Rafał Miętkiewicz | Polish Naval Academy (original) (raw)
Papers by Rafał Miętkiewicz
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Oct 1, 2016
Artykuł przybliża działalność NATO Center of Excellence (COE) EGUERMIN znajdującego się w Ostendz... more Artykuł przybliża działalność NATO Center of Excellence (COE) EGUERMIN znajdującego się w Ostendzie (Belgia). Ośrodek ten zajmuje się kompleksowym kształceniem oficerów specjalizujących się w działaniach przeciwminowych, realizujących cykliczne kursy oficerów sztabu stałych zespołów sił obrony przeciwminowej Standing NATO Mine Countermeaures Group 1 i 2 (SNMCMG1, SNMCMG2). Artykuł przedstawia także potencjalne obszary współpracy Marynarki Wojennej w prowadzeniu szkoleń oraz działalności naukowej, jak również tworzenia i udoskonalania procedur.
Polish Naval Academy, OBR Maritime Centre of Technology, The Gdańsk International Fair CO., 2016
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa, 2020
Unmanned systems (marine, airborne and land-based) represent a rapidly growing market. They find ... more Unmanned systems (marine, airborne and land-based) represent a rapidly growing market. They find more and more applications and are already used not only in the military but also in activities related to a broadly defined security. The purpose of this paper is to indicate areas of operation of unmanned UAS flying systems in the operations of the Voluntary Fire Services on the example of the unit in Charzykowy. The paper defines the strengths and weaknesses of using such systems in activities carried out in the difficult forested area of the Tuchola Forest, crossed by numerous lakes and rivers. A special role is played here by the description of actions carried out in response to the occurrence of extreme weather phenomena in Pomerania in August 2017. As shown by the research carried out, unmanned aircrafts can be successfully used in the structures of services involved in the estimation and removal of the effects of natural disasters and a number of other missions.
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka, 2018
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wyników pracy zespołu (konsorcjum) utworzonego w odpowiedzi... more Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wyników pracy zespołu (konsorcjum) utworzonego w odpowiedzi na ogłoszony przez Inspektorat Uzbrojenia Sił Zbrojnych RP dialog techniczny dotyczący bezzałogowego systemu powietrznego BSP pionowego startu o nazwie Albatros. Założeniem zespołu było opracowanie podstaw
teoretycznych, zaprojektowanie i zbudowanie platformy powietrznej dedykowanej realizacji zadań nad morzem. Bezpilotowy system powietrzny (BSP) pionowego startu klasy taktycznej miał być jednocześnie przeznaczony do prowadzenia działań innych podmiotów (Policja, Straż Pożarna, Straż Graniczna, itp.). Artykuł prezentuje wyniki prób i analiz, jakim poddany został model Albatrosa.
XX-lecie wojny z terroryzmem : bilans i konsekwencje. T. 2, Infrastruktura krytyczna, analizy, case study , 2022
The phenomenon of maritime terrorism the international community has observed in recent years has... more The phenomenon of maritime terrorism the international community has observed in recent years has taken on the form of autonomous maritime systems with a primary objective to attack offshore facilities such as ships, warships, ports, and industrial infrastructure (raw energy material terminals). This is mainly the case for regions where technical support is provided to terrorist groups by state structures (the Red Sea region). The article presents the role of modern autonomous technologies in terrorist activities undertaken on sea waters by presenting their design and capabilities, as exemplified by past attacks. The paper also presents possible future forms of terrorist influence on the rapidly developing market of autonomous maritime shipping.
