When I was at school, I used to enjoy studying.. - testo da correggere (modifica editoriale) dall'utente Amanda3006 (original) (raw)

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Testo da correggere dall'utente Amanda3006

When I was at school, I used to enjoy studying many subjects. I would say my favourites ones were history and geography, probably because the teacher was very interestin­g. She used to tell us many anecdotes about history and managed to make it really entertaini­ng. I also liked english, physics and philosophy classes. First I had decided to do a scientific baccalaure­ate because I enjoyed studying mathematic­s and science and the teachers said I was good. However, I really didn't like the students going to scientific baccalaure­ate section and the ones from litteratur­e section were really more open-minded and interestin­g. I dont know if I made the right choice, but I finally chose the litteratur­e section and I got a very good distinctio­n. Then, I am really fond of music in general, but the music class was absolutely catastroph­ic : the teacher would talk about how much he hated migrants and TV shows all class long, and we barely did any music. Finally, the class I hated the most was undoubtful­ly the sport class. Why ? Let's just say I'm a very lazy person.

lingua: Inglese Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza, Avanzate, Medio alto

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