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Books by Habibollah Babaei
«تأويل» از نظر عرفانی در این کتاب را ميتوان در گزينههاي ذيل خلاصه نمود: 1 ـ تأويل در اصطلاح عرف... more «تأويل» از نظر عرفانی در این کتاب را ميتوان در گزينههاي ذيل خلاصه نمود: 1 ـ تأويل در اصطلاح عرفانی که نوعی از تفسیر است با تأويل در اصطلاح متكلمين و فقها كه به معناي خلاف ظاهر يا تفسير به لوازم باشد، تفاوت دارد. تأويل در اصطلاح عرفان، تفسير باطني آيات با عطف توجه به عمق معاني آیات قرآنی است. 2 ـ باطن آياتِ معارفي از قرآن، متكثر و بلكه بيپايان است. اين معاني متكثر كه در يك معناي جامع اشتراك دارند و متناسب با عوالم مختلفِ هستي ظهور مييابند، تضاد و تزاحمي با يكديگر ندارند و همه نشان از جلوههاي مختلفِ يك حقیقت دارند. (تأویل طولی) 3 ـ سرّ تأويل پذيري آيات و جاودانگي قرآن نیز در همين تكثر معانی نهفته است كه متناسب با ظرفيتها و شرايط مختلف بوده و قابليت تطبيق بر مصادیق متعدد را دارد. 4 ـ وجود معاني متعدد و يك سو در قرآن كه در روح معنايي مشترك هستند، با نظريه ايدهآليستي قرائتهاي مختلف يا متضاد از دين، كه متضمن نوعي از نسبيت و شكگرايي در حوزه معرفت شناسي ديني، و تفسير به رأي در حيطه كار تفسيري است، بيگانه و بلكه در ستيز با آن است. 5 ـ باطني بودن تفسير هرگز به معناي عدول از ظاهر نيست. تأويلاتِ صورت گرفته از قرآن بايستي قابل استناد به ظاهر بوده باشد و بلكه در ارزيابي تأويلات نبايداز ظاهر به عنوان سنجهاي مطمئن و روشن غافل ماند. 6 ـ در فهم درست از ظاهر قرآن و عرضۀ تأويلات به آن، بايد تمامي آيات قرآني در نگاهي ارگانیک و درهم تنيده مورد مطالعه قرار بگيرد تا در سایۀ ارتباط معنایی، عمق معانی هر یک از آیات نیز روشن گردد. 7 ـ تأويل در آيات دو مرحله دارد. 1ـ مرحلۀ كشفِ باطن 2ـ مرحله تبيين و تفسیرِ باطن. در مرحله كشف باطن، پاكيزگي درون، و در مرحلة تبيين، قدرت و لطافت علمی و عقلانی، نقش اول را دارند. البته لطافت عقلاني در مرحله كشف باطن نيز اثرگذار است، همانگونه كه تزكيه در كار فني و صرافت عقلاني اثري واضح دارد.
تحلیل «رنج وجودی» (رنج برای نیل به کمال) و تفکیک آن از «رنج عدمی» (رنج از فقدان و نداشتن ها) می ت... more تحلیل «رنج وجودی» (رنج برای نیل به کمال) و تفکیک آن از «رنج عدمی» (رنج از فقدان و نداشتن ها) می تواند افق های تازه ای در موضوع «محنت» و نسبت آن با معنا و معنویت فراروی انسان رنجور معاصر بازگشاید.
وجود مولفه های عقلانی، عاطفی و اجتماعی در «رنج برای»، که نمونه های تامّ آن را می توان در آلام متعالی رسولان و شهیدان در ادیان مشاهده کرد، چنین رنجی را در تاریخ مصائب بشری و در مقایسه با دردهای بی معنای مدرن ممتاز می سازد.
نوشته حاضر در آمدی است بر کارکردهای معنابخشی، هویت بخشی، و انسجام بخشی رنج های وجودی و متعالی، تا از رهگذر تأمل در این رنج ها (با تأکید بر نمونه سید الشهداء در سنت اسلامی)، راه دیگری را در گفتگوی بین الادیان، همزیستی بین الادیان، و احیانا در نجات مشترک بین الادیان پیشنهاد کند، و ضرورت پاس داشتن یاد و خاطره این رنجها را برای کنترل یا کاهش رنج های سکولار امروز یاد آور شود.
