Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska | Institute of National History, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (original) (raw)

Papers by Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska

[Research paper thumbnail of Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, „Автохтони средновековни династии во Македонија (X‒XIV век)“ [Autochthonal Medieval Dynasties in Macedonia (10th–14th centuries)], Balcanoslavica, 30‒31, Прилеп–Скопје, 2002, стр. 165‒182.](

Balcanoslavica, 30–31, Prilep–Skopje, 2002, pp. 165–182]., 2002

Research paper thumbnail of A picture of the Slavic world through the prism of a 19th century Macedonian manuscript (transfering knowledge and ideas)

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of Балканските војни и проекциите за Македонија (македонски поглед)

Slavia Meridionalis, 2015

The Balkan wars and the projections about Macedonia (Macedonian view) The main focus of this pape... more The Balkan wars and the projections about Macedonia (Macedonian view) The main focus of this paper is the time just before and during the Balkan Wars (1912– 1913), analyzed through the public writings of the Macedonian emigrants in Russia. We focus on their attitude, opinions and interpretations of the political events, as well as the reactions to the decisions of the great powers – as an expression of the Macedonian view to the Balkan Wars and the projections about Macedonia. In this context it is interesting to see whether they concern the national question and how they articulate the opinions on reception of the results of the Balkan Wars.The attention of the Macedonians was pointed almost exclusively to the national problem and the Balkan Wars, even after the beginning of the World War I. They were engaged in find­ing a solution for the Macedonian national question and the realization of the idea for national state. At the same time they were displaying in the Russian public the...

Research paper thumbnail of A picture of the Slavic world through the prism of a 19th century Macedonian manuscript (transfering knowledge and ideas)

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of „Международная научно-практической конференции 'История народов Кавказа: диалог культур, языков и религий. К 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.П. Невской', Ставрополь, 1–2 ноября 2019 (Меѓународна научно-практична конференција ...)“, Гласник, 1, 2020, 189‒191

Research paper thumbnail of Б. Ристовска- Йосифовска, „Николай Незлобинский в процессе формирования первых македонских музеев и организаций здравоохранения: передача знаний через миграцию“, История народов  Кавказа: диалог  культур, языков и религий, Ставрополь, 2019, 70‒72


Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, „Необјавени документи за населувањето на Македонци во областа Тузлук во Бугарија во 1885 година“, Историја, год. LIV, бр. 2, 2019, 205‒218

Преселбите на Македонците во текот на XIX век се одвивале во разни правци, главно кон балканските... more Преселбите на Македонците во текот на XIX век се одвивале во разни правци, главно кон балканските земји, Египет, Америка итн., а според мотивите и желбите, тие биле со комбиниран економски и политички карактер (како последица на лошата безбедносна ситуација, теророт, немирите, востанијата, пропагандите, војните и меѓународните одлуки). Во правец кон Бугарија Македонците поинтензивно мигрирале особено од втората половина на XIX век и притоа можат да се сметаат како најбројна маса на доселеници. Нивниот број не може со сигурност да се утврди поради долготрајноста на миграцискиот процес со променлив интензитет и во различни правци на движење, како и поради непрецизната евиденција и статистика. Голем бран иселувања има во периодот по Руско-турската војна (1877-1878), растурањето на слободната територија во Пијанечко и неуспехот на Кресненското востание (1878-1879).

Research paper thumbnail of Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, XХV МЕЃУНАРОДНА ТРКАЛЕЗНА МАСА „ЅВЕЗДИТЕ НА БАЛКАНОТ“ (21. 4. - 23. 4. 2016, Благоевград), „Филолошки студии“, XV, 1, 2017, 269-271

Research paper thumbnail of Миграциите на Македонци кон Украина (хронолошка и типолошка скица), in: Украiнсько-македонський науковий збıрник. Випуск 5, Киiв, 2011, 40-48 (Migraciite na Makedonci kon Ukraina /hronološka i tipološka skica/, in: Ukrainsʹko-makedonsʹkij naukovij zbırnik. Vipusk 5, Kiiv, 2011, 40-48)

