Valeria Loscri' | INRIA - (original) (raw)
Papers by Valeria Loscri'
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2022
Cyber-security of LPWAN is the analysis of vulnerability and potential threats for resource-const... more Cyber-security of LPWAN is the analysis of vulnerability and potential threats for resource-constrained wireless connected objects. It also encompasses countermeasure approaches based on the identified vulnerabilities, that need to meet the computational and energy constraints.
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies
When it comes to the security of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing their communications is p... more When it comes to the security of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing their communications is paramount. In multi-hop networks, nodes relay information amongst themselves, opening the data up to tampering by an intermediate device. To detect and avoid such malicious entities, we grant nodes the ability to analyse their neighbours behaviour. Through the use of consensus-based validation, based upon the blockchain's miners, all nodes can agree on the trustworthiness of all devices in the network. By expressing this through a node's reputation, it is possible to identify malicious devices and isolate them from network activities. By incorporating this metric into a multi-hop routing protocol such as AODV, we can influence the path selection process. Instead of defining the best route based upon overall length, we can choose the most reputable path available, thus traversing trustworthy devices. By performing extensive analyses through multiple simulated scenarios, we can iden...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems on International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
The inherent openness of wireless communication techniques has made them vulnerable to jamming at... more The inherent openness of wireless communication techniques has made them vulnerable to jamming attacks. However, the effectiveness of a jamming attack depends on numerous parameters and varies according to the state of the environment. At the same time, attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and attempt to evade basic detection methods. Consequently, there is a real need to evaluate this new type of attack to improve the robustness of the detection and mitigation methods. A simulating tool to assess the impact of jamming attacks on wireless networks has become essential to gain effectiveness against attackers. This paper proposes a module of jamming attack for the discrete network simulator 3 (ns-3). This module, adaptable to any type of jamming attack strategy, provides a set of essential metrics allowing their evaluation. We evaluate the module by comparing the impacts of different types of jamming attacks already carried out in a real environment. CCS CONCEPTS • Networks → Network simulations; • Security and privacy → Denial-of-service attacks.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 27, 2021
2019 Global LIFI Congress (GLC)
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is based on the dual use of the illumination infrastructure for... more Visible Light Communication (VLC) is based on the dual use of the illumination infrastructure for wireless data communication. The major interest on this communication technology lies on its specific features to be a secure, costeffective wireless technology. Recently, this technology has gained an important role as potential candidate for complementing traditional RF communication systems. Anyway a major issue for the VLC development is a deep comprehension of the noise and its impact on the received signal at the receiver. In this work, we present a simple but effective approach to analyze the noise and drastically reduce it through a signal processing method. In order to validate the effectiveness of this analytical approach, we have developed an USRP-based testbed. Experimental results have been carried out by evaluating the symbol error rate (SER) and show the effectiveness of the noise mitigation approach in different interference conditions and at different distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 12, 2018
In this work we propose a context-aware and adaptive Visible Light Communication (VLC) system, ab... more In this work we propose a context-aware and adaptive Visible Light Communication (VLC) system, able to dynamically react to the environmental changes in order to keep a good communication quality. In particular, we focus on a frame synchronization technique implemented by appending a preamble (repetitive insertion of sequences) to the transmitted data. The size N (number of bits) of the preamble impacts on the performance of the communication system. A short dimension of the preamble is to be preferred to reduce the control overhead (i.e. it is not carrying data information) but it could be not sufficient to perform a good carrier recovery in the case of noisy environmental conditions. This aspect has been modeled as a multi-arm bandit problem and a Thompson Sampling approach is used to find the best value of N for each next transmission frame. Experimental results show the impact played by a correct choice of the parameter N on the reduction of the recovered carrier frequency variance and Bit Error Ratio (BER) in different environmental conditions.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 27, 2021
Les réseaux multi-saut Lorsqu'on dit « réseau sans l », on pense immédiatement à la connexion wi ... more Les réseaux multi-saut Lorsqu'on dit « réseau sans l », on pense immédiatement à la connexion wi classique qu'on utilise au quotidien pour se connecter à l'Internet via sa box. Bien qu'e cace, ce type de connexion possède quelques restrictions. Pour illustrer ces propos, prenons l'exemple d'un bar où les clients ne peuvent s'adresser qu'au barman. On peut commander à boire sans problème, mais si on souhaite parler avec notre voisin, nous devons le faire via le barman qui contrôle la conversation. Maintenant, si on s'éloigne pour s'installer à une table, le barman n'est plus à proximité et ne peut donc plus entendre nos paroles : on ne peut plus ni échanger avec notre voisin ni commander à boire. Dans la vraie vie, nous n'avons pas ces contraintes et on peut donc avoir une conversation directement avec notre voisin. Cependant, le barman est toujours trop loin et la soif commence à s'installer. La solution existe sous la forme de serveurs qui circulent entre les tables, prenant les commandes, les transmettant au barman et apportent les boissons. Dans le