Insey Bakes (original) (raw)
Okay I am literally the worst. No updates here in over a year?! Ridiculous. I am sorry my friends. If it helps any at all I am on instagram and I post food there always because it's super easy. They should make it easier to share on here, I am but a slave to my phone. I am inseybakes on instagram if anyone wants to follow :)
So cake! Wonderful cake!
I made this thing on a whim. I had bananas I had to use up and had vaguely thought the other day I'd make a banana loaf, but today while I was waiting for someone to come and fix our boiler I was scrolling through Pintrest and a pic of double chocolate banana loaf appeared. I had to. It looked awesome.
( Recipe under the cut!Collapse )
Well that's the update for now ;) I wonder if you guys would like me to share savoury dishes also as I'm finding a great amount of enjoyment in cooking now I don't do it for a living!
So, it's been far too long since I posted a recipe post, so here's me asking what you'd like to see next. Things I've made recently: chocolate cake with strawberries, cookie cake decorated with cookies, multitudinous brownies, pina colada cupcakes, red velvet cake, raspberry and white chocolate cupcakes, carrot cake cupcakes with white chocolate, and maaany others because I've been a busy wee bee really.
What Recipe would you like to see next?
Cookies and cream cake with cookies
Carrot cake with white chocolate
Raspberry and white chocolate cupcakes
Pina Colada cupcakes
Brownies of some description
Other (please leave a comment!)
(Okay, so the poll is being a pain the butt and I can't get it to work how I want it to, just leave a comment. *sigh* Stupid technology...)
21 December 2012 @ 08:27 pm
At long last!
To be fair though, I banned myself from the kitchen after the first pudding sank, I forgot one of the ingredients of my sticky toffee pudding, and then finally dropped meatballs and lentils down the wall.
So I started off afresh this week with mini oreo cheesecakes (which I can share here also if you wish) and here's the result of the second one;
(I'm sorry there's not a turned out picture to share, it's being frozen so not getting turned out until christmas day)
( More Pictures and Recipe Under the Cut...Collapse )
Current Mood: accomplished
There are a lot of things on my 'Must Bake Before I Die' list. Most likely because it grows daily. But anyways, macroon has long since been on it as have macarons (which are completely different despite the similarity in spelling) as has tablet--which I keep being told is notoriously difficult to make, but I have a sugar thermometre, surely while armed with that I can't go so terribly wrong! Alas that is for another day.
Anyhoo, one of my work colleagues asked me if I could make macaroon. Her actual phrase was 'can you make that shit?' and yes, yes I can. Make that shit. It's ridiculously easy and really doesn't take that much time to make aside from letting it set. And it's delicious.
( All you need is some mashed potato and icing sugar...Collapse )
I'm going to leave you with a conversation that I had with David from Admin when I was up doing the frozen order because sometimes my work amazes me.
David: Hey...are you the one who made the macaroon?
Me: Yep.
David: It was good! How did you get it so minty?
Me: *looking very confused indeed* Minty? There isn't any mint anywhere near it. Maybe because it's cold?
David: ... I think I had chewing gum before I had a bit. It might have been that.
Me: *trying very hard to keep a straight face* Mhmm.
Current Location: sun lounge
Current Mood: recumbent
I still haven't bought my paid account back yet (soon) which is a pity because I have an icon perfect for making a post about red velvet cake, but alas one must make do. Also my keyboard has suddenly decided that my sitting position is too far away for wireless capabilities for some reason so some spelling errors may occur due to mental keyboard. Apologies.
Today's post brings you red and blue velvet cake, and because I made it for my birthday as well as part of the cakes I made for my work some two or three weeks ago, you are getting pictures from both. You can also tell how lazy I am because my birthday was a month ago and this is me just posting pictures of it... also the cake sat on it's plate on the dining room table for the better part of three weeks and still looked alright. I'm not sure what that means...
Anywho. Cake. Captain America Cake that looks like a five year old decorated it...
( I swear to god I am getting better at icing though, honest...Collapse )
And now I think I might go bake brownies...maybe some time away from my computer will make my headache go away D:
Current Location: sun lounge
Current Mood: sore
I get hankerings for things, we all do, that's nothing new. My hankerings are usually for brownies, with their ooey gooeyness and chocolatelyness. Peanut butter is quite often a craving also. Last week's craving was Apple Crumble. Apple and blackberry crumble. It was amazeballs.
Doesn't it look delicious?
( Apple and blackberry crumble...Collapse )
Current Location: Living room
Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: NCIS
24 February 2012 @ 12:44 pm
I meant to do this on Tuesday, which was actually pancake day, but I got distracted. It is now Friday, as you've probably noticed, and I still haven't done a baking post as I said I would five days ago. (I have, however baked cake in the meantime, it will be shared soon too if I don't get too distracted...)
So, yes. Pancakes. Yummy.
( Pancakes...they aren't so difficult, but this is my recipe...Collapse )
The next post will be much, much sooner. I promise. xD
I think I could quite go some pancakes myself now...
Current Location: sun lounge
Current Mood: accomplished
10 February 2012 @ 06:30 pm
I really did mean to do this post aaaages ago, but what with Photobucket deciding it hated me and me biding my time, it got put back, and put back and now it's been over a month since I last posted again.
I do have a little back catalogue now. Including a red velvet cake that will be shared in the very near future (picture-wise only, I'm afraid).
And so, here is my sticky toffee pudding:
( More ooey-gooey goodness and rambling under the cut...Collapse )
Next up will quite probably by the Red Velvet Cake :) Until then...
Current Location: sun lounge
Current Mood: cold
07 January 2012 @ 12:14 pm
So, after a month of posting not very much at all (apologies), here is the first post of the new year! Hopefully I will be updating quite frequently, providing I don't get grumbled at too much for baking every week.
The first post of the year is something I hadn't tried before, Butterscotch Pecan Cheesecake, and was one of multitudinous things I made for dessert for Christmas Day.
Perhaps not the prettiest of cakes, but delicious nonetheless ;)
( More pictures and the recipe underneath the cut...Collapse )
And there you have it. The next post will likely be Sticky Toffee Pudding, another new try for me :)
Current Location: sun lounge
Current Mood: sick
08 December 2011 @ 05:22 pm
I have things I should be doing. Mostly of the writing variety, but instead I have spent my entire day faffing and now I am rounding it up with a food post. Joys of the day, really.
Today you are being served with the Chocolate Cake I promised some three weeks ago or something along that line... Made for a member of staff at my work (I get so nervous when making things for other people which does not bode well for someone who wants to have their own bakery...) though I nabbed a bit and it was good xD
I've made this one before, some of you may recognise it, but I shall share anyways. And include the recipe ;)
( Quite possibly my favourite chocolate cake ever...Collapse )
There will be more cakes along shortly, including some that I haven't tried before. Until then, enjoy!
Current Mood: cold