD-10 MDD outpatients aged 21-64 were recruited from the Ponce Health Sciences University – Wellness Center (PHSU-WC), by referral or by availability. 24mL of venous blood was collected for bdnf genotyping via AS-PCR. Symptom severity was assessed with the PHQ-9, BDI-II, HCL-32, YMRS, FAST. Data was stratified by Possible BD status according to HCL-32 outcome. Clinical correlates were assessed with Kendall’s Correlation Coefficient (Tau-B). Results: An ~2-fold increase in illness severity and functional impairment was found in subjects with Possible BD. Strong correlations emerged between a significant HCL-32 history of irritable/risk-taking hypomanic symptoms, depression severity and functional impairment. Regarding biomarker analysis, 5/6 participants were homozygous carriers of the Val allele; 1/6 carried the heterozygous Met allele. No significant differences were found between both carrier types, but the sample size was too small for inferential analysis. Conclusion: Results support the efficiency of the AS-PCR method as a one-step, cost-efficient genotyping procedure, while mood assessment results support the need for a BD screening intervention in PCC. Future studies with larger sample sizes can clarify the consistency of these associations and the efficacy of the BDNF val66met polymorphism as a biomarker for BD.

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

[Research paper thumbnail of [MUESTRA] Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción)](

La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se presentan películas de relevancia vit... more La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se presentan películas de relevancia vital y psicológica. Se parte de la premisa que la película tiene un valor metáforico de resonancia para el paciente, motivando al cambio a través de la introspección. En este breve libro introductorio, se discute el origen de la cineterapia, las 4 etapas según Birgit Wolz y otros marcos teóricos de relevancia. También se discute el estado actual de la evidencia para la cineterapia, sus indicaciones más prevalentes y otros temas de interés clínico. Finalmente, se presentan sugerencias para crear un índice fílmico de cineterapia.

Research paper thumbnail of Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

The Qualitative Report, Dec 3, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of GDNF in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episode... more Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episodes provoke sustained neurotoxic states associated with demyelination. Glial Cell-Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is known to influence the development and survival of both glial cells and neurons (Tunca et al., 2014), particularly those within the dopaminergic system, which is compromised during mania. Assessing the role of GDNF in BD would further insight into the mechanisms that underlie manic switch and reward sensitivity in BD. Method: A search was conducted on EBSCOHost, PubMed and Google Scholar, using the terms “gdnf” AND “bdnf” AND “mania” OR “bipolar disorder”. Selection was limited to peer-reviewed studies published in English or Spanish. Literature reviews, prospective studies, chapters and magazines were excluded. 196 articles were selected on the basis of relevance to the topic of GDNF levels in subjects with BD. Repeated results, studies that did not assess BD or which assessed GDNF levels in animal models were excluded. Seven studies were ultimately selected, assessed for methodology and reviewed for results. Results: 5/7 studies found significantly higher levels of serum GDNF during mania; one study found higher plasma levels of GDNF in euthymic subjects. Higher peripheral levels of GDNF were also found in subjects with early onset BD (<19 yrs.), and those with BD-II. While lithium appears to exert significant regulatory influence, dose and duration of treatment does not predict GDNF levels during euthymia. Conclusion: Increased GDNF levels during mania appear to reflect impaired glial function in BD and warrant further study.

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

Research paper thumbnail of Can the neurophysiological effects of meditation inform the content of MBCT booster sessions for Bipolar Disorder? A Narrative Review of EEG Findings

Research paper thumbnail of Koan of Himself: Finding Ikkyū’s fūryū in Whitman’s “Song of Myself”

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad del MBCT Para el Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión Sistemática

Revista de Psicoterapia, 2016

Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efectividad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, artí...

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad del Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) para el Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión de Literatura

Introducción • Los individuos con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits cognitivos, partic... more Introducción • Los individuos con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits cognitivos, particularmente de atención, que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. • La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo. • Un acercamiento terapéutico basado en promover la atención plena pudiera mejorar la autorregulación en pacientes con TB. • MBCT, inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la depresión (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), ha sido adaptada para la bipolaridad. Se realizó la presente revisión de literatura para evaluar las particularidades de su efectividad.

Research paper thumbnail of Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad Del MBCT Para El Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión Sistemática

Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efecti- vidad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, ar...

