Tiago Carvalho | ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) (original) (raw)

Tiago Carvalho

I hold a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, with a thesis on the anti-austerity cycle of protest in Portugal and Spain between 2008-2015. I am currently a Researcher at CIES-IUL, Lisbon University Institute. Previously, I was a Research Fellow at COSMOS, Scuola Normal Superiore, Florence and Free University of Bolzano.

My work focuses on contemporary modes of political action from current social movements, political participation, political parties and populism. My current research spans from housing movement in Lisbon to the dynamics of transnationalisation in Extinction Rebellion.

I am currently translating this research into my first single-authored book. Contesting Austerity is under contract with Amsterdam University Press, Series on Protest and Social Movements. My research appears in Social Movements Studies, Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences, New Media & Society, Childhood, Análise Social, among others.
Tiago received his BA and MPhil in Sociology from the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) (2009 and 2011). Before starting his PhD in Cambridge, he worked in several research projects at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon, and the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology at the University Institute of Lisbon. He was also a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the New University of Lisbon.

At Scuola Normale Superiore, Tiago is currently working on “Understanding Populism in time of crisis: causes and consequences”.

Research interests: anti-austerity movements, populism, and European crisis



Papers by Tiago Carvalho

Research paper thumbnail of Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession

Social Movement Studies

Social movement research has shed light on the relationship between processes of alliance buildin... more Social movement research has shed light on the relationship between processes of alliance building and multiple factors related to political opportunities, framing, identities, networks and resource mobilization. However, less is known about the impact of eventful protests on coalition building dynamics. Drawing on a paired comparison between the Portuguese and Spanish cycles of protest under the Great Recession, we aim at accounting for social movement alliances over time. While these countries present parallel protest dynamics until 2011, after that point two eventful protests lead each country into different trajectories. While the cycle in Portugal was marked by intermittent large protest events dominated by institutional actors, in Spain the peak of mobilization was consistently high between 2011 and 2013. When comparing these cases two factors stand out: the mobilization capacity and the autonomy of new emerging actors vis-à-vis institutional ones. Eventful protests were a key factor in articulating these elements. In Spain, the strength and autonomy of 15M assemblies and anti-austerity actors facilitated the formation of strategic alliances with trade unions. In Portugal, transversal initiatives and sustained alliances did not follow after the Geração à Rasca events. These emerged only later in the cycle, however were nonetheless hampered by overlapping membership and a lack of autonomy from institutional actors. Two original protest event analysis datasets are used to illustrate these arguments.


Nos últimos anos os movimentos sociais ressurgiram não só mediaticamente, mas também enquanto fen... more Nos últimos anos os movimentos sociais ressurgiram não só mediaticamente, mas também enquanto fenómeno de estudo preponderante para entender as atuais dinâmicas das democracias europeias. Se estes frutos da Grande Recessão se difundiram globalmente, foi em muitos casos na Europa que se tornaram um ator central que começa agora a institucionalizar-se. Pela primeira vez, os movimentos sociais, que se vinham constituindo desde há décadas, abalaram os alicerces e pressupostos que sustinham as democracias europeias e as suas narrativas, questionando-as e propondo alternativas. Contudo, isto não significa que estes sejam unicamente fruto de um contexto específico, pelo contrário são agentes historicamente construídos. Por esse motivo, o livro aqui em resenha é um contributo fundamental para entender as origens dos atuais movimentos. Aquando do ciclo de protestos globais de 2010/11, muitos dos textos publicados foram, e continuam a ser, marcados pela pressa inusitada de uma análise simplista, excessivamente descritiva e sem considerar as estruturas subjacentes à emergência desses mesmos movimentos, considerando-se apenas as causas imediatas dos mesmos. Em muitos casos, fizeram-no relevando uma rutura com os anteriores movimentos, sem ter em conta o seu contexto histórico de surgimento, redes nacionais e transnacionais de atores em que estão envolvidos, mas também culturas e repertórios de protesto. É por isso necessário procurar responder a estas questões colocando-as num continuum mais lato. Neste texto procurar-se-á olhar para este livro de uma perspetiva plural, questionando as pistas que lança nos atuais debates. Assim sendo, procura-se avaliar a obra perguntando até que ponto esta é capaz de evidenciar continuidades e ruturas. Para além disso, procurar-se-á lançar pistas de pesquisa tendo em conta o que este livro apresenta.