domaine du numérique, cette approche, appelée « multi-saut », est utilisée principalement dans des réseaux de grande envergure, comme les réseaux de capteurs ou les réseaux mobiles. Contrairement à notre bar, nous n'avons pas d'équipements précis qui jouent le rôle du serveur : chaque participant en possède plutôt les capacités. De ce fait, n'importe quel équipement peut transmettre et choisir un chemin, appelé « route » pour relayer un message d'un côté du réseau à l'autre-comme si nous faisions passer la commande « une limonade et des cacahuètes s'il vous plaît » de table en table. Les attaques au sein des réseaux sans l Une fois les boisons reçues, on commence à discuter avec notre voisin de notre journée au travail. Cependant, assis à la table juste à côté il y a un espion qui entend tout ce qui est dit et note les informations sur une feuille, sans qu'on le sache. En partant, il allume le système sonore du bar qui joue de la musique à un volume très élevé. Malheureusement, avec ce bruit on ne peut plus échanger avec notre voisin. Pour aller d'une source à une destination, il faut passer par des intermédiaires-trois dans cet exemple. Le choix des intermédiaires s'appelle le routage. Edward Staddon, Inria, Fourni par l'auteur Cet exemple illustre les principales di cultés au niveau des réseaux sans l, liées à la protection des communications. Comme nos propres voix, les ondes radio utilisées par ces technologies traversent l'espace public et donc peuvent être impactées et brouillées par d'autres ondes. De plus, elles peuvent même être écoutées par d'autres équipements à proximité. L'utilisation de moyens de sécurisation, comme les mots de passe dans les réseaux wi ou le chi rage des échanges, limite cette écoute illicite. En permettant aux noeuds de relayer les informations entre eux, on ouvre le réseau à d'autres menaces, notamment celles qui ciblent le « routage » (choix de chemin à prendre lors du transfert des messages). Mettons que nous souhaitions commander une autre boisson. Le comportement du serveur in uence fortement l'épanchement de notre soif. Il pourrait par exemple purement et simplement ignorer notre commande, remplacer un thé par un café ou livrer notre commande à une autre table. Ces menaces envers le choix du chemin à emprunter dans l'émission et la réception des messages peuvent avoir de lourdes conséquences sur ces réseaux où le routage des messages joue un rôle crucial. Cependant, la réussite de telles attaques repose sur un point précis : l'intégration de l'attaquant non seulement dans le réseau, mais au sein du processus de routage. La sécurisation du processus de routage Plusieurs solutions existent au niveau des équipements informatiques pour la détection d'intrusion. Basées sur des technologies comme l'apprentissage machine ou l'analyse des ondes radio, elles sont assez e caces, mais possèdent plusieurs contraintes. Les techniques d'apprentissage par exemple sont gourmandes en termes de calcul qui, dans le cadre des équipements IoT (pour « Internet-of-Things »), épuisent les batteries des objets connectés de tout type. Une potentielle solution se trouve ici aussi au niveau du comportement humain. Dans le bar, si on voit que notre serveur agit sur notre commande sans notre accord, notre con ance en lui va baisser, impactant ainsi sa réputation. On va donc chercher un autre moyen d'acheter nos boissons en passant par un autre serveur avec une meilleure réputation. Au sein de notre réseau, on peut analyser le comportement des noeuds voisins et leur associer un « indice de réputation » qui indique notre niveau de con ance vis-à-vis de ce noeud. Via l'« exploration réactive » Le choix du chemin par lequel transite l'information dans un réseau sans fil dépend de la "réputation" des intermédiaires. L'un d'eux est-il soupçonné d'être corrompu et à la solde d'un attaquant ?
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 20, 2021
Les réseaux véhiculaireséchangent divers types de données qui doiventêtre transmises vers les Roa... more Les réseaux véhiculaireséchangent divers types de données qui doiventêtre transmises vers les Road Side Units (RSU) depuis directement depuis les véhiculesà portée de communication. Les RSU n'étant pas déployés partout, on observe une connectivité intermittente des véhicules avec les RSU. Dans cet article, nous proposons un schéma d'envoi des données pour les réseaux de véhicules avec QoS (DOVEQ), qui permetà un véhicule de transmettre ses données vers un RSU directement ou via des communications inter véhicules (V2V). DOVEQ prend en compte le temps de connexion d'un véhicule avec le RSU et les autres véhicules se dirigeant dans la même direction ou la direction opposée, la capacité d'envoi et le temps prévu pour atteindre la zone de couverture d'un RSU. De plus, la qualité de service (QoS) est une considération importante pour la transmission de données dans les réseaux de véhicules en raison de l'existence de données urgentes (par exemple, des données d'accident ou d'urgence). Par conséquent, pour respecter un niveau de qualité de service, DOVEQ utilise trois fonctions de qualité de service : classification du trafic, contrôle de surcharge et contrôle d'admission. L'évaluation des performances dans le simulateur de réseau OMNeT++ avec les frameworks Veins et SUMO montre l'efficacité de DOVEQ.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, 2019
At present, molecular communications has largely been studied in isolation; that is, without the ... more At present, molecular communications has largely been studied in isolation; that is, without the presence of any external biological systems. However, for applications in nanomedicine and advanced manufacturing, this assumption of isolation is unlikely to always hold. A key question is therefore how to design signaling strategies such that the desired information can be communicated, while not disrupting the function of the external biological system. In this paper, we study this problem by establishing a coexistence constraint based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distribution of molecules on the surface of the biological system, with and without the presence of the molecular communication system. We then address the problem of how the transmitting device can estimate these distributions from local observations of its environment. Based on this, we optimize the modulation scheme used by the transmitter subject to the coexistence constraint. Tradeoffs between the coexistence constraint, the probability of error, and the number of samples used to estimate distributions needed to compute the coexistence constraint are then studied numerically.
GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2020
Visible Light Communication (VLC) relies on the dual use of existing light infrastructure for wir... more Visible Light Communication (VLC) relies on the dual use of existing light infrastructure for wirelessly send data. VLC is regarded as a "green", cost-effective and secure communication technology. Moreover, VLC has been always considered immune to Radio Frequency (RF) waves. The only type of interference that has always been included in the channel model is the optical interference. Nevertheless, all the interference components potentially impacting on the performance of the system should be integrated in the transmitting model in order to improve the performance of the communication system. In this paper, we investigate on the interference and immunity of the VLC systems in respect of frequencies spanning the spectrum up to 1 GHz. We provide a detailed evaluation of the immunity of a VLC system by the means of experiments realized in "controlled" environment, i.e. an anechoic chamber, by considering interference at different power levels. Results are very interesting, since at specific frequency values, the VL transmitted signal results too "interfered" and noisy to be correctly recovered. In order to evaluate the impact of this interference, we have estimated the Bit Error Rate (BER) for different index modulations of Pulse-Position Modulation (mPPM).
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Système de localisation à Lumière Visible avec compensation du bruit environnemental Antonio Costanzo, Valeria Loscri
2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2021
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
In this work, we propose a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system dynamically adapting, through... more In this work, we propose a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system dynamically adapting, through a decision-making process based on a simple fuzzy-logic, the transmitting color selection to the external environmental conditions. Transmitted Signals are opportunistically treated through softwarization approaches by using basic hardware (i.e. Arduino boards and inexpensive LEDs in the transmitting stage) in order to implement an effective, end-to-end, adaptive communication system. In particular, we will show that, if a low environmental noise is added, the system keeps to be well-performing in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) also at higher distances (up to 8-9 meters) using a warm white front-end, while, if high external interfering lights are present in the environment, a low power red front end is dynamically fed for maintaining a good-level communication (with low Bit Error Rate).
Cognitive Vehicular Networks, 2016
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2015
This paper surveys recent literature on vehicular 3 social networks that are a particular class o... more This paper surveys recent literature on vehicular 3 social networks that are a particular class of vehicular ad hoc 4 networks, characterized by social aspects and features. Starting 5 from this pillar, we investigate perspectives on next-generation 6 vehicles under the assumption of social networking for vehicular 7 applications (i.e., safety and entertainment applications). This 8 paper plays a role as a starting point about socially inspired 9 vehicles and mainly related applications, as well as communication 10 techniques. Vehicular communications can be considered the "first 11 social network for automobiles" since each driver can share data 12 with other neighbors. For instance, heavy traffic is a common 13 occurrence in some areas on the roads (e.g., at intersections, taxi 14 loading/unloading areas, and so on); as a consequence, roads 15 become a popular social place for vehicles to connect to each 16 other. Human factors are then involved in vehicular ad hoc net-17 works, not only due to the safety-related applications but also 18 for entertainment purposes. Social characteristics and human 19 behavior largely impact on vehicular ad hoc networks, and this 20 arises to the vehicular social networks, which are formed when 21 vehicles (individuals) "socialize" and share common interests. In 22 this paper, we provide a survey on main features of vehicular social 23 networks, from novel emerging technologies to social aspects used 24 for mobile applications, as well as main issues and challenges. 25 Vehicular social networks are described as decentralized oppor-26 tunistic communication networks formed among vehicles. They 27 exploit mobility aspects, and basics of traditional social networks, in 28 order to create novel approaches of message exchange through the 29 detection of dynamic social structures. An overview of the main 30 state-of-the-art on safety and entertainment applications relying 31 on social networking solutions is also provided. 32 Index Terms-Vehicular social networks, next generation vehi-33 cles, vehicular ad hoc networks, social-based applications.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2015
We are working on a new concept for decentralized medium access control (MAC), termed decentraliz... more We are working on a new concept for decentralized medium access control (MAC), termed decentralized time-synchronized channel swapping (DT-SCS). Under the proposed DT-SCS and its associated MAC-layer protocol, wireless nodes converge to synchronous beacon packet transmissions across all IEEE802.15.4 channels, with balanced numbers of nodes in each channel. This is achieved by reactive listening mechanisms, based on pulse coupled oscillator techniques. Once convergence to the multichannel time-synchronized state is achieved, peer-to-peer channel swapping can then take place via swap requests and acknowledgments made by concurrent transmitters in neighboring channels. Our implementation of DT-SCS reveals that our proposal comprises an excellent candidate for completely decentralized MAC-layer coordination in WSNs by providing for quick convergence to steady state, high bandwidth utilization, high connectivity and robustness to interference and hidden nodes. The demo will showcase the properties of DT-SCS and will also present its behaviour under various scenarios for hidden nodes and interference, both experimentally and with the help of visualization of simulation results.