Research paper thumbnail of Can the neurophysiological effects of meditation inform the content of MBCT booster sessions for Bipolar Disorder? A Narrative Review of EEG Findings

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

Prepublicaciones OpenCiencia, 2021

A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the state of the evidence regarding use of... more A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the state of the evidence regarding use of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32; Angst et al., 2005) with adolescents. Multiple databases were searched in English and Spanish using the terms “HCL-32 OR Hypomania Check List – 32 AND adolescents” and “Lista de Cotejo de Síntomas de Hipomanía AND adolescentes”. Non-peer reviewed studies, duplicates and irrelevant results were excluded. Reference sections of relevant studies were also searched. Eight studies met criteria for inclusion (Pooled sample n=2245 nonclinical, 62% female; Age Mpooled=17.38, SD=.66). Used with adolescents, the HCL-32 had psychometric properties comparable to adults. Non-clinical adolescent samples reported a significant number of risk-taking/irritability symptoms, regardless of gender. One study found that, when compared to an adult sample with bipolar disorder (BD) type II, adolescents in early-stage romantic love (ESIRL, <8 months) reported a comparable level of hypomanic symptoms that subsided with relationship duration (Mpooled duration = 10.824 months). Finally, one study with a clinical sample of adolescents with eating disorders (n=40) found a significant correlation between bulimia and BD. High heterogeneity across studies prevented a meta-analytic review. However, nonclinical elevations in risk-taking/irritability symptoms and ESIRL-related hypomania highlight the need to consider developmental stage and romantic relationship status while screening for BD. HCL-32 cut-off scores for adolescent populations should also be assessed. A brief screening model for ruling out clinical hypomania from ESIRL in adolescents is proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of Koan of Himself: Finding Ikkyū's fūryū in Whitman's "Song of Myself"

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2021

Fūryū has been defined as the "aesthetic of unconventionality" (Qiu, 2001). In a broader, psychos... more Fūryū has been defined as the "aesthetic of unconventionality" (Qiu, 2001). In a broader, psychosocial context, it is associated with an iconoclastic attitude-a freethinking, grounded idealism amidst a myriad of circumstances. Experientially, fūryū can be understood as the Zen of poetic sensibility. Ikkyū Sōjun, an iconoclastic Rinzai Zen master (1394-1481), was the embodiment of fūryū. In his Zen poetry, Nature was a frequent metaphor for his sexuality and often alluded to counter the hypocrisy of most 15 th century Zen establishments. Similarly, in his poem "Song of Myself", Walt Whitman openly addressed his bisexuality and themes of "Self as Nature" with a sensuous fortitude reminiscent of fūryū. Both points considered, thegoal of this paper was to identify the fūryū in "Song of Myself" by comparingthe poetry of Ikkyū and Whitman. The analysis of fūryū in the context of modern American literature can assist the contemplative practices of Zen Buddhist or transcendental meditators in the West. Furthermore, it can contribute to the understanding of fūryū as an accessible universal concept, present in modern and contemporary literature, and in the practice of Zen itself.


Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efecti- vidad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, artículos no disponibles en inglés o español y estudios enfocados en el uso de MBCT para otras condiciones, fueron excluidos. Los resultados sugieren que el MBCT se encuentra asociado a mayor estabilidad emocional, adherencia al tratamiento y mejoría en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo de los pacientes con TB, particularmente aquellos que han experimentado más de 12 episodios afectivos en el transcurso de su vida.

Research paper thumbnail of  Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

Conference Presentations by Robmarie Lopez-Soto

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of GDNF in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episode... more Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episodes provoke sustained neurotoxic states associated with demyelination. Glial Cell-Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is known to influence the development and survival of both glial cells and neurons (Tunca et al., 2014), particularly those within the dopaminergic system, which is compromised during mania. Assessing the role of GDNF in BD would further insight into the mechanisms that underlie manic switch and reward sensitivity in BD.

Method: A search was conducted on EBSCOHost, PubMed and Google Scholar, using the terms “gdnf” AND “bdnf” AND “mania” OR “bipolar disorder”. Selection was limited to peer-reviewed studies published in English or Spanish. Literature reviews, prospective studies, chapters and magazines were excluded. 196 articles were selected on the basis of relevance to the topic of GDNF levels in subjects with BD. Repeated results, studies that did not assess BD or which assessed GDNF levels in animal models were excluded. Seven studies were ultimately selected, assessed for methodology and reviewed for results.

Results: 5/7 studies found significantly higher levels of serum GDNF during mania; one study found higher plasma levels of GDNF in euthymic subjects. Higher peripheral levels of GDNF were also found in subjects with early onset BD (<19 yrs.), and those with BD-II. While lithium appears to exert significant regulatory influence, dose and duration of treatment does not predict GDNF levels during euthymia.