The chronological historical frame of the migrations from Macedonia towards Ukraine last since th... more The chronological historical frame of the migrations from Macedonia towards Ukraine last since the medieval time, up to the time when Macedonia became a part of the Ottoman Empire (1395). The second phase covers the period of the Ottoman rule, so it could be analyzed in the period of the powerful Ottoman central authority (15th-18th centuries) and during the revival period (19th and beginning of 20th century).
The migrations of Macedonians towards Ukraine were various and complex, characterized by most dominant types of migration, often mutual connected: church missions, education, trade connections, military missions, individual exile. The periods of migration are differentiating between each other according to the social-political relations that change the reason, aim and profile of the migrant. We follow changes of the type of migration, speaking about dominant types in certain periods.

Research paper thumbnail of Имплементацијата на Танзиматските реформи одразени низ настани од селото Галичник во Македонија, in: Прилози. Contributions, МАНУ, XLVII, 2, Скопје, 2017, 91-106

We are focused on the implementation of the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire, through the a... more We are focused on the implementation of the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire, through the analysis of specific examples from the Macedonian history. As a "study-case", we are considering the village Galicnik in the Western part of Macedonia, at the time of the so called Tanzimat, seen through the works of few local authors. Moreover, as indicators of the results of the implementation of the reforms, the positive effects will be taken into account (embodied in the freedom for educational and religious development), as well as the negative consequences for the population (shown through a speciflc historical event, caused by the opposition to the military reforms).

Research paper thumbnail of Миграциите низ документација и традиција (врз примери од Русе, Варна и областа Тузлук во Бугарија), in: Миграции на Балканот. Билатерални истражувања. Редактор Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, Скопје, 2011, 13-72

Research paper thumbnail of Women in Macedonia throughout Documentation, in: Women and Minorities: Ways of Archiving. – Book Series: Women and Minorities Archives. K. Popova, M. Piskova, M. Lanzinger, N. Langreiter, P. Vodenicharov (Eds.), vol. 1, Sofia-Vienna, 2009, 247-257

Research paper thumbnail of Македонија во Балканските војни низ илустрациите на руското списание „Искри“, in: Сто години од Балканските војни. Прилози од Научниот собир одржан на 3-4 декември 2012 година, МАНУ, Скопје, 2013, 385-407

The press is a useful instrument for informing about war events and for the transmitting politica... more The press is a useful instrument for informing about war events and for the transmitting political opinions to the public. The main focus of the paper is the manner in which the situation during the military activities before and after the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) was presented, with special focus on the treatment of Macedonia, through an analysis of the illustrations in the Russian joumal “Iskri”.

Research paper thumbnail of Иљо Малешевски и Ѓорѓија Пулевски во ослободителните борби, in: Војводата Иљо Марков-Малешевски и неговото време. Прилози од Научниот собир со меѓународно учество одржан на 6-7 Мај 2000 година во Берово, Берово, 2002, 90-102.

Eunj ana PI4CTOBCKA-JOCI,IOOBCKA I4rso MareurescKrr r4 Ilyrencxu fopfiaja BO OCJrO6OAr4reJrHrrre ... more Eunj ana PI4CTOBCKA-JOCI,IOOBCKA I4rso MareurescKrr r4 Ilyrencxu fopfiaja BO OCJrO6OAr4reJrHrrre 6op6u Maregoucxr.ror XIX ner e neprro[ Ha sxavajnr ucropncKll trpoqecrl II JII,tqHogr]I, KoI{ oAr4rpaa npecyflHa yJrom Bo Qoprrarpatt,ero !r pa3Br{roKor Ha MaKeAoHcKara HaI+{oHiuIHa csem. Kaxo oco6euo BaxHo ce [craKHyBa MaregoHcroro npepog6eucKo ABID(eH,e, Koerrrro 3aloarHyBa ymre oA lorreroKor ua XIX BeK', a 3aBpllryBa co Qoprtlnpamero Ha coBpeMeHara ruaKe[oucKa ApxaBa ua Broporo 3aceAaHLIe na ACHOM (1944). Bo roj npoqec na 6op6a 3a HarllroHa-rrna aSuprraaryja 6ea nr.nyreur.r qeJra nnejaga rIo3HarII LIJTLI loMa-JIKy rro3Harr.r Maxeqorqu rou ja nogea 6op6ara Ha pa3HLI HaTIUHLI u co pa3JII{aIHLI cpeAcrBa. Mery uur ce r.r ABere roJreMrr I{r{r4u,a Bo MaKeloHcrara ucroprjaLlno MaJreurescKu I,I fopfiaja flylencrn, qr4r,rrrrro xorBorHr4 u 6op6eulr BpBrrry{ ce ucrperrJreryBaar Bo Bl4opor Ha 6a-nrancxrre aHTr.rocMaHcKI{ ABI,DKeILa.

