I have lived in Hospitalet de Llobregat almost.. - testo da correggere (modifica editoriale) dall'utente JoseLuis (original) (raw)

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Testo da correggere dall'utente JoseLuis

I have lived in Hospitalet de Llobregat almost since my birth. There are other municipals like Esplugas de Llobregat, el prat de LLobregat, Cornella de Llobregat and Barcelona around Hospitalet de Llobregat. I have lived near to Barcelona, there are two streets between my house and neighborho­od of las Corts in Barcelona.
Hospitalet de Llobregat has a population of 300, 000 people, and it is the second cities of the biggest cities of Catalonia and one of the biggest density of population in Spain.
At the first time it was a bed-room city for workers from Barcelona. Actually it’s almost a neighborho­od of Barcelona. There are a lot of bar. The sky is usually clear and sunny, the sea is near and there are a lot of beautiful beaches. Bar, cel, ona in Catalan mean Bar, sky and wave, I have thought is representa­tive of Barcelona city. Barcelona is a cultural city, too. There are a lot of old buildings like house Mila or music palace of catalonia and parks like parc guell.
The weather is usually sunny and it’s seldom rainy. The winter is warm, it’s usually between five degrees and fifteen degrees and short. The summer is very hot, it’s usually over thirty degrees so the people like living at night. The spring and the autumn are wonderful, the temperatur­e is ideal and it rains seldom.
Barcelona is famous for Olympic games of 1992 the best olympic games of history, for the F. C. Barcelona and the architectu­re of Gaudy.
I think the best thing of Barcelona is the weather, it’s usually sunny, warm and it rains seldom. I like living here because there are a lot services and diversity of cultures.

lingua: Inglese Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza

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