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2009
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents an eclectic paradigm that is still growing in popularity.... more The Internet of Things (IoT) represents an eclectic paradigm that is still growing in popularity. However, security aspects are a major concern for IoT devices due to their applications and the amount of sensitive data they provide. Simultaneously, the energy constraint in IoT networks remains a significant issue due to their limited resources. To reduce their energy consumption, several IoT protocols have integrated the energy-saving mode which offers four operating modes. On the basis of these four states, we derive an analysis framework, named HARPAGON, allowing an attacker to maximize his attack efficiency and minimize his impact in terms of energy consumption. Indeed, the effectiveness of many attacks depends principally on the state of the attacker and the victim at the same time. HARPAGON with the help of Markov Chains Theory allows to model the interaction between the attacker and its victims. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework coupled to a jamming attack by comparing it to other types of jamming attacks. Experimental results reveal HARPAGON combined with jamming attack drastically reduces the performance of the network, with an impact on the Packet Error Rate (PER), which is around 13% higher than the reactive attack and with a reduced energy budget in respect of other two well-known "green" jamming attacks.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2022
Cyber-security of LPWAN is the analysis of vulnerability and potential threats for resource-const... more Cyber-security of LPWAN is the analysis of vulnerability and potential threats for resource-constrained wireless connected objects. It also encompasses countermeasure approaches based on the identified vulnerabilities, that need to meet the computational and energy constraints.
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies
When it comes to the security of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing their communications is p... more When it comes to the security of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing their communications is paramount. In multi-hop networks, nodes relay information amongst themselves, opening the data up to tampering by an intermediate device. To detect and avoid such malicious entities, we grant nodes the ability to analyse their neighbours behaviour. Through the use of consensus-based validation, based upon the blockchain's miners, all nodes can agree on the trustworthiness of all devices in the network. By expressing this through a node's reputation, it is possible to identify malicious devices and isolate them from network activities. By incorporating this metric into a multi-hop routing protocol such as AODV, we can influence the path selection process. Instead of defining the best route based upon overall length, we can choose the most reputable path available, thus traversing trustworthy devices. By performing extensive analyses through multiple simulated scenarios, we can iden...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems on International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
The inherent openness of wireless communication techniques has made them vulnerable to jamming at... more The inherent openness of wireless communication techniques has made them vulnerable to jamming attacks. However, the effectiveness of a jamming attack depends on numerous parameters and varies according to the state of the environment. At the same time, attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and attempt to evade basic detection methods. Consequently, there is a real need to evaluate this new type of attack to improve the robustness of the detection and mitigation methods. A simulating tool to assess the impact of jamming attacks on wireless networks has become essential to gain effectiveness against attackers. This paper proposes a module of jamming attack for the discrete network simulator 3 (ns-3). This module, adaptable to any type of jamming attack strategy, provides a set of essential metrics allowing their evaluation. We evaluate the module by comparing the impacts of different types of jamming attacks already carried out in a real environment. CCS CONCEPTS • Networks → Network simulations; • Security and privacy → Denial-of-service attacks.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 27, 2021
2019 Global LIFI Congress (GLC)
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is based on the dual use of the illumination infrastructure for... more Visible Light Communication (VLC) is based on the dual use of the illumination infrastructure for wireless data communication. The major interest on this communication technology lies on its specific features to be a secure, costeffective wireless technology. Recently, this technology has gained an important role as potential candidate for complementing traditional RF communication systems. Anyway a major issue for the VLC development is a deep comprehension of the noise and its impact on the received signal at the receiver. In this work, we present a simple but effective approach to analyze the noise and drastically reduce it through a signal processing method. In order to validate the effectiveness of this analytical approach, we have developed an USRP-based testbed. Experimental results have been carried out by evaluating the symbol error rate (SER) and show the effectiveness of the noise mitigation approach in different interference conditions and at different distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 12, 2018