Research paper thumbnail of Идентитетски детерминанти низ опусот на еден македонски преродбеник, in: Прилози. Contributions, XL, 1-2, Скопје, 2015, 69-85

Given the complexity and extent of the studies of identity, we are focused to research the activi... more Given the complexity and extent of the studies of identity, we are focused to research the activity and especially the written works of one person. We take the Macedonian revival figure Ǵorǵija Pulevski as a study-case and an indicator for the identity determinants in the Macedonian cultural and national processes in the 19th century. We can call him a complete Macedonian revivalist since his activity profiled him as a national figure, publicist, national researcher, writer and revolutionary.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Russo-Ottoman War (Macedonian Memory and Presentations), Balcanistic Forum, XXII, vol. 1, Blagoevgrad, 2013, 112-126

The article rs focused on the Macedonian memories of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) and the Pe... more The article rs focused on the Macedonian memories of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) and the Peace treaties of that period. Several historical points are concerned such as the participation of the Macedonian volunteers in the war; the activity in Macedonia after the end of the battles; the reaction to the Peace treaties and the emigration of the Macedonian population. We present the historical events related to the period of the Russo-Ottoman War as reflected in the Macedonian memories, the perception of the results of the War and its consequences for the Macedonians.

Research paper thumbnail of Remembrance on the Migration Movements in Macedonia after the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, Balkanistic Forum, XXIV, 3, Blagoevgrad, 2015, 30-45

The events in Macedonia, associated with the end of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878), have creat... more The events in Macedonia, associated with the end of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878), have created a complex situation. This paper focuses on migrations as consequences after 1878, when the politically motivated migrations dominated and especially the waves of refugees. The unsuccessful liberation actions in Pijanec Region (1878), the Kresna Uprising (1878/79) and so called Ohrid Plot (1880/81), the Berlin Congress and remaining of Macedonia within the Ottoman Empire, the increased violence, the instability of the Ottoman state as a whole, immigration of Muslim refugees into Macedonia - resulted in a large wave of emigration of Macedonian population. It is interesting to see how these processes were reflected in various forms of stored memories and memorized history.

Research paper thumbnail of Името на Скендерберг и неговото семејство во првиот историографски труд на македонски јазик (споредбена анализа со изворите), Filološke studije, 6/2008, vol. 1, 210-217

We are focused on Skenderbeg – a historical person from 15th century, Christian anti-ottoman rule... more We are focused on Skenderbeg – a historical person from 15th century, Christian anti-ottoman ruler, who was successfully opposing the Ottoman Empire for a long time. In the tradition he was a hero, as a prime image in the Albanian, but also as a secondary image in the other Balkan traditions. We find data about him, his family and his rule in sources from different provenience, written with different alphabets and in various languages, and originating from Dubrovnik, Roma, Hilandar, Budim, Venetia, Milan etc. The Macedonian revival activist (revolutionary and cultural-national activist from 19th century) Georgia M. Pulevski was an author of the first history book in Macedonian language. He names Skenderbeg and his family sufficiently correct, taking into consideration the data from the sources, with Slavic names.