Research paper thumbnail of Ética, Responsablidade e Democracia: o problema da tolerância à corrupção

Research paper thumbnail of Os Jovens e o 25 de Abril: Memória e Ação

Research paper thumbnail of Social Classes and Tolerance to Corruption in Portugal: What is the Relation?

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 6.2: 14 national level reports outlining the fit between local level (case study areas) analysis and typologisation and national level analysis and typologisation

Research paper thumbnail of Precarious Youth and Political Engagement in Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 2.1: Country based reports on historical discourse production as manifested in sites of memory (Portugal)

Research paper thumbnail of Youth Political Culture in Portugal: Attitudes, Engagement and Participation

Research paper thumbnail of Social Movements in a Crisis Context: Three Case Studies from Portugal

Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited i... more Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited in scope, at least in respect to involvement in formal politics. However, the economic crisis and austerity measures enacted by the Portuguese government are now provoking a political response from young people, albeit largely in terms of informal activism. This paper explores this development via evidence gathered during 2011-2013 as part of the European Commission funded MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement) project. Following a contextualization of the social and political context facing Portuguese youth, the paper presents three examples of different forms of contemporary political mobilization. This includes a case study (Catholic Youth Labour Movement) which provides a perspective on how an established youth activism platform is responding to the crisis, and two further cases illustrating more recent developments in respect to community politics (Barreiro Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Movements in a Crisis Context: Three Case Studies from Portugal

Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited i... more Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited in scope, at least in respect to involvement in formal politics. However, the economic crisis and austerity measures enacted by the Portuguese government are now provoking a political response from young people, albeit largely in terms of informal activism. This paper explores this development via evidence gathered during 2011-2013 as part of the European Commission funded MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement) project. Following a contextualization of the social and political context facing Portuguese youth, the paper presents three examples of different forms of contemporary political mobilization. This includes a case study (Catholic Youth Labour Movement) which provides a perspective on how an established youth activism platform is responding to the crisis, and two further cases illustrating more recent developments in respect to community politics (Barreiro Po...

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 2.1: Country based reports on historical discourse production as manifested in sites of memory (Portugal)

Research paper thumbnail of Book review to CLASS INEQUALITY IN AUSTERITY BRITAIN Power, Difference and Suffering

O livro Class Inequality in Austerity Britain. Power, Difference and Suffering organizado por Wil... more O livro Class Inequality in Austerity Britain. Power, Difference and Suffering organizado por Will Atkinson, Steven Roberts e Mike Savage surge na sequência de um conjunto de outros trabalhos sobre classes sociais realizados desde há uma década. No final da década de 1990 surgiu no Reino Unido um conjunto de autores que, com base no quadro teórico desenvolvido por Pierre Bourdieu, fizeram ressurgir as classes sociais enquanto objeto científico, após o seu desvanecimento das correntes mainstream. 1 Este livro tem o propósito de mostrar os efeitos das políticas implementadas nas últimas décadas no Reino Unido e como estas vieram agravar as desigualdades de classe, dando destaque à sociologia enquanto ferramenta que contribui para tornar estes fenómenos visíveis. Incorpora, deste modo, uma componente crítica, cujo intuito é o de contribuir para o debate público e político. Assim, o livro é construído sobre a seguinte premissa: "sociology is thus a means of defence against symbolic domination (which among other things, sustains material domination) and the current tropes mobilised by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government of 'fairness' and compulsory austerity, as extensions of neoliberal orthodoxy, should be no exception" (p. 3).