Conclusion: Increased GDNF levels during mania appear to reflect impaired glial function in BD and warrant further study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have cognitive deficits that interfere with self regulation, ... more Patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have cognitive deficits that interfere with self regulation, interpersonal relationships and quality of life. The practice of mindfulness is associated to improvements in neurocognitive functioning and emotion regulation. A mindfulness-based approach could be instrumental in improving overall self-regulation in BD. MBCT (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002), originally created for the treatment of depression, has been subsequently adapted and implemented for BD (Miklowitz et al., 2009). A systematic literature review (08/2014) was conducted to ascertain significant improvements in BD associated to the practice of MBCT. 5/10 studies reported significant improvements in attention, working memory, and executive functioning; 5/10 studies reported significant reduction in anxiety symptoms; 6/10 studies reported improvements in emotion regulation, and 7/10 studies reported significant reductions in depressive symptoms. Overall, MBCT appears to be an effective intervention for affective management, cognitive improvement and treatment adherence in patients with Bipolar Disorder, particularly those with a significant amount of lifetime mood episodes. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of MBCT for younger patients and Hispanic populations.

Books by Robmarie Lopez-Soto

Research paper thumbnail of Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción)

Ediciones Pluma Verde, 2023

La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se utilizan las películas para desarroll... more La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se utilizan las películas para desarrollar la introspección del paciente y estimular la solución de problemas. En Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción) se describen los orígenes de la cineterapia, marco teórico principal y estado actual de la investigación cineterapéutica. Además, se presentan guías para crear un índice fílmico.

Research paper thumbnail of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) As A Biomarker Of Mood Disorder Neuroprogression In A Sample Of Adult Puerto Rican Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Dissertation, 2019

It takes ~10 years to reach an accurate Bipolar Disorder (BD) diagnosis in primary care clinics (... more It takes ~10 years to reach an accurate Bipolar Disorder (BD) diagnosis in primary care clinics (PCC), increasing the risk of mortality and morbidity. Biomarker analysis may improve diagnostic accuracy in PCC. Thus, we aimed to: 1) Assess the feasibility of using the BDNF val66met polymorphism as a BD diagnostic biomarker in PCC; 2) Identify clinical correlates of Possible BD in outpatients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Method: For this exploratory, cross-sectional study, ICD-10 MDD outpatients aged 21-64 were recruited from the Ponce Health Sciences University – Wellness Center (PHSU-WC), by referral or by availability. 24mL of venous blood was collected for bdnf genotyping via AS-PCR. Symptom severity was assessed with the PHQ-9, BDI-II, HCL-32, YMRS, FAST. Data was stratified by Possible BD status according to HCL-32 outcome. Clinical correlates were assessed with Kendall’s Correlation Coefficient (Tau-B). Results: An ~2-fold increase in illness severity and functional impairment was found in subjects with Possible BD. Strong correlations emerged between a significant HCL-32 history of irritable/risk-taking hypomanic symptoms, depression severity and functional impairment. Regarding biomarker analysis, 5/6 participants were homozygous carriers of the Val allele; 1/6 carried the heterozygous Met allele. No significant differences were found between both carrier types, but the sample size was too small for inferential analysis. Conclusion: Results support the efficiency of the AS-PCR method as a one-step, cost-efficient genotyping procedure, while mood assessment results support the need for a BD screening intervention in PCC. Future studies with larger sample sizes can clarify the consistency of these associations and the efficacy of the BDNF val66met polymorphism as a biomarker for BD.

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

[Research paper thumbnail of [MUESTRA] Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción)](

La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se presentan películas de relevancia vit... more La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se presentan películas de relevancia vital y psicológica. Se parte de la premisa que la película tiene un valor metáforico de resonancia para el paciente, motivando al cambio a través de la introspección. En este breve libro introductorio, se discute el origen de la cineterapia, las 4 etapas según Birgit Wolz y otros marcos teóricos de relevancia. También se discute el estado actual de la evidencia para la cineterapia, sus indicaciones más prevalentes y otros temas de interés clínico. Finalmente, se presentan sugerencias para crear un índice fílmico de cineterapia.

