Nuno Carolino | National Institure of Agriculture and Veterinary Research, IPResearch (original) (raw)

Papers by Nuno Carolino

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Pregnancy Toxemia in Goats on the Survival Rate of Newborn Kids

American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings

The objective of this study was to determine the short-term survival rate of newborn kids born fr... more The objective of this study was to determine the short-term survival rate of newborn kids born from PT goats following cesarean section and compare it to those from natural delivery. Furthermore, we have measured blood parameters in the immediate post-partum period in order to understand differences between these 2 groups of kids and identify those that can be used as prognostic indicators for survival.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of different equine populations based on cranil geometric morphometrics

Geometric morphometrics were used to study a sample of 53 skulls belonging to 7 equine groups of ... more Geometric morphometrics were used to study a sample of 53 skulls belonging to 7 equine groups of different origin (Kazakhstan n=7, Arauca n=4, 'Cavall Pirinenc Català' (CPC) n=9, 'Garrano' n=22, Greece n=7, Lusitanian n=1, Majorcan n=1, ass n=2). A photograph of each skull, at its dorsal aspect, was obtained using a digital camera. Seven anatomical landmarks were then located in each skull, distributed both at the neuro and the splachnocranium. Average landmarks coordinates were then analysed by Ward's method. From the resulting dendrogram, which presented a high robustness, it can be concluded that the horse population that grazes on Arauca plains is highly similar to the elipometrical horse that exists in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, the elipometrical septentrional Iberian horses are similar to Eastern Mediterranean horses (belonging to the Balkan group) and Central Asian horses (belonging to the Scythian group), which indicates a huge elipometrical group which we define as 'elipometrical euro-asiatic'. This group excludes ponies with paedomorphic traits. The Iberian eumetrical horses (Majorcan and Lusitano) appear in a separate cluster, as well as, in the more distant position, CPC, a hypermetrical breed. These results highlight the need to incorporate extensive osteological reference collection in research and universitary centres, focused on local breeds, and with complete information associated with each specimen. Skull and mandible with teeth complete, but also skeleton cingulums, metapodiums and hooves seem to be the minimum material that should be included in these collections. This is clearly the case for horse breeds, and it is much more important for donkeys and, above all, equine hybrids, for which little osteological information is available.Se recurrió al estudio por morfometría geométrica de 5 3 cráneos de 7 grupos equino s de diferente origen (Kaz a k hstan n=7, Arauca n=4, Cavall Pirinenc Català (CPC) n=9, Garrano n=22, Grecia n=7, Lusitano n=1 , Mallorquín n=1 , a sno n=2 ). Se obtuvo una fotografía de cada cráneo, en el plano dorsal, usando una cámara digital , sobre la que después se situaron 7 hitos anatómicos, que incluían puntos tanto de l neuro como del vi scerocráneo. L as coordenadas de los hitos f ueron posteriormente promediadas por grupos , con lo s que se procedió a l análisis de clústeres por el método de Ward . A partir del dendrograma obtenido , que presentó un a alta robustez , se deduce que la población de caballos que puebla las planicies araucanas t iene una gran semblanza con la población caballar elipo métrica, que puebla el N peni nsula r ibérico . Además, queda clara la proximidad de los c aballares elipométricos ibéricos con los mediterráneos orientales ( pertenecientes al grupo balcánico ) y asiáticos centrales (pertenecientes al grupo escita) , lo qu e vendría a demostrar que existe un enorme conjunto caballar elipométrico, que podríamos definir como “ elipométrico euro - asiático ” . De este conjunto se excluiría n los pónei s propiamente dichos ( éstos, con caracteres pedomórficos) . Los eumétricos ibéricos (Mallorquín y Lusitano) aparecen en un clúster separado, así como, en la posición más distante, el CPC, raza hipermét rica . Recalca todo ello la necesidad que los centros de investigación y universidades incorporen extensas colecciones osteológicas de referencia, centradas en las r azas propias del territorio, y con una complet a información asociada a cada espécimen. Cráneo y mandíbula con dentición completa, pero también esqueleto cingular , m etápodos y casco no s parece el mínimo material que debería conformar estas colecciones. Y si ello para las razas caballares es importante, lo es mucho más para las razas asnales y, sobretodo, híbridos equinos, de los que se dispone escasísima información e n lo referente a osteología