Research paper thumbnail of Modernidade, Classes Sociais e Cidadania Política: Portugal sob um olhar transnacional

Modernity, social classes and political citizenship: Portugal in the international context. The ... more Modernity, social classes and political citizenship: Portugal in the international context. The relationship between social classes and citizenship is a central element in citizens’ observation of different forms of power and influence in the NationState in Modernity. Based on a typology of political citizenship that identifies different forms of activism and involvement and using European Social Survey 2002 data, with Portugal at the center of an international analysis, we seek to understand its specificities in a European context. There is an overall effect of social classes, even if there are differences between European regions. Portugal stands out in the importance of the holders of cultural capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Ética, Responsabilidade e Democracia: o problema da tolerância à corrupção

Research paper thumbnail of Crianças e infância: a ordem geracional revisitada

Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada. O artigo pretende contribuir para o debate te... more Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada. O artigo pretende contribuir para o debate teórico sobre a infância como geração, à luz das transformações sociais associadas ao uso das novas tecnologias por crianças e adultos. Tem por base empírica um inquérito por questionário a alunos do ensino básico e um conjunto de entrevistas em profundidade a crianças e pais. Os resultados põem em questão tanto a conceção das crianças como o elemento dominado nas relações de poder e saber entre gerações, como o determinismo tecnológico que as elege como "nativos digitais", realçando a importância do contexto familiar, nomeadamente as clivagens sociais. Palavras-chave: crianças; internet; novas tecnologias; pais.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet, children and space: Revisiting generational attributes and boundaries

At the dawn of modernity, in the 18th century, space became a critical category in defining gene... more At the dawn of modernity, in the 18th century, space became a critical category in defining generational attributes and locations. However, borders that previously tightly isolated adults and children are nowadays continuously challenged and modified by a constant and ubiquitous use of new information and communication technologies, namely the Internet, blurring notions of ‘private’ and ‘public’, ‘outdoors’ and ‘indoors’, ‘real’ and ‘virtual’. Giving voice to children, this article explores qualitative empirical data from a research project carried out in Portugal. It focuses on children as subjects and actors of these processes, especially in the way they combine ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ space and place in a geography of their own.

Research paper thumbnail of Classes sociais e Cidadania Política: Portugal em perspectiva comparada

Research paper thumbnail of Obstáculos de classe à cidadania em Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada

Research paper thumbnail of Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession

Social Movement Studies

Social movement research has shed light on the relationship between processes of alliance buildin... more Social movement research has shed light on the relationship between processes of alliance building and multiple factors related to political opportunities, framing, identities, networks and resource mobilization. However, less is known about the impact of eventful protests on coalition building dynamics. Drawing on a paired comparison between the Portuguese and Spanish cycles of protest under the Great Recession, we aim at accounting for social movement alliances over time. While these countries present parallel protest dynamics until 2011, after that point two eventful protests lead each country into different trajectories. While the cycle in Portugal was marked by intermittent large protest events dominated by institutional actors, in Spain the peak of mobilization was consistently high between 2011 and 2013. When comparing these cases two factors stand out: the mobilization capacity and the autonomy of new emerging actors vis-à-vis institutional ones. Eventful protests were a key factor in articulating these elements. In Spain, the strength and autonomy of 15M assemblies and anti-austerity actors facilitated the formation of strategic alliances with trade unions. In Portugal, transversal initiatives and sustained alliances did not follow after the Geração à Rasca events. These emerged only later in the cycle, however were nonetheless hampered by overlapping membership and a lack of autonomy from institutional actors. Two original protest event analysis datasets are used to illustrate these arguments.