قلما اهتم المفکرون المسلمون بدرس موضوعی الثقافه و الحضاره فی التراث الاسلامی؛ و ذلک بالنظر الی ال... more قلما اهتم المفکرون المسلمون بدرس موضوعی الثقافه و الحضاره فی التراث الاسلامی؛ و ذلک بالنظر الی الطابع الدنیوی الذی یتسم به هذان الموضوعان. ویندر أن تجد لهما تأثیراً علی ترکیبة الفکر الفقهی والأخلاقی والفلسفی أو حتی العرفانی عند المسلمین؛ الأمر الذی یفسّر وجود مساحات شاغرة کثیرة فی المصادر الإسلامیة علی الصعید الاجتماعی، إذ لم یسلط الضوء علی الزوایا الخفیّة والمعقدة فی «الحضارة والثقافة الإنسانیّتین» للتراث الوحیانی. بینما نجد أنّ الفکر المسیحی، قد انساق فی مواجهة لاهوتیة ودینیة مع المفاهیم الاجتماعیة والعلمانیة؛ و ذلک بسبب انخراطه فی العالم العلمانی والعلمانیة الغربیة بعد عصر النهضة، فسخّر مقولاته ومعطیاته باتجاه حل المعظلات الإنسانیة. فی هذه المقالات التی تتطرق إلی موضوع «الثقافه والحضارة» وعلاقتهما بالفکر الإسلامی والقضایا الدینیة، لسنا بصدد طرح نموذج شامل لـ«الفکر الحضاری الإسلامی»... بل نهدف إلی تقدیم بحوث نظریة ومطارحات فکریة نستطلع من خلالها التمهید لدراسات حضاریة فی موضوعات إسلامیة، ودراسات إسلامیة فی موضوعات حضاریة، مضافاً إلی ذلک الکشف عن دراسات مشابهة تتوفّر علیها الثقافات الدینیة الأخری... عسی أن یفید العلماء والمفکّرون المسلمون من التجارب الفکریة لحملة هموم الدین والإلهیات فی إطار الأسئلة المشابهة والأجوبة المتاحة، من أجل أن یحذروا عثراتها ویوظّفوا إمکاناتها حذراً من تضییع الجهود...
این مجموعه در پی بیان تأملاتی است در امکان «مطالعات دینی در موضوعات تمدنی» و ضرورت «مطالعات تمدنی... more این مجموعه در پی بیان تأملاتی است در امکان «مطالعات دینی در موضوعات تمدنی» و ضرورت «مطالعات تمدنی در موضوعات دینی». این رویکرد، نوعی مواجهه با اندیشه سکولار در عرصه های کلان اجتماعی است تا نگرش تمدنی را در تفسیر ادیان (اعم از اسلام، مسیحیت، و یهودیت) توصیه کند و بر قابلیت های ادیان در تدبیر و طراحی تمدن ها تأکید نماید.
Papers by Habibollah Babaei
Journal of Islamic Political Studies
The present study aims at investigating the necessity of semantic evolution in the civilizational... more The present study aims at investigating the necessity of semantic evolution in the civilizational process in Ayatollah Khamenei's view, with an emphasis on its Quranic origin. The research method is descriptiveanalytical, and it discusses two levels of concepts. The first consists of concepts in the national level, such as 'insight', 'explanation jihad', 'insider and outsider', 'cultural NATO', 'resistance economy', and 'software movement'. The second consists of concepts in the transnational level, such as 'civilization', 'historical turning point', 'resistance', and 'new order'. The results showed that Ayatollah Khamenei, with his insistence on resistance against the system of global dominance, created, on the one hand, new genuine concepts and, on the other hand, focused on breaking and criticizing the western secular concepts. In this way, he opened a new different way for the revolutionary individuals and Iran after the Islamic revolution. In passing through the era full of riots and turbulences after the revolution and the crisis after Imam Khomeini's departure, the Iranian Islamic revolution, and even the whole world of resistance, owe much to intelligence, efforts and insistence of Ayatollah Khamenei in preventing 1.