Research paper thumbnail of Magnitude and Duration of Effects of Two Corticosteroid Formulations (Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Phenyl Propionate; Prednisolone Acetate) on Blood Glucose, Leukocyte Values, and Milk Yield in Dairy Cows

The magnitude and duration of the effects of two corticosteroid formulations were determined on b... more The magnitude and duration of the effects of two corticosteroid formulations were determined on blood glucose and leukocyte values and milk yield in normal, lactating dairy cows. One formulation contained a combination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate and dexamethasone phenyl propionate (DEX). The other contained prednisolone acetate (PRED). Blood samples were obtained prior to and at 6, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 hours following administration of a single dose of DEX or PRED. Milk yield was determined for two days prior to drug administration and for seven days afterwards. Both corticosteroids caused significant increases in blood glucose values, although DEX caused significantly larger and longer lasting increases. DEX also caused significant leukocytosis and neutrophilia. PRED caused significant, very short lasting neutrophilia, but had no significant effect on total blood leukocyte values. Both drugs caused significant reductions in blood eosinophil and lymphocyte values, and sign...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação genética para a funcionalidade no Lusitano: o caso de sucesso do cavalo Alter-Real em dressage

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic and environmental effects on calving interval in a herd of Mertolenga cattle

Foi analisada toda a informacao dos partos ocorridos entre 1993 e 1998 na vacada Mertolenga da So... more Foi analisada toda a informacao dos partos ocorridos entre 1993 e 1998 na vacada Mertolenga da Sociedade Agricola da Herdade de Porches (Alcacer do Sal), tendo sido considerados 713 intervalos entre partos de 227 femeas e as respectivas genealogias. Os registos do Intervalo entre Partos foram submetidos a uma Analise Univariada, atraves do BLUP Modelo Animal, tendo-se considerado como efeitos fixos o ano, mes e idade da femea ao parto, genotipo e sexo do vitelo; como efeitos aleatorios considerou-se o valor genetico, o efeito ambiental permanente e o erro residual. Registou-se um intervalo medio entre partos de 433 ± 97 dias, uma estimativa da heritabilidade de 0.02, e uma repetibilidade de 0.19. Procedeu-se a estimativa dos efeitos fixos incluidos no modelo de analise e a avaliacao genetica para o intervalo entre partos, de modo a disponibilizar uma indexacao do efectivo (machos e femeas).

Research paper thumbnail of Holstein Friesian cow vs. ProCross cow: comparison of productive parameters

Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Caractérisation démographique du cheval lusitanien

Research paper thumbnail of Blood lactate, pH, base excess and pCO2 as prognostic indicators in caesarean-born kids from goats with pregnancy toxaemia

Irish Veterinary Journal, 2019

The objective of this study was to identify the prognostic value for survival of blood parameters... more The objective of this study was to identify the prognostic value for survival of blood parameters in the immediate post-caesarean surgery period in kids born from pregnancy toxaemia (PT) goats. This study involved 10 PT goats, in which a caesarean surgery was performed. Twenty-five kids were born after caesarean surgery of which 16 survived. A blood sample was collected from the jugular vein of the 10 goats and from the kids immediately after caesarean surgery (within 15 min). There were differences between the kids that survived and the kids that did not survive concerning the blood levels of pH (7.22 vs 7.00), base excess (− 9 vs − 18 mmol/L), pCO2 (46 vs 62 mmHg) and L-lactate (5.6 vs 16 mmol/L). Maternal ketoacidosis due to PT has a negative impact on the survival rate of the offspring. This appears to be associated to a metabolic acidosis of the offspring. However, the only blood parameter in which there was a strong association between the maternal and newborn kids was blood u...

