Tania R Vásquez Luque | Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (original) (raw)
Papers by Tania R Vásquez Luque
This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The au... more This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The authors and the Southern Voice team engaged in a collaborative and continuous feedback process throughout the writing and development of this document. The study also benefited from internal and external review processes and editorial support. The authors would like to thank Omayra Peña Jimenez and Claudia Miyahira Terán, who interviewed some of the international and internal migrant workers whose experiences are shared in this study, and Jerson Aguilar Valencia, who assisted the research team with the elaboration of maps and graphs. Most importantly, we thank the women and men who, as migrant workers within Peru or originating from Venezuela, offered the research team their time and consideration to talk and share their experiences, while allowing our presence in their job locations, homes, and neighbourhoods. Lastly, we thank the Institute of Peruvian Studies, our research centre, for their continuous academic and administrative support.
This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The au... more This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The authors and the Southern Voice team engaged in a collaborative and continuous feedback process throughout the writing and development of this document. The study also benefited from internal and external review processes and editorial support. The authors would like to thank Omayra Peña Jimenez and Claudia Miyahira Terán, who interviewed some of the international and internal migrant workers whose experiences are shared in this study, and Jerson Aguilar Valencia, who assisted the research team with the elaboration of maps and graphs. Most importantly, we thank the women and men who, as migrant workers within Peru or originating from Venezuela, offered the research team their time and consideration to talk and share their experiences, while allowing our presence in their job locations, homes, and neighbourhoods. Lastly, we thank the Institute of Peruvian Studies, our research centre, for their continuous academic and administrative support.
Desde el terremotode 2010 ocurrido en Haiti, Brasil se ha consolidado como un importante destino ... more Desde el terremotode 2010 ocurrido en Haiti, Brasil se ha consolidado como un importante destino de la migracion haitiana, sumandose a otros ya consolidados como los Estados Unidos, Canada y Francia. Esta migracion, que se produce a traves de varios paises (Republica Dominicana, Ecuador y Peru) constituye un nuevo patron de migracion Sur-Sur que pone en evidencia las tensiones entre las politicas que asumen a la migracion como un fenomeno temporal y las que alientan el asentamiento de los migrantes. En ese sentido, los sucesivos cambios de enfoque para el tratamiento de esta migracion, asi como las disposicionesad hoc formuladas enlas politicas migratorias deBrasil, Peru yEcuadorcon el objetivo de "gestionar"este flujo, han producido escenarios de "legalidad-ilegalidad" para los migrantes haitianos durante su transito por estos paises. Por ello, la migracion haitiana hacia Brasil ilustra de modo particularmente claro la ambiguedad de las politicas de gestion migr...
Many pe ople ha ve he lped m e i n di fferent w ays t o s tart, c ontinue a nd c omplete this s t... more Many pe ople ha ve he lped m e i n di fferent w ays t o s tart, c ontinue a nd c omplete this s tudy. A mong t hem a nd fundamentally are my t wo a dvisers B ryan R. R oberts a nd Cynthia J. Buckley who supported me immensely not only with academic advice but also with t heir personal s upport and warm friendship. I have l earned i mmensely f rom t hem. From both of them and from my committee members Kelly Raley, Arthur Sakamoto and Charles H ale I h ave received t he m ost v aluable as sistance. I remember es pecially t he support f rom m y t wo a dvisers a nd f rom K elly R aley dur ing t he elaboration of m y research proposal: their help and trust during those initial stages of my study meant a lot to me , e specially w hen I started to p lan th e r ealization o f th e s mall household s urvey elaborated with the objective of targeting relatives of migrants to Spain and Italy, in Lima and B uenos A ires ("Household s urvey of M igrant S ending H ouseholds t o Italy an d Spain") w hich w as t he main s ource of qua ntitative da ta i n t his s tudy. Following t heir individual academic perspectives, each one of them convinced me that many apparently difficult things can be realized in social r esearch. A rthur S akamoto pr ovided m e w ith invaluable help and support. The ot her m ajor s ource of help I w as fortunate t o have during t hese t hree years comes f rom m y friends and f amily. M y f riends have pr ovided m e w ith pure friendship and immense support and I do not even have the right words to thank them. They are my