In this work we propose a context-aware and adaptive Visible Light Communication (VLC) system, ab... more In this work we propose a context-aware and adaptive Visible Light Communication (VLC) system, able to dynamically react to the environmental changes in order to keep a good communication quality. In particular, we focus on a frame synchronization technique implemented by appending a preamble (repetitive insertion of sequences) to the transmitted data. The size N (number of bits) of the preamble impacts on the performance of the communication system. A short dimension of the preamble is to be preferred to reduce the control overhead (i.e. it is not carrying data information) but it could be not sufficient to perform a good carrier recovery in the case of noisy environmental conditions. This aspect has been modeled as a multi-arm bandit problem and a Thompson Sampling approach is used to find the best value of N for each next transmission frame. Experimental results show the impact played by a correct choice of the parameter N on the reduction of the recovered carrier frequency variance and Bit Error Ratio (BER) in different environmental conditions.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 27, 2021
Les réseaux multi-saut Lorsqu'on dit « réseau sans l », on pense immédiatement à la connexion wi ... more Les réseaux multi-saut Lorsqu'on dit « réseau sans l », on pense immédiatement à la connexion wi classique qu'on utilise au quotidien pour se connecter à l'Internet via sa box. Bien qu'e cace, ce type de connexion possède quelques restrictions. Pour illustrer ces propos, prenons l'exemple d'un bar où les clients ne peuvent s'adresser qu'au barman. On peut commander à boire sans problème, mais si on souhaite parler avec notre voisin, nous devons le faire via le barman qui contrôle la conversation. Maintenant, si on s'éloigne pour s'installer à une table, le barman n'est plus à proximité et ne peut donc plus entendre nos paroles : on ne peut plus ni échanger avec notre voisin ni commander à boire. Dans la vraie vie, nous n'avons pas ces contraintes et on peut donc avoir une conversation directement avec notre voisin. Cependant, le barman est toujours trop loin et la soif commence à s'installer. La solution existe sous la forme de serveurs qui circulent entre les tables, prenant les commandes, les transmettant au barman et apportent les boissons. Dans le domaine du numérique, cette approche, appelée « multi-saut », est utilisée principalement dans des réseaux de grande envergure, comme les réseaux de capteurs ou les réseaux mobiles. Contrairement à notre bar, nous n'avons pas d'équipements précis qui jouent le rôle du serveur : chaque participant en possède plutôt les capacités. De ce fait, n'importe quel équipement peut transmettre et choisir un chemin, appelé « route » pour relayer un message d'un côté du réseau à l'autre-comme si nous faisions passer la commande « une limonade et des cacahuètes s'il vous plaît » de table en table. Les attaques au sein des réseaux sans l Une fois les boisons reçues, on commence à discuter avec notre voisin de notre journée au travail. Cependant, assis à la table juste à côté il y a un espion qui entend tout ce qui est dit et note les informations sur une feuille, sans qu'on le sache. En partant, il allume le système sonore du bar qui joue de la musique à un volume très élevé. Malheureusement, avec ce bruit on ne peut plus échanger avec notre voisin. Pour aller d'une source à une destination, il faut passer par des intermédiaires-trois dans cet exemple. Le choix des intermédiaires s'appelle le routage. Edward Staddon, Inria, Fourni par l'auteur Cet exemple illustre les principales di cultés au niveau des réseaux sans l, liées à la protection des communications. Comme nos propres voix, les ondes radio utilisées par ces technologies traversent l'espace public et donc peuvent être impactées et brouillées par d'autres ondes. De plus, elles peuvent même être écoutées par d'autres équipements à proximité. L'utilisation de moyens de sécurisation, comme les mots de passe dans les réseaux wi ou le chi rage des échanges, limite cette écoute illicite. En permettant aux noeuds de relayer les informations entre eux, on ouvre le réseau à d'autres menaces, notamment celles qui ciblent le « routage » (choix de chemin à prendre lors du transfert des messages). Mettons que nous souhaitions commander une autre boisson. Le comportement du serveur in uence fortement l'épanchement de notre soif. Il pourrait par exemple purement et simplement ignorer notre commande, remplacer un thé par un café ou livrer notre commande à une autre table. Ces menaces envers le choix du chemin à emprunter dans l'émission et la réception des messages peuvent avoir de lourdes conséquences sur ces réseaux où le routage des messages joue un rôle crucial. Cependant, la réussite de telles attaques repose sur un point précis : l'intégration de l'attaquant non seulement dans le réseau, mais au sein du processus de routage. La sécurisation du processus de routage Plusieurs solutions existent au niveau des équipements informatiques pour la détection d'intrusion. Basées sur des technologies comme l'apprentissage machine ou l'analyse des ondes radio, elles sont assez e caces, mais possèdent plusieurs contraintes. Les techniques d'apprentissage par exemple sont gourmandes en termes de calcul qui, dans le cadre des équipements IoT (pour « Internet-of-Things »), épuisent les batteries des objets connectés de tout type. Une potentielle solution se trouve ici aussi au niveau du comportement humain. Dans le bar, si on voit que notre serveur agit sur notre commande sans notre accord, notre con ance en lui va baisser, impactant ainsi sa réputation. On va donc chercher un autre moyen d'acheter nos boissons en passant par un autre serveur avec une meilleure réputation. Au sein de notre réseau, on peut analyser le comportement des noeuds voisins et leur associer un « indice de réputation » qui indique notre niveau de con ance vis-à-vis de ce noeud. Via l'« exploration réactive » Le choix du chemin par lequel transite l'information dans un réseau sans fil dépend de la "réputation" des intermédiaires. L'un d'eux est-il soupçonné d'être corrompu et à la solde d'un attaquant ?