Civilization is the largest system of human relations, which is realized at the global level. Now... more Civilization is the largest system of human relations, which is realized at the global level. Now, can the oppressed decide to be civilized in a state of Istiz'af (weakness) and start the civilizational process? This is the major question in this article, in which different meanings of weakness are mentioned and then "considering people as weak" is separated from "weakening". In this view, weakness and considering people as weak are the work of the arrogant (will to impose) and weakening results from the act of the oppressed (in the will to obedience and submission) and there is no logical connection between these two. One can be oppressed but not weak, just as one can be arrogant but not strong. After explaining the nature of weakness, the origin of weakness, and the ways of weakness (such as inferiority), the types of weakness are also introduced. Among the types of weakness, in addition to intellectual weakness, economic weakness, and social weakness, emphasis is placed on "weakness in faith and righteous deed" as one of the serious and hidden elements in the civilizational process of Muslims. Finally, the issue of civilizational weakness is defined as a comprehensive weakness that includes all types of weakness, including weakness in faith and righteous deed and the level of facing this level of weakness is also resistance and standing on a comprehensive and inclusive level (civilizational resistance).
According to its background in the cultural history of the modern West, the meaning of civilizat... more According to its background in the cultural history of the modern West, the meaning of civilization is full of conventional elements that may lead the civilization of the Islamic world to conventionalism. Thus, in this paper, in the first step, through referring to the human and moral nature of civilization, civilization is defined as the largest system (super-system) of human relations. Then the Islamic aspects of civilization in "Islamic words of civilization", "Islamic sources of civilization", "Islamic criteria for civilization", "Islamic principles of civilization", "Islamic culture in the process of civilization", and finally in "Dense Islamic responses to the accumulated needs of the Islamic world can be pursued. Based on this outlook, just as being a civilization is realized through meeting the great needs of humanity, Islamization also occurs at this point in response to the genuine needs of human societies (civilization as cumulative responses to the dense contemporary needs).
Civilization has a normative meaning and one of its elements is the norm, the dense existence of ... more Civilization has a normative meaning and one of its elements is the norm, the dense existence of goodness, fame, and goodness in the process of civilization. The central question of this article is what "good" can appear at the level of a civilization and play a role in the formation of civilization, and what mechanism underlies the birth of "civilized good" and how the micro-good becomes the social good. In this article, not all the dimensions of "good" civilization are discussed, but only a civilized reading of the "good" element has been focused in order to use the verse "Sunboleh" in the Qur'an to determine the process of goodness on the scale of a society or civilization. Also, from a theological point of view it emphasizes the doctrine that the element of being "in the name of God" or "on the way of God", although at first glance it seems a theological and behavioral matter, but in the social and civilized sense it can have great functions of civilization, which can make a small good effective at the level of a civilization. The purpose of this theological-social and theological-civilization course in the article is to explain the mechanism of generalization of social phenomena on the one hand, and to express the effects of theological elements in social fields on the other. In order to achieve such a goal, this article emphasizes and focuses on a verse from the Qur'anic verses so that a civilized and systematic reading of a verse can show the process of civilization from the perspective of Islamic theology and recommend it in the civilization plans of the Islamic world.
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR), 2018
Girard considers imitation to be the main factor of violence by attributing violence to man's... more Girard considers imitation to be the main factor of violence by attributing violence to man's nature. According to him, praising the role-model motivates imitation of the inclinations of the role-model in the praiser. This matter results in rivalry and violence between the imitator and role-model since imitation has the characteristic of transmission and is a contagion that fills all of society with violence. Imitation, apart from being a factor of violence, can also be a factor of its destruction; this destruction is sometimes temporary and is realized through the victim's accusation and punishment (of the perpetrator) and is sometimes final and everlasting and is actualized through imitation of the Divine role-model (messiah). Based on the finding of this study, Girard's Imitation Theory has considerable distinctions like studying the roots of violence in man's nature and presenting a philosophical analysis of that, logical cohesion of the main points and the abili...
This article seeks to express and analyze the roots of the lack of self- observation among the el... more This article seeks to express and analyze the roots of the lack of self- observation among the elites of the Islamic world, why Muslim elites
in the seminary and the university do not do indigenous thought and
independent research on the system of needs and the pattern of their
problems. Thus, the main question in this regard is why and how our
civilization neglects its gaps and needs of civilization. In this study, by
observing some examples of major needs of the Islamic world (such
as water, health, order) and then outlining the views of those elites
who are exposed to such questions, scientific gaps among Muslims are
rooted out and analyzed. In this study, Westernization in looking at
the new needs of civilization, lack of sociology of the "Islamic world", "abstract knowledge of the system of problems", the speed of
challenges in the Islamic world and late reactions of elites have been
suggested as factors of self-forgetfulness and elites' indifference to
their needs.