Research paper thumbnail of Early embryo development, number, quality, and location and the relationship with plasma progesterone in dogs

Animal Reproduction Science, 2018

This research assessed the developmental stages and morphological quality of dog embryos collecte... more This research assessed the developmental stages and morphological quality of dog embryos collected during different stages of pregnancy as well as the relationship with serum progesterone recorded at insemination and embryo collection. Embryos were collected from 23 young mature bitches, that had been inseminated with fresh semen 3 to 6 days after the LH surge (day 0). Embryo flushing was performed on pregnancy days 8 to 11 (Group 1), 12 to 15

Research paper thumbnail of Cryopreservation of in vitro–produced sheep embryos: Effects of different protocols of lipid reduction

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic analysis of the Alentejana breed of cattle

INTRODUCTION Animal genetic resources represent an integral part of agricultural activities, play... more INTRODUCTION Animal genetic resources represent an integral part of agricultural activities, playing a major role in rural development and local traditions, and several arguments can be presented in favour of their conservation (Ponzoni, 1997). Within-breed genetic variability is an important component of the diversity of animal genetic resources, and recommendations have been made to manage populations at risk (FAO, 1998; Toro and Maki-Tanila, 1999).

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic variability for calving interval and growth traits in Mertolenga cattle

INTRODUCTION Mertolenga is a local cattle breed raised under typical low input range conditions o... more INTRODUCTION Mertolenga is a local cattle breed raised under typical low input range conditions of Southern Portugal, with approximately 14 000 cows registered in the Herd Book. Average herd size is 50 cows and main attributes of this population are hardiness, low maintenance requirements, easy calving and high fertility, whereas growth rate tends to be rather slow. Crossbreeding is often practiced using Charolais and Limousin bulls, and calves are marketed at weaning (7 months of age). Calving interval and growth performance are important traits influencing profitability in the majority of beef production systems (Rege and Famula, 1993). Under harsh environments, such as the one where Mertolenga cattle is raised, breeders objective is to wean a calf per cow per year, and tend to adapt reproduction to the natural pasture availability. Therefore, calving interval as a measure of reproductive performance and growth from birth to weaning are traits that deserve special attention. Prior...

Research paper thumbnail of Selecção e melhoramento genético: Que futuro? O caso do Puro-sangue Lusitano

Research paper thumbnail of A possible association between prion protein polymorphisms and wool-type in European breeds of sheep

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterizaçâo productiva da raça ovina saloia

Resumen de la comunicación presentada al III Congreso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos Animale

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons

Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal, 2017

Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons (May, Aug... more Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons (May, August and November) was analyzed using 5701 reproductive records from twelve consecutive breeding seasons in a commercial dairy goat farm. Reproductive data (positive pregnancy diagnosis (PD+), parturition, abortion, hydrometra and prolificacy) have been analyzed for the effects of breed, month of breeding, lactation number and milk yield. The male effect was used for estrus induction and synchronization. In the May breeding season, a hormonal treatment was added (Melovine® melatonin implant placed 45 days before the start of the breeding season). Breeding was by natural mating (male/female ratio 1/15-20) for 42 days. PD was performed by ultrasonography 45 days after the withdrawal of the males. The independent probabilities of PD+, parturition and abortion were analyzed by logistic regression with SAS PROC LOGISTIC, and prolificacy was analyzed with SAS PROC GLM (SAS Institute, 2004). Lea...

Research paper thumbnail of Gastrointestinal parasites as a possible threat to an endangered autochthonous Portuguese sheep breed

Journal of Helminthology, 2019

Helminth and protozoan infections are responsible for important diseases in grazing sheep, which ... more Helminth and protozoan infections are responsible for important diseases in grazing sheep, which can be especially threatening in an autochthonous breed at risk of extinction like the Churra Galega Mirandesa Portuguese sheep breed. The aim of the present study was to determine the diversity, prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal parasites in these sheep and to assess the effects of deworming practices, cohabiting animals on the farm and feed management. Coprological qualitative and quantitative analysis (flotation, natural sedimentation and McMaster method) were used to identify and quantify gastrointestinal parasites and a questionnaire was designed and applied. A total of 512 faecal samples were collected from 49 flocks, and 49 replies to the questionnaire were received. Parasites were identified in 100% of the flocks, and in 97% of the samples. The genera or species that have been morphologically identified were: strongyle-type, Nematodirus spp., Skrjabinema spp., Moniezia ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Serological evidence of exposure to Coxiella burnetii in sheep and goats in central Portugal