Using the notion of institutionalization process as a way to assess the success or failure of an ... more Using the notion of institutionalization process as a way to assess the success or failure of an education decentralization initiative like the formation of Rural Networks of Schools in Peru in 2002, the objective of this study has been to identify the conditions or factors that would most likely lead to one or other outcome (success or failure). This is a case study. A comparative method was used, consequently two versions or models of Rural Networks of Schools were compared and two geographical spaces were selected, this were the cases of the Rural Network of Schools of Patacancha in the department of Cusco and the Rural Network of Schools of Cullhuas in the department of Junín. The fieldwork was conducted between May 30 and August 16 of 2002
International Journal of Sociology, 2016
This study of Haitian migrants moving through Peru to Brazil in 2013 during a time of changing im... more This study of Haitian migrants moving through Peru to Brazil in 2013 during a time of changing immigration laws depicts how the migrants-navigate varied circumstances they face when dealing with the police, migration agents, and civilians during their journey. First, by being situated in the context of South-South migration, this case allows the opportunity to extend the concepts of transit migration and the legal-illegal nexus. Second, in the context of ever changing migration laws and status in an emerging migration route, this case illustrates how shifts along the way continue to shape migrants' strategies in reaching their destination. Haitians deploy what we call migrant capital, a term that combines acquiescing when dealing with state officials and smuggling networks as well as devising financing strategies. We draw on multisited, multimethod research in our examination of Haitians crossing the northern border to Peru from Ecuador and exiting the southeastern border of Peru to Brazil.
En este trabajo se combinan las voces de los ciudadanos haitianos, las de la población local, así... more En este trabajo se combinan las voces de los ciudadanos haitianos, las de la población local, así como las de los representantes de las instituciones estatales encargadas de regular y controlar el tránsito de extranjeros por Perú, teniendo como marco la discusión sobre política migratoria. El estudio se realizó entre marzo y julio del 2013 en Madre de Dios, Lima y Tumbes, y fue encargado al Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), con el objetivo de conocer todas las características de la migración de ciudadanos haitianos en tránsito por Perú con destino a Brasil. Utilizamos como métodos, una adaptación de la metodología de Etno-survey (Massey, 1987), entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad, etnografías de gente en movimiento y elaboraciones subjetivas de mapas (rutas) de viaje hacia Perú de migrantes haitianos
violencia y modernización en ayacucho los campesinos evalúan los cambios acarreados por la violen... more violencia y modernización en ayacucho los campesinos evalúan los cambios acarreados por la violencia política en la comunidad de chaca ' M u r o Arias y otros autores han propuesto afirmacioner semejantes para el caro de Guatemala, país con el que tenemos significativas semejaruas. Arias plantea que "la crisis revolucionaria resultó de los esfuerzos de modernización. promovidos por el Estado guatemalteco desde 1960, que-el estado ocupó simultáneamente el papel de agente del desarrollo y de represor de la población con el objetivo de cuidar que los rasgos modem.mntes introducidos causen cambias en la estnictura de poder. y que estor "generaron expectativas en la población rural y desorganimron el orden tradicional generando rápidos cambios en la composición de las clases sociales. especialmente entre los campesinos indígenas y los sectores mrales medios. (traducción nuestra) (ARW 1990: 256). En este trabajo Arias detalla las varias etapas en que este proceso de cambios se Ueva a cabo. considerando el desarrollo de la conciencia politica indígena. el rol de organizaciones católicas catequistas en este desarrollo y la conformación de una sburguesia indígena.. Como por ejemplo la notable participación de las chaquinas (genemlmente aceptada por SUS esposos) en el programa de planificación familiar.
Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del Peru (2007, 2012 y 2017), exploramos ... more Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del Peru (2007, 2012 y 2017), exploramos dos canales de influencia de las migraciones internas sobre la sociabilidad y el comportamiento social urbano del periodo contemporaneo: el canal generacional (cohortes de nacimiento) y el canal de las estructuras y rasgos de los hogares. Asimismo, para comprender la ascendencia que al mismo tiempo tendria el grado de urbanizacion, utilizamos la clasificacion del tamano del centro poblado (jerarquia urbana) en interaccion con una clasificacion de migracion interna (migrante, no migrante).