Research paper thumbnail of Za imenuvanjata na Mrnjavčevci vo makedonskata i vo srpskata tradicija i istoriografija (sporedben aspekt), Filološki studii, vol. 2,  2007

We find mostly different forms of naming the Mrnjavchevy's dynasty and its members throughout the... more We find mostly different forms of naming the Mrnjavchevy's dynasty and its members throughout the Macedonian and the Serbian tradition and historiography. Accordingly, we analyze the problem concerning the King Volkashin's name, the King Marko's title and the name of Mrnjavchevy's dynasty. Analyzing these forms, many factors should be taken into concideration. An interesting question appears if and how the different experiencing of the historical events could influence the transmission of their names throughout the traditions among the Macedonians and among the Serbians, or how the different emotions have determined both the traditional images and names in the folklore of the two peoples separately as well as their reflection in the historiography.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and Collective Identity (One Historical Profile in Modern European Perspective), in: Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration. Edited by E. Marushiakova. Cambridge, 2008, 305-313

[Research paper thumbnail of Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, „Автохтони средновековни династии во Македонија (X‒XIV век)“ [Autochthonal Medieval Dynasties in Macedonia (10th–14th centuries)], Balcanoslavica, 30‒31, Прилеп–Скопје, 2002, стр. 165‒182.](

Balcanoslavica, 30–31, Prilep–Skopje, 2002, pp. 165–182]., 2002

Research paper thumbnail of A picture of the Slavic world through the prism of a 19th century Macedonian manuscript (transfering knowledge and ideas)

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of Балканските војни и проекциите за Македонија (македонски поглед)

Slavia Meridionalis, 2015

The Balkan wars and the projections about Macedonia (Macedonian view) The main focus of this pape... more The Balkan wars and the projections about Macedonia (Macedonian view) The main focus of this paper is the time just before and during the Balkan Wars (1912– 1913), analyzed through the public writings of the Macedonian emigrants in Russia. We focus on their attitude, opinions and interpretations of the political events, as well as the reactions to the decisions of the great powers – as an expression of the Macedonian view to the Balkan Wars and the projections about Macedonia. In this context it is interesting to see whether they concern the national question and how they articulate the opinions on reception of the results of the Balkan Wars.The attention of the Macedonians was pointed almost exclusively to the national problem and the Balkan Wars, even after the beginning of the World War I. They were engaged in find­ing a solution for the Macedonian national question and the realization of the idea for national state. At the same time they were displaying in the Russian public the...

Research paper thumbnail of A picture of the Slavic world through the prism of a 19th century Macedonian manuscript (transfering knowledge and ideas)

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of „Международная научно-практической конференции 'История народов Кавказа: диалог культур, языков и религий. К 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.П. Невской', Ставрополь, 1–2 ноября 2019 (Меѓународна научно-практична конференција ...)“, Гласник, 1, 2020, 189‒191

Research paper thumbnail of Б. Ристовска- Йосифовска, „Николай Незлобинский в процессе формирования первых македонских музеев и организаций здравоохранения: передача знаний через миграцию“, История народов  Кавказа: диалог  культур, языков и религий, Ставрополь, 2019, 70‒72


Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, „Необјавени документи за населувањето на Македонци во областа Тузлук во Бугарија во 1885 година“, Историја, год. LIV, бр. 2, 2019, 205‒218

Преселбите на Македонците во текот на XIX век се одвивале во разни правци, главно кон балканските... more Преселбите на Македонците во текот на XIX век се одвивале во разни правци, главно кон балканските земји, Египет, Америка итн., а според мотивите и желбите, тие биле со комбиниран економски и политички карактер (како последица на лошата безбедносна ситуација, теророт, немирите, востанијата, пропагандите, војните и меѓународните одлуки). Во правец кон Бугарија Македонците поинтензивно мигрирале особено од втората половина на XIX век и притоа можат да се сметаат како најбројна маса на доселеници. Нивниот број не може со сигурност да се утврди поради долготрајноста на миграцискиот процес со променлив интензитет и во различни правци на движење, како и поради непрецизната евиденција и статистика. Голем бран иселувања има во периодот по Руско-турската војна (1877-1878), растурањето на слободната територија во Пијанечко и неуспехот на Кресненското востание (1878-1879).