Maritime Technical Journal, 2022
The continuous development of autonomous and unmanned technology is accelerating the adoption of ... more The continuous development of autonomous and unmanned technology is accelerating the adoption of unmanned vessels for various maritime operations. Despite the technological developments there is still a lack of clear regulatory and organizational frameworks for testing and exploiting the potential of unmanned surface vessels (USVs) in real-world maritime conditions. Such real-world testing becomes ever more complex when operating in multiple nations territorial waters. In May 2019 USV ‘Maxlimer’ crossed the North Sea from the United Kingdom to Belgium and back, carrying goods, to demonstrate the ability of unmanned surface vessels to interact with real marine traffic in an uncontrolled environment. The paper presents this mission in light of the current state of marine autonomy projects as well as the regulatory works conducted by various organizations worldwide.
Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal, 2019
The article presents the author's considerations on the significance of the investment package di... more The article presents the author's considerations on the significance of the investment package diversifying natural gas supplies as part of the Northern Gate in ensuring Poland's energy security. Data found in literature concerning the possibilities of importing the raw material by sea (terminals, gas pipelines) includes investments at various stages of concept development and construction. However, these documents lack cohesive information about a full investment package being implemented. The author has thus attempted at creating variants concerning the diversification capacities of the Republic of Poland in reference to several key offshore and onshore projects. A problem has therefore been formulated: To what extend will the Northern Gate investment package increase Poland's energy security as a result of increased supply of natural gas from the sea? To answer this questions, researchers were forced to verify their working hypothesis which assumed that Northern Gate investments including a comprehensive package of projects had the potential of significantly improving the level of energy security in Poland by extending the possibility of importing natural gas. To solve the problem and verify the hypothesis, the researchers applied systemic analysis, deduction and variant analysis, which were used to estimate the possible import capacities of the raw material by sea. As a result of the works, the researchers created four variants including various investment projects assuming the import of 7.75 m 3 to 30,95 B m 3 of natural gas a year by sea. The variant which was adopted as the most probable indicates the possibility of importing 17.75 through 22.75 B m 3 of gas a year, which is 111% of the average annual demand in Poland.
Safety Science, 2021
Abstract The transportation of liquefied natural gas by sea has a strategic function for ensuring... more Abstract The transportation of liquefied natural gas by sea has a strategic function for ensuring the energy security of Poland and, in a broader perspective, also of the countries in the Central and Eastern Europe region (primarily the Visegrad Group - V4 and others). The article points out the importance of Polish LNG/FSRU terminals in diversification and building the region's energy independence. It analyzes the security environment of the Baltic coastal waters, which is the arena for the activity of many countries with different multidimensional interests. A package of threats to maritime critical infrastructure facilities (LNG/FSRU terminals) and cryogenic tankers in the air, surface, and underwater domains is identified, noting the dynamic nature of many of them. The author analyzes the capabilities (strengths and weaknesses) of autonomous maritime systems (USV, UUV-ROV, UAV) in terms of their use to increase the effectiveness of LNG/FSRU terminal security systems. Possibilities of cooperation and achieving a synergy effect within the combined architecture of USV/UUV-ROV/UAV platforms are also indicated. The article presents a package of missions that autonomous systems can perform to increase the safety of operators and reduce the response time to threats, thus increasing the level of protection. The article presents a vision of a modular USV base platform model as a base element for an autonomous system dedicated to protecting LNG terminal/FSRU infrastructure and cryogenic tankers.
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly, 2021
This paper reports on a part of a broader and more comprehensive research study (i.e., research d... more This paper reports on a part of a broader and more comprehensive research study (i.e., research designed to answer additional research questions and requiring additional research methods to be employed than those reported herein) carried out from May 2017 to January 2019 and aimed at determining the impact of the Experience Use System 3 on the operational capabilities, organizational culture, and approaches to knowledge management in the Polish Armed Forces. To carry out this part of the research, a survey was administered to professional soldiers and employees of the Ministry of National Defence, and the goal of the research was to determine "how much of the information needed to perform your duties do you have in your head." This study is based on the findings of independent investigations by Stephen
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Budowa terminala regazyfikacyjnego LNG w Świnoujściu wywarła pozytywny wpływ na dywersyfikację do... more Budowa terminala regazyfikacyjnego LNG w Świnoujściu wywarła pozytywny wpływ na dywersyfikację dostaw surowca o znaczeniu strategicznym dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Kolejnym projektem służącym temu samemu celowi jest budowa FSRU na wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej. Jest to inwestycja o zupełnie innym
charakterze, kolejna tego typu na Bałtyku (po terminalu w Kłajpedzie i budowanym terminalu w Obwodzie Kaliningradzkim). Artykuł przedstawia uwarunkowania i charakterystykę porównawczą FSRU na Bałtyku w perspektywie zwiększającego się zapotrzebowania na gaz ziemny i szacunków z rozbiciem na poszczególne
źródła energii.
Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2020
Raising the security of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście with the simultaneous use of various unma... more Raising the security of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście with the simultaneous use of various unmanned systems The article presents the author's opinions about raising the security of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście with the use of various unmanned systems (air, maritime-surface and subsurface). As the terminal is responsible for delivering, storage and further distribution of state energetic safety strategic resources, it requires advanced technology to provide stable exploitation under all conditions.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, 2018
In order to first Baltic LNG terminal in Świnoujście construction, issues concerning maritime cri... more In order to first Baltic LNG terminal in Świnoujście construction, issues concerning maritime critical infrastructure protection as a part of Maritime Security appeared. With the increasing natural gas demand LNG terminal in Świnoujście could be a possible terrorist attack target as well as the LNG carriers crossing the choke point of Baltic Straits and sailing through the littoral waters of Polish and other Baltic counties coastline. Experts do not fully agree on possible effects and results of successful terrorist assault on LNG carrier at sea nor at harbor. Unmanned platforms begin to play prominent role in military, oceanography or academic applications. With the announcement of reducing the hazard for deck operators especially in high-risk regions, it is predicted that unmanned platforms will play crucial role in Maritime Security systems in the nearest future. This paper discusses the design of the USV dedicated to LNG terminal protection tasks introduces potential equipment o...
Możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego relacji złoże B8-Władysławowo przez siły ma... more Możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego relacji złoże B8-Władysławowo przez siły marynarki wojennej Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie opinii autora na temat potencjalnych możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego w relacji złoże B8 (wydobycie surowca)-Władysławowo (odbiór i wykorzystanie gazu) przy wykorzystaniu zasobów Marynarki Wojennej RP. Z uwagi na specyficzne uwarunkowania batymetryczne posadowienia gazociągu pożądane jest posiadanie wydajnych i bezpiecznych dla załóg okrętowych systemów odpowiedzialnych za monitorowanie stanu podmorskich linii przesyłowych. Kluczowymi elementami determinującymi prowadzenie działań poszukiwania obiektów niebezpiecznych w toni wodnej jest skrócenie czasu misji oraz wysokie prawdopodobieństwo wykrycia. Artykuł przedstawia zbiór głównych zagrożeń dla funkcjonowania obiektu ważnego dla niezależności energetycznej państwa (dywersyfikacja dostaw). W tym ujęciu przeanalizowany został przykład wykrycia pojazdu bezzałogowego w pobliżu gazociągu Nord Stream wraz z określeniem negatywnego wpływu dla użytkowników morza i stan bezpieczeństwa. Obserwowany w ostatniej dekadzie dynamiczny rozwój technologii bezzałogowych (powietrznych, nawodnych, podwodnych) kreuje nowe możliwości wykorzystania systemów autonomicznych w działaniach na rzecz bezpieczeństwa i nadzoru środowiska morskiego. Siły przeciwminowe Marynarki Wojennej RP zostały wzmocnione poprzez wprowadzenie do służby nowego typu niszczyciela min (Kormoran II) w ramach programu modernizacyjnego sił morskich. Zaprezentowane w opracowaniu systemy bezzałogowe wyposażone w zaawansowane technologicznie sonary oraz wysokie poziomy autonomiczności tworzą nowe możliwości dla efektywnego wykrywania, klasyfikacji, identyfikacji oraz neutralizacji obiektów niebezpiecznych znajdujących się na dnie morza oraz w toni wodnej. Artykuł wskazuje główne zalety wykorzystania technologii bezzałogowych zapewniających skrócenie czasu działania i zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa załogom. Marynarka Wojenna RP posiada już doświadczenie z bojowego użycia tego typu systemów w działaniach na rzeczywistych obiektach historycznych. Realizacja zadań pozwala na szkolenie operatorów systemów i zebranie niezbędnego doświadczenia. Zwraca także uwagę na podwójny charakter zastosowań systemów autonomicznych zarówno dla działań z zakresu obronności, jak i bezpieczeństwa. Słowa kluczowe: gazociąg, autonomiczne pojazdy podwodne, Marynarka Wojenna RP Possibilities of underwater gas line connection B8 source-Władysławowo monitoring using the Polish Naval forces