The aim of the present study is to analyze and explain the relationship between unity and plurali... more The aim of the present study is to analyze and explain the relationship between unity and plurality in Islamic civilization from the Qur'an perspective and its implications in a nationalist state or "civilized state" in Islam. In this regard, the two elements of "sublime" and "righteousness" in the Qur'an and the relationship between the two (one way and several ways) will be explained with a civilized approach and analytical-interpretive method. This helps us to distinguish, first, the category of "path and path" of the self (in the world of creation and proof) from the objective and concrete "path and path" (in the world of proof); Second, it helps to explain the relationship between multiple mustaches and a single path in the terrestrial and temporal realms. In this perspective, the path of the civilized researcher is the result of the density and accumulation of the mustache of civilization. As long as the mustaches of civilization (human pluralities) are not accumulated, social supremacy (the path of civilization) will not be formed; And as long as this social supremacy does not take place, the identity of civilization will not emerge. The path formation of civilization in close connection with the state of civilization has three images: "the territorial state of civilization", "the territorial state of Umm al-Qura" and "the extraterritorial state of civilization".
«تأويل» از نظر عرفانی در این کتاب را ميتوان در گزينههاي ذيل خلاصه نمود: 1 ـ تأويل در اصطلاح عرف... more «تأويل» از نظر عرفانی در این کتاب را ميتوان در گزينههاي ذيل خلاصه نمود: 1 ـ تأويل در اصطلاح عرفانی که نوعی از تفسیر است با تأويل در اصطلاح متكلمين و فقها كه به معناي خلاف ظاهر يا تفسير به لوازم باشد، تفاوت دارد. تأويل در اصطلاح عرفان، تفسير باطني آيات با عطف توجه به عمق معاني آیات قرآنی است. 2 ـ باطن آياتِ معارفي از قرآن، متكثر و بلكه بيپايان است. اين معاني متكثر كه در يك معناي جامع اشتراك دارند و متناسب با عوالم مختلفِ هستي ظهور مييابند، تضاد و تزاحمي با يكديگر ندارند و همه نشان از جلوههاي مختلفِ يك حقیقت دارند. (تأویل طولی) 3 ـ سرّ تأويل پذيري آيات و جاودانگي قرآن نیز در همين تكثر معانی نهفته است كه متناسب با ظرفيتها و شرايط مختلف بوده و قابليت تطبيق بر مصادیق متعدد را دارد. 4 ـ وجود معاني متعدد و يك سو در قرآن كه در روح معنايي مشترك هستند، با نظريه ايدهآليستي قرائتهاي مختلف يا متضاد از دين، كه متضمن نوعي از نسبيت و شكگرايي در حوزه معرفت شناسي ديني، و تفسير به رأي در حيطه كار تفسيري است، بيگانه و بلكه در ستيز با آن است. 5 ـ باطني بودن تفسير هرگز به معناي عدول از ظاهر نيست. تأويلاتِ صورت گرفته از قرآن بايستي قابل استناد به ظاهر بوده باشد و بلكه در ارزيابي تأويلات نبايداز ظاهر به عنوان سنجهاي مطمئن و روشن غافل ماند. 6 ـ در فهم درست از ظاهر قرآن و عرضۀ تأويلات به آن، بايد تمامي آيات قرآني در نگاهي ارگانیک و درهم تنيده مورد مطالعه قرار بگيرد تا در سایۀ ارتباط معنایی، عمق معانی هر یک از آیات نیز روشن گردد. 7 ـ تأويل در آيات دو مرحله دارد. 1ـ مرحلۀ كشفِ باطن 2ـ مرحله تبيين و تفسیرِ باطن. در مرحله كشف باطن، پاكيزگي درون، و در مرحلة تبيين، قدرت و لطافت علمی و عقلانی، نقش اول را دارند. البته لطافت عقلاني در مرحله كشف باطن نيز اثرگذار است، همانگونه كه تزكيه در كار فني و صرافت عقلاني اثري واضح دارد.