Research paper thumbnail of Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, XХV МЕЃУНАРОДНА ТРКАЛЕЗНА МАСА „ЅВЕЗДИТЕ НА БАЛКАНОТ“ (21. 4. - 23. 4. 2016, Благоевград), „Филолошки студии“, XV, 1, 2017, 269-271

Research paper thumbnail of Миграциите на Македонци кон Украина (хронолошка и типолошка скица), in: Украiнсько-македонський науковий збıрник. Випуск 5, Киiв, 2011, 40-48 (Migraciite na Makedonci kon Ukraina /hronološka i tipološka skica/, in: Ukrainsʹko-makedonsʹkij naukovij zbırnik. Vipusk 5, Kiiv, 2011, 40-48)

The chronological historical frame of the migrations from Macedonia towards Ukraine last since th... more The chronological historical frame of the migrations from Macedonia towards Ukraine last since the medieval time, up to the time when Macedonia became a part of the Ottoman Empire (1395). The second phase covers the period of the Ottoman rule, so it could be analyzed in the period of the powerful Ottoman central authority (15th-18th centuries) and during the revival period (19th and beginning of 20th century).
The migrations of Macedonians towards Ukraine were various and complex, characterized by most dominant types of migration, often mutual connected: church missions, education, trade connections, military missions, individual exile. The periods of migration are differentiating between each other according to the social-political relations that change the reason, aim and profile of the migrant. We follow changes of the type of migration, speaking about dominant types in certain periods.

Research paper thumbnail of Имплементацијата на Танзиматските реформи одразени низ настани од селото Галичник во Македонија, in: Прилози. Contributions, МАНУ, XLVII, 2, Скопје, 2017, 91-106

We are focused on the implementation of the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire, through the a... more We are focused on the implementation of the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire, through the analysis of specific examples from the Macedonian history. As a "study-case", we are considering the village Galicnik in the Western part of Macedonia, at the time of the so called Tanzimat, seen through the works of few local authors. Moreover, as indicators of the results of the implementation of the reforms, the positive effects will be taken into account (embodied in the freedom for educational and religious development), as well as the negative consequences for the population (shown through a speciflc historical event, caused by the opposition to the military reforms).

Research paper thumbnail of Миграциите низ документација и традиција (врз примери од Русе, Варна и областа Тузлук во Бугарија), in: Миграции на Балканот. Билатерални истражувања. Редактор Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, Скопје, 2011, 13-72

Research paper thumbnail of Women in Macedonia throughout Documentation, in: Women and Minorities: Ways of Archiving. – Book Series: Women and Minorities Archives. K. Popova, M. Piskova, M. Lanzinger, N. Langreiter, P. Vodenicharov (Eds.), vol. 1, Sofia-Vienna, 2009, 247-257

Research paper thumbnail of Македонија во Балканските војни низ илустрациите на руското списание „Искри“, in: Сто години од Балканските војни. Прилози од Научниот собир одржан на 3-4 декември 2012 година, МАНУ, Скопје, 2013, 385-407

The press is a useful instrument for informing about war events and for the transmitting politica... more The press is a useful instrument for informing about war events and for the transmitting political opinions to the public. The main focus of the paper is the manner in which the situation during the military activities before and after the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) was presented, with special focus on the treatment of Macedonia, through an analysis of the illustrations in the Russian joumal “Iskri”.

Research paper thumbnail of Иљо Малешевски и Ѓорѓија Пулевски во ослободителните борби, in: Војводата Иљо Марков-Малешевски и неговото време. Прилози од Научниот собир со меѓународно учество одржан на 6-7 Мај 2000 година во Берово, Берово, 2002, 90-102.