This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The au... more This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The authors and the Southern Voice team engaged in a collaborative and continuous feedback process throughout the writing and development of this document. The study also benefited from internal and external review processes and editorial support. The authors would like to thank Omayra Peña Jimenez and Claudia Miyahira Terán, who interviewed some of the international and internal migrant workers whose experiences are shared in this study, and Jerson Aguilar Valencia, who assisted the research team with the elaboration of maps and graphs. Most importantly, we thank the women and men who, as migrant workers within Peru or originating from Venezuela, offered the research team their time and consideration to talk and share their experiences, while allowing our presence in their job locations, homes, and neighbourhoods. Lastly, we thank the Institute of Peruvian Studies, our research centre, for their continuous academic and administrative support.
This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The au... more This study received scientific and technical support from Southern Voice programmes' team. The authors and the Southern Voice team engaged in a collaborative and continuous feedback process throughout the writing and development of this document. The study also benefited from internal and external review processes and editorial support. The authors would like to thank Omayra Peña Jimenez and Claudia Miyahira Terán, who interviewed some of the international and internal migrant workers whose experiences are shared in this study, and Jerson Aguilar Valencia, who assisted the research team with the elaboration of maps and graphs. Most importantly, we thank the women and men who, as migrant workers within Peru or originating from Venezuela, offered the research team their time and consideration to talk and share their experiences, while allowing our presence in their job locations, homes, and neighbourhoods. Lastly, we thank the Institute of Peruvian Studies, our research centre, for their continuous academic and administrative support.
Desde el terremotode 2010 ocurrido en Haiti, Brasil se ha consolidado como un importante destino ... more Desde el terremotode 2010 ocurrido en Haiti, Brasil se ha consolidado como un importante destino de la migracion haitiana, sumandose a otros ya consolidados como los Estados Unidos, Canada y Francia. Esta migracion, que se produce a traves de varios paises (Republica Dominicana, Ecuador y Peru) constituye un nuevo patron de migracion Sur-Sur que pone en evidencia las tensiones entre las politicas que asumen a la migracion como un fenomeno temporal y las que alientan el asentamiento de los migrantes. En ese sentido, los sucesivos cambios de enfoque para el tratamiento de esta migracion, asi como las disposicionesad hoc formuladas enlas politicas migratorias deBrasil, Peru yEcuadorcon el objetivo de "gestionar"este flujo, han producido escenarios de "legalidad-ilegalidad" para los migrantes haitianos durante su transito por estos paises. Por ello, la migracion haitiana hacia Brasil ilustra de modo particularmente claro la ambiguedad de las politicas de gestion migr...
Many pe ople ha ve he lped m e i n di fferent w ays t o s tart, c ontinue a nd c omplete this s t... more Many pe ople ha ve he lped m e i n di fferent w ays t o s tart, c ontinue a nd c omplete this s tudy. A mong t hem a nd fundamentally are my t wo a dvisers B ryan R. R oberts a nd Cynthia J. Buckley who supported me immensely not only with academic advice but also with t heir personal s upport and warm friendship. I have l earned i mmensely f rom t hem. From both of them and from my committee members Kelly Raley, Arthur Sakamoto and Charles H ale I h ave received t he m ost v aluable as sistance. I remember es pecially t he support f rom m y t wo a dvisers a nd f rom K elly R aley dur ing t he elaboration of m y research proposal: their help and trust during those initial stages of my study meant a lot to me , e specially w hen I started to p lan th e r ealization o f th e s mall household s urvey elaborated with the objective of targeting relatives of migrants to Spain and Italy, in Lima and B uenos A ires ("Household s urvey of M igrant S ending H ouseholds t o Italy an d Spain") w hich w as t he main s ource of qua ntitative da ta i n t his s tudy. Following t heir individual academic perspectives, each one of them convinced me that many apparently difficult things can be realized in social r esearch. A rthur S akamoto pr ovided m e w ith invaluable help and support. The ot her m ajor s ource of help I w as fortunate t o have during t hese t hree years comes f rom m y friends and f amily. M y f riends have pr ovided m e w ith pure friendship and immense support and I do not even have the right words to thank them. They are my
Using the notion of institutionalization process as a way to assess the success or failure of an ... more Using the notion of institutionalization process as a way to assess the success or failure of an education decentralization initiative like the formation of Rural Networks of Schools in Peru in 2002, the objective of this study has been to identify the conditions or factors that would most likely lead to one or other outcome (success or failure). This is a case study. A comparative method was used, consequently two versions or models of Rural Networks of Schools were compared and two geographical spaces were selected, this were the cases of the Rural Network of Schools of Patacancha in the department of Cusco and the Rural Network of Schools of Cullhuas in the department of Junín. The fieldwork was conducted between May 30 and August 16 of 2002
International Journal of Sociology, 2016
This study of Haitian migrants moving through Peru to Brazil in 2013 during a time of changing im... more This study of Haitian migrants moving through Peru to Brazil in 2013 during a time of changing immigration laws depicts how the migrants-navigate varied circumstances they face when dealing with the police, migration agents, and civilians during their journey. First, by being situated in the context of South-South migration, this case allows the opportunity to extend the concepts of transit migration and the legal-illegal nexus. Second, in the context of ever changing migration laws and status in an emerging migration route, this case illustrates how shifts along the way continue to shape migrants' strategies in reaching their destination. Haitians deploy what we call migrant capital, a term that combines acquiescing when dealing with state officials and smuggling networks as well as devising financing strategies. We draw on multisited, multimethod research in our examination of Haitians crossing the northern border to Peru from Ecuador and exiting the southeastern border of Peru to Brazil.