تحلیل «رنج وجودی» (رنج برای نیل به کمال) و تفکیک آن از «رنج عدمی» (رنج از فقدان و نداشتن ها) می ت... more تحلیل «رنج وجودی» (رنج برای نیل به کمال) و تفکیک آن از «رنج عدمی» (رنج از فقدان و نداشتن ها) می تواند افق های تازه ای در موضوع «محنت» و نسبت آن با معنا و معنویت فراروی انسان رنجور معاصر بازگشاید.
وجود مولفه های عقلانی، عاطفی و اجتماعی در «رنج برای»، که نمونه های تامّ آن را می توان در آلام متعالی رسولان و شهیدان در ادیان مشاهده کرد، چنین رنجی را در تاریخ مصائب بشری و در مقایسه با دردهای بی معنای مدرن ممتاز می سازد.
نوشته حاضر در آمدی است بر کارکردهای معنابخشی، هویت بخشی، و انسجام بخشی رنج های وجودی و متعالی، تا از رهگذر تأمل در این رنج ها (با تأکید بر نمونه سید الشهداء در سنت اسلامی)، راه دیگری را در گفتگوی بین الادیان، همزیستی بین الادیان، و احیانا در نجات مشترک بین الادیان پیشنهاد کند، و ضرورت پاس داشتن یاد و خاطره این رنجها را برای کنترل یا کاهش رنج های سکولار امروز یاد آور شود.
قلما اهتم المفکرون المسلمون بدرس موضوعی الثقافه و الحضاره فی التراث الاسلامی؛ و ذلک بالنظر الی ال... more قلما اهتم المفکرون المسلمون بدرس موضوعی الثقافه و الحضاره فی التراث الاسلامی؛ و ذلک بالنظر الی الطابع الدنیوی الذی یتسم به هذان الموضوعان. ویندر أن تجد لهما تأثیراً علی ترکیبة الفکر الفقهی والأخلاقی والفلسفی أو حتی العرفانی عند المسلمین؛ الأمر الذی یفسّر وجود مساحات شاغرة کثیرة فی المصادر الإسلامیة علی الصعید الاجتماعی، إذ لم یسلط الضوء علی الزوایا الخفیّة والمعقدة فی «الحضارة والثقافة الإنسانیّتین» للتراث الوحیانی. بینما نجد أنّ الفکر المسیحی، قد انساق فی مواجهة لاهوتیة ودینیة مع المفاهیم الاجتماعیة والعلمانیة؛ و ذلک بسبب انخراطه فی العالم العلمانی والعلمانیة الغربیة بعد عصر النهضة، فسخّر مقولاته ومعطیاته باتجاه حل المعظلات الإنسانیة. فی هذه المقالات التی تتطرق إلی موضوع «الثقافه والحضارة» وعلاقتهما بالفکر الإسلامی والقضایا الدینیة، لسنا بصدد طرح نموذج شامل لـ«الفکر الحضاری الإسلامی»... بل نهدف إلی تقدیم بحوث نظریة ومطارحات فکریة نستطلع من خلالها التمهید لدراسات حضاریة فی موضوعات إسلامیة، ودراسات إسلامیة فی موضوعات حضاریة، مضافاً إلی ذلک الکشف عن دراسات مشابهة تتوفّر علیها الثقافات الدینیة الأخری... عسی أن یفید العلماء والمفکّرون المسلمون من التجارب الفکریة لحملة هموم الدین والإلهیات فی إطار الأسئلة المشابهة والأجوبة المتاحة، من أجل أن یحذروا عثراتها ویوظّفوا إمکاناتها حذراً من تضییع الجهود...
این مجموعه در پی بیان تأملاتی است در امکان «مطالعات دینی در موضوعات تمدنی» و ضرورت «مطالعات تمدنی... more این مجموعه در پی بیان تأملاتی است در امکان «مطالعات دینی در موضوعات تمدنی» و ضرورت «مطالعات تمدنی در موضوعات دینی». این رویکرد، نوعی مواجهه با اندیشه سکولار در عرصه های کلان اجتماعی است تا نگرش تمدنی را در تفسیر ادیان (اعم از اسلام، مسیحیت، و یهودیت) توصیه کند و بر قابلیت های ادیان در تدبیر و طراحی تمدن ها تأکید نماید.
