inkquillandhope - Profile (original) (raw)


Journal created:

on 16 March 2003 (#952340)


On 29 February 2020

Blah Blah Blah, stuff, blah blah blah

animals, art, bones, c.s. lewis, cedar point, classic literature, classical music, creative writing, david bowie, denny's, driving, exercising, fantasy fiction, fiction, fireworks, forensics, graphics, halloween, harry potter, house m.d., iconing, inheritance series, j.k. rowling, john lennon, johnny depp, labyrinth, leonardo da vinci, looney tunes, making icons, masquerade balls, michigan's adventure, music, nicolas sparks, nintendo, painting, photography, reading, sea life, sex, smallville, surfing the web, swimming, the 4400, vampires, video games, vincent van gogh, walking, water parks, werewolves, witches, wizards, world of warcraft, writing, zelda