Eunj ana PI4CTOBCKA-JOCI,IOOBCKA I4rso MareurescKrr r4 Ilyrencxu fopfiaja BO OCJrO6OAr4reJrHrrre ... more Eunj ana PI4CTOBCKA-JOCI,IOOBCKA I4rso MareurescKrr r4 Ilyrencxu fopfiaja BO OCJrO6OAr4reJrHrrre 6op6u Maregoucxr.ror XIX ner e neprro[ Ha sxavajnr ucropncKll trpoqecrl II JII,tqHogr]I, KoI{ oAr4rpaa npecyflHa yJrom Bo Qoprrarpatt,ero !r pa3Br{roKor Ha MaKeAoHcKara HaI+{oHiuIHa csem. Kaxo oco6euo BaxHo ce [craKHyBa MaregoHcroro npepog6eucKo ABID(eH,e, Koerrrro 3aloarHyBa ymre oA lorreroKor ua XIX BeK', a 3aBpllryBa co Qoprtlnpamero Ha coBpeMeHara ruaKe[oucKa ApxaBa ua Broporo 3aceAaHLIe na ACHOM (1944). Bo roj npoqec na 6op6a 3a HarllroHa-rrna aSuprraaryja 6ea nr.nyreur.r qeJra nnejaga rIo3HarII LIJTLI loMa-JIKy rro3Harr.r Maxeqorqu rou ja nogea 6op6ara Ha pa3HLI HaTIUHLI u co pa3JII{aIHLI cpeAcrBa. Mery uur ce r.r ABere roJreMrr I{r{r4u,a Bo MaKeloHcrara ucroprjaLlno MaJreurescKu I,I fopfiaja flylencrn, qr4r,rrrrro xorBorHr4 u 6op6eulr BpBrrry{ ce ucrperrJreryBaar Bo Bl4opor Ha 6a-nrancxrre aHTr.rocMaHcKI{ ABI,DKeILa.

Research paper thumbnail of Идентитетски детерминанти низ опусот на еден македонски преродбеник, in: Прилози. Contributions, XL, 1-2, Скопје, 2015, 69-85

Given the complexity and extent of the studies of identity, we are focused to research the activi... more Given the complexity and extent of the studies of identity, we are focused to research the activity and especially the written works of one person. We take the Macedonian revival figure Ǵorǵija Pulevski as a study-case and an indicator for the identity determinants in the Macedonian cultural and national processes in the 19th century. We can call him a complete Macedonian revivalist since his activity profiled him as a national figure, publicist, national researcher, writer and revolutionary.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Russo-Ottoman War (Macedonian Memory and Presentations), Balcanistic Forum, XXII, vol. 1, Blagoevgrad, 2013, 112-126

The article rs focused on the Macedonian memories of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) and the Pe... more The article rs focused on the Macedonian memories of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) and the Peace treaties of that period. Several historical points are concerned such as the participation of the Macedonian volunteers in the war; the activity in Macedonia after the end of the battles; the reaction to the Peace treaties and the emigration of the Macedonian population. We present the historical events related to the period of the Russo-Ottoman War as reflected in the Macedonian memories, the perception of the results of the War and its consequences for the Macedonians.

Research paper thumbnail of Remembrance on the Migration Movements in Macedonia after the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, Balkanistic Forum, XXIV, 3, Blagoevgrad, 2015, 30-45

The events in Macedonia, associated with the end of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878), have creat... more The events in Macedonia, associated with the end of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878), have created a complex situation. This paper focuses on migrations as consequences after 1878, when the politically motivated migrations dominated and especially the waves of refugees. The unsuccessful liberation actions in Pijanec Region (1878), the Kresna Uprising (1878/79) and so called Ohrid Plot (1880/81), the Berlin Congress and remaining of Macedonia within the Ottoman Empire, the increased violence, the instability of the Ottoman state as a whole, immigration of Muslim refugees into Macedonia - resulted in a large wave of emigration of Macedonian population. It is interesting to see how these processes were reflected in various forms of stored memories and memorized history.