Journal of Islamic Political Studies
The present study aims at investigating the necessity of semantic evolution in the civilizational... more The present study aims at investigating the necessity of semantic evolution in the civilizational process in Ayatollah Khamenei's view, with an emphasis on its Quranic origin. The research method is descriptiveanalytical, and it discusses two levels of concepts. The first consists of concepts in the national level, such as 'insight', 'explanation jihad', 'insider and outsider', 'cultural NATO', 'resistance economy', and 'software movement'. The second consists of concepts in the transnational level, such as 'civilization', 'historical turning point', 'resistance', and 'new order'. The results showed that Ayatollah Khamenei, with his insistence on resistance against the system of global dominance, created, on the one hand, new genuine concepts and, on the other hand, focused on breaking and criticizing the western secular concepts. In this way, he opened a new different way for the revolutionary individuals and Iran after the Islamic revolution. In passing through the era full of riots and turbulences after the revolution and the crisis after Imam Khomeini's departure, the Iranian Islamic revolution, and even the whole world of resistance, owe much to intelligence, efforts and insistence of Ayatollah Khamenei in preventing 1.
Civilization is the largest system of human relations, which is realized at the global level. Now... more Civilization is the largest system of human relations, which is realized at the global level. Now, can the oppressed decide to be civilized in a state of Istiz'af (weakness) and start the civilizational process? This is the major question in this article, in which different meanings of weakness are mentioned and then "considering people as weak" is separated from "weakening". In this view, weakness and considering people as weak are the work of the arrogant (will to impose) and weakening results from the act of the oppressed (in the will to obedience and submission) and there is no logical connection between these two. One can be oppressed but not weak, just as one can be arrogant but not strong. After explaining the nature of weakness, the origin of weakness, and the ways of weakness (such as inferiority), the types of weakness are also introduced. Among the types of weakness, in addition to intellectual weakness, economic weakness, and social weakness, emphasis is placed on "weakness in faith and righteous deed" as one of the serious and hidden elements in the civilizational process of Muslims. Finally, the issue of civilizational weakness is defined as a comprehensive weakness that includes all types of weakness, including weakness in faith and righteous deed and the level of facing this level of weakness is also resistance and standing on a comprehensive and inclusive level (civilizational resistance).
According to its background in the cultural history of the modern West, the meaning of civilizat... more According to its background in the cultural history of the modern West, the meaning of civilization is full of conventional elements that may lead the civilization of the Islamic world to conventionalism. Thus, in this paper, in the first step, through referring to the human and moral nature of civilization, civilization is defined as the largest system (super-system) of human relations. Then the Islamic aspects of civilization in "Islamic words of civilization", "Islamic sources of civilization", "Islamic criteria for civilization", "Islamic principles of civilization", "Islamic culture in the process of civilization", and finally in "Dense Islamic responses to the accumulated needs of the Islamic world can be pursued. Based on this outlook, just as being a civilization is realized through meeting the great needs of humanity, Islamization also occurs at this point in response to the genuine needs of human societies (civilization as cumulative responses to the dense contemporary needs).
Civilization has a normative meaning and one of its elements is the norm, the dense existence of ... more Civilization has a normative meaning and one of its elements is the norm, the dense existence of goodness, fame, and goodness in the process of civilization. The central question of this article is what "good" can appear at the level of a civilization and play a role in the formation of civilization, and what mechanism underlies the birth of "civilized good" and how the micro-good becomes the social good. In this article, not all the dimensions of "good" civilization are discussed, but only a civilized reading of the "good" element has been focused in order to use the verse "Sunboleh" in the Qur'an to determine the process of goodness on the scale of a society or civilization. Also, from a theological point of view it emphasizes the doctrine that the element of being "in the name of God" or "on the way of God", although at first glance it seems a theological and behavioral matter, but in the social and civilized sense it can have great functions of civilization, which can make a small good effective at the level of a civilization. The purpose of this theological-social and theological-civilization course in the article is to explain the mechanism of generalization of social phenomena on the one hand, and to express the effects of theological elements in social fields on the other. In order to achieve such a goal, this article emphasizes and focuses on a verse from the Qur'anic verses so that a civilized and systematic reading of a verse can show the process of civilization from the perspective of Islamic theology and recommend it in the civilization plans of the Islamic world.