Autonomous maritime systems operating on the water surface, air, and underwater realms are alrea... more Autonomous maritime systems operating on the water surface, air, and
underwater realms are already used in practically every area of the vast spectrum of human activities at sea. This includes shipping (transport of goods and passengers), researching the marine environment, industrial applications, and activities carried out by the naval forces and institutions responsible for maintaining safety in maritime areas. The article identifies the main directions, trends, and tendencies associated with the dynamic development of autonomous technologies in the maritime domain. It refers to research conducted by the author under the Research Grant Program (Ministry of Defence-MoD), during which a database was created of several hundred autonomous systems (platforms). They were developed over the last two decades, including unmanned surface systems, autonomous underwater platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, hybrid and biomimetic platforms. Documents in the form of roadmaps of war fleets of countries were analyzed, leading to autonomous technologies. In addition, an extensive search of contemporary literature on the subject has identified the determinants and main problem areas posing challenges to the further development of systems operating within swarms (flocks) and combined unmanned architectures of marine systems.
Marine Environmental Research
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly
Together with publishing, by the Armament Inspectorate of Ministry of National Defense, the tacti... more Together with publishing, by the Armament Inspectorate of Ministry of National Defense, the tactical program UAS Albatros of short range, vertical takeoff and landing, for the Navy, employees of the Polish Naval Academy (PNA) with the staff of the Lublin University of Technology (LUT) began the analytical and conceptual phase. The result was development of UAS usage assumptions in activities for the Navy in the field of reconnaissance as well as creating a picture of the situation in the marine area (Maritime Situational/Domain Awareness MSA/MDA). As part of extended applications, the so-called dual use was indicated for other representatives of maritime state services (mainly the Border Guard) and commercial entities (Lotos Petrobaltic S.A.), as potential recipients of UAS (as part of conducting protection of marine critical infrastructure facilities CI). The impact potential of the Navy significantly increased in recent years. It is a result of obtaining modern controlled anti-ship missiles, both mounted on the decks of warships (missile RBS-15 Mk 3 on the warship decks of 660 project), and included in Marine Rocket Unit, MRU (2 Coastal Combat Squadrons CCS-equipped with Kongsberg NSM rockets). What is important from the usage of combat abilities point of view, range of both types of rockets of about 200 km significantly exceeds the range of detection of mediums at the disposal of ships (carriers of rockets) as well as MRU. The article presents author's opinion on possibilities of usage of UAS vertical takeoff operating from the decks of warships and coasting in the Navy. The increase in the ability to conduct the diagnosis (RADINT, SIGINT, ELINT/COMINT) should be considered as key issue, also realization of tasks as part of extending the possibilities of using UAS by other services.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Oct 1, 2016
Artykuł przybliża działalność NATO Center of Excellence (COE) EGUERMIN znajdującego się w Ostendz... more Artykuł przybliża działalność NATO Center of Excellence (COE) EGUERMIN znajdującego się w Ostendzie (Belgia). Ośrodek ten zajmuje się kompleksowym kształceniem oficerów specjalizujących się w działaniach przeciwminowych, realizujących cykliczne kursy oficerów sztabu stałych zespołów sił obrony przeciwminowej Standing NATO Mine Countermeaures Group 1 i 2 (SNMCMG1, SNMCMG2). Artykuł przedstawia także potencjalne obszary współpracy Marynarki Wojennej w prowadzeniu szkoleń oraz działalności naukowej, jak również tworzenia i udoskonalania procedur.