Research paper thumbnail of Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

The Qualitative Report, Dec 3, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of GDNF in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episode... more Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episodes provoke sustained neurotoxic states associated with demyelination. Glial Cell-Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is known to influence the development and survival of both glial cells and neurons (Tunca et al., 2014), particularly those within the dopaminergic system, which is compromised during mania. Assessing the role of GDNF in BD would further insight into the mechanisms that underlie manic switch and reward sensitivity in BD. Method: A search was conducted on EBSCOHost, PubMed and Google Scholar, using the terms “gdnf” AND “bdnf” AND “mania” OR “bipolar disorder”. Selection was limited to peer-reviewed studies published in English or Spanish. Literature reviews, prospective studies, chapters and magazines were excluded. 196 articles were selected on the basis of relevance to the topic of GDNF levels in subjects with BD. Repeated results, studies that did not assess BD or which assessed GDNF levels in animal models were excluded. Seven studies were ultimately selected, assessed for methodology and reviewed for results. Results: 5/7 studies found significantly higher levels of serum GDNF during mania; one study found higher plasma levels of GDNF in euthymic subjects. Higher peripheral levels of GDNF were also found in subjects with early onset BD (&lt;19 yrs.), and those with BD-II. While lithium appears to exert significant regulatory influence, dose and duration of treatment does not predict GDNF levels during euthymia. Conclusion: Increased GDNF levels during mania appear to reflect impaired glial function in BD and warrant further study.

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

Research paper thumbnail of Can the neurophysiological effects of meditation inform the content of MBCT booster sessions for Bipolar Disorder? A Narrative Review of EEG Findings

Research paper thumbnail of Koan of Himself: Finding Ikkyū’s fūryū in Whitman’s “Song of Myself”

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad del MBCT Para el Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión Sistemática

Revista de Psicoterapia, 2016

Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efectividad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, artí...

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad del Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) para el Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión de Literatura

Introducción • Los individuos con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits cognitivos, partic... more Introducción • Los individuos con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits cognitivos, particularmente de atención, que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. • La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo. • Un acercamiento terapéutico basado en promover la atención plena pudiera mejorar la autorregulación en pacientes con TB. • MBCT, inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la depresión (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), ha sido adaptada para la bipolaridad. Se realizó la presente revisión de literatura para evaluar las particularidades de su efectividad.

Research paper thumbnail of Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

Research paper thumbnail of Efectividad Del MBCT Para El Trastorno Bipolar: Una Revisión Sistemática

Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efecti- vidad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, ar...

Research paper thumbnail of Can the neurophysiological effects of meditation inform the content of MBCT booster sessions for Bipolar Disorder? A Narrative Review of EEG Findings

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32) for Adolescents: Relevance of Developmental Stage and Relationship Status during Screening

Prepublicaciones OpenCiencia, 2021

A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the state of the evidence regarding use of... more A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the state of the evidence regarding use of the Hypomania Check List (HCL-32; Angst et al., 2005) with adolescents. Multiple databases were searched in English and Spanish using the terms “HCL-32 OR Hypomania Check List – 32 AND adolescents” and “Lista de Cotejo de Síntomas de Hipomanía AND adolescentes”. Non-peer reviewed studies, duplicates and irrelevant results were excluded. Reference sections of relevant studies were also searched. Eight studies met criteria for inclusion (Pooled sample n=2245 nonclinical, 62% female; Age Mpooled=17.38, SD=.66). Used with adolescents, the HCL-32 had psychometric properties comparable to adults. Non-clinical adolescent samples reported a significant number of risk-taking/irritability symptoms, regardless of gender. One study found that, when compared to an adult sample with bipolar disorder (BD) type II, adolescents in early-stage romantic love (ESIRL, <8 months) reported a comparable level of hypomanic symptoms that subsided with relationship duration (Mpooled duration = 10.824 months). Finally, one study with a clinical sample of adolescents with eating disorders (n=40) found a significant correlation between bulimia and BD. High heterogeneity across studies prevented a meta-analytic review. However, nonclinical elevations in risk-taking/irritability symptoms and ESIRL-related hypomania highlight the need to consider developmental stage and romantic relationship status while screening for BD. HCL-32 cut-off scores for adolescent populations should also be assessed. A brief screening model for ruling out clinical hypomania from ESIRL in adolescents is proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of Koan of Himself: Finding Ikkyū's fūryū in Whitman's "Song of Myself"

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2021

Fūryū has been defined as the "aesthetic of unconventionality" (Qiu, 2001). In a broader, psychos... more Fūryū has been defined as the "aesthetic of unconventionality" (Qiu, 2001). In a broader, psychosocial context, it is associated with an iconoclastic attitude-a freethinking, grounded idealism amidst a myriad of circumstances. Experientially, fūryū can be understood as the Zen of poetic sensibility. Ikkyū Sōjun, an iconoclastic Rinzai Zen master (1394-1481), was the embodiment of fūryū. In his Zen poetry, Nature was a frequent metaphor for his sexuality and often alluded to counter the hypocrisy of most 15 th century Zen establishments. Similarly, in his poem "Song of Myself", Walt Whitman openly addressed his bisexuality and themes of "Self as Nature" with a sensuous fortitude reminiscent of fūryū. Both points considered, thegoal of this paper was to identify the fūryū in "Song of Myself" by comparingthe poetry of Ikkyū and Whitman. The analysis of fūryū in the context of modern American literature can assist the contemplative practices of Zen Buddhist or transcendental meditators in the West. Furthermore, it can contribute to the understanding of fūryū as an accessible universal concept, present in modern and contemporary literature, and in the practice of Zen itself.


Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el m... more Las personas con el trastorno bipolar (TB) presentan déficits neurocognitivos que dificultan el manejo de síntomas afectivos, las relaciones interpersonales y la auto-regulación. La práctica de atención plena o mindfulness se encuentra asociada a mejorías en la regulación afectiva y en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo general, por lo cual se hipotetizó que un acercamiento basado en atención plena mejoraría la auto-regulación en pacientes con TB. La terapia cognitiva basada en atención plena (MBCT, por sus siglas en inglés), inicialmente creada para el tratamiento de la Depresión Mayor (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002), fue posteriormente adaptada para TB, por lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura (n=10) para evaluar las particularidades de su efecti- vidad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychArticles y CINAHL utilizando los términos “MBCT and Bipolar Disorder”, “MBCT y Trastorno Bipolar” y “MBCT y Bipolaridad”. Revisiones de literatura, artículos no disponibles en inglés o español y estudios enfocados en el uso de MBCT para otras condiciones, fueron excluidos. Los resultados sugieren que el MBCT se encuentra asociado a mayor estabilidad emocional, adherencia al tratamiento y mejoría en el funcionamiento neurocognitivo de los pacientes con TB, particularmente aquellos que han experimentado más de 12 episodios afectivos en el transcurso de su vida.

Research paper thumbnail of  Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of GDNF in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episode... more Introduction: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a neuroprogressive illness in which recurrent mood episodes provoke sustained neurotoxic states associated with demyelination. Glial Cell-Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is known to influence the development and survival of both glial cells and neurons (Tunca et al., 2014), particularly those within the dopaminergic system, which is compromised during mania. Assessing the role of GDNF in BD would further insight into the mechanisms that underlie manic switch and reward sensitivity in BD.

Method: A search was conducted on EBSCOHost, PubMed and Google Scholar, using the terms “gdnf” AND “bdnf” AND “mania” OR “bipolar disorder”. Selection was limited to peer-reviewed studies published in English or Spanish. Literature reviews, prospective studies, chapters and magazines were excluded. 196 articles were selected on the basis of relevance to the topic of GDNF levels in subjects with BD. Repeated results, studies that did not assess BD or which assessed GDNF levels in animal models were excluded. Seven studies were ultimately selected, assessed for methodology and reviewed for results.

Results: 5/7 studies found significantly higher levels of serum GDNF during mania; one study found higher plasma levels of GDNF in euthymic subjects. Higher peripheral levels of GDNF were also found in subjects with early onset BD (<19 yrs.), and those with BD-II. While lithium appears to exert significant regulatory influence, dose and duration of treatment does not predict GDNF levels during euthymia.

Conclusion: Increased GDNF levels during mania appear to reflect impaired glial function in BD and warrant further study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

Patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have cognitive deficits that interfere with self regulation, ... more Patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have cognitive deficits that interfere with self regulation, interpersonal relationships and quality of life. The practice of mindfulness is associated to improvements in neurocognitive functioning and emotion regulation. A mindfulness-based approach could be instrumental in improving overall self-regulation in BD. MBCT (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002), originally created for the treatment of depression, has been subsequently adapted and implemented for BD (Miklowitz et al., 2009). A systematic literature review (08/2014) was conducted to ascertain significant improvements in BD associated to the practice of MBCT. 5/10 studies reported significant improvements in attention, working memory, and executive functioning; 5/10 studies reported significant reduction in anxiety symptoms; 6/10 studies reported improvements in emotion regulation, and 7/10 studies reported significant reductions in depressive symptoms. Overall, MBCT appears to be an effective intervention for affective management, cognitive improvement and treatment adherence in patients with Bipolar Disorder, particularly those with a significant amount of lifetime mood episodes. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of MBCT for younger patients and Hispanic populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción)

Ediciones Pluma Verde, 2023

La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se utilizan las películas para desarroll... more La cineterapia es una técnica de psicoterapia en la cual se utilizan las películas para desarrollar la introspección del paciente y estimular la solución de problemas. En Cineterapia: Película Como Metáfora (Una Introducción) se describen los orígenes de la cineterapia, marco teórico principal y estado actual de la investigación cineterapéutica. Además, se presentan guías para crear un índice fílmico.