Research paper thumbnail of Името на Скендерберг и неговото семејство во првиот историографски труд на македонски јазик (споредбена анализа со изворите), Filološke studije, 6/2008, vol. 1, 210-217

We are focused on Skenderbeg – a historical person from 15th century, Christian anti-ottoman rule... more We are focused on Skenderbeg – a historical person from 15th century, Christian anti-ottoman ruler, who was successfully opposing the Ottoman Empire for a long time. In the tradition he was a hero, as a prime image in the Albanian, but also as a secondary image in the other Balkan traditions. We find data about him, his family and his rule in sources from different provenience, written with different alphabets and in various languages, and originating from Dubrovnik, Roma, Hilandar, Budim, Venetia, Milan etc. The Macedonian revival activist (revolutionary and cultural-national activist from 19th century) Georgia M. Pulevski was an author of the first history book in Macedonian language. He names Skenderbeg and his family sufficiently correct, taking into consideration the data from the sources, with Slavic names.

Research paper thumbnail of Za imenuvanjata na Mrnjavčevci vo makedonskata i vo srpskata tradicija i istoriografija (sporedben aspekt), Filološki studii, vol. 2,  2007

We find mostly different forms of naming the Mrnjavchevy's dynasty and its members throughout the... more We find mostly different forms of naming the Mrnjavchevy's dynasty and its members throughout the Macedonian and the Serbian tradition and historiography. Accordingly, we analyze the problem concerning the King Volkashin's name, the King Marko's title and the name of Mrnjavchevy's dynasty. Analyzing these forms, many factors should be taken into concideration. An interesting question appears if and how the different experiencing of the historical events could influence the transmission of their names throughout the traditions among the Macedonians and among the Serbians, or how the different emotions have determined both the traditional images and names in the folklore of the two peoples separately as well as their reflection in the historiography.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and Collective Identity (One Historical Profile in Modern European Perspective), in: Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration. Edited by E. Marushiakova. Cambridge, 2008, 305-313

Research paper thumbnail of Билјана Ристовска-Јосифовска, НАУЧНИ ПРИЛОЗИ ЗА РУСКИОТ КОНЗУЛАТ ВО БИТОЛА (Рускиот императорски конзулат во Битола 1861-1915. Свети Николе: Институт за национална историја, Меѓународен славјански универзитет „Гаврило Романович Державин“, 2015, с.154), Филолошки студии, 2, 2017, 237-242

Research paper thumbnail of Примери од македонската писмена традиција (Х-ХVIII век) (Македонски споменици со глаголско и со кирилско писмо, Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“, Скопје, 2008), Филолошки студии 8/2010, vol. 2, Скопје-Перм-Љубљана-Загреб, 2010, 187-189

Research paper thumbnail of The Beginnings of Macedonian Academic Research and Institution Building (19th ‒ Early 20th Century)”, editors: Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska, Dragi Ǵorgiev

The Beginnings of Macedonian Academic Research and Institution Building (19th ‒ Early 20th Century)”, editors: Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska, Dragi Ǵorgiev, Institute of National History, Skopje, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ѓорѓија М. Пулевски - револуционер и културно-национален деец, Селектор, Скопје, 2008 (Ǵorǵija M. Pulevski - revolucioner i kulturno-nacionalen deec, Selektor, Skopje, 2008)

© Site prava za ova izdanie se za{titeni so zakon. Zabraneto e kopirawe, umno`uvawe i objavuvawe ... more © Site prava za ova izdanie se za{titeni so zakon. Zabraneto e kopirawe, umno`uvawe i objavuvawe na delovi ili na celoto izdanie vo pe~ateni i elektronski mediumi ili za drug vid javna upotreba ili izvedba bez soglasnost na izdava~ot ili na avtorot. 3 T o m o S m i lj a n i ċ, Plemenske odlike Mijaka, Narodna starina, Zagreb, 1924, 61; J o v a n C v i j i ˚, Balkansko poluostrvo i ju`oslovenske zemqe. Osnovi antropogeografije, kw. II, Beograd, 1931, 14; V e s n a P e t r e s k a, Proletnite obi~ai, obredi i veruvawa kaj Mijacite, Skopje, 1998, 7-25. 4