Veterinary Microbiology, 2013

of the need of studying Coxiella burnetii. In Portugal, little is known about C. burnetii 3 infec... more of the need of studying Coxiella burnetii. In Portugal, little is known about C. burnetii 3 infection in animals. A cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the exposure to 4 C. burnetii in sheep and goats in the Central region of Portugal, estimating the herd and 5 individual prevalence. A serosurvey was conducted in a two levels random sampling of 6 89 herds and 460 animals. Individual blood samples were collected from animals older 7 than 6 months, and specific antibodies anti-C. burnetii were detected by ELISA testing.

Research paper thumbnail of Exames andrológicos em bovinos de carne na região do Alentejo, Portugal#

É referida a importância do exame andrológico em bovinos explorados em regime extensivo e como es... more É referida a importância do exame andrológico em bovinos explorados em regime extensivo e como este serviço médico-veterinário tem vindo a ser oferecido em Portugal. Descrevem-se os resultados encontrados por uma equipa médico-veterinária em contexto prático na região do Alentejo e discute-se como podem ser avaliados estes resultados com critérios o mais objectivo possiveis para selecção dos melhores touros

Research paper thumbnail of Determinant and conditioning factors of feline asthma: a questionnaire-base study

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2021

Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory airways that has shown a... more Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory airways that has shown an increased incidence in the past decades, aside with human asthma. It is also important to acknowledge that human and feline asthma are very similar in their pathophysiology,being the housing conditions (pollutants, stress and obesity) major risk factors to its development. The present study aimed to investigate if these housing conditions could be determining and conditioning factors associated with the occurrence of feline asthma previously reported in literature. A cross-sectional (self-completed) questionnaire-based study targeting Portuguese-speaking owners of cats was carried out, validated and applied (in both paper and digital form) between September 2018 and March 2019. A total of 189 questionnaires were analysed, of which 18 corresponded to cats with respiratory disease. Most of studied cats were of mixed breed and neutered, living indoor exclusively, mainly in urbanareas and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Pregnancy Toxemia in Goats on the Survival Rate of Newborn Kids

American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings

The objective of this study was to determine the short-term survival rate of newborn kids born fr... more The objective of this study was to determine the short-term survival rate of newborn kids born from PT goats following cesarean section and compare it to those from natural delivery. Furthermore, we have measured blood parameters in the immediate post-partum period in order to understand differences between these 2 groups of kids and identify those that can be used as prognostic indicators for survival.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of different equine populations based on cranil geometric morphometrics

