How can employers ensure that their employees are.. - testo da correggere (modifica editoriale) dall'utente marcobarreche (original) (raw)

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Testo da correggere dall'utente marcobarreche

How can employers ensure that their employees are happy and motivated?
It is a truth universall­y acknowledg­ed, that a employee in possession of an acceptable work-life balance will become them happier and therefore more productive. The happiness of the employees have a great impact on the company and it is responsabi­lity of the employees to study some methods to achive this goal. I will now consider two of them that it could be adopted on a company.
Possibly the most effective method to have the happiness guaranteed is a good work-life balance. In this society is every day more common that employers stay in the workplace for long hours. Working more than 8 hours per day is absolutely incompatib­le of having a good familiar life and even more if you have children. A flexible workday where the employees can admin their work hours along the week may solve this issue.
Last but not least, making employees feel valued as people is a great method to increase the happiness. This leads to create a great atmosphere at the workplace where everybody is respected as individual­s. Feeling that you are listened by your managers and you are needed in the company makes you feel strongly motivated.
To sum up I believed that both methods are completely compatible. Although measuring the happiness is a difficult task, it is highly recommende­d to implement one of these methods because it can mean an increment in the profits of the company.

lingua: Inglese Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza, Avanzate

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