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR), 2018
Girard considers imitation to be the main factor of violence by attributing violence to man's... more Girard considers imitation to be the main factor of violence by attributing violence to man's nature. According to him, praising the role-model motivates imitation of the inclinations of the role-model in the praiser. This matter results in rivalry and violence between the imitator and role-model since imitation has the characteristic of transmission and is a contagion that fills all of society with violence. Imitation, apart from being a factor of violence, can also be a factor of its destruction; this destruction is sometimes temporary and is realized through the victim's accusation and punishment (of the perpetrator) and is sometimes final and everlasting and is actualized through imitation of the Divine role-model (messiah). Based on the finding of this study, Girard's Imitation Theory has considerable distinctions like studying the roots of violence in man's nature and presenting a philosophical analysis of that, logical cohesion of the main points and the abili...
This article seeks to express and analyze the roots of the lack of self- observation among the el... more This article seeks to express and analyze the roots of the lack of self- observation among the elites of the Islamic world, why Muslim elites
in the seminary and the university do not do indigenous thought and
independent research on the system of needs and the pattern of their
problems. Thus, the main question in this regard is why and how our
civilization neglects its gaps and needs of civilization. In this study, by
observing some examples of major needs of the Islamic world (such
as water, health, order) and then outlining the views of those elites
who are exposed to such questions, scientific gaps among Muslims are
rooted out and analyzed. In this study, Westernization in looking at
the new needs of civilization, lack of sociology of the "Islamic world", "abstract knowledge of the system of problems", the speed of
challenges in the Islamic world and late reactions of elites have been
suggested as factors of self-forgetfulness and elites' indifference to
their needs.
The aim of the present study is to analyze and explain the relationship between unity and plurali... more The aim of the present study is to analyze and explain the relationship between unity and plurality in Islamic civilization from the Qur'an perspective and its implications in a nationalist state or "civilized state" in Islam. In this regard, the two elements of "sublime" and "righteousness" in the Qur'an and the relationship between the two (one way and several ways) will be explained with a civilized approach and analytical-interpretive method. This helps us to distinguish, first, the category of "path and path" of the self (in the world of creation and proof) from the objective and concrete "path and path" (in the world of proof); Second, it helps to explain the relationship between multiple mustaches and a single path in the terrestrial and temporal realms. In this perspective, the path of the civilized researcher is the result of the density and accumulation of the mustache of civilization. As long as the mustaches of civilization (human pluralities) are not accumulated, social supremacy (the path of civilization) will not be formed; And as long as this social supremacy does not take place, the identity of civilization will not emerge. The path formation of civilization in close connection with the state of civilization has three images: "the territorial state of civilization", "the territorial state of Umm al-Qura" and "the extraterritorial state of civilization".
The brotherhood model in the words of Amir Al-Momenin can be a good model for achieving equality ... more The brotherhood model in the words of Amir Al-Momenin can be a good model for achieving equality and repudiation of despotism. To achieve social justice, the model "simple equality" has been generally proposed by scholars as a way to perpetuate equality and, in consequence, social justice. Despite all its advantages, the simple equality model faces the serious challenges of disregarding cultural competency and pluralism. Accordingly, the theory "complex equality" was proposed by Walzer as a new approach to underlining cultural pluralism and basing the notion of good on the attitude of distribution. Impeding the spread of inequality and taking account of various notions of goods pave the way for the realization of a complex equality model. In his letter to Malek al-Ashtar regarding the repudiation of despotism, Imam Ali stressed the concept of brotherhood in faithand human equality. The brotherhood model consisting of layers of brotherhood in faith , Islamic brotherhood, brotherhood in faith , and even brotherhood in humanity can be a competing theory in the topic of equality in which social inequality is not only controlled (the negative approach), but it also turns into positive inequality, where everyone sustains loss to the advantage of others (the positive approach). This model of brotherhood which entails relations between ruler and subject not only contains the social despotism that Walzer evades, but it also deals with it. The living model of brotherhood presents a distribution network based on which negative inequalities not only cease to spread in society, but the ground for spreading equality and positive inequality is also provided by fostering brotherhood in complex human networks.