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 20, 2021
Les réseaux véhiculaireséchangent divers types de données qui doiventêtre transmises vers les Roa... more Les réseaux véhiculaireséchangent divers types de données qui doiventêtre transmises vers les Road Side Units (RSU) depuis directement depuis les véhiculesà portée de communication. Les RSU n'étant pas déployés partout, on observe une connectivité intermittente des véhicules avec les RSU. Dans cet article, nous proposons un schéma d'envoi des données pour les réseaux de véhicules avec QoS (DOVEQ), qui permetà un véhicule de transmettre ses données vers un RSU directement ou via des communications inter véhicules (V2V). DOVEQ prend en compte le temps de connexion d'un véhicule avec le RSU et les autres véhicules se dirigeant dans la même direction ou la direction opposée, la capacité d'envoi et le temps prévu pour atteindre la zone de couverture d'un RSU. De plus, la qualité de service (QoS) est une considération importante pour la transmission de données dans les réseaux de véhicules en raison de l'existence de données urgentes (par exemple, des données d'accident ou d'urgence). Par conséquent, pour respecter un niveau de qualité de service, DOVEQ utilise trois fonctions de qualité de service : classification du trafic, contrôle de surcharge et contrôle d'admission. L'évaluation des performances dans le simulateur de réseau OMNeT++ avec les frameworks Veins et SUMO montre l'efficacité de DOVEQ.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, 2019
At present, molecular communications has largely been studied in isolation; that is, without the ... more At present, molecular communications has largely been studied in isolation; that is, without the presence of any external biological systems. However, for applications in nanomedicine and advanced manufacturing, this assumption of isolation is unlikely to always hold. A key question is therefore how to design signaling strategies such that the desired information can be communicated, while not disrupting the function of the external biological system. In this paper, we study this problem by establishing a coexistence constraint based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distribution of molecules on the surface of the biological system, with and without the presence of the molecular communication system. We then address the problem of how the transmitting device can estimate these distributions from local observations of its environment. Based on this, we optimize the modulation scheme used by the transmitter subject to the coexistence constraint. Tradeoffs between the coexistence constraint, the probability of error, and the number of samples used to estimate distributions needed to compute the coexistence constraint are then studied numerically.
GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2020
Visible Light Communication (VLC) relies on the dual use of existing light infrastructure for wir... more Visible Light Communication (VLC) relies on the dual use of existing light infrastructure for wirelessly send data. VLC is regarded as a "green", cost-effective and secure communication technology. Moreover, VLC has been always considered immune to Radio Frequency (RF) waves. The only type of interference that has always been included in the channel model is the optical interference. Nevertheless, all the interference components potentially impacting on the performance of the system should be integrated in the transmitting model in order to improve the performance of the communication system. In this paper, we investigate on the interference and immunity of the VLC systems in respect of frequencies spanning the spectrum up to 1 GHz. We provide a detailed evaluation of the immunity of a VLC system by the means of experiments realized in "controlled" environment, i.e. an anechoic chamber, by considering interference at different power levels. Results are very interesting, since at specific frequency values, the VL transmitted signal results too "interfered" and noisy to be correctly recovered. In order to evaluate the impact of this interference, we have estimated the Bit Error Rate (BER) for different index modulations of Pulse-Position Modulation (mPPM).
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Système de localisation à Lumière Visible avec compensation du bruit environnemental Antonio Costanzo, Valeria Loscri
2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2021
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
In this work, we propose a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system dynamically adapting, through... more In this work, we propose a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system dynamically adapting, through a decision-making process based on a simple fuzzy-logic, the transmitting color selection to the external environmental conditions. Transmitted Signals are opportunistically treated through softwarization approaches by using basic hardware (i.e. Arduino boards and inexpensive LEDs in the transmitting stage) in order to implement an effective, end-to-end, adaptive communication system. In particular, we will show that, if a low environmental noise is added, the system keeps to be well-performing in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) also at higher distances (up to 8-9 meters) using a warm white front-end, while, if high external interfering lights are present in the environment, a low power red front end is dynamically fed for maintaining a good-level communication (with low Bit Error Rate).