Polish Naval Academy, OBR Maritime Centre of Technology, The Gdańsk International Fair CO., 2016
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa, 2020
Unmanned systems (marine, airborne and land-based) represent a rapidly growing market. They find ... more Unmanned systems (marine, airborne and land-based) represent a rapidly growing market. They find more and more applications and are already used not only in the military but also in activities related to a broadly defined security. The purpose of this paper is to indicate areas of operation of unmanned UAS flying systems in the operations of the Voluntary Fire Services on the example of the unit in Charzykowy. The paper defines the strengths and weaknesses of using such systems in activities carried out in the difficult forested area of the Tuchola Forest, crossed by numerous lakes and rivers. A special role is played here by the description of actions carried out in response to the occurrence of extreme weather phenomena in Pomerania in August 2017. As shown by the research carried out, unmanned aircrafts can be successfully used in the structures of services involved in the estimation and removal of the effects of natural disasters and a number of other missions.
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka, 2018
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wyników pracy zespołu (konsorcjum) utworzonego w odpowiedzi... more Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wyników pracy zespołu (konsorcjum) utworzonego w odpowiedzi na ogłoszony przez Inspektorat Uzbrojenia Sił Zbrojnych RP dialog techniczny dotyczący bezzałogowego systemu powietrznego BSP pionowego startu o nazwie Albatros. Założeniem zespołu było opracowanie podstaw
teoretycznych, zaprojektowanie i zbudowanie platformy powietrznej dedykowanej realizacji zadań nad morzem. Bezpilotowy system powietrzny (BSP) pionowego startu klasy taktycznej miał być jednocześnie przeznaczony do prowadzenia działań innych podmiotów (Policja, Straż Pożarna, Straż Graniczna, itp.). Artykuł prezentuje wyniki prób i analiz, jakim poddany został model Albatrosa.
XX-lecie wojny z terroryzmem : bilans i konsekwencje. T. 2, Infrastruktura krytyczna, analizy, case study , 2022
The phenomenon of maritime terrorism the international community has observed in recent years has... more The phenomenon of maritime terrorism the international community has observed in recent years has taken on the form of autonomous maritime systems with a primary objective to attack offshore facilities such as ships, warships, ports, and industrial infrastructure (raw energy material terminals). This is mainly the case for regions where technical support is provided to terrorist groups by state structures (the Red Sea region). The article presents the role of modern autonomous technologies in terrorist activities undertaken on sea waters by presenting their design and capabilities, as exemplified by past attacks. The paper also presents possible future forms of terrorist influence on the rapidly developing market of autonomous maritime shipping.
Maritime Technical Journal, 2022
The continuous development of autonomous and unmanned technology is accelerating the adoption of ... more The continuous development of autonomous and unmanned technology is accelerating the adoption of unmanned vessels for various maritime operations. Despite the technological developments there is still a lack of clear regulatory and organizational frameworks for testing and exploiting the potential of unmanned surface vessels (USVs) in real-world maritime conditions. Such real-world testing becomes ever more complex when operating in multiple nations territorial waters. In May 2019 USV ‘Maxlimer’ crossed the North Sea from the United Kingdom to Belgium and back, carrying goods, to demonstrate the ability of unmanned surface vessels to interact with real marine traffic in an uncontrolled environment. The paper presents this mission in light of the current state of marine autonomy projects as well as the regulatory works conducted by various organizations worldwide.
Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal, 2019
The article presents the author's considerations on the significance of the investment package di... more The article presents the author's considerations on the significance of the investment package diversifying natural gas supplies as part of the Northern Gate in ensuring Poland's energy security. Data found in literature concerning the possibilities of importing the raw material by sea (terminals, gas pipelines) includes investments at various stages of concept development and construction. However, these documents lack cohesive information about a full investment package being implemented. The author has thus attempted at creating variants concerning the diversification capacities of the Republic of Poland in reference to several key offshore and onshore projects. A problem has therefore been formulated: To what extend will the Northern Gate investment package increase Poland's energy security as a result of increased supply of natural gas from the sea? To answer this questions, researchers were forced to verify their working hypothesis which assumed that Northern Gate investments including a comprehensive package of projects had the potential of significantly improving the level of energy security in Poland by extending the possibility of importing natural gas. To solve the problem and verify the hypothesis, the researchers applied systemic analysis, deduction and variant analysis, which were used to estimate the possible import capacities of the raw material by sea. As a result of the works, the researchers created four variants including various investment projects assuming the import of 7.75 m 3 to 30,95 B m 3 of natural gas a year by sea. The variant which was adopted as the most probable indicates the possibility of importing 17.75 through 22.75 B m 3 of gas a year, which is 111% of the average annual demand in Poland.
Safety Science, 2021
Abstract The transportation of liquefied natural gas by sea has a strategic function for ensuring... more Abstract The transportation of liquefied natural gas by sea has a strategic function for ensuring the energy security of Poland and, in a broader perspective, also of the countries in the Central and Eastern Europe region (primarily the Visegrad Group - V4 and others). The article points out the importance of Polish LNG/FSRU terminals in diversification and building the region's energy independence. It analyzes the security environment of the Baltic coastal waters, which is the arena for the activity of many countries with different multidimensional interests. A package of threats to maritime critical infrastructure facilities (LNG/FSRU terminals) and cryogenic tankers in the air, surface, and underwater domains is identified, noting the dynamic nature of many of them. The author analyzes the capabilities (strengths and weaknesses) of autonomous maritime systems (USV, UUV-ROV, UAV) in terms of their use to increase the effectiveness of LNG/FSRU terminal security systems. Possibilities of cooperation and achieving a synergy effect within the combined architecture of USV/UUV-ROV/UAV platforms are also indicated. The article presents a package of missions that autonomous systems can perform to increase the safety of operators and reduce the response time to threats, thus increasing the level of protection. The article presents a vision of a modular USV base platform model as a base element for an autonomous system dedicated to protecting LNG terminal/FSRU infrastructure and cryogenic tankers.
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly, 2021
This paper reports on a part of a broader and more comprehensive research study (i.e., research d... more This paper reports on a part of a broader and more comprehensive research study (i.e., research designed to answer additional research questions and requiring additional research methods to be employed than those reported herein) carried out from May 2017 to January 2019 and aimed at determining the impact of the Experience Use System 3 on the operational capabilities, organizational culture, and approaches to knowledge management in the Polish Armed Forces. To carry out this part of the research, a survey was administered to professional soldiers and employees of the Ministry of National Defence, and the goal of the research was to determine "how much of the information needed to perform your duties do you have in your head." This study is based on the findings of independent investigations by Stephen
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Budowa terminala regazyfikacyjnego LNG w Świnoujściu wywarła pozytywny wpływ na dywersyfikację do... more Budowa terminala regazyfikacyjnego LNG w Świnoujściu wywarła pozytywny wpływ na dywersyfikację dostaw surowca o znaczeniu strategicznym dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Kolejnym projektem służącym temu samemu celowi jest budowa FSRU na wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej. Jest to inwestycja o zupełnie innym
charakterze, kolejna tego typu na Bałtyku (po terminalu w Kłajpedzie i budowanym terminalu w Obwodzie Kaliningradzkim). Artykuł przedstawia uwarunkowania i charakterystykę porównawczą FSRU na Bałtyku w perspektywie zwiększającego się zapotrzebowania na gaz ziemny i szacunków z rozbiciem na poszczególne
źródła energii.
Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2020
Raising the security of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście with the simultaneous use of various unma... more Raising the security of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście with the simultaneous use of various unmanned systems The article presents the author's opinions about raising the security of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście with the use of various unmanned systems (air, maritime-surface and subsurface). As the terminal is responsible for delivering, storage and further distribution of state energetic safety strategic resources, it requires advanced technology to provide stable exploitation under all conditions.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, 2018
In order to first Baltic LNG terminal in Świnoujście construction, issues concerning maritime cri... more In order to first Baltic LNG terminal in Świnoujście construction, issues concerning maritime critical infrastructure protection as a part of Maritime Security appeared. With the increasing natural gas demand LNG terminal in Świnoujście could be a possible terrorist attack target as well as the LNG carriers crossing the choke point of Baltic Straits and sailing through the littoral waters of Polish and other Baltic counties coastline. Experts do not fully agree on possible effects and results of successful terrorist assault on LNG carrier at sea nor at harbor. Unmanned platforms begin to play prominent role in military, oceanography or academic applications. With the announcement of reducing the hazard for deck operators especially in high-risk regions, it is predicted that unmanned platforms will play crucial role in Maritime Security systems in the nearest future. This paper discusses the design of the USV dedicated to LNG terminal protection tasks introduces potential equipment o...
Możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego relacji złoże B8-Władysławowo przez siły ma... more Możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego relacji złoże B8-Władysławowo przez siły marynarki wojennej Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie opinii autora na temat potencjalnych możliwości monitorowania stanu gazociągu podmorskiego w relacji złoże B8 (wydobycie surowca)-Władysławowo (odbiór i wykorzystanie gazu) przy wykorzystaniu zasobów Marynarki Wojennej RP. Z uwagi na specyficzne uwarunkowania batymetryczne posadowienia gazociągu pożądane jest posiadanie wydajnych i bezpiecznych dla załóg okrętowych systemów odpowiedzialnych za monitorowanie stanu podmorskich linii przesyłowych. Kluczowymi elementami determinującymi prowadzenie działań poszukiwania obiektów niebezpiecznych w toni wodnej jest skrócenie czasu misji oraz wysokie prawdopodobieństwo wykrycia. Artykuł przedstawia zbiór głównych zagrożeń dla funkcjonowania obiektu ważnego dla niezależności energetycznej państwa (dywersyfikacja dostaw). W tym ujęciu przeanalizowany został przykład wykrycia pojazdu bezzałogowego w pobliżu gazociągu Nord Stream wraz z określeniem negatywnego wpływu dla użytkowników morza i stan bezpieczeństwa. Obserwowany w ostatniej dekadzie dynamiczny rozwój technologii bezzałogowych (powietrznych, nawodnych, podwodnych) kreuje nowe możliwości wykorzystania systemów autonomicznych w działaniach na rzecz bezpieczeństwa i nadzoru środowiska morskiego. Siły przeciwminowe Marynarki Wojennej RP zostały wzmocnione poprzez wprowadzenie do służby nowego typu niszczyciela min (Kormoran II) w ramach programu modernizacyjnego sił morskich. Zaprezentowane w opracowaniu systemy bezzałogowe wyposażone w zaawansowane technologicznie sonary oraz wysokie poziomy autonomiczności tworzą nowe możliwości dla efektywnego wykrywania, klasyfikacji, identyfikacji oraz neutralizacji obiektów niebezpiecznych znajdujących się na dnie morza oraz w toni wodnej. Artykuł wskazuje główne zalety wykorzystania technologii bezzałogowych zapewniających skrócenie czasu działania i zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa załogom. Marynarka Wojenna RP posiada już doświadczenie z bojowego użycia tego typu systemów w działaniach na rzeczywistych obiektach historycznych. Realizacja zadań pozwala na szkolenie operatorów systemów i zebranie niezbędnego doświadczenia. Zwraca także uwagę na podwójny charakter zastosowań systemów autonomicznych zarówno dla działań z zakresu obronności, jak i bezpieczeństwa. Słowa kluczowe: gazociąg, autonomiczne pojazdy podwodne, Marynarka Wojenna RP Possibilities of underwater gas line connection B8 source-Władysławowo monitoring using the Polish Naval forces