Research paper thumbnail of „Кралството на Словените“ од Мавро Орбини како извор за македонската средновековна историја, Прилеп-Скопје, 2001 ("The Kingdom of the Slavs" from Mauro Orbini as a Source for the Macedonian Medieval History, Prilep-Skopje, 2001)

Research paper thumbnail of Македонска Александрида. Подготовка и транслитерација Блаже Ристовски и Билјана Ристовска- Јосифовска, Институт за национална историја, Скопје, 2005

Crp-Karanoru:aquja ro uy6lrExaquja Haprrgna u yHrrBep3r{TercKa 6v6mtorexa ,,CB. Kluuenr Oxpzgcxn"... more Crp-Karanoru:aquja ro uy6lrExaquja Haprrgna u yHrrBep3r{TercKa 6v6mtorexa ,,CB. Kluuenr Oxpzgcxn", Cronje 94(381) "03.s6l-0323" MAKEEOHCKA Anercauqp wga : (WznaAoK oA,,Cl anj aucxorra(eqcrucxara olrrrra ucropuia" og fopffija M. Ilynencxu) / [o/IroroBKa rr rpaHcJrr,rrepaqraja Bnare P[c'roscr[ u Euljaua Puc'roscra-Jocra$orcra. -Cronje : Irlucruryr 3a HaqrroHaJrHa racropnja, 200.5.-242 crp.,22 cw Ha Hacuop. HacJr: Macedonian Alexandride : (extract from ,,The S lavic-Macedonian general history") / preparation and transliteration BlaZe Ristovsl<i and Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska.frycuoru xon TcKc'r'o'r. -fiororop / npupegynaqr,rre: ctp.233-234. -Perrcrap ISBN 9989-624-99-2 oKo-xpr,rcTlljaHCKI,I eJIeMeHTI{ IUTO IA3BpITII'IJIa BJIrIjaHI',Ie Bp3 cpeA-HOBeKoBHaTa HapoAHa JIrITepaTypa. Bo rerot Ha cpegHoBeroejeto ce cMera gera 6ule Haflpa-BeHrn roJIeM 6poi repsul,I Ha pa3Hll jasuqn. Mefyroa, HacraHI'ITe I'I JrlrrrHocTl4Te ce uoguSfiIII{PaHI,I cfi opeA cpeAHoBeKoBHrloT MoAeJI Ha OnIrrTecTBOTo I,I BJIaAeTeJIor. 3a Taa UeJI 6gy1e saln{eHyBaHII I'Ic-Topr,rcKr.rTe $artu co +aHTacT[tIHII np[IKa3H[' KaKO OHaa AeKa TarKo Ha AlercaHAap My 6ul rpalor Herrena6, cnu sa 6oror Aruou (':a qa My ce o6es6egu 6o>xectreso [oreKJIo) unu nax [eKa HaBOAHo co fiocpeAcrBo Ha npopoKot Epert'ruja Anercanuap [oLrHaJI Aa BepyBa Bo 6oro'r Casaor (co qel ilaraHl{Hor Alercanqap Aa ce npeo6paru no xpucr:ujanrau) uru. Bo cpeq-HOBeKOBHaTa KHI't>KeBnocr rai'ipruocnoeeHcKl'ITe HapOApI poMa-H()B 3ANoLIHYBA AA HABJIE|YBAAT HAJIIPBI'IH IIPEKY |JIA|OJICKIdTC paKonl4cl,I ro !,a.nrraaquja oq XIII eer, a noroa ce [polulrpyBa I4 Bo pa3Hr4Te KITpI4JICKI,I Ilpenl{c]r u o6pa6orru. Mefyroa, Ponanot sa