Geometric morphometrics were used to study a sample of 53 skulls belonging to 7 equine groups of ... more Geometric morphometrics were used to study a sample of 53 skulls belonging to 7 equine groups of different origin (Kazakhstan n=7, Arauca n=4, 'Cavall Pirinenc Català' (CPC) n=9, 'Garrano' n=22, Greece n=7, Lusitanian n=1, Majorcan n=1, ass n=2). A photograph of each skull, at its dorsal aspect, was obtained using a digital camera. Seven anatomical landmarks were then located in each skull, distributed both at the neuro and the splachnocranium. Average landmarks coordinates were then analysed by Ward's method. From the resulting dendrogram, which presented a high robustness, it can be concluded that the horse population that grazes on Arauca plains is highly similar to the elipometrical horse that exists in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, the elipometrical septentrional Iberian horses are similar to Eastern Mediterranean horses (belonging to the Balkan group) and Central Asian horses (belonging to the Scythian group), which indicates a huge elipometrical group which we define as 'elipometrical euro-asiatic'. This group excludes ponies with paedomorphic traits. The Iberian eumetrical horses (Majorcan and Lusitano) appear in a separate cluster, as well as, in the more distant position, CPC, a hypermetrical breed. These results highlight the need to incorporate extensive osteological reference collection in research and universitary centres, focused on local breeds, and with complete information associated with each specimen. Skull and mandible with teeth complete, but also skeleton cingulums, metapodiums and hooves seem to be the minimum material that should be included in these collections. This is clearly the case for horse breeds, and it is much more important for donkeys and, above all, equine hybrids, for which little osteological information is available.Se recurrió al estudio por morfometría geométrica de 5 3 cráneos de 7 grupos equino s de diferente origen (Kaz a k hstan n=7, Arauca n=4, Cavall Pirinenc Català (CPC) n=9, Garrano n=22, Grecia n=7, Lusitano n=1 , Mallorquín n=1 , a sno n=2 ). Se obtuvo una fotografía de cada cráneo, en el plano dorsal, usando una cámara digital , sobre la que después se situaron 7 hitos anatómicos, que incluían puntos tanto de l neuro como del vi scerocráneo. L as coordenadas de los hitos f ueron posteriormente promediadas por grupos , con lo s que se procedió a l análisis de clústeres por el método de Ward . A partir del dendrograma obtenido , que presentó un a alta robustez , se deduce que la población de caballos que puebla las planicies araucanas t iene una gran semblanza con la población caballar elipo métrica, que puebla el N peni nsula r ibérico . Además, queda clara la proximidad de los c aballares elipométricos ibéricos con los mediterráneos orientales ( pertenecientes al grupo balcánico ) y asiáticos centrales (pertenecientes al grupo escita) , lo qu e vendría a demostrar que existe un enorme conjunto caballar elipométrico, que podríamos definir como “ elipométrico euro - asiático ” . De este conjunto se excluiría n los pónei s propiamente dichos ( éstos, con caracteres pedomórficos) . Los eumétricos ibéricos (Mallorquín y Lusitano) aparecen en un clúster separado, así como, en la posición más distante, el CPC, raza hipermét rica . Recalca todo ello la necesidad que los centros de investigación y universidades incorporen extensas colecciones osteológicas de referencia, centradas en las r azas propias del territorio, y con una complet a información asociada a cada espécimen. Cráneo y mandíbula con dentición completa, pero también esqueleto cingular , m etápodos y casco no s parece el mínimo material que debería conformar estas colecciones. Y si ello para las razas caballares es importante, lo es mucho más para las razas asnales y, sobretodo, híbridos equinos, de los que se dispone escasísima información e n lo referente a osteología

Research paper thumbnail of Magnitude and Duration of Effects of Two Corticosteroid Formulations (Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Phenyl Propionate; Prednisolone Acetate) on Blood Glucose, Leukocyte Values, and Milk Yield in Dairy Cows

The magnitude and duration of the effects of two corticosteroid formulations were determined on b... more The magnitude and duration of the effects of two corticosteroid formulations were determined on blood glucose and leukocyte values and milk yield in normal, lactating dairy cows. One formulation contained a combination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate and dexamethasone phenyl propionate (DEX). The other contained prednisolone acetate (PRED). Blood samples were obtained prior to and at 6, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 hours following administration of a single dose of DEX or PRED. Milk yield was determined for two days prior to drug administration and for seven days afterwards. Both corticosteroids caused significant increases in blood glucose values, although DEX caused significantly larger and longer lasting increases. DEX also caused significant leukocytosis and neutrophilia. PRED caused significant, very short lasting neutrophilia, but had no significant effect on total blood leukocyte values. Both drugs caused significant reductions in blood eosinophil and lymphocyte values, and sign...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação genética para a funcionalidade no Lusitano: o caso de sucesso do cavalo Alter-Real em dressage

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic and environmental effects on calving interval in a herd of Mertolenga cattle

Foi analisada toda a informacao dos partos ocorridos entre 1993 e 1998 na vacada Mertolenga da So... more Foi analisada toda a informacao dos partos ocorridos entre 1993 e 1998 na vacada Mertolenga da Sociedade Agricola da Herdade de Porches (Alcacer do Sal), tendo sido considerados 713 intervalos entre partos de 227 femeas e as respectivas genealogias. Os registos do Intervalo entre Partos foram submetidos a uma Analise Univariada, atraves do BLUP Modelo Animal, tendo-se considerado como efeitos fixos o ano, mes e idade da femea ao parto, genotipo e sexo do vitelo; como efeitos aleatorios considerou-se o valor genetico, o efeito ambiental permanente e o erro residual. Registou-se um intervalo medio entre partos de 433 ± 97 dias, uma estimativa da heritabilidade de 0.02, e uma repetibilidade de 0.19. Procedeu-se a estimativa dos efeitos fixos incluidos no modelo de analise e a avaliacao genetica para o intervalo entre partos, de modo a disponibilizar uma indexacao do efectivo (machos e femeas).