En este trabajo se combinan las voces de los ciudadanos haitianos, las de la población local, así... more En este trabajo se combinan las voces de los ciudadanos haitianos, las de la población local, así como las de los representantes de las instituciones estatales encargadas de regular y controlar el tránsito de extranjeros por Perú, teniendo como marco la discusión sobre política migratoria. El estudio se realizó entre marzo y julio del 2013 en Madre de Dios, Lima y Tumbes, y fue encargado al Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), con el objetivo de conocer todas las características de la migración de ciudadanos haitianos en tránsito por Perú con destino a Brasil. Utilizamos como métodos, una adaptación de la metodología de Etno-survey (Massey, 1987), entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad, etnografías de gente en movimiento y elaboraciones subjetivas de mapas (rutas) de viaje hacia Perú de migrantes haitianos
violencia y modernización en ayacucho los campesinos evalúan los cambios acarreados por la violen... more violencia y modernización en ayacucho los campesinos evalúan los cambios acarreados por la violencia política en la comunidad de chaca ' M u r o Arias y otros autores han propuesto afirmacioner semejantes para el caro de Guatemala, país con el que tenemos significativas semejaruas. Arias plantea que "la crisis revolucionaria resultó de los esfuerzos de modernización. promovidos por el Estado guatemalteco desde 1960, que-el estado ocupó simultáneamente el papel de agente del desarrollo y de represor de la población con el objetivo de cuidar que los rasgos modem.mntes introducidos causen cambias en la estnictura de poder. y que estor "generaron expectativas en la población rural y desorganimron el orden tradicional generando rápidos cambios en la composición de las clases sociales. especialmente entre los campesinos indígenas y los sectores mrales medios. (traducción nuestra) (ARW 1990: 256). En este trabajo Arias detalla las varias etapas en que este proceso de cambios se Ueva a cabo. considerando el desarrollo de la conciencia politica indígena. el rol de organizaciones católicas catequistas en este desarrollo y la conformación de una sburguesia indígena.. Como por ejemplo la notable participación de las chaquinas (genemlmente aceptada por SUS esposos) en el programa de planificación familiar.
Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del Peru (2007, 2012 y 2017), exploramos ... more Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del Peru (2007, 2012 y 2017), exploramos dos canales de influencia de las migraciones internas sobre la sociabilidad y el comportamiento social urbano del periodo contemporaneo: el canal generacional (cohortes de nacimiento) y el canal de las estructuras y rasgos de los hogares. Asimismo, para comprender la ascendencia que al mismo tiempo tendria el grado de urbanizacion, utilizamos la clasificacion del tamano del centro poblado (jerarquia urbana) en interaccion con una clasificacion de migracion interna (migrante, no migrante).
Sobre las contribuciones de la migración al desarrollo sostenible Estudios en países seleccionados, 2022
Complete information of the publication: J. Martínez Pizarro y M. Cano Christiny (eds.), “Sobre l... more Complete information of the publication: J. Martínez Pizarro y M. Cano Christiny (eds.), “Sobre las contribuciones de la migración al desarrollo
sostenible: estudios en países seleccionados”, Documentos de Proyectos (LC/TS.2021/195), Santiago, Comisión Económica para
América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), 2022.