insectica - Profile (original) (raw)
on 18 February 2003 (#908787)
While this is officially classed as a 'community' it is really a second journal, owned by jen_is for her to post anything and everything relating to insects.
I turned it into a "community" for ease of posting so that i don't have to log in and out all of the time switching between my personal journal and this one.
It is therefore a closed community, but you are welcome to add it as a friend.
if you are interested in insects i recommend joining entomology. well, i used to be to co-maintainer there until i decided to delete my posts and leave. (reposted them here), so i don't know how the community will grow or whether anyone'll post anything there. i feel less restricted here, and don't have to deal with other people :o)
algorithms, antlions, ants, aphids, bees, beetles, behaviour, biochemistry, biology, bugs, bumblebees, butterflies, caddis flies, caterpillars, cockroaches, coleoptera, collembola, colonies, creepy crawlies, crickets, dermaptera, dictyoptera, diplura, diptera, dragonflies, drosophila, dung beetles, earwigs, ecology, embioptera, entomology, ephemeroptera, evolution, families, fleas, flies, genetics, grasshoppers, grylloblatodea, hemiptera, hives, hornets, hymenoptera, identification, insecta, insects, isoptera, lacewings, ladybirds, ladybugs, lepidoptera, lice, mallophaga, mantids, markings, mayflies, mecoptera, metamorphosis, mosquitos, moths, nature, nests, neuroptera, odonata, orders, orthoptera, parasites, parasitology, phasmida, phasmids, pheromones, physiology, plecoptera, predators, protura, psocoptera, rainforests, scarabs, scorpionflies, silverfish, siphonaptera, siphunculata, social insects, species, springtails, stag beetles, stick insects, stoneflies, strepsiptera, stylops, swarming, termites, thysanoptera, thysanura, trichoptera, tropics, true bugs, walking sticks, wasps, web spinners, wildlife, wings, zoology, zoraptera