Research paper thumbnail of Holstein Friesian cow vs. ProCross cow: comparison of productive parameters

Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Caractérisation démographique du cheval lusitanien

Research paper thumbnail of Blood lactate, pH, base excess and pCO2 as prognostic indicators in caesarean-born kids from goats with pregnancy toxaemia

Irish Veterinary Journal, 2019

The objective of this study was to identify the prognostic value for survival of blood parameters... more The objective of this study was to identify the prognostic value for survival of blood parameters in the immediate post-caesarean surgery period in kids born from pregnancy toxaemia (PT) goats. This study involved 10 PT goats, in which a caesarean surgery was performed. Twenty-five kids were born after caesarean surgery of which 16 survived. A blood sample was collected from the jugular vein of the 10 goats and from the kids immediately after caesarean surgery (within 15 min). There were differences between the kids that survived and the kids that did not survive concerning the blood levels of pH (7.22 vs 7.00), base excess (− 9 vs − 18 mmol/L), pCO2 (46 vs 62 mmHg) and L-lactate (5.6 vs 16 mmol/L). Maternal ketoacidosis due to PT has a negative impact on the survival rate of the offspring. This appears to be associated to a metabolic acidosis of the offspring. However, the only blood parameter in which there was a strong association between the maternal and newborn kids was blood u...

Research paper thumbnail of Early embryo development, number, quality, and location and the relationship with plasma progesterone in dogs

Animal Reproduction Science, 2018

This research assessed the developmental stages and morphological quality of dog embryos collecte... more This research assessed the developmental stages and morphological quality of dog embryos collected during different stages of pregnancy as well as the relationship with serum progesterone recorded at insemination and embryo collection. Embryos were collected from 23 young mature bitches, that had been inseminated with fresh semen 3 to 6 days after the LH surge (day 0). Embryo flushing was performed on pregnancy days 8 to 11 (Group 1), 12 to 15

Research paper thumbnail of Cryopreservation of in vitro–produced sheep embryos: Effects of different protocols of lipid reduction

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic analysis of the Alentejana breed of cattle

INTRODUCTION Animal genetic resources represent an integral part of agricultural activities, play... more INTRODUCTION Animal genetic resources represent an integral part of agricultural activities, playing a major role in rural development and local traditions, and several arguments can be presented in favour of their conservation (Ponzoni, 1997). Within-breed genetic variability is an important component of the diversity of animal genetic resources, and recommendations have been made to manage populations at risk (FAO, 1998; Toro and Maki-Tanila, 1999).

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic variability for calving interval and growth traits in Mertolenga cattle

INTRODUCTION Mertolenga is a local cattle breed raised under typical low input range conditions o... more INTRODUCTION Mertolenga is a local cattle breed raised under typical low input range conditions of Southern Portugal, with approximately 14 000 cows registered in the Herd Book. Average herd size is 50 cows and main attributes of this population are hardiness, low maintenance requirements, easy calving and high fertility, whereas growth rate tends to be rather slow. Crossbreeding is often practiced using Charolais and Limousin bulls, and calves are marketed at weaning (7 months of age). Calving interval and growth performance are important traits influencing profitability in the majority of beef production systems (Rege and Famula, 1993). Under harsh environments, such as the one where Mertolenga cattle is raised, breeders objective is to wean a calf per cow per year, and tend to adapt reproduction to the natural pasture availability. Therefore, calving interval as a measure of reproductive performance and growth from birth to weaning are traits that deserve special attention. Prior...

