jamie_jude - Profile (original) (raw)
on 31 January 2005 (#5966044)
Instant Star; Jamie/Jude Comminuity
- On CTV and The-N
1. Fictions / Ads ARE allowed but they must be related to the community somehow.
2. Explicit stuff under cuts (fan fics)
3. Um, ya Jamie/Jude shippers, not haters.
Your Moderator; sex___magic
- Looking for co-mods; good LJers
alexz, alexz johnson, anti-conformity, be yourself, canadians, candian idol, ctv, ctv's instant star, degrassi the next generation, drama, instant star, jamie, jamie andrews, jamie/jude, johnson, jude, jude harrison, kristopher, kristopher turner, more than friends, music, radio free roscoe, rock, the-n, turner, ytv, ♥
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