Nos últimos anos os movimentos sociais ressurgiram não só mediaticamente, mas também enquanto fen... more Nos últimos anos os movimentos sociais ressurgiram não só mediaticamente, mas também enquanto fenómeno de estudo preponderante para entender as atuais dinâmicas das democracias europeias. Se estes frutos da Grande Recessão se difundiram globalmente, foi em muitos casos na Europa que se tornaram um ator central que começa agora a institucionalizar-se. Pela primeira vez, os movimentos sociais, que se vinham constituindo desde há décadas, abalaram os alicerces e pressupostos que sustinham as democracias europeias e as suas narrativas, questionando-as e propondo alternativas. Contudo, isto não significa que estes sejam unicamente fruto de um contexto específico, pelo contrário são agentes historicamente construídos. Por esse motivo, o livro aqui em resenha é um contributo fundamental para entender as origens dos atuais movimentos. Aquando do ciclo de protestos globais de 2010/11, muitos dos textos publicados foram, e continuam a ser, marcados pela pressa inusitada de uma análise simplista, excessivamente descritiva e sem considerar as estruturas subjacentes à emergência desses mesmos movimentos, considerando-se apenas as causas imediatas dos mesmos. Em muitos casos, fizeram-no relevando uma rutura com os anteriores movimentos, sem ter em conta o seu contexto histórico de surgimento, redes nacionais e transnacionais de atores em que estão envolvidos, mas também culturas e repertórios de protesto. É por isso necessário procurar responder a estas questões colocando-as num continuum mais lato. Neste texto procurar-se-á olhar para este livro de uma perspetiva plural, questionando as pistas que lança nos atuais debates. Assim sendo, procura-se avaliar a obra perguntando até que ponto esta é capaz de evidenciar continuidades e ruturas. Para além disso, procurar-se-á lançar pistas de pesquisa tendo em conta o que este livro apresenta.

Research paper thumbnail of Ética, Responsablidade e Democracia: o problema da tolerância à corrupção

Research paper thumbnail of Os Jovens e o 25 de Abril: Memória e Ação

Research paper thumbnail of Social Classes and Tolerance to Corruption in Portugal: What is the Relation?

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 6.2: 14 national level reports outlining the fit between local level (case study areas) analysis and typologisation and national level analysis and typologisation

Research paper thumbnail of Precarious Youth and Political Engagement in Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 2.1: Country based reports on historical discourse production as manifested in sites of memory (Portugal)

Research paper thumbnail of Youth Political Culture in Portugal: Attitudes, Engagement and Participation

Research paper thumbnail of Social Movements in a Crisis Context: Three Case Studies from Portugal

Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited i... more Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited in scope, at least in respect to involvement in formal politics. However, the economic crisis and austerity measures enacted by the Portuguese government are now provoking a political response from young people, albeit largely in terms of informal activism. This paper explores this development via evidence gathered during 2011-2013 as part of the European Commission funded MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement) project. Following a contextualization of the social and political context facing Portuguese youth, the paper presents three examples of different forms of contemporary political mobilization. This includes a case study (Catholic Youth Labour Movement) which provides a perspective on how an established youth activism platform is responding to the crisis, and two further cases illustrating more recent developments in respect to community politics (Barreiro Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Movements in a Crisis Context: Three Case Studies from Portugal

Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited i... more Youth political participation in Portugal context is traditionally regarded as somewhat limited in scope, at least in respect to involvement in formal politics. However, the economic crisis and austerity measures enacted by the Portuguese government are now provoking a political response from young people, albeit largely in terms of informal activism. This paper explores this development via evidence gathered during 2011-2013 as part of the European Commission funded MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement) project. Following a contextualization of the social and political context facing Portuguese youth, the paper presents three examples of different forms of contemporary political mobilization. This includes a case study (Catholic Youth Labour Movement) which provides a perspective on how an established youth activism platform is responding to the crisis, and two further cases illustrating more recent developments in respect to community politics (Barreiro Po...