Research paper thumbnail of Selecção e melhoramento genético: Que futuro? O caso do Puro-sangue Lusitano

Research paper thumbnail of A possible association between prion protein polymorphisms and wool-type in European breeds of sheep

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterizaçâo productiva da raça ovina saloia

Resumen de la comunicación presentada al III Congreso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos Animale

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons

Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal, 2017

Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons (May, Aug... more Reproductive performance of Saanen and Alpine goats in three different breeding seasons (May, August and November) was analyzed using 5701 reproductive records from twelve consecutive breeding seasons in a commercial dairy goat farm. Reproductive data (positive pregnancy diagnosis (PD+), parturition, abortion, hydrometra and prolificacy) have been analyzed for the effects of breed, month of breeding, lactation number and milk yield. The male effect was used for estrus induction and synchronization. In the May breeding season, a hormonal treatment was added (Melovine® melatonin implant placed 45 days before the start of the breeding season). Breeding was by natural mating (male/female ratio 1/15-20) for 42 days. PD was performed by ultrasonography 45 days after the withdrawal of the males. The independent probabilities of PD+, parturition and abortion were analyzed by logistic regression with SAS PROC LOGISTIC, and prolificacy was analyzed with SAS PROC GLM (SAS Institute, 2004). Lea...

Research paper thumbnail of Gastrointestinal parasites as a possible threat to an endangered autochthonous Portuguese sheep breed

Journal of Helminthology, 2019

Helminth and protozoan infections are responsible for important diseases in grazing sheep, which ... more Helminth and protozoan infections are responsible for important diseases in grazing sheep, which can be especially threatening in an autochthonous breed at risk of extinction like the Churra Galega Mirandesa Portuguese sheep breed. The aim of the present study was to determine the diversity, prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal parasites in these sheep and to assess the effects of deworming practices, cohabiting animals on the farm and feed management. Coprological qualitative and quantitative analysis (flotation, natural sedimentation and McMaster method) were used to identify and quantify gastrointestinal parasites and a questionnaire was designed and applied. A total of 512 faecal samples were collected from 49 flocks, and 49 replies to the questionnaire were received. Parasites were identified in 100% of the flocks, and in 97% of the samples. The genera or species that have been morphologically identified were: strongyle-type, Nematodirus spp., Skrjabinema spp., Moniezia ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Serological evidence of exposure to Coxiella burnetii in sheep and goats in central Portugal

Veterinary Microbiology, 2013

of the need of studying Coxiella burnetii. In Portugal, little is known about C. burnetii 3 infec... more of the need of studying Coxiella burnetii. In Portugal, little is known about C. burnetii 3 infection in animals. A cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the exposure to 4 C. burnetii in sheep and goats in the Central region of Portugal, estimating the herd and 5 individual prevalence. A serosurvey was conducted in a two levels random sampling of 6 89 herds and 460 animals. Individual blood samples were collected from animals older 7 than 6 months, and specific antibodies anti-C. burnetii were detected by ELISA testing.

Research paper thumbnail of Exames andrológicos em bovinos de carne na região do Alentejo, Portugal#

É referida a importância do exame andrológico em bovinos explorados em regime extensivo e como es... more É referida a importância do exame andrológico em bovinos explorados em regime extensivo e como este serviço médico-veterinário tem vindo a ser oferecido em Portugal. Descrevem-se os resultados encontrados por uma equipa médico-veterinária em contexto prático na região do Alentejo e discute-se como podem ser avaliados estes resultados com critérios o mais objectivo possiveis para selecção dos melhores touros

Research paper thumbnail of Determinant and conditioning factors of feline asthma: a questionnaire-base study

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2021

Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory airways that has shown a... more Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory airways that has shown an increased incidence in the past decades, aside with human asthma. It is also important to acknowledge that human and feline asthma are very similar in their pathophysiology,being the housing conditions (pollutants, stress and obesity) major risk factors to its development. The present study aimed to investigate if these housing conditions could be determining and conditioning factors associated with the occurrence of feline asthma previously reported in literature. A cross-sectional (self-completed) questionnaire-based study targeting Portuguese-speaking owners of cats was carried out, validated and applied (in both paper and digital form) between September 2018 and March 2019. A total of 189 questionnaires were analysed, of which 18 corresponded to cats with respiratory disease. Most of studied cats were of mixed breed and neutered, living indoor exclusively, mainly in urbanareas and ...