inthatcantina, posts by tag: r2-d2 - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

[the droids are in da cantina!] [Jan. 30th, 2007|11:35 pm]In That Cantina: a Star Wars OT crack!RPG
[Tags**|r2-d2, time: a new hope] [Current Location** inna x-wing!] [music bronzium bot]Pheeew doo. Ruuuuuurrrr deee de do. Beee bee dee do boo. Daa da dee de da! Dnn bin de whhed knee dan. Whho duhn buhn durrr da. Beeeeep beed boo deeee da duh. Ruurr rur do. Uuuurrrr-beeeee-doo!Bewhewedur. Du doo duo.Pheeew, nur be duuur. [He's hovering again. And prattling on and on - worse than usual. But look at the shiny ship we're going to fly!"A bit beat up!?" Kriff off dipoodoo, this is the look of an experienced droid privy to information that would make you excrete waste in your jumpsuit. You don't look too hot yourself there carbon boy. Now back off so I can get to work.Ahh loyalty from the kid. Nice. Even if he is excited over one little adventure. Oh this is just like old times. If I adjust the audio input by 36.78% he sounds just like his father. Just like old times: whine, whinge, emo, fly, repeat! With intervals of prattle from bronzium bot. Like now. Boring, like standing around in the base while I go off and save the galaxy again. Don't worry 3PO, I'll be back to keep you in line!]
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