Research paper thumbnail of MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement) Deliverable 2.1: Country based reports on historical discourse production as manifested in sites of memory (Portugal)

Research paper thumbnail of Book review to CLASS INEQUALITY IN AUSTERITY BRITAIN Power, Difference and Suffering

O livro Class Inequality in Austerity Britain. Power, Difference and Suffering organizado por Wil... more O livro Class Inequality in Austerity Britain. Power, Difference and Suffering organizado por Will Atkinson, Steven Roberts e Mike Savage surge na sequência de um conjunto de outros trabalhos sobre classes sociais realizados desde há uma década. No final da década de 1990 surgiu no Reino Unido um conjunto de autores que, com base no quadro teórico desenvolvido por Pierre Bourdieu, fizeram ressurgir as classes sociais enquanto objeto científico, após o seu desvanecimento das correntes mainstream. 1 Este livro tem o propósito de mostrar os efeitos das políticas implementadas nas últimas décadas no Reino Unido e como estas vieram agravar as desigualdades de classe, dando destaque à sociologia enquanto ferramenta que contribui para tornar estes fenómenos visíveis. Incorpora, deste modo, uma componente crítica, cujo intuito é o de contribuir para o debate público e político. Assim, o livro é construído sobre a seguinte premissa: "sociology is thus a means of defence against symbolic domination (which among other things, sustains material domination) and the current tropes mobilised by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government of 'fairness' and compulsory austerity, as extensions of neoliberal orthodoxy, should be no exception" (p. 3).

Research paper thumbnail of Modernidade, Classes Sociais e Cidadania Política: Portugal sob um olhar transnacional

Modernity, social classes and political citizenship: Portugal in the international context. The ... more Modernity, social classes and political citizenship: Portugal in the international context. The relationship between social classes and citizenship is a central element in citizens’ observation of different forms of power and influence in the NationState in Modernity. Based on a typology of political citizenship that identifies different forms of activism and involvement and using European Social Survey 2002 data, with Portugal at the center of an international analysis, we seek to understand its specificities in a European context. There is an overall effect of social classes, even if there are differences between European regions. Portugal stands out in the importance of the holders of cultural capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Ética, Responsabilidade e Democracia: o problema da tolerância à corrupção

Research paper thumbnail of Crianças e infância: a ordem geracional revisitada

Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada. O artigo pretende contribuir para o debate te... more Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada. O artigo pretende contribuir para o debate teórico sobre a infância como geração, à luz das transformações sociais associadas ao uso das novas tecnologias por crianças e adultos. Tem por base empírica um inquérito por questionário a alunos do ensino básico e um conjunto de entrevistas em profundidade a crianças e pais. Os resultados põem em questão tanto a conceção das crianças como o elemento dominado nas relações de poder e saber entre gerações, como o determinismo tecnológico que as elege como "nativos digitais", realçando a importância do contexto familiar, nomeadamente as clivagens sociais. Palavras-chave: crianças; internet; novas tecnologias; pais.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet, children and space: Revisiting generational attributes and boundaries

At the dawn of modernity, in the 18th century, space became a critical category in defining gene... more At the dawn of modernity, in the 18th century, space became a critical category in defining generational attributes and locations. However, borders that previously tightly isolated adults and children are nowadays continuously challenged and modified by a constant and ubiquitous use of new information and communication technologies, namely the Internet, blurring notions of ‘private’ and ‘public’, ‘outdoors’ and ‘indoors’, ‘real’ and ‘virtual’. Giving voice to children, this article explores qualitative empirical data from a research project carried out in Portugal. It focuses on children as subjects and actors of these processes, especially in the way they combine ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ space and place in a geography of their own.

Research paper thumbnail of Classes sociais e Cidadania Política: Portugal em perspectiva comparada

Research paper thumbnail of Obstáculos de classe à cidadania em Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada

Research paper thumbnail of CfP (In)Security in a Global Age Conference, University of Cambridge (Deadline extended July 25, 2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Infâncias Digitais

Research paper thumbnail of CfP 'Spain - Social Movements Between Past and Present'.docx

This workshop will allow participants – PhD students and early-career academics - to reflect on s... more This workshop will allow participants – PhD students and early-career academics - to reflect on social movements in Spain from the mid-twentieth century to the present, linking between past and present in important themes of mobilisation in contemporary Spain. It will help lay the ground for dialogue between scholars of Spanish history and politics from a diverse array of disciplines and intellectual contexts. Speakers will have twenty minutes to present their paper followed by comments and questions lead by an established academic. We will proceed with a roundtable discussion.