Cognitive Vehicular Networks, 2016
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2015
This paper surveys recent literature on vehicular 3 social networks that are a particular class o... more This paper surveys recent literature on vehicular 3 social networks that are a particular class of vehicular ad hoc 4 networks, characterized by social aspects and features. Starting 5 from this pillar, we investigate perspectives on next-generation 6 vehicles under the assumption of social networking for vehicular 7 applications (i.e., safety and entertainment applications). This 8 paper plays a role as a starting point about socially inspired 9 vehicles and mainly related applications, as well as communication 10 techniques. Vehicular communications can be considered the "first 11 social network for automobiles" since each driver can share data 12 with other neighbors. For instance, heavy traffic is a common 13 occurrence in some areas on the roads (e.g., at intersections, taxi 14 loading/unloading areas, and so on); as a consequence, roads 15 become a popular social place for vehicles to connect to each 16 other. Human factors are then involved in vehicular ad hoc net-17 works, not only due to the safety-related applications but also 18 for entertainment purposes. Social characteristics and human 19 behavior largely impact on vehicular ad hoc networks, and this 20 arises to the vehicular social networks, which are formed when 21 vehicles (individuals) "socialize" and share common interests. In 22 this paper, we provide a survey on main features of vehicular social 23 networks, from novel emerging technologies to social aspects used 24 for mobile applications, as well as main issues and challenges. 25 Vehicular social networks are described as decentralized oppor-26 tunistic communication networks formed among vehicles. They 27 exploit mobility aspects, and basics of traditional social networks, in 28 order to create novel approaches of message exchange through the 29 detection of dynamic social structures. An overview of the main 30 state-of-the-art on safety and entertainment applications relying 31 on social networking solutions is also provided. 32 Index Terms-Vehicular social networks, next generation vehi-33 cles, vehicular ad hoc networks, social-based applications.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2015
We are working on a new concept for decentralized medium access control (MAC), termed decentraliz... more We are working on a new concept for decentralized medium access control (MAC), termed decentralized time-synchronized channel swapping (DT-SCS). Under the proposed DT-SCS and its associated MAC-layer protocol, wireless nodes converge to synchronous beacon packet transmissions across all IEEE802.15.4 channels, with balanced numbers of nodes in each channel. This is achieved by reactive listening mechanisms, based on pulse coupled oscillator techniques. Once convergence to the multichannel time-synchronized state is achieved, peer-to-peer channel swapping can then take place via swap requests and acknowledgments made by concurrent transmitters in neighboring channels. Our implementation of DT-SCS reveals that our proposal comprises an excellent candidate for completely decentralized MAC-layer coordination in WSNs by providing for quick convergence to steady state, high bandwidth utilization, high connectivity and robustness to interference and hidden nodes. The demo will showcase the properties of DT-SCS and will also present its behaviour under various scenarios for hidden nodes and interference, both experimentally and with the help of visualization of simulation results.
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2009
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents an eclectic paradigm that is still growing in popularity.... more The Internet of Things (IoT) represents an eclectic paradigm that is still growing in popularity. However, security aspects are a major concern for IoT devices due to their applications and the amount of sensitive data they provide. Simultaneously, the energy constraint in IoT networks remains a significant issue due to their limited resources. To reduce their energy consumption, several IoT protocols have integrated the energy-saving mode which offers four operating modes. On the basis of these four states, we derive an analysis framework, named HARPAGON, allowing an attacker to maximize his attack efficiency and minimize his impact in terms of energy consumption. Indeed, the effectiveness of many attacks depends principally on the state of the attacker and the victim at the same time. HARPAGON with the help of Markov Chains Theory allows to model the interaction between the attacker and its victims. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework coupled to a jamming attack by comparing it to other types of jamming attacks. Experimental results reveal HARPAGON combined with jamming attack drastically reduces the performance of the network, with an impact on the Packet Error Rate (PER), which is around 13% higher than the reactive attack and with a reduced energy budget in respect of other two well-known "green" jamming attacks.
Power consumption is an essential issue in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) due to the... more Power consumption is an essential issue in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) due to the elevated processing capabilities requested by the video acquisition hardware installed on the generic sensor node. Hence, node placement scheme in WMSNs greatly impacts the overall network lifetime. In this context, the paper first proposes a suitable hardware architecture to implement a feasible WMS node based on off-the-shelf technology, then it shows how the energy spaced placement of the wireless nodes reduces the energy consumption in comparison with the classical evenly spaced placement, without affecting the video quality of multimedia traffic.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM …, Jan 1, 2009
In this paper, controlled mobility is used in a novel fashion in order to achieve the best placem... more In this paper, controlled mobility is used in a novel fashion in order to achieve the best placement for prolonging the lifetime and for maximizing the energy efficiency of the wireless sensor network. Basically, a new source of energy consumption is introduced when the mobility of nodes is exploited. We design a new mechanism for the nodes, which, by virtualizing the movement phase, makes nodes reach the best placement and, at the same time, it counterbalances the effects of energy wasting caused by the movement. We validated the results by extensive simulation campaigns where different network parameters vary. In all the cases, the performance of the network, in terms of lifetime and energy efficiency, has been found fairly superior to the schemes existing in literature.