«امید» و «یأس» هرچند مقولاتی مرتبط با روان فرد فرد جامعه است، لیکن در یک نگاه کلان هریک از این دو... more «امید» و «یأس» هرچند مقولاتی مرتبط با روان فرد فرد جامعه است، لیکن در یک نگاه کلان هریک از این دو در فراز و فرود تمدنها ازجمله تمدن اسلامی نقش بسزایی داشته است. ریشههای یأس و امید تمدنی همواره در تاریخ متغیر بوده، گاه متأثر از عقاید دینی (موعودگرایی) و گاه برخاسته از تحولات اجتماعی و سیاسی (مثلاً حملات صلیبیها و یا حملات مغولان) بوده است. آنچه در این مقاله مورد تأکید و تمرکز خواهد بود، نخست مروری نظری و الهیاتی (در نگرش اسلامی، مسیحی و یهودی) بر نسبت میان «امید»، «ایمان» و «تمدن» است. سپس در گامی دیگر با مروری اجمالی بر گذشتهها و دورههای هفتگانۀ تمدن اسلامی، نمونهها و مثالهایی از امیدها و ناامیدیها و آثار کلان و بزرگ اجتماعی هر یک در اوج و حضیض تمدنی مورداشاره قرار میگیرد تا فرایند تاریخی حرکت از یأس به امید، از جاهلیت عربی به جامعه مدینه النبی در نقطههای عطف تمدن اسلامی را ترسیم و تصویر کند.
هویت انسانیِ تمدن اسلامی از جهت وسعت قلمرو و شمولیتِ آن بسیار مهم است. آنچه در این مقاله بر آن تأ... more هویت انسانیِ تمدن اسلامی از جهت وسعت قلمرو و شمولیتِ آن بسیار مهم است. آنچه در این مقاله بر آن تأکید شده، طرح مسئلۀ «کثرت» و «تنوع» در تمدن اسلامی و تبیین ضرورت شمولیت تمدن اسلامی به مثابه یک زمینه و ظرفیت است. این مقاله، با مرور برخی نظریات تاریخی در مقولۀ «تنوع» و «تکثر» و تمهید مسائل تمدنی دراینباره، به خوانشی الهیاتی ـ تمدنی از همین مقوله در شکلبندی تمدن اسلامی میپردازد و میکوشد اولاً، «کثرت و تنوع» را به مثابه یک اصل ثابت در تمدنها و از جمله تمدن اسلامی ببیند و آنگاه با اقامه دلایل الهیاتی و تمدنی به تبیین ضرورت توجه به کثرت اجتماعی و فرهنگی در صورتبندی تمدن اسلامی پافشاری کند. تأکید بر اصل کثرت در این مقاله، هرگز به معنای وانهادن مقوله وحدتِ تمدنی نیست. تلاش نویسنده بر آن است که عنصر وحدت در تمدن را از نقطه وحدت اخلاق آغاز و آن را مسیری برای صورتبندی وحدت اعتقادی معرفی کند. وحدت اخلاقی و انسانی در تمدن و آنگاه وحدت در عقاید و باورهای بزرگ تمدنی، راهی برای ایجاد وحدت و اشتراکی است که کثرات انسانی دیگر به رسمیت شناخته میشود و تراکم و انباشت کثرات، امکان صورتبندی تمدنی را هموارتر میکند.
Islam is a comprehensive global religion, and its full-fledged realization demands a civilization... more Islam is a comprehensive global religion, and its full-fledged realization demands a civilizational framework (as the largest system for human relations), which can supply such a large-scale social unit. Because of its conceptual and cultural accumulations in the West, the term, "civilization," has come to have a secular essence, which might lead to reservations and cautions as to its use in our context. Thus, we need to pinpoint an alternative term within the Islamic culture. In this paper, we employ a descriptive method and concept analysis, in order to recover Quranic terms that might serve as candidates for such a socially wide concept. Of the five terms discussed in this paper, which have a socially wide connotation, it seems that terms, "balad" (city), "qarya" (village), "madīna" (polis), and "mulk" (territory), do not qualify as alternatives to "civilization." However, the general word, "Umma," provides the widest and most comprehensive system of human relations, which, with its meta-civilizational additions, might picture the most appropriate bedrock for human perfection in order to provide universal material and spiritual needs of the individual and the society. With added notions such as peacefulness, hasting in good things, domestic monitoring, as well as elements such as unity and typical sovereignty of humans, comprehensiveness, width, systematicity, balance, and purposefulness, "Umma" is characteristically of a larger scale and is more comprehensive than other Quranic terms, as well as "civilization."