jamesfqf - Profile (original) (raw)

on 18 October 2004 (#4870923)

Welcome to jamesfqf, a James Potter fest!
Update 30/11/06 - Keep an eye out for updates on the second wave of the F-Q-F. Estimated time of arrival: springtime 2007! :)

~ challenges

• You may submit up to five challenge suggestions. You may submit a challenge even if you do not plan to write/draw one.

• Challenges must be related to James Potter. The fest is open to gen, het, and slash, as well as threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes. All kinks are welcome!

• Challenges may included secondary characters or pairings, but the focus must be James-centric gen, or het and slash with a James pairing.

• Challenges are currently being accepted here. The prompt post will be open until April 20th. Shortly after a masterlist of challenges will go up, and you will be able to start claiming.

~ rules

• Challenges may be claimed twice -- once for fic, and once for art.

• Each participant may claim three challenges.

• Fics and art are due 31 May '06. This is the last day to submit fic and art for the challenge. Please do not post fic and art elsewhere until after 31 May '06.

• Fic must be at least 1000 words.

~ template

Please post fic with the following template:

Word Count:

Please post art with the following template:

Rating: (WS/NWS)

• Fic and art must be posted under a . Instructions on how to make a can be found [HERE]
• All kinks and squicks are welcome, but please warn accordingly.

~ age

Livejournal's rules regarding adult-themed communities require that all members be old enough to view adult material. By friending/joining the community or participating in the challenge, you are stating that you are 18 or over.

Any members found to be under 18 will be removed immediately.

~ mods

This community is moderated by moshi, sarvihaara, and xylodemon, all of whom like James Potter, smut, pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

[obligatory disclaimer:

All fic and art archived in this community are fan-based works, and the characters and settings depicted do not belong to the authors, artists, or community maintainers. No copyright infringment is intended, and no money is being made.]

Check out the other James-centric communities:


[jamesfqf's header image and icon were made from art by __hibiscus, and used with permission.]

All fan fiction and art is archived in the community memories.

alternate universes, angst, animagus, challenges, chasers, cross-gen, fan art, fan fiction, fanart, fanfiction, feedback, fics, foursomes, fqfs, fuh-q-fests, gen, getting james laid, gryffindor, harry potter, harry potter art, harry potter slash, het, hogwarts, hp slash, invisibility, james, james potter, james/albus, james/bellatrix, james/draco, james/harry, james/harry/sirius, james/lily, james/lucius, james/minerva, james/peter, james/regulus, james/remus, james/remus/sirius, james/remus/sirius/peter, james/remus/snape, james/severus/lucius, james/sirius, james/sirius/regulus, james/sirius/remus, james/sirius/snape, james/snape, leaving feedback, marauder era, mwpp, plot, potter, prongs, pwp, quidditch, reading, reviews, sex, shrieking shack, slash, smut, that potter boy, the 70s, the marauders, the marauders map, the restricted section, threesomes, up to no good, writing, writing fan fiction