Environment monitoring has become a typical application of wireless sensor networks. The concept ... more Environment monitoring has become a typical application of wireless sensor networks. The concept of monitoring certain Points of Interest (PoIs) instead of complete area reduces deployment cost and improves coverage performance. However, the problems of multiple PoI coverage, environment exploration and data report are still solved separately and there are no works that combine aforementioned problems into one deployment scheme. In this work we present a novel approach in mobile sensor deployment where we combine multiple PoI coverage and network connectivity preservation with environment exploration in order to capture all the dynamic processes in the monitored area. We examine the performance of our proposed concept through extensive simulation campaigns.
The objective of this paper is to show the implementation experience of a GSM Base Transceiver Sy... more The objective of this paper is to show the implementation experience of a GSM Base Transceiver System (BTS) by using Universal Software Radio Peripheral, which is a multipurpose motherboard for Software Defined Radio (SDR), and a Personal Computer (PC). The OpenBTS project provides a software suite, created for the GNU Radio environment, and able to mimic the behavior of a GSM BTS. In order to allow GSM users to make calls and send text messages, it is necessary to operate some hardware modifications on the SDR motherboard, to set up a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server, to configure the server for providing connectivity between the mobile devices and the VoIP backhaul. In this paper, we will illustrate the needed software and hardware, and the steps necessary to create a small, cheap and autonomous GSM BTS.
Exactly determining the geographical position of a telecommunication device is an open research c... more Exactly determining the geographical position of a telecommunication device is an open research challenge for the personal and mobile communications community. In this paper we explore the terminal localization problem in a GSM system, and we develop a set of carrier independent solutions. Specifically, we introduce four different techniques, all based on the 6-strongest cells traditionally used in the GSM standard. Through extensive simulations we show that our technique can achieve remarkable results without requiring any additional equipment in the core network or the mobile devices.
The usage of mobility in Wireless Networked Robotics (WNR) systems introduced a new design primit... more The usage of mobility in Wireless Networked Robotics (WNR) systems introduced a new design primitive and several potential advantages, especially when the mobility is completely controlled by the WNR devices. At the same time, mobility introduces a new source of energy consumption for the devices, which already have to deal with limited resources. Thus, a trade off between the advantages introduced by controlled mobility and the energy expenditure needs to be determined. In order to look for this trade off, a precise characterization of the environment where devices act and move needs to be introduced. An important part of this characterization regards the radio environment. In this paper, we investigate the role of the propagation model on the performance of 4 different controlled mobility schemes. Furthermore, we generalize the classical free space model in order to use it for a generic value of the path loss exponent.
In this work we present the simulation of a swarm of nanobots that behave in a distributed fashio... more In this work we present the simulation of a swarm of nanobots that behave in a distributed fashion and communicate through vibrations, allowing a decentralized control to treat endogenous diseases of the brain. Each nanobot is able to recognize a cancer cell, eliminate it and announce through a communication based on acoustic signals the presence of the cancer to the other nanobots. Acoustic communication technique is supported from the use of many diagnostic techniques for many years that did not have negative collateral side effects. We propose an approach based on the bees behavior in order to allow our devices to communicate, coordinate and reach the common objective to destroy the cancerous cells. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our technique, we compared it with another technique known in literature and simulation results showed the effectiveness of our technique both in terms of achievement of the objective, that is the destruction of the cancerous cells, and the velocity of destruction.
In this work we present the simulation of a swarm of nanobots that behave in a distributed fashio... more In this work we present the simulation of a swarm of nanobots that behave in a distributed fashion and communicate through vibrations, permitting a decentralized control to treat endogenous diseases of the brain. Each nanobot is able to recognize a cancer cell, eliminate it and announces through a communication based on acoustic signals the presence of the cancer to the other nanobots. We assume that our nanodevices vibrate and these vibrations cause acoustic waves that propagate into the brain with some intensity that we evaluated by taking into account the specific physical factors of the context, the nano-metric nature of the vibrant devices and the characteristic of the fluid where the devices are immersed. An important aspect of our approach is related to the communication based on vibrations. This choice is related to the application context where is not advisable either to use indiscriminate chemical substances or electromagnetic waves. Whereas, ultrasonic waves are used in the most frequent diagnostic techniques and the use of this kind of techniques should not have negative collateral effects. Specifically, we propose an approach based on bees' behavior in order to allow our devices to communicate, coordinate and reach the common objective to destroy the cancerous tissues. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our technique, we compared it with other techniques known in literature and simulation results showed the effectiveness of our technique both in terms of achievement of the objective, that is the destruction of the cancerous cells, and velocity of destruction.
Proceedings of Third …
In this paper we propose some “innovative” optimization models for Wireless Sensor Networks. The ... more In this paper we propose some “innovative” optimization models for Wireless Sensor Networks. The models are chosen depending on the task the network is called to execute and they focus on the optimization of some specific performance objectives. Indeed, starting from a generic configuration, the optimal solution defines a specific sensors displacement, which allows the network to achieve high performance, in terms of energy consumption and travelled distance. Controlled mobility of the nodes is used for reaching the wanted displacement. The behaviour of the proposed models has been evaluated in comparison with a distributed algorithm on the basis of an extensive computational study and by considering different scenarios.