Autonomous maritime systems operating on the water surface, air, and underwater realms are alrea... more Autonomous maritime systems operating on the water surface, air, and
underwater realms are already used in practically every area of the vast spectrum of human activities at sea. This includes shipping (transport of goods and passengers), researching the marine environment, industrial applications, and activities carried out by the naval forces and institutions responsible for maintaining safety in maritime areas. The article identifies the main directions, trends, and tendencies associated with the dynamic development of autonomous technologies in the maritime domain. It refers to research conducted by the author under the Research Grant Program (Ministry of Defence-MoD), during which a database was created of several hundred autonomous systems (platforms). They were developed over the last two decades, including unmanned surface systems, autonomous underwater platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, hybrid and biomimetic platforms. Documents in the form of roadmaps of war fleets of countries were analyzed, leading to autonomous technologies. In addition, an extensive search of contemporary literature on the subject has identified the determinants and main problem areas posing challenges to the further development of systems operating within swarms (flocks) and combined unmanned architectures of marine systems.
Marine Environmental Research
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly
Together with publishing, by the Armament Inspectorate of Ministry of National Defense, the tacti... more Together with publishing, by the Armament Inspectorate of Ministry of National Defense, the tactical program UAS Albatros of short range, vertical takeoff and landing, for the Navy, employees of the Polish Naval Academy (PNA) with the staff of the Lublin University of Technology (LUT) began the analytical and conceptual phase. The result was development of UAS usage assumptions in activities for the Navy in the field of reconnaissance as well as creating a picture of the situation in the marine area (Maritime Situational/Domain Awareness MSA/MDA). As part of extended applications, the so-called dual use was indicated for other representatives of maritime state services (mainly the Border Guard) and commercial entities (Lotos Petrobaltic S.A.), as potential recipients of UAS (as part of conducting protection of marine critical infrastructure facilities CI). The impact potential of the Navy significantly increased in recent years. It is a result of obtaining modern controlled anti-ship missiles, both mounted on the decks of warships (missile RBS-15 Mk 3 on the warship decks of 660 project), and included in Marine Rocket Unit, MRU (2 Coastal Combat Squadrons CCS-equipped with Kongsberg NSM rockets). What is important from the usage of combat abilities point of view, range of both types of rockets of about 200 km significantly exceeds the range of detection of mediums at the disposal of ships (carriers of rockets) as well as MRU. The article presents author's opinion on possibilities of usage of UAS vertical takeoff operating from the decks of warships and coasting in the Navy. The increase in the ability to conduct the diagnosis (RADINT, SIGINT, ELINT/COMINT) should be considered as key issue, also realization of tasks as part of extending the possibilities of using UAS by other services.
The monograph presents possible areas of use for autonomous maritime systems operating in air, un... more The monograph presents possible areas of use for autonomous maritime systems operating in air, underwater and surface space, as well as hybrid vehicles and drone swarms in the maritime domain. In addition to military systems, which are the main area of interest, the publication discusses the development of autonomous technologies in shipping (autonomous ships), as well as other dual-use technology applications. The book is the result of several years of the author's research into the challenges and threats to maritime security The author presents the advantages and limitations of autonomous systems in operations in fleet structures with a particular focus on the Baltic Sea environment.
CHAPTER 1. Open Access